

Aug 10th, 2009
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  1. [21:40] <05Halifax> [Last time on Pirate Meido Saga, the mansion is semi surrounded by the local police and some naval forces. With a handy trap, many were sent chasing ghosts into the woods, however some still remain. As Ellisa sets to a sprint down the hill ahead of the rest of the group, two plucky young cadets manage to catch a glimpse of her and run after in hot pursuit.]
  2. 09[21:40] * Ataisai is now known as [Atai]Emily
  3. [21:41] <05Halifax> <ManWithHawk> I bet your glad my little Wind Feather here has such good eyesight, aren't you Clyde?
  4. [21:42] <05Halifax> <ManWithNinjaLikeMovements> Shhh... She'll hear our approach...
  5. [21:42] <[Ora]Ellisa> ... almost there..
  6. 06[21:42] * [Ora]Ellisa begins to lose her breath.
  7. 06[21:43] * Halifax [The two men close the distance as the woman is winded, Clyde unsheathes his sword and closes in for a strike!]
  8. [21:44] <05Halifax> <ClydeOfTheShadowClan> Watah!
  9. 06[21:45] * [Ora]Ellisa 's reflex pulls out her sword in the nick of time to parry the attack.
  10. [21:45] <[Ora]Ellisa> damn idiots. If you wish to attack me... do so in silence.
  11. 06[21:45] * Halifax Clyde is surprised!
  12. 06[21:47] * [Ora]Ellisa swings her sword and pushes the one with the sword away.
  13. [21:48] <05Halifax> <Clyde>Oh no! You insult my honor!
  14. 06[21:48] * [Ora]Ellisa sighs. "Is this the best the town has?"
  15. 06[21:49] * Halifax Clyde readies his sword and you can hear the cry of a bird in the sky.
  16. 06[21:50] * [Ora]Ellisa looks up.. "Oh.. finally stepping up now are we?"
  17. [21:50] <05Halifax> <TomTheHawkDude> No use talkin' to Wind Feather. You'll be in shackles soon enough!
  18. 06[21:51] * Halifax Clyde goes for a sneak attack as the hawk swoops.
  19. [21:52] <[Ora]Ellisa> ...Pitiful you heathens...
  20. 06[21:52] * Halifax WindFeather brandishes claws as he dives
  21. 06[21:52] * [Ora]Ellisa takes one step to the left seeing the bird having a nice lunch with the earth.
  22. 06[21:53] * [Ora]Ellisa hears a thud against the hilt of her blade.. "huh?"
  23. [21:54] <05Halifax> <Clyde>Ugh...
  24. [21:54] <[Ora]Ellisa> ...What's this? You shame me.
  25. [21:54] <05Halifax> <Clyde>15My... honor...
  26. 06[21:54] * [Ora]Ellisa spits on Clyde.
  27. [21:55] <05Halifax> <TomTheHawkDude>Some lady! You should learn some manners!
  28. [21:55] <[Ora]Ellisa> Tch.. manners?
  29. 06[21:56] * [Ora]Ellisa eyes the man in question.
  30. 06[21:59] * Halifax WindFeather Screeches as she flies in front of Ellisa's. Disorienting her enough to keep her from attacking.
  31. [21:59] <[Ora]Ellisa> ...!!
  32. [21:59] <05Halifax> [Ellisa's face*]
  33. [21:59] <[Ora]Ellisa> ...hmph. Perhaps I misjudged you heathen.
  34. [22:00] <05Halifax> <TomTheHawkDude> I'd say SO! WIND FEATHER USE QUICK ATTACK!
  35. 06[22:01] * Halifax TomTheHawkDude points dramatically somewhere at the sky while his bird travels speedily horizontal to the ground down the street.
  36. [22:01] <[Ora]Ellisa> ... Futile.
  37. 06[22:02] * [Ora]Ellisa slips past the whizzing bird and places her left hand into the guys face, gripping it harder.
  38. 09[22:02] * Marysleep is now known as Marybot
  39. [22:02] <[Ora]Ellisa> ...Cease this instant, this is your last chance.
