

Feb 19th, 2017
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  1. // this is an excerpt of the script tags in the original JS file
  2. // mainly to focus on the 'body' of the JS
  4. mTop = top;
  5. mSelf = self;
  6. submited = false;
  8. function submit() {
  10. if (submited) {
  11. return false;
  12. }
  14. submited = true;
  16. // perform javascript eval()
  17. eval( // broken down for ease of viewing
  18. // this function accepts six input values, and the results of those values appear to be dependent upon one another
  19. function(p,a,c,k,e,d){
  21. e=function(c){
  22. return c.toString(36)
  23. };
  25. if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){
  26. while(c--){
  27. d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)
  28. }
  30. k=[function(e){
  31. return d[e]
  32. }];
  34. e=function(){
  35. return'\\w+'
  36. };
  38. c=1
  39. };
  41. while(c--){
  42. if(k[c]){
  43. p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])
  44. }
  45. }
  46. return p
  47. } // end of function 'packed'
  48. // below are in the input parameters for the function
  49. // each occupying a single line to show what input belongs to which parameter
  50. ('c a;c b;c 6;l(9 4.k!=\'8\'){a=4.k;b=4.m}i l(9 3.5!=\'8\'&&9 3.5.7!=\'8\'&&3.5.7!=0){a=3.5.7;b=3.5.g}i{a=3.j(\'h\')[0].7;b=3.j(\'h\')[0].g}o{6=4.n!==4.q?1:0}p(e){6=2}3.d(\'a\').f=a;3.d(\'b\').f=b;3.d(\'6\').f=6;',
  51. 27,
  52. 27,
  53. '|||document|window|documentElement|ix|clientWidth|undefined|typeof|||var|getElementById||value|clientHeight|body|else|getElementsByTagName|innerWidth|if|innerHeight|self|try|catch|top'.split('|'),
  54. 0,
  55. {}) // this is the end of the input parameters
  56. ); // end the eval() statement
  60. var flash = 0;
  61. try {
  62. var FlashDetect=new function(){
  63. var self=this;
  64. self.installed=false;
  65. self.raw="";
  66. self.major=-1;
  67. self.minor=-1;
  68. self.revision=-1;
  69. self.revisionStr="";
  70. var activeXDetectRules=[
  71. // activeXDetection rules
  72. // looks like an structure of arrays that hold dictionary key-value pairs for "name" and "version"
  73. {"name":"ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7","version":function(obj){return getActiveXVersion(obj);}},
  74. {"name":"ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6","version":function(obj){var version="6,0,21";try{obj.AllowScriptAccess="always";version=getActiveXVersion(obj);}catch(err){}
  75. return version;}},
  76. {"name":"ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash","version":function(obj){return getActiveXVersion(obj);}}
  77. ];
  79. // this method will take input of the activeXObj and the return value would be the version of activeX in use
  80. var getActiveXVersion=function(activeXObj){
  81. var version=-1;
  82. try{
  83. version=activeXObj.GetVariable("$version");
  84. }catch(err){}
  85. return version;
  86. }; // end getActiveXVersion function
  88. // this method would be used to obtain the activeXObj given the input name
  89. var getActiveXObject=function(name){
  90. var obj=-1;
  91. try{
  92. obj=new ActiveXObject(name);
  93. }catch(err){
  94. obj={activeXError:true};
  95. }
  96. return obj;
  97. }; // end getActiveXObject function
