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Oct 24th, 2014
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  1. [23:06:02.262 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.11837.752 started.
  2. [23:06:04.366 N] Logging in...
  3. [23:06:04.857 N] T: 5247183906071180936 H: 7387741410876845273
  4. [23:06:07.223 N] Attaching to D3D11
  5. [23:06:07.571 N] Attached to WoW with ID 6380
  6. [23:06:07.766 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.11837.752 started!
  7. [23:06:07.767 D] Using WoW with process ID 6380
  8. [23:06:07.767 D] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
  9. [23:06:07.767 D] Executable Path: C:\Users\Bob\Documents\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
  10. [23:06:07.768 N] Character is a level 90 NightElf Druid
  11. [23:06:07.768 N] Current zone is The Jade Forest
  12. [23:06:07.797 D] UICulture: en-US
  13. [23:06:07.797 D] UseFrameLock: True
  14. [23:06:07.797 D] SendUsageInformation: False
  15. [23:06:07.797 D] CombatRoutinesPath: Routines
  16. [23:06:07.797 D] ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange: False
  17. [23:06:07.797 D] PluginsPath: Plugins
  18. [23:06:07.797 D] ReloadPluginsOnFileChange: False
  19. [23:06:07.797 D] BotsPath: Bots
  20. [23:06:07.797 D] ReloadBotsOnFileChange: False
  21. [23:06:07.797 D] QuestBehaviorsPath: Quest Behaviors
  22. [23:06:07.797 D] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Local\Bossland\Honorbuddy\Meshes
  23. [23:06:07.797 D] KillBetweenHotspots: True
  24. [23:06:07.797 D] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
  25. [23:06:07.797 D] LogoutForInactivity: True
  26. [23:06:07.797 D] LogoutInactivityTimer: 20
  27. [23:06:07.797 D] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
  28. [23:06:07.797 D] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
  29. [23:06:07.797 D] LogLevel: Normal
  30. [23:06:07.797 D] SeperatedLogFolders: True
  31. [23:06:07.797 D] SelectTalents: True
  32. [23:06:07.797 D] ClassProfileName: Druid - Feral
  33. [23:06:07.797 D] AutoEquip: True
  34. [23:06:07.797 D] AutoEquipBags: True
  35. [23:06:07.797 D] AutoEquipWeapons: True
  36. [23:06:07.797 D] AutoEquipArmor: True
  37. [23:06:07.797 D] AutoEquipBoEEpics: False
  38. [23:06:07.797 D] WeaponStyle: Automatic
  39. [23:06:07.797 D] RollOnItems: True
  40. [23:06:07.797 D] RollDisenchantWhenGreed: True
  41. [23:06:07.797 D] MaxBoEDisenchantQuality: Uncommon
  42. [23:06:07.797 D] TicksPerSecond: 15
  43. [23:06:07.797 D] FoodAmount: 0
  44. [23:06:07.797 D] DrinkAmount: 0
  45. [23:06:07.797 N] EnabledPlugins:
  46. [23:06:07.798 D] rndbuddy
  47. [23:06:07.798 N] RecentProfiles:
  48. [23:06:07.798 D] rndbuddy 544ad8c10d532@@!@@C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\rndbuddy\rndbuddy_profile_49e6a389d91553f49528e471028be665.xml
  49. [23:06:07.798 D] SelectedBotName: Gatherbuddy2
  50. [23:06:07.798 D] UseFlightPaths: True
  51. [23:06:07.798 D] FindMountAutomatically: True
  52. [23:06:07.798 D] UseRandomMount: False
  53. [23:06:07.798 D] MailRecipient: **********
  54. [23:06:07.798 D] FoodName: 81920
  55. [23:06:07.798 D] DrinkName has no value yet!
  56. [23:06:07.798 D] MountName has no value yet!
  57. [23:06:07.798 D] FlyingMountName has no value yet!
  58. [23:06:07.798 D] LootMobs: True
  59. [23:06:07.798 D] SkinMobs: False
  60. [23:06:07.798 D] NinjaSkin: False
  61. [23:06:07.798 D] LootChests: True
  62. [23:06:07.798 D] HarvestMinerals: False
  63. [23:06:07.798 D] HarvestHerbs: False
  64. [23:06:07.798 D] UseMount: True
  65. [23:06:07.798 D] PullDistance: 100
  66. [23:06:07.798 D] LootRadius: 45
  67. [23:06:07.798 D] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\rndbuddy\rndbuddy_profile_49e6a389d91553f49528e471028be665.xml
  68. [23:06:07.798 D] MountDistance: 60
  69. [23:06:07.798 D] RessAtSpiritHealers: True
  70. [23:06:07.798 D] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
  71. [23:06:07.799 N] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
  72. [23:06:07.800 D] Activity: Initializing
  73. [23:06:07.800 D] Activity: Checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while
  74. [23:06:08.419 D] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
  75. [23:06:08.445 N] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
  76. [23:06:08.445 N] New bot added!: BGBuddy
  77. [23:06:08.450 D] Activity: Loading Spells
  78. [23:06:08.459 N] New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
  79. [23:06:08.538 D] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
  80. [23:06:08.538 N] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
  81. [23:06:08.543 N] New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
  82. [23:06:08.543 N] New bot added!: Grind Bot
  83. [23:06:08.543 N] New bot added!: Questing
  84. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Archaeology (110393) | Armor Skills (076275) | Artisan Riding (034091)
  85. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Auto Attack (006603) | Bear Form (005487) | Berserk (106952)
  86. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cat Form (000768) | Cold Weather Flying (054197) | Cooking (104381)
  87. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking Fire (000818) | Cyclone (033786) | Dash (001850)
  88. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Dream of Cenarius (158497) | Elusiveness (021009) | Entangling Roots (000339)
  89. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Faerie Fire (000770) | Feline Swiftness (131768) | Ferocious Bite (022568)
  90. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: First Aid (045542) | Fishing (131474) | Flight Master's Li.. (090267)
  91. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Frenzied Regenerat.. (022842) | Garrison Ability (161691) | Growl (006795)
  92. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Healing Touch (005185) | Herb Gathering (110413) | Hurricane (016914)
  93. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Languages (076252) | Leader of the Pack (017007) | Maim (022570)
  94. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mangle (033917) | Mark of the Wild (001126) | Moonfire (008921)
  95. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Nature Resistance (020583) | Nature's Control (175682) | Omen of Clarity (016864)
  96. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Predatory Swiftness (016974) | Primal Fury (159286) | Prowl (005215)
  97. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Quickness (020582) | Rake (001822) | Rebirth (020484)
  98. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Rejuvenation (000774) | Remove Corruption (002782) | Revive (050769)
  99. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Rip (001079) | Savage Roar (052610) | Shadowmeld (058984)
  100. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Sharpened Claws (165372) | Shred (005221) | Skull Bash (106839)
  101. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Smelting (002656) | Soothe (002908) | Soul of the Forest (158476)
  102. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Stampeding Roar (106898) | Survey (080451) | Survival Instincts (061336)
  103. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Swipe (106785) | Teleport: Moonglade (018960) | Thrash (106832)
  104. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Tiger's Fury (005217) | Touch of Elune (154748) | Travel Form (000783)
  105. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Treant Form (114282) | Ursol's Power (175683) | Weapon Skills (076300)
  106. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Wisdom of the Four.. (115913) | Wisp Spirit (020585) | Wrath (005176)
  107. [23:06:08.578 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Ysera's Gift (145108)
  108. [23:06:08.581 D] [SpellManager] Mighty Bash (5211) overrides Ursol's Power (175683)
  109. [23:06:08.581 D] [SpellManager] Typhoon (132469) overrides Nature's Control (175682)
  110. [23:06:08.582 D] Activity: Initializing Navigator
  111. [23:06:08.600 N] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
  112. [23:06:08.600 N] New bot added!: Party Bot
  113. [23:06:08.601 N] New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
  114. [23:06:08.608 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Reloading Bots
  115. [23:06:08.692 D] Class profile set to DruidFeral (Druid - Feral)
  116. [23:06:08.764 D] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
  117. [23:06:08.804 D] Activity: Initializing Routines
  118. [23:06:08.805 D] Activity: Initializing Plugins
  119. [23:06:09.072 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - RefreshPlugins Called
  120. [23:06:09.107 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<CombatRoutine> - [RoutineManager] ReloadRoutineAssemblies called.
  121. [23:06:09.625 N] New bot added!: Combat Bot
  122. [23:06:09.625 N] New bot added!: Raid Bot
  123. [23:06:10.634 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\Bob\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
  124. [23:06:10.635 N] ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
  125. [23:06:10.635 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\Bob\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
  126. [23:06:11.113 N] [rndbuddy] Starting rndbuddy - Version
  127. [23:06:11.933 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
  128. [23:06:11.933 D] Singular v4.0.0.3826 v4.0.0.3826
  129. [23:06:11.933 D] Superbad Premium v v0.0.0.0
  130. [23:06:12.200 N] [rndbuddy] using fastest rndbuddy server:
  131. [23:06:12.294 N] [rndbuddy] Your version of rndbuddy is newer than the servers requires. This must not be bad ;)
  132. [23:06:12.342 N] [rndbuddy] Welcome to rndbuddy. You are on Frontend hypnotoad
  133. - Servertime is 2014-10-25T01:06:14+02:00. Have fun!
  134. [23:06:13.167 N] [rndbuddy] Fetching Toon Settings from Remote Server
  135. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting unmount distance to 15
  136. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting try_to_unstuck to 1
  137. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Download of Assets to 1
  138. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting enable_refresh_on_end to 1
  139. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting enable_unmount_module to 1
  140. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting autostart to 0
  141. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Automatic Screenshot to 0
  142. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Screenshot interval to 10 minutes!
  143. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Screenshot on Event to 1
  144. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Notification on Event to 0
  145. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Jump to 0
  146. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting followers Detection to 0
  147. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting overwrite_gb2_settings to 0
  148. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting max profile time to 26 minutes
  149. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting track other botbases to 0
  150. [23:06:14.045 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Professionbuddy desired zone to 870
  151. [23:06:14.046 D] [rndbuddy silent] starting download of rndbuddy assets
  152. [23:06:14.561 N] Hello NightElf Druid
  153. [23:06:14.562 N] Thank you for using Superbad
  154. [23:06:14.570 N] [rndbuddy] Bringing up Timers
  155. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Bringing up Command Timer...
  156. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Bringing up Crowdsourcer...
  157. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Bringing up Crowdsourcer Reporter...
  158. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Bringing up Targeting Watcher...
  159. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Bringing up Heartbeat
  160. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Bringing up Movement Watcher
  161. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Bringing up Screenshot Timer
  162. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Setting Interval to 10 minutes
  163. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Bringing up dynamic reload detector
  164. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Bringing up Profile Reloader
  165. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Bringing up Toon
  166. [23:06:14.570 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Bringing up Safe-Start Timer
  167. [23:06:14.570 N] [rndbuddy] Adding Game and Bot Event Handlers
  168. [23:06:14.645 D] Applied filter to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. Filter: return args[2] == 'SPELL_AURA_REMOVED' or args[2] == 'SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS' or args[2] == 'SPELL_AURA_APPLIED' or args[2] =='SPELL_AURA_REFRESH'
  169. [23:06:14.745 N] [rndbuddy] Getting initial first Profile
  170. [23:06:14.747 N] [rndbuddy] Beginning update sequence
  171. [23:06:14.750 D] Activity: Getting profile
  172. [23:06:14.976 N] TalentManager - looks like a DruidFeral
  173. [23:06:15.018 N] Talent: Dream of Cenarius
  174. [23:06:15.018 N] Talent: Feline Swiftness
  175. [23:06:15.018 N] Talent: Mighty Bash
  176. [23:06:15.018 N] Talent: Natures Swiftness
  177. [23:06:15.018 N] Talent: Soul of the Forest
  178. [23:06:15.018 N] Talent: Typhoon
  179. [23:06:15.020 N] Glyph of Aquatic Form
  180. [23:06:15.021 N] Glyph of the Treant
  181. [23:06:15.135 N] Detected client with english language.
