
Anon the Lich Finale

Mar 17th, 2012
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  1. This was beyond deep shit. You had never before been in a situation up against a near-god on even footing. Even against Discord, you held the advantage every step of the way. You were always five steps ahead of him, letting him play his game until he screwed up.
  3. You had no such advantage here. You had, at most, four minuets until Molestia battered aside the dimensional walls and brought to bare her terrible might. You needed a plan, and fast. You needed a level playing field. As it stood, even your insurmountable intellect couldn’t overcome this.
  5. You rushed to the courtyard of your Tower, and shadowy tendrils flowed from your hands, pooling on the ground like a dark pollutant. You have no time for anything else.
  7. With an eldritch scream in the dark language, the ground begins to tremble. The dead stir, that, or Molestia has entered your tower. Either or, you know your time is up. Your gambit will have to be enough, because you’ve got a massive problem.
  9. The white Alicorn, gilded with piercing and fine fabrics, stares down at you from your balcony. She has a mix of excitement, lust, and anger on her face. A most disturbing face. Her golden robes and purplish garments flow like water as she flits down to the ground, landing gracefully with a gentle ‘Clop-clop’ that sends shivers down your spine.
  11. You give no words, no speeches, and no boasts. You’re beyond fucked right now, she could crush your Phylactery in an instant. For the first time in an eternity, you’re in serious danger of being killed permanently. You are staring down something that can and most likely will utterly wipe you from existence.
  13. “I’ve missed you, dear Anonymous.” Coos the celestial god, “Oh so much. Come back with me, I promise I’m not mad about the castle.”
  15. “I have no intent of going back to your den of debauchery, Molestia.” You reply, calmly, your shadow pooling across the ground. The sun is setting, you’d have a vital advantage soon. As it stood, your manipulation was regulated to the shadow of your tower, a sliver of land compared to what you needed.
  17. All humor bleeds from her face. She has a mad look in her eye, a hunger you know all to well. She was desperate, hungry, for you in a manner not dissimilar to unending hunger for knowledge and power.
  19. The duel begins simply enough.
  21. A lance of light spears through your torso, shattering two ribs but missing your spine. You flail backwards, swiping upwards with your hands, the darkness of the night mimicking your motion and reaching for the Alicorn. Black claws of empyreal darkness grab the twisted Princesses legs, as more reach to smother her. With a crash of light, she breaks free, her hooves shining with a bright glow.
  23. You grasp forwards, the air around your hand growing hot from the intensity of your spell, just as she charges forwards. Her horn spears through your ribs, and your disintegration beam goes wide, immolating a tree and turning it to ash in the blink of an eye. You fly through the air, and readily activate a levitation spell, spinning mid-air as you unleash a barrage of black flames, oily smoke obscuring the target. You know she’s still there, and worst of all, you know that hardly touched her.
  25. The sun has nearly set. But a sliver of light remains. Only a few more moments, and you might have a cha-
  27. All thoughts are cut off as a powerful beam of light lances through you, slams into your tower, and there is a massive explosion as the lance arcs into the sky like a beacon. You fall to the ground, your legs lost in the attack. You drag yourself slowly away, trying to buy time. The night was upon you, but it wasn’t time just yet.
  29. The tower crashes in the background, a hungry Alicorn storming out of the smoke. This was it, then. Ten thousand years, atleast. You sowed terror, destruction, you were overlord of an entire world. And now…
  31. ”Hey, you!”
  33. Molestia stops, frozen. You stop as well, the voice shocking you. Was that…
  35. ”Pick on someone your own size!” said the familiar voice of Twilight Sparkle. Molestia spins, a famished look on her face, savoring the things she would do.
  37. Ten thousand years, you plied your dark arts, you made bargains, and sold away every shred of your morality you had.
  39. ”You think you can stop me, little Twilight?” says the perverse Alicorn, slowly stalking towards the purple Pony. Molestia laughes, a shrill shriek.
  41. Then thousands years, and in all that time, it was only in the most recent two that you’ve ever had someone stand up for you. You had sent minions to die for you, but never did someone come to your aid when you were defeated, willing to aid you.
  43. “Not jus’ Twilight.” Says a southern voice, “You mess wit’ onna us, you mess wit’ us all!”
  45. Ten thousand years, and only now does something actually stir in your darkest depths, your Phylactory shaking. You’ve tricked the ponies so well, that you’ve fallen for your own act.
  47. And in that moment of shock, the sun sets, and the tide turns.
  49. “Carrion Lord..” you moan, under your breath, reaching out with your conciousness as the vile Molestia begins to attack your.. friends. You reach deep into the dark shadows, below the range of Luna, into a dark underworld few ever resort to.
  51. Twilight charges forwards, her friends acting as best they can to help. She’s learned a lot from your debates, and has only grown more powerful. Seeing your broken form on the ground drives her further onwards. However, even despite their commitment, Twilights spells dispel ineffectively upon the Alicorn, Rainbow Dash is batted out of the sky, Applejack is restrained, Rarity is blanketed in filth, fluttershy is subdued by the intensity of Molestia’s lust, and Pinkie Pie is out-flustered.
  53. Alone, this battle was impossible.
  55. “Get your hands off my Ponies, bitch.” Says a deep voice from behind Molestia, as a towering, dark shadow rises from the ground. You hold a massive scythe in your hands, great green orbs glaring down a cold malice from behind your hood. The pure entropic energy hoists you aloft, your undead form regenerating in the abundance of power.
