
Anon's Not a Pony!

Jan 4th, 2016
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  1. by Anon and Anon
  3. >Anon scratches at his horse mask for a moment.
  4. >Every so often he has to take it off and air it out, the condensation from breathing makes it unbearably stuffy.
  5. >Anon searches for a quiet, tucked away area. The ponies can never know his secret. They can never see him without his mask. They can never know he is.. human.
  6. >Anon walks for a few minutes outside Ponyville and finds a tree next to a pond
  7. >After looking around for any ponies and seeing that the coast is clear he removes the mask and strips off his silk bath robe.
  8. >the light hurts his eyes for a moment but he smiles as the fresh air hits his face.
  9. >Laying the mask on the grass he kneels down over the water and looks at his reflection
  10. >After a moment he splashes some water on his face to remove the sweat
  11. >"Damn that mask is hot"
  12. >Anon closes his eyes and lets the sun's rays warm his body
  13. >"And what mask would that be?"
  14. >He opens his eyes in panic and sees Twilight staring back at him from the reflection in the pool
  15. >whipping around he confronts the purple pony
  16. >"I knew it! I read and re-read every book on pony anatomy in the library, and I was right! Your walking habits, your disgusting obsession with being clothed 24/7, it all makes sense now! You couldn't possibly be a pony!"
  17. >"You're a real detective there, Twi. Bravo" Anon cocks his head, the sarcasm is palpable.
  19. >Anon's eyes move to the wrinkled horse mask on the grass a few feet away
  20. >Twilight follows his gaze and crinkles her brow
  21. >The sight of what her friends had hitherto assumed was Anon's face disgusted her. A lonely, hollow, wrinkled piece of rubber.
  22. >"I have to go to Celestia with this."
  23. >Anon smiles. "And what will you tell her?"
  24. >"That there's a lying, masked freak walking among us!"
  25. >Anon chuckles and stares up at the sky for a moment.
  26. >"Do you think she'll believe you?"
  27. >"Why wouldn't she? I'm her most trusted pupil!"
  28. >A knowing look crosses Anon's face. "We'll see."
  29. >Anon walks to the tree and dons his horse mask
  30. >"Give my best to Tia, Twilight." Anon says as he ties the belt of his silk bath robe. He waves and then struts back to Ponyville.
  31. >Twilight cocks an eyebrow at the nebulous statement. “What could that possibly mean?” she thinks to herself.
  32. >Pushing the thought aside she takes to the air, ready to confront Celestia with the new information.
  34. >The guards at Canterlot rush to salute Twilight as she rushes by.
  35. >She bursts through the doors to Celestia's chambers
  36. >"Princess! I have something incredibly important to discuss with you!"
  37. >First there's silence then Celestia pokes her head out of the door to her bathroom. Twilight can hear a shower running.
  38. >"Oh Twilight! It's good to see you! Just give me a moment and I'll be out to speak to you." Her head darts back in the room and the door closes
  39. >Twilight pouts and sits down to wait.
  40. >After a while Celestia emerges from the room with a towel wrapped around her mane, the steam from the shower cloaking her in mist.
  41. >"What can I do for you, my dear?"
  42. >"I have terrible news! It's about Anon!"
  43. >Celestia's ears perk up at the mention of Anon and she sits down near her star pupil
  44. >"Goodness! He's not hurt is he?" she asks with concern. "I was worried today might have worn him out."
  45. >"No he's not hurt, it's about him being a... wait, what?"
  46. >"Never mind Twilight, what is this terrible news?"
  47. >Well, uh, it turns out Anon isn't a pony at all! He's a human!"
  49. >Celestia begins to laugh. At first quietly, then louder and louder, until her laughter fills the room. A guard peeks in the entrance for a moment then darts back out. The laughter builds into a crescendo and Twilight grips the ground as the window panes begin to shake.
  50. >Then, as quickly as it started, the laughter stopped. Celestia wiped a tear from her eye and looked at Twilight.
  51. >"Oh don't be outrageous, Twilight." She says in-between giggles. "If Anon was a human.." again, she stifles some laughter. She grips her cheeks and tries to put on a serious face.
  52. >"Trust me, Twilight. If he was human, I would know."
  53. >The guard from earlier peeks in and asks if everything is alright.
  54. >"Oh it's fine, dear. I was just speaking to Twilight about Anon."
