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- /*
- File:
- This file calculates the monthly payments of a user inputs for a mortgage.
- */
- import javax.swing.*;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.awt.event.*;
- import java.text.DecimalFormat;
- /* import java package: classes to handle I/O methods,
- including FileReader, InputStreamReader, and BufferedReader.
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("serial")
- public class MortgageCalculator3 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
- {
- int financeYears;
- double interestRate;
- int salary;
- double loan;
- double rate;
- double yearlyPmt;
- double[] monthlyPmt, principal, loanPmt, ratePmt, newPrincipal;
- double endPrincipal;
- boolean calculate = false;
- boolean next = false;
- boolean previous = false;
- //variables
- int yearNumber = 1;
- int periodNumber = 1;
- int month = 0;
- int currMonth = 0;
- double interestPerYear = 0;
- DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###,###.00");
- //layout preparation
- LoanLayout customLayout = new LoanLayout();
- JLabel loanLabel = new JLabel("Loan Amount");
- JTextField loanText = new JTextField();
- JLabel termLabel = new JLabel("Years Financed");
- JTextField termText = new JTextField();
- JLabel rateLabel = new JLabel("Interest Rate (x.xx)");
- JTextField rateText = new JTextField();
- JLabel salaryLabel = new JLabel("Annual Salary");
- JTextField salaryText = new JTextField();
- JLabel monthlyLabel = new JLabel("Monthly Payment");
- JTextField monthlyText = new JTextField();
- JLabel yearTotalLabel = new JLabel("Year Total");
- JTextField yearTotalText = new JTextField();
- JLabel salaryTaxLabel = new JLabel("Salary After Taxes");
- JTextField salaryTaxText = new JTextField();
- JLabel salPercentLabel = new JLabel("Salary Percent of Yearly Mortgage");
- JTextField salPercentText = new JTextField();
- JLabel scheduleLabel = new JLabel("Schedule");
- JTextArea scheduleText = new JTextArea();
- JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(scheduleText);
- public MortgageCalculator3()
- {
- JButton calcButton = new JButton("Calculate");
- JButton resetButton = new JButton("Reset");
- JButton scheduleButton = new JButton("Show Schedule");
- JButton previousButton = new JButton("<< Previous Year");
- JButton nextButton = new JButton("Next Year >>");
- JButton exitButton = new JButton("Exit");
- //add ActionListener to buttons
- calcButton.addActionListener(this);
- resetButton.addActionListener(this);
- scheduleButton.addActionListener(this);
- previousButton.addActionListener(this);
- nextButton.addActionListener(this);
- exitButton.addActionListener(this);
- //add ActionCommand to buttons
- calcButton.setActionCommand("calculate");
- resetButton.setActionCommand("reset");
- scheduleButton.setActionCommand("show");
- previousButton.setActionCommand("previous");
- nextButton.setActionCommand("next");
- exitButton.setActionCommand("exit");
- //getContentPane, set editable & setText for all labels, fields, and buttons
- getContentPane().setLayout(customLayout);
- getContentPane().add(loanLabel);
- getContentPane().add(loanText);
- getContentPane().add(termLabel);
- getContentPane().add(termText);
- getContentPane().add(rateLabel);
- getContentPane().add(rateText);
- getContentPane().add(salaryLabel);
- getContentPane().add(salaryText);
- getContentPane().add(calcButton);
- getContentPane().add(resetButton);
- getContentPane().add(monthlyLabel);
- getContentPane().add(monthlyText);
- monthlyText.setEditable(false);
- getContentPane().add(yearTotalLabel);
- getContentPane().add(yearTotalText);
- yearTotalText.setEditable(false);
- getContentPane().add(salaryTaxLabel);
- getContentPane().add(salaryTaxText);
- salaryTaxText.setEditable(false);
- getContentPane().add(salPercentLabel);
- getContentPane().add(salPercentText);
- getContentPane().add(scheduleButton);
- salPercentText.setEditable(false);
- getContentPane().add(scheduleLabel);
- getContentPane().add(scroller);
- scheduleText.setEditable(false);
- getContentPane().add(previousButton);
- getContentPane().add(nextButton);
- getContentPane().add(exitButton);
- //added this to ensure that the Frame closes properly
- addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
- {
- public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
- {
- System.exit(0);
- }
- }
- );
- }
- //actionPerformed
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- {
- String arg = e.getActionCommand();
- if (arg == "calculate" )
- {
- scheduleText.setText("");
- try
- {
- loan = Double.parseDouble(loanText.getText());
- financeYears = Integer.parseInt(termText.getText());
- rate = Double.parseDouble(rateText.getText());
- salary = Integer.parseInt(salaryText.getText());
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid mortgage, term, rate, or salary amount\nFill out all above fields","Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
