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Apr 5th, 2012
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  1. [13:00] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 *****PnP Group 7 Session 4 Begins*****
  2. [13:01] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 When last we left our party, they were settling in for the night in the ruins of Manehattan General Hospital, the city's former MoP Hub. After coming to an arrangement with the glowing ghoul that oversees the facility, the players were able to successfully obtain the desired medical supplies for Gardenia's clinic in Gutterville.
  3. [13:03] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As the group sleeps, dawn rolls around, and they are awoken by a klaxxon sound bursting from the speakers on the floor in which they stayed the night. The horn is followed by the voice of Cure: "Dawn has come and the hazards of the night have passed. I have allowed you to sleep safely, and now I ask that you uphold your end of the arrangement and please depart from here."
  4. 15[13:04] * +Karina has, at some point during the night, gotten off the bed and ended up on the ground next to Cookie. She sleeps through the broadcast, her hooves twitching.
  5. 04[13:05] * +SmartCookie wakes up at the offensive sound and finds that Karina has cuddled up next to him. He looks at her and gives her a gentle nudge.
  6. 07[13:05] * +Primer rolls out of her bed in alarm. "Wha-huh-what?"
  7. 07[13:06] * +Keen_Shine screams when he hears the klaxon. He had been through some rather rough nightmares if the dark circles under his eyes were any indication, and this wasn't helping.
  8. 15[13:06] * +Karina 's ears twitch as well and she starts mumbling. "Ha... we'ni... ni maiti..."
  9. 04[13:06] * +SmartCookie gives Karina another gentle nudge and says silently: "Hey, wake up... We gotta go."
  10. 07[13:07] * +Desert_Storm is awake, and very, very confused. Rolling out of bed, she finds her belongings in a heap on the floor. After collecting her things, she tries for the door, only to find that it's locked.
  11. 07[13:08] * +Keen_Shine stumbles about, wearing his bathrobe and nothing else. "Okay! Okay. We get it. We're leaving." He mentions grogilly. He couldn't be too mad given the circumstances, but he never quite shook the feeling that there wasn't much... Closure here.
  12. 15[13:08] * +Karina doesn't respond to the nudge, instead her voice gets a little higher. "Si... ku'nya kitu... itakuja kula..."
  13. 07[13:09] * +Primer haistily dresses in her leather barding, after that she made sure to stuff the teddy bear she spent the night hugging deep in her pack.
  14. 04[13:09] * +SmartCookie doesn't understand what Karina says, eventhough he cought a few snippets of Zebra-language off of her. He nuzzles her neck, trying to wake her.
  15. 07[13:11] * +Keen_Shine canters on out unhappily, re-fastening his robe's belt. "Excuse me, ma'am. Um. I don't suppose you'd be willing to talk some shop with an old sawbones?"
  16. 15[13:11] * +Karina 's only response to the touch is a slight recoil. Her voice begins to sound a bit desperate. "Ha... risa'i... risa'i...!"
  17. 07[13:12] * +Primer opens the hallway door, and peeks out.
  18. 07[13:12] * +Desert_Storm loudly bangs on the door. "Hey! What the hell is going on here? Primer? Keen? Cookie? Where the hell is everypony?"
  19. [13:13] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The speaker is silent a moment; "...sawbones? Oh, a doctor. Yes, I saw you patching up the zebra girl before I got there. Commendable; Fluttershy always insisted on healing everypony on the battlefield once the fighting was over. What did you want?"
  20. 04[13:13] * +SmartCookie gives a worried looke and says: "Wake up, Karina. You're okay. Wake up."
  21. 15[13:15] * +Karina 's eyes jerk open and she just barely stops herself before she bucks Cookie in the face. She recoils her hooves and curls up.
  22. 07[13:15] * +SmartCookie looks over ot her and scoots closer. "Are you allright?", he asks?
  23. 07[13:15] * +Primer trotts up to Desert_Storm's door and taps it. "Don't worry, things are okay. We were just concerned that you'd do something stupid. Sit tight, I'll get the others."
  24. 07[13:16] * +Keen_Shine rolls his eyes. "Right. When the fighting is over." Keen goes through the morning routine, slightly modified for travel. Checking his gear, refitting his armor. "You said you're trying to fix these other ghouls, correct?"
  25. 15[13:17] * +Karina shakes her head as she eyes start to tear up. She holds on tight to her left shoulder.
  26. [13:17] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 "Indeed," comes the reply from the speaker. "They are like any other patient of mental ills, though the nature of their degredation is rather different." The voice seems... anxious?
  27. 06[13:18] * @Puppeh ( has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP ("Leaving")
  28. 07[13:18] * +SmartCookie scoots a little closer still and says with a consoling tone: "It was a bad dream... We killed it and patched you up."
  29. 15[13:20] * +Karina whimpers a bit before speaking. "This... this was different. You just... just stood there in front of us... didn't pull your shotgun..."
  30. 07[13:20] * +Keen_Shine puts a hoof on his chin. "But magical radiation in itself seems to degrade brain cells while causing a symbiotic reaction to the necromatic magic that make up ghouls." He shakes his head, too much damn technical speak made his head hurt. "What I mean is that they seem to get more... Like that whenever they're around you."
  31. 07[13:20] * +Keen_Shine places his hoof back down. "What I'm trying to say is- Why are you still sane?"
  32. 07[13:21] * +Primer wanders the hall, then knocks on Cookie's door. "Hello? You up Cookie? Desert_Storm is awake and mildly pissed at us locking her in." She tests the doorhandle.
  33. 07[13:22] * +SmartCookie let's his head hang and looks at the floor. "I-I paniced... I forgot about the Shotgun... Instead I-I pulle my pistole... I made Storm take it and killed it though..." He then looks at the door and says with a tinge of shame: "You just gotta put that chair away from the door-handle..."
  34. [13:23] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The voice remains silent for a few long seconds; "... Yes. That is why I do not allow the patients to be on the same floor as me unless I am studying something or attempting a treatment. As for me I..." The voice breaks a moment before continuing; "...I do not wish to end up like them. I pity them so, and yet I fear becoming like them."
  35. 15[13:24] * +Karina squeezes her eyes shut tight for a minute before looking up at Cookie. "You... you mean the dream... was true?"
  36. 07[13:24] * +Primer opens the door and walks in as she says. "Yeah sure, but still... she sounds very upseee...."
  37. [13:24] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cure continues; "Whatever grace has kept me from joining them I felt was a blessing I should try to share, in the hopes that not all of the feral ones need be lost."
  38. 07[13:25] * +SmartCookie gives a little nod proceeds at looking at the floor. "I-I paniked... I wouldn't have let you down... wouldn't have failed you that way otherwise...
  39. [13:25] <+SmartCookie> +"*
  40. 15[13:26] * +Karina shivers as she closes her eyes again and rubs her shoulder.
  41. 07[13:26] * +Primer 's jaw drops at seeing Ker and Cookie in the same room. "I-uhm-I... sorry!" She slams the door and rushes down the hall.
  42. 07[13:27] * +Keen_Shine scratches his chin, and looks outside slightly guilty. "I'm... Not sorry for what we did. It was self-defense. But... I'm guessing that you're not going to stay like that forever."
  43. 07[13:27] * +SmartCookie only manages to stammer: "Please... I-I din't mean to...", at his virtually only real friend.
  44. 07[13:28] * +Desert_Storm is pretty mad now. Waiting was one thing. She could be patient. But being forced to be patient was something else. She slammed to door again with hoof. "Primer? What's going on out there? What is going on here?"
  45. [13:29] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cure's voice wavers; "...No, eventually all ghouls' minds turn as rotten as their flesh. I... do not want to lose myself. I don't want to become like them." She seems rather distraught at the possibility.
  46. 07[13:30] * +Primer halts at Desert_Storm's door, gathering herself. That had been weird, better not say anything to anypony yet, she might have gotten the wrong idea. "Just wait a second Desert, I'll get the door open in a sec."
  47. 15[13:30] * +Karina manages to whisper. "I'm not... mad... can't be... Just... wish you'd taken the shot... I... need to be alone..."
  48. [13:30] <+Desert_Storm> "You'd better..."
  49. 07[13:31] * +SmartCookie scrambles to his hooves and leaves the room as silently as he manges at the moment, with a slightly fearfull look on his face.
  50. [13:31] <+SmartCookie> +and sad*
  51. 07[13:32] * +Keen_Shine calls back to the symptoms that Cookie had whenever given a dose of Mint-als, her increased mood swings... "You've been taking a mental stimulant. I'm guessing over a long period of time."
  52. 04[13:32] * +Primer fiddles with the chair that is holding the door barred. "Look, we were wary about yesterday, the way you behaved when you saw that Kar is a zebra... we just didn't know why you acted like that."
  53. 07[13:33] * +SmartCookie trots over the Primer.
  54. 13[13:33] * &Arcane_Scroll ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  55. 07[13:34] * +Desert_Storm snorts loudly. "You just don't get it do you?"
  56. 15[13:34] * +Karina sniffles and slowly works her way to a sitting position. She rubs her shoulder and looks at her left fore-leg for a minute before going over and wiggling back into her cloak, which is caked with blood on the left side from hood to flank.
  57. 07[13:35] * +Primer looks up at Cookie then looks haistily down again. "Get what?" She asks the door.
  58. [13:35] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 " first, I thought the clarity they were said to bring might help me reach a remedy more quickly. Sadly, all of my previous knowledge of mental ills did not apply, so I instead attempted to research them, hoping that same clarity would allow me better insight. Now... I fear they may be the only thing keeping my mind intact at all."
  59. 07[13:36] * +SmartCookie nudges primer away form the chair, then biting into one of the fornt legs of the chair and pulling it away from the door. He then briefly puts the chair down and then carries it back, from where he got it the night before.
  60. 07[13:36] * +Keen_Shine sighs. He can't believe he was about to ask this. "Is there anything I can do to help?" He doubted it. She saw first hand the kind of "help" he was a part of.
  61. 06[13:36] * Arcane_Scroll ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  62. 06[13:36] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao Arcane_Scroll Arcane_Scroll
  63. 07[13:38] * +SmartCookie returns to Primer and the door after a while.
  64. [13:38] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cure pauses a moment, as if thinking; "Do you have any Mint-Als? Of either variety. I only take the normal ones myself, but I have been attempting to study the way in which the zebra plants that compose the active ingredient of the drug work. If they can maintain lucidity, surely they can help reverse insanity if augmented or modified."
  65. 07[13:40] * +Keen_Shine flips open the Canterlot Journal of Medicine, he noted it was labeled as 'edited'. He wondered what that meant. "I found one tin a while ago, but my friend took it. And besides, it isn't a long-term fix. The equine body will eventually get used to the application of drugs. You might be in need of an alternative."
  66. 07[13:40] * +SmartCookie looks at the intercom and says: "I still got 5 pills of what you sent us down last night."
  67. 07[13:41] * +Desert_Storm bucks the door open and continues talking, a little louder than before, looking intently at Primer "The Zebras, and what they did to Equestria. You ever wonder why the enitre country is irradiated? We didn't drop those bombs on ourselves! They killed Equstria! But you know what? That's not even what I'm mad about anymore! I'm equally pissed that you all thought you could hide her? How long did you think you it would be before I
  68. 13[13:42] * @Strobe ( Quit (Quit: <-- I have a tumblr now. /shameless plug)
  69. [13:42] <+Desert_Storm> "-found out?"
  70. [13:42] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The voice hesitates a moment; "I thought I had kept those for myself. Perhaps in my haste to see you depart I neglected to sort them properly. I would appreciate their return, along with any others you might have." She then addresses Keen; "I am aware that it is not a conclusive end, but I was left with little recourse after the megaspells."
  71. 07[13:43] * +SmartCookie looks back at Storm and says: "We didn't think it would be an issue. We didn't really give a buck about what race she is, so we assumed you wouldn't either."
  72. 15[13:47] * +Karina sighs as she turns away from the giant window in Cookie's room. She starts to walk out back towards the hallway. She isn't limping but... it is slightly noticeable that she's favoring her formerly broken leg. She pauses before she hits the doorway and flips her hood up before stepping through it and into the hallway.
