
Luna's Crush - Writer_

Dec 9th, 2014
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  1. writer_ !q4X9Fm43Dk Mon 29 Sep 2014 11:33:10 No.19946677
  2. >"Luna, sweetie?"
  3. "Nnnff... 'nonny."
  4. >You toss and turn in your sleep.
  5. >"Hello~? Lu-na?"
  6. "justaboutfiveminuteszzz."
  7. >A hoof prods you gently in the ribs, and immediately you're awake.
  8. >"Luna," Celestia says, from some way over the other side of your bed.
  9. >Blinking your eyes open drearily you take stock of the silk curtains, still pulled closed
  10. >A bright slick of daylight spills in, pooling on the floor
  11. >You yowl in protest and roll around in your bed.
  12. "Cel-eeeessstttiiiiuhhh," you whine. "We were sleeping."
  13. >Your elder sister sighs slightly from where she stands.
  14. >"Well, it will have to wait. Come on, hop up Lulu. You've got a visitor."
  15. >You groan unhappily as your horn glows faintly, your mane re-arranging itself into something respectable.
  16. >And you sit up, eyes still closed.
  17. "Nooooo~," you whine, pouting slightly. "Who would disturb our precious sleepy time?"
  18. >Celestia smirks slightly - it's something you can feel rather than see.
  19. >You crack an eye open and glance at her just to check.
  20. >...yes, that's a wicked grin alright.
  21. >"It's Anonymous. He said he wanted to see you for some reason."
  22. >Verily!
  23. >Immediately your chest feels tight.
  24. "Wh-what! At this time of day? While we slumber?" You flail with your magic, snagging the bedside brush and dragging it through your mane, desperately trying to look pretty. "Wh-what could anon possibly want with u-"
  25. >You pause, closing your lips firmly together and glaring at Celestia.
  26. >She herself has her lips pursed together
  27. >And after a few seconds of silence, she snorts
  28. >A-ha.
  29. "Do you think that is funny, sister?" you say coldly.
  30. >Celestia grins cheerfully.
  31. >"Well, yes and no. I just find your..." there's a moment of pondering. "Your schoolfilly crush amusing."
  32. >You sniff unhappily, and levitate the brush away from your half-combed mane, before flopping back onto the pillows, dragging the covers up around you.
  33. "Go away. Thou art a bully. Leave us to our beauty sleep!"
  34. >"And your dreams of anon, hmm?"
  36. (Cont?)
  38. >You are Celestia
  39. >And you are giddy with matchmaking glee
  40. >You're currently leaning conspiratorially towards Cadence, your two thrones next to each-other
  41. >To the thousands of spectators in the stadium, it might look like the empress of all ponykind and her young, adoring niece having a fond conversation, sharing an occasional chuckle over times past
  42. >In reality, the conversation is much different.
  43. >"And so I had them seated next to eachother," finishes Cadence, tapping the tips of her hooves together in glee.
  44. >You bite your lip and resist the urge to giggle uncontrollably.
  45. "Oh, Cadence! You're a real genuine matchmaker. But I guess that's to be expected, isn't it?"
  46. >Cadence scrunches up her nose and glowers with praise, trying visibly to not be so abashed
  48. >"Oh, come on, Auntie. I'm not that good, am I?"
  49. "Perhaps~" your purr, casting your eyes over the top of Cadence's head to where your sister and anonymous are seated, side by side.
  50. >Anon is really getting into the Equestria games. There's much standing and clapping and arm-flailing and yelling at the top of his lungs whenever a Ponyville local wins a medal.
  51. >And Luna, bless her young heart, can barely keep her eyes off of him.
  52. >Her dark cerulean eyes flit occasionally to her left, and you can tell she's not really paying attention to the games wholeheartedly, although she does clap and cheer
  53. >She's just enjoying Anonymous being happy in her company.
  54. >"How are they>", murmurs Cadence, who still faces you to avoid looking suspicious. "What is she doing? Are they being cute?"
  55. >You nod once.
  56. >All of a sudden there's a riotous roar
  57. >It appears the Cloudsdale favourite of the javelin has just been dethroned by none other than Bulk Bisceps
  58. >The crowd leaps to its hooves with a resounding cheer
  59. >Anonymous follows suit, joining the elements of harmony in the row beneath him and dancing around
  60. >Pinkie Pie practically leaps on him in a hug
  61. >You can hear both of them yelling incoherent babble at eachother.
