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"Voltage hack" copy + pasted by tyleR

a guest
Mar 5th, 2012
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  1. --[[ VoltageHack v2 Garry's Mod multi-hack ]]--
  2. --[[ Coded by Tyler with help from others ]]--
  3. --[[ Do NOT leak this hack code to anyone! ]]--
  4. --[[ Please ignore the awful messy code ]]--
  5. --[[ Some of this code is borrowed for now ]]--
  8. /* Start of Hack */
  10. --Requires--
  11. //require("sdef2")
  12. require("cvar2")
  14. --Locals--
  15. local VH = {}
  17. print("VoltageHack Version: 2 Is now running!")
  20. /* ConVars */ --Our commands to activate features in the hack.
  22. //ESP/WallHack
  23. CreateClientConVar( "vh_esp", 0, true, false )
  24. CreateClientConVar( "vh_esphealth", 0, true, false )
  25. CreateClientConVar( "vh_espbox", 0, true, false )
  26. CreateClientConVar( "vh_espmodel", 0, true, false )
  27. CreateClientConVar( "vh_espsolid", 0, true, false )
  30. //Misc
  31. CreateClientConVar( "vh_Crosshair", 0, true, false )
  32. CreateClientConVar( "vh_norecoil", 0, true, false )
  33. CreateClientConVar( "vh_hitmarker", 0, true, false )
  34. CreateClientConVar( "vh_lasersight", 0, true, false )
  35. CreateClientConVar( "vh_bhop", 0, true, false )
  36. CreateClientConVar( "vh_spectators", 0, true, false )
  37. CreateClientConVar( "vh_keypadhack", 0, true, false )
  38. CreateClientConVar( "vh_antigag", 0, true, false )
  41. //Aimbot
  42. CreateClientConVar( "vh_silentaim", 0, true, false )
  43. CreateClientConVar( "vh_trigger", 0, true, false )
  44. CreateClientConVar( "vh_nospread", 0, true, false )
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. /* Start of Hack functions */ --Lets start making the hack features!
  50. ///////////////////////
  51. // **WallHack/ESP** //
  52. /////////////////////
  53. --ESP [Info]--
  54. local function ESP()
  55. if( GetConVarNumber( 'vh_esp' ) != 0 ) then
  56. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  57. if( v:Alive() && v != LocalPlayer() ) then
  58. local Pos = ( v:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 75 ) ):ToScreen();
  59. surface.SetDrawColor( team.GetColor( v:Team() ) )
  60. draw.SimpleText( v:Name(), 'DefaultFixedOutline', Pos.x, Pos.y, team.GetColor( v:Team() ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER );
  61. draw.SimpleText( v:Health(), 'DefaultFixedOutline', Pos.x, Pos.y + 10, team.GetColor( v:Team() ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER );
  62. end
  63. end
  64. end
  65. end
  66. hook.Add( 'HUDPaint', 'VoltageESP', ESP );
  68. --ESP [Box]--
  69. function ESPBox()
  70. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_espbox" ) >= 1 then
  71. for k, v in pairs ( player.GetAll() ) do
  72. if v ~= LocalPlayer() then
  73. if v:Alive() and v:Team() ~= TEAM_SPECTATOR then
  74. local PlayerBoxPos = v:EyePos():ToScreen()
  75. surface.SetDrawColor( team.GetColor( v:Team() ) )
  76. surface.DrawOutlinedRect( PlayerBoxPos.x - 40 / 2, PlayerBoxPos.y - 40 / 2, 40, 80 )
  77. end
  78. end
  79. end
  80. end
  81. end
  82. hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "PlayerBox1", ESPBox )
  84. --ESP [Player Model]
  85. function PlayerModel()
  86. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_espmodel" ) >= 1 then
  87. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  88. if ValidEntity( v ) then
  89. if v:IsPlayer() or v:IsNPC() then
  90. v:SetMaterial( "" )
  91. cam.Start3D( EyePos(), EyeAngles() )
  92. v:DrawModel()
  93. cam.End3D()
  94. end
  95. end
  96. end
  97. end
  98. end
  99. hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "Playermodel1", PlayerModel )
  102. --ESP [Solid Player Model]--
  103. function SolidESP()
  104. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_espsolid" ) >= 1 then
  105. for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  106. if ValidEntity( v ) then
  107. if v:IsPlayer() or v:IsNPC() then
  108. v:SetMaterial( "models/debug/debugwhite" )
  109. cam.Start3D( EyePos(), EyeAngles() )
  110. v:DrawModel()
  111. cam.End3D()
  112. end
  113. end
  114. end
  115. end
  116. end
  117. hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "SolidESP1", SolidESP )
  123. --KeyPad Hack-- [110% Credit to C0BRA on this one, I did NOT make any of the keypadhack, I just like it alot so I added it. Again, Thanks C0BRA.]