  73. 04[13:47] * +Primer meeps and runs off to escape the pegasus' onslaught. She doesnt understand what was the problem, Kar wasnt alive when that happened, she couldn't hel being bor a zebra. Primer swerves left and dives into a nearby bathroom.
  74. [13:48] <+Primer> help being born**
  75. 07[13:48] * +Desert_Storm moves out of the hallway, pressing a little more. "Was this part of your plan too? Ditch me in the hospital after some crazy ghoul knocks me out? As for you," she turns to Cookie, "You shouldn't make assumptions like that."
  76. 07[13:49] * +Keen_Shine flips to the chapter including the different parts of the brain and chemical makeup of hormones. "We could theoretically do a lot of different things. Caffeine, for one, though the side effects may... Be more trouble than they're worth. Aromatics have been proven to increase brain function. Different kinds of dietary supplements..."
  77. 07[13:50] * +SmartCookie looks at Strom and says: "Well then you couldn assume me to know that you were a racist like that." He then appends: "We were about to see how the situation would develope and then let you decide if you wanted to leave us or stcik with us."
  78. [13:50] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cure's voice seems a little sterner this time; "I appreciate that you are trying to help, but I have my own copy of that book. I know full well all of what it holds, what has shown effect and what has not. unless you have any new insight, I'm afraid you cannot help me."
  79. [13:51] <+SmartCookie> couldn't
  80. 15[13:52] * +Karina glances down the hall at Cookie and Storm. This was why she couldn't really be mad at Cookie... she turns towards the stairs and walks down to the first floor.
  81. 07[13:53] * +Primer leans up against a bathroom stall and tries to calm herself.
  82. 06[13:54] * uSea (Samus@Pony-qkg.kda.49.62.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  83. 06[13:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +o uSea
  84. 07[13:57] * +Desert_Storm glares at him, but speaks loud enough that her voice could be heard at both ends of the hall. "Is there anything else that anypony wants to tell me? If there's anything anypony has to say to me, now would be the time to do it, because I don't think I'll be too keen on listening after this."
  85. 07[13:59] * +SmartCookie gives an ironic look and says: "In truth we're all undercover ghouls and want to eat your brains."
  86. 07[13:59] * +Primer peeks out of the bathroom and shouts back. "And you could try to not be such a bitch!"
  87. 15[13:59] * +Karina sits in the middle of the lobby, looking around at the leftovers from what they'd looted the day before. The voice over the speaker was creeping her out every time it spoke, so she headed outside to get away from it. Once there she leaned against the outside of the building and continued to think. Her mind eventually drifted back to something the speaker voice had said... zebra plants...
  88. 06[13:59] * @uSea (Samus@Pony-qkg.kda.49.62.IP) has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP ("Leaving")
  89. 07[13:59] * +Desert_Storm is about to choke a bitch. "You want to say that again? Both of you, I fucking dare you!"
  90. 07[14:00] * +Keen_Shine suddenly jolts up with a brief scream, then calms down. "Uh. D'um. Ignore that, please..." His face went long and lean, hearing Desert and what the voice said. "You've been at this for a century and a half, right? Are you closer to a cure?"
  91. 07[14:01] * +SmartCookie shakes his head and rolls his eyes, before truning and heading back to his room to check if he forgot anything.
  92. 07[14:01] * +Primer 's head slowly returns back into the bathroom and the door closes.
  93. [14:01] <+Desert_Storm> "That's what I thought."
  94. [14:01] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The voice of Cure wavers; "Not a cure, but certain therapies and treatments do have a positive impact on those who still hold their lucidity."
  95. [14:03] <+Keen_Shine> "Like?"
  96. 15[14:03] * +Karina doesn't stray too far, but she wanders a bit searching for anything that might be of use to her in any of the potions her parents had taught her. Eventually she comes across some red herbs... Red herbs! She picks them up and stuffs them into her cloak. Her cloak would end up stinking to high heaven eventually if she didn't clean it or find a way to take away the smell.
  97. 07[14:04] * +SmartCookie after checking the room he heads for Keen_Shine and knocks at the door.
  98. 07[14:05] * +Keen_Shine unlocks it with his mouth and starts loading up the medical boxes.
  99. 15[14:05] * +Karina dashes into the cafeteria, all excited now that she might, for once, be able to do something she hadn't done in years.
  100. 07[14:06] * +Primer lans against the bathroom door and crosses her forelegs. Hrumph, the bitch. Why she oughta... go wash herself.
  101. 07[14:06] * +SmartCookie offers him the tin of Mint-als and says: "I've overheard something about the Doc wanting them back."
  102. 07[14:06] * +Desert_Storm sits down in the middle of the hallway, pulls her bloodstained rag, and with the only clean corner, wipes the dirt from her sunglasses. Fuck them, fuck this hospital, and fuck Equestria.
  103. 15[14:08] * +Karina searches high and low in the kitchen, finally finding a sufficiently disgusting fridge with a treasur trove of moulds. She scrapes off a bunch and places it in her cloak next to the herbs. But there was something else... some last ingredient... she runs over to a table and pulls out a very old book, one she got from her parents. She flips through a few pages... "Para... BLOATSPRITES!"
  104. 07[14:11] * +Keen_Shine takes the mint-flavored drugs, then makes his way out to leave them in a medical box somewhere conspicuous. "They're on a counter where we decided to hole up." He said, writing something down with a nearby pencil and the back of an old bit of medical parchment.
  105. [14:11] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The voice of cure seems a little frustrated now; "Look, I can appreciate that you wish to help, but there is nothing you can do. Please just leave."
  106. 07[14:11] * +Primer finishes her cleaning up in some patches of not quite so disgusting water, and peeks out of the bathroom again.
  107. 07[14:12] * +SmartCookie looks to the intercome and asks: "Where should i leave the mint-als?"
  108. 07[14:13] * +Keen_Shine shakes his head at that. "Nothing I can do. Where have I heard that before?"
  109. 07[14:14] * +Keen_Shine loses himself in memory for a moment, then finishes writing and places the parchment into the box.
  110. 04[14:15] * +Primer quietly make her way down into the lobby of the hospital, looking around for Kar.
  111. 07[14:16] * +SmartCookie walks over to Storm, with an ironic expression on his face and asks: "So Lieutenant? You gonna stick with the grunts? Semper Fidelis and shit?"
  112. 15[14:16] * +Karina stuff the book away and bounds back out into the lobby, ending up ramming into Primer.
  113. 07[14:17] * +Primer falls onto her rimp. "Ooof."
  114. 15[14:17] * +Karina "Sorry!"
  115. 07[14:17] * +Primer "It's okay." Primer says while rubbing her bum.
  116. 06[14:18] * nomad ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  117. 06[14:18] * ChanServ sets mode: +qo nomad nomad
  118. 07[14:18] * +Desert_Storm speaks quietly, not looking up from diligently cleaning her glasses. "Yes, on two conditions. First, never call me Lieutenant. Second, you keep that damn Zebra away from me, got it?"
  119. 06[14:18] * ~nomad ( has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  120. 15[14:19] * +Karina perks her ears up under her hood. "Have you seen any bloatsprites? Well... anything would work, I suspect. So... have you seen any kind of insects lately?"
  121. 07[14:21] * +Primer thinks for a bit. "Uhm, no, don't think so. We might find some radroaches in the sewers..."
  122. 07[14:21] * +SmartCookie gives a silente snicker and says: "As you wish, but keep in mind that I will hold her to help You if necessary aswell. We're all in the same boat..." He then trots downstairs aswell.
  123. 15[14:21] * +Karina 's ears droop again. "Ew..."
  124. [14:22] <+Primer> "Yeah, ew."
  125. 07[14:23] * +Keen_Shine rejoins the party. "Right. Shall we go?" He mumbles out, as if saying an afterthought.
  126. 15[14:23] * +Karina opens her mouth then hesitates. "Um... thanks... again... What did you after I uh... got ate was uh... great..."
  127. 07[14:24] * +Desert_Storm , satisfied with her cleaning job, follows Cookie downstairs. She wasn't planning on speaking for a while.
  128. 04[14:25] * +Keen_Shine looks back at Karina. For some reason, it didn't hold that inner gloom that it held previously. "Just doing what I'm supposed to."
  129. 04[14:25] * +SmartCookie trots over to Karina and Keen.
  130. 15[14:26] * +Karina looks at Keen, surprised because she hadn't seen him there. "But... thanks."
  131. 07[14:27] * +Primer rubs the back of her head. "Hey, no problem."
  132. 07[14:28] * +SmartCookie then says: "Let's get on our way people. I guesse we're done here."
  133. 15[14:29] * +Karina looks up at Cookie and scampers to her hooves. "Sorry," she whispers, before ducking out of the lobby and outside the hospita.
  134. 15[14:29] <+Karina> l
  135. 15[14:31] <+Karina> whispers to Cookie*
  136. 04[14:31] * +Primer hurriedly follows Karina.
  137. 04[14:31] * +SmartCookie raises a brow at Karina and follows her. "Sorry for what?", he asks, before adding: "Can we head back to the Shop? I wanna see if i can get that safe open."
  138. 15[14:32] * +Karina doesn't respond to Cookie's question and, apparently now since the sneaky zebra is always the one at the head of the group, heads to the Stable Tec Outlet.
  139. [14:32] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The party departs from the hospital with a good amount of supplies, but spirits seem a little lower than they could be. They return to the ruined Stable-Tec outlet to have another crack at the floor safe.
  140. 07[14:33] * +Keen_Shine shrugs, then makes his way out, very much heavier of step. Celestia, Gardenia had better wet herself after getting all of this stuff.
  141. 07[14:33] * +SmartCookie gets back to the safe and trys his luck, with the safe, which clicks open at his first attempt. He joyfully pumps a hoof in the air. Then he opens it and looks inside.
  142. 07[14:34] * +Primer sits outside of the ruined store, nibbling on the contents of a can of food.
  143. 15[14:34] * +Karina stands off in a corner of the building as Cookie goes to work.
  144. [14:34] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The safe pops open with a click, revealing a decent selection of items. There's another sawed-off shotgun, eight shells for it, a copy of 'Guns and Bullets' and 40 caps worth of pre-war coins. Whoever ran this place seemed to have a firearm fetish."
  145. 07[14:35] * +Desert_Storm sits down in outside and joins Primer in feasting. "You know," she says, "Nopony ever called me a bitch before. Believe it or not."
  146. 15[14:36] * +Karina walks up and stands over Cookie as she pulls stuff out of the safe.
  147. 07[14:36] * +Primer looks away. "Well, you could try to be a little nicer..."
  148. 07[14:36] * +Keen_Shine is straining with the effort of his saddleboxes. "You... Obviously haven't... Been in the... Military long."
  149. 15[14:36] <+Karina> he*
  150. 07[14:38] * +SmartCookie takes the shotgun and the book out of Karinas hooves, before he walks over to the workbench and attempts to fix up the shotgun(s).
  151. 15[14:39] * +Karina frowns at Cookie.
  152. 04[14:40] * +SmartCookie manages to repair the shotgun he just took out of Karina's hooves, the other being still broken, but at least functional. He walks back over to Karina and asks: "You want the fixed shotty?"
  153. 15[14:41] * +Karina "Are you kidding? That thing's ear-splittingly loud."
  154. 07[14:42] * +SmartCookie nods and then says: "I hope we get some time back in Gutterville, i wanna read them books. You want to have 'em afterwards?"
  155. 15[14:43] * +Karina glances down at the title of the book then nods emphatically.
  156. 07[14:45] * +SmartCookie gives a little snicker and says: "I hope i can interesst you in TLC² aswell.", smiling at her.
  157. 15[14:46] * +Karina snorts and goes to walk out of the store, flicking her tail at Cookie's head as she passes by.
  158. 07[14:46] * +Keen_Shine is still going off towards Gutterville, significantly slowed by all of those bandages. "Can we... Keep this... Going? The longer... We talk... The longer... I have to hold this.
  159. 07[14:47] * +Primer finishes her breakfast and stuffs a few tin cans she found in her bags, they might be useful for a little project.