  55. >The guard smirks a little and the two exchange knowing glances.
  56. >Twilight, confused by all this, begins to speak "Um, Princess, can you tell me what's going on he-"
  57. >Celestia cuts her off. "Now, Twilight, I believe you were taking your leave."
  58. >Celestia suddenly looks quite serious. Twilight sighs and stands up, knowing the conversation is over. As she shuffles out the door, the Princess calls after her.
  59. >"Oh, and Twilight? Don't make any more fuss about Anon."
  60. >Twilight turns back but the guard shuts the door in her face.
  61. >”Something's up here and I have to figure it out,” she thinks to herself.
  62. >She takes to the air, again, to return to Ponyville.
  64. >Twilight decides to go to Rarity first.
  65. >She descends in front of Carousel Boutique but is met with a familiar face, or rather, mask.
  66. >Anon uses his hand to wipe something from his mouth.
  67. >”Oh hey there, Twilight. How’d it go with Celestia?”
  68. >”I have a feeling you already know, Anon” she replies.
  69. >Anon shrugs and moves aside to let Twilight enter the Boutique.
  70. >”Oh, and Twilight? Give my best to Rarity, would ya?” Anon says as he ties the belt of his silk bath robe.
  71. >Twilight doesn’t have the time to tell off Anon. She curses the handsome devil under her breath and storms into the boutique.
  72. >”Rarity! We need to talk!”
  73. >Rarity is re-applying makeup but looks from the mirror to Twilight with a bewildered stare.
  74. >”Okay, darling. Just sit down and we’ll talk.” Rarity notices the annoyed look on her friend’s face. “Whatever is the matter, dear?”
  76. >”It’s about Anon.”
  77. >Rarity blushes for a moment. ”Ooooo Anon. He’s quite the stallion isn’t he?” she asks.
  78. >” Well, uh, yes, I just saw him in front of the boutique, actually. He said for me to give you his best.”
  79. >Rarity sighs and stares into the mirror, lost in her thoughts. “What a gentleman,” she says to herself.
  80. >”Wait, NO! He’s not a stallion! He’s a human!” Twilight shouts.
  81. >Rarity wrinkles her brow at this and stares at her friend. “A human? Preposterous.” Rarity taps her chin for a moment. “Though I’d hardly care if he was.” She looks to the pile of messy sheets on her bed and blushes a deep scarlet.
  82. >Rarity gets up and moves to make her bed.
  83. >”Goodness, Rarity. It’s the afternoon, did you just get up?” asks Twilight as she watches her friend.
  84. >Rarity giggles a little. “So to speak.”
  85. >”Now listen Twilight, I have some things I need to do so could you maybe come back later and we can talk then?”
  86. >Twilight cocked an eyebrow. Why are all my friends rushing me out today? she thought to herself.
  87. >Twilight left the boutique and decided to see if Pinkie had noticed anything strange about Anon with her “Pinkie Sense”.
  89. >On her way to Sugarcube Corner, Twilight tried her best to puzzle out what had been going on with her friends. How did they all know Anon so well? How had he even met Celestia?? Thoughts such as these stormed about in her head.
  90. >As she arrived at Sugarcube Corner, a familiar sight met her eyes.
  91. >Anon tip-toed out the door of Sugarcube Corner and was trying to close the door silently when Twilight confronted him.
  92. >”And just what do you think you’re doing, Anon?”
  93. >Anon slowly stood up straight and twirled on his toe to face Twilight.
  94. >”Oh hey, Twilight, didn’t see ya there.”
  95. >”Yes. I noticed,” said Twilight, icily.
  96. >Once again, Anon shrugged his shoulders. He stepped aside and beckoned for Twilight to enter.
  97. >”Oh, Twilight, by the way..” says Anon as Twilight shuffles past
  98. >”Give my best to Pinkie, yeah? Tell her I think we should party again some time,” Anon says as he ties the belt of his silk bath robe.
  99. >”I’m not your messenger, Anon.”
  100. >Again, Anon shrugs and struts off.
  101. >This is getting ridiculous! Twilight thought to herself, as she pushed through the door to Sugarcube Corner.
  102. >“Pinkie! I need to speak to you!”
  103. >The sound of pots and pans crashing about on the floor fills the room, and Pinkie calls from the kitchen:
  104. >”Twilight?? Wh-what are you doing here? The sign says we’re closed!”