  99. // this is a method to parse out the ActiveXVersion that is in use, given a string input
  100. // return an array of dictionary key-value pairs major version, minor version, revision number, and revision string
  101. var parseActiveXVersion=function(str){
  102. var versionArray=str.split(",");
  103. return{"raw":str,"major":parseInt(versionArray[0].split(" ")[1],10),"minor":parseInt(versionArray[1],10),"revision":parseInt(versionArray[2],10),"revisionStr":versionArray[2]}; // end return
  104. }; // end parseActiveXVersion function
  106. // this method is used to parse the standard version, given a string input
  107. // the return value is an array of dictionary key-value pairs major, minor, revision string, and revision number
  108. var parseStandardVersion=function(str){
  109. var descParts=str.split(/ +/);
  110. var majorMinor=descParts[2].split(/\./);
  111. var revisionStr=descParts[3];
  112. return{"raw":str,"major":parseInt(majorMinor[0],10),"minor":parseInt(majorMinor[1],10),"revisionStr":revisionStr,"revision":parseRevisionStrToInt(revisionStr)}; // end return
  113. }; // end parseStandardVersion function
  115. // this method is to parse the revision string, given a string input
  116. // the return value is either parsed out or the current class revision value
  117. var parseRevisionStrToInt=function(str){
  118. return parseInt(str.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g,""),10)||self.revision;
  119. }; // end parseRevisionsStrToInt function
  121. // accepts the version as input
  122. // returns true if the class' major version is greater than or equal to the input version, otherwise false
  123. self.majorAtLeast=function(version){
  124. return self.major>=version;
  125. }; // end majorAtLeast function
  127. // accepts the version as input
  128. // returns true if the class' minor version is greater than or equal to the input version, otherwise false
  129. self.minorAtLeast=function(version){
  130. return self.minor>=version;
  131. }; // end minorAtLeast function
  133. // accepts the version as input
  134. // returns true if the class' revision number is greater than or equal to the input version, otherwise false
  135. self.revisionAtLeast=function(version){
  136. return self.revision>=version;
  137. }; // end revisionAtLeast function
  139. // accepts the major version as input
  140. self.versionAtLeast=function(major){
  141. // creates a list of the major version, minor version, and version number
  142. var properties=[self.major,self.minor,self.revision];
  144. // compares the length of the lists 'properties' and 'arguments' for which is shorter
  145. var len=Math.min(properties.length,arguments.length);
  147. // iterate through the the lists (stopping condition is the shorter list's length)
  148. for(i=0;i<len;i++){
  149. // tests if the value at each index of the list 'properties' si greater than or equal to the value at each index of 'arguments'
  150. if(properties[i]>=arguments[i]){
  151. // if the versions match and we haven't run off the array, current for-loop iteration ends and proceed with the next
  152. if(i+1<len&&properties[i]==arguments[i]){
  153. continue;
  154. // this indicates the indexed value at 'properties' is greater than 'arguments' breakout and return true
