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- 2013-06-02 10:43:10,913 INFO faf.main >>> --------------------------- Application Launch
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,115 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver initializing...
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,480 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 0 on port 12000
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,482 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 1 on port 12001
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,482 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 2 on port 12003
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,482 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 3 on port 12006
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,482 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 4 on port 12010
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,482 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 5 on port 12015
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,482 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 6 on port 12021
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,483 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 7 on port 12028
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,483 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 8 on port 12036
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,483 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 9 on port 12045
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,483 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 10 on port 12055
- 2013-06-02 10:43:23,892 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: client/client.css
- 2013-06-02 10:43:26,625 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: stats/formatters/style.css
- 2013-06-02 10:43:27,194 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: tournaments/formatters/style.css
- 2013-06-02 10:43:27,194 DEBUG faf.vault Map Vault tab instantiating
- 2013-06-02 10:43:32,184 INFO faf.replays Replays Widget instantiated.
- 2013-06-02 10:43:32,187 INFO faf.tutorials Tutorials instantiated.
- 2013-06-02 10:43:32,187 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Lobby instantiating.
- 2013-06-02 10:43:33,329 INFO faf.fa.replayserver listening on address
- 2013-06-02 10:43:33,331 INFO faf.fa.relayserver relay listening on address
- 2013-06-02 10:43:33,792 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "ask_session"}
- 2013-06-02 10:43:41,282 INFO faf.client Attempting to login as: Golol
- 2013-06-02 10:43:41,282 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: login.
- 2013-06-02 10:43:41,855 INFO faf.client Login accepted.
- 2013-06-02 10:43:42,782 INFO faf.client The game port is now set to 6112
- 2013-06-02 10:43:42,782 INFO faf.client sending packet to
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,575 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: faf and map None
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,575 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: faf, version None
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,575 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-06-02 10:53:55
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,575 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,575 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,665 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-06-02 10:53:55
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,670 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,703 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,703 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,706 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,707 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,709 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,875 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 4e2133674c8b5b99b0cd7e022d814d81])
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,881 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,907 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,907 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,907 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,983 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,983 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,983 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,983 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,983 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,983 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,984 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,984 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,984 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,984 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,984 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,984 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,984 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 10:53:55,986 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-06-02 10:53:56,009 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:53:56,009 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-06-02 10:53:56,052 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 8b38b33e55772235413552158c1603e0])
- 2013-06-02 10:53:56,076 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:53:56,076 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-06-02 10:53:56,076 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:53:56,078 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 10:53:56,078 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-06-02 10:53:56
- 2013-06-02 10:53:56,105 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-06-02 10:53:56
- 2013-06-02 10:53:56,105 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-06-02 10:54:01,637 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"access": "public", "mapname": "canis3v3.v0001", "command": "game_host", "title": "mumble testing", "gameport": 6112, "options": [], "mod": "faf"}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:01,687 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'args': [u'/ratingcolor cfcfcfcf', u'/numgames 145'], u'command': u'game_launch', u'uid': 976207, u'mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:01,687 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Golol', 'game_time': 1370163241.688, 'uid': 976207, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.43'}, 'featured_mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:01,687 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /ratingcolor cfcfcfcf /numgames 145 /mean 1223.87 /deviation 75.1357 /country DE /init init_faf.lua /log "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game.log" /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/976207/Golol.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
- 2013-06-02 10:54:01,710 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-06-02 10:54:07,944 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
- 2013-06-02 10:54:07,944 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
- 2013-06-02 10:54:08,976 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
- 2013-06-02 10:54:08,976 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
- 2013-06-02 10:54:08,976 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:08,976 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,180 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [0, 6112, "Golol", 20621, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,180 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,272 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,272 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,328 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["canis3v3.v0001"], "key": "HostGame"}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,352 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,352 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["UnitCap", "1000"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,354 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,354 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["FogOfWar", "explored"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,354 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Victory", "demoralization"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,354 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Timeouts", "-1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,354 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["GameSpeed", "normal"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,354 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,354 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatsEnabled", "false"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,354 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CivilianAlliance", "enemy"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["PrebuiltUnits", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NoRushOption", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Score", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Share", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamSpawn", "fixed"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamLock", "locked"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AutoTeams", "tvsb"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["BuildMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TMLRandom", "0"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["LandExpansionsAllowed", "5"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NavalExpansionsAllowed", "4"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["OmniCheat", "on"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,355 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["ScenarioFile", "/maps/canis3v3.v0001/canis3v3_scenario.lua"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,375 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,375 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Slots", 6]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,421 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,862 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,862 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,862 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,862 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RankedGame", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,865 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,865 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AllowObservers", 0]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,888 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,903 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,903 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,903 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,904 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,904 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,984 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,984 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,984 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,984 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,984 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,986 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,987 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:54:09,987 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:54:10,275 INFO faf.client port used : 6112
- 2013-06-02 10:54:40,029 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 10:55:11,007 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 10:55:42,009 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:13,010 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:13,782 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:13,782 INFO faf.fa.relayer remove relay
- 2013-06-02 10:56:13,782 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer destructor called
- 2013-06-02 10:56:13,944 INFO faf.client FA has finished with exit code: 0
- 2013-06-02 10:56:21,562 INFO faf.client Close Event for Application Main Window
- 2013-06-02 10:56:21,566 WARNING faf.client Disconnected from lobby server.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:21,566 INFO faf.tourneys Disconnected from server
- 2013-06-02 10:56:21,569 INFO faf.main <<< --------------------------- Application Shutdown
- 2013-06-02 10:56:23,658 INFO faf.main >>> --------------------------- Application Launch
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,730 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver initializing...
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,730 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 0 on port 12000
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,732 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 1 on port 12001
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,732 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 2 on port 12003
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,732 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 3 on port 12006
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,732 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 4 on port 12010
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,732 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 5 on port 12015
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,732 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 6 on port 12021
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,732 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 7 on port 12028
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,733 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 8 on port 12036
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,733 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 9 on port 12045
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,733 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 10 on port 12055
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,740 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: client/client.css
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,848 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: stats/formatters/style.css
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,861 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: tournaments/formatters/style.css
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,861 DEBUG faf.vault Map Vault tab instantiating
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,887 INFO faf.replays Replays Widget instantiated.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,890 INFO faf.tutorials Tutorials instantiated.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,890 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Lobby instantiating.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,904 INFO faf.fa.replayserver listening on address
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,904 INFO faf.fa.relayserver relay listening on address
- 2013-06-02 10:56:24,941 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "ask_session"}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:28,494 INFO faf.mumbleconnector Opening mumble://
- 2013-06-02 10:56:28,759 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Lauching Mumble successful
- 2013-06-02 10:56:28,759 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Trying to connect link plugin: 1
- 2013-06-02 10:56:28,772 INFO faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link established
- 2013-06-02 10:56:28,772 INFO faf.mumbleconnector MumbleConnector instantiated.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:28,773 INFO faf.client Attempting to login as: Golol
- 2013-06-02 10:56:28,773 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: login.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:28,917 INFO faf.client Login accepted.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:28,930 INFO faf.client The game port is now set to 6112
- 2013-06-02 10:56:28,930 INFO faf.client sending packet to
- 2013-06-02 10:56:29,588 INFO faf.main >>> --------------------------- Application Launch
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,086 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver initializing...
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,088 WARNING faf.fa.proxies Can't bind socket 0
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,088 WARNING faf.fa.proxies Can't bind socket 1
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,088 WARNING faf.fa.proxies Can't bind socket 2
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,088 WARNING faf.fa.proxies Can't bind socket 3
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,088 WARNING faf.fa.proxies Can't bind socket 4
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,088 WARNING faf.fa.proxies Can't bind socket 5
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,088 WARNING faf.fa.proxies Can't bind socket 6
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,088 WARNING faf.fa.proxies Can't bind socket 7
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,088 WARNING faf.fa.proxies Can't bind socket 8
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,088 WARNING faf.fa.proxies Can't bind socket 9
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,088 WARNING faf.fa.proxies Can't bind socket 10
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,095 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: client/client.css
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,181 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: stats/formatters/style.css
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,191 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: tournaments/formatters/style.css
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,191 DEBUG faf.vault Map Vault tab instantiating
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,210 INFO faf.replays Replays Widget instantiated.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,213 INFO faf.tutorials Tutorials instantiated.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,213 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Lobby instantiating.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:30,226 ERROR faf.fa.replayserver cannot listen, port probably used by another application: 15000
- 2013-06-02 10:56:36,062 INFO faf.main <<< --------------------------- Application Shutdown
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,786 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: faf and map None
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,786 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: faf, version None
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,788 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-06-02 10:56:49
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,788 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,788 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,857 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-06-02 10:56:49
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,861 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,891 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,892 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,895 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,898 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,898 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,973 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 4e2133674c8b5b99b0cd7e022d814d81])
- 2013-06-02 10:56:49,977 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,038 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,038 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,038 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,109 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,109 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,111 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,111 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,111 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,111 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,111 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,111 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,111 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,111 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,111 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,111 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,112 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,112 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,138 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,138 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,145 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 8b38b33e55772235413552158c1603e0])
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,168 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,168 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,168 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,168 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,170 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-06-02 10:56:50
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,184 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-06-02 10:56:50
- 2013-06-02 10:56:50,184 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:52,914 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"access": "public", "mapname": "canis3v3.v0001", "command": "game_host", "title": "mumble testing", "gameport": 6112, "options": [], "mod": "faf"}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:52,967 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'args': [u'/ratingcolor cfcfcfcf', u'/numgames 145'], u'command': u'game_launch', u'uid': 976212, u'mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:52,967 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Golol', 'game_time': 1370163412.968, 'uid': 976212, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.43'}, 'featured_mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:52,967 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /ratingcolor cfcfcfcf /numgames 145 /mean 1223.87 /deviation 75.1357 /country DE /init init_faf.lua /log "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game.log" /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/976212/Golol.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
- 2013-06-02 10:56:52,990 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,220 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,220 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,242 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,242 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,243 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,243 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,270 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [0, 6112, "Golol", 20621, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,270 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,342 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["canis3v3.v0001"], "key": "HostGame"}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,441 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,441 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["UnitCap", "1000"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,441 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,443 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["FogOfWar", "explored"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,443 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Victory", "demoralization"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,443 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Timeouts", "-1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,443 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["GameSpeed", "normal"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,443 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,443 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatsEnabled", "false"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,443 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CivilianAlliance", "enemy"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,444 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["PrebuiltUnits", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,444 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NoRushOption", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,444 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,444 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Score", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,444 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Share", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,444 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,444 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamSpawn", "fixed"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,444 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamLock", "locked"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,444 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AutoTeams", "tvsb"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,444 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,444 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["BuildMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,446 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TMLRandom", "0"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,446 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["LandExpansionsAllowed", "5"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,446 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NavalExpansionsAllowed", "4"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,446 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["OmniCheat", "on"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,447 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["ScenarioFile", "/maps/canis3v3.v0001/canis3v3_scenario.lua"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,447 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,447 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Slots", 6]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,670 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,855 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,855 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,855 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,855 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RankedGame", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,857 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,858 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AllowObservers", 0]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,930 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,930 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,930 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,930 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,930 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:56:58,983 INFO faf.client port used : 6112
- 2013-06-02 10:57:00,048 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 10:57:00,048 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 10:57:00,048 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol']}
- 2013-06-02 10:57:00,048 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 0
- 2013-06-02 10:57:00,048 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976212
- 2013-06-02 10:57:00,048 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 1, u'uid': 976212, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370163402.675666, u'game_type': 0, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 10:57:29,273 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:00,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:03,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:03,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:03,826 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:03,826 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY ThorGer"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:03,851 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:04,099 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:04,099 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:04,210 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:04,210 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 20617 ThorGer"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:04,427 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:04,427 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY ThorGer"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:04,500 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "ThorGer", 20617], "key": "ConnectToPeer"}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,867 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,867 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,867 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,868 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,868 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,878 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,878 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,878 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,878 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,878 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,878 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,907 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,907 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,907 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,908 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,908 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,908 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,911 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,911 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,911 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,911 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,911 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:09,911 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,026 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,026 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Connected", "chuncks": ["20617"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,029 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,030 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,030 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,030 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,030 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,030 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,033 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,033 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,033 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,033 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,033 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,033 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,055 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,055 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,055 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,055 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,055 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,055 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,059 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,059 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,059 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,059 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,059 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:10,059 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,915 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [20617], "key": "DisconnectFromPeer"}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,931 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,956 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,956 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,956 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,956 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,956 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:16,956 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:20,019 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 10:58:20,019 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 10:58:20,019 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol']}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:20,019 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976212
- 2013-06-02 10:58:20,019 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976212
- 2013-06-02 10:58:20,019 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 1, u'uid': 976212, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370163402.675666, u'game_type': 0, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:31,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 10:58:56,796 INFO faf.client Close Event for Application Main Window
- 2013-06-02 10:58:56,999 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-06-02 10:58:56,999 INFO faf.fa.relayer remove relay
- 2013-06-02 10:58:56,999 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer destructor called
- 2013-06-02 10:58:57,017 WARNING faf.client FA has finished with exit code: 1073807364
- 2013-06-02 10:58:57,017 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameExit signal
- 2013-06-02 10:58:57,017 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 10:58:57,019 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,053 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: faf and map None
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,053 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: faf, version None
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,053 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-06-02 11:00:09
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,053 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,053 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,117 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-06-02 11:00:09
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,117 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,148 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,148 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,148 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,148 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,148 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,178 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 4e2133674c8b5b99b0cd7e022d814d81])
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,178 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,194 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,194 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,194 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,273 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,289 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,289 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,303 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 8b38b33e55772235413552158c1603e0])
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,335 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,335 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,335 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,335 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,335 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-06-02 11:00:09
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,351 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-06-02 11:00:09
- 2013-06-02 11:00:09,351 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-06-02 11:00:10,492 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"access": "public", "mapname": "canis3v3.v0001", "command": "game_host", "title": "mumble testing", "gameport": 6112, "options": [], "mod": "faf"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:10,539 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'args': [u'/ratingcolor cfcfcfcf', u'/numgames 145'], u'command': u'game_launch', u'uid': 976220, u'mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:10,539 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Golol', 'game_time': 1370163610.539, 'uid': 976220, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.43'}, 'featured_mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:10,539 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /ratingcolor cfcfcfcf /numgames 145 /mean 1223.87 /deviation 75.1357 /country DE /init init_faf.lua /log "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game.log" /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/976220/Golol.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
- 2013-06-02 11:00:10,569 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,168 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,168 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,217 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,217 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,217 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,217 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,266 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [0, 6112, "Golol", 20621, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,266 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,315 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,316 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,342 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["canis3v3.v0001"], "key": "HostGame"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["UnitCap", "1000"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["FogOfWar", "explored"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Victory", "demoralization"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Timeouts", "-1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["GameSpeed", "normal"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatsEnabled", "false"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CivilianAlliance", "enemy"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["PrebuiltUnits", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NoRushOption", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,361 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,362 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Score", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,362 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Share", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,362 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamSpawn", "fixed"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,362 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamLock", "locked"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,362 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AutoTeams", "tvsb"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,362 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,362 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,362 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["BuildMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,362 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TMLRandom", "0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,364 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["LandExpansionsAllowed", "5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,364 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NavalExpansionsAllowed", "4"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,364 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["OmniCheat", "on"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,364 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["ScenarioFile", "/maps/canis3v3.v0001/canis3v3_scenario.lua"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,364 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,364 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Slots", 6]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,650 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RankedGame", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AllowObservers", 0]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,779 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,779 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,779 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,779 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,779 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,779 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,806 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,808 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,808 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,808 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,808 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,808 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,809 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,809 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:15,851 INFO faf.client port used : 6112
- 2013-06-02 11:00:25,088 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:00:25,088 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:00:25,088 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol']}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:25,088 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976212
- 2013-06-02 11:00:25,088 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976220