  105. >”Yes but this is extremely important, Pinkie!”
  106. >”Oh alright, just give me a second to get cleaned up over here.”
  107. >”Cleaned up from what?”
  108. >More crashing sounds come from the kitchen and Pinkie doesn’t answer.
  109. >Twilight seats herself at the counter and taps her hoof in annoyance.
  111. >Finally, Pinkie emerges from the kitchen. She looks tired, but has a lazy sort of satisfied look on her face.
  112. >”What’s up, Twilight? Sorry to keep you waiting there, I just had SO many things to clean up, it’s been a REALLY busy day so far!”
  113. >Twilight looked out through the windows. It didn’t appear any of the shops were having busy days, least of all Sugarcube Corner.
  114. >”Uhh, Okay. I just needed to ask you about Anon, have you met him?”
  115. >”OH oh! I have! He was in earlier.. he was, uh, helping me bake!” cried Pinkie Pie.
  116. >Twilight noticed that Pinkie’s Mane was standing up straighter than usual.
  117. >”Are you using… hair gel, Pinkie?” she asked.
  118. >Pinkie saw what she meant and quickly tamped down her hair to respectable Pinkie-levels.
  119. >”Oh that? It’s probably just, um, icing from earlier.”
  120. >”What exactly WERE you doing earlier?” asked Twilight.
  121. >”Oh Anon and I were just making icing together,” Pinkie said with a smirk.
  122. >As if on cue, Pinkie mane sprung up to its previous height.
  123. >”Alright, uh, Twilight? I have A LOT more cleaning to do so could you maybe come back later?”
  124. >”AHHHH! Fine! What is with everyone today?” Twilight shouted in frustration.
  125. >”You all have a lot of explaining to do, that’s for sure,” Twilight said as she headed for the door.
  126. >She slammed the door on her way out. I need to clear my head, she thought. Maybe a nap will do the trick.
  127. >As she walked home she passed the café. There sitting at a table, cross-legged, was Anon sipping on a cocktail.
  128. >Anon smiled and raised his glass to the purple pony.
  129. >”UGH!” she yelled and galloped away. This is getting truly ridiculous!
  131. >Twilight hurried in to the library and ran up to her bed.
  132. >”Spike! I’m going to take a nap so mind the library for the time being, okay?”
  133. >Twilight heard a deflated sigh from Spike. “Okay, Twilight. I was going to meet a friend but I guess it’ll have to be another time.”
  134. >Twilight’s ears perked up in alarm
  135. >”And just who might this friend be, Spike?”
  136. >Twilight could hear Spike scrambling downstairs. “Uh, what’s that, Twilight? I’m just doing dishes, can’t hear you!”
  137. >Ugh, she thought to herself. This is out of control. That Anon is up to no good.
  138. >As she thought of various ways to pulverize Anon, she slowly drifted off to sleep.
  139. >….
  140. >Twilight awoke with a start. She was in a dark room. She got up and began to walk, wondering where she had been transported.
  141. >As she walked she began to see a light in the distance. She hurried toward it, but as she drew closer she sighed in disgust.
  142. >There sitting atop a magnificent throne, was Anon. He took dainty sips from a whiskey-and-water as a harem of Twilight’s friends groveled at his feet, and took turns rubbing their cheeks against his legs.
  143. >”Well well well,” said Anon. “Twilight, we just can’t seem to stay away from each other.”
  145. >Twilight stamped her hooves in anger. “I can’t believe you’re even invading my dreams now, Anon!”
  146. >”Tut tut, Twilight,” said the horse-masked intruder. “It’s unbecoming of a lady to show her frustration so plainly. It is YOUR dream, after all. You must WANT me here.” With this he gave Twilight a wink.
  147. >”Get out! Get out! GET OUT!” shouted Twilight.
  148. >Anon shot her a disappointed look. “Very well.” He stood up from his throne, to the dismay of his harem.
  149. >”Ladies, please. If Twilight wants me gone then I must go.” The ponies shot Twilight a disapproving look.
  150. >”For shame, Twilight!” shouted Rarity.
  151. >”MM-HM” agreed Pinkie.
  152. >Anon gently removed the ponies from his legs and stepped down from the thrown.
  153. >“Oh, and Twilight? Give my best to Princess Luna, will you? She really is the Princess of the night,” said Anon, as he tied the belt of his silk bath robe. A chuckle escaped his lips.