  155. } else {
  156. return true;
  157. } // end inner if-else statement
  158. // otherwise the indexed value at 'properties' is greater than 'arguments' breakout and return false
  159. } else {
  160. return false;
  161. } // end outer if-else statement
  162. } // end for-loop
  163. }; // end versionAtLeast function
  166. self.FlashDetect=function(){
  167. if(navigator.plugins&&navigator.plugins.length>0){
  168. var type='application/x-shockwave-flash';
  169. var mimeTypes=navigator.mimeTypes;
  170. if(mimeTypes&&mimeTypes[type]&&mimeTypes[type].enabledPlugin&&mimeTypes[type].enabledPlugin.description){
  171. var version=mimeTypes[type].enabledPlugin.description;
  172. var versionObj=parseStandardVersion(version);
  173. self.raw=versionObj.raw;
  174. self.major=versionObj.major;
  175. self.minor=versionObj.minor;
  176. self.revisionStr=versionObj.revisionStr;
  177. self.revision=versionObj.revision;
  178. self.installed=true;
  179. }
  180. } else if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")==-1&&window.execScript){
  181. var version=-1;
  182. for(var i=0;i<activeXDetectRules.length&&version==-1;i++){
  183. var obj=getActiveXObject(activeXDetectRules[i].name);
  184. if(!obj.activeXError){
  185. self.installed=true;
  186. version=activeXDetectRules[i].version(obj);
  187. if(version!=-1){
  188. var versionObj=parseActiveXVersion(version);
  189. self.raw=versionObj.raw;
  190. self.major=versionObj.major;
  191. self.minor=versionObj.minor;
  192. self.revision=versionObj.revision;
  193. self.revisionStr=versionObj.revisionStr;
  194. } // of if statement for 'version != -1'
  195. } // end of if statement for 'not activeXError'
  196. } // end of for-loop
  197. } // end of outermost if-elseif statement
  198. }(); // end FlashDetect constructor, no input parameters are passed
  199. }; // end the FlashDetect class
  201. if (FlashDetect.major > 0) {
  202. flash = 1;
  203. }
  204. } catch (e) {
  205. flash = 2;
  206. } // end major try-catch block
  208. window.document.getElementById("fs").value=flash;
  210. // perform javascript eval()
  211. eval( // broken down for ease of viewing
  212. function(p,a,c,k,e,d){
  213. e=function(c){
  214. return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))
  215. };
  216. if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){
  217. while(c--){
  218. d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)
  219. }
  221. k=[function(e){
  222. return d[e]
  223. }];
  225. e=function(){
  226. return'\\w+'
  227. };
  229. c=1
  230. };
  232. while(c--){
  233. if(k[c]){
  234. p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])
  235. }
  236. }
  238. return p
  239. } // end of function 'packed'
  240. // below are in the input parameters for the function
  241. // each occupying a single line to show what input belongs to which parameter