- 2013-06-02 11:00:25,088 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 1, u'uid': 976220, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370163600.238465, u'game_type': 0, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:25,088 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:00:25,088 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:00:45,470 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:45,470 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:45,864 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:45,865 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY Trooper0102"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:45,872 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:45,872 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:45,947 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:46,230 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:46,230 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 59727 Trooper0102"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:46,267 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:46,290 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "Trooper0102", 59727], "key": "ConnectToPeer"}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,802 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,802 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY Trooper0102"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,819 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,819 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Victory", "demoralization"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,822 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,822 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,822 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,822 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,822 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,822 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,848 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,848 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,848 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,848 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,848 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,848 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,848 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,848 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Timeouts", "3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,851 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,851 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,851 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,851 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,851 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,851 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,875 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,875 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,875 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,875 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,875 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,875 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,877 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,877 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatsEnabled", "false"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,880 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,880 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,880 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,880 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,880 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,880 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,904 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,904 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,904 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,904 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,904 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,904 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,904 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,904 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CivilianAlliance", "enemy"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,907 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,907 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,907 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,907 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,908 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,908 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,931 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,933 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["GameSpeed", "normal"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,936 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,936 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,937 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,937 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,937 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,937 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,960 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,960 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,960 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,960 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,960 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,960 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,960 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["FogOfWar", "explored"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,963 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,963 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,964 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,964 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,964 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,989 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,989 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,989 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,989 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,989 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,989 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,989 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,990 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["UnitCap", "1000"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,992 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,993 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,993 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,993 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,993 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:50,993 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,016 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,016 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,016 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,016 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,016 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,016 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,017 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,017 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["PrebuiltUnits", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,020 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,020 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,020 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,020 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,020 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,020 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,046 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,046 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,046 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,046 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,046 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,046 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,046 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,046 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NoRushOption", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,049 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,049 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,049 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,049 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,049 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,049 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,073 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,073 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,073 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,073 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,073 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,073 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,078 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,078 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,078 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,078 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,078 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,078 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,101 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,101 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,101 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,101 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,101 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,101 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,384 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,384 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,384 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,384 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,384 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,391 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,391 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,391 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,391 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,391 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,391 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,411 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,411 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,413 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,413 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,413 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,413 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,414 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,415 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,415 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,415 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,415 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:51,415 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,117 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,118 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Connected", "chuncks": ["59727"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,423 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,423 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,424 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,424 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,424 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,424 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,431 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,431 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,431 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,433 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,433 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,433 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,466 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,466 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,466 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,466 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,466 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,469 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,469 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,469 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,469 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:52,469 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:55,039 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:00:55,039 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:00:55,039 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol', u'Trooper0102']}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:55,039 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976220
- 2013-06-02 11:00:55,039 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976220
- 2013-06-02 11:00:55,040 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 2, u'uid': 976220, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370163600.238465, u'game_type': 0, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol', u'Trooper0102']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:00:55,040 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:00:55,040 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:01:15,747 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:15,747 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Chat", "chuncks": ["really?"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:17,273 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:30,266 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:30,266 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Chat", "chuncks": ["well ill just restart the game because i just changed an option in the lobby"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:34,529 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:34,530 INFO faf.fa.relayer remove relay
- 2013-06-02 11:01:34,530 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer destructor called
- 2013-06-02 11:01:34,697 INFO faf.client FA has finished with exit code: 0
- 2013-06-02 11:01:34,697 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameExit signal
- 2013-06-02 11:01:34,697 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:01:34,697 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:01:35,262 INFO faf.client Close Event for Application Main Window
- 2013-06-02 11:01:35,266 WARNING faf.client Disconnected from lobby server.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:35,266 INFO faf.tourneys Disconnected from server
- 2013-06-02 11:01:35,269 INFO faf.main <<< --------------------------- Application Shutdown
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,253 INFO faf.main >>> --------------------------- Application Launch
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,779 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver initializing...
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,779 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 0 on port 12000
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,779 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 1 on port 12001
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,779 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 2 on port 12003
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,779 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 3 on port 12006
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,779 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 4 on port 12010
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,780 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 5 on port 12015
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,780 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 6 on port 12021
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,780 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 7 on port 12028
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,780 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 8 on port 12036
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,780 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 9 on port 12045
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,780 INFO faf.fa.proxies binding socket 10 on port 12055
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,786 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: client/client.css
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,869 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: stats/formatters/style.css
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,880 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: tournaments/formatters/style.css
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,880 DEBUG faf.vault Map Vault tab instantiating
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,894 INFO faf.replays Replays Widget instantiated.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,897 INFO faf.tutorials Tutorials instantiated.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,897 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Lobby instantiating.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,910 INFO faf.fa.replayserver listening on address
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,910 INFO faf.fa.relayserver relay listening on address
- 2013-06-02 11:01:36,950 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "ask_session"}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:40,104 INFO faf.mumbleconnector Opening mumble://
- 2013-06-02 11:01:40,163 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Lauching Mumble successful
- 2013-06-02 11:01:40,164 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Trying to connect link plugin: 1
- 2013-06-02 11:01:40,164 INFO faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link established
- 2013-06-02 11:01:40,164 INFO faf.mumbleconnector MumbleConnector instantiated.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:40,164 INFO faf.client Attempting to login as: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:01:40,164 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: login.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:40,309 INFO faf.client Login accepted.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:40,321 INFO faf.client The game port is now set to 6112
- 2013-06-02 11:01:40,321 INFO faf.client sending packet to
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,782 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: faf and map None
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,782 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: faf, version None
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,783 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-06-02 11:01:46
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,783 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,783 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,864 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-06-02 11:01:46
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,868 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,894 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,894 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,895 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,895 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,897 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,921 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 4e2133674c8b5b99b0cd7e022d814d81])
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,923 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,947 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,947 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:01:46,947 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,010 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,010 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,010 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,012 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,012 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,012 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,012 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,012 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,012 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,013 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,013 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,013 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,013 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,013 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,036 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,036 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,042 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 8b38b33e55772235413552158c1603e0])
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,065 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,065 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,065 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,065 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,065 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-06-02 11:01:47
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,078 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-06-02 11:01:47
- 2013-06-02 11:01:47,078 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:48,020 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"access": "public", "mapname": "canis3v3.v0001", "command": "game_host", "title": "mumble testing", "gameport": 6112, "options": [], "mod": "faf"}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:48,075 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'args': [u'/ratingcolor cfcfcfcf', u'/numgames 145'], u'command': u'game_launch', u'uid': 976223, u'mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:48,075 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Golol', 'game_time': 1370163708.076, 'uid': 976223, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.43'}, 'featured_mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:48,075 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /ratingcolor cfcfcfcf /numgames 145 /mean 1223.87 /deviation 75.1357 /country DE /init init_faf.lua /log "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game.log" /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/976223/Golol.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
- 2013-06-02 11:01:48,098 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,727 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,727 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,756 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,756 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,756 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,756 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,786 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [0, 6112, "Golol", 20621, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,786 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,835 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,835 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,871 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["canis3v3.v0001"], "key": "HostGame"}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,897 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,897 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["UnitCap", "1000"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,897 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,897 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["FogOfWar", "explored"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,897 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Victory", "demoralization"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,897 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Timeouts", "3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,897 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,897 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["GameSpeed", "normal"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatsEnabled", "false"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CivilianAlliance", "enemy"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["PrebuiltUnits", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NoRushOption", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Score", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Share", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamSpawn", "fixed"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamLock", "locked"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AutoTeams", "tvsb"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["BuildMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TMLRandom", "0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["LandExpansionsAllowed", "5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NavalExpansionsAllowed", "4"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,900 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["OmniCheat", "on"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,900 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["ScenarioFile", "/maps/canis3v3.v0001/canis3v3_scenario.lua"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,900 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:52,900 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Slots", 6]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,191 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RankedGame", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AllowObservers", 0]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,315 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,315 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,315 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,315 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,315 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,342 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,342 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,342 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,342 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,342 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,345 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,345 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:01:53,398 INFO faf.client port used : 6112
- 2013-06-02 11:02:05,059 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:02:05,059 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:02:05,059 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol']}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:05,059 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 0
- 2013-06-02 11:02:05,059 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976223
- 2013-06-02 11:02:05,059 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 1, u'uid': 976223, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370163697.763773, u'game_type': 0, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:23,792 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:25,632 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:25,632 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:25,651 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:25,653 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY Trooper0102"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:25,677 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:25,983 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:25,983 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 59727 Trooper0102"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:26,036 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "Trooper0102", 59727], "key": "ConnectToPeer"}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:26,221 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:26,221 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY Trooper0102"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:26,992 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:26,993 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:26,993 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:26,993 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:26,993 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,010 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,012 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,012 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,012 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,012 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,012 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,033 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,033 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,033 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,033 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,033 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,036 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,036 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,036 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,036 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,038 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,299 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,299 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Connected", "chuncks": ["59727"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,792 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,792 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,792 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,792 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,792 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,792 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,799 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,799 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,799 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,799 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,801 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,801 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,834 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,834 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,834 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,835 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,835 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,835 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,836 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,836 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,838 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,838 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,838 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:27,838 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:30,102 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:02:30,102 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:02:30,104 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol', u'Trooper0102']}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:30,104 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976223
- 2013-06-02 11:02:30,104 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976223
- 2013-06-02 11:02:30,104 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 2, u'uid': 976223, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370163697.763773, u'game_type': 0, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol', u'Trooper0102']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,634 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,634 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Victory", "sandbox"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,637 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,638 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,638 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,638 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,638 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,638 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,641 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,641 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,641 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,641 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,641 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,641 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,661 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,661 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,663 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,663 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,663 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,663 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,665 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,665 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,665 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,665 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,665 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,665 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,665 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,665 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["ScenarioFile", "/maps/canis3v3.v0001/canis3v3_scenario.lua"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,667 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,667 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Slots", 6]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,670 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,670 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,670 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,670 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,670 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,670 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,673 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,673 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,673 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,673 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,673 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,673 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,694 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,694 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,694 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,694 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,694 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,694 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,697 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,697 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,697 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,697 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,697 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,697 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,697 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,697 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RestrictedCategories", 0]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,703 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,703 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,703 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,703 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,704 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,704 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,724 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,724 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,726 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,726 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,726 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,726 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,729 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,729 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,729 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,729 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,729 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,729 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,732 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,732 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,732 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,732 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,733 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,733 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,734 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,734 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,736 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,736 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,736 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,736 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,756 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,756 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,756 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,756 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,756 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,756 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,759 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,759 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,759 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,759 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,759 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:38,760 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,605 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,607 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,607 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,607 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,608 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,608 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,615 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,617 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,617 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,618 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,618 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,618 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,651 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,651 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,651 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,651 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,651 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,651 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,654 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,654 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,654 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,655 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,655 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:40,655 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:45,065 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:02:45,065 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:02:45,065 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol', u'Trooper0102']}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:45,065 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976223
- 2013-06-02 11:02:45,065 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976223
- 2013-06-02 11:02:45,065 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 2, u'uid': 976223, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370163697.763773, u'game_type': 3, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol', u'Trooper0102']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:46,132 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:46,134 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Chat", "chuncks": ["so we just have to start?"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,572 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,572 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,572 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,572 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,572 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,572 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,576 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,576 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,576 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,576 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,578 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,578 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,609 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,609 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,609 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,609 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,609 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,611 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,612 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,612 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,612 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,614 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,614 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:56,614 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,336 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,336 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,336 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,336 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,336 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Trooper0102 2 16"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Trooper0102 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Trooper0102 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,342 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,342 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Launching"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,502 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA connected locally.