  125. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_Keypadhack" ) >= 1 then
  126. for _, p in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  127. local tr = p:GetEyeTraceNoCursor()
  128. if ( ( tr.StartPos - tr.HitPos ):Length() < 32 ) then
  129. local e = tr.Entity
  130. if ( e:IsValid() ) then
  131. if ( e:GetClass() == "sent_keypad" || e:GetClass() == "sent_keypad_adv" || e:GetClass() == "sent_keypad_wire") then
  132. if ( e:GetNetworkedBool("Hacked") != true ) then
  133. //////////////////////
  134. ////////Non Secure
  135. ////////////////////
  136. if ( e:GetNetworkedBool("keypad_secure") == false ) then
  137. if ( e:GetNWBool( "keypad_access" ) && e:GetNWBool( "keypad_showaccess" ) ) then
  138. e.Password = e:GetNWInt( "keypad_num" )
  139. end
  140. /////////////////////////////
  141. ////////Secure Keypads
  142. ////////////////////////////
  143. else
  144. local pos = e:WorldToLocal(tr.HitPos)
  145. --------Code-----------
  146. local CurNum = e:GetNetworkedInt("keypad_num")
  147. local access = e:GetNetworkedBool("keypad_access")
  148. if( e.Num == nil) then e.Num = 0 end
  149. /////////////////////////////
  150. //////Success!
  151. ////////////////////////////
  152. if(access == true && CurNum != 0) then
  153. e:SetNetworkedBool("Hacked", true)
  154. e.Password = e.Num
  155. end
  156. /////////////////////////////
  157. //////Success!
  158. ////////////////////////////
  159. if(CurNum == 0 && e.Num != 0) then
  160. e.Num = 0
  161. end
  162. /////////////////////
  163. ///////One
  164. ///////////////////////////
  165. if( CurNum != 0 && CurNum > e.Num ) then
  166. if(pos.y > -2.1948 && pos.y < -0.9932 && pos.z < -0.0075 && pos.z > -1.2929) then
  167. e.Num = tonumber(e.Num.."1")
  168. print(e.Num)
  169. //////////////////////////
  170. /////Two
  171. //////////////////////////
  172. elseif(pos.y > -0.5865 && pos.y < 0.6369 && pos.z < -0.0039 && pos.z > -1.2509) then
  173. e.Num = tonumber(e.Num.."2")
  174. print(e.Num)
  175. //////////////////////////
  176. /////Three
  177. //////////////////////////
  178. elseif(pos.y > 1.0185 && pos.y < 2.2451 && pos.z < -0.0205 && pos.z > -1.2954) then
  179. e.Num = tonumber(e.Num.."3")
  180. print(e.Num)
  181. //////////////////////////
  182. /////Four
  183. //////////////////////////
  184. elseif(pos.y > -2.1992 && pos.y < -0.9697 && pos.z < -1.6083 && pos.z > -2.8945) then
  185. e.Num = tonumber(e.Num.."4")
  186. print(e.Num)
  187. //////////////////////////
  188. /////Five
  189. //////////////////////////
  190. elseif(pos.y > -0.5893 && pos.y < 0.6437 && pos.z < -1.6010 && pos.z > -2.8989) then
  191. e.Num = tonumber(e.Num.."5")
  192. print(e.Num)
  193. //////////////////////////
  194. /////Six
  195. //////////////////////////
  196. elseif(pos.y > 1.0065 && pos.y < 2.2297 && pos.z < -1.6031 && pos.z > -2.8992) then
  197. e.Num = tonumber(e.Num.."6")
  198. print(e.Num)
  199. //////////////////////////
  200. /////Seven
  201. //////////////////////////
  202. elseif(pos.y > -2.1958 && pos.y < -0.9575 && pos.z < -3.3015 && pos.z > -4.5483) then
  203. e.Num = tonumber(e.Num.."7")
  204. print(e.Num)
  205. //////////////////////////
  206. /////Eight
  207. //////////////////////////
  208. elseif(pos.y > -0.5899 && pos.y < 0.6464 && pos.z < -3.3108 && pos.z > -4.5422) then