  182. [23:06:15.151 D] ---------------
  183. [23:06:15.151 D] Print Settings
  184. [23:06:15.151 D] ---------------
  185. [23:06:15.156 D] Form AUTO
  186. [23:06:15.156 D] ShiftOnMobCount True
  187. [23:06:15.156 D] AddsBearSwitch 3
  188. [23:06:15.156 D] ShiftOnLowHealth True
  189. [23:06:15.156 D] HealthBearSwitch 35
  190. [23:06:15.156 D] UseMovement True
  191. [23:06:15.156 D] UseTargeting True
  192. [23:06:15.156 D] UseFacing True
  193. [23:06:15.156 D] Suspend True
  194. [23:06:15.156 D] UseTrinket1 False
  195. [23:06:15.156 D] UseTrinket2 False
  196. [23:06:15.156 D] Trinket1Usage 0
  197. [23:06:15.156 D] Trinket1Percent 30
  198. [23:06:15.156 D] Trinket2Usage 0
  199. [23:06:15.156 D] Trinket2Percent 30
  200. [23:06:15.156 D] UseRest True
  201. [23:06:15.156 D] RestHealth 35
  202. [23:06:15.156 D] RestMana 35
  203. [23:06:15.156 D] UseRacial True
  204. [23:06:15.156 D] UseRebirth True
  205. [23:06:15.156 D] RebirthMode 0
  206. [23:06:15.156 D] PauseKey NONE
  207. [23:06:15.156 D] TargetKey NONE
  208. [23:06:15.156 D] BurstKey NONE
  209. [23:06:15.156 D] AoeKey NONE
  210. [23:06:15.156 D] GrowlKey NONE
  211. [23:06:15.156 D] PrintMsg False
  212. [23:06:15.156 D] UseBurst False
  213. [23:06:15.156 D] UseAoeKey False
  214. [23:06:15.156 D] InterruptAnyone True
  215. [23:06:15.156 D] InterruptRandomize True
  216. [23:06:15.156 D] InterruptFailPercentage 95
  217. [23:06:15.156 D] UseSkullBash True
  218. [23:06:15.156 D] UseBurstTigers False
  219. [23:06:15.156 D] UseBurstBerserk False
  220. [23:06:15.156 D] UseBurstVigil False
  221. [23:06:15.156 D] UseBurstIncar False
  222. [23:06:15.156 D] UseBurstBerserking False
  223. [23:06:15.156 D] UseBurstHotw False
  224. [23:06:15.156 D] UseBurstTrinket1 False
  225. [23:06:15.156 D] UseBurstTrinket2 False
  226. [23:06:15.156 D] UseBurstVirmens False
  227. [23:06:15.156 D] Mdw True
  228. [23:06:15.156 D] Mdwgroup False
  229. [23:06:15.156 D] UseDash True
  230. [23:06:15.156 D] DashUsage 0
  231. [23:06:15.156 D] UseStampedingRoar True
  232. [23:06:15.156 D] StampedingRoarUsage 0
  233. [23:06:15.156 D] UseAquatic True
  234. [23:06:15.156 D] UseTravel False
  235. [23:06:15.156 D] Rooted False
  236. [23:06:15.156 D] Barkskin 70
  237. [23:06:15.156 D] HealthStone 35
  238. [23:06:15.156 D] LifeSpirit 70
  239. [23:06:15.156 D] Survival 25
  240. [23:06:15.156 D] HealingTouchCombat 0
  241. [23:06:15.156 D] RejuvenationCombat 0
  242. [23:06:15.156 D] OoCHealingTouch 25
  243. [23:06:15.156 D] OoCReju 70
  244. [23:06:15.156 D] UseHotW True
  245. [23:06:15.156 D] WrathSpam False
  246. [23:06:15.156 D] FFFInterrupt True
  247. [23:06:15.156 D] MightyBashInterrupt True
  248. [23:06:15.156 D] UseBlink False
  249. [23:06:15.156 D] Renewal 70
  250. [23:06:15.156 D] HealOthers True
  251. [23:06:15.156 D] UseWildCharge True
  252. [23:06:15.156 D] CenarionWard 95
  253. [23:06:15.156 D] UseFoN True
  254. [23:06:15.156 D] Predatory 80
  255. [23:06:15.156 D] CatAoe 3
  256. [23:06:15.156 D] RakeCycle True
  257. [23:06:15.156 D] RipCycle True
  258. [23:06:15.156 D] FBCycle True
  259. [23:06:15.156 D] UseThrash True
  260. [23:06:15.156 D] UseSwipe True
  261. [23:06:15.156 D] PullStealth True
  262. [23:06:15.156 D] StealthOpener 0
  263. [23:06:15.156 D] UsePotion False
  264. [23:06:15.156 D] StayInStealth False
  265. [23:06:15.156 D] BearAoe 3
  266. [23:06:15.156 D] LacerateCycle True
  267. [23:06:15.156 D] Frenzied 80
  268. [23:06:15.156 D] UseFffBear True
  269. [23:06:15.156 D] UseThrashBear True
  270. [23:06:15.156 D] UseTaunt True
  271. [23:06:15.156 D] UseTauntBosses True
  272. [23:06:15.156 D] UseSavageDefense True
  273. [23:06:15.156 D] UseFrenziedRegen True
  274. [23:06:15.156 D] WaitSickness True
  275. [23:06:15.156 D] BossImmerseus 1
  276. [23:06:15.156 D] BossAmalgam 3
  277. [23:06:15.156 D] BossSha 1
  278. [23:06:15.156 D] BossGalakras 3
  279. [23:06:15.156 D] BossIronJuggernaut 2
  280. [23:06:15.156 D] BossEarthBreakerHaromm 5
  281. [23:06:15.156 D] BossNazgrim 3
  282. [23:06:15.156 D] BossMalkorok 12
  283. [23:06:15.156 D] BossThok 3
  284. [23:06:15.156 D] BossBlackfuse 4
  285. [23:06:15.156 D] BossGarrosh 3
  286. [23:06:15.156 D] TFUse True
  287. [23:06:15.156 D] TFSaveBosses True
  288. [23:06:15.156 D] TFTTD 3
  289. [23:06:15.156 D] IncaUse True
  290. [23:06:15.156 D] IncaSaveBosses True
  291. [23:06:15.156 D] IncaTTD 20
  292. [23:06:15.156 D] IncaCOUNT 4
  293. [23:06:15.156 D] BerserkUse True
  294. [23:06:15.156 D] BerserkSaveBosses True
  295. [23:06:15.156 D] BerserkTTD 20
  296. [23:06:15.156 D] BerserkCOUNT 4
  297. [23:06:15.156 D] GuardianIncaUse True
  298. [23:06:15.156 D] GuardianIncaSaveBosses True
  299. [23:06:15.156 D] GuardianIncaTTD 20
  300. [23:06:15.156 D] GuardianIncaCOUNT 4
  301. [23:06:15.156 D] GuardianBerserkUse True
  302. [23:06:15.156 D] GuardianBerserkSaveBosses True
  303. [23:06:15.156 D] GuardianBerserkTTD 20
  304. [23:06:15.156 D] GuardianBerserkCOUNT 4
  305. [23:06:15.156 D] ManualCastTimeOut 200
  306. [23:06:15.156 D] UseManualCast False
  307. [23:06:15.156 D] DoCHeal 80
  308. [23:06:15.156 D] Mount False
  309. [23:06:15.156 D] Flyghtform False
  310. [23:06:15.156 D] ---------------
  311. [23:06:15.157 D] Settings done
  312. [23:06:15.157 D] ---------------
  313. [23:06:17.596 N] [rndbuddy] New Profile = 544adb693ee05
  314. [23:06:17.596 N] [rndbuddy] Destination Zone = The Jade Forest
  315. [23:06:17.596 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Last Hotspot = 2326.356;-3383.149
  316. [23:06:17.636 N] [rndbuddy] Downloading Profile
  317. [23:06:17.636 D] Activity: Downloading profile
  318. [23:06:18.960 D] [rndbuddy silent] ---DEBUG XML CONTENT ---
  319. [23:06:18.960 D] [rndbuddy silent] <?xml version="1.0"?>
  320. <HBProfile>
  321. <Name>rndbuddy 544adb693ee05</Name>
  322. <MinDurability>0.3</MinDurability>
  323. <MinFreeBagSlots>2</MinFreeBagSlots>
  324. <MinLevel>1</MinLevel>
  325. <MaxLevel>101</MaxLevel>
  326. <Factions>99999</Factions>
  328. <MailGrey>false</MailGrey>
  329. <SellGrey>true</SellGrey>
  330. <MailWhite>true</MailWhite>
  331. <SellWhite>false</SellWhite>
  332. <MailGreen>true</MailGreen>
  333. <SellGreen>false</SellGreen>
  334. <MailBlue>true</MailBlue>
  335. <SellBlue>false</SellBlue>
  336. <MailPurple>true</MailPurple>
  337. <SellPurple>false</SellPurple>
  338. <Vendors>
  339. <Vendor Name="Armorer Moki" Entry="62662" Type="Repair" X="725.4583" Y="-2404.848" Z="83.56505"/>
  340. <Vendor Name="Len the Hammer" Entry="65114" Type="Repair" X="1939.052" Y="-1929.67" Z="207.2755"/>
  341. <Vendor Name="Bolo the Elder" Entry="62867" Type="Food" X="2574.363" Y="-1461.288" Z="407.1255"/>
  342. <Vendor Name="San Redscale" Entry="58414" Type="Repair" X="1586.771" Y="-2507.238" Z="152.2954"/>
  343. <Vendor Name="Yol" Entry="56778" Type="Food" X="1530.153" Y="-1780.046" Z="246.1999"/>
  344. <Vendor Name="Peiji Goldendraft" Entry="55809" Type="Food" X="1618.276" Y="-1740.436" Z="263.3519"/>
  345. <Vendor Name="Singegruff" Entry="56705" Type="Repair" X="1528.802" Y="-1806.385" Z="246.2002"/>
  346. </Vendors>
  347. <Mailboxes>
  348. <Mailbox X="3104.716" Y="1234.546" Z="654.1189"/>
  349. <Mailbox X="3471.923" Y="610.667" Z="608.1803"/>
  350. <Mailbox X="1776.534" Y="314.7287" Z="478.0452"/>
  351. <Mailbox X="1604.235" Y="-1791.484" Z="259.9729"/>
  352. <Mailbox X="715.57" Y="-2377.769" Z="83.56458"/>
  353. <Mailbox X="2560.49" Y="-1447.848" Z="406.116"/>
  354. <Mailbox X="538.5969" Y="-617.242" Z="258.7156"/>
  355. <Mailbox X="-209.5665" Y="494.9402" Z="187.103"/>
  356. <Mailbox X="1850.748" Y="4272.75" Z="148.8684"/>
  357. <Mailbox X="267.5128" Y="3152.532" Z="214.5011"/>
  358. <Mailbox X="-1120.551" Y="3178.605" Z="5.777713"/>
  359. <Mailbox X="269.104" Y="3152.432" Z="214.5009"/>
  360. <Mailbox X="2353.123" Y="2995.41" Z="421.2129"/>
  361. <Mailbox X="726.2318" Y="1578.724" Z="375.6758"/>
  362. <Mailbox X="-2103" Y="1473" Z="1"/>
  363. </Mailboxes>
  364. <Blackspots>
  365. <Blackspot X="4735" Y="984" Z="15" Radius="30" />
  366. <Blackspot X="947" Y="2499" Z="297" Radius="200" />
  367. <Blackspot X="-366" Y="-309" Z="116" Radius="50" />
  368. <Blackspot X="968" Y="2550" Z="292" Radius="200" />
  369. <Blackspot X="2180" Y="381" Z="476" Radius="150" />
  370. <Blackspot X="2284" Y="2553" Z="671" Radius="150" />
  371. <Blackspot X="2745" Y="3495" Z="300" Radius="25" />
  372. <Blackspot X="871" Y="-1935" Z="70" Radius="15" />
  373. <Blackspot X="668" Y="-1525" Z="329" Radius="15" />
  374. <Blackspot X="2362" Y="-388" Z="345" Radius="15" />
  375. <Blackspot X="667" Y="-1533" Z="391" Radius="15" />
  376. <Blackspot X="280" Y="-1994" Z="72" Radius="15" />
  377. <Blackspot X="825" Y="-2563" Z="205" Radius="16.25" />
  378. <Blackspot X="671" Y="-1533" Z="354" Radius="16.25" />
  379. <Blackspot X="3189" Y="-927" Z="281" Radius="16.25" />
  380. <Blackspot X="392" Y="-2900" Z="36" Radius="18.75" />
  381. <Blackspot X="-85" Y="-2323" Z="38" Radius="18.75" />
  382. <Blackspot X="3315" Y="-1296" Z="203" Radius="18.75" />
  383. <Blackspot X="1655" Y="-1314" Z="247" Radius="18.75" />
  384. <Blackspot X="3319" Y="-1294" Z="203" Radius="18.75" />
  385. <Blackspot X="750" Y="-1859" Z="72" Radius="20" />
  386. <Blackspot X="667" Y="-1532" Z="403" Radius="20" />
  387. <Blackspot X="824" Y="-2563" Z="205" Radius="22.5" />
  388. <Blackspot X="3316" Y="-1294" Z="203" Radius="22.5" />
  389. <Blackspot X="3318" Y="-1294" Z="203" Radius="23.75" />
  390. <Blackspot X="3317" Y="-1294" Z="203" Radius="26.25" />
  391. <Blackspot X="668" Y="-1524" Z="293" Radius="31.25" />
  392. <Blackspot X="1374" Y="-2302" Z="164" Radius="40" />
  393. <Blackspot X="667" Y="-1525" Z="264" Radius="41.25" />
  394. <Blackspot X="667" Y="-1524" Z="265" Radius="100" />
  395. <Blackspot X="1111.9" Y="-2652" Z="160.7" Radius="17.5" />
  396. <Blackspot X="3025.1" Y="-544.4" Z="316.3" Radius="22.5" />
  397. <Blackspot X="2997.1" Y="-532.3" Z="260.6" Radius="35" />
  398. <Blackspot X="3443.6" Y="-706.5" Z="13.2" Radius="22.5" />
  399. <Blackspot X="-307.3" Y="-1677.7" Z="54.7" Radius="90" />
  400. <Blackspot X="3443.3" Y="-706.5" Z="5.5" Radius="25" />
  401. <Blackspot X="846" Y="-885.8" Z="269.6" Radius="40" />
  402. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-706.8" Z="59.2" Radius="47.5" />
  403. <Blackspot X="-306.2" Y="-1680.8" Z="53.5" Radius="20" />
  404. <Blackspot X="2997.1" Y="-532.4" Z="256" Radius="32.5" />
  405. <Blackspot X="-307.3" Y="-1677.8" Z="57.4" Radius="17.5" />
  406. <Blackspot X="3442.8" Y="-706.5" Z="5.2" Radius="22.5" />