- return;
- }
- calculate = true;
- rate = rate / 100;
- endPrincipal = loan;
- DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat("###,###.000");
- monthlyPmt = new double[(int) (12 * financeYears + 1)];
- principal = new double[(int) (12 * financeYears + 1)];
- for (int i = 0; i < monthlyPmt.length; i++)
- {
- principal[i] = loan;
- monthlyPmt[i] = (double) Math.round((rate / 12 * principal[i] * (Math.pow(1 + rate / 12,financeYears * 12)))/(Math.pow((1 + rate / 12),financeYears * 12) -1) * 100) / 100;
- yearlyPmt = (monthlyPmt[i] * 12);
- }
- int[] bracketRange = {0, 8375, 34000, 82400, 171850, 373650};
- double[] taxBracket = {0.90, 0.85, 0.75, 0.72, 0.67, 0.65};
- double afterTaxes = 0;
- double salaryPercent = 0;
- if (salary >= bracketRange[5])
- {
- salaryPercent = (yearlyPmt / (salary * taxBracket[5] / 100));
- afterTaxes = salary * taxBracket[5];
- }
- if (salary >= bracketRange[4] && salary < bracketRange[5])
- {
- salaryPercent = (yearlyPmt / (salary * taxBracket[4] / 100));
- afterTaxes = salary * taxBracket[4];
- }
- if (salary >= bracketRange[3] && salary < bracketRange[4])
- {
- salaryPercent = (yearlyPmt / (salary * taxBracket[3] / 100));
- afterTaxes = salary * taxBracket[3];
- }
- if (salary >= bracketRange[2] && salary < bracketRange[3])
- {
- salaryPercent = (yearlyPmt / (salary * taxBracket[2] / 100));
- afterTaxes = salary * taxBracket[2];
- }
- if (salary >= bracketRange[1] && salary < bracketRange[2])
- {
- salaryPercent = (yearlyPmt / (salary * taxBracket[1] / 100));
- afterTaxes = salary * taxBracket[1];
- }
- if (salary >= bracketRange[0] && salary < bracketRange[1])
- {
- salaryPercent = (yearlyPmt / (salary * taxBracket[0] / 100));
- afterTaxes = salary * taxBracket[0];
- }
- monthlyText.setText("$" + df.format(monthlyPmt[0]));
- yearTotalText.setText("$" + df.format(yearlyPmt));
- salaryTaxText.setText("$" + df.format(afterTaxes));
- salPercentText.setText(df1.format(salaryPercent) + "%");
- }
- //if reset button is picked, fields are cleared.
- if (arg == "reset")
- {
- calculate = false;
- loanText.setText("");
- termText.setText("");
- rateText.setText("");
- salaryText.setText("");
- monthlyText.setText("");
- yearTotalText.setText("");
- salaryTaxText.setText("");
- salPercentText.setText("");
- scheduleText.setText("");
- yearNumber = 1;
- }
- //if show button is picked, year 1 is shown in the schedule area
- if (arg == "show")
- {
- if (calculate)
- {
- createSchedule(monthlyPmt, principal, financeYears, rate);
- interestPerYear = 0;
- yearNumber = 1;
- populateSchedule(yearNumber);
- }
- }
- //if previous button is picked, schedule goes back 1 year
- if (arg == "previous")
- {
- previous = true;
- if (yearNumber > 1)
- {
- yearNumber = yearNumber - 1;
- populateSchedule(yearNumber);
- }
- else
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cannot go back, already on Year 1","Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
- }
- //if next button is picked, schedule goes forward 1 year
- if (arg == "next")
- {
- next = true;
- if (yearNumber < financeYears)
- {
- yearNumber = yearNumber + 1;
- populateSchedule(yearNumber);
- }
- else
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cannot continue forward, reached maximum year","Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
- }
- //if exit button is picked, program closes
- if (arg == "exit")
- {
- System.exit(0);
- }
- }
- public static void main(String[] args)
- {
- //creating the JFrame window
- {
- new MortgageCalculator3();
- JFrame nFrame = new MortgageCalculator3();
- nFrame.setVisible(true);
- nFrame.setTitle("Mortgage Calculator");
- nFrame.setSize(650,770);
- nFrame.setLocation(600,200);
- }
- }
- public void createSchedule(double monthlyPmt[], double principal[], double financeYears, double rate)
- {
- loanPmt = new double[(int) (12 * financeYears + 1)];
- ratePmt = new double[(int) (12 * financeYears + 1)];
- newPrincipal = new double[(int) (12 * financeYears + 1)];
- for (yearNumber = 1; yearNumber <= financeYears; yearNumber++)
- {
- for (int periodNumber = 1; periodNumber <= 12; periodNumber++)
- {
- month = (12 * (yearNumber - 1)) + periodNumber - 1;
- double d = (double) Math.round((principal[month] * rate / 12) * 100) / 100;
- ratePmt[month] = d;
- System.out.println(ratePmt[month]);
- loanPmt[month] = (double) Math.round((monthlyPmt[month] - ratePmt[month]) * 100) / 100;
- newPrincipal[month] = (double) Math.round((principal[month] - loanPmt[month]) * 100) / 100;
- principal[month + 1] = newPrincipal[month];
- }
- principal[month + 1] = newPrincipal[month];
- }
- }
- public void populateSchedule(int yearNumber) // Places the values for a given year of the loan into the schedule
- {
- if (yearNumber >= 10)
- scheduleText.append("\t\t Year " + yearNumber + "\n\t\t ********");
- else
- scheduleText.append("\t\t Year " + yearNumber + "\n\t\t *******");
- scheduleText.append("\nMONTH\tBEG BALANCE\tLOAN\tRATE\tTOTAL\tEND BALANCE");
