
Why Lyra Should Never Be Allowed To Meet A Human.

May 20th, 2012
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  1. This story contains:
  2. -Shrunken Anon
  3. -Hoof play
  4. -Slight mouth play
  5. -Something else I can't think of the name for.
  8. >Celestia’s sun beats down on you as you make your way past Ponyville Town Hall.
  9. >As you walk you hear quiet sounds coming from behind you, like someone is contemplating something.
  10. >You guess it’s just some pony thinking out loud and continue walking.
  11. >Suddenly a loud ‘yes!’ rings through the air, prompting you to turn around.
  12. >Standing behind you is a mint green pony, grinning from ear to ear.
  13. >”Uhm, can I help you?” you ask, not really certain of how you should start the conversation.
  14. >The mint green pony continues to smile, her eyes looking over every inch of your body.
  15. >”Can I help you?” you reiterate, causing the pony to look up to you.
  16. >”You’re one of them aren’t you?” she asks, the excitement evident in her voice.
  17. >”One of what?” you ask, as you stare back.
  18. >”A human of course! You look a little different from the pictures in the books, but I can tell you’re human alright!”
  19. >”Ok yes, I’m a human, but what’s so exciting about that?”
  21. >The pony cocks her head, looking at you like you just uttered a load of garbled nonsense.
  22. >“Never mind…” you sigh.
  23. >“Ok then. So what’s you’re name? I’m Lyra by the way, pleased to meet you.” Lyra extends a hoof in an attempt to mimic a handshake.
  24. >“Just call me Anon, it’s what I prefer.” You reach out your hand and shake the pony’s hoof, causing her to blush.
  25. >You ignore her blush and continue with the conversation. “Have you been following me this whole time?”
  26. >”Yep!” chirps Lyra, blissfully unaware of how much like a stalker she was sounding.
  27. >”For what purpose?” you ask, trying to get to the bottom of things.
  28. >”To make sure you really were a human and that I wasn’t just seeing things.”
  29. >You fold your arms, not breaking eye contact with Lyra. “Ok, so I’m a human, you’re not imagining things. Can I go now?
  31. >Lyra’s horn glows and you feel a tingle in your left arm. You’re then dragged closer to the unicorn.
  32. >”Well of course you can go, but not right now though. Now I have to show you off to somepony, she’s going to be so shocked!”
  33. >You’re then dragged off through town courtesy of Lyra’s magic, and brought to a standstill outside one particular home.
  34. >”Wait here for my cue. This is going to be so great!”
  35. >You sigh once more and tap your foot, as Lyra disappears inside.
  36. >A few seconds later she rushes back to the front door, beckoning for you to follow her inside. You oblige and follow her in.
  37. >You follow her down a hall and into the kitchen, where another pony is waiting.
  38. >”See Bon Bon? I told you they were real!” exclaimed Lyra as she bounced around the room.
  39. >Bon Bon approaches you and runs her hoof down your arms, amazed by your body structure.
  41. >”I’m sorry I didn’t believe you Lyra, it’s just how could I? You were talking non-stop about these mythical creatures that you’d read about in books, about how they walked, how they had hands and feet instead of hooves. You were driving me insane, especially when you made me prepare for the day you brought one home…I ju-”
  42. >Lyra was quick to shove a hoof into Bon Bon’s mouth to silence her friend. “Yes thanks for that, why don’t you go get our friend here some of those ‘sweets’ I had you prepare?”
  43. >Bon Bon nods and rushes over to a cabinet, leaving you to look at Lyra suspiciously.
  44. >Lyra avoids looking at you, instead watching Bon Bon return with a bowl of wrapped sweets held tightly in her mouth.
  45. >The crème earth pony presents you the bowl, and you take one of the sweets, deciding it would be rude of you to refuse.
  46. >Bon Bon places the bowl on a nearby counter removing two more sweets, one for herself and Lyra probably.
  47. >You unwrap the sweet and pop it into your mouth, marvelling at its wonderful taste. “Hey, this is really good! Did you make this yourself?”
  48. >Bon Bon nods, but something seems to be distracting her. Meanwhile Lyra’s attention is fixated on you, her face showing an excited grin.
  49. >“What are you grinning about? Is there something on my face?” Your questioning is cut short as you feel your body begin to tingle.
  51. >Lyra’s grin widens, whilst Bon Bon continues to look away.
  52. >Your body begins to shrink and you find yourself frozen to the spot, as the world around you begins to grow in size.
  53. >Eventually you’re left standing at a new minuscule size, meaning that the two mares are towering over you.
  54. >”Alright, I’ll bite, why did you do it?” you ask, directing your question more towards Lyra than Bon Bon.