  407. <Blackspot X="1530.3" Y="-1320.2" Z="252.1" Radius="27.5" />
  408. <Blackspot X="1661.5" Y="-1533.9" Z="355.8" Radius="17.5" />
  409. <Blackspot X="3025" Y="-544.5" Z="316.3" Radius="27.5" />
  410. <Blackspot X="712" Y="-1177.8" Z="215.2" Radius="32.5" />
  411. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-706.6" Z="52.6" Radius="52.5" />
  412. <Blackspot X="3025.3" Y="-544.5" Z="322.2" Radius="35" />
  413. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-706.7" Z="59.2" Radius="57.5" />
  414. <Blackspot X="3025.2" Y="-544.5" Z="322.6" Radius="32.5" />
  415. <Blackspot X="232.5" Y="-2011" Z="99.3" Radius="15" />
  416. <Blackspot X="847.4" Y="-884.6" Z="268.4" Radius="37.5" />
  417. <Blackspot X="3443" Y="-706.5" Z="5.6" Radius="20" />
  418. <Blackspot X="2997.2" Y="-532.4" Z="256.9" Radius="15" />
  419. <Blackspot X="1236.9" Y="-2443.7" Z="149.1" Radius="15" />
  420. <Blackspot X="3587" Y="-707.2" Z="42.1" Radius="22.5" />
  421. <Blackspot X="3442.4" Y="-706.5" Z="11" Radius="15" />
  422. <Blackspot X="3442.9" Y="-706.5" Z="13.7" Radius="17.5" />
  423. <Blackspot X="3588.8" Y="-699.8" Z="51" Radius="15" />
  424. <Blackspot X="3443.1" Y="-706.5" Z="13.8" Radius="17.5" />
  425. <Blackspot X="3586.1" Y="-705.1" Z="46.2" Radius="15" />
  426. <Blackspot X="3147.9" Y="-880.1" Z="257.8" Radius="17.5" />
  427. <Blackspot X="-50.1" Y="-1437" Z="150.8" Radius="22.5" />
  428. <Blackspot X="846" Y="-885.9" Z="269.5" Radius="30" />
  429. <Blackspot X="-13.6" Y="-2404" Z="54.9" Radius="15" />
  430. <Blackspot X="3443.2" Y="-706.5" Z="11.5" Radius="17.5" />
  431. <Blackspot X="3442.7" Y="-706.5" Z="12.2" Radius="15" />
  432. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-706.9" Z="50.6" Radius="42.5" />
  433. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-706.3" Z="50.5" Radius="17.5" />
  434. <Blackspot X="3025.1" Y="-544.5" Z="321.4" Radius="37.5" />
  435. <Blackspot X="3443.5" Y="-706.5" Z="5" Radius="17.5" />
  436. <Blackspot X="3442.6" Y="-706.5" Z="13.9" Radius="15" />
  437. <Blackspot X="3443.4" Y="-706.5" Z="5" Radius="17.5" />
  438. <Blackspot X="3025.2" Y="-544.4" Z="315.9" Radius="15" />
  439. <Blackspot X="1666.2" Y="-2267.9" Z="217.1" Radius="25" />
  440. <Blackspot X="3025" Y="-544.3" Z="316.3" Radius="15" />
  441. <Blackspot X="1112.5" Y="-2651.8" Z="166.3" Radius="17.5" />
  442. <Blackspot X="3025" Y="-544.4" Z="315.5" Radius="17.5" />
  443. <Blackspot X="3586.1" Y="-705" Z="46.7" Radius="17.5" />
  444. <Blackspot X="3024.9" Y="-544.4" Z="317.2" Radius="22.5" />
  445. <Blackspot X="1253.9" Y="-614.5" Z="367.9" Radius="17.5" />
  446. <Blackspot X="357.7" Y="-1929.9" Z="60.4" Radius="15" />
  447. <Blackspot X="3442.5" Y="-706.5" Z="4.8" Radius="17.5" />
  448. <Blackspot X="3025.3" Y="-544.6" Z="316.4" Radius="15" />
  449. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-707" Z="50.7" Radius="22.5" />
  450. <Blackspot X="3002.115" Y="1946.463" Z="642.902" Radius="10" /><!-- ALWAYS gets stuck on fence trying to enter ring/pickup this ore -->
  451. <Blackspot X="1081.232" Y="-441.656" Z="257.335" Radius="10" /><!-- endless monkey spawn -->
  452. <Blackspot X="-410.443" Y="-319.714" Z="109.89" Radius="30" /><!-- INside place -->
  453. <Blackspot X="1871.86" Y="-176.783" Z="704.318" Radius="21" /><!-- stuck -->
  454. <Blackspot X="-359.684" Y="-275.385" Z="116.723" Radius="30" /><!-- INside place -->
  455. <Blackspot X="2139.383" Y="2617.131" Z="543.166" Radius="10" /><!-- cape de cruauté du gladiateur dramatique -->
  456. <Blackspot X="2730.032" Y="3603.64" Z="277.57" Radius="10" /><!-- mobs -->
  457. <Blackspot X="-1013.375" Y="1446.547" Z="77.769" Radius="30" /><!-- under cave -->
  458. <Blackspot X="-418.414" Y="-283.559" Z="125.414" Radius="30" /><!-- inside place -->
  459. <Blackspot X="-258.507" Y="-222.758" Z="139.098" Radius="30" /><!-- toon spinning around at the ground -->
  460. <Blackspot X="1779.42" Y="2686.371" Z="304.458" Radius="10" /><!-- dupa -->
  461. <Blackspot X="3405.998" Y="2079.065" Z="1173.857" Radius="25" /><!-- Falls off mountain -->
  462. <Blackspot X="-961.527" Y="-964.176" Z="7.114" Radius="40" /><!-- Alliance Base - Deadly for Horde -->
  463. <Blackspot X="17.104" Y="-641.856" Z="221.727" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  464. <Blackspot X="2221.037" Y="-2489.291" Z="167.669" Radius="30" /><!-- Minerals under ground -->
  465. <Blackspot X="1488.782" Y="-10.44" Z="860.651" Radius="10" /><!-- cave node -->
  466. <Blackspot X="2877.528" Y="5702.411" Z="120.038" Radius="50" /><!-- mobs everywhere -->
  467. <Blackspot X="3533.704" Y="1576.619" Z="868.421" Radius="20" /><!-- Underground -->
  468. <Blackspot X="44.549" Y="1525.585" Z="385.874" Radius="16" /><!-- enters combat with jim-jim, mob that does a knockback off the cliffs in monkeytown -->
  469. <Blackspot X="1528.196" Y="-94.061" Z="677.769" Radius="10" /><!-- cant get to node -->
  470. <Blackspot X="1890.007" Y="-289.35" Z="397.843" Radius="10" /><!-- elite mobs -->
  471. <Blackspot X="389.944" Y="1390.547" Z="433.449" Radius="30" /><!-- Kunzen Village -->
  472. <Blackspot X="1526.567" Y="-561.83" Z="308.725" Radius="26" /><!-- Horde pvp -->
  473. <Blackspot X="-390.337" Y="-240.991" Z="179.25" Radius="10" /><!-- underground node -->
  474. <Blackspot X="1373.936" Y="-25.508" Z="840.365" Radius="10" /><!-- cave node -->
  475. <Blackspot X="1530.565" Y="-107.142" Z="621.195" Radius="40" /><!-- cant reach -->
  476. <Blackspot X="2147.86" Y="-1741.09" Z="223.72" Radius="10" /><!-- Underground 3 node -->
  477. <Blackspot X="1918.759" Y="1679.739" Z="504.758" Radius="10" /><!-- Bugged just flies around and does nothing -->
  478. <Blackspot X="1405.854" Y="-51.139" Z="701.939" Radius="10" /><!-- underground -->
  479. <Blackspot X="349.795" Y="1490.486" Z="459.084" Radius="30" /><!-- Kunzen Village -->
  480. <Blackspot X="-603.074" Y="173.775" Z="153.035" Radius="10" /><!-- Stuck -->
  481. <Blackspot X="-587.522" Y="3095.59" Z="233.921" Radius="36" /><!-- stun position -->
  482. <Blackspot X="41.214" Y="1523.003" Z="393.339" Radius="10" /><!-- Skyrange -->
  483. <Blackspot X="-1310.432" Y="3655.2" Z="64.302" Radius="30" /><!-- dread wastes nodes on the SEA -->
  484. <Blackspot X="479.153" Y="1381.251" Z="441.404" Radius="30" /><!-- Kunzen Village -->
  485. <Blackspot X="654.881" Y="4190.078" Z="214.141" Radius="10" /><!-- fix this shit spot -->
  486. <Blackspot X="-1100.262" Y="1563.093" Z="91.381" Radius="49" /><!-- Cliff_dead_spot -->
  487. <Blackspot X="-843.343" Y="204.039" Z="98.756" Radius="25" /><!-- He paces back and forth here forever, trying to get to a nearby node. -->
  488. <Blackspot X="-1034.591" Y="1265.541" Z="108.636" Radius="30" /><!-- Wind's Edge -->
  489. <Blackspot X="2611.917" Y="268.675" Z="497.366" Radius="10" /><!-- needlesprites spawning under rocks -->
  490. <Blackspot X="-2939.313" Y="834.502" Z="5.72" Radius="10" /><!-- Mobs -->
  491. <Blackspot X="-288.962" Y="-179.138" Z="202.632" Radius="10" /><!-- bug -->
  492. <Blackspot X="4027.934" Y="993.494" Z="600.602" Radius="25" /><!-- stuck inside temple -->
  493. <Blackspot X="585.79" Y="-1897.627" Z="80.924" Radius="10" /><!-- gets stuck on tree -->
  494. <Blackspot X="-755.015" Y="-1014.44" Z="26.319" Radius="10" /><!-- Adds -->
  495. <Blackspot X="1777.224" Y="2682.883" Z="304.747" Radius="34" /><!-- Jashesh -->
  496. <Blackspot X="2151.323" Y="304.073" Z="472.301" Radius="20" /><!-- fight. -->
  497. <Blackspot X="54.439" Y="-2384.669" Z="93.461" Radius="40" /><!-- Huge Hill -->
  498. <Blackspot X="1956.049" Y="-320.561" Z="398.675" Radius="100" /><!-- Grookin Outrunner spawns here -->
  499. <Blackspot X="-414.697" Y="-324.044" Z="165.976" Radius="10" /><!-- mobs -->
  500. <Blackspot X="-790.745" Y="4704.453" Z="-17.63" Radius="25" /><!-- Under Water -->
  501. <Blackspot X="2950.94" Y="3495.635" Z="425.967" Radius="48" /><!-- mobs -->
  502. <Blackspot X="-1092.218" Y="1383.833" Z="64.293" Radius="30" /><!-- fly around in a diamond shape not doing anything -->
  503. <Blackspot X="2142.984" Y="2626.106" Z="543.097" Radius="10" /><!-- drake -->
  504. <Blackspot X="1820.312" Y="680.403" Z="499.801" Radius="26" /><!-- random flying. -->
  505. <Blackspot X="2325.9" Y="-440.667" Z="349.672" Radius="15" /><!-- stuck in tree stump -->
  506. <Blackspot X="-390.895" Y="-319.213" Z="164.662" Radius="25" /><!-- depp orb -->
  507. <Blackspot X="-358.727" Y="-247.164" Z="208.385" Radius="10" /><!-- bot just go round and around -->
  508. <Blackspot X="-1297.033" Y="3690.831" Z="44.733" Radius="10" /><!-- sea nodes -->
  509. <Blackspot X="2991.916" Y="5830.788" Z="71.894" Radius="10" /><!-- 6 mobs -->
  510. <Blackspot X="1431.693" Y="2181.963" Z="368.777" Radius="10" /><!-- gets stuck in tent -->
  511. <Blackspot X="-8.672" Y="-6.635" Z="216.094" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  512. <Blackspot X="-388.492" Y="-237.33" Z="166.071" Radius="40" /><!-- Underground node -->
  513. <Blackspot X="-677.961" Y="3075.861" Z="272.419" Radius="30" /><!-- underground -->
  514. <Blackspot X="-1068.291" Y="1400.692" Z="108.83" Radius="34" /><!-- cave -->
  515. <Blackspot X="-2929.023" Y="968.111" Z="14.145" Radius="10" /><!-- Mobs -->
  516. <Blackspot X="1207.48" Y="-180.881" Z="467.528" Radius="10" /><!-- ыегсл -->
  517. <Blackspot X="1328.109" Y="140.682" Z="843.366" Radius="30" /><!-- COnstant stuck -->
  518. <Blackspot X="-2385.977" Y="1387.697" Z="26.218" Radius="10" /><!-- Auto DC at this spot -->
  519. <Blackspot X="-996.639" Y="1427.565" Z="74.313" Radius="30" /><!-- fly back and forth -->
  520. <Blackspot X="-346.99" Y="-318.521" Z="196.044" Radius="30" /><!-- 3 Nodes in Cave ! -->
  521. <Blackspot X="658.789" Y="4182.373" Z="216.441" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  522. <Blackspot X="2416.205" Y="1768.481" Z="552.308" Radius="10" /><!-- toon going crazy there cant read the herb -->
  523. <Blackspot X="2920.039" Y="5628.983" Z="135.091" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  524. <Blackspot X="1554.533" Y="-110.487" Z="641.644" Radius="100" /><!-- Underground node -->
  525. <Blackspot X="305.742" Y="-1490.879" Z="65.921" Radius="4" /><!-- can dismount inside a tree trunk and will move into it endlessly -->
  526. <Blackspot X="1602.914" Y="41.489" Z="691.428" Radius="10" /><!-- underground node, bot continuously flew back and forth above it -->
  527. <Blackspot X="-418.685" Y="-285.541" Z="159.847" Radius="30" /><!-- Under cliff -->