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,529 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder internet replay server
- 2013-06-02 11:02:58,529 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Stripping prefix 'P/976223/Golol.SCFAreplay ' from replay.
- 2013-06-02 11:03:08,874 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,921 INFO faf.fa Game Info Complete: {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 2, 'uid': 976223, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.43'}, 'game_time': 1370163778.300085, u'game_type': 3, u'host': u'Golol', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol', u'Trooper0102']}, u'access': u'public', u'state': u'playing', u'options': [], u'command': u'game_info', 'featured_mod': u'faf', u'title': u'mumble testing', 'recorder': u'Golol', u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'max_players': 6, 'complete': True}
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,937 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,937 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,937 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol', u'Trooper0102']}
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,937 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976223
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,937 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976223
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,937 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 2, u'uid': 976223, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370163778.300085, u'game_type': 3, u'state': u'playing', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol', u'Trooper0102']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,937 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'2': [u'Golol', u'Trooper0102']}
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,937 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Golol is in team 2
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,937 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Set mumbleIdentity: 976223-2
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,937 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:03:13,937 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:03:25,789 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:03:35,760 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:03:35,760 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "5923.3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:03:40,763 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:03:40,763 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "10926.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:03:45,766 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:03:45,766 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "15927.4"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:03:50,767 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:03:50,767 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "20930.1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:03:55,769 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:03:55,769 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "25931.3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:03:56,790 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:04:00,770 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:04:00,770 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "30933.3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:04:05,773 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:04:05,773 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "35936.3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:04:10,776 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:04:10,776 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "40937.9"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:04:15,776 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:04:15,776 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "45938.7"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:04:20,779 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:04:20,779 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "50940.8"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:04:25,782 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:04:25,783 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "55944.7"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:04:31,295 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:04:31,295 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "252", "20621", "61456.9"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:04:32,918 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,467 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,467 INFO faf.fa.relayer remove relay
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,467 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer destructor called
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,467 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,467 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Found Complete Replay Info
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,467 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Writing local replay as C:\ProgramData\FAForever\replays\976223-Golol.fafreplay, containing 6835 bytes of replay data.
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,470 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder closing replay file
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,470 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder destructor entered
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,496 WARNING faf.client FA has finished with exit code: 1
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,496 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameExit signal
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,496 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:04:33,496 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,344 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: faf and map None
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,344 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: faf, version None
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,345 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-06-02 11:07:06
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,345 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,345 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,421 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-06-02 11:07:06
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,424 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,451 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,451 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,453 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,453 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,453 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,479 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 4e2133674c8b5b99b0cd7e022d814d81])
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,480 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,503 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,503 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,503 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,575 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,576 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,576 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,615 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,615 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,622 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 8b38b33e55772235413552158c1603e0])
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,657 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,657 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,657 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,657 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,657 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-06-02 11:07:06
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,671 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-06-02 11:07:06
- 2013-06-02 11:07:06,671 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:08,394 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"access": "public", "mapname": "canis3v3.v0001", "command": "game_host", "title": "mumble testing", "gameport": 6112, "options": [], "mod": "faf"}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:08,451 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'args': [u'/ratingcolor cfcfcfcf', u'/numgames 145'], u'command': u'game_launch', u'uid': 976238, u'mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:08,451 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Golol', 'game_time': 1370164028.452, 'uid': 976238, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.43'}, 'featured_mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:08,451 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /ratingcolor cfcfcfcf /numgames 145 /mean 1223.87 /deviation 75.1357 /country DE /init init_faf.lua /log "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game.log" /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/976238/Golol.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
- 2013-06-02 11:07:08,473 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,170 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,170 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,214 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,214 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,214 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,214 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,243 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [0, 6112, "Golol", 20621, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,243 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,293 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,293 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,322 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["canis3v3.v0001"], "key": "HostGame"}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["UnitCap", "1000"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["FogOfWar", "explored"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Victory", "sandbox"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Timeouts", "3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["GameSpeed", "normal"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatsEnabled", "false"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CivilianAlliance", "enemy"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["PrebuiltUnits", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NoRushOption", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Score", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Share", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamSpawn", "fixed"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamLock", "locked"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AutoTeams", "tvsb"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["BuildMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TMLRandom", "0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["LandExpansionsAllowed", "5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,339 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NavalExpansionsAllowed", "4"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,341 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["OmniCheat", "on"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,341 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["ScenarioFile", "/maps/canis3v3.v0001/canis3v3_scenario.lua"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,341 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,341 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Slots", 6]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,640 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,721 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,721 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,723 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,723 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RankedGame", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,723 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,723 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AllowObservers", 0]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,760 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,760 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,760 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,760 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,760 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,760 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,789 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,789 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,789 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,789 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,789 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,789 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,792 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,792 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:13,832 INFO faf.client port used : 6112
- 2013-06-02 11:07:23,877 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:07:23,877 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:07:23,877 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol']}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:23,877 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976223
- 2013-06-02 11:07:23,877 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976238
- 2013-06-02 11:07:23,877 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 1, u'uid': 976238, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370164018.127758, u'game_type': 3, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:07:23,877 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:07:23,878 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:07:30,382 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-06-02 11:07:30,382 INFO faf.fa.relayer remove relay
- 2013-06-02 11:07:30,382 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer destructor called
- 2013-06-02 11:07:30,388 WARNING faf.client FA has finished with exit code: 1
- 2013-06-02 11:07:30,390 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameExit signal
- 2013-06-02 11:07:30,390 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:07:30,390 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,214 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Connecting to server
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,250 INFO faf.galacticWar connection not done
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,252 INFO faf.galacticWar Attempting to gate as: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,252 INFO faf.galacticWar Outgoing JSON Message: {"session": "1522715742", "init": false, "version": "0.8.43", "command": "hello", "login": "Golol", "port": 6112}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,252 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: {"session": "1522715742", "init": false, "version": "0.8.43", "command": "hello", "login": "Golol", "port": 6112}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,790 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"command": "welcome"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,790 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"action": "shaders", "data": ["constant", "planet", "atmosphere", "stars", "background"], "command": "resource_required"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,790 INFO faf.galacticWar Outgoing JSON Message: {"action": "shaders", "command": "request"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,790 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: {"action": "shaders", "command": "request"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,790 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"action": "textures", "data": {"attack": "c50a6a4222d609d1c44eeefe0bac7da3", "star": "5bce908c481188d95c8a7d0cafc78e33", "background": "69047393703566eea169bc4d1009f9d0"}, "command": "resource_required"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,790 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Nehalem", "links": [1, 137, 21, 117], "uef": 0.2, "texture": "18", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "b0fc59aaa6940d81a49a7e75d82aa26b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.8, "posx": -140.0, "posy": -75.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.15193, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 1}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,790 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,790 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Esperi", "links": [2, 114, 146, 54], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "27", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "aeb85488a926c0d79dcf464cd887b06e", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 80.0, "posy": -144.0, "desc": "The location of a mysterious, contactiphile, black body object, with properties unlike anything else in the known Galaxy. Even now that this visitor is long gone, Esperi is a location jealously guarded, in the hope that there may yet be clues to find that could turn the tide of the infinite war.", "size": 1.59303, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 2}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Potetgull", "links": [3, 99, 15, 139], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "12", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "55c32bace9daea1f77a959d161a61e3b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -92.0, "posy": 52.0, "desc": "Crispy one", "size": 1.12836, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 3}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Ultrogothe", "links": [4, 104, 96, 46], "uef": 0.323959, "texture": "14", "cybran": 1.67163e-06, "md5tex": "2034bf50942234c4dd6038aeb5678c7c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.471448, "posx": 45.0, "posy": 26.0, "desc": "Ultrogothe is a desolate terrestrial planet owned for a long time by the Earth Empire. The UEF uses it mainly for its huge mineral ressources but all the colonization attempts have failed due to his hostile climatic conditions.", "size": 1.43298, "aeon": 0.204591, "uid": 4}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Zock Pizza Planet", "links": [5, 160, 101, 33], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "34", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "12c17a2703409ba850c9af1044267a6c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -364.0, "posy": -189.0, "desc": "The only known planet in the galaxy where all the different pizza plants are able to grow. Any attemts to cultivate them on other planets failed so far. This is especially tragic as the quality of the pizzas from the pizza plants is by far unmatched by forged pizzas.Furthermore, it seems that something on the planet wants to prevent the people from earning and eating the pizzas. Many adventurer died or went insane while trying so, and only the most unfearful humans (and ugly seraphim aliens) are brave enough to keep the attemts up.", "size": 1.64527, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 5}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Lantia Prime", "links": [6, 82, 124, 56], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "25", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "559f717833514ec294ea7d4bbfe662f8", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 221.0, "posy": -6.0, "desc": "Lantia was one of the most amazing places in the glalxy. Unfortunally, the planet has many natural recources what means that during the Seraphim marchin, the Planet was war area. In the the end, the nature paid the price. Maybe the end of the planet had already began when the first Earch-Com commander Patrick Sheppard entered the planet. The computer of the old research station got currupt. He developed an own personality and is now fiering on everything that comes to near to the last place of paradise in this fallen world. There is the rumor that the computer can hack ACUs, but of course this is only a myth.", "size": 1.09047, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 6}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Lugdunum", "links": [7, 147, 83, 11], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "22", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "50841876c9a15a969a4ac2d985adc2d1", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -350.0, "posy": 139.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.07002, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 7}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Suus", "links": [8, 52, 112, 68], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "34", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "12c17a2703409ba850c9af1044267a6c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 282.0, "posy": 75.