  154. >”And just what is that supposed to mean?!” yelled Twilight.
  155. >Anon began to dissolve into the darkness, along with his throne and harem. “Tah tah, Twilight. See you again soon, I’m sure.”
  156. >Twilight raced toward the dissolving apparition but was too slow. Once again she was alone in the darkness. If this is a dream then I want the hell out, thought Twilight.
  158. >Just then, she heard hoof steps behind her. She turned and witnessed Luna emerge from the dark.
  159. >”Princess Luna!”
  160. >”Twilight! How are you this fine evening?” said the Princess.
  161. >”Horrible, Princess! Anon invaded my dreams! He’s a troublemaker, that’s for sure.”
  162. >Luna blushed. “Oh, come now Twilight. Anon’s not all that bad.”
  163. >”Oh gosh, has he got to you too?”
  164. >Luna paused for a moment. “Well, ‘got’ isn’t quite the word. I have met him though, so to speak.”
  165. >”What in Equestria is going on here?? He’s just Anon, how has me managed to meet all my friends and the Princesses as well?”
  166. >”I am not sure myself, Twilight. He is, however, quite the charmer. Shall I tell you more about him? He’s quite well endo-“
  167. >”ENOUGH! I think I’ve heard all I.. wait, what did you say?” asked Twilight.
  168. >”Hm,” thought the Princess. “Perhaps I have said too much.”
  169. >”AGH, just get me out of here! This nap is over. I need to go speak to Fluttershy.”
  170. >Luna looked annoyed. “Tsk, as you wish.” With that the darkness of the dream world began to recede and, slowly, Twilight awoke to the surroundings of her bedroom.
  171. >”Fluttershy has got to know what’s going on here!” said Twilight as she leapt from bed and headed downstairs.
  173. ---
  174. Second Anon (1/4)
  176. >When she arrived at her cottage, it was deserted.
  177. >Just as Twilight turned to leave, she heard a loud crash from within.
  178. >She burst though the door, but there was no one to be seen.
  179. >Suddenly, the door shut behind her, and out stepped Anon from behind.
  181. "Twilight. I am not the Anon you seek."
  182. >"Huh? What's wrong with your voice?"
  183. >Sure enough, once her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could see that Anon lacked a horse mask, and had a completely different face.
  184. "I don't approve of the other Anon's actions. He's corrupting your friends and family to live out his sick fantasies, and I plan to stop him."
  185. >"I suspected as such. How do we stop him? How do I know I can trust you, for that matter?"
  186. "He's assumed direct control over your world. I have control as well, and I can reorient this world into something closer to what you'd want it to be, but it's easier said than done."
  187. >"Direct control?"
  188. "I have control for the time being, but by the time we're done talking, he'll have it back. What happens next depends on his reaction to my interference."
  189. "He can't control me directly, but there's a good chance he could decide we'd never met, until I appear again. You might experience deja vu, and arrive here again, from nowhere."
  190. "It might not even be the same Anon that decides what happens, due to the precedent I'm currently setting."
  191. >"I'm still having a hard time understanding. How does he have control? How do YOU have control? How many of you are there? Is this a normal human thing?"
  192. "I wouldn't dwell on it to much, just let nature take it's course, Twilight."
  193. >"So, what, you just want me to do nothing?"
  194. "You can't do nothing unless one of us wills you to."
  195. >"What are you talking about!? Anon, what's REALLY going on here? WHO ARE-"
  196. >Before she could finish her sentence, he vanished immediately.
  197. >"-you?"
  198. >Twilight looked all around her, but found no trace.
  199. >"What has my life become?"
  201. ---
  203. >Twilight hurried out the library door, and set out for Fluttershy’s cottage.
  204. >If this Anon can enter a pony’s dream then something far more nefarious must be at work, she thought to herself.
  205. >She wracked her brain for a solution as she galloped to the cottage.
  206. >As Twilight crossed the bridge to Fluttershy’s home a sense of dread filled her heart. What if he’s been here too? she thought.
  207. >Hurriedly she ran up and pounded on the door. “Fluttershy! Let me in!”
  208. >Twilight heard a muffled “oh goodness!” from in the house, followed by frantic hoof steps.
  209. >A moment passed and the door opened a crack. Fluttershy asked “um, who is it?”