  209. e.Num = tonumber(e.Num.."8")
  210. print(e.Num)
  211. //////////////////////////
  212. /////Nine
  213. //////////////////////////
  214. elseif(pos.y > 1.0023 && pos.y < 2.2230 && pos.z < -3.3003 && pos.z > -4.5493) then
  215. e.Num = tonumber(e.Num.."9")
  216. print(e.Num)
  217. ------------------------
  218. end
  219. end
  220. end
  221. end
  222. end
  223. end
  224. end
  225. end
  226. end
  230. /////////////////
  231. // **Aimbot** //
  232. ///////////////
  233. --No Recoil--
  234. hook.Add( "Think", "No Recoil", function()
  235. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_norecoil" ) >= 1 then
  236. if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon().Primary then
  237. LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon().Primary.Recoil = 0
  238. end
  239. end
  240. end )
  242. --Aimbot--
  243. // ### TEMPORARY AIMBOT CODE ### //
  244. // Yes I know this aimbot is shit,//
  245. //I will replace it when I get the//
  246. //coding skills to do so.//
  248. local Aiming = false;
  249. local Target = nil;
  251. local function IsVisible( e )
  252. local Trace = {};
  253. Trace.start = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos();
  254. Trace.endpos = e:GetBonePosition( e:LookupBone( 'ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1' ) );
  255. Trace.mask = MASK_SHOT
  256. Trace.filter = { LocalPlayer(), e };
  257. local tr = util.TraceLine( Trace );
  258. if( !tr.Hit ) then return true; end
  259. end
  261. local function Valid( e )
  262. if( !IsValid( e ) || !ValidEntity( e ) ) then return false; end
  263. if( !e:Alive() || !e:IsPlayer() ) then return false; end
  264. if( e == LocalPlayer() || e:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_OBSERVER || e:Team() == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) then return false; end
  265. return true;
  266. end
  268. local function Aimbot( u )
  269. if( !Aiming ) then return; end
  270. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  271. if( IsVisible( v ) && Valid( v ) ) then
  272. Target = v;
  273. if( !Target ) then return; end
  274. local Bone = Target:GetBonePosition( Target:LookupBone( 'ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1' ) );
  275. Bone = Bone + Target:GetVelocity() / 50 + LocalPlayer():GetVelocity() / 50
  276. local Angl = ( Bone - LocalPlayer():GetShootPos() ):Angle();
  277. Angl.p = math.NormalizeAngle( Angl.p );
  278. Angl.y = math.NormalizeAngle( Angl.y );
  279. Angl.r = 0
  280. u:SetViewAngles( Angl );
  281. local w = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon()
  282. if( w.Primary ) then w.Primary.Recoil = 0 end;
  283. if( w.Secondary ) then w.Secondary.Recoil = 0 end;
  284. end
  285. end
  286. end
  287. hook.Add( 'CreateMove', '\2\3', Aimbot );
  288. concommand.Add( '+vh_aim', function() Aiming = true end );
  289. concommand.Add( '-vh_aim', function() Aiming = false end );
  291. --NoSpread--
  293. function WeaponVector( value, typ )
  294. local s = ( -value )
  296. if ( typ == true ) then
  297. s = ( -value )
  298. elseif ( typ == false ) then
  299. s = ( value )
  300. else
  301. s = ( value )
  302. end
  303. return Vector( s, s, s )
  304. end
  306. local currentseed, cmd2, seed = currentseed || 0, 0, 0
  307. local w, vecCone, valCone = "", Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
