
Frieda's Pizza Lounge & Social Club: Night 1 PT2

Jun 28th, 2020
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  1. With power at one hundred percent, and servos perfectly lubed, Bonnie was activated and ready to roam the lounge. After getting fully charged, she stood up to go and stretched, only to take a moment to see that the backstage camera seemed to be active. The rabbot seemed slightly surprised. After testing her sensors and moving her ears to make sure correct articulation, she twirled around blissfully as she began to recall what the technician told her of the new guy. From what he said, the new night guard sounded nice but a bit on the shy side. Still, it was enough to make a smile form on her lips. Feeling more inclined the meet the new guy, she left to go and take care of whatever chores needed completing. As she walked out on stage, she strode toward the end and performed an athletic flip, landing perfectly on her feet.
  4. The dining area wasn't too bad, only a couple of tables needed some shining, as well as a few minor pieces of trash. Bonnie took care of the tables first, wiping some while adjusting the fabrics that decorated them. Soon music started playing, filling the room with an ambient and laid back vibe as Bonnie's ears perked up. She turned to see Frieda at her piano, eyes half-lidded as she played away a rich, harmonious tune. She looked over towards Frieda, the bearbot smiled warmly in response.
  7. The time was 2:55 AM
  10. A small hum could be heard as she stretched out her servos, before taking another moment to look around. A few chairs needed to be pushed in, tables required some setting, other than that her list of chores was short. With a Sway in its steps, Bonnie began to tidy up the dining room a bit, before wandering off to do her own thing. She straightened out a few tables before sliding in a few loose chairs. Then she noticed there was some leftover garbage. Bending over to pick it up, she struggled for a bit. Meanwhile, the dining room camera became active and scanned the room, before stopping on Bonnie.
  12. Somehow, Bonnie realized she was being watched as she poked her Lil head out from under the table to look up at the Camera, The red dot faded. Curiosity peaked within the rabbot. She recalled some of the conversations they overheard from the technician of a new ‘watchman’ for the establishment. For Bonnie, meeting new faces was always a delight, as was the possibility of making new acquaintances. With a smile forming around her synthetic lips, she started skipping towards the direction of the two hallways. Before trotting off, she looked back at the stage, and then towards the infamous ‘pirate cove’, tilting her head slightly wondering if her high-seas companion was okay. But deep down she knew better than to potentially disturb her.
  14. Before she could choose which hallway to traverse, she heard the distant sounds of reinforced door shutters closing, causing her to jump back a bit. Those heavy doors were always thunderous to her sensitive receivers. After shaking it off, Bonnie decided to go right, figuring to use the ‘VIP Rooms’ as a shortcut to meet the new employee.
  16. ‘I hope they are nice’ Bonnie spoke to herself softly.
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. The time was between 3:35 AM to 4:45 AM
  23. If the watchman were to have chosen a career as an observer for a nature channel documentary, they might have been one of the most focused in the field. He watched as he saw the purple bun come to life on the stage, looking so incredibly different in her remodeling. Her movement was robotic yet also oddly fluid, a far cry from their uncanny maneuvering. But it wasn’t until she got to work where he saw her...cotton tail. He tilted his head in sheer curiosity, taking in the surprisingly pleasant view.
  26. “wow” was all that he could utter to himself. It wasn’t until the rabbot peeked out from under the table and stared directly at the camera, causing him to put the tablet down in sheer panic. His eyes darted at both of the security doors, before deciding to close them both out of precaution. Once again checking the time.
  29. The Rabbot strolled down the hallway, a gentle sway in its synthetic hips. To Bonnie, the after-hours were always peaceful and calm. Interacting with children and grown-up customers was always a fun experience, especially when she did her live performances. But the quietness, coupled with the company of her autonomous companions and occasional overnight staffer gave it a more homely and comfy aesthetic.
  32. Within the halls were collections of vintage movie posters hung up in cases, all containing notably famous performers. From ‘Beaglejuice’ & the ‘Indiana Jowls’ series, to ‘Gone with the Wing’ and ‘Beverly Hills Bob’ starring Billy bob of the Rock-a-fire Explosion. Bonnie straightened a few that were askew, taking the time to appreciate the cinematic representation of Animatronic Performers, often at times wondering would it would be like to be an ‘Alloywood Star’.
  35. Bonnie proceeded to skip down the hall towards the supply closet, humming a simple tune. She opened the door, Walking towards the shelf where the cleaning items came from, the rabbot tried to put them back but had a little trouble. Getting on its tiptoes, Bonnie tried again to put the items back in place with less struggle. Bonnie's ears suddenly perked up as she picked up the sound of the camera being manually controlled. She turned her head to look at the camera, but it then suddenly went back to its default position. This made her giggle a bit. Maybe the new guy was anxious to see her. Once she finished, she exited the closet and proceeded to make her way down the hall towards the security station. Meanwhile, the camera in that hallway came to life, observing her.
