
RP/NP: Wash yo hands after touching that

Jun 22nd, 2012
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  1. -- nobodysProphet [NP] began trolling recreantOctopus [RO] --
  2. NP: >[Greetings, Cirrin.]
  3. RO: oh hey
  4. RO: your back you got something?
  5. NP: >[Well.]
  6. NP: >[Things honestly seem to be in a stalemate with you two, honestly.]
  7. RO: is that how you see it?
  8. NP: >[As long as you don't do anything untoward towards Amaloc or those he cares for, he doesn't plan to do anything at all to you.]
  9. NP: >[I'm afraid that's it. So if you were expecting something else, I'm sorry.]
  10. RO: so basically nothings changed since CIRRIN RUNFAR is planning to do something untowards him if that means what CIRRIN RUNFAR thinks it means
  11. NP: >[Yes.]
  12. NP: >[Frankly speaking?]
  13. NP: >[Should you continue with your current goal in mind?]
  14. NP: >[There is no version of this where you would come out on top.]
  15. RO: maybe your underestimating CIRRIN RUNFAR
  16. RO: whos going to come after him?
  17. RO: Paloma?
  18. RO: Elizan?
  19. NP: >[Listen, Cirrin.]
  20. NP: >[Nobody wants this thing to continue.]
  21. RO: then it can stop right after Amaloc
  22. NP: >[No.]
  23. NP: >[Sadly, that isn't how these things work.]
  24. NP: >[If you don't stop until after Amaloc,]
  25. NP: >[Then suddenly there'll be someone else.]
  26. NP: >[It won't end unless you stop it right now.]
  27. RO: what makes CIRRIN RUNFAR so special?
  28. RO: this someone else can be the one to just surrender and give up instead
  29. NP: >[Why should they? Nobody before them did.]
  30. RO: so then why should CIRRIN RUNFAR?
  31. NP: >[Because all it takes is the person after you to have your exact same mindset.]
  32. NP: >[Because it's the easy thing to do.]
  33. NP: >[You can't just let it be someone else's problem, Cirrin.]
  34. RO: why not?
  35. NP: >[Well, honestly?]
  36. NP: >[Right now, you have nobody wanting you dead or hurt or anything.]
  37. NP: >[You have lost your tongue, this is true, and I am sorry that it happened.]
  38. NP: >[But you are alive.]
  39. NP: >[Should you attempt to kill Amaloc and succeed, there will inevitably be someone that wants to punish you for it.]
  40. NP: >[By your earlier argument, this person should let it go and let you live.]
  41. NP: >[But why should they?]
  42. NP: >[What reason do /they/ have for sparing you and ending the cycle?]
  43. RO: shouldnt you be the one trying to answer that?
  44. RO: your the one who wants this thing to end
  45. NP: >[I'm trying to explain to you that you should want it to end too.]
  46. NP: >[Because if it doesn't, you will die too.]
  47. RO: so bascially it comes down to threating CIRRIN RUNFAR?
  48. RO: oh look at that weak cowards
  49. RO: if we make some vague threats about his death
  50. NP: >[I'm sorry, did I ever say I was threatening you?]
  51. NP: >[I don't threaten.]
  52. NP: >[I state facts.]
  53. RO: hes sure to just drop everything and forgive and forget everything
  54. RO: and yeah threatening with facts whats the difference?
  55. NP: >[Cirrin, I can see that you have no interest whatsoever in listening to me or in not pursuing your current course of action.]
  56. NP: >[I can only help people willing to accept my help.]
  57. RO: well all your basically telling CIRRIN RUNFAR to do is to just drop it and act like nothings happened
  58. NP: >[And you have no intention of doing that, and for that, I am sorry that you will not listen to reason.]
  59. RO: oh thats reason now is it?
  60. NP: >[For what it's worth, I will mourn you.]
  61. NP: >[Fare you well, Cirrin.]
  62. NP: >[I am washing my hands of you.]
  63. -- nobodysProphet [NP] absconded from recreantOctopus [RO] --
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