  160. 15[14:48] * +Karina steps outside and flips her hood back up as she passes Primer and Desert_Storm. She starts off following, but ends up passting, Keen_Shine.
  161. 07[14:48] * +SmartCookie starts to colpase the workbench and pack it away... (into his hammerspace. Too bad he had no pants and was bipedal.)
  162. 07[14:49] * +Desert_Storm sighs. Nicer. Ha. Funny joke. What did she know? She hadn't been there when the Drill Sargeant bucked you in the ribs because you were too nice, because you couldn't pull the trigger.
  163. 07[14:50] * +SmartCookie heads out again and says: "We're done here."
  164. 07[14:50] * +Primer gets up, giving Desert_storm a blank look. After a moment she joins the party on their way to Gutterville.
  165. [14:51] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 With the extra swag they wished to obtain from Stable-Tec firmly in their clutches, the party makes their way back to Gutterville. It takes them a little longer to get back for their encumrance, but a little over an hour later they arrive at the hovel's gate. It is open, and a caravan can be seen outside of Cap's Consortium.
  166. 07[14:53] * +SmartCookie trots over to Cap's place.
  167. 15[14:53] * +Karina falls back in the group and whispers something to Cookie, then she peels away and heads in the opposite direction.
  168. 15[14:54] * +Karina then stops dead in her tracks, realizing that's stupid, and follows Cookie in.
  169. 07[14:54] * +Keen_Shine quietly steps into the clinic, two boxes quiet, all things considered, into the building where Gardenia set up shop. He probably didn't want the rest of the party seeing this, anyway.
  170. 07[14:55] * +Primer stands in the middle of the road for a second, not sure what to do.
  171. 04[14:55] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cap seems to be talking with the merchant whose caravan is parked outside. He glances over his shoulder, spying Cookie and Karina, then waves for them to have a look around while he's doign other business.
  172. 07[14:55] * +Desert_Storm hangs back, lazily making her way into the Consortium. She needed a few more bullets anyway.
  173. 07[14:55] * +SmartCookie starts looking around.
  174. [14:56] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia's ears perk up, then she turns around. A look of relief washes over her face as she sees Keen. She trots up to him; "Oh, when you didn't come back last night I thought somethign terrible might have happened. Are you alright? how abotu the others?"
  175. 07[14:56] * +Primer decides that the majority rules, and trotts over to the Consortium aswell.
  176. 07[14:58] * +Keen_Shine kept a straight face while walking in. Almost coldly businesslike. "They're fine." He says to her. "May I please rest for a bit?"
  177. [14:59] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia nods sympathetically; "Of course you may; I'm sure it was a trying event. But I must ask, did you manage to find anything?"
  178. 15[14:59] * +Karina heads straight for the .22 ammo and flasks, gathering together every last bit of both and heading to the counter.
  179. 07[15:00] * +Keen_Shine looks at the ground, shakes his head. "Well. I don't know what to tell you, ma'am." He then began to unpack in front of her.
  180. 07[15:00] * +SmartCookie takes 12 12 gauge shells as well as 12 5.56 rounds and heads to the counter aswell.
  181. [15:01] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia's eye's widen and her jaw drops as she looks at the cornucopia of goods being laid out in front of her. "...all of this? For me? This... this could last me months!"
  182. 07[15:03] * +Primer looks around, finding some cherry bombs and other goodies that she can use for bomb making materials. The way the last day had gone she would probably need them.
  183. [15:03] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The other merchant dealing with Caps exchanges some goods and some caps, and then trots out of the store. Cap waves Cookie over; "So, did you manage to find anything?"
  184. 07[15:04] * +SmartCookie nods and pulls of the remaining spellmatrix out of his saddlebags, placing it on the counter. "There ya go.", he says.
  185. 07[15:04] * +SmartCookie then puts the spark battery on the counter as well, after a minimal mindlag.
  186. 07[15:05] * +Keen_Shine holds a hoof up, failing to hold back a giddy smile. "Ma'am. Please. Wait until everypony else comes back to have your celebration."
  187. 07[15:05] * +Keen_Shine looks around shiftily. "Urm. I don't suppose that, well. Do you usually have Mint-als on stock?"
  188. 07[15:07] * %TenMihara|GM takes the box over to the wall behind her counter and begins storing the medical supplies; "Oh thank you, this means so so much!" She seems almost giddy herself." She turns around and trots back to Keen upon hearing his question; "Well, I don't normally carry them, but if you need me too I could see about bartering for any the caravans bring by. After all this, just giving you a cot to sleep on seems... insufficient."
  189. 15[15:07] * +Karina looks at the pile of... miscellanous stuff Primer has grabbed and asks, "What's all that?"
  190. [15:07] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 oops
  191. [15:07] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 **Gardenia does... that
  192. [15:08] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Caps seems baffled; "Well I'll be, you really did it. And Gardenia told me you also braved the hospital to get her some medical supplies; how did that turn out?" As he awaits a response, Cap begins sifting through his register.
  193. 07[15:10] * +SmartCookie snickers and says: "We went, we looted, we returned." He looks at him and then says: "We had to fight of some ghouls though, some really nasty ones."
  194. 04[15:10] * +Primer looks up at Kar. "Oh, this? Just some stuff for some cheaper grenades." Primer then proceeds to outline the manner in which you can make quite passable grenades out of tin cans cherry bombs and some small arms ammunition in quite a verbose manner, rather alien to her normally meek speech.
  195. 15[15:11] * +Karina nods with a slightly vacant expression (which probably can't see anyway) as Primer explains things like... booms and... stuff... "... Sounds loud..."
  196. [15:11] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Caps looks impressed; "Well, I guess it was haunted after all. Glad to see you all made it out intact. Now then, 300 caps for the Spell Matrix and another 75 for the Spark Battery. Once I have that robot fixed up, this town will finally have a decent guard, and it won't even need to sleep or anything. Mervelous."
  197. [15:12] <+Primer> "Yeah, well. That's explosives you you."
  198. [15:12] <+Primer> for you**
  199. 07[15:12] * +SmartCookie snickers and ask: "You didn't happen to scavange a Memor-Unit out of one of them bots?"
  200. 15[15:12] * +Karina smiles. "I prefer death by Whisper."
  201. [15:13] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Caps shakes his head; "Can't say that I have. Robots like these only tend to use rudimentary programming. Why do you ask?"
  202. 07[15:14] * +SmartCookie raises his forearm with the pipbuck. "We found that thing in the shop aswell and luckiely we found another spellmatrix aswell, but it lacks a MU, so it's more or less a fancy radio with a targetting aid right now.", he says.
  203. 07[15:15] * +Keen_Shine shakes his head. "Well. I guess I should start at the beginning. I didn't do all this by myself, nor was that our first stop. If it weren't for my companions, I would be dead thrice over. We left town and..." He proceeds to lay out the story. At least, his view of it, tactfully omitting the parts about his spectral friend.
  204. 07[15:16] * +Primer looks up at Caps and Cookie. "Threehundred and seventy five caps? For something we can easily sell to Tenpony for double that? I say at least four hundred and fifty or we might as well walk there and still make a profit."
  205. 15[15:17] * +Karina mentally facehoofs at Primer. Don't annoy the nice pony who was giving us more caps than any of us have probably ever held in our hooves at one time!
  206. [15:17] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Caps lets out an impressed whistle at the Arcano-Tec device; "Now /that/ is a find. Too bad it's so beat up, but them things are pretty sturdy. Hopefully you can get it up and running proper." He turns to look at Primer; "Tenpony's quite a hike, but they do got more caps than I could possibly offer. Alright, deal."
  207. 15[15:18] * +Karina blinks at the positive response.
  208. 04[15:18] * +Primer gives Karina a triumphant look. Now what was that facehoof about?
  209. 13[15:19] * Doubleclick_screensaver_mode ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  210. 07[15:19] * +SmartCookie nods at primer with a smile. Job well done indeed.
  211. [15:20] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 At that moment, Bottle trots into Cap's place and trots up to the counter. She tells him she saw Keen walk into gardenia's clinic with an abundance of supplies. Cap seems even more impressed.
  212. 07[15:20] * +Desert_Storm perks up at the prospect of getting more money and grabs the remaining 24 5.56 rounds. She gives Primer a slight nod. Nothing too grateful now...
  213. 07[15:21] * +SmartCookie then says: "About our purchases?", looking at the ammo he took of the shelve.
  214. [15:21] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Caps observes the various goodies; "Well, seeing as how you've helped me and Gardenia out in a big way, I think I could see to givin' ya a bit of a break, seeing as how I just gave you those caps and all."
  215. [15:22] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia nods to Keen; "Well, I couldn't just give them to you or anything, but I can certainly convince the merchants to sell me any they might have."
  216. 07[15:23] * +SmartCookie raises a brow at him with a smile and asks: "Soo?"
  217. 07[15:24] * +Keen_Shine shakes his head. "It's not for me. It's for that one ghoul I told you about. She doesn't have much time until her brain functions completely cease, and I would like it if she spent that time sapient."
  218. 07[15:24] * +SmartCookie hooves over 15 caps and places the newly aquired ammo in his saddlebags.
  219. [15:25] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia nods slowly; "Like I said, I have no problem sellign them to you, but I'm not going anywhere near there. Even if she's lucid, those other ghouls aren't, plus the radiation exposure based on what you told me would be lethal in a short period of time."
  220. 15[15:26] * +Karina takes the goods, drops the caps, and scoots on out of the building. She starts wandering, at first keeping to the outskirts of Gutterville.
  221. 07[15:26] * +Keen_Shine grumbles a bit. "So? Just leave them outside. Put a flag over it or something. She can teleport in and out before anypony takes them."
  222. 07[15:27] * +Primer places twenty three caps on the counter and scoops up her cherry bombs and nine millimeter cartriges gleefully.
  223. 07[15:27] * +Desert_Storm pays for her ammo without saying a word. She leaves after carefully topping off her other empty magazines. She wanders over to the clinic where she had seen Keen go inside.
  224. 04[15:28] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Upon seeing that Karina has once again bought out his supply of .22 rounds, Cap dips below the counter, but comes up after she's already left. He leaves a box on the counter that he pulled up, and then proceeds to handle the others' transactions
  225. 07[15:29] * +SmartCookie looks at the box and asks: "What's in there?"
  226. [15:30] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia attemtps to exlain again; "I'm sorry, but I'm neither brave nor able. I really can't do anything other than patch ponies up. If you want the goods delivered right o the hospital, you'll have to do it yourself, or find a courier. I'm sorry."
  227. 15[15:30] * +Karina kinda walks aimlessly, keeping on the lookout for bugs and such, but ends up heading in the general direction of Bottle's Place.
  228. [15:30] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cap smirks at Cookie; "Something that shadowy marefriend of yours might like." He pulls the case open, revealing a pristine .22 SMG.
  229. 07[15:31] * +SmartCookie looks at the piece of hardware and then asks: "How much?", raising a brow at caps.
  230. 07[15:31] * +Primer gives the .22 SMG a qurius look as she stuffs her goods away in a bag. "That's a nice gun."
  231. 04[15:32] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle departs from Cap's Consortium alongside Karina and draws her inside. "Heard about what you did for my brother and Gardenia. That robot's gonna be a bigger asset than you can imagine." She trots behind the counter and smiles, waving Karina over
  232. [15:33] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cap looks to Cookie; "Indeed she is. I used to be a scavenger myself before I set up shop here. This was the best gun I ever had; quiet, fast and best of all, cheap."
  233. [15:33] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cap adds; "Well, the ammo was anyways; find it everywhere."
  234. 07[15:33] * +Keen_Shine can't quite help but look frustrated by this series of events. "But... I- I said I would!" Keen doesn't look as happy as he was previously. "Please! This is a lot of stuff! Surely you could work out something with the locals here!"
  235. 07[15:34] * +SmartCookie snickers and says: "Nothing against 'em little blue beans."
  236. 15[15:34] * +Karina is slightly shocked that Bottle seems to be seeking her out. She hesitates, but finally trots up to Bottle.
  237. [15:34] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia contemplates that; "Well... maybe that new robot of Cap's can be programmed for deliveries or something. I'll talk to him about it."