  40. 06[22:03] * Halifax TomTheHawkDude wets himself
  41. [22:04] <[Ora]Ellisa> ... so.. what will it be.. boy?
  42. 06[22:05] * Halifax TomTheHawkDude tries to kick the girls shins, his final stand against this brute.
  43. 06[22:06] * [Ora]Ellisa stands still and the hit simply fazes her.
  44. [22:06] <[Ora]Ellisa> ..?.. 14 oh.. you poor little boy.. was that it?
  45. 06[22:06] * Halifax TomTheHawkDude faints...
  46. [22:07] <[Ora]Ellisa> .... tch. These guys are no fun.. I should kill them.. but..
  47. 07[22:07] * Wriggle ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  48. 06[22:09] * [Ora]Ellisa sheathes her trust red sword and continues down to the port to board the ship. Alerting the goonies that belong to captain along the way.
  49. [22:10] <[Ora]Ellisa> CMON BOYS! TIME's AWASTIN' HERE!
  50. 06[22:10] * Halifax ScurvyCrew Hup Hup Hup Hup Hup...
  51. [22:10] <[Ora]Ellisa> [Retcon line of that to *"the cast of the goonies along the way."]
  52. [22:11] <05Halifax> [Don't listen to Elli'. That's a horrible joke.]
  53. [22:11] <[Ora]Ellisa> [Shush you.]
  54. 11[22:13] * Wriggle ( has joined #maidrpg
  55. 06[22:19] * Halifax Meanwhile Halifax hefts the Lady Emily in her arms as she dashes down the hill and into town herself. Dani' and Ariel lagging behind carrying the Lady's luggage.]
  56. [22:35] <[Ora]Ellisa> Good job boys! Firewater all around when the capt'n gets here!
  57. 06[22:36] * Halifax [The crew works well under Ellisa's command and the ship is ready to cast off when others catch up...]
  58. [22:36] <[Ora]Ellisa> Make sure ya dun let anyone but the cap'tn and her crew get onboard y'hear!? or I'll wrangle all of you one by one!
  59. 06[22:41] * [Ora]Ellisa goes down to the lower deck to put the spoils of war in the chamber.
  60. 06[22:46] * [Atai]Emily is kind of enjoying this. It's like I'm really being kidnapped by pirates!
  61. 06[22:46] * [Atai]Emily considers that a moment.
  62. 06[22:46] * [Atai]Emily How scandalous~
  63. 07[22:47] * UBOA ( Quit (Quit: GERO-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN)
  64. 07[22:48] * Wriggle ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  65. 06[22:49] * Halifax looks down at Emily in her arms.
  66. [22:49] <05Halifax> You certainly seem to be enjoying this.
  67. 06[22:51] * [Atai]Emily looks up and winks.
  68. [22:51] <[Atai]Emily> It is more fun than I have had in years!
  69. 11[22:54] * Wriggle ( has joined #maidrpg
  70. [22:56] <05Halifax> Well, maybe I should have dropped by years ago then!
  71. 06[22:57] * Halifax suddenly stops running as a multitude of Naval Soldiers block the street...
  72. [22:58] <[Atai]Emily> Why did you--14...oh.
  73. 06[22:58] * Halifax One of the soldiers is holding a book menacingly...
  74. [22:58] <05Halifax> <BookSoldier> Well Well Well, You may have outsmarted the other brigades but not me....
  75. [22:59] <05Halifax> <BookSoldier>MEN READY YOUR WEAPONS~
  76. 06[22:59] * Halifax BookSoldier snickers to himself.
  77. [23:00] <05Halifax> <BookSoldier> Release the hostage and drop your weapons!
  78. 06[23:01] * [Atai]Emily cries out, looking terrified.
  79. [23:01] <[Atai]Emily> Don't!
  80. [23:01] <[Atai]Emily> Do you have any idea what this mad woman has done?!
  81. [23:02] <[Atai]Emily> Don't you know ANYTHING?!