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.15486, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 8}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Itchoutha", "links": [9, 105, 49, 58], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "2", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "18bab2fb255b5fc7c39887dd59f2ba3c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -10.0, "posy": -192.0, "desc": "At the beginning, Itchoutha was a haven of freedom and peace with humanoid citizens delighted to collaborate with UEF for the safe of galaxy, until a dishonest faction attack them. UEF headquarters have been informed of an unfriendly presence which must be annihilated shortly.", "size": 1.05883, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 9}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Gibraltar", "links": [10, 108, 126, 50], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "10", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e23feeff7f9e8a2544f54146758b994c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 359.0, "posy": -8.0, "desc": "Gibraltar, aka THE_ROCK, a planet mostly covered with rocky plateaus and plenty reclaim. Governed by the fast Cybran due to its vast open spaces and strategic areas to occupy.", "size": 1.24774, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 10}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Brimstone", "links": [162, 75, 155], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "11", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e204926d30d55c006a8ed2bb53d38fef", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -390.0, "posy": 176.0, "desc": "Sulfurous planet, with toxic emanations but rich in mineral ressources and geothermal activities.", "size": 1.49796, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 11}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,792 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Jukkam", "links": [12, 84, 92, 24], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "24", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "38083379b8dba8753d8761537093ba73", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 173.0, "posy": 117.0, "desc": "Jukkam, originally designated as Tau Tzer Reticuli, was recently renamed after the legendary UEF commander, known for his heroic efforts in battlefields across the galaxy.", "size": 1.00498, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 12}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,793 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,793 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Manticores Retreat", "links": [13, 141, 33, 41], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "17", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "59fff5e8c29ace0a31c4867eedfb9284", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -269.0, "posy": -170.0, "desc": "This planet named after the glorious Commander Manticore. After years of battles Manticore got the mission to search for unknown and secret bases of the Cybrans...and he was successful! In a long, brutal and brave fight Manticore chased the Cybrans out of the System and renamed it after his name.Tired of the endless fights Manticore decided to stay.", "size": 1.02924, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 13}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,793 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,793 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Canis prime", "links": [14, 126, 70, 30], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "11", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e204926d30d55c006a8ed2bb53d38fef", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 362.0, "posy": -78.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.22142, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 14}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,793 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,793 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "New-Vennep", "links": [27, 103, 23], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "5", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "5d2821e9a81a73e406085392401d1a52", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.6, "posx": -57.0, "posy": 66.0, "desc": "A good name for a planet. The centre of the universe.", "size": 1.34228, "aeon": 0.4, "uid": 15}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,793 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,798 INFO faf.galacticWar Gating accepted.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,811 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Tartarus", "links": [16, 128, 127, 120], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "27", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "aeb85488a926c0d79dcf464cd887b06e", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 11.0, "posy": 187.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.59465, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 16}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,811 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,811 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Liebestra", "links": [17, 97, 89, 153], "uef": 0.8, "texture": "15", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "fa90832689a3a8f77533330d1b6573db", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.2, "posx": -139.0, "posy": -150.0, "desc": "A planet where the ruin of war has been smote upon it - a hell hole of mountains, metal, and lava....", "size": 1.5872, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 17}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,811 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Tarannis", "links": [18, 110, 90, 118], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "29", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "0fcd9c0a64562387c2e5e33ea8a1ac6b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 122.0, "posy": -64.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.53477, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 18}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Mylarr VII", "links": [19, 71, 143, 151], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "32", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "c8a133d786a12443560a3b9dbf78574f", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -74.0, "posy": 172.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.42433, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 19}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Valvollr", "links": [20, 148, 132, 100], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "4", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "40b2244cb65d3f260420e43fd8d05874", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 286.0, "posy": 179.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.45996, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 20}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "IceHole", "links": [73, 109, 153], "uef": 0.8, "texture": "25", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "559f717833514ec294ea7d4bbfe662f8", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.2, "posx": -110.0, "posy": -97.0, "desc": "ice planet with water in middle", "size": 1.33656, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 21}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Demeter", "links": [22, 82, 118, 134], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "12", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "55c32bace9daea1f77a959d161a61e3b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 209.0, "posy": -64.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.56576, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 22}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Altaica", "links": [91, 87, 99], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "18", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "b0fc59aaa6940d81a49a7e75d82aa26b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.4, "posx": -113.0, "posy": 91.0, "desc": "Altaica is a cool, subarctic world, terraformed almost a millennium ago. With its long stretches of taiga and lush forest valleys, it has been likened to Earths Siberia.It is here the Cybrans have set up some of their newest quantum computing centers, the cool crisp air helping both the computers and their symbiont operators maintain clear and focused thoughts.", "size": 1.33267, "aeon": 0.6, "uid": 23}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Nirn", "links": [80, 44, 148], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "21", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "a9ac3a0eb6f31bd1ce0cbab85a5a1f5d", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 221.0, "posy": 113.0, "desc": "Nirn is a garden world, having the optimal conditions for harboring life. It bears 5 continents, with the largest being Tamriel. Climates on Nirn vary wildly, having almost all known types. (e.g., The region of Tamriel known as Hammerfell contains a great desert covering much of the region.) Nirn is a planet of contention due to its superb aptitude to support life, as well as its high mineral content, offering an untold amount of Mass to any party who can control it.", "size": 1.57894, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 24}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Weyard", "links": [25, 39, 113, 85], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "15", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "fa90832689a3a8f77533330d1b6573db", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -228.0, "posy": -9.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.30809, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 25}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Blue Sky", "links": [26, 78, 154, 138], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "11", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e204926d30d55c006a8ed2bb53d38fef", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 277.0, "posy": -182.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.67936, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 26}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,819 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,821 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Yeh", "links": [104, 129, 143], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "10", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e23feeff7f9e8a2544f54146758b994c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -8.0, "posy": 66.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.5235, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 27}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,821 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,821 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Aaron Swartz & Ilya Zhitomirskiy Monument", "links": [28, 48, 68, 100], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "15", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "fa90832689a3a8f77533330d1b6573db", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 336.0, "posy": 140.0, "desc": "This is a monument to two heroes of our time that were willing to stand up for humanity.Sharing of units and resources are encouraged on this planet.", "size": 1.44799, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 28}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,821 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,841 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Dolores II", "links": [29, 85, 133, 61], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "12", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "55c32bace9daea1f77a959d161a61e3b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -262.0, "posy": -69.0, "desc": "Dolores II, once know as Bijoudimant, is a planet rich in mineral deposits. It was once a shining example of UEF dominance in the galaxy. It is rumored that here is where the UEF Supreme Commander found a gem which could have changed the course of the galactic war. Juxtaposed between areas of alien control, fierce battles raged for its riches, and was eventually over-run. All of its previous splendor now lay in ruins, and the entire UEF colony dead. This is when it was given it current name, which means birthed with pain and sorrow. The fate of the gem remains lost in legend.", "size": 1.16595, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 29}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,841 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,841 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Gyle Prime", "links": [74, 34, 154], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "14", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2034bf50942234c4dd6038aeb5678c7c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 343.0, "posy": -106.0, "desc": "This planets weak magnetic field and distance from its sun has made it an ideal location for receiving and relaying interstellar communications. Once an Aeon outpost, the planets main city has long since been abandoned due to the harsh living conditions and is now reputed to have passed into the hands of a private investor.", "size": 1.34446, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 30}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,842 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,842 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Corneria", "links": [31, 75, 119, 147], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "34", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "12c17a2703409ba850c9af1044267a6c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -304.0, "posy": 183.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.38005, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 31}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,842 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,842 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Betelgeuse 7", "links": [32, 92, 152, 60], "uef": 0.966736, "texture": "23", "cybran": 0.0122391, "md5tex": "bc607b667fd07c4b6db73515572e10cd", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 135.0, "posy": 187.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.61842, "aeon": 0.021025, "uid": 32}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,842 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,846 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Vegeta", "links": [121, 133], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "15", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "fa90832689a3a8f77533330d1b6573db", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -308.0, "posy": -181.0, "desc": "Vegeta is the forth planet from the Sun, and the densest and second-largest of the 18 planets in the Geminorum System.Planet Vegeta formed approximately 8.4 billion years ago, and life appeared on its surface within over 2 billion years. Its biosphere then significantly altered the atmospheric and other basic physical conditions, which enabled the proliferation of organisms. Positioned in the outskirt of galaxy this planet is very much like earth, has sea over 70% of surface, and 10 major mass land. Due to it's complex atmosphere the planet appears yellow from space. Very resource rich planet this planet is key to controlling the surrounding areas.", "size": 1.15702, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 33}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,846 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,846 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Reddal", "links": [38, 106, 94], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "4", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "40b2244cb65d3f260420e43fd8d05874", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 368.0, "posy": -151.0, "desc": "Reddal is a green planet, scattered with ponds. It is known for wide valleys surrounded by small hills. Although low in mineral resources, it is rich in plants and animal life. Reddal is a beautiful place to live and prosper, as long as it is kept well defended.", "size": 1.23755, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 34}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,846 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,846 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "his noodlyness meatball", "links": [35, 87, 99, 43], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "10", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e23feeff7f9e8a2544f54146758b994c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -151.0, "posy": 55.0, "desc": "For millenias his noodlyness had to watch the battles raging on his beloved spaghetti covered meatball - and hes not happy. Thats why he wants you to deal a noodly blow to the enemy so that the war on the planet may finally be over - put the colander on and charge into battle! May his noodly appendages be with you!", "size": 1.36568, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 35}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Death Star", "links": [136, 156, 68], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "1", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "c7a7cc8de758d2226053d4be6f8a33e2", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 364.0, "posy": 62.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.21221, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 36}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Shadar Logoth", "links": [37, 65, 69, 145], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "11", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e204926d30d55c006a8ed2bb53d38fef", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -371.0, "posy": -50.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.6878, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 37}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "steinhaus", "links": [70, 161], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "15", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "fa90832689a3a8f77533330d1b6573db", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 391.0, "posy": -134.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.30632, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 38}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Emgar", "links": [59, 95, 51], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "8", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e497a922b6de5025b8f70bd8f3733cbc", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -217.0, "posy": 25.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.46759, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 39}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Sirlouian", "links": [40, 76, 116, 124], "uef": 0.5, "texture": "30", "cybran": 0.5, "md5tex": "9a3df8996e976e35ab5b989ea9f66cd9", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 158.0, "posy": 29.0, "desc": "Sirlouia", "size": 1.68143, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 40}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "RedRage", "links": [77, 133, 125], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "24", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "38083379b8dba8753d8761537093ba73", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -234.0, "posy": -122.0, "desc": "The Planet, RedRage, moulded, reformed by a supernova. Its closest star recently Scorched the once green planet, into a Glowing red planet. Its current climate, still in raging heat.", "size": 1.56053, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 41}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Minerva", "links": [42, 66, 86, 158], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "28", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "645a0a7021a8e00fc04dd498b84a5adf", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 192.0, "posy": -162.0, "desc": "I only thought of the name because of dotswarlock use of Minverva Swamp (in his fiction it is the common cybran beverage)maybe you can take something from therehttp", "size": 1.27369, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 42}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "The Ashtray", "links": [113, 117, 139], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "33", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "bb61a13d9cbd0eb7883ca8c0d3417096", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -144.0, "posy": 12.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.37204, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 43}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Harus World", "links": [68, 52, 84], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "12", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "55c32bace9daea1f77a959d161a61e3b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 257.0, "posy": 132.0, "desc": "Harus World was discovered by legendary space-explorer Lawrence Haru. It immediately become a prime candidate for settlers due to its exceptional beauty and natural resources.", "size": 1.24139, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 44}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Oalis", "links": [45, 85, 77, 113], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "31", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "58ce3078adf76f55c62be7bc0a4013cd", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -224.0, "posy": -56.0, "desc": "Id like a green, watery planet suited for aeon combat and alien habitants. not unlike earth. Maybe a planet that hasent seen many wars yet.. but the lore Ill let you decide.", "size": 1.13393, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 45}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,848 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,849 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Black Portal", "links": [150, 98, 142], "uef": 0.874654, "texture": "13", "cybran": 2.15583e-09, "md5tex": "67165eace58eb1ef3e7343b4111713e0", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.125343, "posx": 54.0, "posy": -37.0, "desc": "Dark planetRugged Terrain", "size": 1.16836, "aeon": 2.99469e-06, "uid": 46}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,849 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,878 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "cyberworld ", "links": [47, 79, 91, 111], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "9", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "61e89d71485b0504f3595faa85440bd4", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -152.0, "posy": 149.