  38. She reached the corner of the hallway that leads to the office, but before they went any further, Bonnie realized it would need to take it slow and smooth. After taking a moment to stretch and wiggle her frame slightly, she ducked down and started crawling towards the security office, dodging the camera’s line of sight. Right underneath the window, Bonnie could hear activity inside. A smile formed on her lips as she slowly poked her head to look through the window. Bonnie photo-receptors were greeted by the sight of a man in the chair, staring intently at the terminal inside. Bonnie observed his features. The man appeared broad-shouldered, in his early thirties. Her facial reading software zoomed in on his face. The program tried to calculate his identity, but there seemed to be some type of processing error when trying to Identify him. That alone seemed kind of odd. Was there a small bug in the program?
  41. The man in the office suddenly had a look as Bonnie found herself ducking below the window, hiding from the man's line of sight. Bonnie's cheek LED's lit up once more, keeping low before she could pick up the sound of him turning the chair back towards the terminal. Slowly rising back up, she took another gander at the new night guard. This timed he leaned back in the chair, removing his hat and brushing back his hair. He looked like a pretty good guy, and he was very easy on the eyes. He was an improvement in terms of looks, certainly better than the last mug. Hopefully, his personality was just as charming. As she listened to him read her bio, Bonnie summoned up some courage, crawling up and standing by the doorway. She tried to process the proper opening line to greet him.
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. The time was now 5:15 AM
  47. The guard could not help but take a moment to both looks at some of the unique posters, but also take a closer look at her, more importantly; her cottontail. Something about it looked super soft and fluffy, like the perfect stress-relieving toy. His hand reached out slowly to the screen, pretending to slowly squeeze it with his hand before a sudden realization came to him.
  50. ‘Wait, what am I doing?’ he said to himself, suddenly finding himself questioning his curiosity. He placed the tablet down and rubbed his eyes.
  53. Perhaps it felt like a long night, despite it going by almost seamlessly. Taking a deep breath, he lifted the tablet back up to see the rabbit gone. Almost Immediately, his thumb skimmed through the feeds to find her. It wasn’t until he stumbled upon the utility room feed, he saw her. It was roomier now, with shelves holding items ranging from cleaning supplies to more decorations. The rabbot started rearranging cleaning supplies, reaching up to put something away. For some reason, the night guard found himself zooming in on Bonnie. This time, she was more up close and more crystal clear. Dear lord they certainly were reworked from the ground up. He began to recall the posters on the walls back then, showing their older, truer forms. How uncanny, bulky, and highly unnerving the animatronics were.
  55. But now, it was almost as if they had mutated, or evolved into something else completely. She seemed modeled more athletically, with legs that could go on for days. Adorned in a corset that could have been ripped from Hugh Hefner’s playmate closet, with a sequin-red bowtie on the back of her neck, she had a stylish and endearing appearance. Her joints even looked highly advanced in robotic design, compared to the old bulky designs.
  58. But once again, he found his eyes drawn to her tail, and then eventually her figure. Someone on the re-design team must have had either very specific instructions or was a connoisseur of the derriere. The Nightguard couldn’t help but take his hands and form the shape of a heart, slowly bringing it to Bonnie’s buns. And it fits perfectly, which sort of raised even further concerns in him.
  61. ‘Oh no, it’s form-fitting’ he nervously thought. Fishnet stockings covered her legs. Boy howdy did she have legs for days, Moving the camera up, he got to see her upper body. Bonnie's ears were more articulated, moving systematically to the sense of sound while occasionally dropping to the side. The rabbot stopped for a moment, when suddenly they turned around, looked up at the camera, intrigue on her face, and gave a little wave, prompting him to once again put the tablet down and compose himself. Did they know he was watching them inappropriately?
  63. ‘Come on, get it together’ he said to himself, getting up from the chair to pace around the room, trying to calm himself, Heart kicking up like a V8. Unbeknownst to him, a pair of purple rabbit ears rose by the window, followed by a pair of pink eyes watching him.