  528. <Blackspot X="-305.706" Y="2489.489" Z="154.951" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  529. <Blackspot X="86.864" Y="1466.814" Z="385.857" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  530. <Blackspot X="-652.095" Y="3177.833" Z="146.393" Radius="29" /><!-- Stuck -->
  531. <Blackspot X="-403.045" Y="-367.881" Z="125.372" Radius="30" /><!-- Inside mine -->
  532. <Blackspot X="-556.367" Y="-203.421" Z="158.049" Radius="10" /><!-- Stuck on rocks -->
  533. <Blackspot X="2178.527" Y="333.635" Z="488.057" Radius="10" /><!-- SHA hu is unkillable -->
  534. <Blackspot X="91.73" Y="958.207" Z="165.631" Radius="10" /><!-- Bugged -->
  535. <Blackspot X="238.986" Y="639.102" Z="145.394" Radius="10" /><!-- Bug -->
  536. <Blackspot X="2869.455" Y="5720.335" Z="124.74" Radius="10" /><!-- bad -->
  537. <Blackspot X="-416.663" Y="-278.19" Z="160.734" Radius="80" /><!-- cliff -->
  538. <Blackspot X="1474.749" Y="-756.277" Z="313.002" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  539. <Blackspot X="2374.299" Y="69.251" Z="606.124" Radius="10" /><!-- keep getting stuck here -->
  540. <Blackspot X="1890" Y="2335" Z="378" Radius="15" /><!-- townlong steppes Hatred Vicecamp with tents and is stucking each day -->
  541. <Blackspot X="-384" Y="-307" Z="170" Radius="25" /><!-- here are 2-3 mines underground permanently and get stuck all the time manu many minutes flying left-right nonstop -->
  542. <Blackspot X="1076" Y="1393" Z="344" Radius="10" /><!-- unable to reach -->
  543. <Blackspot X="1054" Y="2441" Z="312" Radius="40" /><!-- many mobs -->
  544. <Blackspot X="970" Y="2500" Z="296" Radius="100" /><!-- many mobs infront of gate -->
  545. <Blackspot X="912" Y="2613" Z="286" Radius="10" /><!-- last one of hotspots in gate area -->
  546. </Blackspots>
  547. <Hotspots>
  548. <Hotspot X="-690.298" Y="-1707.13" Z="16.572" /><!-- rndb_dist="NAN" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  549. <Hotspot X="1274.689" Y="-323.661" Z="313.543" /><!-- rndb_dist="NAN" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  550. <Hotspot X="729.353" Y="-655.348" Z="273.396" /><!-- rndb_dist="NAN" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  551. <Hotspot X="1239.617" Y="-140.434" Z="467.964" /><!-- rndb_dist="771.3204362209" rndb_objN="Silkweed" rndb_objT="2" -->
  552. <Hotspot X="784.49" Y="-1152.673" Z="175.927" /><!-- rndb_dist="622.66169786169" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  553. <Hotspot X="1254.207" Y="-613.521" Z="331.708" /><!-- rndb_dist="73.236679751336" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  554. <Hotspot X="295.01" Y="-1387.636" Z="62.58" /><!-- rndb_dist="251.23963124078" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  555. <Hotspot X="1139.773" Y="-939.959" Z="241.858" /><!-- rndb_dist="412.36009095692" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  556. <Hotspot X="365.006" Y="-1486.658" Z="40.647" /><!-- rndb_dist="400.96879652911" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  557. <Hotspot X="1290.482" Y="-872.272" Z="284.8" /><!-- rndb_dist="287.78611034586" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  558. <Hotspot X="-499.422" Y="-1503.739" Z="7.12" /><!-- rndb_dist="290.60467975757" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  559. <Hotspot X="160.859" Y="-1576.743" Z="89.447" /><!-- rndb_dist="36.616822977968" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  560. <Hotspot X="105.766" Y="-1594.875" Z="74.254" /><!-- rndb_dist="206.92657260729" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  561. <Hotspot X="-429.367" Y="-1609.726" Z="20.419" /><!-- rndb_dist="469.85221440789" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  562. <Hotspot X="-83.368" Y="-1684.888" Z="82.594" /><!-- rndb_dist="264.99807584773" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  563. <Hotspot X="1448.404" Y="-917.574" Z="243.495" /><!-- rndb_dist="306.62419461615" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  564. <Hotspot X="1668.534" Y="-692.311" Z="321.322" /><!-- rndb_dist="568.75657111369" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  565. <Hotspot X="1118.514" Y="-1419.375" Z="82.77" /><!-- rndb_dist="48.976820476626" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  566. <Hotspot X="1662.133" Y="-874.007" Z="292.358" /><!-- rndb_dist="510.75961754724" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  567. <Hotspot X="710.508" Y="-1742.765" Z="47.587" /><!-- rndb_dist="124.40706391118" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  568. <Hotspot X="-201.445" Y="-1947.252" Z="61.495" /><!-- rndb_dist="538.81256132351" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  569. <Hotspot X="337.382" Y="-1945.563" Z="41.987" /><!-- rndb_dist="258.20836811382" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  570. <Hotspot X="405.713" Y="-1938.853" Z="60.626" /><!-- rndb_dist="157.20048691082" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  571. <Hotspot X="-706.846" Y="-1861.548" Z="-2.741" /><!-- rndb_dist="203.0719824151" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  572. <Hotspot X="1224.088" Y="-1589.395" Z="197.595" /><!-- rndb_dist="244.08128512649" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  573. <Hotspot X="-565.741" Y="-2010.722" Z="-5.353" /><!-- rndb_dist="581.80576019493" rndb_objN="Rain Poppy" rndb_objT="2" -->
  574. <Hotspot X="-425.11" Y="-2051.719" Z="30.959" /><!-- rndb_dist="164.93491654589" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  575. <Hotspot X="1664.582" Y="-1324.32" Z="230.545" /><!-- rndb_dist="366.58877514594" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  576. <Hotspot X="2133.101" Y="-160.718" Z="378.653" /><!-- rndb_dist="226.48058327592" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  577. <Hotspot X="-765.105" Y="-2010.386" Z="-19.772" /><!-- rndb_dist="226.02517181942" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  578. <Hotspot X="1329.162" Y="-1700.969" Z="197.425" /><!-- rndb_dist="181.46523409182" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  579. <Hotspot X="-116.421" Y="-2265.217" Z="30.008" /><!-- rndb_dist="696.27203385243" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  580. <Hotspot X="1340.818" Y="-1850.805" Z="201.228" /><!-- rndb_dist="280.19662885017" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  581. <Hotspot X="430.301" Y="-2252.498" Z="11.632" /><!-- rndb_dist="188.7700544472" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  582. <Hotspot X="2274.244" Y="-294.228" Z="301.005" /><!-- rndb_dist="NAN" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  583. <Hotspot X="2276.914" Y="-386.837" Z="319.704" /><!-- rndb_dist="274.27056066045" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  584. <Hotspot X="-517.048" Y="-2261.662" Z="-8.61" /><!-- rndb_dist="220.16677447562" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  585. <Hotspot X="2163.17" Y="-1005.586" Z="410.007" /><!-- rndb_dist="555.02613969794" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  586. <Hotspot X="-690.269" Y="-2351.241" Z="17.955" /><!-- rndb_dist="560.62276099531" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  587. <Hotspot X="1047.552" Y="-2216.37" Z="132.934" /><!-- rndb_dist="69.682402096937" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  588. <Hotspot X="2392.414" Y="-562.918" Z="332.021" /><!-- rndb_dist="175.67086416364" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  589. <Hotspot X="898.331" Y="-2339.367" Z="138.183" /><!-- rndb_dist="488.99399191606" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  590. <Hotspot X="-173.264" Y="-2527.913" Z="-6.276" /><!-- rndb_dist="375.13731221381" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  591. <Hotspot X="-704.328" Y="-2489.673" Z="33.533" /><!-- rndb_dist="523.62680340869" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  592. <Hotspot X="-344.313" Y="-2572.413" Z="-7.558" /><!-- rndb_dist="203.24986107006" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  593. <Hotspot X="2340.817" Y="-1173.618" Z="374.585" /><!-- rndb_dist="347.76910856918" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  594. <Hotspot X="269.386" Y="-2627.835" Z="31.538" /><!-- rndb_dist="348.25589271109" rndb_objN="Rain Poppy" rndb_objT="2" -->
  595. <Hotspot X="348.163" Y="-2628.083" Z="33.532" /><!-- rndb_dist="223.49972088797" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  596. <Hotspot X="1549.818" Y="-2171.979" Z="151.197" /><!-- rndb_dist="302.30924581792" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  597. <Hotspot X="2002.806" Y="-1768.626" Z="193.838" /><!-- rndb_dist="140.85876595725" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  598. <Hotspot X="1183.606" Y="-2426.666" Z="135.487" /><!-- rndb_dist="387.7644095066" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  599. <Hotspot X="1366.411" Y="-2332.391" Z="134.619" /><!-- rndb_dist="132.27153514646" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  600. <Hotspot X="1229.57" Y="-2416.643" Z="131.618" /><!-- rndb_dist="211.84658729137" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  601. <Hotspot X="743.537" Y="-2631.762" Z="32.163" /><!-- rndb_dist="356.38844069919" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  602. <Hotspot X="2130.879" Y="-1748.394" Z="210.387" /><!-- rndb_dist="344.25048564091" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  603. <Hotspot X="1816.658" Y="-2092.85" Z="210.347" /><!-- rndb_dist="287.64651846841" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  604. <Hotspot X="2614.86" Y="-1159.468" Z="342.901" /><!-- rndb_dist="708.23121306534" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  605. <Hotspot X="2269.845" Y="-1741.623" Z="229.596" /><!-- rndb_dist="59.901047820562" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  606. <Hotspot X="1410.469" Y="-2505.172" Z="138.885" /><!-- rndb_dist="282.59963091094" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  607. <Hotspot X="2300.67" Y="-1725.066" Z="298.671" /><!-- rndb_dist="60.212986232205" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  608. <Hotspot X="2670.399" Y="-1081.213" Z="339.125" /><!-- rndb_dist="176.40072934657" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  609. <Hotspot X="1724.957" Y="-2330.372" Z="163.01" /><!-- rndb_dist="325.66537989629" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  610. <Hotspot X="936.726" Y="-2748.583" Z="61.736" /><!-- rndb_dist="161.41188534926" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  611. <Hotspot X="997.433" Y="-2742.219" Z="74.518" /><!-- rndb_dist="287.18204415492" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  612. <Hotspot X="-724.094" Y="-2840.385" Z="34.403" /><!