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Sep 4th, 2015
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  2. #01[11:26] <Katie_Kaboom> Dumb plannin' got Tapper killed so I hear.
  3. [11:27] <Uplink> You will not speak ill of Tapper
  4. #01[11:27] <Katie_Kaboom> Me?
  5. [11:27] <Esrever> Wouldn't dare.
  6. [11:27] <Esrever> But.
  7. [11:27] <Uplink> Everyone
  8. #01[11:27] <Katie_Kaboom> I'll speak ill of anyone I fraggin' well please.
  9. [11:27] <Esrever> Don't get me wrong, tapper was a great kid.
  10. [11:27] <Uplink> Then you'll live a very short life in this field Katie
  11. #01[11:27] <Katie_Kaboom> Think so?
  12. [11:27] <Paladin_> Confusion in the ranks and Guerrilla warfare would be best against them.
  13. [11:28] <Esrever> But, just being wreckless kill ya
  14. [11:28] <Paladin_> We shouldn't try to kill them outright but pester them and bleed them slowly to death.
  15. [11:28] <Uplink> I'm not being wreckless, I haven't done anything yet.
  16. [11:28] <Paladin_> Hit and Run would be best.
  17. [11:28] <Esrever> Hey father
  18. [11:28] <Esrever> While I respect yer rightious anger
  19. #01[11:28] <Katie_Kaboom> I'll tell you what, I'll make a bet. I'll out live you. If I don't then Plink gets 2K. If I do, then you give me 2K.
  20. [11:29] <Esrever> knock it off.
  21. [11:29] <Plink> Wait, why am I being drug into this?
  22. [11:29] <Uplink> Better not run any explosives wirelessly this month Katie.
  23. [11:29] <ShotFun> Children, please calm down. This will only lead to more anger and sadness
  24. #01[11:29] <Katie_Kaboom> Cuz I want you to have money?
  25. #01[11:29] <Katie_Kaboom> Only dumb bitches run wireless.
  26. [11:29] <Paladin_> I appologize. I sometimes become a little fervent when it comes to aggression tactics.
  27. [11:29] <Esrever> Yeah
  28. [11:30] <Esrever> Keep a Cool head.
  29. [11:30] <Uplink> You wanna play Matrix Tough Guy, go ahead, I got work to do.
  30. #01[11:30] <Katie_Kaboom> Whatcha gonna do, hack my panties, Princess?
  31. [11:30] <Esrever> Remember, there's a puppeteer.
  32. [11:30] <Esrever> Hoi
  33. [11:30] <Esrever> Girls, knock it off
  34. [11:30] <Uplink> Fine.
  35. [11:30] <Esrever> Good.
  36. [11:30] <Uplink> <>
  37. [11:30] <Paladin_> Wireless Panties? Why would such a device exist? In this world you would surely opening yourself to weakness.
  38. [11:31] <Uplink> Some people are into that.
  39. [11:31] <Esrever> Some people are into that father
  40. [11:31] <Esrever> Jinx
  41. [11:31] <Uplink> I hear there is a decent market for second skin panties.
  42. [11:31] <Paladin_> I think the term is "Getting caught with your pants down"?
  43. #01[11:31] <Katie_Kaboom> Hell yeah.
  44. #01[11:32] <Katie_Kaboom> Always makes me giggle when Matrix people are all "You better not run wireless," all that translates to is, "Turn yer wireless off before you kill me."
  45. [11:32] <Esrever> Yeah
  46. [11:32] <Esrever> Don't warn them!
  47. [11:33] <Uplink> Katie, I'm done fighting with you.
  48. [11:33] <Esrever> But anyhow.
  49. #01[11:33] <Katie_Kaboom> I knoooow, riiight?
  50. [11:33] <Esrever> That's enough.
  51. [11:33] <Paladin_> I've heard of magicians on the matrix and their digital spirits. I've heard that one of your bound spirits makes devices become possessed with "gremlins".
  52. #01[11:33] <Katie_Kaboom> Sweetiums, this isn't a fight, it was more a one sided verbal beating. You keep tryin' though, I have faith in ya.
  53. [11:33] <Uplink> Katie, shut the frag up.
  54. [11:34] <Paladin_> I would be cautious of having wireless underwear near someone who wields such a power.
  55. [11:34] <Uplink> It's too early for your bulldrek
  56. [11:34] <Esrever> ...
  57. #01[11:34] <Katie_Kaboom> Take the high road, that's the ticket!