  63. >Luna smiles kookily at the entire display.
  64. >You inhale sharply through your teeth.
  65. "Cadence, they are being so adorable."
  66. >The little crystal Princess squees in delight.
  67. >"Can I see? I wanna see!"
  68. "Sure, sure. But be quick!"
  69. >Cadence immediately whips her head around to stare at Luna's back and the dancing human
  70. >The moon princess laughs and claps her hooves
  71. >It doesn't last long, as the human turns to Luna
  72. >Still lost in his exhuberance, he scoops your sister up in a tight hug, bellowing something in her ear
  73. >You see her tense up
  74. >Anon releases her and seats himself again
  75. >Luna turns to face the field again
  76. >Her cheeks burn a dull plum against her deep blue coat
  77. >You bite your lip again.
  78. >Cadence grins from ear to ear.
  80. >You are anon
  81. >YEAH, SPORTS!
  84. >You slump back down in your seat, turning to Luna, your hands tingling from all the clapping.
  85. "Oh man! I can't wait to see him later! I want to hold his medal. Do you think they make it out of real gold?"
  86. >"We made sure of it ourselves!" Luna chirps, still looking pleased with herself (though for what reason you can't quite guess).
  87. >"And what's more, all the winners of the medals will have their names on a plaque in Canterlot.
  89. "Lulu, you're the BEST!"
  90. >You dive over and full-body hug Luna, your bestest buddy and most awesome friend.
  92. >You feel Luna squirm under your grasp.
  93. >"A-ah! Anon! Release us at once! We are not meant to be hugged so tightly!"
  94. >You tighten your grip, squeezing her against your chest.
  95. "HNNNNGH-aah!"
  96. >You release her on the 'aah'."
  97. >The crowd's winding down, and you beam at Luna
  98. >Who appears to be quite flustered about your little intimate moment.
  99. >She faces the ground stonily, burning from eartip to tail.
  100. >And as if that's not bad enough, she tries to keep her dignified posture still intact.
  101. >"Yes, yes!" Luna blurts out loudly, brushing off her chest fur. "We are pleased that thine friend won his medal. Now pray never hug us again. ʷᶦᵗʰᵒᵘᵗ ʷᵃʳᶰᶦᶰᵍ ᵘˢ ᶠᶦʳˢᵗ."
  102. >With a glow of deep blue magic she picks up a fan and cools herself off.
  103. >"My my, Celestia certainly made it hot today, didn't she?"
  104. "Is that an invitation for a water balloon fight?"
  105. >She stares at you, shocked.
  106. >"What! In the royal box! We think not!"
  107. >You practically deflate.
  108. >Luna sniffs, smiling slightly.
  109. >"...We can do it later, when we're back at the castle."
  110. >"...In my sister's bedroom."
  111. >"And the throneroom, too."
  112. "AWESOME!"
  113. >Incur another riot amongst the elements of harmony relaying the good news
  114. >Luna continues to act like a princess next to you
  115. >All is well in the life of 'Nonny', as Lulu calls you
  117. >You are Lulu, as 'nonny calls you
  118. >Anonymous hugged you.
  119. >You stare down at the crowds and athletes with a practiced stony face, but you still tingle from his touch
  120. >Sweet heavens, what is WRONG with you?
  121. >There shouldn't be anything so attractive about a stallion.
  122. >A strange one at that.
  123. >But you just can't...
  124. >Help yourself.
  125. >Even if he IS just a stallion.
  126. >'Well,' a more sound part of your mind argues, 'He's not really a stallion.'
  127. >He's a man.
  128. >'Right.'
  129. >And you like men very much.
  130. >Men, and their strong-ish arms, and their lean bodies, and their masseur's hands that make every fond ear-scratch feel like heaven.
  131. >You want anon to hug you again.
  132. >Although you weren't going to ask him.
  133. >How could you? Mares don't ask stallions that kind of thing.
  134. >'HOW old are you again?'
  135. >I'm a filly. A schoolfilly and a princess. But just a schoolfilly around Anon.
  136. >You become aware that your gaze has shifted to anon
  137. >You quickly look away to where Bulk Biceps is claiming his prize, feeling your cheeks glow
  138. >Today was a good day to be 'Nonny's Lulu.
  139. >Even if it wasn't quite as... a-hem, intimate as your dreams about him, just spending time with anonymous was so much better than any dream, lewd or otherwise, you'd ever had.