  238. [15:35] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cap smirks; "Now that I'm stationary, I'd be willign to part with it. For say... 200 caps. That's accounding for the discount I promised you already."
  239. 13[15:35] * Fear_Full ( Quit (Quit: See you !)
  240. 07[15:36] * +SmartCookie takes the gun out of the box and checks the opperation bits and pieces, without disassambling it. "How long haven't you used it?", he asks, placing it back into the box.
  241. 04[15:36] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottles Smiles at Karina; "Think about itl a guard who doesn't need to eat or sleep and that we don't have to pay;" she shoots a disgruntled look at two lazy looking guards. "Plus, it doesn't have blood, so it can fend off bloodwings without a worry. I just wanted to express out appreciation."
  242. 07[15:37] * +Keen_Shine nods. "Thanks." He says, beginning to trot out of the building. "I'll see you in a bit then. I've got to go see my friends." Keen canters out of the building towards Cap's place, a lot better for wear than he was before. He couldn't help it at least a half-hearted grin from appearing on his muzzle, though.
  243. 15[15:38] * +Karina shudders a bit. "Yeah, bloodwings, can't stand those things. Them attacking our old home is what brings us here."
  244. 07[15:40] * +SmartCookie pulls out the drugs he got at the hospital and puts them on the counter. "Okay these and the difference for the gun then.", he says to Cap.
  245. [15:40] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottles looks sympathetic. She opens her fridge again and floats out a bottle of rosy, glowing liquid. "I saw that you liked Sparkle~Cola a fair bit. Here, try this one. My way of saying thanks."
  246. 13[15:41] * %TenMihara|GM ( Quit (Connection closed)
  247. 06[15:41] * TenMihara ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  248. 06[15:41] * ChanServ sets mode: +h TenMihara
  249. 15[15:42] * +Karina 's eyes light up a bit at the glowing cola. "Oh... it... it glows!" She takes the gift and looks it over.
  250. [15:42] <%TenMihara> Cap looks at the chems with a smirk; "Sure thing; That'll be eighty caps plus the chems, unkless you got anything else I might be interested in. I don't deal myself, but Bottle likes to have a few on hoof for more demanding customers."
  251. 06[15:43] * TenMihara is now known as TenMihara|GM
  252. [15:43] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The label on the Glowing cola bottle reads: 'Sparkle~Cola RAD! It's like a buck to the face, with radishes!"
  253. 15[15:44] * +Karina "What's a radish?"
  254. 15[15:44] <+Karina> (ignore that)
  255. 15[15:44] * +Karina "What's a 'radishes'?"
  256. 04[15:45] * +Keen_Shine passes by Karina and gives her a nod and a wink. "It's a vegetable." He said, a bit more cheerful for each step towards Cap's.
  257. [15:46] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle gives a shrug; "Some different kind of veggie I'd guess. Never tried it before myself, just got it from that caravan today. Thought you might like to try it. If it's good I might start looking for more."
  258. 07[15:46] * +SmartCookie hoves over the caps and takes the SMG, putting it into his saddlebag. He then gives the merchant a nod and trots out of the store, towards the bar.
  259. [15:46] <+SmartCookie> hooves*
  260. 04[15:47] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle waves the others over to join Karina as they enter the tavern. "Hey there ya'll, can I get ya anything?"
  261. 04[15:47] * +SmartCookie trots over to Karina.
  262. 07[15:48] * +Desert_Storm was bored and in a desperate need of alcohol. Spying everypony else going to Bottle's, it was an easy choice as to where she could find some.
  263. 07[15:49] * +Primer trotts over to the workbench in the corner of the little store and proceeds to make herself two tin can grenades out of cans, cherry bombs, and some bullets.
  264. 07[15:50] * +Keen_Shine opens up the door to Cap's with a grin on his face and a magi-pistol in his grasp. He sets it on the counter and tries to pick up where the conversation had gone. "Good evening. Mind if you take a look at this and see how much you'll pay for it?"
  265. 15[15:51] * +Karina pops the cap off and takes a single sip of the Sparkle~Cola RAD. She jerks her head back and puts the cap back on. "Wow! That's a lot better than the others, I'll have to save this for later."
  266. [15:52] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cap looks over the Magi-Pistol and whistles; "That's a beauty. I take if you found this on the trip too?"
  267. 04[15:53] * +SmartCookie snickers at Karina and says: "Yeah, specially if you want to get iradiated quicker." He then looks at her and asks: "Can we have a talk, under four eyes?"
  268. [15:53] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle smirks; "Well then, glad to have the input from a discriminating taste. I'll see if I can get some more scavenged and start carrying it regularly."
  269. 07[15:53] * +Keen_Shine nods. "Courtesy of the gun-nut at Stable-Tec.
  270. 15[15:54] * +Karina looks at Cookie oddly then back at Bottle. "Thanks!" She turns back to Cookie and nods.
  271. 07[15:54] * +Desert_Storm sits down at the bar and flags down the barpony. "I'd like a glass of the most expensive liquor you've got."
  272. [15:54] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cap chuckles; "Well, I don't see much ammo for these things, but a collector might want somethign like it. 120 caps."
  273. [15:55] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle nods to Desert and pulls out a single bottle of Wild Pegasus Whiskey. "This suitable?" she says with a coy smirk.
  274. 07[15:55] * +Keen_Shine nods. Sounds good enough, and anything he can do to make his back not hate him now is probably for the better.
  275. 04[15:55] * +SmartCookie heads out of the Tavern, as he sees Storm take a seat at the barcounter, giving Karina a wave to follow.
  276. 15[15:55] * +Karina follows, still wondering what the heck Cookie was up to.
  277. 07[15:56] * +Desert_Storm tries to conceal the smile on her face and fails. Finally. "Yes. Hell yes. You have no idea."
  278. 04[15:56] * +SmartCookie outside the Tavern and a little away from the entrance he starts to rummage in his saddlebags and pulls out the SMG, offering it to Karina on a hoof.
  279. [15:57] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle chuckles at the pegasus mare's reaction. "Alrighty then. 15 caps." She gives yo ua wink
  280. 15[15:58] * +Karina sits down and takes the gun in her hooves. She looks it over. "This..." She sets it down and endeavors to tackle-hug Cookie.
  281. 07[16:00] * +SmartCookie falls to the ground with her, giving of an "OUF!", before hugging back. "It's a present.", he says. "But under one condition."
  282. 07[16:00] * +Primer finishes and looks on her new ordinance on pride... oh hell, its just some scrap fireworks, who cares. She shrugs and pockets the two grenades. Waving goodbye to the owners of the store, she leaves and attempts to locate the rest of the merry troop.
  283. 15[16:00] * +Karina blinks, one ear perking up. "What?"
  284. 07[16:01] * +Desert_Storm 's grin widens. There weren't a whole lot of things that made her happy anymore, but the enticing thought of whiskey over ice was overwhelming. She places 30 caps on the counter. "Make that two." She lowers her sunglasses and returns the barpony's wink.
  285. 07[16:02] * +SmartCookie says: "I want you to help Desert Storm if she ever get's into any simillar sittuation. No discrimination agains groupmembers during a combat or life-or-death situation, okay?"
  286. [16:02] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle chuckles; "Well, since you're offering." She pours two sifters full of the whiskey, sliding one over to Desert. She raises hers with her magic and takes a sip.
  287. 07[16:02] * +Primer freezes. They are hugging in the street now. She blushes a bit, and tries to look inconspishous as she makes her way into the Tavern instead.
  288. 15[16:04] * +Karina pulls back, her ear drooping back down. "You realize she asked me to -apologize-... right?"
  289. 07[16:05] * +Primer stops again as her acclamating eyes makes out Desert and the barmare making googly eyes at each other. What was this?!
  290. 07[16:05] * +SmartCookie looks back at her and says: "I do. And I find it as idiotic as you do. But you realize that letting her bleed out in case you could have helped her, ain't helping either. I'm not expecting you to get best buddies, after all."
  291. 15[16:06] * +Karina tries to come up with an argument, but the topic and the pony are neither something she wants to argue about or with. "... Alright."
  292. 07[16:07] * +SmartCookie then adds: "And i promis to stop her if she starts again with that sort of pony-pies.", giving her a smile and nuzzeling her cheek.
  293. 07[16:07] * +Primer harumps and sits down in a corner seat of the bar. Not looking at anypony.
  294. 15[16:08] * +Karina snickers at "pony-pies", then goes to stand up and retrieve her -beautiful- new weapon.
  295. 04[16:09] * +SmartCookie stands up aswell, shaking the dust of before trotting next to Karina. "Mind if we find some place to sit? I'd like to read the books."
  296. 07[16:09] * +Desert_Storm clinks her glass with Bottle's. "I'm going to need another one of those," she says gulping down her shot, desperate for a glance at... Bottle's... flank... Yeah. Tonight was going to be the best night she'd had in a while.
  297. 15[16:09] * +Karina nods with a smile and heads back into the bar.
  298. 15[16:11] * +Karina spots Primer and starts heading over towards her. "Primer!" She pulls out her fancy new SMG and holds it in her mouth. "Woof ah diff!"
  299. 04[16:11] * +SmartCookie follows Karina and then sits down at Primer's table, starting to read the Books in his saddlebags.
  300. [16:12] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle notices Desert's gaze and smirks; "Of course darlin'. But, if you want anything that's not on the menu, you'll have to wait until after hours." She pours Desert another glass, impressed by how she was able to down it so quickly.
  301. 15[16:12] * +Karina sits down next to Primer, still holding the gun out for Primer to see in her mouth.
  302. 07[16:12] * +Primer looks up from where she sits at her corner table. "Nice." She says in a noncomittal tone.
  303. 15[16:13] * +Karina frowns around the gun. She tucks it back away in her cloak. "What's wrong?"
  304. 13[16:13] * &Arcane_Scroll ( Quit (Connection closed)
  305. 06[16:13] * Arcane_Scroll ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  306. 06[16:13] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao Arcane_Scroll Arcane_Scroll
  307. 07[16:14] * +Primer sighs, then folds her forelegs and rests her head on them. "Nothing."
  308. [16:15] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle looks Desert up and down; "So, Desert was it? Pegasi are awfully scarce here on the surface. I've never seen one before. Where did ya'll come from?" You noticed that with each sip, Bottle seems t o gain a bit more of a country drawal.
  309. 07[16:17] * +Primer starts to question the decision to join this group, she feels just as alone here as when she was on her own.
  310. 07[16:17] * +Desert_Storm likes where this is going. Nothing could fuck this up. Nothing. She happily killed the glass and turned it over on the counter. "Yes ma'am. And I assure you that there's nothing quite like a Pegasus. Why don't you let me know when closing time rolls around?"
  311. 15[16:18] * +Karina pokes Primer.
  312. [16:18] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle smirks; "We close at One o'lock, sugarcube. You plannin' on stayin' a while?"
  313. 04[16:18] * +SmartCookie closes the second book after finishing reading. He then looks to Karina and says: "I'm done, you can have 'em if you want to."
  314. 15[16:19] * +Karina nods to Cookie and takes the firearms magazine, then turns back to Primer. "Really..."
  315. 07[16:19] * +Desert_Storm does her best Southern accent. "I reckon." It's pretty awesome.
  316. 04[16:20] * +Primer doesn't react to the poke. What did Kar care, she had that thing with Cookie.
  317. 13[16:21] * Light_Seeker (chatzilla@Pony-b37.j6n.168.206.IP) Quit (Connection closed)
  318. [16:23] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottles just chuckles at Storm's half-hoofed attempt at mimicry; "Well, then ya'll can join me in the loft iffin' ya feel up to it later. Got it all to mahself."
  319. 07[16:23] * +SmartCookie looks to Primer and raises a borw at her. "Hey Primer, can i get you something?"
  320. 07[16:24] * +Primer finally speaks up. "I dunno, a Sparkle Cola I guess." She was not going to ask about what might be going on between Karena and Cookie.
  321. 07[16:24] * +SmartCookie trots over to the bar and asks for a Sparkle Cola.
  322. 15[16:25] * +Karina pulls out two sparkle colas from her cloak, pops and pockets the caps on both, and hoofs one to Primer.