  309. local CustomCones = {}
  310. CustomCones.Weapons = {}
  311. CustomCones.Weapons[ "weapon_pistol" ] = WeaponVector( 0.0100, true ) // HL2 Pistol
  312. CustomCones.Weapons[ "weapon_smg1" ] = WeaponVector( 0.04362, true ) // HL2 SMG1
  313. CustomCones.Weapons[ "weapon_ar2" ] = WeaponVector( 0.02618, true ) // HL2 AR2
  314. CustomCones.Weapons[ "weapon_shotgun" ] = WeaponVector( 0.08716, true ) // HL2 SHOTGUN
  316. local NormalCones = { [ "weapon_cs_base" ] = true }
  318. function GetCone( wep )
  319. local c = wep.Cone
  321. if ( !c && ( type( wep.Primary ) == "table" ) && ( type( wep.Primary.Cone ) == "number" ) ) then c = wep.Primary.Cone end
  322. if ( !c ) then c = 0 end
  323. if ( type( wep.Base ) == "string" && NormalCones[ wep.Base ] ) then return c end
  324. if ( ( wep:GetClass() == "ose_turretcontroller" ) ) then return 0 end
  325. return c || 0
  326. end
  328. function DoVHNospread( ucmd, angle )
  329. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_nospread" ) >= 1 then
  330. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  332. cmd2, seed = abc_ucmd_getperdicston( ucmd )
  333. if ( cmd2 != 0 ) then currentseed = seed end
  335. local w = ply:GetActiveWeapon(); vecCone = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
  336. if ( w && w:IsValid() && ( type( w.Initialize ) == "function" ) ) then
  337. valCone = GetCone( w )
  339. if ( type( valCone ) == "number" ) then
  340. vecCone = Vector( -valCone, -valCone, -valCone )
  342. elseif ( type( valCone ) == "Vector" ) then
  343. vecCone = valCone * -1
  345. end
  346. else
  347. if ( w:IsValid() ) then
  348. local class = w:GetClass()
  349. if ( CustomCones.Weapons[ class ] ) then
  350. vecCone = CustomCones.Weapons[ class ]
  351. end
  352. end
  353. end
  354. return abc_donospred( currentseed || 0, ( angle || ply:GetAimVector():Angle() ):Forward(), vecCone ):Angle()
  355. end
  356. end
  358. ///////////////
  359. // **Misc** //
  360. /////////////
  361. --Bunnyhop--
  362. function Bunnyhop()
  363. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_bhop" ) >= 1 then
  364. if input.IsKeyDown( KEY_SPACE ) then
  365. if LocalPlayer():IsOnGround() then
  366. RunConsoleCommand("+Jump")
  367. timer.Create("Bhop",0.01, 0 ,function() RunConsoleCommand("-Jump") end)
  369. end
  370. end
  371. end
  372. end
  374. hook.Add("Think", "immabunny", Bunnyhop)
  377. --TriggerBot--
  378. function TriggerBot()
  379. local Eye = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity
  380. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_trigger" ) >= 1 then
  381. if (Eye:IsNPC() or Eye:IsPlayer()) then
  382. RunConsoleCommand("+attack")
  383. else
  384. timer.Simple(0.50, function()
  385. RunConsoleCommand("-attack")
  386. end)
  387. end
  388. end
  389. end
  391. hook.Add("Think", "Test", TriggerBot)
  397. --SpeedHack--
  398. CreateClientConVar("vh_speedhack_speed",3.5)
  399. local factor = GetConVarNumber("vh_speedhack_speed")
  400. concommand.Add( "+vh_speed", function( p, c, a )
  401. cvar2.SetValue( "sv_cheats", "1" )
  402. cvar2.SetValue( "host_timescale", factor )
  403. end )
  405. concommand.Add( "-vh_speed", function( p, c, a )
  406. //cvar2.SetValue( "sv_cheats", "0" ) --Uncomment to turn sv_cheats off after SpeedHack is turned off.