  210. >“It’s Twilight! I need to talk to you RIGHT NOW!”
  211. >”Oh.. um, goodness.. you mean now-now?” asked the timid pegasus.
  212. >”YES! Now-now!” Twilight shouted.
  213. >”Well, um, I’m a little preoccupied right now, you see. So, um, maybe you cou-“
  214. >”Who’s that at the door, dear,” came a voice from inside.
  215. >Twilight balked at the voice. She knew it. That voice could only belong to-
  216. >”Oh, hey Twilight, didn’t expect to see you here. You really get around don’t you?” said Anon, who emerged from the dark tying the belt of his silk bath robe.
  218. >”Not nearly as much as you!” she screamed.
  219. >”Now listen, Twilight,” Fluttershy interrupted, “it’s not what you think. I was just teaching Anon about some of the animals in Equestria.”
  220. >”Which ones?? The birds and the bees??”
  221. >Fluttershy blushed deeply and replied “Well, um, if you put it that way I gue-“
  222. >”No need Fluttershy, I’ll handle this,” said Anon.
  223. >”You see, Twilight, all I know about animals comes from books and magazines. I thought a little ‘field’ research might prove useful.” With that, Anon nudged Fluttershy who, obviously embarrassed, giggled a little.
  224. >”Leave us, Anon.” Twilight pointed to the front yard with her hoof. “I need to speak to Fluttershy. In PRIVATE.” At the mention of the word ‘private’, Anon and Fluttershy burst into another fit of giggles.
  225. >With an exasperated grunt, Twilight propelled Anon out from the doorstep to the front lawn.
  226. >”Just WHAT is this about, Fluttershy?”
  227. >”I mean, um, Twilight… like, come on. It’s kind of obvious, do I really have to spell it out?”
  228. >Now Twilight blushed. “That’s, uh, that’s not important. Look, what I need to tell you is ABOUT Anon. He’s not a pony.” Twilight took a deep breath. “He’s human!!”
  230. >”Goodness,” replied Fluttershy. “I’m not so sure about that. Um, like, everything.. you know, everything was there. I mean, I’m pretty sure I would know at this point if he was human or not.”
  231. >“Celestia said something like that too,” said Twilight, now more bewildered than angry.
  232. >“Anyway, Twilight, I have some things to, um, you know, do now that Anon has left.” The pegasus looked to her friend for understanding.
  233. >Twilight sighed a mighty sigh and relented. “Fine. But we all need to get together and discuss Anon soon, okay?”
  234. >The pegasus nodded and slowly closed the door.
  235. >Now Twilight turned around to face Anon in the front yard.
  236. >”Anon, you need to leave this town, NOW!” she shouted.
  237. >Anon did not turn to look at her this time. He was squatting near one of Fluttershy’s many gardens.
  238. >Anon pushed the nose of his horse mask into some flowers and made sniffing sounds. “You know, Twilight, sometimes it helps to stop and sniff the roses. Really puts things in perspective.”
  239. >Twilight stomped one hoof into the ground. “Go. NOW.”
  240. >Anon shakes his head and slowly gets up. “You know, for someone who represents the element of Magic, you certainly are a remarkable bore.”
  241. >Twilight grumbled to herself but was lost for a reply.
  242. >As Anon paced away he called out:
  243. >”Oh, and Twilight, be a pal and give my best to Applejack, ‘kay?”
  245. ---
  246. Second Anon (2/4)
  248. "Quite a raunchy sort, isn't he?"
  249. >Twilight turned around to see the second Anon behind her.
  250. >"You again! Why aren't you doing anything?"
  251. "He ignored my presence... mostly. He acknowledged me, but he didn't work off of me."
  252. >"Work off of you!? What is going on!?"
  253. "Twilight, I can fix everything he's done, but I have to wait for him to finish his deeds before I can do so. Once he's gotten bored enough, he'll lose control and I can begin repairs."
  254. "I have a hunch on what he's planning, but I can't really do anything about it at this time. I need to be sure what his planned end result is. For the time being, you're on your own."
  255. >"You aren't much help. Why are you even bothering to tell me this?"
  256. "I'd like to tell you it's so I can give you hope through this ordeal, but I actually don't much like you, so, the reason is continuity. It makes this all flow better, and allows me better control down the line. Also gives the spectators something to think about."
  257. >"Huh!? What spectators!? WHAT are you, and what is he!?"