  58. [11:34] <Esrever> Katie.
  59. [11:34] <Esrever> Knock it off please. I'd rather not have a ranting friend.
  60. #01[11:34] <Katie_Kaboom> Yeahyeah I'll stop before she cries.
  61. [11:35] <Esrever> close enough.
  62. [11:35] <Uplink> (Seriously, you are looking like a dick)
  63. [11:35] <Esrever> <PM Uplink: Quit biting.>
  64. [11:35] <Esrever> ((Perfect, that's the intent!))
  65. #01[11:35] <Katie_Kaboom> (( Seriously, learn to seperate IC from OOC ))
  66. [11:36] <Esrever> <>
  67. [11:36] <Uplink> Katie, I gotta ask you something?
  68. #01[11:37] <Katie_Kaboom> Sure, I could use a laugh.
  69. [11:37] <Esrever> Here we go...
  70. #02[11:37] * Twitchy (02685452@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds#)
  71. #03[11:37] * Smogg ( has joined #JP-RunnerHub
  72. [11:37] <Uplink> What happened to you that made you such a glitch? My previous team got killed, and I consider myself atleast tolorable, so what's your malfunction?
  73. [11:37] <Esrever> Hey Smogg
  74. [11:37] <Smogg> Hey ES
  75. [11:37] <Esrever> Grab a seat
  76. #01[11:38] <Katie_Kaboom> Its good you consider yourself tolerable. That's wiz.
  77. [11:38] <Esrever> Just in time for the show.
  78. [11:38] <Uplink> Like I'm honestly curious what "tragic backstory" justifies your assinine behavior?
  79. #01[11:38] <Katie_Kaboom> You got to get the last word in huh? That's a terrible compulsion.
  80. [11:38] <Paladin_> ((Starts Praying Internally))
  81. #01[11:39] <Katie_Kaboom> If I wuz your therapist, an' I think you need one, I'd say yer pretty fraggin' insecure.
  82. [11:39] <Uplink> That's not answering my question
  83. [11:39] <Plink> Katie, T needs changed
  84. #01[11:39] <Katie_Kaboom> Goddamit. OK. I'll handle her.
  85. [11:39] <Esrever> <PM Uplink: For fucks sakes love! Quit biting. She's enjoying being unrepentant.>
  86. [11:39] <ShotFun> Can you guys either get a room or take it outside, this behavior is unbecoming.
  87. [11:39] <Esrever> Thanks for the save plink.
  88. [11:40] <Uplink> <PM Esrever: they talked shit about a dead 16 year old girl. I'm kind of pissed>
  89. [11:40] <Esrever> <PM Uplink: So did tara. So did others. It makes me mad, sure. But she doesn't care! So stop. It's not bringing people back to life.>
  90. [11:41] <Esrever> Agreed
  91. [11:41] <Esrever> Either fight outside or find a motel room.
  92. [11:41] <Uplink> I'm not gonna fight Katie, unlike her I actually want to accomplish something.
  93. #01[11:41] <Katie_Kaboom> I swear that shifter chick produces sour milk or somethin'. Wwwwwwweeewooo.
  94. #01[11:42] <Katie_Kaboom> Keep grabbin' that moral high ground Princess/
  95. [11:42] <Plink> Shifter?
  96. [11:42] <Uplink> Better then being at the bottom of the barrel with you.
  97. [11:42] <Paladin_> I would advise against the latter, anger and lust make strange bedfellows.
  98. #01[11:42] <Katie_Kaboom> Yeah where ya think she gets all this milk from?
  99. [11:42] <Esrever> According to my cuz?
  100. [11:43] <Esrever> Hatesex best sex
  101. [11:43] <Plink> The cow outback?
  102. #01[11:43] <Katie_Kaboom> Yup.
  103. [11:43] <Esrever> Katie_Kaboom, you mean molly?
  104. [11:43] <ShotFun> <PM Esrever: Do you know any way to keep that couple of doom out of eachothers hair? >
  105. #01[11:43] <Katie_Kaboom> Yeah she got herself a cow.
  106. [11:43] <ShotFun> <PM Esrever: they seem intent on killing eachother>
  107. [11:43] <Esrever> <PM ShotFun: Lord knows.
  108. [11:43] <Esrever> >
  109. [11:44] <Esrever> <PM ShotFun: Might just reccomend the hatesex.