  55. >There’s just silence, as Lyra’s horn begins to glow, and uneasy feeling forms in the pit of your stomach.
  56. >You begin to back away, only for your foot to catch on something and sending you tumbling backwards into a glass case.
  57. >You’re rocked around even further as the case is brought level with Lyra’s smug face.
  58. >”Lyra, this is wrong; maybe we should change him back. This just seems like kidnap, more than anything else…” uttered Bon Bon meekly.
  59. >”Oh come off it Bon Bon. Just yesterday you were telling me that you thought seeing a human would be interesting, or was that just you faking interest?” growled Lyra.
  60. >”Well I uhm, no, I meant that…it’s just…never mind…” replies Bon Bon as she looks away.
  61. >”That’s what I thought” replies Lyra, turning her attention to you “Now then, what to do with you?”
  63. >You try not to look at Lyra, instead choosing to look at the open lid of the case. It appears that Lyra had foolishly left it unlocked, giving you a shot at freedom.
  64. >You ready yourself for a mad dash, when you’re suddenly and violently shaken from side to side.
  65. >”Hey! Don’t you even think about trying to get out of there, Celestia help you if-…Actually, do try to escape. Go ahead, make my day…” grinned Lyra.
  66. >You look back at Lyra, and then at your glass surroundings, suddenly living inside the case isn’t looking so bad anymore.
  67. >You sit down and cross your legs, looking at Lyra defiantly.
  68. >”Really? Fine…we’ll do this the hard way. Come on Bon Bon.” Sighed Lyra as she left the kitchen, Bon Bon following close behind.
  69. >You remain seated, rocking gently side to side as the three of you make your way upstairs.
  70. >You’re brought into a room just off the stairs. The double bed in the centre of the room tells you that this is obviously their shared bedroom.
  71. >You feel a familiar unease return to your stomach as the location begins to fill your mind with awful thoughts.
  72. >You were in their bedroom, a place where private affairs happen. You sigh, today just wasn’t your day at all.
  74. >Your body is surrounded in a bright aura as you’re lifted out of the case, and dropped onto the bed. You land on the bed with a quiet ‘pomf’.
  75. >Lyra climbs onto the bed, and lies on her back, slouched against the headboard. Bon Bon taking a more appropriate pony sitting position next to her.
  76. >You’re held on the spot by the magical aura, standing a few inches from both Bon Bon and Lyra.
  77. >”So I’ll ask again, a little more bluntly this time. What do you want to do?” asked Lyra.
  78. >The only thing you wanted was to be turned back to normal but that wasn’t likely to happen, so you just play coy and shrug instead.
  79. >”Are all humans this indecisive?” asks Lyra a little irritated. Her horn glows and you’re lifted up into air, and sent hurtling to the foot of the bed.
  80. >The aura around you disappears and you’re left at the end of the bed, a few inches away from Lyra’s hooves.
  81. >”Now this is something I’ve been looking forward to. Let’s see how good those hands of yours are. Massage my hooves.”
  82. >You look down at your hands, and then up at the giant hooves presented before you.
  83. >"No way!" you yell.
  84. >"I didn't give you the option to disagree" snarled Lyra, her horn glowing once more.
  85. >Your hands are covered in that familiar blue aura and are pulled towards her hooves.
  86. >Your hands make contact with Lyra's surprisingly soft hooves.
  87. >Lyra wastes no time in putting your hands to work, setting them rubbing at her hooves in a circular motion.
  88. >You're still quite taken aback at how much nicer her hooves are than you originally thought.
  89. >Lyra sighs softly and lays back, her magical grip spreading further across your body.
  90. >You're pulled closer and closer as her magic continues to act as a puppeteer, orchestrating your every move.
  91. >Another soft sigh emanates from Lyra as she turns to face Bon Bon.
  92. >Your whole body is pressed against Lyra's soft hoof, whilst your arms and legs work as massage tools.
  93. >"Oh Bon Bon, don't look at me like that, you know you want to get in on this..." chimed Lyra. "Not even you could pass up the opportunity of playing with our own pet human..."
  95. >Lyra removes her magical hold on you "Can you carry on yourself? Or do I have to keep forcing you?"
  96. >The moment you regain control you press your hands against her plush hooves again. They still have that same soft, marshmallow like feel to them.
  97. >You look around Lyra's massive hoof to see Bon Bon looking over her own hooves. Her face told you everything, she wanted to feel you against her hooves, but she didn't dare ask.
  98. >"Miss...Bon Bon was it? Do you want me to give your hooves a seeing to?" you ask.
  99. >What are you thinking? You've just offered to massage a pony's hooves off your own free will. You aren't sure why you did that, maybe you just feel sorry for her...or maybe you're actually starting to enjoy this.