-- rndb_dist="278.31894583553" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  613. <Hotspot X="2354.081" Y="-1755.845" Z="365.642" /><!-- rndb_dist="180.52686649084" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  614. <Hotspot X="1959.726" Y="-2191.423" Z="221.605" /><!-- rndb_dist="134.80260167741" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  615. <Hotspot X="1852.969" Y="-2332.289" Z="247.841" /><!-- rndb_dist="479.79718056383" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  616. <Hotspot X="-162.589" Y="-3000.396" Z="5.025" /><!-- rndb_dist="394.6457211918" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  617. <Hotspot X="1701.255" Y="-2488.277" Z="136.929" /><!-- rndb_dist="238.70413489716" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  618. <Hotspot X="-190.11" Y="-3078.064" Z="3.047" /><!-- rndb_dist="651.78892015897" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  619. <Hotspot X="2319.439" Y="-2062.325" Z="212.828" /><!-- rndb_dist="349.80263027885" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  620. <Hotspot X="2472.038" Y="-1898.413" Z="201.971" /><!-- rndb_dist="286.29025772282" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  621. <Hotspot X="-134.538" Y="-3174.668" Z="35.404" /><!-- rndb_dist="617.79737103277" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  622. <Hotspot X="-288.881" Y="-3185.149" Z="20.834" /><!-- rndb_dist="363.330429078" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  623. <Hotspot X="2823.344" Y="-1634.441" Z="255.49" /><!-- rndb_dist="643.46121907617" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  624. <Hotspot X="2423.217" Y="-2212.077" Z="191.482" /><!-- rndb_dist="350.13791311567" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  625. <Hotspot X="2935.432" Y="-1518.912" Z="247.377" /><!-- rndb_dist="398.23285568873" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  626. <Hotspot X="2258.464" Y="-2490.578" Z="147.715" /><!-- rndb_dist="616.26595152742" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  627. <Hotspot X="-382.991" Y="-3349.487" Z="32.82" /><!-- rndb_dist="249.21247133721" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  628. <Hotspot X="3307.968" Y="-655.155" Z="213.951" /><!-- rndb_dist="78.326839582602" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  629. <Hotspot X="2971.864" Y="-1620.448" Z="237.835" /><!-- rndb_dist="293.16717440907" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  630. <Hotspot X="2895.398" Y="-1975.816" Z="190.416" /><!-- rndb_dist="910.68715213294" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  631. <Hotspot X="2114.115" Y="-3092.476" Z="1.199" /><!-- rndb_dist="1321.2537983071" rndb_objN="Rich Trillium Vein" rndb_objT="1" -->
  632. <Hotspot X="2463.996" Y="-3022.852" Z="13.376" /><!-- rndb_dist="1084.4447695106" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  633. <Hotspot X="2618.889" Y="-2901.193" Z="-8.852" /><!-- rndb_dist="258.05021924036" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  634. <Hotspot X="2463.691" Y="-3034.482" Z="3.756" /><!-- rndb_dist="48.517360140479" rndb_objN="Silkweed" rndb_objT="2" -->
  635. <Hotspot X="2238.933" Y="-3267.441" Z="7.483" /><!-- rndb_dist="641.19990265517" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  636. <Hotspot X="2271.015" Y="-3283.804" Z="-9.361" /><!-- rndb_dist="501.88262937763" rndb_objN="Fool's Cap" rndb_objT="2" -->
  637. <Hotspot X="2326.356" Y="-3383.149" Z="-2.001" /><!-- rndb_dist="957.47143784867" rndb_objN="Trillium Vein" rndb_objT="1" -->
  638. </Hotspots>
  639. </HBProfile>
  640. [23:06:18.960 N] [rndbuddy] Fetching Toon Settings from Remote Server
  641. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting unmount distance to 15
  642. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting try_to_unstuck to 1
  643. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Download of Assets to 1
  644. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting enable_refresh_on_end to 1
  645. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting enable_unmount_module to 1
  646. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting autostart to 0
  647. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Automatic Screenshot to 0
  648. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Screenshot interval to 10 minutes!
  649. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Screenshot on Event to 1
  650. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Notification on Event to 0
  651. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Jump to 0
  652. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting followers Detection to 0
  653. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting overwrite_gb2_settings to 0
  654. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting max profile time to 26 minutes
  655. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting track other botbases to 0
  656. [23:06:19.833 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Professionbuddy desired zone to 870
  657. [23:06:19.833 N] [rndbuddy] Loading new Profile to Honorbuddy
  658. [23:06:19.835 D] Loading profile from C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\rndbuddy\rndbuddy_profile_49e6a389d91553f49528e471028be665.xml
  659. [23:06:19.855 D] Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles.
  660. [23:06:20.174 D] Downloaded tilemap HawaiiMainLand
  661. [23:06:20.369 D] Changed map(s) to HawaiiMainLand
  662. [23:06:20.405 N] Changing current profile to rndbuddy 544adb693ee05
  663. [23:06:20.407 D] BlackspotManager forcing unload of meshes - New profile loaded
  664. [23:06:20.414 N] Installed plugins
  665. [23:06:20.414 N] Anti Drown - Disabled
  666. [23:06:20.414 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled
  667. [23:06:20.414 N] Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
  668. [23:06:20.414 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled
  669. [23:06:20.414 N] rndbuddy - Enabled
  670. [23:06:20.414 D] Activity: Initialization complete
  671. [23:06:20.437 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
  672. [23:06:20.437 N] Honorbuddy Startup Complete
  673. [23:06:34.565 N] [rndbuddy] SafeStart Timer disposed!
  674. [23:07:44.458 D] Activity: Loading Profile...
  675. [23:08:15.589 N] [rndbuddy] Setting Current Botbase to Gatherbuddy2
  676. [23:08:15.590 N] [rndbuddy] Beginning update sequence
  677. [23:08:15.590 D] Activity: Getting profile
  678. [23:08:18.419 N] [rndbuddy] New Profile = 544adbe1ea695
  679. [23:08:18.419 N] [rndbuddy] Destination Zone = The Jade Forest
  680. [23:08:18.419 D] [rndbuddy silent] Setting Last Hotspot = 2286.394;-3364.137
  681. [23:08:18.460 N] [rndbuddy] Downloading Profile
  682. [23:08:18.460 D] Activity: Downloading profile
  683. [23:08:19.712 D] [rndbuddy silent] ---DEBUG XML CONTENT ---
  684. [23:08:19.712 D] [rndbuddy silent] <?xml version="1.0"?>
  685. <HBProfile>
  686. <Name>rndbuddy 544adbe1ea695</Name>
  687. <MinDurability>0.3</MinDurability>
  688. <MinFreeBagSlots>2</MinFreeBagSlots>
  689. <MinLevel>1</MinLevel>
  690. <MaxLevel>101</MaxLevel>
  691. <Factions>99999</Factions>
  693. <MailGrey>false</MailGrey>
  694. <SellGrey>true</SellGrey>
  695. <MailWhite>true</MailWhite>
  696. <SellWhite>false</SellWhite>
  697. <MailGreen>true</MailGreen>
  698. <SellGreen>false</SellGreen>
  699. <MailBlue>true</MailBlue>
  700. <SellBlue>false</SellBlue>
  701. <MailPurple>true</MailPurple>
  702. <SellPurple>false</SellPurple>
  703. <Vendors>
  704. <Vendor Name="Armorer Moki" Entry="62662" Type="Repair" X="725.4583" Y="-2404.848" Z="83.56505"/>
  705. <Vendor Name="Len the Hammer" Entry="65114" Type="Repair" X="1939.052" Y="-1929.67" Z="207.2755"/>
  706. <Vendor Name="Bolo the Elder" Entry="62867" Type="Food" X="2574.363" Y="-1461.288" Z="407.1255"/>
  707. <Vendor Name="San Redscale" Entry="58414" Type="Repair" X="1586.771" Y="-2507.238" Z="152.2954"/>
  708. <Vendor Name="Yol" Entry="56778" Type="Food" X="1530.153" Y="-1780.046" Z="246.1999"/>
  709. <Vendor Name="Peiji Goldendraft" Entry="55809" Type="Food" X="1618.276" Y="-1740.436" Z="263.3519"/>
  710. <Vendor Name="Singegruff" Entry="56705" Type="Repair" X="1528.802" Y="-1806.385" Z="246.2002"/>
  711. </Vendors>
  712. <Mailboxes>
  713. <Mailbox X="3104.716" Y="1234.546" Z="654.1189"/>
  714. <Mailbox X="3471.923" Y="610.667" Z="608.1803"/>
  715. <Mailbox X="1776.534" Y="314.7287" Z="478.0452"/>
  716. <Mailbox X="1604.235" Y="-1791.484" Z="259.9729"/>
  717. <Mailbox X="715.57" Y="-2377.769" Z="83.56458"/>
  718. <Mailbox X="2560.49" Y="-1447.848" Z="406.116"/>
  719. <Mailbox X="538.5969" Y="-617.242" Z="258.7156"/>
  720. <Mailbox X="-209.5665" Y="494.9402" Z="187.103"/>
  721. <Mailbox X="1850.748" Y="4272.75" Z="148.8684"/>
  722. <Mailbox X="267.5128" Y="3152.532" Z="214.5011"/>
  723. <Mailbox X="-1120.551" Y="3178.605" Z="5.777713"/>
  724. <Mailbox X="269.104" Y="3152.432" Z="214.5009"/>
  725. <Mailbox X="2353.123" Y="2995.41" Z="421.2129"/>
  726. <Mailbox X="726.2318" Y="1578.724" Z="375.6758"/>
  727. <Mailbox X="-2103" Y="1473" Z="1"/>
  728. </Mailboxes>
  729. <Blackspots>
  730. <Blackspot X="4735" Y="984" Z="15" Radius="30" />
  731. <Blackspot X="947" Y="2499" Z="297" Radius="200" />
  732. <Blackspot X="-366" Y="-309" Z="116" Radius="50" />
  733. <Blackspot X="968" Y="2550" Z="292" Radius="200" />
  734. <Blackspot X="2180" Y="381" Z="476" Radius="150" />
  735. <Blackspot X="2284" Y="2553" Z="671" Radius="150" />
  736. <Blackspot X="2745" Y="3495" Z="300" Radius="25" />
  737. <Blackspot X="871" Y="-1935" Z="70" Radius="15" />
  738. <Blackspot X="668" Y="-1525" Z="329" Radius="15" />
  739. <Blackspot X="2362" Y="-388" Z="345" Radius="15" />
  740. <Blackspot X="667" Y="-1533" Z="391" Radius="15" />
  741. <Blackspot X="280" Y="-1994" Z="72" Radius="15" />
  742. <Blackspot X="825" Y="-2563" Z="205" Radius="16.25" />
  743. <Blackspot X="671" Y="-1533" Z="354" Radius="16.25" />
  744. <Blackspot X="3189" Y="-927" Z="281" Radius="16.25" />
  745. <Blackspot X="392" Y="-2900" Z="36" Radius="18.75" />
  746. <Blackspot X="-85" Y="-2323" Z="38" Radius="18.75" />
  747. <Blackspot X="3315" Y="-1296" Z="203" Radius="18.75" />
  748. <Blackspot X="1655" Y="-1314" Z="247" Radius="18.75" />
  749. <Blackspot X="3319" Y="-1294" Z="203" Radius="18.75" />
  750. <Blackspot X="750" Y="-1859" Z="72" Radius="20" />
  751. <Blackspot X="667" Y="-1532" Z="403" Radius="20" />
  752. <Blackspot X="824" Y="-2563" Z="205" Radius="22.5" />
  753. <Blackspot X="3316" Y="-1294" Z="203" Radius="22.5" />
  754. <Blackspot X="3318" Y="-1294" Z="203" Radius="23.75" />
