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Why /b/ wants ponies to gtfo

a guest
Feb 28th, 2012
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  1. --Why users of 4chan, (/b/ mainly) want ponies to go to /mlp/--
  2. Most of us read your pastebin thing already, And those intelligent of us, decided to respond.
  3. First of all,
  4. You say you complain about the rules, Yet you do not follow rules anyways. Global rule #14 states that all pony/brony threads are to remain in /mlp/.
  6. You do have threads exactly the same in /mlp/, Which are even sometimes made by the same people who make the threads on /b/. (Trixie mainly, I have a screencap, But that's pointless) So you don't have any reason to be on /b/ when you can easily make a thread on /mlp/
  8. Now, You said at first that you wouldn't leave because you thought it was a trap. Which was fine, most of us understood that it probably is, after April Furs Day. But now that it isn't a trap, you still remain, you say that the rules do not work in your favor.
  10. Most of us fail to understand which rules these are. No porn allowed? Okay, I usually never see porn on your /b/ threads unless they're spam. Other than that, there are no other rules that really effect any of you.
  12. So why are you still here? Simply because you crave attention. As we've pointed out before, you guys got kicked out of /co/, Yet you did not fight to stay there. So why stay on /b/? You have your very own board, It's peaceful, more interesting, there's no spam, you have longer threads, you have tripcodes, names, And, you don't have to use Milky's script in order to register a name.
  14. Now, What else was annoying? Dubs threads. You sometimes say "Why do you bitch at us, and not the dubs threads that are posted all the time?" Not many people liked dubs threads, Which is why Moot removed dubs, and trips. If you're fans of the show, that's great, I personally love the show and everything about it. However, you people still fail to reason with /b/.
  16. /b/ is meant for RANDOM posts, Sure there are reposts, but you don't see threads that say "Omegle trolling" every day, all day, or Princess Haiku circlejerk threads, Or Gfur threads. You see those once every few days.
  18. if you aren't gonna move to /mlp/, Then at least slow down.
  19. I proved all your points wrong, And I'd love to hear another one of your reasons for not leaving.
  21. TL;DR - You're inconsiderate. We sat through your paste, Sit through ours.
  23. Again, You're not proving anything by protesting and Occupying /b/. (Yes, you are protesting by not leaving)
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