  100. >Bon Bon's gaze shoots up, her eyes resting on you. "P-pardon?"
  101. >"You heard him Bon Bon, he wants to give your hooves a once over, you know you want it..." remarked Lyra snidely.
  102. >"Well uhm, yes please." replied the crème pony.
  104. >You quit working Lyra's hoof and make your way over to Bon Bon.
  105. >Bon Bon and Lyra watch you, one of them grinning like a madman, the other looking slightly embarrassed.
  106. >Bon Bon shifted onto her side, showing off each of her four hooves in a row.
  107. >You calmly reach out and touch her backmost hoof and begin to rub in tentative circles.
  108. >You look to Bon Bon for approval and she smiles and nods, giving you grounds to continue.
  109. >You push your hands into her hooves, kneading the soft underside with one and rubbing in larger circles with the other.
  110. >Bon Bon seems to relax a little more, sighing as she pushes her hooves out to you.
  111. >You retaliate against Bon Bon's advances by utilising more of your body. You dig your elbows into her hoof, pressing as hard as you can, making tiny circles.
  112. >Bon Bon presses another hoof closer to the one you're working on, giving you more space to cover.
  113. >You press your palms flat against both of her hooves, now rubbing in a zig zag style, whilst kneading simultaneously.
  114. >Bon Bon let's slip another peaceful sigh, as you begin to work her other hoof.
  116. >Lyra looks down at you and smirks at how involved you're becoming. Her smirk turns to a devilish grin as she thinks of a way to get you more involved.
  117. >Her horn glows once more and a magical aura begins to cover your head.
  118. >Your head is pulled towards Bon Bon's hoof, your tongue forcibly sticking out.
  119. >You struggle against Lyra's control, planting your hands on Bon Bon's hoof and pushing back with all your strength.
  120. >Lyra ups the ante and brings your tongue now dangerously close to her hoof.
  121. >Your arms begin to quiver as you realise you can't hold out much longer.
  122. >Lyra gives one final burst of magic and you lose your battle, your head jerking forward.
  123. >Lyra wastes no time in putting you back to work. She makes you lick Bon Bon's hoof and occasionally presses your face to it.
  124. >Bon Bon lets out a drawn out moan as she feels your tiny tongue lapping at her hoof.
  125. >Lyra swivels her head to look Bon Bon straight in the eyes. "What that a...? Did you just...? Because of...? Why didn't you tell me you enjoyed ponies working your hooves?" stammered Lyra.
  126. >You feel Lyra's influence over you lessen, but you still continue to lick, purely just to keep up appearances. Though you hated to admit that Bon Bon's hoof did taste surprisingly good.
  127. >"I always felt kind of...mmm...embarrassed..." replied Bon Bon her sentence broken from the pleasure we gained from your actions.
  128. >"Hmm, well now you've been found out, I think I know something we can both enjoy."
  130. >Lyra makes her way down to the bottom of the bed, taking her usual slouched position, and urging Bon Bon to do the same.
  131. >You stop licking for the time being and focus on what's going on around you.
  132. >Bon Bon extends her hooves outwards, forcing you against them and sending you hurtling down the bed.
  133. >Lyra looks at you as you flop onto the soft bedcovers. "Hey don't be getting comfy, you've got work to do!" she exclaims as she brings her hoof closer to you.
  134. >The mint pony sandwiches you between her and Bon Bon's hooves each one moaning a little at the feeling.
  135. >You squirm as best you can in your cushy confines, but all you succeed in doing is arousing the pair.
  136. >Lyra begins to scrape her hoof against Bon Bon's tracing the outline of a circle. You can do nothing but go along for the ride as you're moves across Bon Bon's hoof.
  137. >The crème pony moans louder, and an unfamiliar scent infiltrates your senses.
  138. >You struggle to breathe as Lyra applies more pressure in a bid to increase the arousal the two gained.
  139. >Both you and Lyra sniff the air, trying to fathom that strange scent.
  140. >"Is that what I think it is Bon Bon?" asked Lyra, a comedic tone evident in her voice.
  141. >"Y-yeah it is..." came the other mare's response.
  142. >As Bon Bon moaned again, she pressed her hoof against Lyra's, effectively compressing your body enough to practically stop your breathing.
  143. >Thankfully Lyra eases up and you catch whatever breath you can.
  144. >Lyra looks at you and chuckles to herself. "Heh, I think it's about time you actually did some work on my hoof. Get licking!"
  145. >Given your current situation, objecting was not going to be a wise move. You lean forward and began to lap at her hoof, making sure to massage a little.
  146. >Lyra tilts her head back and moans as your efforts, combined with your struggle to escape aid her arousal.
