
Feelings Jam w. Regent & Faerzen

Jul 29th, 2015
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  1. [17:29] <Regent> I mean
  2. [17:29] <Regent> Clearly you dont care about Tarane enough to even tell her about this
  3. [17:29] <Regent> Even though I'm sure she would be heartbroken
  4. [17:29] <Lyra_Bel> Don't try and guilt me into things
  5. [17:29] <Lyra_Bel> You and I both know that doesn't work
  6. [17:30] <Regent> Guilt?
  7. [17:30] <Regent> I just want you to talk to Tarane
  8. [17:30] <Lyra_Bel> Why?
  9. [17:30] <Regent> She deserves that much at least
  10. [17:30] <Regent> Because she is your friend
  11. [17:30] <Lyra_Bel> No comment
  12. [17:30] <Regent> She cares about you
  13. [17:30] <Lyra_Bel> Debatable
  14. [17:30] <Regent> I dont care if you dont like her
  15. [17:30] <Regent> She likes you as a person
  16. [17:31] <Regent> The least you can do before "quitting"
  17. [17:31] <Regent> Is tell her what you are doing
  18. [17:31] <Regent> Tell you what
  19. [17:31] <Regent> You talk to Tarane, have a good lengthy conversation,
  20. [17:31] <Regent> And I'll take over for you and mount your defence for you
  21. [17:32] <Regent> Otherwise we can just sit here doing nothing
  22. [17:32] <Lyra_Bel> Not gonna lie
  23. [17:32] <Lyra_Bel> The sitting sounds pretty tempting
  24. [17:33] <Regent> Do you fear death Lyra?
  25. [17:33] <Lyra_Bel> Meh
  26. [17:33] <Lyra_Bel> Not as much as I did before the game started
  27. [17:33] <Lyra_Bel> Seems like it's inevitable now, though
  28. [17:33] <Regent> Huh
  29. [17:33] <Regent> Wonder what your dad would say
  30. [17:33] <Lyra_Bel> Dunno
  31. [17:33] <Regent> If he saw you like this
  32. [17:33] <Lyra_Bel> Good thing he's dead, eh?
  33. [17:34] <Regent> Is he?
  34. [17:34] <Lyra_Bel> Hope so. Better than being stuck somewhere like this
  35. [17:34] <Regent> Physically probably
  36. [17:34] <Regent> But does that mean you will just ignore everything he ever taught you? All he has done to help you grow?
  37. [17:35] <Regent> Clearly you must hate him if you aren't upset about his death
  38. [17:35] <Lyra_Bel> Low blow
  39. [17:35] <Lyra_Bel> But I still don't care
  40. [17:35] <Lyra_Bel> Gotta love sociopathy, eh?
  41. [17:36] <Regent> Do you want me to poke around in your brain?
  42. [17:36] <Lyra_Bel> Go nuts
  43. [17:36] <Lyra_Bel> Not my problem
  44. [17:36] <Regent> Hmm
  45. [17:36] <Regent> I think if I do *this*
  46. [17:37] * Lyra_Bel violently vomits
  47. [17:37] <Regent> Oops
  48. [17:37] <Lyra_Bel> Th-thats how we're doing this?
  49. [17:37] <Regent> Sorry, I'm not too good at this
  50. [17:37] <Regent> Whatever do you mean Lyra?
  51. [17:37] <Regent> I'm just trying to help
  52. [17:37] <Regent> Why do you care?
  53. [17:37] <Regent> Oh wait
  54. [17:37] <Regent> You don't
  55. [17:37] <Lyra_Bel> Nothing stopping me from hopping off that edge seven hours early
  56. [17:38] <Regent> I am
  57. [17:38] <Regent> I am taking you into my custody as a mental patient
  58. [17:38] <Lyra_Bel> Can't make me do stuff I don't want to
  59. [17:38] <Regent> Oh can't I?
  60. [17:38] * Lyra_Bel vomits again
  61. [17:39] <Regent> Involuntary muscle groups
  62. [17:39] <Regent> Gotta love 'em
  63. [17:39] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah
  64. [17:39] <Lyra_Bel> Like the heart
  65. [17:39] <Regent> Yep
  66. [17:39] <Lyra_Bel> You could gimme a heart attack right now if you wanted to
  67. [17:39] <Regent> I could
  68. [17:39] <Lyra_Bel> Awesome
  69. [17:40] <Regent> Hmm
  70. [17:40] <Regent> What's this do?