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.10891, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 47}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,878 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,878 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Drak 9", "links": [156, 163], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "2", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "18bab2fb255b5fc7c39887dd59f2ba3c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 353.0, "posy": 166.0, "desc": "A Dead Dark and Lonely Rock scarred with asteroid craters.", "size": 1.18256, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 48}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,878 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,878 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Aegaeon", "links": [81, 93, 149], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "19", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "afefaab10c5d94bc25af1ca67bce00c3", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -1.0, "posy": -148.0, "desc": "The people of this remote outpost believed a hundred-armeed giant would save them from the infinite war - he was no match to the wast army of the UEF.", "size": 1.60698, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 49}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,878 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,878 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "fire at will", "links": [102, 144, 56], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "20", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "25e04e865dc1c0936b0154a272216573", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 310.0, "posy": -45.0, "desc": "This planet is red is warm +30 degree.", "size": 1.10862, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 50}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,878 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,878 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Winkel", "links": [87, 111, 79], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "6", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "879337fb79630cc18f7a4e6235220f77", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -190.0, "posy": 78.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.25515, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 51}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,880 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,880 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Trantor", "links": [64, 56], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "7", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2c0062269a5360e99643d3f6fb3aebed", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 267.0, "posy": 55.0, "desc": "Taken from Isaac Asimovs Foundation-Triology.", "size": 1.20834, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 52}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,880 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,880 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Hyperion", "links": [53, 153, 105, 81], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "14", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2034bf50942234c4dd6038aeb5678c7c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -74.0, "posy": -178.0, "desc": "This outback planet has only been colonized for the last 300 years. It is one of the 9 labyrinthian planet and is home to the time tomb and the legendary Shrike.", "size": 1.16175, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 53}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,880 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,880 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Palaven", "links": [122, 58, 62], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "14", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2034bf50942234c4dd6038aeb5678c7c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 59.0, "posy": -188.0, "desc": "Hot, but habitable planet, with dense vegetations, oceans of liquid methane. Low magnetic fields caused humans to make heavy structures to be able to live on it.Has two natural satellites, Menae and Nanus, could have orbital stations around it.", "size": 1.41117, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 54}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,880 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,880 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Makdom", "links": [55, 123, 135, 63], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "28", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "645a0a7021a8e00fc04dd498b84a5adf", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.6, "posx": -289.0, "posy": 83.0, "desc": "Resource rich, Makdom supplied the necessary resources for the UEF war machine. The other factions were quick to secure the treasured planet and has changed hands many times throughout the Great War. Through all the battles, the planet still continues to yield all the resources its conquer demands.", "size": 1.59627, "aeon": 0.4, "uid": 55}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,880 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,880 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "Unicron", "links": [108], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "30", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "9a3df8996e976e35ab5b989ea9f66cd9", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 266.0, "posy": 0.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.56161, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 56}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "57", "links": [57, 149, 93, 98], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "32", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "c8a133d786a12443560a3b9dbf78574f", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -37.0, "posy": -69.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.07989, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 57}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "58", "links": [142, 149], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "2", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "18bab2fb255b5fc7c39887dd59f2ba3c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 33.0, "posy": -158.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.46793, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 58}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "59", "links": [123, 107], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "15", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "fa90832689a3a8f77533330d1b6573db", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.5, "posx": -228.0, "posy": 56.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.36111, "aeon": 0.5, "uid": 59}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "60", "links": [140, 80, 132], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "2", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "18bab2fb255b5fc7c39887dd59f2ba3c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 183.0, "posy": 182.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.50807, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 60}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "61", "links": [145, 69, 65], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "31", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "58ce3078adf76f55c62be7bc0a4013cd", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -282.0, "posy": -49.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.22656, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 61}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "62", "links": [158, 114, 146], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "15", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "fa90832689a3a8f77533330d1b6573db", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 130.0, "posy": -168.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.18111, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 62}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "63", "links": [95, 131, 115], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "13", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "67165eace58eb1ef3e7343b4111713e0", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -281.0, "posy": 47.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.23268, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 63}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "64", "links": [84, 124, 116], "uef": 0.8, "texture": "20", "cybran": 0.2, "md5tex": "25e04e865dc1c0936b0154a272216573", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 213.0, "posy": 46.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.32498, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 64}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "65", "links": [133, 121], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "27", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "aeb85488a926c0d79dcf464cd887b06e", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -334.0, "posy": -81.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.53532, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 65}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "66", "links": [122, 134, 78], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "6", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "879337fb79630cc18f7a4e6235220f77", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 175.0, "posy": -192.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.55636, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 66}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,881 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "67", "links": [67, 159, 115, 83], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "17", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "59fff5e8c29ace0a31c4867eedfb9284", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.5, "posx": -375.0, "posy": 40.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.23012, "aeon": 0.5, "uid": 67}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "68", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "30", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "9a3df8996e976e35ab5b989ea9f66cd9", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 293.0, "posy": 132.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.08815, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 68}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "69", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "33", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "bb61a13d9cbd0eb7883ca8c0d3417096", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -312.0, "posy": -65.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.27613, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 69}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "70", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "5", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "5d2821e9a81a73e406085392401d1a52", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 395.0, "posy": -84.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.50209, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 70}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "71", "links": [91], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "30", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "9a3df8996e976e35ab5b989ea9f66cd9", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -75.0, "posy": 144.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.26655, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 71}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "72", "links": [72, 90, 96, 116], "uef": 0.414492, "texture": "29", "cybran": 0.090836, "md5tex": "0fcd9c0a64562387c2e5e33ea8a1ac6b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.494672, "posx": 111.0, "posy": 6.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.00438, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 72}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,884 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "73", "links": [81, 93], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "22", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "50841876c9a15a969a4ac2d985adc2d1", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -85.0, "posy": -127.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.42468, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 73}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,884 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,884 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "74", "links": [106], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "23", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "bc607b667fd07c4b6db73515572e10cd", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 343.0, "posy": -154.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.47821, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 74}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,884 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,884 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "75", "links": [162], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "15", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "fa90832689a3a8f77533330d1b6573db", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -332.0, "posy": 199.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.56131, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 75}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,884 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,884 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "76", "links": [110, 90, 82], "uef": 0.6, "texture": "5", "cybran": 0.4, "md5tex": "5d2821e9a81a73e406085392401d1a52", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 164.0, "posy": 4.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.34333, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 76}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,884 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,901 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "77", "links": [137, 117], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "12", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "55c32bace9daea1f77a959d161a61e3b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -202.0, "posy": -86.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.00982, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 77}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,901 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,901 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "78", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "12", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "55c32bace9daea1f77a959d161a61e3b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 263.0, "posy": -147.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.60937, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 78}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,901 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,901 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "79", "links": [107, 151], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "25", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "559f717833514ec294ea7d4bbfe662f8", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -182.0, "posy": 146.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.27252, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 79}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,901 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,901 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "80", "links": [92], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "18", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "b0fc59aaa6940d81a49a7e75d82aa26b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 209.0, "posy": 150.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.42986, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 80}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,901 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,903 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "81", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "16", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "cff61918cd46ea1a5dd9cbaf36370cb2", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -45.0, "posy": -135.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.39505, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 81}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,903 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,903 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "82", "links": [102], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "24", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "38083379b8dba8753d8761537093ba73", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 220.0, "posy": -35.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.6997, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 82}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,903 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,903 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "83", "links": [155, 135], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "3", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "0e1ff040f6e2551067585dea4ab5ccde", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -358.0, "posy": 92.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.32033, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 83}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,903 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,903 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "84", "links": [88], "uef": 0.9, "texture": "10", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e23feeff7f9e8a2544f54146758b994c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 189.0, "posy": 85.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.36458, "aeon": 0.1, "uid": 84}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,903 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,903 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "85", "links": [145], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "6", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "879337fb79630cc18f7a4e6235220f77", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -254.0, "posy": -43.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.61746, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 85}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,903 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "86", "links": [134, 118, 146], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "34", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "12c17a2703409ba850c9af1044267a6c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 198.0, "posy": -122.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.54421, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 86}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "87", "links": [113], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "16", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "cff61918cd46ea1a5dd9cbaf36370cb2", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.5, "posx": -149.0, "posy": 83.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.0274, "aeon": 0.5, "uid": 87}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "88", "links": [116, 96, 152], "uef": 0.0923977, "texture": "13", "cybran": 0.100669, "md5tex": "67165eace58eb1ef3e7343b4111713e0", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0450575, "posx": 135.0, "posy": 87.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.11457, "aeon": 0.761876, "uid": 88}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "89", "links": [157, 125], "uef": 0.6, "texture": "13", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "67165eace58eb1ef3e7343b4111713e0", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.4, "posx": -129.0, "posy": -195.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.42332, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 89}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "90", "links": [150], "uef": 0.969972, "texture": "28", "cybran": 0.0160393, "md5tex": "645a0a7021a8e00fc04dd498b84a5adf", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0139887, "posx": 117.0, "posy": -29.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.29524, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 90}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "91", "links": [151], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "34", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "12c17a2703409ba850c9af1044267a6c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -133.0, "posy": 121.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.22951, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 91}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "92", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "16", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "cff61918cd46ea1a5dd9cbaf36370cb2", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 148.0, "posy": 150.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.24724, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 92}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "93", "links": [109], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "11", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e204926d30d55c006a8ed2bb53d38fef", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -36.0, "posy": -110.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.23684, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 93}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "94", "links": [161], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "7", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2c0062269a5360e99643d3f6fb3aebed", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 388.0, "posy": -193.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.62416, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 94}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "95", "links": [123, 131], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "34", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "12c17a2703409ba850c9af1044267a6c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.8, "posx": -255.0, "posy": 64.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.4603, "aeon": 0.2, "uid": 95}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,904 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,905 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "96", "links": [120], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "12", "cybran": 0.0570997, "md5tex": "55c32bace9daea1f77a959d161a61e3b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.347975, "posx": 90.0, "posy": 53.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.58169, "aeon": 0.594925, "uid": 96}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,905 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,905 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "97", "links": [125, 137], "uef": 0.8, "texture": "26", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "3a196fcc448ed4b808777172f246156c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.2, "posx": -154.0, "posy": -170.