  147. >Both ponies are vying for a piece of you, Bon Bon grinds her hoof against your back, whilst Lyra forces as much of her hoof that you can take into your mouth.
  148. >A second unfamiliar scent drifts through your nostrils, mixing with the first scent. You shudder as realise that both ponies are now incredibly turned on.
  150. >This goes on for a few minutes before Lyra suddenly pulls her hoof away, catching you off guard.
  151. >Bon Bon looks at Lyra, her tongue lolled out of her mouth, panting lightly. "Why'd you stop?" she asks.
  152. >"Because I have a much better idea..." replies Lyra, lowering her head to your level.
  153. >She opens her mouth and moves towards you. Her tongues snakes out of her mouth, and proceeds to lick you up, rubbing against Bon Bon's hoof on purpose.
  154. >Her tongue recedes into her mouth, taking you with it.
  155. >Her tongue pins you to the roof of her mouth and you're powerless to do anything to stop her.
  156. >You wriggle around trying to slip out from the tongue, but she's got you pinned.
  157. >Saliva drips down over you, coating your body.
  158. >Lyra casually ascends up the bed, stopping once she's stood over Bon Bon.
  159. >"Lyra? What are y-" Bon Bon was cut off as Lyra kissed her, using her tongue to part her lips.
  160. >You're suddenly rolled forward along Lyra's tongue ending up in Bon Bon's mouth instead.
  161. >Instantly you're pushed to the roof of her mouth as she savours your unique flavour.
  162. >Her tongue pulls back and you flop to the bottom of her mouth. Her tongue lands on you and presses you against the bottom of her mouth.
  163. >Lyra's tongue roamed around Bon Bon's mouth searching for her tiny, human plaything.
  164. >Bon Bon moaned, a hoof sliding southward to ease her carnal desires.
  165. >Lyra noticed Bon Bon's hoof and gently eased it away, not wanting Bon Bon to spoil the next part.
  166. >Lyra's roaming tongue slipped under Bon Bon's, gently running over you, coating you more in saliva.
  167. >Lyra uttered a muffled "Gotcha" as she pulls you out from Bon Bon's tongue.
  168. >You're rolled up to Bon Bon's teeth and scraped up and out of her mouth, only to be sandwiched between Lyra's lips.
  170. >Lyra broke the embrace and turned away from Bon Bon, presenting her slickened marehood to the crème pony.
  171. >Lyra dangles you above Bon Bon's nethers, leaving you to gaze in awe at the enormous pink gorge beneath you.
  172. >With one quick swoop Lyra shoves her muzzle into Bon Bon's pussy, plunging you straight into her moist wet folds.
  173. >Bon Bon gasps as Lyra penetrates her, sending her own muzzle skyward into Lyra's nethers.
  174. >Lyra yelped and jerked her head back, sending you tumbling out of her mouth.
  175. >You land against the soft flesh and instantly spring to your feet.
  176. >Your way out is blocked by Lyra's muzzle as furiously licks away, and quite frankly you don't want to venture further in.
  177. >Lyra's tongue laps the flesh close to you, forcing you to scramble out of its way.
  178. >You hear a muffled moan, obviously coming from Bon Bon and realise that there is only one way you're getting out of her.
  179. >Another louder moan pierces your ears, a sharp pull dragging you towards Lyra, obviously the by-product of her sudden gasp of pleasure.
  180. >You scramble away and set about your plans to escape.
  181. >You beat the walls around you, covering your already saliva soaked body in even more juices.
  182. >Bon Bon's moans increase in pitch, now easily heard from within your confines.
  183. >You beat harder, avoiding Lyra's hungry tongue, and trying to keep your footing on the slippery surface.
  184. >You watch as Lyra's muzzle retreats, whilst your confines begin to shudder.
  185. >Suddenly you're forcibly ejected from Bon Bon's pussy in a torrent of mare cum, whilst the two towering mares scream out in pleasure.
  186. >You land on the bed sheets, too tired to even attempt to escape.
  187. >Lyra snuggles up to Bon Bon, whose muzzle was coated in Lyra's juices.
  188. >"Told you that you'd enjoy it..." smirked Lyra, as she snuggled with Bon Bon, basking in the afterglow.
  189. >You roll over and attempt to crawl away, not wanting to go through that again.
  190. >"Oh and don't think I've..." Bon Bon nudges Lyra as she speaks, "I mean don't think we've forgotten about you..."
  191. >Her horn glows and you feel yourself being lifted up into the air. A familiar glass case looms in the distance, your soon to be new home.
  192. >Lyra drops you into the case, shutting the lid to prevent escape.
  193. >You can't even protest, you just sigh and flop onto your back. Hoping that tomorrow will be a better day...
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