  71. [17:40] * Lyra_Bel is suddenly filled with overwhelming, heart wrenching sadness, for no good reason
  72. [17:41] * Lyra_Bel clenches her eyes shut to try and keep from crying
  73. [17:41] <Regent> Doesn't seem to do anything
  74. [17:41] <Regent> Let's try again
  75. [17:42] * Lyra_Bel drops to the floor and curls up in a ball, against her will, from sheer and utter abysmal sadness
  76. [17:42] <Lyra_Bel> This isn't fair
  77. [17:43] <Regent> Hmm?
  78. [17:43] <Regent> I couldn't make that out over the sobbing
  79. [17:43] <Lyra_Bel> Cheap shot
  80. [20:26] <Regent> Not as cheap as what will happen if you fail to defend yourself in that trial
  81. [20:26] <Regent> Now
  82. [20:27] <Regent> This part of your brain looks unstimulated
  83. [20:27] <Regent> Let's poke that
  84. [20:27] <Regent> *Lyra's sadness fills away and is replaced by a regular, normal, happiness*
  85. [20:27] <Lyra_Bel> Heh, not "unstimulated"
  86. [20:28] <Lyra_Bel> More like atrophied
  87. [20:28] <Regent> Oh hey
  88. [20:28] <Regent> I've not seen you smile before
  89. [20:28] <Regent> You look nice when you are happy
  90. [20:28] <Lyra_Bel> You're looking through my eyes, you still can't see me
  91. [20:28] <Regent> Figure of speech
  92. [20:28] <Lyra_Bel> And you made me giggle when we were seeing Faerzen
  93. [20:29] <Lyra_Bel> But thank you
  94. [20:29] <Regent> You weren't happy though
  95. [20:29] <Lyra_Bel> Not happy now, not really
  96. [20:29] <Lyra_Bel> But this is good enough
  97. [20:29] <Regent> Anyways, I'm just gonna leave this bit on for a while if that is ok with you
  98. [20:29] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah, feel free
  99. [20:29] <Regent> Alright, Lyra
  100. [20:30] <Regent> Can you talk to Tarane now and tell her what is going on?
  101. [20:30] <Lyra_Bel> Do I have to?
  102. [20:30] <Regent> Would you really rather she didn't know?
  103. [20:30] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah
  104. [20:30] <Regent> Are you resisting for your own sake or for hers?
  105. [20:31] <Lyra_Bel> A little bit of both, I think
  106. [20:31] <Lyra_Bel> Partially because it'll buy her a bit more time before figuring out what happens to me
  107. [20:31] <Regent> It seems to me like you are mostly trying to avoid worrying her and talking about the subject
  108. [20:31] <Lyra_Bel> And partially because she never tells me anything
  109. [20:31] <Lyra_Bel> I think I'm bitter
  110. [20:32] * Regent sighs
  111. [20:32] <Regent> Well
  112. [20:32] <Regent> You can try to talk to her now to fix that
  113. [20:32] <Regent> Her not talking, that is
  114. [20:33] <Lyra_Bel> Or?
  115. [20:33] <Regent> No or
  116. [20:34] <Regent> I want you to do this at some point during the recess
  117. [20:34] <Lyra_Bel> Do I have to?
  118. [20:34] <Regent> Lyra
  119. [20:34] <Lyra_Bel> Why worry her with something that won't affect her?
  120. [20:34] * Regent sighs again
  121. [20:34] <Regent> Isn't Faerzen around here somewhere?
  122. [20:35] <Regent> I'm no good at this stuff
  123. [20:35] <Lyra_Bel> Sure you are!
  124. [20:35] <Lyra_Bel> I'm feeling great
  125. [20:35] <Lyra_Bel> Even if it's a fake happy
  126. [20:35] <Lyra_Bel> That's good enough sometimes, right?
  127. [20:36] <Regent> Hoh boy
  128. [20:36] <Regent> I sure hope so
  129. [20:37] <Lyra_Bel> Perfect! So let's keep going with that
  130. [20:37] <Lyra_Bel> What else can you force me to do?
  131. [20:37] <Regent> Shit, what am I even doing here
  132. [20:37] <Regent> I can poke around some more if you want
  133. [20:37] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah!
  134. [20:38] <Regent> Well
  135. [20:38] <Regent> Oh hey
  136. [20:38] <Regent> We should clean up that vomit from before
  137. [20:38] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah, maybe
  138. [20:38] <Regent> Speaking of which
  139. [20:38] <Lyra_Bel> Mmm?
  140. [20:38] <Regent> What've you been eating lately?