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.07935, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 97}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,905 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,905 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "98", "links": [129, 104], "uef": 0.409279, "texture": "24", "cybran": 0.000142904, "md5tex": "38083379b8dba8753d8761537093ba73", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.579013, "posx": 14.0, "posy": -44.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.2783, "aeon": 0.0115655, "uid": 98}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,905 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,905 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "99", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "9", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "61e89d71485b0504f3595faa85440bd4", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -117.0, "posy": 53.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.65443, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 99}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,905 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,905 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "100", "links": [163], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "8", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e497a922b6de5025b8f70bd8f3733cbc", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 326.0, "posy": 187.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.59181, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 100}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,905 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,905 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "101", "links": [121, 160], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "13", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "67165eace58eb1ef3e7343b4111713e0", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -388.0, "posy": -154.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.61215, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 101}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "102", "links": [154, 138], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "5", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "5d2821e9a81a73e406085392401d1a52", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 289.0, "posy": -89.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.1328, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 102}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "103", "links": [139, 129, 109], "uef": 0.5, "texture": "21", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "a9ac3a0eb6f31bd1ce0cbab85a5a1f5d", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.5, "posx": -63.0, "posy": 10.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.50355, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 103}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "104", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "22", "cybran": 1.98763e-06, "md5tex": "50841876c9a15a969a4ac2d985adc2d1", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.96894, "posx": 10.0, "posy": 13.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.04062, "aeon": 0.0310579, "uid": 104}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "105", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "12", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "55c32bace9daea1f77a959d161a61e3b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -40.0, "posy": -161.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.64025, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 105}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "106", "links": [161, 154], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "26", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "3a196fcc448ed4b808777172f246156c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 352.0, "posy": -186.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.56144, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 106}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "107", "links": [119], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "28", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "645a0a7021a8e00fc04dd498b84a5adf", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -228.0, "posy": 142.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.47391, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 107}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "108", "links": [144], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "28", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "645a0a7021a8e00fc04dd498b84a5adf", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 320.0, "posy": 19.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.56908, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 108}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "109", "links": [117], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "20", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "25e04e865dc1c0936b0154a272216573", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -91.0, "posy": -41.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.34928, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 109}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "110", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "16", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "cff61918cd46ea1a5dd9cbaf36370cb2", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 146.0, "posy": -42.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.44235, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 110}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "111", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "20", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "25e04e865dc1c0936b0154a272216573", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -171.0, "posy": 117.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.63981, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 111}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "112", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "16", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "cff61918cd46ea1a5dd9cbaf36370cb2", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 331.0, "posy": 77.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.56704, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 112}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,907 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,908 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "113", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "20", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "25e04e865dc1c0936b0154a272216573", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -189.0, "posy": -6.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.6032, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 113}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,908 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,908 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "114", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "18", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "b0fc59aaa6940d81a49a7e75d82aa26b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 105.0, "posy": -144.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.39153, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 114}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,908 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,908 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "115", "links": [135, 145], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "30", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "9a3df8996e976e35ab5b989ea9f66cd9", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -335.0, "posy": 15.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.54521, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 115}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,908 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,908 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "116", "links": [], "uef": 0.461, "texture": "29", "cybran": 0.414848, "md5tex": "0fcd9c0a64562387c2e5e33ea8a1ac6b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0729364, "posx": 131.0, "posy": 55.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.18076, "aeon": 0.0512158, "uid": 116}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,908 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,908 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "117", "links": [], "uef": 0.1, "texture": "19", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "afefaab10c5d94bc25af1ca67bce00c3", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.9, "posx": -156.0, "posy": -35.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.31498, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 117}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,908 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "118", "links": [130], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "6", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "879337fb79630cc18f7a4e6235220f77", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 163.0, "posy": -73.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.40247, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 118}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "119", "links": [123], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "9", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "61e89d71485b0504f3595faa85440bd4", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -273.0, "posy": 195.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.33791, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 119}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "120", "links": [152, 143], "uef": 0.1, "texture": "24", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "38083379b8dba8753d8761537093ba73", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 52.0, "posy": 135.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.62704, "aeon": 0.9, "uid": 120}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "121", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "27", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "aeb85488a926c0d79dcf464cd887b06e", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -374.0, "posy": -132.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.69388, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 121}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "122", "links": [158], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "28", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "645a0a7021a8e00fc04dd498b84a5adf", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 94.0, "posy": -199.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.67209, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 122}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "123", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "23", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "bc607b667fd07c4b6db73515572e10cd", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -282.0, "posy": 107.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.25355, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 123}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "124", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "30", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "9a3df8996e976e35ab5b989ea9f66cd9", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 192.0, "posy": 3.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.06221, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 124}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "125", "links": [141], "uef": 0.1, "texture": "13", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "67165eace58eb1ef3e7343b4111713e0", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.9, "posx": -198.0, "posy": -171.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.32576, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 125}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "126", "links": [136], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "11", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e204926d30d55c006a8ed2bb53d38fef", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 377.0, "posy": -57.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.5116, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 126}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,924 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "127", "links": [143, 128], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "14", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2034bf50942234c4dd6038aeb5678c7c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -14.0, "posy": 154.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.62489, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 127}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,926 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,926 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "128", "links": [128], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "1", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "c7a7cc8de758d2226053d4be6f8a33e2", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 28.0, "posy": 155.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.17305, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 128}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,926 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,926 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "129", "links": [], "uef": 1.43473e-08, "texture": "30", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "9a3df8996e976e35ab5b989ea9f66cd9", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.98007, "posx": -16.0, "posy": -15.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.41609, "aeon": 0.01993, "uid": 129}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,926 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,926 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "130", "links": [146, 150, 142], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "10", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e23feeff7f9e8a2544f54146758b994c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 90.0, "posy": -94.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.15879, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 130}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,926 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,926 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "131", "links": [131], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "27", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "aeb85488a926c0d79dcf464cd887b06e", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -310.0, "posy": 14.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.23315, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 131}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,926 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,926 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "132", "links": [140], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "4", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "40b2244cb65d3f260420e43fd8d05874", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 258.0, "posy": 198.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.52699, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 132}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,926 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "133", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "7", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2c0062269a5360e99643d3f6fb3aebed", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -281.0, "posy": -89.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.48846, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 133}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "134", "links": [138], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "23", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "bc607b667fd07c4b6db73515572e10cd", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 227.0, "posy": -119.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.45612, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 134}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "135", "links": [159], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "23", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "bc607b667fd07c4b6db73515572e10cd", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.8, "posx": -312.0, "posy": 57.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.05331, "aeon": 0.2, "uid": 135}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "136", "links": [136, 156], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "14", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2034bf50942234c4dd6038aeb5678c7c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 393.0, "posy": 94.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.6542, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 136}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "137", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "2", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "18bab2fb255b5fc7c39887dd59f2ba3c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -169.0, "posy": -89.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.27715, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 137}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "138", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "32", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "c8a133d786a12443560a3b9dbf78574f", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 265.0, "posy": -122.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.00099, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 138}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "139", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "21", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "a9ac3a0eb6f31bd1ce0cbab85a5a1f5d", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -93.0, "posy": 11.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.35899, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 139}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "140", "links": [140], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "5", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "5d2821e9a81a73e406085392401d1a52", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 205.0, "posy": 196.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.47961, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 140}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "141", "links": [157, 160], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "31", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "58ce3078adf76f55c62be7bc0a4013cd", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -242.0, "posy": -190.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.39063, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 141}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "142", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "5", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "5d2821e9a81a73e406085392401d1a52", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 21.0, "posy": -86.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.46197, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 142}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "143", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "34", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "12c17a2703409ba850c9af1044267a6c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -46.0, "posy": 141.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.4953, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 143}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,927 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "144", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "18", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "b0fc59aaa6940d81a49a7e75d82aa26b", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 295.0, "posy": 2.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.68748, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 144}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "145", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "23", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "bc607b667fd07c4b6db73515572e10cd", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -304.0, "posy": -32.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.4525, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 145}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "146", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "26", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "3a196fcc448ed4b808777172f246156c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 122.0, "posy": -121.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.10852, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 146}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "147", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "25", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "559f717833514ec294ea7d4bbfe662f8", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -364.0, "posy": 171.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.06228, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 147}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "148", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "14", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2034bf50942234c4dd6038aeb5678c7c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 270.0, "posy": 154.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.37709, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 148}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "149", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "28", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "645a0a7021a8e00fc04dd498b84a5adf", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -11.0, "posy": -91.