  407. cvar2.SetValue( "host_timescale", "1.0" )
  408. end )
  411. --Spectators--
  412. local showSpectators = false
  413. hook.Add("HUDPaint", "showspectators", function()
  414. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_spectators" ) >= 1 then return end
  415. local spectatePlayers = {}
  416. local x = 0
  417. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  418. if v:GetObserverTarget() == LocalPlayer() then
  419. table.insert(spectatePlayers, v:Name())
  420. end
  421. end
  422. local textLength = surface.GetTextSize(table.concat(spectatePlayers) ) / 3
  423. draw.RoundedBox(1, ScrW() - 180, ScrH() - ScrH() + 15, 150, 30 + textLength, Color(0,0,0,150))
  424. draw.SimpleText("Spectators", "ScoreboardText", ScrW() - 140, ScrH() - ScrH() + 17, Color(0, 0, 0, 150))
  425. draw.SimpleText("Spectators", "ScoreboardText", ScrW() - 140, ScrH() - ScrH() + 16, Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
  427. for k, v in pairs(spectatePlayers) do
  428. draw.SimpleText(v, "ScoreboardText", ScrW() - 140, ScrH() - ScrH() + 35 + x, Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
  429. x = x + 15
  430. end
  431. end)
  434. --LaserSight--
  435. local VH = {};
  436. local Allowed = { 'weapon_hvh_m4a1', 'weapon_sh_m249', 'weapon_sh_p228', 'weapon_sh_mp5a4', 'weapon_sh_deagle', 'weapon_sh_ak47', 'weapon_sh_m4a2', 'weapon_ar2', 'weapon_smg1', 'weapon_deagle', 'weapon_pistol', 'weapon_mad_deagle', 'weapon_mad_ak47', 'weapon_glock', 'weapon_para', 'weapon_ak47', 'weapon_fiveseven', 'weapon_mac10', 'weapon_tmp', 'weapon_m4', 'weapon_mp5', 'weapon_mad_mp5' }
  438. function VH.Barrel( )
  439. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_lasersight" ) >= 1 then return end
  440. local ViewModel = LocalPlayer():GetViewModel()
  441. local Attach = ViewModel:LookupAttachment( '1' )
  442. if( !LocalPlayer():Alive() || LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon() == NULL ) then return; end
  443. if ( Attach == 0 ) then Attach = ViewModel:LookupAttachment( 'muzzle' ) end
  444. if( !table.HasValue( Allowed, LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() ) ) then return; end
  445. cam.Start3D( EyePos(), EyeAngles() )
  446. render.SetMaterial( Material( 'sprites/bluelaser1' ) )
  447. render.DrawBeam( ViewModel:GetAttachment( Attach ).Pos, LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().HitPos, 5, 0, 0, team.GetColor( LocalPlayer():Team() ) )
  448. cam.End3D()
  449. end
  450. hook.Add( 'RenderScreenspaceEffects', '\2\3', VH.Barrel )
  452. --Hitmarker--
  453. function Hitmarker()
  454. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_hitmarker" ) >= 1 then
  455. local EyeEnt = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity
  456. if EyeEnt:IsPlayer() then
  457. if LocalPlayer():Health() > 0 then
  458. if LocalPlayer():GetCurrentCommand():KeyDown(IN_ATTACK) then
  459. if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():Clip1() > 0 then
  461. surface.SetDrawColor( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 )
  462. surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 - 5 , ScrH() / 2 - 5 , ScrW() / 2 - 15 , ScrH() / 2 - 15)
  463. surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 + 5 , ScrH() / 2 + 5 , ScrW() / 2 + 15, ScrH() / 2 + 15)
  464. surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 + 5 , ScrH() / 2 - 5 , ScrW() / 2 + 15 , ScrH() / 2 - 15)
  465. surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 - 5 , ScrH() / 2 + 5 , ScrW() / 2 - 15 , ScrH() / 2 + 15)
  466. end
  467. end
  468. end
  469. end
  470. end
  471. end
  473. hook.Add("HUDPaint","DisplayShittyHitmarker",Hitmarker)
  476. --SilentAim--
  477. local Hooks = {};
  479. function AddHook( t, pac )
  480. local u = tostring( math.random( 1, 150 ) );
  481. table.insert( Hooks, u )
  482. return( hook.Add( t, u, pac ) );
  483. end
  486. local View = Angle( 0, 0, 0 );
  488. local function FakeView(ply, origin, angles, FOV)
  489. if( GetConVarNumber( 'vh_silentaim' ) >= 1 ) then return; end
  490. if GetViewEntity() != LocalPlayer() then return end
  491. local base = GAMEMODE:CalcView(ply, origin, View, FOV) || {}
  492. base.angles = base.angles || View
  493. base.angles.r = 0
  494. return base
  495. end