  82. 06[23:02] * Halifax switches to carrying Emily in one arm and pointing a empty revolver at her head.
  83. [23:03] <05Halifax> You drop YOUR weapons or the hostage is added to the list of things I've done!
  84. 06[23:03] * Halifax smiles.
  85. 07[23:03] * Wriggle ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  86. 06[23:04] * Halifax BookSoldier looks a bit flustered.
  87. [23:05] <05Halifax> <BookSoldier> uh...uh...MEN LOWER YOUR WEAPONS...
  88. 07[23:06] * [Atai]Emily (~Kagami@Ice.fairy.Lasts.longest.Thats.why.Im.the.strongest.BURMA-SHAVE) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  89. 11[23:07] * Wriggle ( has joined #maidrpg
  90. 06[23:08] * Halifax The soldiers may have lowered there guns but they still fill the block the street. They don't look like they plan on standing aside.
  91. 11[23:09] * [Atai]Emily ( has joined #maidrpg
  92. [23:13] <05Halifax> [retcon the following as After Halifax smiles, and before Booksoldier looks a bit flustered.]
  93. [23:14] <[Atai]Emily> She's rigged the entire harbor to blow if we don't return to the ship safely by the top of the hour!
  94. [23:14] <[Atai]Emily> Fore the love of god, sir, and for the sake of your Countess, please...
  95. [23:15] <[Atai]Emily> ...Do not be a hero.
  96. [23:15] <05Halifax> [ end recton insertion segment ]
  97. 06[23:15] * [Atai]Emily puts on an appropriately terrified look. For all she knows, it's possible.
  98. [23:16] <05Halifax> Stand aside gentlemen~
  99. 06[23:16] * Halifax says as though these men had no manners~
  100. 06[23:17] * Halifax BookSoldier grimaces...
  101. 06[23:17] * [Atai]Emily 's look is helped out by the gun to her head. ...Priss wouldn't shoot her, would she? Probably not. No, she definitely wouldn't.
  102. [23:18] <05Halifax> <BookSoldier> TO ONE SIDE MEN!
  103. 06[23:19] * Halifax The soldiers part, but look grudgingly on as Halifax carries Emily past keeping her eyes on them as she walks backwards down the street.
  104. 06[23:19] * Halifax whisper to Emily...
  105. 06[23:19] * [Atai]Emily looks pathetically relieved, and wretchedly grateful for his noble deeds.
  106. [23:20] <05Halifax> 15You think this is enough of a head start?
  107. [23:20] <[Atai]Emily> 14Hmm?
  108. 06[23:20] * [Atai]Emily isn't quite sure what she means.
  109. [23:21] <05Halifax> 15...well they certainly won't just let me get away. And I can't walk backwards forever. They'll try something...
  110. 06[23:21] * [Ora]Ellisa pops back on the deck.. looking for the captain and the crew..
  111. 06[23:21] * Halifax prays she doesn't trip on anything behind her.
  112. [23:23] <[Ora]Ellisa> ... Capt'n, where are you guys...
  113. [23:23] <[Atai]Emily> 14The alley on the left connects to Downing Street, and if you cut through the Grocer's Grove, you'll come out on a service lane that goes straight to the docks...
  114. 06[23:24] * [Atai]Emily pauses.
  115. [23:24] <[Atai]Emily> 14...Your left, that is.
  116. 06[23:24] * Halifax commits the directions to memory...
  117. 06[23:24] * Halifax nods.
  118. [23:24] <05Halifax> Alright then. Hold on!
  119. 06[23:25] * Halifax holsters the gun and returns to cradling Emily dashing down the alley.
  121. [23:27] <05Halifax> <BookSoldiersSoldiers>AYE AYE
  122. 06[23:28] * Halifax is winded from all this running. She sets down Emily as they pass by the food stalls in Grocer's Grove.
  123. [23:29] <05Halifax> Haaa... haaaa... haaa...
  124. 06[23:29] * [Ora]Ellisa gives one more order to the goonies before returning to crow's nest.