  140. >It was extremely lucky that your seats ended up together
  141. >You'd had the gall to ask your sister at some point, but you daren't
  142. >Just in case she told him
  143. >And then...!
  144. >Then what?
  145. >You wonder if Anon would be flattered or not
  146. >He's probably never had a mare for a marefriend before.
  147. >'Look at you, thinking about asking him out,' your mind teases.
  148. >You blush for the very last time and rip your eyes away.
  149. >You'll work up the nerve to tell him how you feel some day.
  150. >But for now, you're just grateful that you were lucky enough to get a hug.
  151. >...
  152. >You wonder if you could scootch a bit closer to Anon.
  153. >Maybe... Maybe if he felt the same way, he'd reciprocate?
  154. >And you'd be touching anon, fur to skin
  155. >...
  156. >Whew! 'Tis awfully hot today.
  158. >"Aaaand... there!"
  159. >You shiver as you feel Anon's hand tug lightly on your mane once or twice.
  160. >"All wrapped up. The perfect ponytail."
  161. >Gingerly, you turn your head this way and that
  162. >You're used to having your mane combed, but not by anonymous.
  163. >And the last time you had your mane tied back was when you were but a filly.
  164. >You have to admit, it feels nice to have the cool breeze slip in around your shoulders, where your mane usually lay.
  165. >"Do you like it?" Anon asks, resuming his seat on the picnic spread. "It's very fitting for spring!"
  166. >Turn your head some more again, reaching for your mirror.
  167. >It feels so very strange to not have your mane streaming out behind you.
  168. >Anon hands you the mirror from out of reach, and you hold it in a hoof, turning your head.
  169. >...
  170. >OH!
  171. >You smile brightly.
  172. >It's actually quite fetching.
  173. >In the background anon smiles at you, and gives you the 'thumbs up'
  174. >A gesture that means things are good among humans
  175. >You nod graciously, feeling the very faintest tinge of your crush eking its way onto your cheeks.
  176. "This fashion pleases me!" you say, grinning shyly. "We think it looks very pretty."
  177. >Anon scoffs. "Lulu, that's just you all the time."
  178. >Your heart does a tiny, mad dance of excitement.
  179. "We enjoy the wind in our mane!" you say, turning to face the human.
  180. >He is sprawled out on the picnic rug, looking pleased with himself
  181. >Behind him are scattered the elements of harmony and Celestia, munching sandwiches
  182. >Cadence and Twilight chatter busily under the shade of a nearby tree.
  183. >A shame you only have eyes for one pony - or, um. Human.
  184. >"It looks just like a real pony-tail," Anon observes, with a smile.
  185. >You cock your head, feeling your new ponytail flop against your shoulders.
  186. "A 'real' ponytail?" you ask, somewhat confused.
  187. >Anon stares blankly for a second before realising what he said
  188. >"Oh, right!" he chuckles to himself. "Back where I used to live, they're called ponytails because they look like the tails of ponies."
  190. "We are not sure what you mean by that," you say, glancing at your own tail. "Our mane does not resemble our tail!"
  191. >"Oh, right - but on earth we sometimes wrap the tail around here. So they're called ponytails."
  192. >All of a sudden, your blood feels like ice
  193. >Anon has pointed to the base of your tail.
  194. >As in, a place where a lover would put a tail wrap.
  195. >So that he could, uhh,
  196. >...
  197. >Have 'access' to a mare's private holies, as it were.
  198. >You flinch at the touch of anon's hand so close to somewhere sensitive.
  199. "A-ah! Anon!"
  200. >You curl your tail defensively, and it slips away from anon's finger.
  201. "That is what you thought of? Why, we... we had not thought that - "
  202. >Anon looks confused as you stare at him, resisting the urge to freeze up.
  203. "We are... we are sure that thou did not intend for a tail wrap." You clear your throat politely. "Perhaps thou did not mean what thy implied."
  204. >Anon hums thoughtfully.
  205. >"No, I think you'd still look pretty with your tail wrapped."
  206. >...!
  207. >The thoughts leave you
  208. >The AIR leaves you
  209. >Seven hells, even your faculties depart
  210. >At the very merest thought of Anon touching you down there, you feel very, very antsy.
  211. "Um! Perhaps we could discuss something else?" you say, bluntly forcing your way through anon's charms. You did not need to make a filly of yourself here, let alone in front of your sister and Anon's friends.
  212. >Something inside you begs desperately to be let out.
  213. >You silence the voice immediately with a princess-like control.