  242. ('b 4={};8{4.17=n.1b.1p;4.R=n.1b.1p}5(e){4.17=-1;4.R=-1}8{4.S=n.1u;4.X=n.1r}5(e){4.S=-1;4.X=-1}8{4.V=n.1O;4.T=n.1N}5(e){4.V=-1;4.T=-1}8{4.Q=n.1M;4.14=n.1K}5(e){4.Q=-1;4.14=-1}8{4.Y=n.1B.1C.z}5(e){4.Y=-1}8{4.15=f.1D.1A}5(e){4.15=\'-\'}8{4.1j=f.1z}5(e){4.1j=\'-\'}8{4.19=(!(v.G 1w 1x)||v.G.z==0)?0:1}5(e){4.19=-1}8{4.18=n.1y||n.1E}5(e){4.18=\'-\'}8{4.11=1k(v.1F)==="h"?1:0}5(e){4.11=-1}8{4.P=1k(v.1v)!=="1J"?1:0}5(e){4.P=-1}4.H=0;8{b 13=1f h(){b 9=1G;9.N=1c;9.w="";9.p=-1;9.s=-1;9.q=-1;9.r="";b L=[{"C":"A.A.7","c":h(l){m K(l)}},{"C":"A.A.6","c":h(l){b c="6,0,21";8{l.1H="1I";c=K(l)}5(O){}m c}},{"C":"A.A","c":h(l){m K(l)}}];b K=h(1e){b c=-1;8{c=1e.1t("$c")}5(O){}m c};b 1i=h(C){b l=-1;8{l=1f 1q(C)}5(O){l={1n:F}}m l};b 1l=h(t){b D=t.I(",");m{"w":t,"p":B(D[0].I(" ")[1],10),"s":B(D[1],10),"q":B(D[2],10),"r":D[2]}};b 1g=h(t){b 1a=t.I(/ +/);b 16=1a[2].I(/\\./);b r=1a[3];m{"w":t,"p":B(16[0],10),"s":B(16[1],10),"r":r,"q":1o(r)}};b 1o=h(t){m B(t.1s(/[a-1L-Z]/g,""),10)||9.q};9.2f=h(c){m 9.p>=c};9.2g=h(c){m 9.s>=c};9.2e=h(c){m 9.q>=c};9.2d=h(p){b J=[9.p,9.s,9.q];b 12=2a.2b(J.z,M.z);1m(i=0;i<12;i++){u(J[i]>=M[i]){u(i+1<12&&J[i]==M[i]){2i}W{m F}}W{m 1c}}};9.13=h(){u(v.G&&v.G.z>0){b E=\'1P/x-2c-2h\';b y=v.y;u(y&&y[E]&&y[E].U&&y[E].U.1d){b c=y[E].U.1d;b o=1g(c);9.w=o.w;9.p=o.p;9.s=o.s;9.r=o.r;9.q=o.q;9.N=F}}W u(v.2k.2j("29")==-1&&n.1V){b c=-1;1m(b i=0;i<L.z&&c==-1;i++){b l=1i(L[i].C);u(!l.1n){9.N=F;c=L[i].c(l);u(c!=-1){b o=1l(c);9.w=o.w;9.p=o.p;9.s=o.s;9.q=o.q;9.r=o.r}}}}}()};u(13.p>0){4.H=1}}5(e){4.H=2}8{1h(4)}5(e){};h 1h(d){8{f.k(\'1Y\').j=d.17}5(e){}8{f.k(\'1Z\').j=d.R}5(e){}8{f.k(\'26\').j=d.S}5(e){}8{f.k(\'27\').j=d.X}5(e){}8{f.k(\'25\').j=d.V}5(e){}8{f.k(\'24\').j=d.T}5(e){}8{f.k(\'20\').j=d.Q}5(e){}8{f.k(\'22\').j=d.14}5(e){}8{f.k(\'23\').j=d.Y}5(e){}8{f.k(\'1S\').j=d.15}5(e){}8{f.k(\'1R\').j=d.19}5(e){}8{f.k(\'1Q\').j=d.18}5(e){}8{f.k(\'1T\').j=d.11}5(e){}8{f.k(\'1U\').j=d.P}5(e){}8{f.k(\'1X\').j=d.1W}5(e){}8{f.k(\'28\').j=d.H}5(e){}};',
  243. 62,
  244. 145,
  245. '||||QC|catch|||try|self||var|version|||document||function||value|getElementById|obj|return|window|versionObj|major|revision|revisionStr|minor|str|if|navigator|raw||mimeTypes|length|ShockwaveFlash|parseInt|name|versionArray|type|true|plugins|CF|split|properties|getActiveXVersion|activeXDetectRules|arguments|installed|err|NG|WIW|SH|WX|WH|enabledPlugin|WW|else|WY|WFC|||NB|len|FlashDetect|WIH|PL|majorMinor|SW|PT|NP|descParts|screen|false|description|activeXObj|new|parseStandardVersion|QCDone|getActiveXObject|RF|typeof|parseActiveXVersion|for|activeXError|parseRevisionStrToInt|width|ActiveXObject|screenY|replace|GetVariable|screenX|geolocation|instanceof|PluginArray|callPhantom|referrer|href|top|frames|location|_phantom|sendBeacon|this|AllowScriptAccess|always|undefined|innerHeight|zA|innerWidth|outerHeight|outerWidth|application|ci_PT|ci_NP|ci_PL|ci_NB|ci_NG|execScript|DM|ci_DM|ci_SW|ci_SH|ci_WIW||ci_WIH|ci_WFC|ci_WH|ci_WW|ci_WX|ci_WY|ci_CF|Mac|Math|min|shockwave|versionAtLeast|revisionAtLeast|majorAtLeast|minorAtLeast|flash|continue|indexOf|appVersion'.split('|'),
  246. 0,
  247. {}) // end of FlashFunction input parameters
  248. ) // end of second eval() function
  254. // submit the form element data
  255. window.document.getElementById("submit-form").submit();
  256. } // end function submit()
  258. // function that sets the timeout value to true and sends the form data
  259. function submitByTimeout(){
  260. window.document.getElementById("timeout").value=1;
  261. submit();
  262. }
  264. // call the submit() function
  265. submit();
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