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.3461, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 149}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,928 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "150", "links": [], "uef": 0.984771, "texture": "31", "cybran": 0.00067828, "md5tex": "58ce3078adf76f55c62be7bc0a4013cd", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0145507, "posx": 78.0, "posy": -44.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.39541, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 150}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "151", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "33", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "bb61a13d9cbd0eb7883ca8c0d3417096", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -124.0, "posy": 185.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.46658, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 151}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "152", "links": [], "uef": 0.6, "texture": "7", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2c0062269a5360e99643d3f6fb3aebed", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 112.0, "posy": 146.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.54636, "aeon": 0.4, "uid": 152}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "153", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "1", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "c7a7cc8de758d2226053d4be6f8a33e2", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -87.0, "posy": -152.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.18543, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 153}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "154", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "16", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "cff61918cd46ea1a5dd9cbaf36370cb2", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 291.0, "posy": -124.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.63457, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 154}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "155", "links": [162], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "11", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e204926d30d55c006a8ed2bb53d38fef", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -393.0, "posy": 99.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.50566, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 155}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "156", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "7", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2c0062269a5360e99643d3f6fb3aebed", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 398.0, "posy": 140.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.07795, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 156}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "157", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "34", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "12c17a2703409ba850c9af1044267a6c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -177.0, "posy": -190.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.02609, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 157}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "158", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "15", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "fa90832689a3a8f77533330d1b6573db", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 150.0, "posy": -186.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.43299, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 158}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "159", "links": [], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "5", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "5d2821e9a81a73e406085392401d1a52", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -349.0, "posy": 40.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.12767, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 159}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "160", "links": [160], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "13", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "67165eace58eb1ef3e7343b4111713e0", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 1.0, "posx": -400.0, "posy": -200.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.16399, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 160}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,930 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,931 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "161", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "14", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "2034bf50942234c4dd6038aeb5678c7c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 400.0, "posy": -200.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.10665, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 161}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,931 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,931 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "162", "links": [162], "uef": 0.0, "texture": "31", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "58ce3078adf76f55c62be7bc0a4013cd", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": -400.0, "posy": 200.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.59987, "aeon": 1.0, "uid": 162}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,931 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,931 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"name": "163", "links": [], "uef": 1.0, "texture": "10", "cybran": 0.0, "md5tex": "e23feeff7f9e8a2544f54146758b994c", "command": "planet_info", "seraphim": 0.0, "posx": 400.0, "posy": 200.0, "desc": "", "size": 1.35468, "aeon": 0.0, "uid": 163}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,931 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating planet infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,931 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"status": true, "command": "init_done"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,943 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"shader_fragment": "\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nvoid main (void)\n{ \n gl_FragColor = gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse ; \n gl_FragColor.a = pow(texture2D(texture,vec2(gl_TexCoord[0]))[0],2.0) * gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse.a;\n}\n", "command": "shader", "shader_vertex": "\nuniform vec3 pos; // Position de la dans le repere Objet\nuniform vec3 rotation;\nuniform vec3 scaling;\nattribute lowp float rotation_plane;\n\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec4 a = gl_Vertex; \n a.x = a.x * scaling.x;\n a.y = a.y * scaling.y;\n a.z = a.z * scaling.z;\n vec3 look = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n vec3 upVector = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n vec3 r = cross ( upVector, look );\n vec3 up = cross ( look, r );\n\n float angle = rotation_plane + rotation.x; \n\n\n mat4 RotationMatrixDir = mat4(cos(angle), -sin(angle), 0.0, 0.0,\n sin(angle), cos(angle), 0.0 , 0.0,\n 0.0, 0.0 , 1.0, 0.0,\n 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); \n\n mat4 billboard = mat4(\n vec4(r.x, up.x, look.x, pos.x),\n vec4(r.y, up.y, look.y, pos.y),\n vec4(r.z, up.z, look.z, pos.z),\n vec4(0, 0, 0, 1.0) \n );\n\n gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;\n \n mat4 finalPosMtx = RotationMatrixDir *billboard;\n \n \n gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_ModelViewMatrix * (a * finalPosMtx); \n}\n", "name": "swirl"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,944 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"shader_fragment": "\nvoid main (void)\n{\n gl_FragColor = gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse ;\n}\n", "command": "shader", "shader_vertex": "\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = ftransform(); \n}\n", "name": "constant"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,944 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"shader_fragment": "\nvarying vec3 normal, halfVector;\n\nvarying mat4 billboard, RotationMatrixDir, RotationMatrixDir2;\nvarying float Ratio;\nvarying vec4 lightDir;\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nvec4 light0 ()\n{\n\n vec4 color;\n \n vec4 ambient = gl_LightSource[0].ambient * gl_FrontMaterial.ambient;\n vec4 diffuse = gl_LightSource[0].diffuse * max(dot(vec4(normal,0),gl_LightSource[0].position),0.0) * gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse;\n color = ambient + diffuse;\n return color;\n}\n \nvec4 light1 ()\n{\n\n vec4 color;\n \n vec4 ambient = gl_LightSource[1].ambient * gl_FrontMaterial.ambient;\n vec4 diffuse = gl_LightSource[1].diffuse * max(dot(vec4(normal,0),gl_LightSource[1].position),0.0) * gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse;\n color = ambient + diffuse;\n return color;\n}\n\n\nvoid main (void)\n{\n\n vec4 texture_color = texture2D(texture,vec2(gl_TexCoord[0]));\n\n float shiny = gl_FrontMaterial.shininess;\n \n vec3 N = normalize(normal);\n \n float NdotHV = max(0.0,dot( N,(halfVector) ));\n \n \n vec4 spec = gl_LightSource[0].specular * \n gl_FrontMaterial.specular * \n pow( NdotHV , shiny );\n\n vec4 diffuse_light = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n \n if(vec3(gl_LightSource[0].position) != vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))\n diffuse_light += light0();\n if(vec3(gl_LightSource[1].position) != vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))\n diffuse_light += light1();\n \n gl_FragColor = (diffuse_light * texture_color) + spec + (diffuse_light *1.8 * Ratio);\n gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; \n}\n", "command": "shader", "shader_vertex": "\nconst float Eta = 1.1; // Ratio of indices of refraction\nconst float FresnelPower = 2.5;\n\nconst float F = ((1.0-Eta) * (1.0-Eta)) / ((1.0+Eta) * (1.0+Eta));\n\nvarying vec3 normal, halfVector;\nvarying float Ratio;\n\n\nuniform vec3 pos; // Position de la sphere dans le repere Objet\nuniform vec3 scaling;\nattribute highp vec3 camPos; // Position de la sphere dans le repere Objet\nattribute lowp float rotation;\n\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec4 a = gl_Vertex; \n a.x = a.x * scaling.x;\n a.y = a.y * scaling.y;\n a.z = a.z * scaling.z;\n\n gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;\n\n vec3 look = normalize(camPos - pos);\n vec3 upVector = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n\n vec3 r = cross ( upVector, look );\n vec3 up = cross ( look, r );\n\n mat4 RotationMatrixDir = mat4( vec4(cos(-1.53), 0.0, sin(-1.53), 0.0),\n vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),\n vec4(-sin(-1.53), 0.0, cos(-1.53), 0.0),\n vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); \n\n mat4 RotationMatrixDir2 = mat4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,\n 0.0, cos(rotation), -sin(rotation), 0.0,\n 0.0, sin(rotation), cos(rotation), 0.0,\n 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); \n\n mat4 billboard = mat4(\n vec4(r.x, up.x, look.x, pos.x),\n vec4(r.y, up.y, look.y, pos.y),\n vec4(r.z, up.z, look.z, pos.z),\n vec4(0, 0, 0, 1.0) \n );\n\n\n mat4 finalPosMtx = RotationMatrixDir *RotationMatrixDir2 * billboard;\n normal = vec3(normalize(vec4(gl_Normal ,1)* RotationMatrixDir *RotationMatrixDir2));\n vec4 ecPosition = gl_ModelViewMatrix * a *finalPosMtx;\n vec3 i = vec3(normalize(ecPosition - gl_ModelViewMatrix*vec4(camPos,1))); \n Ratio = F + (1.0 - F) * pow(1.0 - normal.z, FresnelPower);\n\n halfVector = normalize(vec3(gl_LightSource[0];\n gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_ModelViewMatrix * (a * finalPosMtx);\n\n}\n", "name": "planet"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,944 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"shader_fragment": "\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nvoid main (void)\n{\n gl_FragColor.r = .7 ; \n gl_FragColor.g = .8 ;\n gl_FragColor.b = 1.0 ;\n gl_FragColor.a = pow(texture2D(texture,vec2(gl_TexCoord[0]))[0],3.0);\n}\n", "command": "shader", "shader_vertex": "\nuniform vec3 pos; // Position de la sphere dans le repere Objet\nattribute highp vec3 camPos; // Position de la sphere dans le repere Objet\nuniform vec3 scaling;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec4 a = gl_Vertex; \n a.x = a.x * scaling.x;\n a.y = a.y * scaling.y;\n a.z = a.z * scaling.z;\n vec3 look = normalize(camPos - pos);\n vec3 upVector = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n vec3 r = cross ( upVector, look );\n vec3 up = cross ( look, r );\n\n float angle = -90.0 * 0.017;\n\n mat4 RotationMatrixDir = mat4( vec4(cos(angle), 0.0, sin(angle), 0.0),\n vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),\n vec4(-sin(angle), 0.0, cos(angle), 0.0),\n vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); \n\n mat4 billboard = mat4(\n vec4(r.x, up.x, look.x, pos.x),\n vec4(r.y, up.y, look.y, pos.y),\n vec4(r.z, up.z, look.z, pos.z),\n vec4(0, 0, 0, 1.0) \n );\n\n gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;\n \n mat4 finalPosMtx = billboard;\n gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_ModelViewMatrix * (a * finalPosMtx); \n}\n", "name": "atmosphere"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,946 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"shader_fragment": "\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nvoid main (void)\n{\n gl_FragColor.r = .7 ; \n gl_FragColor.g = .8 ;\n gl_FragColor.b = 1.0 ;\n gl_FragColor.a = pow(texture2D(texture,vec2(gl_TexCoord[0]))[0],3.0);\n}\n", "command": "shader", "shader_vertex": "\nattribute highp vec3 camPos; // Position de la sphere dans le repere Objet\nattribute highp vec3 pos; // Position de la sphere dans le repere Objet\nattribute highp vec3 scaling;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec4 a = gl_Vertex; \n a.x = a.x * scaling.x;\n a.y = a.y * scaling.y;\n a.z = a.z * scaling.z;\n vec3 look = normalize(camPos - pos);\n vec3 upVector = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n vec3 r = cross ( upVector, look );\n vec3 up = cross ( look, r );\n\n float angle = -90.0 * 0.017;\n\n mat4 RotationMatrixDir = mat4( vec4(cos(angle), 0.0, sin(angle), 0.0),\n vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),\n vec4(-sin(angle), 0.0, cos(angle), 0.0),\n vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); \n\n mat4 billboard = mat4(\n vec4(r.x, up.x, look.x, pos.x),\n vec4(r.y, up.y, look.y, pos.y),\n vec4(r.z, up.z, look.z, pos.z),\n vec4(0, 0, 0, 1.0) \n );\n\n gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;\n \n mat4 finalPosMtx = billboard;\n gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_ModelViewMatrix * (a * finalPosMtx); \n}\n", "name": "selection"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,946 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"shader_fragment": "\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nvoid main (void)\n{ \n gl_FragColor = gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse ; \n gl_FragColor.a = pow(texture2D(texture,vec2(gl_TexCoord[0]))[0],2.0) * gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse.a;\n}\n", "command": "shader", "shader_vertex": "\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;\n gl_Position = ftransform(); \n}\n", "name": "stars"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,946 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"shader_fragment": "\nuniform sampler2D texture;\nvoid main (void)\n{\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture,vec2(gl_TexCoord[0])) ;\n}\n", "command": "shader", "shader_vertex": "\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;\n gl_Position = ftransform(); \n}\n", "name": "background"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:43,996 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 24.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,019 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 25.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,038 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 26.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,059 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 27.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,073 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 20.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,107 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 21.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,132 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 22.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,160 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 23.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,176 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 28.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,188 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 29.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,197 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 1.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,210 DEBUG faf.galacticWar attack.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,223 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 2.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,239 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 5.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,253 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 4.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,260 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 7.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,269 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 6.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,285 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 9.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,295 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 8.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,302 DEBUG faf.galacticWar star.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,318 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 3.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,447 DEBUG faf.galacticWar background.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,448 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 11.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,456 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 10.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,467 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 13.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,482 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 12.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,489 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 15.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,503 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 14.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,509 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 17.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,516 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 16.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,532 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 33.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,546 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 18.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,548 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 31.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,559 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 30.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,572 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 34.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,579 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 19.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:44,595 DEBUG faf.galacticWar 32.png in cache.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:45,204 INFO OpenGL.acceleratesupport No OpenGL_accelerate module loaded: No module named OpenGL_accelerate
- 2013-06-02 11:10:45,388 INFO OpenGL.formathandler Unable to load registered array format handler numeric:
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File ".\OpenGL\arrays\", line 35, in loadPlugin
- File ".\OpenGL\", line 14, in load
- File ".\OpenGL\", line 28, in importByName
- File ".\OpenGL\arrays\", line 15, in <module>
- ImportError: No Numeric module present: No module named Numeric
- 2013-06-02 11:10:45,398 INFO OpenGL.formathandler Unable to load registered array format handler vbo:
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File ".\OpenGL\arrays\", line 35, in loadPlugin
- File ".\OpenGL\", line 14, in load
- File ".\OpenGL\", line 28, in importByName
- File ".\OpenGL\arrays\", line 33, in <module>
- ImportError: cannot import name GL
- 2013-06-02 11:10:45,398 INFO OpenGL.formathandler Unable to load registered array format handler vbooffset:
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File ".\OpenGL\arrays\", line 35, in loadPlugin
- File ".\OpenGL\", line 14, in load
- File ".\OpenGL\", line 28, in importByName
- File ".\OpenGL\arrays\", line 33, in <module>
- ImportError: cannot import name GL
- 2013-06-02 11:10:47,983 DEBUG faf.galacticWar GW Info panel instantiating.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:47,986 INFO faf.galacticWar Outgoing JSON Message: {"status": true, "command": "init_done"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:47,986 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: {"status": true, "command": "init_done"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,089 INFO faf.galacticWar constant shader linked.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,089 INFO faf.galacticWar atmosphere shader linked.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,091 INFO faf.galacticWar star shader linked.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,091 INFO faf.galacticWar background shader linked.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,092 INFO faf.galacticWar planet shader linked.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,092 INFO faf.galacticWar selection shader linked.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,092 INFO faf.galacticWar swirl shader linked.