  755. <Blackspot X="3317" Y="-1294" Z="203" Radius="26.25" />
  756. <Blackspot X="668" Y="-1524" Z="293" Radius="31.25" />
  757. <Blackspot X="1374" Y="-2302" Z="164" Radius="40" />
  758. <Blackspot X="667" Y="-1525" Z="264" Radius="41.25" />
  759. <Blackspot X="667" Y="-1524" Z="265" Radius="100" />
  760. <Blackspot X="1111.9" Y="-2652" Z="160.7" Radius="17.5" />
  761. <Blackspot X="3025.1" Y="-544.4" Z="316.3" Radius="22.5" />
  762. <Blackspot X="2997.1" Y="-532.3" Z="260.6" Radius="35" />
  763. <Blackspot X="3443.6" Y="-706.5" Z="13.2" Radius="22.5" />
  764. <Blackspot X="-307.3" Y="-1677.7" Z="54.7" Radius="90" />
  765. <Blackspot X="3443.3" Y="-706.5" Z="5.5" Radius="25" />
  766. <Blackspot X="846" Y="-885.8" Z="269.6" Radius="40" />
  767. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-706.8" Z="59.2" Radius="47.5" />
  768. <Blackspot X="-306.2" Y="-1680.8" Z="53.5" Radius="20" />
  769. <Blackspot X="2997.1" Y="-532.4" Z="256" Radius="32.5" />
  770. <Blackspot X="-307.3" Y="-1677.8" Z="57.4" Radius="17.5" />
  771. <Blackspot X="3442.8" Y="-706.5" Z="5.2" Radius="22.5" />
  772. <Blackspot X="1530.3" Y="-1320.2" Z="252.1" Radius="27.5" />
  773. <Blackspot X="1661.5" Y="-1533.9" Z="355.8" Radius="17.5" />
  774. <Blackspot X="3025" Y="-544.5" Z="316.3" Radius="27.5" />
  775. <Blackspot X="712" Y="-1177.8" Z="215.2" Radius="32.5" />
  776. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-706.6" Z="52.6" Radius="52.5" />
  777. <Blackspot X="3025.3" Y="-544.5" Z="322.2" Radius="35" />
  778. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-706.7" Z="59.2" Radius="57.5" />
  779. <Blackspot X="3025.2" Y="-544.5" Z="322.6" Radius="32.5" />
  780. <Blackspot X="232.5" Y="-2011" Z="99.3" Radius="15" />
  781. <Blackspot X="847.4" Y="-884.6" Z="268.4" Radius="37.5" />
  782. <Blackspot X="3443" Y="-706.5" Z="5.6" Radius="20" />
  783. <Blackspot X="2997.2" Y="-532.4" Z="256.9" Radius="15" />
  784. <Blackspot X="1236.9" Y="-2443.7" Z="149.1" Radius="15" />
  785. <Blackspot X="3587" Y="-707.2" Z="42.1" Radius="22.5" />
  786. <Blackspot X="3442.4" Y="-706.5" Z="11" Radius="15" />
  787. <Blackspot X="3442.9" Y="-706.5" Z="13.7" Radius="17.5" />
  788. <Blackspot X="3588.8" Y="-699.8" Z="51" Radius="15" />
  789. <Blackspot X="3443.1" Y="-706.5" Z="13.8" Radius="17.5" />
  790. <Blackspot X="3586.1" Y="-705.1" Z="46.2" Radius="15" />
  791. <Blackspot X="3147.9" Y="-880.1" Z="257.8" Radius="17.5" />
  792. <Blackspot X="-50.1" Y="-1437" Z="150.8" Radius="22.5" />
  793. <Blackspot X="846" Y="-885.9" Z="269.5" Radius="30" />
  794. <Blackspot X="-13.6" Y="-2404" Z="54.9" Radius="15" />
  795. <Blackspot X="3443.2" Y="-706.5" Z="11.5" Radius="17.5" />
  796. <Blackspot X="3442.7" Y="-706.5" Z="12.2" Radius="15" />
  797. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-706.9" Z="50.6" Radius="42.5" />
  798. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-706.3" Z="50.5" Radius="17.5" />
  799. <Blackspot X="3025.1" Y="-544.5" Z="321.4" Radius="37.5" />
  800. <Blackspot X="3443.5" Y="-706.5" Z="5" Radius="17.5" />
  801. <Blackspot X="3442.6" Y="-706.5" Z="13.9" Radius="15" />
  802. <Blackspot X="3443.4" Y="-706.5" Z="5" Radius="17.5" />
  803. <Blackspot X="3025.2" Y="-544.4" Z="315.9" Radius="15" />
  804. <Blackspot X="1666.2" Y="-2267.9" Z="217.1" Radius="25" />
  805. <Blackspot X="3025" Y="-544.3" Z="316.3" Radius="15" />
  806. <Blackspot X="1112.5" Y="-2651.8" Z="166.3" Radius="17.5" />
  807. <Blackspot X="3025" Y="-544.4" Z="315.5" Radius="17.5" />
  808. <Blackspot X="3586.1" Y="-705" Z="46.7" Radius="17.5" />
  809. <Blackspot X="3024.9" Y="-544.4" Z="317.2" Radius="22.5" />
  810. <Blackspot X="1253.9" Y="-614.5" Z="367.9" Radius="17.5" />
  811. <Blackspot X="357.7" Y="-1929.9" Z="60.4" Radius="15" />
  812. <Blackspot X="3442.5" Y="-706.5" Z="4.8" Radius="17.5" />
  813. <Blackspot X="3025.3" Y="-544.6" Z="316.4" Radius="15" />
  814. <Blackspot X="3589.4" Y="-707" Z="50.7" Radius="22.5" />
  815. <Blackspot X="3002.115" Y="1946.463" Z="642.902" Radius="10" /><!-- ALWAYS gets stuck on fence trying to enter ring/pickup this ore -->
  816. <Blackspot X="1081.232" Y="-441.656" Z="257.335" Radius="10" /><!-- endless monkey spawn -->
  817. <Blackspot X="-410.443" Y="-319.714" Z="109.89" Radius="30" /><!-- INside place -->
  818. <Blackspot X="1871.86" Y="-176.783" Z="704.318" Radius="21" /><!-- stuck -->
  819. <Blackspot X="-359.684" Y="-275.385" Z="116.723" Radius="30" /><!-- INside place -->
  820. <Blackspot X="2139.383" Y="2617.131" Z="543.166" Radius="10" /><!-- cape de cruauté du gladiateur dramatique -->
  821. <Blackspot X="2730.032" Y="3603.64" Z="277.57" Radius="10" /><!-- mobs -->
  822. <Blackspot X="-1013.375" Y="1446.547" Z="77.769" Radius="30" /><!-- under cave -->
  823. <Blackspot X="-418.414" Y="-283.559" Z="125.414" Radius="30" /><!-- inside place -->
  824. <Blackspot X="-258.507" Y="-222.758" Z="139.098" Radius="30" /><!-- toon spinning around at the ground -->
  825. <Blackspot X="1779.42" Y="2686.371" Z="304.458" Radius="10" /><!-- dupa -->
  826. <Blackspot X="3405.998" Y="2079.065" Z="1173.857" Radius="25" /><!-- Falls off mountain -->
  827. <Blackspot X="-961.527" Y="-964.176" Z="7.114" Radius="40" /><!-- Alliance Base - Deadly for Horde -->
  828. <Blackspot X="17.104" Y="-641.856" Z="221.727" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  829. <Blackspot X="2221.037" Y="-2489.291" Z="167.669" Radius="30" /><!-- Minerals under ground -->
  830. <Blackspot X="1488.782" Y="-10.44" Z="860.651" Radius="10" /><!-- cave node -->
  831. <Blackspot X="2877.528" Y="5702.411" Z="120.038" Radius="50" /><!-- mobs everywhere -->
  832. <Blackspot X="3533.704" Y="1576.619" Z="868.421" Radius="20" /><!-- Underground -->
  833. <Blackspot X="44.549" Y="1525.585" Z="385.874" Radius="16" /><!-- enters combat with jim-jim, mob that does a knockback off the cliffs in monkeytown -->
  834. <Blackspot X="1528.196" Y="-94.061" Z="677.769" Radius="10" /><!-- cant get to node -->
  835. <Blackspot X="1890.007" Y="-289.35" Z="397.843" Radius="10" /><!-- elite mobs -->
  836. <Blackspot X="389.944" Y="1390.547" Z="433.449" Radius="30" /><!-- Kunzen Village -->
  837. <Blackspot X="1526.567" Y="-561.83" Z="308.725" Radius="26" /><!-- Horde pvp -->
  838. <Blackspot X="-390.337" Y="-240.991" Z="179.25" Radius="10" /><!-- underground node -->
  839. <Blackspot X="1373.936" Y="-25.508" Z="840.365" Radius="10" /><!-- cave node -->
  840. <Blackspot X="1530.565" Y="-107.142" Z="621.195" Radius="40" /><!-- cant reach -->
  841. <Blackspot X="2147.86" Y="-1741.09" Z="223.72" Radius="10" /><!-- Underground 3 node -->
  842. <Blackspot X="1918.759" Y="1679.739" Z="504.758" Radius="10" /><!-- Bugged just flies around and does nothing -->
  843. <Blackspot X="1405.854" Y="-51.139" Z="701.939" Radius="10" /><!-- underground -->
  844. <Blackspot X="349.795" Y="1490.486" Z="459.084" Radius="30" /><!-- Kunzen Village -->
  845. <Blackspot X="-603.074" Y="173.775" Z="153.035" Radius="10" /><!-- Stuck -->
  846. <Blackspot X="-587.522" Y="3095.59" Z="233.921" Radius="36" /><!-- stun position -->
  847. <Blackspot X="41.214" Y="1523.003" Z="393.339" Radius="10" /><!-- Skyrange -->
  848. <Blackspot X="-1310.432" Y="3655.2" Z="64.302" Radius="30" /><!-- dread wastes nodes on the SEA -->
  849. <Blackspot X="479.153" Y="1381.251" Z="441.404" Radius="30" /><!-- Kunzen Village -->
  850. <Blackspot X="654.881" Y="4190.078" Z="214.141" Radius="10" /><!-- fix this shit spot -->
  851. <Blackspot X="-1100.262" Y="1563.093" Z="91.381" Radius="49" /><!-- Cliff_dead_spot -->
  852. <Blackspot X="-843.343" Y="204.039" Z="98.756" Radius="25" /><!-- He paces back and forth here forever, trying to get to a nearby node. -->
  853. <Blackspot X="-1034.591" Y="1265.541" Z="108.636" Radius="30" /><!-- Wind's Edge -->
  854. <Blackspot X="2611.917" Y="268.675" Z="497.366" Radius="10" /><!-- needlesprites spawning under rocks -->
  855. <Blackspot X="-2939.313" Y="834.502" Z="5.72" Radius="10" /><!-- Mobs -->
  856. <Blackspot X="-288.962" Y="-179.138" Z="202.632" Radius="10" /><!-- bug -->
  857. <Blackspot X="4027.934" Y="993.494" Z="600.602" Radius="25" /><!-- stuck inside temple -->
  858. <Blackspot X="585.79" Y="-1897.627" Z="80.924" Radius="10" /><!-- gets stuck on tree -->
  859. <Blackspot X="-755.015" Y="-1014.44" Z="26.319" Radius="10" /><!-- Adds -->
  860. <Blackspot X="1777.224" Y="2682.883" Z="304.747" Radius="34" /><!-- Jashesh -->
  861. <Blackspot X="2151.323" Y="304.073" Z="472.301" Radius="20" /><!-- fight. -->
  862. <Blackspot X="54.439" Y="-2384.669" Z="93.461" Radius="40" /><!-- Huge Hill -->
  863. <Blackspot X="1956.049" Y="-320.561" Z="398.675" Radius="100" /><!-- Grookin Outrunner spawns here -->
  864. <Blackspot X="-414.697" Y="-324.044" Z="165.976" Radius="10" /><!-- mobs -->
  865. <Blackspot X="-790.745" Y="4704.453" Z="-17.63" Radius="25" /><!-- Under Water -->
  866. <Blackspot X="2950.94" Y="3495.635" Z="425.967" Radius="48" /><!-- mobs -->
  867. <Blackspot X="-1092.218" Y="1383.833" Z="64.293" Radius="30" /><!-- fly around in a diamond shape not doing anything -->
  868. <Blackspot X="2142.984" Y="2626.106" Z="543.097" Radius="10" /><!-- drake -->
  869. <Blackspot X="1820.312" Y="680.403" Z="499.801" Radius="26" /><!-- random flying. -->
  870. <Blackspot X="2325.9" Y="-440.667" Z="349.672" Radius="15" /><!-- stuck in tree stump -->
  871. <Blackspot X="-390.895" Y="-319.213" Z="164.662" Radius="25" /><!-- depp orb -->
  872. <Blackspot X="-358.727" Y="-247.164" Z="208.385" Radius="10" /><!-- bot just go round and around -->
  873. <Blackspot X="-1297.033" Y="3690.831" Z="44.733" Radius="10" /><!-- sea nodes -->
  874. <Blackspot X="2991.916" Y="5830.788" Z="71.894" Radius="10" /><!-- 6 mobs -->
  875. <Blackspot X="1431.693" Y="2181.963" Z="368.777" Radius="10" /><!-- gets stuck in tent -->
  876. <Blackspot X="-8.672" Y="-6.635" Z="216.094" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  877. <Blackspot X="-388.492" Y="-237.33" Z="166.071" Radius="40" /><!-- Underground node -->
  878. <Blackspot X="-677.961" Y="3075.861" Z="272.419" Radius="30" /><!-- underground -->
  879. <Blackspot X="-1068.291" Y="1400.692" Z="108.83" Radius="34" /><!-- cave -->
  880. <Blackspot X="-2929.023" Y="968.111" Z="14.145" Radius="10" /><!-- Mobs -->
  881. <Blackspot X="1207.48" Y="-180.881" Z="467.528" Radius="10" /><!-- ыегсл -->
  882. <Blackspot X="1328.109" Y="140.682" Z="843.366" Radius="30" /><!-- COnstant stuck -->
  883. <Blackspot X="-2385.977" Y="1387.697" Z="26.218" Radius="10" /><!-- Auto DC at this spot -->
