
Chronicles of an ex-football fan

Apr 2nd, 2014
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  1. >hating an activity because of the actions of
  2. the most autistic members of a fandom
  3. I used to be a football fan, but as you may
  4. have guessed, this is no longer the case. I
  5. now realize that football fans are some of
  6. the worst, most over-obsessed fans I've ever
  7. seen.
  8. I used to casually watch football until I
  9. started working with a guy named Chris.
  10. Chris is totally obsessed about football. It's
  11. all he talks about. I will be trying to get
  12. work done and he wants to talk about
  13. football. He asks me what my favorite team
  14. is, whether I watched the latest games, how
  15. I think everything went. He wears his
  16. favorite team's merchandise every Friday.
  17. His desk and pc are filled with football
  18. items. Whenever somebody new starts here,
  19. he harasses them about football, even if
  20. they aren't interested in it. He ships players
  21. together and creates "fantasy" teams where
  22. they have no business being together. He
  23. even writes fan fictions about fictional
  24. games and how they turn out. I can't stand
  25. it. I have to keep turning down his
  26. invitations to come over and watch football.
  27. He even has a special name for himself and
  28. calls himself a "Cheesehead" to set himself
  29. and others apart from the rest of the
  30. football fandom. It's so stupid. Why does he
  31. need a special label for himself? I just call
  32. myself a fan, or at least I used to. He
  33. constantly talks about how the Packers
  34. represent "team and tactics" and yet he is a
  35. hypocrite who is terrible to work with as a
  36. team member. Once I told him I was a
  37. Vikings fan because I come from Minnesota
  38. and I thought he was going to froth at the
  39. mouth and attack me, but thankfully he
  40. cooled off and just tries to convince me
  41. nonstop how his team waifu is so much
  42. better.
  43. I'm through with these disgusting autistic
  44. football fans. He's even gone to a game
  45. topless with his chest painted with team
  46. colors when it was freezing and snowing
  47. out. I'm sick of these fat slobs obsessing
  48. over a game for athletic men. They're the
  49. laughing stock of the world.
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