  323. 07[16:26] * +Primer sits up straight and takes the bottle in her hooves. "Thanks."
  324. 07[16:27] * +Primer looks between the two... okay just a little question... a tiny one. "Are... the two of you... together?"
  325. 07[16:27] * +SmartCookie trots back over with a bottle after having payed for it, only to find both mares allready having one.... Oh well...
  326. 04[16:28] * +SmartCookie sits down again and takes a swig of his cola, shooting a slightly unnerved glance at Karina.
  327. 07[16:28] * +Desert_Storm , a little drunk, saunters away from the bar and spots her... whatever those ponies that she killed things with were. With a belly full of whiskey and Bottle waiting for her, she was so happy. Wasn't an entirely familiar emotion, but she liked it!
  328. 15[16:28] * +Karina blinks at Primer then looks at Cookie.
  329. [16:29] <+Primer> "I-I just... I walked in on the two of you this morning, alright!" She blurts out, trying to clear the air.
  330. 04[16:29] * +SmartCookie looks back at Karina and then towards Primer.
  331. 15[16:30] * +Karina takes a drink of her cola.
  332. 07[16:30] * +Keen_Shine trots in, feeling rather good about himself, wearing a brand new bandoleer. "Hey. We get anything from Cap?" He says while sauntering in, a new bandoleer quite prominent against the indigo of his bathrobe.
  333. [16:31] <+Keen_Shine> (Ignore that first part.)
  334. 15[16:31] * +Karina finally looks back at Primer. "I... uh..."
  335. 07[16:32] * +SmartCookie gives an innocent shrug to Primer and then offers Keen his share.
  336. 15[16:32] * +Karina glances back to Cookie.
  337. 07[16:32] * +Primer looks nervously between the two, now sure that she has screwed up.
  338. 07[16:33] * +Desert_Storm approaches the table and claps Keen on the back. "You know guys, I used to think that life in this forsaken hell hole was awful, but you know what? Life is fucking good! Why the long faces? Cheer up, have a drink!"
  339. [16:33] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 At the request of another patron, Bottle again turns the radio on to DJ P0N-3's station. It's still working fine, and is playing that same song by Sweetie Belle.
  340. 13[16:33] * +Desert_Storm (cool@Pony-cjj.iok.106.149.IP) Quit (Quit: See you !)
  341. 15[16:33] * +Karina looks back at Primer again. "Uh... definitely... maybe..."
  342. 04[16:34] * +SmartCookie perks an ear at Karina and blushes a little.
  343. 07[16:34] * +Primer doesnt look any better. "I just... oh hell, I fucked up, didn't I." She hugs the bottle and stares at the table.
  344. 07[16:35] * +Keen_Shine smiles and grabs the small bag and places it in his new saddlebag. All of a sudden, Desert. Don't feel them, don't feel them, don't feel them. "Hey, round of beers. On me." He said with an awkward grin.
  345. 07[16:35] * +Keen_Shine isn't quite used to being liked. It was an odd feeling.
  346. 06[16:36] * TenMihara|GM sets mode: -m
  347. 06[16:36] * Desert_Storm (cool@Pony-cjj.iok.106.149.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  348. [16:36] <Desert_Storm> graggel fraggle.
  349. 06[16:36] * TenMihara|GM sets mode: +v Desert_Storm
  350. 06[16:36] * TenMihara|GM sets mode: +m
  351. 04[16:37] * +SmartCookie looks over to Karina and then to Primer asking her: "Uh... Why do you uhm... think you fucked up?"
  352. 15[16:37] * +Karina looks up. "Hi Keen!" She looks back to Primer and shakes her head. "This morning... that whole scene... it wasn't what you think it means."
  353. 07[16:37] * +Keen_Shine raises an eyebrow. "What scene?"
  354. 07[16:38] * +Primer finally feels the tug of the moon, that sweet music that clears her head each night. She takes a deep breath, feeling much clearer in mind and body. "Oh bugger, it seems I made a fool of myself."
  355. 07[16:38] * +Desert_Storm takes flight, floating lazily off the ground, a wide grin on her face. She was so game for free beer.
  356. 15[16:40] * +Karina chuckles and shakes her head at Primer. She looks back up to Keen. "Just uh... had a little nightmare... little bit scared."
  357. 04[16:41] * +SmartCookie slightly hoofs the tabletop with a fronthoof, suddenly finding it quite interessting at Karina's words.
  358. 07[16:41] * +Keen_Shine looks up at Desert Storm. Oh Celestia no. "Hey! Get down. You know the saying about drinking and flying."
  359. 04[16:42] * +Primer looks from Karina, to Cookie, then back to her bottle of cola. "I'm sorry for making it awkward."
  360. [16:43] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Time rolls on and the music from DJ P0N-3's station cycles through
  361. 07[16:43] * +Desert_Storm is clearly having to much fun to give a shit. "What do they say?"
  362. 15[16:43] * +Karina "Awkward is better than dreaming of being beaten and eaten."
  363. [16:44] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 There are only about fifteen different songs
  364. [16:44] <+Keen_Shine> "Drunk flying gets you dying. Now get down from there!"
  365. 04[16:45] * +SmartCookie takes another swig of his cola, looking back at Karina.
  366. 07[16:45] * +Primer lays a foreleg around Karena in a half hug. "True."
  367. 15[16:46] * +Karina grunts and rubs her left shoulder again. She had been able to forget about that entirely for a bit... -had-...
  368. 07[16:47] * +Primer narrows her eyes at Keen. "Wait a minute, how would you know a pegasus saying like that?"
  369. 15[16:47] * +Karina slowly leans into the half-hug.
  370. 07[16:48] * +Keen_Shine rolls his eyes. "What? Pegusi were all over the place back in the day. They didn't all hole up above the cloud layer because there wasn't one."
  371. 07[16:49] * +Primer lifts her eyebrow. "Huh?"
  372. 07[16:51] * +Keen_Shine shrugs and places a forehoof on the counter, looking up nostalgically. "I heard it at a bar back during the war. Some punk kid with too many bits and too little common sense. Didn't listen though. Wound up breaking his nose on a lamppole."
  373. [16:52] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As the hour draws close to 1:00, DJ P0n-3's voice floods over the radio with a late night newscast
  374. 07[16:52] * +Desert_Storm lands next to Keen_Shine. "Listen, I think I can handle myself. I'm waaaaaaaaaaay below the legal limit. You have a breathalizer on you?"
  375. [16:52] <+Primer> "Okay, back up." Primer lifts a hoof. "Back during the war? You mean you were there?"
  376. 15[16:54] * +Karina sits back up straight and finishes off her cola. She looks around, starting to get a bit tired but definitely not wanting to sleep.
  377. 06[16:54] * Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  378. 04[16:54] * +SmartCookie emptys his bottle and looks at the others, the giving a sheepish smile to Karina.
  379. 07[16:54] * +Keen_Shine nods. "Yeah. I was." He said, wanting to drop the issue altogether. "No, but the fact that you reek of whiskey is proof enough."
  380. 15[16:55] * +Karina is, at this point, ignoring all discussions.
  381. 07[16:55] * +Primer shrugs, might as well drop it.
  382. 04[16:56] * +SmartCookie gives Karina a nuzzle on the cheek while all seemed preoccupied.
  383. [16:56] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The DJ announces a few minor things about the weather and general safety tips before moving on to a more specific story; "Now children, I've gotten reports twice in the last two days about caravans that normally show up in Manehattan villages going missing. Whether they're related or not, I can't say, but either way it's bad news for the folk who depend on them for supplies. If anypony can find out what happen to them, let your
  384. [16:57] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The DJ continues; "If it turns out I'm just paranoid and it's fluke wild beastie attacks, that's be a bit of a relief. If anypony finds the caravans, see about getting the supplies where they need to go, won't you? This is DJ P0N-3, signing off for the night."
  385. 15[16:58] * +Karina is startled by the unexpected nuzzle and gives Cookie a goofy look.
  386. 15[16:58] <+Karina> goofy half smirk*
  387. [16:58] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As DJ P0N-3 signs off, Bottle gives the last call and asks patrons, other than Desert, to start making their way out
  388. 07[16:58] * +SmartCookie gives her a sheepish smile.
  389. 07[16:59] * +Primer chugs the last of her cola. "Wanna pool the caps for a hotel room? It'll be cheaper that way."
  390. 07[16:59] * +Keen_Shine slams his hooves down on the counter. Wait, what did she... Oh. OH. "Oh, Luna flank-fuck me with an electrified pole!"
  391. 07[17:00] * +Primer starts at Keen's outburst. "What's the matter?"
  392. 15[17:00] * +Karina "We were invited to go to the clinic and stay the night."
  393. 07[17:00] * +SmartCookie raises a brow at keen aswell.
  394. 07[17:00] * +Keen_Shine shakes his head. "Fuck. The... The thing. The caravan. It won't come."
  395. 07[17:01] * +Primer lifts a questioning eyebrow. "What of it?"
  396. 07[17:02] * +Keen_Shine shoots a glare at Primer. "So? You think the town'll last long enough when it's supply route is cut off?"
  397. [17:02] <+Primer> "No need to be so cross about it, if you want I'm sure the others are okay with looking into it."
  398. 07[17:03] * +SmartCookie raises the other brow and says: "I guesse we could look into that, if that's what's making your mane itch..."
  399. 07[17:04] * +Keen_Shine nods vigorously. If this place didn't get mint-als, she would... She would go mindless in a few days. And that would suck for everypony involved for a teleporting highly radioactive ghoul to be roaming around.
  400. 15[17:05] * +Karina is still completely oblivious to the others' interactions, as she is still staring at Cookie trying to figure something out...
  401. 07[17:06] * +SmartCookie says: "Maybe we can peek into the Robotics place... You know on your way.", having the impression that something watches him.
  402. 04[17:08] * +Primer sighs, why did she have the misfortune to only see this stuff at night. "Come on, lets get to the clinic and grab some z's." She then helps Karina to her hooves. "We are doing no good here by worrying."
  403. 07[17:09] * +Desert_Storm really doesn't know what's going on. Keen was being a buzzkill, and everypony was leaving. "I guess I'll see you guys later then!"
  404. 07[17:09] * +Primer waves at Desert_Storm. "Have fun."
  405. 04[17:09] * +SmartCookie turns his head to Karina, looking at her with a questioning look.
  406. 15[17:10] * +Karina quickly turns her gaze from Cookie and settles it on Primer. She nods and follows Primer.
  407. 04[17:10] * +SmartCookie stands up and follow Primer and Karina.
  408. 07[17:11] * +Primer makes a mental note to try and get the two of them together, even if she usually cant outwit a brick during the day.
  409. [17:12] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As the party makes its way over to the clinic, they see that Cap's security robot is up and working. Seeing that they have competition, the night guards seem a little more attentive than usual. There is nopony in Gardenia's clinic when you arrive, but five cots are laid out for you. A note on the counter claims Gardenia herself is sleepign upstairs
  410. 07[17:13] * +Keen_Shine slowly trots towards the clinic. Shit. This... This will suck. Hard.
  411. 07[17:13] * +Primer strips most of her gear and collapses on one of the cots.
  412. 15[17:13] * +Karina looks around carefully, making sure the four of them are the only ones in the room before knocking her hood back and picking out a cot.
  413. 07[17:14] * +SmartCookie puts his saddlebags down near the Kot he chose and lays down on it, looking at the other ponies.
  414. 07[17:14] * +Keen_Shine flops onto his cot- Yeah, this was totally worth the trouble, and attempts to fall asleep. It doesn't go well, as he jerks awake every now and again the entire night.
  415. 15[17:16] * +Karina lays down on her cot, and tries to keep her eyes open for as long as possible. If what she saw every time she closed her eyes for too long all day was going to come up again... sleep wasn't something to look forward to.
  416. [17:16] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The night passes without incident, and you are awoken in the morning by gentle prodding from Gardenia. "Rise and shine," she calls lyrically.
  417. 15[17:17] * +Karina once again sleeps through the wake up call and is mumbling in zebra.
  418. 07[17:18] * +Primer stirs. "Mmm, g'morning."
