
The hanging of Anon

Aug 11th, 2015
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  1. >"Anonymous, you stand accused of theft, how do you plead?"
  2. "Not guilty, that bitch wanted to charge me gold coins for an apple!"
  3. >Numerous jurors faint at your swearing while others scold you for using such naughty language
  4. >"So you're saying that you did steal the apple?"
  5. "It was an act of protest."
  6. >The judge doesn't seem to be moved by your rebellion
  7. >"Anonymous, for the crime of theft I sentence you to hang at noon."
  8. "For stealing a few overpriced apples?"
  9. >You lunge at the judge but a few guards grab you before you can get too close
  10. >They drag you away, and send you to a holding cell.
  11. >In a few hours you're going to be dead
  12. >Because you stole overpriced apples
  15. Noon
  17. >Your body hangs from a tree just outside of the courthouse, slowly spinning in the wind
  18. >A warning to those who would dare commit the same crimes as you
  19. >An onlooker pokes you with a stick
  20. "Screw off you dumb horse!"
  21. >Startled, he drops the stick and runs off
  22. "When can I get down from here?"
  23. >"Another half hour."
  24. >Another half hour of people pointing at and mocking you while you hang from this tree by your waist
  25. >You weren't dead
  26. >But life was still shit
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