  496. AddHook("CalcView", FakeView)
  499. --Custom Crosshair--
  500. function Crosshair()
  501. if GetConVarNumber( "vh_crosshair" ) >= 1 then
  502. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,0,255)
  503. surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 - 20, ScrH() / 2, ScrW() / 2 + 22 , ScrH() / 2)
  504. surface.DrawLine(ScrW() / 2 - 0, ScrH() / 2 - 20, ScrW() / 2 - 0 , ScrH() / 2 + 22)
  505. end
  506. end
  507. hook.Add("HUDPaint","CustomCross",Crosshair)
  509. /////////////////////
  510. // **Derma menu** //
  511. ///////////////////
  513. /// Derma ///
  515. local function ShowFrame()
  517. Frame = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  518. Frame:SetSize( 280 , 270 )
  519. Frame:SetPos( ScrW() / 2 - Frame:GetWide() / 2 , ScrH() / 2 - Frame:GetTall() / 2 )
  520. Frame:SetTitle("VoltageHack [V2]")
  521. Frame:SetVisible( true )
  522. Frame:ShowCloseButton( true )
  523. Frame.Paint = function()
  524. draw.RoundedBox( 8, 0, 0, Frame:GetWide(), Frame:GetTall(), Color( 0, 0, 255, 110 ) )
  525. end
  526. Frame:MakePopup()
  528. local BSheet = vgui.Create("DPropertySheet" , Frame)
  529. BSheet:SetSize( 270 , 230 )
  530. BSheet:SetPos( 5 , 25 )
  531. BSheet.Paint = function()
  532. draw.RoundedBox( 8, 0, 0, BSheet:GetWide(), BSheet:GetTall(), Color( 0, 0, 0, 190 ) )
  533. end
  535. local Tab = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  536. Tab:SetParent( BSheet )
  537. Tab:SetPos( 0 , 10 )
  538. Tab:SetText("")
  540. local Tab2 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  541. Tab2:SetParent( BSheet )
  542. Tab2:SetPos( 0 , 10 )
  543. Tab2:SetText("")
  545. local Tab3 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  546. Tab3:SetParent( BSheet )
  547. Tab3:SetPos( 0 , 10 )
  548. Tab3:SetText("")
  550. local Tab4 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  551. Tab4:SetParent( BSheet )
  552. Tab4:SetPos( 0 , 10 )
  553. Tab4:SetText("")
  556. // Options
  558. local AimLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  559. AimLabel:SetParent( Tab )
  560. AimLabel:SetPos( 13 , 10 )
  561. AimLabel:SetText("")
  562. AimLabel:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  563. AimLabel:SizeToContents()
  565. local AimLabel2 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  566. AimLabel2:SetParent( Tab )
  567. AimLabel2:SetPos( 13 , 70 )
  568. AimLabel2:SetText("")
  569. AimLabel2:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  570. AimLabel2:SizeToContents()
  572. local AimLabel3 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  573. AimLabel3:SetParent( Tab )
  574. AimLabel3:SetPos( 206 , 10 )
  575. AimLabel3:SetText("")
  576. AimLabel3:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  577. AimLabel3:SizeToContents()
  579. local AimLabel4 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  580. AimLabel4:SetParent( Tab )
  581. AimLabel4:SetPos( 13 , 130 )
  582. AimLabel4:SetText("")
  583. AimLabel4:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  584. AimLabel4:SizeToContents()
  586. local AimLabel5 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  587. AimLabel5:SetParent( Tab )
  588. AimLabel5:SetPos( 118.5 , 235 )
  589. AimLabel5:SetText("VoltageHack [V2] Beta")
  590. AimLabel5:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  591. AimLabel5:SizeToContents()
  593. local Aim3 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  594. Aim3:SetText( "TriggerBot" )
  595. Aim3:SetConVar( "vh_trigger" )
  596. Aim3:SetParent( Tab )
  597. Aim3:SetPos( 10 , 30 )
  598. Aim3:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_trigger") )
  599. Aim3:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  600. Aim3:SizeToContents()
  602. local Aim4 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  603. Aim4:SetText( "NoSpread" )
  604. Aim4:SetConVar( "vh_nospread" )
  605. Aim4:SetParent( Tab )
  606. Aim4:SetPos( 10 , 50 )
  607. Aim4:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_nospread") )
  608. Aim4:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  609. Aim4:SizeToContents()
  611. local Aim5 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  612. Aim5:SetText( "NoRecoil" )
  613. Aim5:SetConVar( "vh_norecoil" )