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. It was now 5:45 AM
  69. Turning back to see nothing in the windows, he returned to his desk and saw a file labeled [FAZBEAR ENTERTAINMENT PROFILE]. Reaching over to grab it, he settled back into his chair and opened it up. Maybe this could help him learn more about them finally, resting back as he started reading the file aloud to himself;
  73. “[Bonnie BunBun: affectionately referred to as Bonnie, is the sweetheart of the Fazette’s. Standing about 5'7 and weighing a surprisingly light 135. Bonnie is the lead guitarist for the band, she has a rather large database of songs implemented in her memory and can execute said songs with flawless precision. Offstage her bubbly personality sobers up a little, she tends to be rather quiet and easily frightened. Always approach her like you would a scared child or a puppy until she's comfortable with your presence.]”
  76. The guard took a moment to process the first half of that paragraph. It sounds like they made her slightly meeker.
  78. “[Once she's comfortable and opens up to a person, she becomes rather affectionate. Included but not limited to, cuddling, hugging, nuzzling, simulated napping and taking care of the general needs of said individual. Off the record, she has skillful hands and can work muscles as impeccably as she can the strings of her guitar.]”
  81. The guard’s eyes could not help but widen at those little details.
  84. “[Bonnie is the second model of the Fazettes. She sees Frieda Fazbear as a mother figure, and Chica Chicken as well as Foxy the Pirate as sisters. Do not, under any circumstances, hurt Bonnie in any way. Physical or emotional trauma will provoke a very angry response from the Fazbear Bunch, leading up to and including potential, terminal, physical disabilities.]”
  86. That last part was enough to grow a lump in his throat and a gut-wrenching feeling of fear. Tossing the file back on the desk, he once again arose from his chair and took a deep breath, Taking his hat off to brush his hair back.
  87. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. 'Okay...Okay,’ he began to process himself, ‘so there's a way to handle one, albeit possibly having to walk on the most brittle of eggshells.' The guard thought to himself, resting his hands behind his head for a second to finally swallow the lump in his throat.
  91. 'T-This shouldn't be so bad. Yeah, just need to approach this with caution' the man thought to himself, before straightening himself out. ‘He claims they were completely overhauled, this dossier could be some proof of that, but still-’ The mind of the guard trailed off as He turned to the left, reaching over to raise the door shutter. He was greeted by none other than Bonnie’s face staring directly at him, with a look of sheer childlike innocence and inquiry. Even with all the courage displayed during the war, it was not enough to suppress the surprise and fear that overcame him at that moment. A sudden and very unpleasant memory overcame the man as Bonnie’s face flashed to its older self, screaming at him with its uncanny face.
  96. They cried out in unison. The guard kicked the door button-down & fell back into his chair. The reaction seemed to startle her, and with a high-pitched noise she darted off. The night guard was panting from the sudden panic.
  98. "Goddamn it...ugh..." said the guard to himself, trying to calm his heart down. He turned back to the terminal, bringing back up the feed to see where the runaway rabbit had gone too. He checked the hall feed to see the supply room door close. Switching to it immediately, he saw the rabbot twiddling her fingers whilst sounding rather nervous. What got to him more though, was when he heard her whisper.
  100. “ohgeezohgoodnessohmygoodnessgraciouysoh gosh...he's so cute~"
  103. "What the hell...?" he said to himself, leaning back in the chair, re-adorning his hat that fell on the floor. He soon realized that Bonnie ran off, which was new. The look she had on her face, it didn’t appear hostile. But perhaps curiosity and intrigue? The watchman couldn’t tell, it was pretty quick. Still, He did not like the sudden intrusion of his personal space, even if her intentions weren’t murderous. He finally managed to calm down a bit, sighing out of relief.
  105. A sudden melody filled the air, a chime that the watchman was all too familiar with.
  108. [6 AM.]
  110. ‘Annnnnnd I’m Done’ he thought to himself, rising forth from the office and power walking his way out of the establishment. He didn’t want to possibly startle the rabbit again so he just made his way to the exit when suddenly the doors open, the rays of the early morning glow filled the room. The guard winced a bit from the brightness but managed to focus and get a better look at the person. They were a bit younger looking in general but made up for it with their height. Dressed plainly in blue jeans, a plain t-shirt, and flannel button-up jacket, his hair is short, blonde, and cut cleanly, and was in their early twenties. The young man cracked a grin, reaching out to shake the guard's hand.
  112. “Glad we can finally meet in person, Mr. Schmidt.” He said in a warm and pleasant voice, “Ah, of course!” Schwartz explained, looking over the guard’s shoulder, “There’s our Lil carrot!” he said in an endearing tone as Mr. Schmidt gazed over his shoulder, wide-eyed to see the purple hare standing halfway between the hallway and main lobby, in a shy and timid display.
  115. “H-Hi” Bonnie spoke softly, “i-it’s nice to meet you, sir,” she said to the guard.
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