  419. 04[17:18] * +SmartCookie slowly wakes up and perks an ear to the mumbling, then looking up to Karina and getting out of the cot and trotting over to Karina.
  420. [17:18] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Desert wakes up in Bottle's company. She is in good spirit,s but has a splitting headache. Too much whiskey will do that
  421. 04[17:19] * +SmartCookie sits down next to karina's cot and watches her.
  422. 07[17:19] * +Keen_Shine is already half awake. Too many nightmares, too little time. Still. He doesn't look too bad. Once he saw his reflection, Keen was quite deeply worried about what this place was doing to him. After all, if it wasn't much of a nightmare to see all of that and only have a half-bad night, what else would he get used to?
  423. 15[17:20] * +Karina 's face is a bit sweaty and she keeps intermittendly mumbling in zebra.
  424. 04[17:20] * +Primer reaches out and shakes Karina gently, not aware of the risk. "Time to geddup."
  425. 04[17:20] * +Keen_Shine looks at Karina, and sympathizes. "Is she okay?" He mumbles to Cookie, an inherent worry present on his face.
  426. 07[17:21] * +SmartCookie shakes his head and says with a worried look: "I think she's reliving the ... incident with the ghoul..."
  427. 04[17:21] * +SmartCookie gently nuzzles Karina, trying to wake her.
  428. [17:22] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia smiles warmly at Keen_Shine; "Thank you again for the supplies. there aren't any caravans due in today, but I'll talk to the next one I see."
  429. 15[17:22] * +Karina immediately leaps directly to her hooves at Primer's shake. She's looking directly at the wall and shouts, "Kupa mbali!" She breathes heavily a few times before looking around and figuring out where she is.
  430. 07[17:22] * +Primer rolls away, squeaking in fright.
  431. 07[17:22] * +SmartCookie jumped a little at her reaction and looks at her with a worried look.
  432. 04[17:23] * +Keen_Shine half-heartedly gives Gardenia a smile and a nod when he looks at Karina shuddering like she was. After she awoke, jumping a bit when she shouted, he looked back at Gardenia. "When's the next one due?"
  433. 04[17:24] * +SmartCookie walks over to Karina.
  434. 15[17:24] * +Karina 's intense look of anger quickly fades to one of sadness as she sees Cookie and Primer and steps off the cot. "... Sorry..."
  435. [17:25] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia looks thoughtful; "Well, /Absolutely Everything/ was the one that didn't show up the morning you got here, then there was Lockbox and Rooter. Should be Doc Hoof in tomorrow if I recall correctly."
  436. 07[17:25] * +Primer tries frantically to calm her racing heart. "Is okay. I'm okay."
  437. 07[17:25] * +SmartCookie gives her a gentle nuzzle and says: "You don't need to be sorry... It's understandable."
  438. 07[17:25] * +Desert_Storm gets up without waking Bottle, slips on her gear, applies her UV deterrent spectacles, and leaves 40 caps under Bottle's pillow. She left the bar and sauntered towards the clinic, trying to ignore the thundering pain in her head.
  439. 15[17:27] * +Karina is still breathing heavier than normal. "It's... it was another one... they are not fun..."
  440. 07[17:27] * +SmartCookie nods and gives her a consoling smile. "Eventually they'll go away."
  441. [17:28] <+Desert_Storm> ignore that bollocks.
  442. 15[17:29] * +Karina doesn't say anything, and just sits down and alternates between rubbing her head and her shoulder.
  443. 04[17:30] * +SmartCookie sits down next to Karina and gives her another nuzzle before asking the general public: "What's the plan?"
  444. 04[17:30] * +Primer lays a hoof on Karina's. "You gonna be okay, Kar?"
  445. 15[17:31] * +Karina mumbles, "Maybe."
  446. 04[17:31] * +SmartCookie smiles back at karina and says: "Eventually."
  447. 07[17:31] * +Desert_Storm blinks a few times. Where was she? That's right, she thought, looking at the sleeping mare next to her. She rolled over and put on her sunglasses. Luna, the sun was bright. How much did I drink. She moved closer to Bottle. "Hey."
  448. 07[17:32] * +Keen_Shine gives a nod, then goes back to his saddlebags and reaches for a can of Greasy Gem's Beans and Carrots, then opens it up for breakfast. Mmm. Beany.
  449. [17:32] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle stirs at Desert's murmuring; "Mornin' Sugarcube. You feelin' okay? Ya'll looked a little green after we finished last night."
  450. 04[17:33] * +Primer joins Kar in breakfast. "Well, Keen said something about a caravan last night."
  451. 07[17:33] * +Desert_Storm lies back and stares at the ceiling. "How much did I drink?"
  452. 04[17:34] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia looks to Karina in concern; "If you're having trouble sleeping, I might have somethign for that. Least I can do after all your help."
  453. [17:35] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle snickers; "Heh, Ah'd say it were quite a lot for a gal of yer constitution. I was thinkin' about offerin' another quick round before Ah open up, but you look a little done in."
  454. 07[17:36] * +Primer thinks hard, she was supposed to remember something from last night... what was it... oh, right. She gives Karena and Cookie a sly look.
  455. 15[17:36] * +Karina looks up, surprised that somebody else outside her group was addressing her. "I uh... Nightmares after getting snared and eaten by a ghoul."
  456. [17:37] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia looks a little green; "Ghoul and wild animal bites are something I see a lot of. I'm surprised you look as well as you do."
  457. 07[17:38] * +Desert_Storm puts a hoof on Bottle. "Thank you," she said, not used to saying those words, "I really needed that. Life kind of sucks lately. Thank you." She nuzzles the barpony.
  458. 15[17:39] * +Karina grunts, not really feeling like talking about the incident.
  459. [17:39] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle nuzzles her back; "I suggest you wash up, you'll feel better. Don't got any hot water, but at least it runs smooth."
  460. [17:39] <+Desert_Storm> "I'd like that."
  461. 07[17:39] * +Keen_Shine spoons himself another mouthful. "Gardenia? Where's Doc Hoof coming from?"
  462. 04[17:39] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia trots behind her counter and pulls up a bottle of spleeping pills, offerign them to Karina; "Just take one of these before bed and you should reast easier."
  463. 07[17:39] * +Primer scratches her ragged left ear with a hindhoof. Now, how to get the two lovebirds together?
  464. 15[17:40] * +Karina takes the bottle of pills. "Um... thanks."
  465. [17:40] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Gardenia turns her attention back to Keen; "Might want to go ask Cap. He's got full maps of most of the major traders and caravans that come through here."
  466. [17:42] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle nudges Desert over to the bathroom where a simple, stained bathtub lies. She decides to join her for the bathing after all.
  467. 07[17:43] * +SmartCookie watches the scene and then nods at Gardenia.
  468. 04[17:46] * +Keen_Shine gives her a nod and pats Karina on the shoulder to comfort her. "Thanks. I'm going out. You all can join me when you're feeling better." That's right Keen. They need comforting. But then, who's left to tend to your fucked up mind?
  469. 15[17:47] * +Karina gives Keen a bit of a smile then stands up to follow. The faster those sweaty sheets were left behind, the better.
  470. 07[17:48] * +Primer gathers ger gear and hurries after the others.
  471. [17:48] <+Primer> her gear**
  472. 07[17:48] * +SmartCookie follows aswell. Maybe, if he was lucky, the passed the Robotics factory.
  473. 15[17:48] * +Karina doesn't much care -where- Keen is headed, so long as it means she doesn't stay right there.
  474. 07[17:48] * +SmartCookie after gathering his gear aswell of course.
  475. 04[17:49] * +Keen_Shine is rather surprised to see ponies coming to follow him. Even Karina was right behind him. His fake smile became a real one, and he gave her a small nudge of appreciation. Right. Might be going to hell in a handbasket, but he's not going alone at least.
  476. [17:51] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The party arrives at Cap's Consortium just as the unicorn buck is stepping down from the upstairs loft via an external staircase. "Greeting, if it isn't my best customers. What can cap do for you this morning?" As he asks, he trots around to the front door and opens the shop.
  477. 07[17:51] * +Desert_Storm collects her gear gives Bottle a very, very long kiss goodbye. They'd see each other again. She was sure of that. She enters the store behind everypony else.
  478. 07[17:52] * +SmartCookie steps fore and says: "We want to look into the Caravan-story. Could you help us out with some maps?"
  479. 07[17:52] * +Keen_Shine listens to him say that and wondered just when the hell this all became his business. Oh, right. When you fucked up the world.
  480. [17:52] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cap smiles rather broadly; "Well now, aren't you all the top of your class. Sure, come on in." Cap trots over behind the counter and boots up his terminal.
  481. 07[17:53] * +SmartCookie follows cap.
  482. 15[17:53] * +Karina leans up against a wall near the entrance to the place.
  483. 04[17:54] * +Primer stays with Kar, spending the time trying to untangle her mane.
  484. [17:55] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cap pulls up a map showing all of the major caravans that come through gutterville, as well as a few others that go to nearby hovels. Of note is one particular intersection that at least half of the carvans cross through at one point or another. This intersection is abotu halfway between Gutterville and the Equestrian Robotic's factory.
  485. 07[17:57] * +SmartCookie trys to memorize the maps, especially noting the intersection near the ER-factory.
  486. 07[17:58] * +Primer fights an epic battle, and after much struggle she finally defeats her mane and tail, rebraiding the latter.
  487. 15[17:59] * +Karina snickers at Primer's struggles.
  488. 07[17:59] * +Desert_Storm joins Cookie in looking at the map.
  489. 15[17:59] * +Karina also has her hood back up.
  490. 04[18:00] * +Primer gives Kar a look. "It was givign me lip, alright."
  491. 07[18:00] * +Keen_Shine still looks disheveled as ever, taking a note of the map. "Guessing that's where Doc Hoof's coming down?"
  492. 15[18:00] * +Karina nods.
  493. 15[18:00] * +Karina is still quietly cuckling.
  494. 15[18:00] <+Karina> chuckling*
  495. [18:01] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Cap nods to Keen and Cookie; "Yeah, but he ain't due until tomorrow. Why, think that's where they're gettin' hit?"
  496. 07[18:02] * +Keen_Shine cracks his head left and right. "If anything, then that's where we'll be able to meet up with at least one of them." He turns to the party. "We have our direction. Let's go."
  497. 07[18:03] * +SmartCookie nods and trots to the stores exit.
  498. 07[18:03] * +Desert_Storm gives a sarcastic salute to the robed pony. "Yes sir."
  499. 15[18:05] * +Karina grunts as she falls back to all four hooves and heads out.
  500. 07[18:05] * +Primer joins the troop of ponies.
  501. 07[18:06] * +Keen_Shine follows the rest of the pack, giving a nod to the pony running the store.
  502. [18:09] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As the party moves to leave, Bottle trots up and gives Desert a quick peck on the muzzle; "For luck," she claims, having apparently just been told by her brother what your group was planning.
  503. 07[18:09] * +Keen_Shine raises an eyebrow. Wait, what?
  504. [18:10] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Bottle trots off, laving Keen confused as the party departs from Gutterville yet again
  505. 15[18:13] * +Karina trots a little bit separated from the group.
  506. 04[18:15] * +SmartCookie looks up to Karina and says: "Hey, kar, Stack up. Not good to get split up."
  507. [18:16] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 It takes the party close to two hours to reach the intersection, travelling at a decent trot. As you approach from the south, you can see an overturned cart lying smack in the middle of the intersection. There is a dead brahmin laying on its side in front of it.
  508. 07[18:16] * +SmartCookie raises a brow and says: "Looks like there was some trouble ahead...", trotting on.
  509. 15[18:17] * +Karina mumbles "uh oh"
  510. [18:17] <+Primer> "Shit."
  511. [18:17] <+Desert_Storm> "Great."
  512. 07[18:18] * +SmartCookie pulls the good shotgun out of his saddlebag and continues to close in.
  513. 07[18:18] * +Keen_Shine pulls out his magi-pistol and begins examining the wreckage.
  514. 07[18:19] * +Desert_Storm hangs back, staying in the rear. She puts about 40 feet between herself and everypony else and draws her rifle.
  515. 07[18:19] * +SmartCookie starts trotting around the wreckage.