  125. [23:29] <05Halifax> Sea legs... weren't... haaa... made for this...
  126. [23:29] <[Ora]Ellisa> Watch fer the captain! Let me know if they are nearby!
  127. 07[23:29] * Wriggle ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  128. 06[23:30] * [Atai]Emily waits until they've put a few blocks between them and the soldiers, and then lets out a girlish giggle and snuggles closer to her friend. Reaching up, she pats Priss' cheek.
  129. 06[23:30] * Halifax leans forward, hands on knees...
  130. [23:31] <[Atai]Emily> Fear not, my dashing Pirate Queen. 4 more blocks and down the steps on the boardwalk, and you shall be treading the docks once more.
  131. [23:32] <[Atai]Emily> It is a relatively low-visibilty route. Would you prefer I ran, myself?
  132. [23:32] <05Halifax> Just four more, aye? Well I suppose walking is out of the question, care for a jog?
  133. 06[23:33] * [Atai]Emily doesn't want to tax her friend unnecessarily, as fun as being carried through town might be.
  134. 06[23:34] * [Atai]Emily hikes her riding skirt, chosen in anticipation of a need for mobility, and nods, determined.
  135. [23:34] <[Atai]Emily> I shall lead the way!
  136. [23:34] <[Atai]Emily> Besides, it may arouse suspicion if I am seen running after you.
  137. 11[23:35] * Wriggle ( has joined #maidrpg
  138. [23:35] <05Halifax> Oh, but I'd be flattered if you would~
  139. 06[23:35] * Halifax flutters her eye lashes.
  140. 06[23:37] * [Atai]Emily grins, batting at the captain's arm.
  141. [23:37] <[Atai]Emily> Oh, Priss!
  142. 06[23:37] * Halifax laughs her usual laugh
  143. 06[23:38] * [Atai]Emily seems very determined.
  144. [23:38] <[Atai]Emily> Are you ready?
  145. 06[23:38] * Halifax does an elaborate bow taking of her hat.
  146. [23:38] <05Halifax> After you~
  147. 06[23:38] * Halifax rises dawning her hat again.
  148. 06[23:38] * [Atai]Emily takes off, and damn CALF CRAMP ARGH
  149. 06[23:39] * [Atai]Emily goes over in an ungainly tangle after 30 feet.
  150. [23:39] <[Atai]Emily> Ah! ...ow...
  151. 06[23:40] * Halifax lifts a floundering Emily into her arms as the Lady manages to be hobbling after a few mild paces...
  152. 06[23:40] * Halifax is laughing with a second wind in her throat.
  153. [23:40] <[Atai]Emily> I seem to have suffered a cramp... Perhaps I should have not used the carriage so often...
  154. [23:40] <05Halifax> Are you okay?
  155. [23:41] <05Halifax> That was perhaps the greatest display of physical fitness I have witnessed.
  156. 06[23:42] * [Atai]Emily looks up, pouting a little.
  157. 06[23:42] * Halifax is grinning as in the distance four soldiers lose sight of the pair.
  158. [23:42] <[Atai]Emily> Priss! Don't be so mean...
  159. 06[23:42] * [Atai]Emily gets to her feet, wincing.
  160. [23:43] <[Atai]Emily> I suppose I could walk it off, but by that time, we would be there already.
  161. [23:43] <05Halifax> Aw... don't...
  162. 06[23:43] * Halifax grabs hold of Emily.
  163. [23:43] <[Atai]Emily> I wi--ah!
  164. [23:43] <05Halifax> You shouldn't push yourself Princess...
  165. 06[23:44] * Halifax seems a bit more serious now.
  166. [23:45] <05Halifax> I may not be so luxurious as a carriage, but I hope you don't mind.
  167. 06[23:45] * [Atai]Emily gasps. Ooh, more carrying~! No, wait. This isn't a carnival ride, this is an adventure!
  168. 06[23:45] * [Atai]Emily nods, and then affects a blush.