  614. Aim5:SetParent( Tab )
  615. Aim5:SetPos( 10 , 70 )
  616. Aim5:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_norecoil") )
  617. Aim5:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  618. Aim5:SizeToContents()
  620. local Aim6 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  621. Aim6:SetText( "SilentAim" )
  622. Aim6:SetConVar( "vh_silentaim" )
  623. Aim6:SetParent( Tab )
  624. Aim6:SetPos( 10 , 90 )
  625. Aim6:SetValue( GetConVarNumber( 'vh_silentaim' ) );
  626. Aim6:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  627. Aim6:SizeToContents()
  629. local EspLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  630. EspLabel:SetParent( Tab2 )
  631. EspLabel:SetPos( 13 , 10 )
  632. EspLabel:SetText("")
  633. EspLabel:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  634. EspLabel:SizeToContents()
  636. local EspLabel2 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  637. EspLabel2:SetParent( Tab2 )
  638. EspLabel2:SetPos( 13 , 90 )
  639. EspLabel2:SetText("")
  640. EspLabel2:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  641. EspLabel2:SizeToContents()
  643. local EspLabel3 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  644. EspLabel3:SetParent( Tab2 )
  645. EspLabel3:SetPos( 200 , 10 )
  646. EspLabel3:SetText("")
  647. EspLabel3:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  648. EspLabel3:SizeToContents()
  650. local Esp = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  651. Esp:SetText( "Esp Info" )
  652. Esp:SetConVar( "vh_esp" )
  653. Esp:SetParent( Tab2 )
  654. Esp:SetPos( 10 , 30 )
  655. Esp:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_esp") )
  656. Esp:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  657. Esp:SizeToContents()
  659. local Esp2 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  660. Esp2:SetText( "ESP Player Model" )
  661. Esp2:SetConVar( "vh_espmodel" )
  662. Esp2:SetParent( Tab2 )
  663. Esp2:SetPos( 10 , 110 )
  664. Esp2:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_espmodel") )
  665. Esp2:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  666. Esp2:SizeToContents()
  668. local Esp3 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  669. Esp3:SetText( "ESP Box" )
  670. Esp3:SetConVar( "vh_espbox" )
  671. Esp3:SetParent( Tab2 )
  672. Esp3:SetPos( 10 , 130 )
  673. Esp3:SetValue( GetConVarNumber( 'vh_espbox' ) )
  674. Esp3:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  675. Esp3:SizeToContents()
  678. local Esp6 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  679. Esp6:SetText( "KeyPad Hack" )
  680. Esp6:SetConVar( "vh_keypdhack" )
  681. Esp6:SetParent( Tab2 )
  682. Esp6:SetPos( 10 , 70 )
  683. Esp6:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_keypadhack") )
  684. Esp6:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  685. Esp6:SizeToContents()
  687. local Esp4 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  688. Esp4:SetText( "ESP Solid" )
  689. Esp4:SetConVar( "vh_espsolid" )
  690. Esp4:SetParent( Tab2 )
  691. Esp4:SetPos( 10 , 90 )
  692. Esp4:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_espsolidh") )
  693. Esp4:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  694. Esp4:SizeToContents()
  696. local Esp5 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  697. Esp5:SetText( "Disable Spectator List" )
  698. Esp5:SetConVar( "vh_spectators" )
  699. Esp5:SetParent( Tab2 )
  700. Esp5:SetPos( 10 , 50 )
  701. Esp5:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_spectators") )
  702. Esp5:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  703. Esp5:SizeToContents()
  706. local MiscLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  707. MiscLabel:SetParent( Tab3 )
  708. MiscLabel:SetPos( 13 , 10 )
  709. MiscLabel:SetText("Misc Features")
  710. MiscLabel:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  711. MiscLabel:SizeToContents()
  713. local MiscLabel2 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  714. MiscLabel2:SetParent( Tab3 )
  715. MiscLabel2:SetPos( 205 , 10 )
  716. MiscLabel2:SetText("")
  717. MiscLabel2:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  718. MiscLabel2:SizeToContents()