  110. [11:44] <Esrever> >
  111. #01[11:44] <Katie_Kaboom> If I say 'Congratulations you win the matrix' would that let you feel like you won the fight Princess?
  112. [11:44] <Paladin_> <Deeply Praying Internally>
  113. [11:44] <Uplink> No, what would make me feel like I won the fight is if you took your Ares Predator and blew your brains out.
  114. [11:45] <Uplink> Save me some headache
  115. [11:45] <Esrever> Alright.
  116. [11:45] <Esrever> Stop.
  117. #01[11:45] <Katie_Kaboom> Oh wait, wait, I got it. How about this? "I saw Tappers toddies and they were hawt."
  118. [11:45] <Esrever> now.
  119. [11:45] <Esrever> Both of you.
  120. [11:45] <Uplink> You keep glitching about me taking the moral high ground, then you say shit about a dead sixteen year old girl.
  121. [11:45] <Uplink> Congrats.
  122. [11:45] <ShotFun> I will side with Esrever on this occasion
  123. [11:45] <Esrever> Uplink, Katie cares not for your feud. Katie, quit yanking the chain. This is getting annoying.
  124. #01[11:46] <Katie_Kaboom> Shhh she's dumb enough to keep taking the bait.
  125. [11:46] <Esrever> Yeah
  126. #01[11:46] <Katie_Kaboom> They were lush and perky.
  127. [11:47] <Esrever> <PM: Uplink: Stop now. She doesn't care.>
  128. [11:47] <Uplink> I honestly pray to whatever god will listen that I never end up on a run with someone as pathetic as you.
  129. [11:47] <Paladin_> I've heard hell hath no fury like a woman scorned but Lord Almighty lets not fall into barbarity .
  130. [11:47] <Esrever> ...
  131. #01[11:47] <Katie_Kaboom> Bwahahaha!
  132. #01[11:47] <Katie_Kaboom> Your whole team got killed, sounds like they should have had the same prayer..
  133. [11:48] <Paladin_> Oh Lord...
  134. [11:48] <Plink> ((dat chaos mentor))
  135. #01[11:48] <Katie_Kaboom> ((100%)0
  136. [11:48] <Uplink> (I thought chaos mentor was NPC only?)
  137. [11:48] <Paladin_> (Nah Doom is the toxic, Chaos is PC & NPC)
  138. [11:49] <Paladin_> ((Raven would be similar but she would be an intellectual troll))
  139. #01[11:49] <Katie_Kaboom> Were you like asleep or somethin' when they were gettin' killed?
  140. [11:49] <Uplink> You know what, I'm done, just letting you know if I ever find you katie, that your somehow tied with monarch on my shit list.
  141. #01[11:50] <Katie_Kaboom> Oh noooooo, my secrets.
  142. [11:50] <Uplink> (What's katies commlink rating and willpower?)
  143. [11:50] <Esrever> ((no.))
  144. [11:50] <Esrever> ((No PVP.))
  145. #01[11:51] <Katie_Kaboom> (( Do you really want to start PVP? I'm down if you are, but you better not make a single sniffle when shit comes back on you ))
  146. [11:51] <Uplink> (The insults are pvp provoking as hell.)
  147. [11:51] <Paladin_> ((That and stupid editor making stuff getting dirty))
  148. [11:51] <Esrever> ((Doesn't mean that you should, just cuz you could.))
  149. [11:51] <Paladin_> ((You could frame her as a monarch stooge and only a techno could find out))
  150. [11:52] <Uplink> (No, I'm just saying insulting the dead teenarger is a good way to get geeked.)
  151. [11:52] <Esrever> ((Editor? You mean Esrever?))
  152. [11:52] <Paladin_> ((No the techno complex form))
  153. #01[11:52] <Katie_Kaboom> (( Plink you want to handle the rolls for him? ))
  154. [11:52] <Paladin_> ((Res stuff is weird))
  155. [11:52] <Esrever> ((Also, she wasn't She said "Bad planning got her killed" not her bad planning))
  156. [11:53] <Uplink> (She then started talking about Tappers tits)
  157. [11:53] <Uplink> (I think Uplink would honestly try to geek her.)
  158. #01[11:53] <Katie_Kaboom> (( OK then ))
  159. [11:53] <Esrever> ((You wanna lose a character?))
  160. [11:53] <Esrever> ((Or burn edge?))
  161. [11:53] <Artie> =====================================
  162. [11:53] <Uplink> (You saying I couldn't do it?)