  169. 06[23:45] * Halifax stares into Emily's eyes...
  170. [23:46] <[Atai]Emily> Then I suppose I'll be in your tender care again, O Captain~
  171. 06[23:46] * Halifax hefts Emily with ease.
  172. 06[23:46] * [Atai]Emily overdramatizes it a little, but smiles and squeezes her friend.
  173. [23:47] <05Halifax> Princess...
  174. 06[23:48] * Halifax begins as her feet begin running down the street
  175. [23:49] <05Halifax> ...I would love to hear those words more often.
  176. [23:49] <[Atai]Emily> ...Yes? 14Oh, mind the cobbles here ...what?
  177. 06[23:50] * [Atai]Emily begins to blush for real as the words sink in. ...She's just playing the role back at her, right?
  178. 06[23:53] * Halifax breaths deep as the ship comes into sight. Having Emily in her arms so long and listening to all the sweet things she keeps saying. It feels like a dream. Halifax squeezes Emily a bit to reassure herself that she is actually there, a dumb smile plastered on Hali's lips.
  179. 09[23:53] * Gaatz is now known as Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  180. 09[23:54] * Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is now known as Gaatz
  181. 09[23:55] * Gaatz is now known as Gaatz|asdf
  182. Session Time: Sat Aug 08 00:00:00 2009
  183. 07[00:02] * Wriggle ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  184. 09[00:06] * Gaatz|asdf is now known as Gaatz
  185. 11[00:06] * Wriggle ( has joined #maidrpg
  186. [00:10] <05Halifax> [The smell of the sea air and noise of the harbor fill the air, the Nameless Coffin looks alive with the crew busy on the ship; sails being hoisted and the ship tugging at its anchor. ]
  187. 06[00:12] * [Atai]Emily snuggles even closer to Priss.
  188. [00:13] <[Atai]Emily> comfortable here...
  189. 07[00:14] * Halifax ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  190. 11[00:16] * Halifax ( has joined #maidrpg
  191. [00:19] <[Ora]Ellisa> way.
  192. 06[00:20] * Halifax jogs the last of the distance toward the boat, dodging the busy townsfolk and in disbelief as to what she thought she heard...
  193. 06[00:20] * [Ora]Ellisa squints to see its the capt'n!!
  194. 06[00:21] * [Ora]Ellisa leaps off the nest without a regard for her safety or the ship itself and lands with a loud ass thud.
  195. [00:21] <05Halifax> ...Emily...
  196. [00:21] <[Ora]Ellisa> CAPT'N!!!
  197. 06[00:21] * [Ora]Ellisa yells at the top of her lungs.
  198. 06[00:21] * Halifax is now walking as she sees Elli' making a scene...
  199. [00:22] <05Halifax> Shhhh~!
  200. 06[00:22] * [Ora]Ellisa covers her mouth but still waves at her motioning that the ship is ready to launch at her command.
  201. [00:23] <05Halifax> We attract enough attention as is, Elli'. Good to see the ship in fine running order though
  202. 06[00:25] * [Ora]Ellisa looks behind the capt'n. Dani.. Ari?
  203. [00:25] <[Ora]Ellisa> Where's the other two Capt'n?
  204. [00:26] <05Halifax> They might take awhile. They're carrying the Lady's luggage and the majority of the loot.
  205. 06[00:27] * [Ora]Ellisa nods.
  206. [00:29] <[Ora]Ellisa> Get on aboard Capt'n.. Miss.. forgot ya name.
  207. 07[00:29] * Wriggle ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  208. [00:30] <[Ora]Ellisa> I'll keep a lookout for the otha two.
  209. 11[00:34] * Wriggle ( has joined #maidrpg
  210. [00:37] <[Atai]Emily> Countess Ha--
  211. 06[00:37] * Halifax ...!
  212. 06[00:37] * [Atai]Emily pauses. It's the start of a new adventure, right? Why not her old name, then...
  213. [00:38] <[Atai]Emily> --Countess Christmas.
  214. 06[00:38] * [Ora]Ellisa smiles.