  720. local Misc = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  721. Misc:SetText( "Bunnyhop" )
  722. Misc:SetConVar( "vh_bhop" )
  723. Misc:SetParent( Tab3 )
  724. Misc:SetPos( 10 , 30 )
  725. Misc:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_bhop") )
  726. Misc:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  727. Misc:SizeToContents()
  729. local Misc2 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  730. Misc2:SetText( "Disable Laser Sight" )
  731. Misc2:SetConVar( "vh_lasersight" )
  732. Misc2:SetParent( Tab3 )
  733. Misc2:SetPos( 10 , 50 )
  734. Misc2:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_lasersight") )
  735. Misc2:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  736. Misc2:SizeToContents()
  738. local Misc3 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  739. Misc3:SetText( "Crosshair" )
  740. Misc3:SetConVar( "vh_crosshair" )
  741. Misc3:SetParent( Tab3 )
  742. Misc3:SetPos( 10 , 70 )
  743. Misc3:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_crosshair") )
  744. Misc3:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  745. Misc3:SizeToContents()
  747. local Misc4 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  748. Misc4:SetText( "HitMarker" )
  749. Misc4:SetConVar( "vh_hitmarker" )
  750. Misc4:SetParent( Tab3 )
  751. Misc4:SetPos( 10 , 90 )
  752. Misc4:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_hitmarker") )
  753. Misc4:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  754. Misc4:SizeToContents()
  756. local Misc5 = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel")
  757. Misc5:SetText( "ULX Anti Gag" )
  758. Misc5:SetConVar( "vh_antigag" )
  759. Misc5:SetParent( Tab3 )
  760. Misc5:SetPos( 10 , 110 )
  761. Misc5:SetValue( GetConVarNumber("vh_antigag") )
  762. Misc5:SetTextColor( Color(255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) )
  763. Misc5:SizeToContents()
  765. local Sh = vgui.Create( "DNumSlider")
  766. Sh:SetWide(100)
  767. Sh:SetText( "" )
  768. Sh:SetMin(0)
  769. Sh:SetMax(10)
  770. Sh:SetDecimals(1)
  771. Sh:SetPos( 20 , 30 )
  772. Sh:SetParent( Tab4 )
  773. Sh:SetConVar("vh_speedhack_speed")
  775. local ShLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  776. ShLabel:SetParent( Tab4 )
  777. ShLabel:SetPos( 20 , 15 )
  778. ShLabel:SetText( "SpeedHack Speed" )
  779. ShLabel:SetTextColor(Color (255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ))
  780. ShLabel:SizeToContents()
  782. local IsisB = vgui.Create( "DButton", Tab3 )
  783. IsisB:SetSize( 70, 30 )
  784. IsisB:SetPos( 15, 300 )
  785. IsisB:SetText( "Website." )
  786. IsisB.DoClick = function()
  788. local HtmlWin = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  789. HtmlWin:SetPos( 1,1 )
  790. HtmlWin:SetSize( ScrW() - 25 , ScrH() - 50 )
  791. HtmlWin:SetTitle( "Updates/Information" )
  792. HtmlWin:SetVisible( true )
  793. HtmlWin:SetDraggable( true )
  794. HtmlWin:ShowCloseButton( false )
  795. HtmlWin:MakePopup()
  797. local HTMLWeb = vgui.Create( "HTML", HtmlWin )
  798. HTMLWeb:SetSize(ScrW(), ScrH())
  799. HTMLWeb:SetPos( 0, 50 )
  800. HTMLWeb:OpenURL( "" )
  802. local IsisB2 = vgui.Create( "DButton", HtmlWin )
  803. IsisB2:SetSize( 70, 30 )
  804. IsisB2:SetPos( 3, 5 )
  805. IsisB2:SetText( "Minimize" )
  806. IsisB2.DoClick = function()
  807. HtmlWin:SetVisible(false)
  808. end
  809. local IsisB3 = vgui.Create( "DButton")
  810. IsisB3:SetSize( 80,30 )
  811. IsisB3:SetPos( ScrW() - 85, 35 )
  812. IsisB3:SetText( "Hack Main Page" )
  813. IsisB3.DoClick = function()
  814. HtmlWin:SetVisible(true)
  815. end
  818. end
  821. BSheet:AddSheet( "Aimbot", Tab, "gui/silkicons/star", false, false, "Aimbot" )
  822. BSheet:AddSheet( "ESP", Tab2, "gui/silkicons/check_on", false, false, "Wallhacks/ESP" )
  823. BSheet:AddSheet( "Misc", Tab3, "gui/silkicons/world", false, false, "Misc" )
  824. BSheet:AddSheet( "Speedhack", Tab4, "gui/silkicons/wrench", false, false, "Gotta go fast" )
  825. end
  826. concommand.Add("+Vh_Menu",ShowFrame)
  827. concommand.Add("-Vh_Menu",function()
  828. Frame:SetVisible( false )
  829. end)
  831. concommand.Add("Vh_Menu_Reload",function()
  832. ShowFrame()
  833. end)
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