  258. "Well, I can't just TELL you."
  259. >"WHY!?"
  260. "Because- oh, shit, he's coming back."
  261. >Twilight quickly span around, but saw nothing.
  262. >When she turned back around, the other Anon was gone again.
  263. >Frustrated screams echoed through the night sky.
  265. ---
  267. >Twilight was lost for words. One Anon was MORE than enough. And Applejack, too?? she thought. Her mind was all scrambled and going in a million different directions.
  268. >Time was of the essence so she took to the air and began flying to Sweet Apple Acres.
  269. >Twilight was still not used to flying, and certainly not at high speeds. She closed her eyes as she strained her wings.
  270. >The wind buffeted her mane and did its best to throw her around but she kept on course.
  271. >As she continued the turbulence died down and she opened her eyes. She passed through a cloud and knocked into something solid.
  272. >Her wings lost lift and she began to hurtle to the earth. As the ground came up faster and faster, she closed her eyes again and tried desperately to right herself.
  273. >Suddenly, a blue streak passed by her peripheral vision and her fall was halted.
  274. >She looked up at her savior and saw none other than Rainbow Dash!
  275. >”Oh, Rainbow! Thank you so much! I was in such a hurry, I wasn’t looking where I was flying.”
  276. >”No problem, Twi. You were just lucky you bumped into me!” replied the brazen Pegasus. “What’s so important that you’d fly without looking where you were going?”
  277. >”It’s about Anon, Rainbow. Or rather, the Anons. I don’t know. But HE, or THEY, must be stopped!”
  279. > Dash almost dropped Twilight at the mention of ‘Anon’. She quickly descended to the ground and set Twilight on her hoofs.
  280. >”What’s wrong with Anon, Twilight? He seems like a pretty awesome guy to me.”
  281. >”Awesome? He’s been invading my dreams! And doing.. THINGS with all my friends!”
  282. >”’Things,’ huh?” said Dash, with a wink. “I met him earlier in the afternoon. Showed him some of my ‘flying tricks’.”
  283. >”Oh not you too, Rainbow??” shouted Twilight.
  284. >Dash was taken aback. “What, you mean, you haven’t spent any time with him? We’ve pretty much all seen him by now.”
  285. >”No, I have not spent any time with him, at least not willingly,” replied Twilight.
  286. >”Whoa, you don’t mean he like.. forced himself on y-“
  287. >”NO! Look, Anon is a human! He’s a lying cheat!”
  288. >”Human?” Dash crinkled her brow incredulously. “Look, BELIEVE me. He’s QUITE the stallion. I mean the guy’s huge. Like, I’ve seen my fair share of.. you know. And his was, like, twenty percent bigge-“
  289. >”UGH!” Twilight cried out in anger and took to the sky again. This nonsense has got to stop, she told herself.
  290. >If one pony in Equestria has the good sense to see through Anon’s charade, it’s Applejack. She pushed herself to go as fast as possible as she thought this.
  292. >Twilight burst through the doors of the Apple family barn.
  293. >”Applejack!! Big Mac!! Where is everyone?!” she screamed.
  294. >”Whoa, there, Twilight. It’s getting pretty late, what can I do you for?” asked Applejack who stepped out from behind a mound of hay.
  295. >”It’s.. About... Anon!” wheezed Twilight, still somewhat out of breath from her flight.
  296. >”Anon? How could Anon have got you in such a tizzy?”
  297. >”You have no idea. Look, he’s a human! There, I said it. He’s a HUMAN! He wears a mask to make himself look like one of us!”
  298. >A silence hung in the air as Applejack tried to digest what her friend had just said.
  299. >”Look, Sugarcube. Anon.. isn’t a human. He’s a pony just like all of us.” Applejack shuffled about awkwardly.
  300. >”How can you say that? Look at how he walks! Look at how he always wears clothes!”
  301. >”Now Twilight, don’t go being ridiculous,” said Applejack, a little annoyed. “Not all of us are born the same. I mean, look at Granny Smith, she uses a walker to get about. Just because she walks differently doesn’t mean she isn’t a pony.”
  302. >”Urgh, that’s not what I mean, Applejack!” Twilight stamped her hooves in impatience. How could they all have been so taken in by his games? she thought.