  214. >Anon obediently switches topic.
  215. >You make sure your tail stays curled up for the rest of the afternoon
  216. >Though you're sure Anon had meant nothing by the remark, you couldn't help but wonder if he might like to see you with your tail wrapped
  217. >Your nethers exposed to his hands
  218. >
  219. >You twitch violently in the night, and wake up
  220. >You're still all hot and sweaty.
  221. >The thought of anon is becoming far too distracting to bear.
  222. >You need to speak to somepony familiar with these matters.
  223. >Somepony, like...
  225. >"...Cadence!"
  226. >You look up from your romance novel.
  227. >It's a steamy mess about a human girl called Emma, and it's all about matchmaking.
  228. >How curious that the happy pony whom you'd done your best to nudge in the direction of her crush was now cantering quickly across the library, her hair done up in a ponytail.
  230. >Luna looks worried.
  231. >Or pre-occupied.
  232. >She does have the most wonderful stylist, though. You wonder who it might've been.
  233. >It's very fetching. Youthful, almost.
  234. >Fully grown mares are, in truth, supposed to have bouncy locks, but you like it.
  235. >It's almost a tiny bit sexy.
  236. "Auntie Luna!" You say, with a warm smile. "What's up?"
  237. >To your surprise, Luna does not answer right away
  238. >Instead she waits until she is close enough so that she can whisper
  239. >"Art thou alone?"
  240. >You turn your head left and right briefly.
  241. "Seems that way. What's wrong?"
  242. >"Snkkt!" Luna bristles at your laissez-faire attitude. "That is not what we mean. We mean to ask if thou art alone here. We must discuss a problem of ours with thee."
  243. >You nod curtly, and Luna quickly curls herself up atop a purple reading pouf, lowering her voice to a soft hiss.
  244. >You put the book gently to one side.
  245. >Mr. Darcy can wait.
  246. >Right now, you've got some real matchmaking to do.
  247. "Hmm. What's on your mind, Auntie?"
  248. >Luna tries to make herself comfortable, and then proceeds to fumble with her words, pawing the fluffy cushion with her hooves.
  249. >"Well, uh, we are... we are perhaps ready to admit that we are quite... at the end of our wits, as it were."
  250. >You pout thoughtfully, though you already know what she's talking about.
  251. "I guess since that you're talking to me, it's about a lover?~" You fail to keep the cheeky edge out of your voice.
  252. >Luna colours slightly, but it's only a pink tinge of heat as opposed to a bright, Nonny-hug blush, and she doesn't seem embarassed by it at all.
  253. >"Oh yes," she breathes, her voice barely a whisper. "He is most wonderful."
  254. "...And I imagine you're having trouble talking to him, right?"
  255. >Luna blinks, her expression dropping to demure.
  256. >"But how did you know, young niece?"
  257. >"Well, you know that you have a crush on him already..." You stick your tongue out at the elder mare. "And you wouldn't be talking to the element of love if you could talk to him."
  259. >Luna fiddles with the tassels on her pouf absent-mindedly, not looking at you.
  260. >"...Yes," she begins, only half-hesitantly. "And no. We are more than free to talk to him. But we are... a little worried that he might not look at us the same way."
  261. >"Which is fine!" she quickly adds, as an afterthought.
  262. >You raise an eyebrow.
  263. "Is it?"
  264. >Luna's expression falls into something miserable
  265. >She flops out fully on the pouf, rolling onto her back and kicking her hooves lightly.
  266. >"Oh, but Cadence, we art deeply crushing on this stallion. And it is embarassing for us!"
  267. >You smile sweetly.
  268. >For all of her hundreds of years on you, she's not particularly good when it comes to stallions.
  269. >You understand that she might not be comfortable with it, but...
  270. >Celestia was right. She's acting like...
  271. >Well, you, to be honest.
  272. >It's like watching Twilight Sparkle fawning over that new Guardspony.
  273. >At least Luna is a little more vocal about her feelings, though
  274. >She seems to know what she wants, but...
  275. "So, how do you approach him, hmm? Is that what you want to know?"
  276. >Luna nods once.
  277. >You smile and crack your neck, striking a noble pose.
  278. "Fear not, Auntie. I'll teach you how to woo a stallion!"
  279. >You crack open one eye and give her a bawdy wink.
  280. "And before you know it, Anon's going to be frenching you under the mistletoe at hearthswarming."
  281. >A cushion wrapped in blue magic collides with your face shortly thereafter
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