  884. <Blackspot X="-996.639" Y="1427.565" Z="74.313" Radius="30" /><!-- fly back and forth -->
  885. <Blackspot X="-346.99" Y="-318.521" Z="196.044" Radius="30" /><!-- 3 Nodes in Cave ! -->
  886. <Blackspot X="658.789" Y="4182.373" Z="216.441" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  887. <Blackspot X="2416.205" Y="1768.481" Z="552.308" Radius="10" /><!-- toon going crazy there cant read the herb -->
  888. <Blackspot X="2920.039" Y="5628.983" Z="135.091" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  889. <Blackspot X="1554.533" Y="-110.487" Z="641.644" Radius="100" /><!-- Underground node -->
  890. <Blackspot X="305.742" Y="-1490.879" Z="65.921" Radius="4" /><!-- can dismount inside a tree trunk and will move into it endlessly -->
  891. <Blackspot X="1602.914" Y="41.489" Z="691.428" Radius="10" /><!-- underground node, bot continuously flew back and forth above it -->
  892. <Blackspot X="-418.685" Y="-285.541" Z="159.847" Radius="30" /><!-- Under cliff -->
  893. <Blackspot X="-305.706" Y="2489.489" Z="154.951" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  894. <Blackspot X="86.864" Y="1466.814" Z="385.857" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  895. <Blackspot X="-652.095" Y="3177.833" Z="146.393" Radius="29" /><!-- Stuck -->
  896. <Blackspot X="-403.045" Y="-367.881" Z="125.372" Radius="30" /><!-- Inside mine -->
  897. <Blackspot X="-556.367" Y="-203.421" Z="158.049" Radius="10" /><!-- Stuck on rocks -->
  898. <Blackspot X="2178.527" Y="333.635" Z="488.057" Radius="10" /><!-- SHA hu is unkillable -->
  899. <Blackspot X="91.73" Y="958.207" Z="165.631" Radius="10" /><!-- Bugged -->
  900. <Blackspot X="238.986" Y="639.102" Z="145.394" Radius="10" /><!-- Bug -->
  901. <Blackspot X="2869.455" Y="5720.335" Z="124.74" Radius="10" /><!-- bad -->
  902. <Blackspot X="-416.663" Y="-278.19" Z="160.734" Radius="80" /><!-- cliff -->
  903. <Blackspot X="1474.749" Y="-756.277" Z="313.002" Radius="10" /><!-- stuck -->
  904. <Blackspot X="2374.299" Y="69.251" Z="606.124" Radius="10" /><!-- keep getting stuck here -->
  905. <Blackspot X="1890" Y="2335" Z="378" Radius="15" /><!-- townlong steppes Hatred Vicecamp with tents and is stucking each day -->
  906. <Blackspot X="-384" Y="-307" Z="170" Radius="25" /><!-- here are 2-3 mines underground permanently and get stuck all the time manu many minutes flying left-right nonstop -->
  907. <Blackspot X="1076" Y="1393" Z="344" Radius="10" /><!-- unable to reach -->
  908. <Blackspot X="1054" Y="2441" Z="312" Radius="40" /><!-- many mobs -->
  909. <Blackspot X="970" Y="2500" Z="296" Radius="100" /><!-- many mobs infront of gate -->
  910. <Blackspot X="912" Y="2613" Z="286" Radius="10" /><!-- last one of hotspots in gate area -->
  911. </Blackspots>
  912. <Hotspots>
  913. <Hotspot X="40.706" Y="-1714.451" Z="57.306" /><!-- rndb_dist="NAN" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  914. <Hotspot X="67.003" Y="-1634.25" Z="81.451" /><!-- rndb_dist="NAN" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  915. <Hotspot X="1072.331" Y="-471.495" Z="253.859" /><!-- rndb_dist="NAN" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  916. <Hotspot X="697.882" Y="-592.644" Z="258.834" /><!-- rndb_dist="NAN" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  917. <Hotspot X="702.583" Y="-673.48" Z="256.896" /><!-- rndb_dist="330.04845951617" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  918. <Hotspot X="136.736" Y="-1176.516" Z="1.936" /><!-- rndb_dist="675.0469981142" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  919. <Hotspot X="63.9" Y="-1208.664" Z="-4.09" /><!-- rndb_dist="249.12896849624" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  920. <Hotspot X="797.331" Y="-953.609" Z="215.76" /><!-- rndb_dist="283.11653704085" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  921. <Hotspot X="517.302" Y="-1152.373" Z="54.531" /><!-- rndb_dist="224.62867557594" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  922. <Hotspot X="460.904" Y="-1254.894" Z="57.932" /><!-- rndb_dist="437.75170829935" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  923. <Hotspot X="308.044" Y="-1388.227" Z="64.882" /><!-- rndb_dist="484.63786584727" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  924. <Hotspot X="-503.557" Y="-1395.877" Z="2.53" /><!-- rndb_dist="424.23689362548" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  925. <Hotspot X="-539.262" Y="-1511.748" Z="5.693" /><!-- rndb_dist="611.672517586" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  926. <Hotspot X="1610.844" Y="26.265" Z="464.395" /><!-- rndb_dist="139.00619559214" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  927. <Hotspot X="1515.335" Y="-560.364" Z="297.877" /><!-- rndb_dist="121.40729862739" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  928. <Hotspot X="-105.517" Y="-1612.843" Z="79.244" /><!-- rndb_dist="46.350892299936" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  929. <Hotspot X="-779.592" Y="-1421.504" Z="-16.291" /><!-- rndb_dist="126.65278734398" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  930. <Hotspot X="1509.368" Y="-690.469" Z="282.469" /><!-- rndb_dist="355.67104310725" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  931. <Hotspot X="431.858" Y="-1629.102" Z="57.118" /><!-- rndb_dist="292.4644579825" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  932. <Hotspot X="332.08" Y="-1653.675" Z="56.671" /><!-- rndb_dist="66.65938386304" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  933. <Hotspot X="-883.571" Y="-1475.474" Z="0.381" /><!-- rndb_dist="335.86173448608" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  934. <Hotspot X="-681.848" Y="-1585.379" Z="-4.239" /><!-- rndb_dist="143.60373263951" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  935. <Hotspot X="1512.104" Y="-858.145" Z="256.528" /><!-- rndb_dist="211.01677444222" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  936. <Hotspot X="1129.923" Y="-1390.112" Z="111.305" /><!-- rndb_dist="431.58546156236" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  937. <Hotspot X="-103.788" Y="-1825.6" Z="62.942" /><!-- rndb_dist="366.67417480783" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  938. <Hotspot X="-260.74" Y="-1831.151" Z="53.753" /><!-- rndb_dist="278.40981207027" rndb_objN="Rain Poppy" rndb_objT="2" -->
  939. <Hotspot X="-124.383" Y="-1858.982" Z="54.493" /><!-- rndb_dist="224.02204046031" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  940. <Hotspot X="501.364" Y="-1797.828" Z="32.117" /><!-- rndb_dist="110.75274744673" rndb_objN="Rain Poppy" rndb_objT="2" -->
  941. <Hotspot X="1471.828" Y="-1258.693" Z="229.356" /><!-- rndb_dist="516.75366641467" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  942. <Hotspot X="901.098" Y="-1755.134" Z="33.863" /><!-- rndb_dist="376.67921860251" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  943. <Hotspot X="1978.166" Y="-318.388" Z="402.28" /><!-- rndb_dist="349.34034771266" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  944. <Hotspot X="1900.984" Y="-639.447" Z="330.443" /><!-- rndb_dist="90.116546566094" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  945. <Hotspot X="1900.944" Y="-668.592" Z="326.377" /><!-- rndb_dist="194.86076961513" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  946. <Hotspot X="254.767" Y="-2050.094" Z="65.138" /><!-- rndb_dist="455.17939268491" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  947. <Hotspot X="699.475" Y="-1974.154" Z="54.53" /><!-- rndb_dist="344.61233033076" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  948. <Hotspot X="712.308" Y="-1983.674" Z="71.782" /><!-- rndb_dist="236.21162926283" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  949. <Hotspot X="803.959" Y="-1962.314" Z="56.114" /><!-- rndb_dist="233.83986644069" rndb_objN="Sha-Touched Herb" rndb_objT="2" -->
  950. <Hotspot X="-555.585" Y="-2083.821" Z="-3.583" /><!-- rndb_dist="392.37525914486" rndb_objN="Rain Poppy" rndb_objT="2" -->
  951. <Hotspot X="1963.861" Y="-1149.359" Z="341.047" /><!-- rndb_dist="725.80402722498" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  952. <Hotspot X="2071.5" Y="-970.31" Z="498.099" /><!-- rndb_dist="234.17431092671" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  953. <Hotspot X="2278.071" Y="-292.576" Z="303.853" /><!-- rndb_dist="206.38423078569" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  954. <Hotspot X="-99.858" Y="-2307.964" Z="14.62" /><!-- rndb_dist="247.91379276474" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  955. <Hotspot X="322.306" Y="-2361.354" Z="26.269" /><!-- rndb_dist="585.83651771804" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  956. <Hotspot X="-85.4" Y="-2404.679" Z="21.325" /><!-- rndb_dist="331.51226536736" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  957. <Hotspot X="1899.427" Y="-1560.095" Z="186.845" /><!-- rndb_dist="501.94131560672" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  958. <Hotspot X="-699.293" Y="-2372.138" Z="13.126" /><!-- rndb_dist="272.63538570589" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  959. <Hotspot X="1260.613" Y="-2147.546" Z="131.205" /><!-- rndb_dist="291.63258904313" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  960. <Hotspot X="2373.447" Y="-758.591" Z="398.786" /><!-- rndb_dist="87.246829197385" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  961. <Hotspot X="1841.179" Y="-1725.385" Z="174.909" /><!-- rndb_dist="397.72168808855" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  962. <Hotspot X="-697.776" Y="-2443.774" Z="29.116" /><!-- rndb_dist="303.36315034295" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  963. <Hotspot X="1088.645" Y="-2356.089" Z="127.025" /><!-- rndb_dist="526.66934854233" rndb_objN="Rain Poppy" rndb_objT="2" -->
  964. <Hotspot X="1479.337" Y="-2168.123" Z="166.711" /><!-- rndb_dist="391.01405441749" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  965. <Hotspot X="2590.48" Y="-638.828" Z="316.89" /><!-- rndb_dist="479.05379790374" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  966. <Hotspot X="1993.731" Y="-1780.744" Z="183.262" /><!-- rndb_dist="165.30169361806" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  967. <Hotspot X="1069.607" Y="-2450.643" Z="119.821" /><!-- rndb_dist="60.809160502341" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  968. <Hotspot X="1603.168" Y="-2190.49" Z="158.087" /><!-- rndb_dist="467.63642760803" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  969. <Hotspot X="1999.82" Y="-1852.579" Z="194.692" /><!-- rndb_dist="250.86830672088" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  970. <Hotspot X="2580.977" Y="-908.597" Z="359.436" /><!-- rndb_dist="235.9275297565" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  971. <Hotspot X="2067.714" Y="-1818.372" Z="205.883" /><!-- rndb_dist="308.10247198294" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  972. <Hotspot X="-577.837" Y="-2692.634" Z="-14.391" /><!-- rndb_dist="47.492529359886" rndb_objN="Rain Poppy" rndb_objT="2" -->