  215. [00:38] <[Ora]Ellisa> Welcome aboard the Nameless Coffin Countess.
  216. [00:39] <[Ora]Ellisa> A friend of the Capt'n is a friend of mine!
  217. 06[00:39] * Halifax walks up the gang plank before heading towards the wheel... She sets down Emily in a bench nailed to her cabin.
  218. [00:40] <[Ora]Ellisa> 14 Now where can those two be at...
  219. [00:45] <05Halifax> [ Those two happen to be in the middle of there own troubles as Catrin crosses their path and action and adventure are to be had as the Nameless coffin makes it out to sea escaping catastrophe, looting like no tomorrow, and kidnapping the Countess Christmas...]
  220. [00:50] <[Ora]Ellisa> A-are we not waiting for them capt'n?
  221. [00:50] <05Halifax> [retcon that]
  222. [00:52] <[Ora]Ellisa> [*orz]
  223. [00:54] <05Halifax> [ With all of the Pirate crew back on the ship with the two new additions, the sun sets to a pleasantly warm night as the boat rocks to the waves sailing away. Land lost on to the horizon.
  224. [00:54] <05Halifax> [ -to +] ]
  225. 06[00:59] * Halifax is in her cabin working with an old map laid out on her table. She ponders what first to do with Emily aboard...
  226. [01:01] <05Halifax> Where to, where to...
  227. 06[01:01] * Halifax questions herself...
  228. 06[01:01] * [Ora]Ellisa peeks over her shoulder.. "What ya lookin' at capt'n?"
  229. 06[01:03] * Halifax is a bit surprised by Elli's suddenness.
  230. [01:03] <05Halifax> Ah, just plotting a course...
  231. [01:04] <05Halifax> We could make a few raids on trading ships...
  232. [01:05] <[Ora]Ellisa> Not sure that's the best course of action right now capt'n seeing as we just offed with the Countess and messed up the town a bit..
  233. [01:06] <05Halifax> Don't be silly, we wouldn't be staying around here to do it...
  234. [01:06] <05Halifax> we would be heading north to the colder waters or west cutting off ships to and from the new world...
  235. [01:07] <05Halifax> We could even circle the savage country to head to the orient...
  236. [01:07] <05Halifax> [ continent* ]
  237. [01:08] <[Ora]Ellisa> Oh... it's been rather warm lately. I'm all for the north right now. I hear Fur Trading is an especially valued commodity right now.
  238. [01:09] <05Halifax> Hmmmm...
  239. [01:14] <05Halifax> Point taken... But I should see what Emily thinks...
  240. [01:15] <[Ora]Ellisa> Agreed, I'd like to hear what the others think as well. Ari doesn't seem like the type to tolerate the cold very well.
  241. [01:24] <[Ora]Ellisa> ...Since your new guest is here I suppose we'll hear her opinion first. Do you mind if I come along with you?
  242. 07[01:28] * Wriggle ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  243. [01:30] <[Ora]Ellisa> [-that last part " Do you... etc etc]
  244. 06[01:31] * [Atai]Emily turns over in her sleep.
  245. [01:32] <[Atai]Emily> 14...harder... Priss...
  246. [01:32] <[Ora]Ellisa> ......
  247. [01:32] <05Halifax> Ah... maybe we should attend to this in the morning...
  248. [01:32] <[Ora]Ellisa> 14 I'll pretend I didn't hear anything...
  249. [01:32] <05Halifax> Don't want to wake her...
  250. 06[01:32] * [Ora]Ellisa nods.
  251. 06[01:32] * Halifax is now harder...
  252. 06[01:33] * [Atai]Emily dreams about a game of tug-of-war from her choldhood, in which she was urging on her teammates to pull harder. Sadly, this fact goes unknown to the other occupants of the room.
  253. [01:33] <[Atai]Emily> [*i]
  254. [01:34] <[Ora]Ellisa> 14 Must be rough on her, it'll be even worse tomorrow. You get some rest capt'n. I'll watch the boat for ya.