  57. Your scythe arcs forwards for Molestia’s neck, the debased Alicorn leaping backwards to evade. Your scythe bites deep into the ground, a black, bleeding gash in reality pulled open. With a motion, you condense the water in the air around your free hand, and blast Rarity with a jet of water, stripping the goop that plastered her in place with disgust.
  59. Molestia charges forwards, her horn glowing, and attempts to strike through you. Her wings pick her up off the ground, but Twilight gets in a spell while she’s distracted, yanking her to the ground. The black gash quivers, as you reach forwards towards it.
  61. “Molestia, face the unbridled power of the Alliance you have so eagerly trespassed against.” You intone, your voice no more than a barely interested monotone. Titanic creatures of undeath crawl from the wound in reality, as Twilight and the other five ready themselves for the final round. “Twilight, fetch the Elements! I shall keep our guest entertained.”
  63. Fear. Molestia’s face moves from an eternal hunger for the supple flesh of the mortal, to one of total fear. She tries to run, but your thralls pounce upon her. They keep her on the ground for the time, but you know you’re playing for time once again. They try to drag her into the Void, where even her powerful essence would be annihilated.
  65. With a surge of light, she resorts to her own full arsenal. Her wings flare open, and her horn glows brightly, the winds scything through the hands and zombified giants, studs and piercing glowing with power. Her entire body is a conduit for her over-indulgence, and she is rapidly warping, twisting into some lust-fueled beast. Tentacles sprout from her back and hurl her forwards, towards Ponyville. You sail over her, and swipe down in an arc with your own weapon, spinning in the air.
  67. The two of you begin a vicious aerial duel, her trying to escape past you to reach Twilight before she can ready the Elements, you attempting to stall her with slashes and barrages of magic that would destroy even a lesser god.
  69. You reach out, knives of magical energy lancing across the night sky at your enemy. She hisses in pleasure and pain as they slice into her flesh, her blood splattering upon the ground like a macabre canvas. Your scythe casts long blades of negative energy, blades of no substance yet cutting power to slice through solid steel. You harrow her as best you can, but even with every skill in your arsenol available, you're still no match one on one.
  71. But she's not focused on fighting back, she's evading you, trying to reach the library before Twilight and her- Your -friends. You will all perish if you don't act and hold her back. You have to do something.
  73. Screaming the Language of the dead, the abbrasive sylables hurtful to the living, waking the entire town and causing Molestia no small degree of pain, her wings faulter. As much as you hate it, you're going to have to draw her in.
  75. Your hand glows red, and a thin beam slices through the night, a blinding wave of pain flashing over Molestia. Fluids you sure are not blood spray as she spasms, before correcting herself, looking at you once more.
  77. "Yes," you whisper, "Come to me, Molestia. We have much to discuss."
  79. She collides into you with the force of a thousand hungry orphans (a sensation you are intimate with), and you are impaled again on her horn. If you were mortal, you'd likely be dead long ago. Of, the glory of ascention!
  81. You grab her hair, pumping pure negative energy into her back, the tentacles lashing for your skull. You bring your scythe around and lob off her tail and a chuck of her rump, but she is too enthralled by the battle.
  83. You're in a tailspin, falling, gravity making you its bitch as you plummet to the ground, trapped in a death grip with the very manifestation of decadence and debauchery. You slam into the open space near the town square, your bones shattering. Molestia is in an overriding amount of pain, the sadomasochist finding this fight more than just the greatest of her existence.
  85. To the twisted diety, it was her existence. You'd got her distracted.
  87. Taking to the skies, your skull and a select few bones all that remained, you call up a stunning barrage of twisted lightning, scorching the ground all around Molestia. She calls forth a pentigram, more out of preventing a deadly blow than anything, you could still hear her shrieks of joy over the crackle of ionized air.
  89. Your etherial foot is snagged, a pair of tentacles gripping it hard. Using you as a brace, she takes wing, dragong you closer. Not about to lose what little you have left, you enact the only real gambit you have left.
  91. She slams into you, to find only oily smoke. Stunned, she pans around, looking, left, right, up and down. She never once thinks to look at herself.
  93. Molestia lands, somewhat put off that the Lich was such an easy fight.
  95. "Molestia! Your time is over!" cries Twilight Sparkle. She and the Elements are assembled. Now, you make your move.
  97. "You think you can hit me?" scoffs the Alicorn, "You won't even get a single shot off."
  99. Molestia begins to charge, but her legs betray her, and she skids to a halt.
  101. "My appologies, Princess, but you don't have my permission to do that." you taunt from her shadow, slowly rising, holding the strings of her own body.
  103. "You fool! They will destroy us both!" Molestia cries out, panic ruling her actions. Twilight pauses, the words bringing pause.
  105. "Fire when ready, dearest Twilight." you yell for the first time sense you've met them, "Make sure you hit her bang-on as well."
  107. "But, Anon-" she begins to protest, almost losing the charge they had.
  109. "Twilight! Do not cry for me! I was an evil man long before you met me. I have many crimes unanswered which I would gladly commit again. Do not rob me of my one Altruistic sacrifice!" You feel... Strange. You never expected to feel a warmth in your chest, such a feeling was alien, even when you were alive. You assume your Phylactory had been broken when the tower collapsed, and now your soul was in your decayed body. This would be, indeed, your final act.
  111. Perhapse, this moment, this feeling, was the love that you had often scoffed at? Perhapse this energy, this warm touch upon your soul, was the very force you had wanted to exploit and negate to your own ends? In retrospect, it was a fools errand.
  113. You embrace the flash of light as you are completely enveloped, taking a sadistic glee in the pure, horrified screams of Molestia.
  115. "A well deserved fate," you mumble, "To two wretched souls."
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