  516. 15[18:20] * +Karina has no idea why they're doing it, but she follows the boys' lead and pulls out her oh so shiny new SMG... oh... and heads off to the side of the road against a building. Or keeping up with them through the gutted ruins of buildings if possible.
  517. [18:20] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As the party draw closer to the dead brahmin and overturned cart, a pony's corpse is visible near the brahmin. He appears to have been shot in the face with a scattergun of some kind
  518. 07[18:21] * +SmartCookie makes a digusted expression as he spots the dead pony. That shurely was a horrible way to die.
  519. 07[18:22] * +Primer holds back a bit, looking nervously around the buildings.
  520. 07[18:22] * +Keen_Shine reaches to take a pulse, but then smells around the place. He sighed, then examined the poor pony a bit more in depth.
  521. [18:24] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 As Smark Cookie steps closer to the body, the feeling of stepping on something cold and metal is followed immediately by a snap as a bear trap closes around his right foreleg
  522. 07[18:25] * +SmartCookie crys out in pain.
  523. 07[18:26] * +Keen_Shine whips his head towards the source of the sound of clamping metal. Shit. This place is probably trapped to hell.
  524. 15[18:26] * +Karina winces as the trap closes, but stays silent. If this was a trap, she couldn't be seen.
  525. 07[18:27] * +Primer blanches as she sees what happened to Cookie. She starts to study the ground, trying to pick out spots likely to hold explosives or more traps.
  526. 07[18:28] * +Keen_Shine looks around for anypony that might have done this. Booby trapping a corpse. That's low for anypony.
  527. 15[18:28] * +Karina waves at the ponies, trying to get their attention and draw it up to the shadows in the windows.
  528. 07[18:29] * +Desert_Storm 's scope darts from rooftop to rooftop. This was a trap, there was a sniper on one of the buildings. This was a textbook ambush.
  529. 04[18:30] * +Keen_Shine grits his magi-pistol's grip harder. He notes Karina's trying to point somepony out, but for right now, he had to worry about the most direct route there without stepping on something nasty.
  530. 07[18:30] * +Primer prepares one of her new care packages.
  531. 04[18:31] * +SmartCookie spots enemys on his EFS and looks over to karina, pointing with his good hoof to his eyes and then towards the building she's next to.
  532. 04[18:31] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The door to the building indicated by Karina bursts open onto the street, spilling out half a dozen ponies that look not quite like the raiders you met on your first venture out, but similar.
  533. 07[18:31] * +Keen_Shine 's vision first snaps to Cookie, the poor bastard. "Sit tight. I'm coming to help." He whispered in a low tone.
  534. 04[18:34] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 These ruffins are all armed with some type of firearm, two of the meaner looking ones, one of whom is a unicorn, train their weapons on Cookie and Keen. "Alright, nopony move." The others move about, looking for the rest of the group. The spot Primer and Desert, but Karina remains hidden
  535. [18:35] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 One of the other thugs chortles to the two bigger looking ones; "Well, it ain't another caravan, but at least we get some prizes."
  536. 07[18:36] * +Keen_Shine glares at them. Gee, mister raider. I don't suppose you're going to let us go with some chocolate milk and a pat on the head? No? How 'bout with just our stuff?
  537. [18:38] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The brute with the gun in his mouth draws the unicorn's attention to the flier; "Well I'll be," he smirks cruelly. "A pegasus. Ain't seen one of those since... well, there was that one, but I'd barely count it." He then calls up to Desert; "Yo, flygirl, why don't you come down and join your friends. Wouldn't want them to get hurt or nothin'."
  538. 07[18:39] * +Keen_Shine growls. "Shrrrf canf shtayff upf thrr ff she wanftfs to."
  539. 07[18:39] * +SmartCookie still bites down on his shotguns handle.
  540. 07[18:41] * +Keen_Shine does a scan for any nearby traps. Fuck these guys. Fuck them and their damn mohawks to Tartarus.
  541. 07[18:41] * +Desert_Storm freezes. What the fuck did he just say to her? What a buzzkill. Today had been going so great, and now, there's this shit. "What do you want?"
  542. 07[18:42] * +Desert_Storm levels her rifle, and points it at the unicorn, confident that they couldn't touch her at this range.
  543. [18:42] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The lead thugs laughs; "Want? What you think we want bitch; Merchandise. Manehattan ain't never been nothin' but a two bit operation, but with the right amount of supplies and merch, we're fixin' t'make a killiin. Speakin' of which, that's what we'll do to your friends unless you get your ass down here all nice like."
  544. 07[18:44] * +Keen_Shine rolls his eyes. "Liffe urf nof goinff t' dof if if shff doefemf."
  545. 15[18:47] * +Karina crouches down low, gripping her new gun tightly and looking back and forth between the raiders next to Primer and those aiming their guns at Cookie and Keen.
  546. 07[18:48] * +Primer stands on three legs, balancing a Tin can grenade on her right forehoof, she's getting really nervous.
  547. 07[18:50] * +Keen_Shine lets his eyes wander a bit. Better to look like there's no other option. But... Wait. Lockbox? Keen blanched. "Youf... Youf kirff fockbokff?" He whimpered in a pathetic tone. Sure, he didn't like the guy, but he didn't want...
  548. 07[18:51] * +SmartCookie perks an ear to keen and guesse what he says, taking a look of anger and desperation at the dead merchant.
  549. 15[18:53] * +Karina 'huhs', rolls her eyes at Keen, and takes aim at one of the raiders pointing at Primer.
  550. 15[18:54] * +Karina fires off two bursts at one raider, and one more at the other.
  551. [18:56] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 With an irritated click, the SMG jams. The brutes overlooking the rest of the group seem to have taken no notice
  552. 15[18:57] * +Karina spits out the SMG and pulls out her normal .22 pistol, and takes two shots at one of the raiders.
  553. [19:00] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 One of the thugs near Primer lets out a pathetic yelp as a small bullet punches into his neck, causing him to bleed profusely. His yelp causes everything to erupt into chaos
  554. [19:03] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Both of the thugs near primer shoot in their panic at being assailed by an unseen opponent, but their shots fly wild
  555. [19:04] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The unicorn reacts much more smoothly, quickly aiming his (formerly Lockbox's) Lever Action Shotgun at Keen and firing
  556. [19:06] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Most of his scattershot comes up short against Keen's armour, but a few luck pellets hit exposes areas.
  557. [19:07] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The other large looking slaver, his mouth wrapped around a bolt action rifle, fires off a shot into the air at Desert that completely misses the mark
  558. 07[19:09] * +Desert_Storm was mad now. The more she thought about it, she didn't like being called a bitch very much. She didn't like this unicorn very much either. She also didn't like taking orders from people with mohawks. That unicorn was as good as dead. She fired a single shot.
  559. [19:12] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The shot punches hard into the Unicorn's shoulder, but he grunts and bears it through his armour
  560. 07[19:14] * +Desert_Storm is a little surprised. That's not where she was aiming. Realigning her crosshairs, she puts the unicorn's head just below the first mil dot.
  561. [19:17] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The unicorn, a moment ago fairly smug, let's out a yelp of excruciating pain as Desert's second, well placed shot shatters his horn. He staggers back, cursing as his weapon falls to the ground.
  562. 15[19:22] * +Karina hurriedly pulls out her varmint rifle and takes aim for the unicorn leader. She fires one shot, then grabs her other two weapons and darts inside the building.
  563. 04[19:25] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Karina's shot catches the wounded unicorn in the gut, knocking him to the ground. However, between her haste and the loud gunshot, ever single one of the thugs turns their attention to her, particularly the one with the bleeding neck.
  564. 07[19:26] * +Keen_Shine felt the buckshot slam against his security armor, suddenly very grateful for that MoP operative that was paranoid enough to wear armor. Thank you, pony, from the world of tomorrow. He staggered a bit, then lined up two shots against the unicorn leader and fired away before cautiously galloping towards Cookie.
  565. [19:30] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Keen's pair of shots silence the cursing of the large unicorn as he dissolves into brightly coloured ash. However, as Keen turns to assist Cookie, another beartrap snags his leg hind leg
  566. 07[19:31] * +Keen_Shine can't help but smile at killing the bastard. That one was for you, Lockbox, may I never have to talk to your gho- *SHNNK* OW.
  567. [19:33] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The thug with the rifle seems rather distraught at seeing his accomplice turned into pink dust, but an evil grin crosses his face as he realizes two of his targets are snared, and won't be going anywhere, leaving him in charge. He turns his rifle up and takes a careful shot at Desert
  568. 04[19:35] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The slaver grins as his shot catches the flier, then readies the next one. Meanwhile, the slaver who had been shot by Karina yells, then chases after her into the building.
  569. [19:36] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 He grins cruelly despite his bleeding and fires off a pair of shots at the zebra
  570. 04[19:37] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The 10mm pistol let's out a retort as a shot cartchs Karina in the gut, but the second one is thrown off by the slaver's existing wound.
  571. [19:38] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The last Slaver has his sights set on Primer and opens fire
  572. [19:39] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 One of the shots punches into the bombermare's shoulder, but the other fllies wild
  573. 15[19:39] * +Karina yelps when the bullet hits her, but continues running.
  574. 07[19:40] * +Primer winces. Damn that hurt.
  575. 07[19:40] * +SmartCookie shoots a doublebarreld SATS-assisted shot the the guy with the varmint rifle.
  576. [19:44] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The Slaver, who had been focusing on the flier, is caught off guard as a potent blast of buckshot catchs him in the face and chest
  577. 07[19:49] * +Primer slouches a little, the pain in her shoulder quite bad, but not bad enough that she couldn't throw her Tin Can Grenade at the buck who just got shot by Cookie.
  578. [19:55] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The homemade grenade proves more than effective as it flies at the slaver, exploding right in front of his face. For good measure, the blast also pulps his forelegs. he slumps to the ground in a heap, his rifle slagged by the blast
  579. [19:57] <+Desert_Storm> Oh, so that's what getting shot feels like. Gah fuck! She didn't like that very much, but seeing as the bastard that shot her was plastered on the side of the road, she'd make his friend pay. One shot... one kill.
  580. 07[20:00] * +Desert_Storm shrugs. Why not put the poor bastard out of his misery?
  581. [20:00] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Desert's first shot punches through the Slaver's neck, leaving a gaping exit wound. He falls to the ground, bleeding profusely
  582. [20:02] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Desert's second shot pulverizes the slaver's head, leaving a twitching heap of a torso.
  583. 15[20:06] * +Karina looks around for any usable pistol to use against the slaver chasing her. CRAP! Not a thing. She spins, puts another bullet in the chamber, and fires off a shot at the slaver. She then runs and leaps out the window, running back towards Keen and Cookie, expecting the slaver to still follow her. "Shoot him shoot him shoot him!"
  584. 04[20:07] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Karina's shot strikes true, blowing out one of the Slaver's rear knees even as Karina turns and flees.
  585. 07[20:11] * +Keen_Shine looks at the thing that's holding him back. Right, this thing had to go right the hell now. He gets on his back, places his forehooves on both sides of the thing, and attempts to pull it apart.
  586. 15[20:11] <+Karina> "Shoot that brute!"*
  587. 07[20:14] * +Keen_Shine grinds his teeth, gives a scream of pain and strain, then, as the teeth opened, he pulled his hind leg out. Oh Celestia that hurt oh dear oh mommy.
  588. 04[20:18] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 After Karina runs out screaming, the slaver she shot staggers out through the door. he gets far enough to gurgle something, then collapses, blood pouring from his gaping wounds.
  589. [20:19] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 Seeing their group decimated, the two remaining slavers on the far side of the cart turn tail and flee, dropping their firearms as they run off.
  590. 15[20:20] * +Karina slides to a stop as she sees the slaver chasing her stumble and fall.
  591. 07[20:20] * +Primer falls to her rump, holding her aching shoulder.
  592. 07[20:20] * +Keen_Shine carefully tip-hoofs to Cookie and attempts to wrench him free of those horrible metal teeth.
  593. 15[20:20] * +Karina spins and starts running back to him. She stands over him and gives his head a little kick. "And to boot, your mother was a mare of ill repute!"