  973. <Hotspot X="2680.098" Y="-728.398" Z="304.775" /><!-- rndb_dist="359.60461549179" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  974. <Hotspot X="351.127" Y="-2769.939" Z="47.026" /><!-- rndb_dist="286.9900657549" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  975. <Hotspot X="2675.676" Y="-878.158" Z="344.497" /><!-- rndb_dist="366.81234451692" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  976. <Hotspot X="1494.755" Y="-2422.099" Z="139.209" /><!-- rndb_dist="412.85899031752" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  977. <Hotspot X="1643.194" Y="-2333.548" Z="159.898" /><!-- rndb_dist="211.36866871417" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  978. <Hotspot X="1728.723" Y="-2302.06" Z="186.424" /><!-- rndb_dist="377.39987332934" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  979. <Hotspot X="1489.534" Y="-2481.907" Z="138.485" /><!-- rndb_dist="301.0156797843" rndb_objN="Rain Poppy" rndb_objT="2" -->
  980. <Hotspot X="2842.087" Y="-613.728" Z="241.196" /><!-- rndb_dist="274.85756265382" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  981. <Hotspot X="1978.408" Y="-2139.776" Z="234.196" /><!-- rndb_dist="196.51710125839" rndb_objN="Sha-Touched Herb" rndb_objT="2" -->
  982. <Hotspot X="2173.229" Y="-2009.193" Z="211.09" /><!-- rndb_dist="516.76034392163" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  983. <Hotspot X="105.971" Y="-2973.851" Z="58.234" /><!-- rndb_dist="308.60788284164" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  984. <Hotspot X="-469.619" Y="-3034.247" Z="4.653" /><!-- rndb_dist="756.42398106353" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  985. <Hotspot X="-11.957" Y="-3096.087" Z="59.624" /><!-- rndb_dist="398.37271398528" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  986. <Hotspot X="3005.48" Y="-961.117" Z="209.694" /><!-- rndb_dist="608.89920074755" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  987. <Hotspot X="2822.213" Y="-1641.45" Z="259.97" /><!-- rndb_dist="838.2054651337" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  988. <Hotspot X="-277.989" Y="-3265.951" Z="37.637" /><!-- rndb_dist="290.63636842797" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  989. <Hotspot X="3036.323" Y="-1287.519" Z="206.407" /><!-- rndb_dist="365.0324878254" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  990. <Hotspot X="2477.996" Y="-2256.281" Z="151.308" /><!-- rndb_dist="595.23574429549" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  991. <Hotspot X="2314.11" Y="-2438.232" Z="145.648" /><!-- rndb_dist="262.32089308135" rndb_objN="Green Tea Leaf" rndb_objT="2" -->
  992. <Hotspot X="2453.312" Y="-2321.491" Z="128.78" /><!-- rndb_dist="328.60288267299" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  993. <Hotspot X="2753.684" Y="-2091.884" Z="197.964" /><!-- rndb_dist="742.08760189549" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  994. <Hotspot X="2941.665" Y="-1865.549" Z="224.142" /><!-- rndb_dist="418.22458358398" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  995. <Hotspot X="2940.857" Y="-1868.382" Z="222.997" /><!-- rndb_dist="76.322662080147" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  996. <Hotspot X="3162.063" Y="-1468.642" Z="198.465" /><!-- rndb_dist="126.73021644423" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  997. <Hotspot X="3334.547" Y="-1232.304" Z="187.988" /><!-- rndb_dist="694.42429644418" rndb_objN="Rich Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  998. <Hotspot X="2165.958" Y="-3075.289" Z="18.36" /><!-- rndb_dist="1229.2272563119" rndb_objN="Trillium Vein" rndb_objT="1" -->
  999. <Hotspot X="2108.868" Y="-3129.031" Z="7.879" /><!-- rndb_dist="298.96947854255" rndb_objN="Ghost Iron Deposit" rndb_objT="1" -->
  1000. <Hotspot X="2270.639" Y="-3062.277" Z="18.231" /><!-- rndb_dist="543.30714394806" rndb_objN="Trillium Vein" rndb_objT="1" -->
  1001. <Hotspot X="2412.784" Y="-3043.136" Z="3.41" /><!-- rndb_dist="740.85184220733" rndb_objN="Golden Lotus" rndb_objT="2" -->
  1002. <Hotspot X="2286.394" Y="-3364.137" Z="-8.065" /><!-- rndb_dist="1209.4676237308" rndb_objN="Trillium Vein" rndb_objT="1" -->
  1003. </Hotspots>
  1004. </HBProfile>
  1005. [23:08:19.712 N] [rndbuddy] Fetching Toon Settings from Remote Server
  1006. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting unmount distance to 15
  1007. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting try_to_unstuck to 1
  1008. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Download of Assets to 1
  1009. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting enable_refresh_on_end to 1
  1010. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting enable_unmount_module to 1
  1011. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting autostart to 0
  1012. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Automatic Screenshot to 0
  1013. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Screenshot interval to 10 minutes!
  1014. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Screenshot on Event to 1
  1015. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Notification on Event to 0
  1016. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Jump to 0
  1017. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting followers Detection to 0
  1018. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting overwrite_gb2_settings to 0
  1019. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting max profile time to 26 minutes
  1020. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting track other botbases to 0
  1021. [23:08:20.636 D] [rndbuddy silent] setting Professionbuddy desired zone to 870
  1022. [23:08:20.636 N] [rndbuddy] Loading new Profile to Honorbuddy
  1023. [23:08:20.636 D] Loading profile from C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\rndbuddy\rndbuddy_profile_49e6a389d91553f49528e471028be665.xml
  1024. [23:08:20.637 D] Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles.
  1025. [23:08:20.642 N] Changing current profile to rndbuddy 544adbe1ea695
  1026. [23:08:20.642 D] BlackspotManager forcing unload of meshes - New profile loaded
  1027. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Archaeology (110393) | Armor Skills (076275) | Artisan Riding (034091)
  1028. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Auto Attack (006603) | Bear Form (005487) | Berserk (106952)
  1029. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cat Form (000768) | Cold Weather Flying (054197) | Cooking (104381)
  1030. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking Fire (000818) | Cyclone (033786) | Dash (001850)
  1031. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Dream of Cenarius (158497) | Elusiveness (021009) | Entangling Roots (000339)
  1032. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Faerie Fire (000770) | Feline Swiftness (131768) | Ferocious Bite (022568)
  1033. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: First Aid (045542) | Fishing (131474) | Flight Master's Li.. (090267)
  1034. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Frenzied Regenerat.. (022842) | Garrison Ability (161691) | Growl (006795)
  1035. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Healing Touch (005185) | Herb Gathering (110413) | Hurricane (016914)
  1036. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Languages (076252) | Leader of the Pack (017007) | Maim (022570)
  1037. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mangle (033917) | Mark of the Wild (001126) | Moonfire (008921)
  1038. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Nature Resistance (020583) | Nature's Control (175682) | Omen of Clarity (016864)
  1039. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Predatory Swiftness (016974) | Primal Fury (159286) | Prowl (005215)
  1040. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Quickness (020582) | Rake (001822) | Rebirth (020484)
  1041. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Rejuvenation (000774) | Remove Corruption (002782) | Revive (050769)
  1042. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Rip (001079) | Savage Roar (052610) | Shadowmeld (058984)
  1043. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Sharpened Claws (165372) | Shred (005221) | Skull Bash (106839)
  1044. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Smelting (002656) | Soothe (002908) | Soul of the Forest (158476)
  1045. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Stampeding Roar (106898) | Survey (080451) | Survival Instincts (061336)
  1046. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Swipe (106785) | Teleport: Moonglade (018960) | Thrash (106832)
  1047. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Tiger's Fury (005217) | Touch of Elune (154748) | Travel Form (000783)
  1048. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Treant Form (114282) | Ursol's Power (175683) | Weapon Skills (076300)
  1049. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Wisdom of the Four.. (115913) | Wisp Spirit (020585) | Wrath (005176)
  1050. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Ysera's Gift (145108)
  1051. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Mighty Bash (5211) overrides Ursol's Power (175683)
  1052. [23:08:20.767 D] [SpellManager] Typhoon (132469) overrides Nature's Control (175682)
  1053. [23:08:20.769 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler  from event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB; it is not a member
  1054. [23:08:20.769 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler  from event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED; it is not a member
  1055. [23:08:20.769 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler  from event PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED; it is not a member
  1056. [23:08:20.770 D] Set query filter to Alliance
  1057. [23:08:21.163 N] Wow exited, Honorbuddy stopped!
  1058. [23:08:21.164 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Wow exited, Honorbuddy stopped!
  1059. [23:08:21.164 N] Honorbuddy terminating in 20 seconds.
  1060. [23:08:25.202 N] [rndbuddy] Disposing rndbuddy
  1061. [23:08:25.203 N] [rndbuddy] goodbye!
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