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,259 INFO faf.galacticWar Creating planets
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,900 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"credits": 1294, "victories": 15, "command": "logged_in", "uid": 20621, "faction": 1, "rank": 1, "name": "Evorwean Wyneyd"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,900 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Received player info : victories 15, credits 1294
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,900 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating rank interface
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,900 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating credit interface
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,900 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating victories interface
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,911 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: galacticwar/galacticwar.css
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,967 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,967 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"command": "social", "autojoin": 1}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,967 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"credits": 1294, "victories": 15, "command": "player_info", "uid": 20621, "faction": 1, "rank": 1, "name": "Evorwean Wyneyd"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,967 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Received player info : victories 15, credits 1294
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,967 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating rank interface
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,967 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating credit interface
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,967 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating victories interface
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,969 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"attacks": {"7417": {"40": {"defended": false, "attackers": [[4, "Unknown"]], "onHold": false, "faction": 0, "timeAttack": 943.4559290409088}, "64": {"defended": false, "attackers": [[4, "Unknown"]], "onHold": false, "faction": 0, "timeAttack": 946.4556879997253}, "116": {"defended": false, "attackers": [[4, "Unknown"]], "onHold": false, "faction": 0, "timeAttack": 940.4562950134277}, "89": {"defended": false, "attackers": [[4, "Unknown"]], "onHold": false, "faction": 0, "timeAttack": 3472.4552381038666}, "17": {"defended": false, "attackers": [[4, "Unknown"]], "onHold": false, "faction": 0, "timeAttack": 1289.4554600715637}}}, "command": "attacks_info"}
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,969 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks infos
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,969 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
- 2013-06-02 11:10:49,969 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"news": ["57 is now in UEF hands", "Andrea Coponen has ranked up to Supreme Commander", "109 is now in UEF hands", "Sou Tyta-Thisuhan has been killed by UEF on Liebestra", "Ihoth-Ihishis has joined the Seraphim army", "Lavon Ruscio rank is now Sergeant", "73 is now in UEF hands", "153 is now in UEF hands", "90 is now in UEF hands", "Drone Julia-490 has been killed by Aeon on 88", "Factor-855 has joined the Cybran army", "William Chisom has been promoted to Corporal", "Valarie Ginnis has been promoted to Captain", "120 is now in Aeon hands", "Demolnw Aeron has been promoted to Crusader", "109 is now in UEF hands", "Ishau-Ihyzoh is now a Sou", "Tennifrhyr Merri rank is now Priest", "William Chisom rank is now Sergeant", "Valarie Ginnis is now a Major"], "command": "news_feed"}
- 2013-06-02 11:11:50,888 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: PONG
- 2013-06-02 11:11:59,328 INFO faf.galacticWar Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "attack_command", "uid": 96}
- 2013-06-02 11:11:59,328 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: {"command": "attack_command", "uid": 96}
- 2013-06-02 11:11:59,427 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"credits": 1194, "victories": 15, "command": "player_info", "uid": 20621, "faction": 1, "rank": 1, "name": "Evorwean Wyneyd"}
- 2013-06-02 11:11:59,427 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Received player info : victories 15, credits 1194
- 2013-06-02 11:11:59,427 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating rank interface
- 2013-06-02 11:11:59,427 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating credit interface
- 2013-06-02 11:11:59,427 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating victories interface
- 2013-06-02 11:11:59,430 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Incoming JSON Message: {"attacks": {"7417": {"40": {"defended": false, "attackers": [[4, "Unknown"]], "onHold": false, "faction": 0, "timeAttack": 873.9120540618896}, "64": {"defended": false, "attackers": [[4, "Unknown"]], "onHold": false, "faction": 0, "timeAttack": 876.9117879867554}, "116": {"defended": false, "attackers": [[4, "Unknown"]], "onHold": false, "faction": 0, "timeAttack": 870.9124219417572}, "89": {"defended": false, "attackers": [[4, "Unknown"]], "onHold": false, "faction": 0, "timeAttack": 3402.911367893219}, "17": {"defended": false, "attackers": [[4, "Unknown"]], "onHold": false, "faction": 0, "timeAttack": 1219.911537885666}}, "20621": {"96": {"defended": false, "attackers": [[1, "Unknown"]], "onHold": false, "faction": 1, "timeAttack": 3599.9111590385437}}}, "command": "attacks_info"}
- 2013-06-02 11:11:59,430 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks infos
- 2013-06-02 11:11:59,430 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
- 2013-06-02 11:12:51,882 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: PONG
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,878 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: faf and map None
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,878 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: faf, version None
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,878 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-06-02 11:13:00
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,878 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,878 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,944 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-06-02 11:13:00
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,947 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,976 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,976 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,977 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,977 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-06-02 11:13:00,979 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,003 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 4e2133674c8b5b99b0cd7e022d814d81])
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,005 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,032 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,032 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,032 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,164 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,165 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,165 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,165 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,165 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,165 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,167 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,167 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,167 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,167 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,167 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,167 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,167 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,167 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,191 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,191 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,198 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 8b38b33e55772235413552158c1603e0])
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,223 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,223 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,223 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,223 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,223 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-06-02 11:13:01
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,239 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-06-02 11:13:01
- 2013-06-02 11:13:01,239 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:02,500 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"access": "public", "mapname": "canis3v3.v0001", "command": "game_host", "title": "mumble testing", "gameport": 6112, "options": [], "mod": "faf"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:02,555 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'args': [u'/ratingcolor cfcfcfcf', u'/numgames 145'], u'command': u'game_launch', u'uid': 976244, u'mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:02,555 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Golol', 'game_time': 1370164382.555, 'uid': 976244, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.43'}, 'featured_mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:02,555 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /ratingcolor cfcfcfcf /numgames 145 /mean 1223.87 /deviation 75.1357 /country DE /init init_faf.lua /log "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game.log" /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/976244/Golol.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
- 2013-06-02 11:13:02,576 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,308 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,308 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,354 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,354 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,354 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,354 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,387 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [0, 6112, "Golol", 20621, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,387 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,438 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,438 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,463 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["canis3v3.v0001"], "key": "HostGame"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,480 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,480 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["UnitCap", "1000"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,480 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,480 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["FogOfWar", "explored"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,482 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Victory", "sandbox"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,482 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Timeouts", "3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,482 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["GameSpeed", "normal"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,482 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatsEnabled", "false"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,482 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,482 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CivilianAlliance", "enemy"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,482 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["PrebuiltUnits", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NoRushOption", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Score", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Share", "yes"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamSpawn", "fixed"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamLock", "locked"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AutoTeams", "tvsb"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["BuildMult", "2.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TMLRandom", "0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["LandExpansionsAllowed", "5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NavalExpansionsAllowed", "4"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["OmniCheat", "on"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["ScenarioFile", "/maps/canis3v3.v0001/canis3v3_scenario.lua"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,484 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,484 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Slots", 6]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,786 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,875 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,875 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,875 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,875 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RankedGame", "Off"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,877 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,877 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AllowObservers", 0]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,914 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,914 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,914 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,915 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,915 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,915 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,943 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,943 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,943 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,944 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,944 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,944 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,946 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,946 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,950 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,950 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Chat", "chuncks": ["#"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:07,984 INFO faf.client port used : 6112
- 2013-06-02 11:13:18,904 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:13:18,904 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:13:18,904 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol']}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:18,904 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976238
- 2013-06-02 11:13:18,904 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976244
- 2013-06-02 11:13:18,904 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 1, u'uid': 976244, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370164372.213886, u'game_type': 3, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:18,904 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:13:18,904 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:13:31,809 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:31,809 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:32,141 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:32,141 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY ThorGer"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:32,168 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:32,249 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 20621 Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:32,249 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Golol"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:32,480 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:32,480 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 20617 ThorGer"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:32,608 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "ThorGer", 20617], "key": "ConnectToPeer"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:32,733 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:32,733 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY ThorGer"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,239 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,239 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,239 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,239 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,239 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,239 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,246 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,246 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,246 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,246 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,246 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,246 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,267 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,267 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,267 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,267 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,267 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,267 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,270 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,270 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,270 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,270 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,270 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,270 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,582 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,582 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Connected", "chuncks": ["20617"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,898 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,898 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,898 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol', u'ThorGer']}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,898 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976244
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,898 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976244
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,898 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 2, u'uid': 976244, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370164372.213886, u'game_type': 3, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol', u'ThorGer']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,898 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:13:33,900 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,368 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,369 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,369 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,369 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,369 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,372 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,372 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,372 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,372 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,372 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,374 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,394 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,394 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,394 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,394 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,394 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,395 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,398 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,398 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,398 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,398 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,398 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:35,398 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:38,388 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:38,900 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:13:38,900 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:13:38,900 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol', u'ThorGer']}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:38,900 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976244
- 2013-06-02 11:13:38,900 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976244
- 2013-06-02 11:13:38,900 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 2, u'uid': 976244, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370164372.213886, u'game_type': 3, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol', u'ThorGer']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:38,900 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:13:38,900 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,255 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,255 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,255 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,255 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,256 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,256 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,257 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,257 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,259 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,259 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,259 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,259 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,280 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,280 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,282 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,282 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,283 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,283 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,283 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:42,283 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:43,905 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:13:43,907 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:13:43,907 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol', u'ThorGer']}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:43,907 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976244
- 2013-06-02 11:13:43,907 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976244
- 2013-06-02 11:13:43,907 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 2, u'uid': 976244, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370164372.213886, u'game_type': 3, u'state': u'open', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol', u'ThorGer']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:43,907 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:13:43,907 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,746 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,746 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,746 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,746 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,747 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,747 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,773 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,773 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,775 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,775 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,775 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,775 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,778 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,778 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,778 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,778 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,779 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:46,779 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,286 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,286 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Golol 1 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,286 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Golol 1 6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,286 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,286 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Golol 1 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,286 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Golol 1 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,289 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,289 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction ThorGer 2 1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,289 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color ThorGer 2 10"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,289 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,289 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team ThorGer 2 3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,289 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot ThorGer 2 2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,290 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,290 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Launching"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,443 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA connected locally.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,467 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder internet replay server
- 2013-06-02 11:13:47,467 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Stripping prefix 'P/976244/Golol.SCFAreplay ' from replay.
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,907 INFO faf.fa Game Info Complete: {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 2, 'uid': 976244, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.43'}, 'game_time': 1370164417.001562, u'game_type': 3, u'host': u'Golol', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol', u'ThorGer']}, u'access': u'public', u'state': u'playing', u'options': [], u'command': u'game_info', 'featured_mod': u'faf', u'title': u'mumble testing', 'recorder': u'Golol', u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'max_players': 6, 'complete': True}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,921 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,921 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,921 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol', u'ThorGer']}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,921 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976244
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,921 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976244
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,921 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 2, u'uid': 976244, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370164417.001562, u'game_type': 3, u'state': u'playing', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol', u'ThorGer']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,921 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'2': [u'Golol', u'ThorGer']}
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,921 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Golol is in team 2
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,921 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Set mumbleIdentity: 976244-2
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,921 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:13:48,921 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:13:52,890 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: PONG
- 2013-06-02 11:14:09,392 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:14:38,673 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:14:38,673 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "5900.5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:14:40,529 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:14:44,029 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:14:44,029 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "11257.6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:14:49,335 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:14:49,335 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "16563.6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:14:53,917 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: PONG
- 2013-06-02 11:14:54,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:14:54,338 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "21566.1"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:14:59,342 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:14:59,342 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "26569.2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:04,344 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:15:04,344 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "31571.9"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:09,345 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:15:09,345 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "36574.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:11,398 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:14,349 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:15:14,349 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "41577.3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:19,351 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:15:19,351 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "46578.5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:25,267 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:15:25,267 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "52495.5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:31,140 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:15:31,140 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "58367.5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:33,997 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
- 2013-06-02 11:15:33,997 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Golol
- 2013-06-02 11:15:33,997 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'2': [u'Golol']}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:33,997 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 976244
- 2013-06-02 11:15:33,997 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 976244
- 2013-06-02 11:15:33,997 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'1': 3625, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3618, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'6': 3618}, u'num_players': 1, u'uid': 976244, u'title': u'mumble testing', u'game_time': 1370164417.001562, u'game_type': 3, u'state': u'playing', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'2': [u'Golol']}, u'mapname': u'canis3v3.v0001', u'host': u'Golol', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 6, u'options': []}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:33,997 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
- 2013-06-02 11:15:33,999 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Updating mumble state
- 2013-06-02 11:15:36,142 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:15:36,142 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "63370.4"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:41,142 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:15:41,142 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "68371.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:42,424 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:46,145 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:15:46,145 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "73373.8"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:51,148 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:15:51,148 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "78376.2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:15:55,200 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: PONG
- 2013-06-02 11:15:56,151 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:15:56,151 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "83379.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:16:01,153 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:16:01,153 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "88380.4"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:16:06,154 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:16:06,154 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "93382.5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:16:11,157 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:16:11,157 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "98384.2"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:16:13,750 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
- 2013-06-02 11:16:16,160 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:16:16,160 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "103387.3"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:16:21,161 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:16:21,161 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "108388.5"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:16:26,163 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:16:26,163 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "113390.6"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:16:31,165 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:16:31,165 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "118394.0"]}
- 2013-06-02 11:16:36,170 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-06-02 11:16:36,170 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["data", "402", "20621", "123397.5"]}
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