- for (int periodNumber = 1; periodNumber <= 12; periodNumber++)
- {
- currMonth = 12 * (yearNumber - 1) + periodNumber - 1;
- //for last few payments, so the balance doesn't go in the negative
- if (newPrincipal[currMonth] < 0)
- {
- newPrincipal[currMonth] = 0;
- loanPmt[currMonth] = principal[currMonth] - ratePmt[currMonth];
- monthlyPmt[currMonth] = loanPmt[currMonth] + ratePmt[currMonth];
- }
- scheduleText.append("\n" + (currMonth + 1) + "\t$" + (df.format(principal[currMonth])) + " \t$" + (df.format(loanPmt[currMonth])) + "\t$" + (df.format(ratePmt[currMonth])) + "\t$" + (df.format(monthlyPmt[currMonth])) + "\t$" + (df.format(newPrincipal[currMonth])));
- principal[currMonth + 1] = newPrincipal[currMonth];
- if (yearNumber <= financeYears)
- interestPerYear += ratePmt[currMonth];
- }
- if (yearNumber < financeYears)
- scheduleText.append("\n\nTotal interest paid so far is: $" + df.format(interestPerYear));
- else
- {
- scheduleText.append("\n\nTotal interest paid: $" + df.format(interestPerYear));
- scheduleText.append("\nTotal cost of home: $" + df.format(endPrincipal + interestPerYear) + " after " + (yearNumber) + " years");
- }
- scheduleText.append("\n\n");
- }
- //Layout manager
- class LoanLayout implements LayoutManager
- {
- public LoanLayout()
- {
- }
- public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp)
- {
- }
- public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)
- {
- }
- // layout dimensions
- public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent)
- {
- Dimension dim = new Dimension(0, 0);
- Insets insets = parent.getInsets();
- dim.height = 770 + + insets.bottom; //height of window
- dim.width = 650 + insets.left + insets.right; // width of window
- return dim;
- }
- public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent)
- {
- Dimension dim = new Dimension(0, 0);
- return dim;
- }
- // arrangement of all components (JButton, JTextField, and JLabel) in window as listed above
- public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
- {
- Insets insets = parent.getInsets();
- Component w; // array for components (JButton, JTextField, and JLabel)
- w = parent.getComponent(0);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,130,20);} //loan label
- w = parent.getComponent(1);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+170,,100,20);} // loan field
- w = parent.getComponent(2);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,130,20);} // term label
- w = parent.getComponent(3);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+170,,100,20);} // term field
- w = parent.getComponent(4);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,130,20);} // rate label
- w = parent.getComponent(5);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+170,,100,20);} // rate field
- w = parent.getComponent(6);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,160,20);} // salary label
- w = parent.getComponent(7);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+170,,100,20);} // salary field
- w = parent.getComponent(8);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,120,30);} // calculate button
- w = parent.getComponent(9);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+150,,100,30);} // reset button
- w = parent.getComponent(10);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,140,20);} // payment label
- w = parent.getComponent(11);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+170,,100,20);} // payment field
- w = parent.getComponent(12);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,140,20);} // yearTotal label
- w = parent.getComponent(13);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+170,,100,20);} // yearTotal field
- w = parent.getComponent(14);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,140,20);} // salaryTax label
- w = parent.getComponent(15);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+170,,100,20);} // salaryTax field
- w = parent.getComponent(16);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,210,20);} // salPercent label
- w = parent.getComponent(17);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+240,,80,20);} // salPercent field
- w = parent.getComponent(18);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,200,30);} // show button
- w = parent.getComponent(19);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+285,,80,20);} // schedule label
- w = parent.getComponent(20);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,610,300);} // schedule field
- w = parent.getComponent(21);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+20,,150,30);} // previous button
- w = parent.getComponent(22);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+480,,150,30);} // next button
- w = parent.getComponent(23);
- if (w.isVisible()) {w.setBounds(insets.left+285,,80,50);} // exit button
- }
- }
- }
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