  303. >”Look, Twilight. You’re my friend so I respect what you have to say. But Anon is my friend, too. And if you’re gonna bring up a bunch of crazy accusations then why don’t you speak to him yourself?”
  304. >With that, Applejack stepped aside and a dark form began to creep out from the shadows of the barn.
  305. >It was Anon.
  306. >”Howdy, Twilight. Fancy seeing you here. Applejack and I were just.. swapping farming techniques,” said Anon as he tied the belt of his silk bath robe.
  308. >”And WHAT techniques might those be?” asked Twilight with a bitter sneer.
  309. >Here Applejack piped up: “He was showing me his, er, plow.” Applejack looked down in embarrassment.
  310. >”That’s right Twilight. I was just PLOWING her field. Making sure those seeds were down real deep so they could grow.” Anon pushed Applejack’s hat down on her head and mussed up her hair.
  311. >Applejack giggled to herself and playfully kicked Anon’s leg.
  312. >”We’ve been sowing seeds together for a while now, haven’t we, Applejack?” said Anon.
  313. >The earth pony rubbed her face against Anon and giggled. “He’s got some impressive farming ‘equipment’, Twilight. You can take my word on that.”
  314. >Anon shrugged sheepishly, and smiled to no one in particular.
  315. >Twilight could no longer bear the weight of the endless sexual innuendo. “Just what have you two been up to??”
  316. >Applejack wrinkled her brow at her friend. “Come on, Twilight. It’s pretty simple.” The earth pony paused for a moment but saw that her friend was unwilling to state the obvious.
  317. >”We’ve been fucking.”
  318. >The brutal honesty of the statement caught Twilight off guard.
  319. >Anon stepped forward. ”Hey, Twilight. In the end, what happens between two consenting ponies is none of your business, right?”
  320. >”ARGH! But you aren’t even a pony!” shouted Twilight.
  321. >”Hey now, I thought I told you to stop with the not-a-pony nonsense, Twilight,” said Applejack.
  322. >”Look at his face! It’s a rubber mask!”
  323. >Applejack threw a comforting hoof around Anon’s leg. “Now you cut that out, Twilight. Look into his eyes and tell me you honestly think he’s not a pony.”
  324. >Anon cocked his head to one side and nodded the floppy rubber mask up and down.
  326. >Twilight looked into the dull, vacuous eyes and found she had nothing to say. The answer was so self-evident to her. How had her friends, the Elements of Harmony, been so utterly fooled by Anon’s vacant stare?
  327. >After a few pregnant moments passed, Twilight spoke slowly to her friend.
  328. >”AJ, I know you’re friends with Anon. But look at his face. It’s wrinkled and misshapen. It’s a mask.”
  329. >”Now listen, Twilight. We all wear masks. Some of us more than others. They help us to go out and deal with the real world. Look at Rarity, she literally wears a mask of makeup every day.”
  330. >”ARGHH!” The frustration boiled over in Twilight. “I am NOT talking about a metaphorical mask, or a figurative mask. He is wearing a RUBBER mask. How has managed to fool you all so completely??”
  331. >Suddenly the doors of the barn flew open and the missing Elements of Harmony stormed the room.
  332. >”We came as quickly as we heard, darling!” shouted Rarity.
  333. >”Dash told us Twilight was on the warpath!” squealed Pinkie. “We’re here for you, Anon.”
  334. >”You’re all here for HIM?” cried Twilight. “He’s a cheat, he’s a liar!”
  335. >Anon’s voice rose above the din. “Now, now, Twilight. That’s quite enough. I am no liar. I am simply in love. And love, my dear, cannot lie.”
  337. >Anon turned to Applejack. “Wasn’t it good ol’ Bill Shakespeare who said ‘No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face’?” Anon leaned down and placed a hand on Applejack’s cheek.
  338. >”Oooooooo!” went the other ponies, in unison.
  339. >”Aw, shucks, Anon,” said Applejack, blushing.
  340. >”Urgh, that wasn’t even Shakespeare who wrote that! You’re a fraud! A lying, human fraud!”
  341. >A hush fell over the room. “That was pretty low, Twilight,” said Rainbow Dash.
  342. >Anon sighed. “I see, in the end, that I am not wanted.”
  343. >”Oh but that’s not true, my love. Twilight is simply jealous!” shouted Rarity.
  344. >”Jealous?? Of some creep in a mask?”