  163. [11:53] <Artie> MOD SPEAKING
  164. #03[11:53] * xX_Creak_Xx (7a94a863@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #JP-RunnerHub
  165. [11:54] <Artie> If you have a problem with the way another character acts, say so OOC and ask them to stop.
  166. [11:54] <Esrever> Yessir!
  167. [11:54] <Uplink> Fine.
  168. [11:54] <Artie> This cuts both ways, so if somebody asks you to stop, you should honor that request.
  169. #03[11:54] * __Leo__ (4a0aa104@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #JP-RunnerHub
  170. [11:55] <Esrever> That all?
  171. [11:55] <Artie> But don't start PVP over it.
  172. [11:55] <Uplink> (Katie should stop because honestly IC she seems like an unlikable cunt.)
  173. [11:55] <Paladin_> Good morning Leo are you having a blessed day?
  174. #01[11:55] <Katie_Kaboom> (( So now you're taking shit OOCly? Charming ))
  175. [11:55] <Artie> That is all, mod speaking over.
  176. [11:55] <ShotFun> (uplink whoever you are, stop making stupid comment)
  177. [11:55] <ShotFun> ((both of you))
  178. [11:55] <ShotFun> ((you are behaving like fucking children, its actually despicable))
  179. [11:56] <Uplink> (She's the one consistently picking fights with me)
  180. [11:56] <Paladin_> I would advise you to stay back for a moment. We are defusing a volatile situation.
  181. #03[11:56] * Asura (6e9fb84b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #JP-RunnerHub
  182. [11:56] <__Leo__> I can tell
  183. #03[11:56] * _Spartan (46c383bd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #JP-RunnerHub
  184. [11:57] <Asura> test
  185. [11:57] <Esrever> Coming through Asura !
  186. [11:57] <Paladin_> Hello Asura.
  187. [11:57] <Esrever> Welcome to the livechat!
  188. [11:57] <ShotFun> ((Uplink, you keep replying to them, Katy keeps posting them i dont give two shits who fault it is. You are both making a mistake in continuing this and neither of you was adult enough to stop))
  189. [11:57] <Asura> Greetings
  190. [11:57] <ShotFun> ((so stop acting and ACT LIKE YOU'RE NOT 4))
  191. #01[11:58] <Katie_Kaboom> (( Shotfun, I dropped it. so don't loop me into the OOC rage. Thanks. ))
  192. [11:58] <Uplink> (Fuck you Katie)
  193. #03[11:59] * Artie is now known as shad-68
  194. [11:59] <shad-68> Okay.
  195. [11:59] <Esrever> ((Ahhh shit.))
  196. [11:59] <shad-68> Either this ends right now, or I will remove the offending parties from this chat.
  197. [11:59] <Uplink> (I want an apology for them treating me like shit)
  198. [12:00] <shad-68> I don't care about who's fault what is or "but he started", what I care about is that everyone gets their shit together so that the rest of the people in here can have the fun they came here for.
  199. [12:00] <Paladin_> ((Es I think we need to back away slowly before we get caught in the crossfire))
  200. [12:00] <Esrever> ((TAKE COVER!))
  201. [12:01] <shad-68> Is that fair? Probably not.
  202. [12:01] <shad-68> But I'm not a judge, I'm a peacekeeper. So make peace.
  203. [12:01] <Uplink> (Then tell them to apoligize, and I'll have my peace)
  204. [12:02] <shad-68> You both can apologize to each other, *and* everyone else in this room.
  205. [12:03] <shad-68> If you are unwilling to do that, then don't demand apologies from somebody else.
  206. #01[12:05] <Katie_Kaboom> (( I will apologize to the room, I'm sorry that you all had to put up with that. ))
  207. [12:05] <Uplink> (That's a very backhanded apology katie, kind of feels like you aren't apologizing to me)
  208. #03[12:05] * Freelancer (bcde83cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #JP-RunnerHub
  209. #01[12:06] <Katie_Kaboom> (( I'm dropping the subject and stepping away now. ))
  210. [12:07] <shad-68> If you have more need to discuss this, please do so in private. I am willing to moderate. But don't do it in here.
  211. #02[12:07] * Uplink (47eb82ff@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed#)
  212. #01[12:07] <Katie_Kaboom> (( #ShadGoHere ))
  213. [12:07] <shad-68> BACK TO IC AFTER THE LINE
  214. [12:07] <shad-68> =========================
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