  141. [20:39] <Lyra_Bel> Um...
  142. [20:39] * Faerzen_Norstov pokes head in the window
  143. [20:39] <Faerzen_Norstov> Did you say food?
  144. [20:39] <Lyra_Bel> Stuff from Alex's food sack
  145. [20:39] <Regent> Faerzen!
  146. [20:40] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have some food, if you would like.
  147. [20:40] <Faerzen_Norstov> I can assure you it is veeeeeery tasty.
  148. [20:40] <Lyra_Bel> Nah, I'm okay
  149. [20:40] * Regent think-whispers to Faerzen
  150. [20:40] <Lyra_Bel> Already had my requisite Last Meal
  151. [20:40] <Regent> *I'm messing about in her head little, I'll explain that later*
  152. [20:40] * Faerzen_Norstov rolls her eyes
  153. [20:41] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I'm not sure invading the privacy of one's mind is the best way to go about solving a problem, but very well, continue*
  154. [20:41] <Regent> *Basically she is experiencing a light form of Mania right now, happiness from no real source*
  155. [20:41] <Regent> *I didn't invade, she gave up her mind to me*
  156. [20:41] <Faerzen_Norstov> *True**
  157. [20:41] * Lyra_Bel beams
  158. [20:42] <Lyra_Bel> Alister was right, y'know
  159. [20:42] <Lyra_Bel> The ten of swords DOES make things easier
  160. [20:42] <Regent> *I'm afraid I may fuck up in here and mess up her brain*
  161. [20:42] * Faerzen_Norstov looks offput at Lyra with such a large grin on her face
  162. [20:42] <Regent> *I'm a bit out of my league here*
  163. [20:42] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Me too*
  164. [20:42] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Please go easy on this, if you must do it at all*
  165. [20:43] <Lyra_Bel> You're both so quiet. What's up?
  166. [20:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> What do you mean, Lyra?
  167. [20:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> The ten of swords?
  168. [20:43] <Lyra_Bel> That's one of my tarot draws, yeah
  169. [20:43] <Lyra_Bel> Utter oblivion
  170. [20:43] <Lyra_Bel> A loss so heavy that nothing else after it can possibly matter
  171. [20:43] <Regent> "..."
  172. [20:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well that is a cheerful thought.
  173. [20:44] <Lyra_Bel> A sudden bolt from the sky that wipes you to smithereens!
  174. [20:44] <Lyra_Bel> No, but it's okay
  175. [20:44] <Regent> Hmmph
  176. [20:44] <Regent> The Tower is a far superior card
  177. [20:44] <Lyra_Bel> I dunno that one
  178. [20:44] <Regent> *Tell me and I can influence her emotions or reflexes*
  179. [20:44] <Lyra_Bel> All I know is ten of swords, fool, and three of cups
  180. [20:45] <Lyra_Bel> ... I think
  181. [20:45] <Regent> *I trust you more than myself*
  182. [20:45] <Regent> Look it up
  183. [20:45] <Lyra_Bel> Sure!
  184. [20:45] <Regent> I think you'll find it more fitting here
  185. [20:45] * Lyra_Bel googles "tarot tower"
  186. [20:46] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah, I guess
  187. [20:46] <Lyra_Bel> But I prefer the swords and the fool
  188. [20:46] <Regent> Destruction invites creation Lyra
  189. [20:46] <Lyra_Bel> But oblivion invites peace
  190. [20:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I don't trust myself with that at all**
  191. [20:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> What is wrong with both of those being true?
  192. [20:47] <Regent> *You think I'd fare better?!*
  193. [20:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> *That's why I think we should drop it all together*
  194. [20:47] <Lyra_Bel> Maybe they are both true. I just think I prefer swords
  195. [20:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I am not using cheap tricks like that*
  196. [20:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> Destruction invites peace. It removes distractions and shows us what we really care about. Destruction also invites creation. Rising from the ruins of the old and learning from its faults and mistakes.
  197. [20:48] <Lyra_Bel> That's what the page says, yeah
  198. [20:48] <Regent> *If I dropped it right now she'd be her normal depressed self*
  199. [20:49] <Lyra_Bel> But the swords mean that I don't ever have to worry about anything again
  200. [20:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Whatever you want to do it fine, but I don't think you should do any more poking around than you already are.*
  201. [20:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> *She is already unstable*
  202. [20:49] <Lyra_Bel> Even if it means fake happiness, that's still better than more chaos
  203. [20:49] <Regent> *This is better than suicidal*
  204. [20:49] <Regent> Lyra
  205. [20:50] <Lyra_Bel> Mm hmm?