  255. [01:34] <05Halifax> Thank you
  256. 06[01:35] * Halifax stands up walking towards the sleeping princess.
  257. 11[01:35] * Wriggle ( has joined #maidrpg
  258. 06[01:36] * [Atai]Emily makes pulling motions on the sheets. Hooray, her team is winning~
  259. 06[01:37] * [Ora]Ellisa closes the door softly behind her as to not awaken the Countess.
  260. [01:38] <[Ora]Ellisa> 15 G'night ya two.
  261. 06[01:38] * Halifax is stupefied. The girl of her dreams lying on her own bed, dreaming about her...
  262. [01:43] <[Atai]Emily> 14...Yay... our team wins... zzz....
  263. 06[01:44] * [Atai]Emily happily pulls the rest of the sheet towards her.
  264. 06[01:48] * Halifax step out of her clothes, pulling off her boots and hat and jacket, shirt, and pants... She stacks them into a dresser next to the rest of her clothes and climbs into her bed over Emily.
  265. [01:50] <[Atai]Emily> 14mmmmfwha?
  266. 06[01:50] * [Atai]Emily blinks and looks around, blearily
  267. [01:50] <[Atai]Emily> Oh.
  268. [01:50] <[Atai]Emily> Hi Priss~
  269. 06[01:51] * [Atai]Emily is still mostly asleep.
  270. 06[01:51] * [Atai]Emily But awake enough to recognize her friend.
  271. [01:51] <05Halifax> s-sorry, didn't mean to wake you...
  272. 06[01:51] * [Ora]Ellisa goes off to see if any of the goonies are slacking off. Beating them if they are.
  273. 06[01:51] * Halifax slides underneath the sheets
  274. [01:51] <[Atai]Emily> s'all right...
  275. 06[01:53] * [Atai]Emily 's arms wrap about Priss from behind, and she snuggles up close, even throwing one leg over the captain's legs.
  276. [01:54] <[Atai]Emily> 14Don' ever wanna sleep with anyone but you, Priss... so cuddly~
  277. 06[01:55] * Halifax is suddenly all to aware of Emily...
  278. 09[02:04] * Gaatz is now known as Cassandra
  279. 09[02:05] * Cassandra is now known as Victoria
  280. 09[02:06] * Victoria is now known as Judas
  281. 06[02:10] * Halifax is painfully erect...
  282. 06[02:11] * Halifax grits her teeth as she considers the situation...
  283. 06[02:13] * Halifax The ship doesn't exactly afford any privacy outside of her own quarters and with soft warm arms around her she isn't going anywhere...
  284. 10[02:15] * Pygmalion (~Berkut@SHUT.UP.AND.EXPLODE) has left #maidrpg
  285. 06[02:15] * Halifax will need to deal with this "problem" now, and she can't ravage the girl of her dreams... Halifax' hand grips the sheets over her. The other hand closes around herself...
  286. 07[02:17] * [Ora]Ellisa ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  287. 06[02:18] * Halifax pants quietly as her hand rhythmically slides up and down. She pictures Emily's glistening body in front of her...
  288. 09[02:18] * Judas is now known as Gaatzzzzz
  289. 11[02:19] * [Ora]Ellisa ( has joined #maidrpg
  290. 09[02:19] * Marybot is now known as Marysleep
  291. 06[02:22] * Halifax faster and harder she pumps until her body begins to shake...
  292. 11[02:23] * Pygmalion (~Berkut@SHUT.UP.AND.EXPLODE) has joined #maidrpg
  293. 06[02:23] * [Atai]Emily dreams of riding on horseback.
  294. 06[02:25] * Halifax dampens the underside of the sheets as well as a little of Emily's leg as her shaking slows to a stop.
  295. 06[02:26] * Halifax takes progressively slower gulps of air as she pulls herself back into her boxers and falls asleep
  296. 06[02:27] * [Atai]Emily Awww.... horsey ride is over...
  297. @@Marynote: Nothing in particular!
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