  594. 15[20:21] * +Karina grabs his 10mm pistol and all his ammo, then gives him another kick for good measure.
  595. 07[20:22] * +Desert_Storm sighs and lands near the pile of ash that was once the unicorn. Who's a bitch now? She winced as she felt the wound on her chest, but picked through the ashes in search of... anything really.
  596. 07[20:22] * +SmartCookie grinds his theeth on the mouthpiece of the shotgun and finally spits it out. He grits his teeth some more at Keen's attempt to free him
  597. 07[20:23] * +Primer prods the body by her hooves, might be somethign interesting on it.
  598. 15[20:25] * +Karina , now much happier than she was 40 seconds ago, trots over to Keen and Cookie.
  599. 07[20:25] * +SmartCookie wont wait any longer and puts his left forehoof and right rearhoof against the metal teeth of the cursed trap an pushes up back open with gritted teeth. He pulls his leg out and curses vile curses while doing so.
  600. 07[20:26] * +Desert_Storm grabs the shotgun and joins the the group huddled around Cookie. Man, he'd seen better days.
  601. [20:26] <+SmartCookie> and, it*
  602. 15[20:27] * +Karina finally actually -sees- what's going on in front of her. "Cookie!"
  603. 15[20:28] * +Karina runs up and tries to help.
  604. 07[20:28] * +SmartCookie keeps on cursing and finnals sits down, examining his leg with a pained expression.
  605. 07[20:28] * +Primer stand up slowly, having found a 10mm pistol some ammo and a few caps. She then limps over to Cookie and Keen. "Be careful of more traps."
  606. [20:28] <+SmartCookie> finaly*
  607. 07[20:28] * +Keen_Shine offers his hoof and hobbles a bit out of the bear trapped horror. It's over. Oh Celestia thank Luna, it's over.
  608. 15[20:29] * +Karina looks over at Keen and sees something similar. "Keen!"
  609. 07[20:29] * +SmartCookie then hobbles after Keen. He'd have to find a goddamn stick and make all of those damn traps go off!
  610. 15[20:30] * +Karina "How did you both have a big enough mental lapse to -both- walk into traps?"
  611. 07[20:31] * +SmartCookie grits his teeth and says: "It's not like i made him stumble into one!" He then looks to Keen and asks: "Can you unfuck us both?"
  612. 07[20:32] * +Keen_Shine nods his head. "Yes. Yes I can. But it's going to suck worse for me." He said, grabbing his bandages.
  613. 07[20:34] * +Keen_Shine then spends a moment to disinfect and wrap bandages around both of their teeth marks. Tetanus, be damned.
  614. 15[20:35] * +Karina sits down in front of Cookie, Keen, and Primer. "Oh and there's something wrong with my twenty-two. Actually both of 'em. They would've worked better if I threw 'em."
  615. 07[20:35] * +SmartCookie looks over to Storm and shouts over: "Strom, move over here, let the corpsman see that."
  616. 04[20:35] * +SmartCookie looks at Karina and says: "Give them to me when Keen's done, so i can unfuck'em."
  617. 07[20:36] * +Desert_Storm unwrinkles the piece of paper. It's badly damaged, but the lower half is pretty legible. "So, you've been promoted have you? Here take this too." she hoofs over the shotgun. It's a piece of shit anyway, she has no need for it.
  618. 07[20:38] * +Primer sits slumped, not doing much at all.
  619. 06[20:38] * Silverlight|away is now known as Silverlight
  620. 07[20:41] * +Keen_Shine shakes his head and bites off Cookie's bandage. There we are. Should be healed up by the time we get back. He looks at Desert and notes that she's lucky he's in doctor mode right now. He examines her shoulder and, after applying a painkiller spell, removes it and heals it over.
  621. 15[20:42] * +Karina shrugs at Cookie and pulls out both her pistol and her SMG. "Eh, I can do it. Just need to hit 'em." She proceeds to unjam her weapons.
  622. 15[20:43] * +Karina packs her weapons back up and moves a bit away from the healing going on.
  623. 07[20:44] * +Desert_Storm gives the good doctor a nod, showing as much gratitude as that jesture possible could before she slumps back down and cleans her scope with her bloody rag.
  624. 04[20:44] * +SmartCookie looks at Keen after seeing Primers state and suggests: "Take a look at Primer aswell." Then he looks back at Karina. With a dry snicker he says: "Don't hit 'em too hard though."
  625. 15[20:45] * +Karina looks back at Cookie. "Might be a mistake, but I've always done it to the pistol and it never did break."
  626. 07[20:45] * +Desert_Storm slips the note she scavanged from the ash pile and unwrinkles it. "Get a look at this. Looks like a set of directions." She hoofs it to Cookie. "Alright team leader, you decide what to do with it."
  627. 15[20:46] * +Karina uses a rear hoof to scratch at her gut where the bullet went in. That kinda still hurt.
  628. 07[20:47] * +SmartCookie shakes his head, as his joke didn't seam to hit it's target and says: "Gotta be more carefull though, might give 'em the edge make 'em rounds blow up when you don't need them to." He then pulls out a cigarette and lights it taking a deep drag.
  629. 07[20:50] * +Keen_Shine canters over to Primer. "Excuse me. I'm told that you're injured?"
  630. 07[20:51] * +Primer nods.
  631. [20:51] <+Primer> "The shoulder."
  632. 07[20:52] * +Keen_Shine sighs, then beckons her closer. "Come on. Sawbones here will make the hurt go away." He examines the wound and does the proper treatment. There. Good as new.
  633. 07[20:53] * +Primer sighs in relief as Keen works on her shoulder. "Thanks."
  634. 07[20:53] * +SmartCookie walks carefully with the cig in his mouth back to the trap that got him and picks up his shotgun before returning. He then sits back down and relaods the thing, before packing it away and spitting out the depleted cigarett-butt.
  635. 07[20:54] * +Keen_Shine gives a tired, but friendly grunt. Bye, adrenaline. I missed you.
  636. [20:54] <+Keen_Shine> (Miss)
  637. 07[20:54] * +SmartCookie finally starts to read the note Storm hoofed him over.
  638. 15[20:55] * +Karina raises her head back up and looks at Keen. "Hey, Keen, you have many healing potions, right? Can you spare any?"
  639. 07[20:58] * +Keen_Shine looks up from his wok on Primer. "Hmm? Why? Are you hurt?"
  640. 15[20:59] * +Karina "I, uh, got shot."
  641. 04[21:01] * +SmartCookie finally says: "We got the part of a directions note here... Maybe we can move in the direction of the fleeing slavers and see if we can utilize thise note from thereon." He then looks over to Keen and Karina. Maybe after Karina got medicated and treated...
  642. 04[21:03] * +Keen_Shine examines her, then, feeling a phantom exhaustion from his talisman, hoofs a healing potion to Karina while doing his normal routine.
  643. 15[21:03] * +Karina glances back at Cookie. "Would that help us in finding the missing caravans?"
  644. 04[21:04] * +SmartCookie nods and says: "I guesse so. Could be a hide-out or something." He then trots over to Karina and Keen.
  645. 15[21:05] * +Karina takes it and drinks it, enjoying the feeling of the hole in her belly closing up.
  646. 07[21:05] * +Keen_Shine sighs a bit in the examination. Smells her sweat mixed with her straining of breath. So elegant, be- Stay focused man!
  647. [21:05] <+Keen_Shine> (Pony!)
  648. 15[21:08] * +Karina shrugs at Cookie while Keen pokes and prods her.
  649. 07[21:08] * +Keen_Shine slaps himself. This is no time! And she's a zebra for Celestia's sake! That's... Urm. Wow, it really has been over 160 years since you've gotten any female attention, hasn't it Keen?
  650. 07[21:08] * +SmartCookie simply lets himself drop on the side and closes his eyes. What a great day this was...
  651. 07[21:09] * +Keen_Shine shakes his head an gives her a nod. Right. You just killed a pony and you're feeling like that. Lockbox is literally right there!
  652. 07[21:10] * +SmartCookie looks up, still laying and asks: "Does anybody have a shovel or something?"
  653. 07[21:11] * +Keen_Shine looks at that pony, the blood seeping into the wasteland dust. Yup. That did it. "I'll go check inside." He said, sighing an altogether different sigh. Yup. One pony healed, two left to die.
  654. 15[21:12] * +Karina cocks her head at Keen as he walks away and replies to Cookie, "Why?"
  655. 07[21:13] * +SmartCookie gets back up and says: "I'm going to give that old grumpy rump a burrial..." He then trots over to the wreckage and starts to search for something usable.
  656. 15[21:14] * +Karina mumbles to herself. Sure, give a burial to the guy who thought I was a criminal.
  657. 07[21:15] * +Desert_Storm cleans her scope. She wasn't entirely thrilled with the idea of wasting more bullets giving raiders cheap haircuts."You weren't thinkign about burrying that guy, were you?"
  658. 04[21:16] * +Primer rubs her sore sholder and follows Karina.
  659. [21:16] <+Desert_Storm> thinking*
  660. 15[21:17] * +Karina smirks at Primer. At least she wasn't the only one with a sore shoulder now.
  661. 07[21:18] * +Keen_Shine spots one in the middle of the building. It's funny. Why would these ponies have need for a shovel, unless to bury their own. With a thoughtful look, he trotted out, tiptoed through the traps, then hoofed it to Cookie.
  662. 07[21:20] * +SmartCookie takes it with a nod.
  663. 07[21:23] * +SmartCookie after realizing that the shovels blade was much smaller then the beartraps would require to be set of without destroying the shovel and just straps it to his back. After a glance around and another realization, that nothing worked as he planned, he trots over to keen and asks him: "Could you ash him? As this is a freaking concrete jungle an such..."
  664. 07[21:25] * +Desert_Storm rolls her eyes. "Waste of ammo." she grumbles, to herself.
  665. 07[21:27] * +SmartCookie looks at Storm and asks: "Would you like your body to be defiled by some hungry wild animals or some other vile shit?"
  666. 07[21:27] * +Keen_Shine thinks about the bitter irony of asking a weapon to cremate somepony. It felt... Wrong. But, well. This is downtown. The cloud layer choked out the trees... Keen trotted up to the corpse reverently, placed two bit coins over Lockbox's eyes, then pulled out his pistol.
  667. 15[21:29] * +Karina looks at Cookie. "I'd be more averse to being dead in the first place. That part seems a bit worse."
  668. 07[21:29] * +SmartCookie looks back at Keen_Shine and watches what he does, noting the gesture with the bits.
  669. 07[21:30] * +Keen_Shine "Um. Well. You were a bastard and a merchant. But, at least you were the one responsible for getting us off our respective flanks. And, if it means anything... Thanks." Keen felt that wasn't enough, but it was all he knew. He would want somepony else to say something before... He turned toward the corpse, looked Lockbox in his milky white eyes, and fired.
  670. 07[21:30] * +Desert_Storm wasn't finish cleaning her scope, and continued to do so. She added "If there's one thing I know, it's that every shot counts. No use wasting a bullet doing what nature would do anyway. If Keen wants to, I'm not going to stop him."
  671. 04[21:33] * +SmartCookie looks back to Karina, after the corpse had been turned into ash and says: "Some thing can't be changed. Like this. And in such a situation I'd selfishly wish that somepony denied my body to any animals or raiders..."
  672. [21:35] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 The single shot dissolves Lockbock's body into a pile of pink ash that gets blown about by the wind, mixing with the ask from countless other sources. Just another pony who'se number the reaper called.
  673. 07[21:37] * +Keen_Shine looks grimly at his handiwork, then bows his head and places his hoof over his chest. "Child of Dust, to mother now return. For every seed must die before it grows."
  674. 15[21:38] * +Karina shrugs weakly at Cookie.
  675. 07[21:39] * +SmartCookie nods at Keen_Shine's words and then says with a dry snicker: "I bet i'm no speck better than those warmongers back then..."
  676. [21:41] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 With the death of a salespony spurring them and a direction to follow, the party looks ahead, hoping to prevent future atrocities committed by this group of slavers.
  677. [21:41] <%TenMihara|GM> 3 ****End of Session 4****
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