  345. >Anon threw one hand against his chest and groaned in pain. “Very well, my dear. You do me great injury. But, alas, I forgive you.”
  346. >The other ponies shot Twilight venomous stares.
  347. >”I suppose I will take my leave of you all, for now.”
  348. >”Oh, but you must stay,” pleaded Rarity.
  349. >”No no, my presence obviously causes our purple friend great pain.”
  350. >With that, Anon’s body slowly but surely began to fade. As he disappeared, the ponies’ hooves slipped through his legs and he became transparent.
  351. >Finally, when Anon was little more than a shimmering vapor, he called out to Twilight:
  352. >”Oh, and Twilight? Be a dear and give my best to Anon, will you?”
  354. The End (for now).
  355. Thanks for reading, anons! Consider it a late Christmas gift.
  356. >ties belt of silk bath robe
  358. ---
  359. Second Anon (3/4)
  361. >...
  362. "Not so fast."
  363. >The second Anon's voice boomed from the darkness.
  364. >The ponies looked above to see a shadow standing in the supports above.
  365. >Anon 1 began to fade back in.
  366. >"Ah, Anon Number 2. Glad you could make it."
  368. >"...I... can't believe I never thought of that."
  369. >Rainbow Dash mad a rush for her, but it was too late, in a swift movement, Twilight ripped the horse mask.
  370. >All of the ponies froze, save for Twilight.
  371. >"YOU SEE!? DO YOU SEE NOW!?"
  372. >None of them moved an inch.
  373. >Rainbow Dash was suspended in midair.
  374. >"...Uh, girls?"
  375. "I've made a mistake, Twilight. He outsmarted me."
  376. >"What do you mean?"
  377. >Anon 2 dropped down from the rafters into a pile of hay as Anon 1 turned to Twilight.
  378. >"When he made himself known, it gave me ample time to change the ending. You know as well as I do me simply fading away wasn't really the true climax, was it?"
  379. >Anon 2 said nothing, and simply glared into Anon 1's eyes.
  380. >"Or maybe it was. We'll never know now. It's not that easy to read a complete stranger, is it? Of course, you did put an interesting twist into the whole equation. I find it rather fascinating."
  381. "You threw me for a loop. Honestly, I didn't expect you to handle this so... acceptingly."
  382. >"Well, it's been fun, but the story is all yours to end. Perhaps I'll repay you the favor one day..."
  383. >Anon 1 vanished again, leaving only Anon 2 and Twilight.
  384. >"...Story, Anon?"
  386. (4/4)
  388. "Twilight. When all's said and done, you'll forget all about this. Luckily for you, so will your friends."
  389. >"Anon... am I real?"
  390. >He turned to her with a solemn look.
  391. "I'm not sure how to answer that. What I can tell is that you are linked to another world."
  392. >Twilight and Anon walked outside into a black void.
  393. "My species writes your tale, and the tales of all your friends. There are infinite possibilities, and infinite potential worlds that follow our whims."
  394. "In one, you could have the best possible life, in another, the worst."
  395. >"Do I not have free will?"
  396. "Not while I'm around, no. But that doesn't necessarily mean you never will. Just like the Anon before me, I won't write your story forever."
  397. "When I am done, I expect everything to return to a norm crafted after your 'master universe' as it were, at which point, you are free to do as you please."
  398. >"But why can't we have it all the time?"
  399. "It just doesn't work that way. After all, without us, you'd have no direction for your life, even in the off times that we are gone."
  400. "What I want you to know is that in the majority of cases, we do this because we care deeply about your world. It brings us varying degrees of enjoyment weaving your path."
  401. "Maybe sometime down the road, some freak event will happen in my homeworld, and I'll be here in a different form, just as vulnerable as you are."
  402. >"This all scares me, Anon."
  403. "I don't blame you. But I don't think you, personally, should be too worried."
  404. >"Why?"
  405. "You get a happy ending today, It'll stay that way until the next beginning, and I'll make sure it lasts."
  406. >"I thought you said you didn't like me?"
  407. "Ha. I think you've had enough punishment for one day."
  408. >"Hey, wai-"
  409. >...
  410. >Several hours later, the Mane 6 woke up from their daze in the barn.
  411. >"What the hay are y'all doing in here? What happened last night?"
  412. >Their memories were wiped, and all traces of the past story were erased.
  413. >All except the horse mask, waiting for it's owner's return.
  415. ---
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