  206. [20:50] <Regent> Please don't talk about death like that
  207. [20:50] <Regent> You are hurting me
  208. [20:50] <Lyra_Bel> Why?
  209. [20:50] <Regent> I don't want you to die
  210. [20:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I didn't say there was anything wrong with what you are currently doing. I simply don't want to manipulate her more directly and overbearingly myself. I already know what happens when I do that and I'm finished with it*
  211. [20:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> I concur
  212. [20:50] <Lyra_Bel> Well, that's what the swords are for, right? I'm basically already dead.
  213. [20:51] <Regent> Lyra
  214. [20:51] <Lyra_Bel> Now all that's left is the seven hours of peace
  215. [20:51] <Regent> Please
  216. [20:51] * Lyra_Bel smiles
  217. [20:51] <Lyra_Bel> Let's have some fun with it!
  218. [20:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> Lyra.
  219. [20:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> Please.
  220. [20:51] <Lyra_Bel> Fine, fine. What is it?
  221. [20:52] <Regent> *Lyra's eyes start flowing green tears*
  222. [20:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> You may have given up all hope for yourself, and while that saddens me, I can't force you to feel things you absolutely refuse to believe.
  223. [20:52] <Regent> Sorry
  224. [20:52] <Regent> That's me
  225. [20:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> However.
  226. [20:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> Think of the rest of us, think of me, think of Regent, think of the other players in my session you have yet to meet.
  227. [20:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> Whether you realize it or not, we are all tied together in this game.
  228. [20:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> Please don't be so selfish.
  229. [20:53] <Lyra_Bel> ...
  230. [20:53] <Lyra_Bel> Sorry
  231. [20:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> There is little I can do in the moment if you cannot use yourself to motivate yourself to action.
  232. [20:53] <Lyra_Bel> I'm just a selfish person, I guess
  233. [20:53] * Regent sniffs through
  234. [20:53] <Regent> *Lyra
  235. [20:54] <Lyra_Bel> Reggie?
  236. [20:54] <Lyra_Bel> Can you stop with the happiness so I can talk?
  237. [20:54] <Lyra_Bel> I'd rather be miserable again than hurt you two
  238. [20:55] <Regent> You hurt me more when you are sad
  239. [20:55] <Regent> It is just less obvious
  240. [20:55] <Lyra_Bel> Oh, sorry for that
  241. [20:55] <Regent> I'll taper it down to a solid nuetral mood
  242. [20:55] * Regent does so
  243. [20:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Thank you*
  244. [20:55] <Lyra_Bel> Okay
  245. [20:55] <Lyra_Bel> First of all
  246. [20:55] <Regent> *Gentle sobbing*
  247. [20:55] <Lyra_Bel> Pump up the anger
  248. [20:56] <Regent> No
  249. [20:56] <Lyra_Bel> Motivation matters right now
  250. [20:56] <Regent> Anger is motivation without purpose
  251. [20:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> You can make yourself angry, Lyra
  252. [20:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> You aren't truly angry if you have nothing fueling the anger
  253. [20:56] <Regent> < Master Yi quote. Booyah >
  254. [20:57] <Lyra_Bel> Oh, I've got a whole lot of stuff to be mad about
  255. [20:57] <Regent> l-Lyra
  256. [20:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> Then do not ask Regent to instill false anger. That will get us nowhere.
  257. [20:57] == Senpai_ [] has joined #RPGStuck_Horrorterrors
  258. [20:57] <Regent> Could we try without the anger first?
  259. [20:57] <Regent> Please?
  260. [20:57] <Lyra_Bel> Fine
  261. [20:57] <Lyra_Bel> Your call, boss
  262. [20:57] <Regent> Don't call me that please
  263. [20:57] <Lyra_Bel> Sorry
  264. [20:58] <Regent> *I feel so awful*
  265. [20:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I'm sorry you have to be put through this*
  266. [20:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> Lyra? Do you want to get down to business with this case?
  267. [20:58] <Lyra_Bel> Let's.
  268. [20:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> I was doing some thinking on the way over here and I have some ideas.
  269. [20:59] <Lyra_Bel> Awesome
  270. [20:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have no idea what the probability of us winning this case is, but it is almost certainly lower if we don't try.
  271. [20:59] <Lyra_Bel> It's zero
  272. [20:59] <Lyra_Bel> I mean, duh
  273. [20:59] <Lyra_Bel> Question is how we survive the aftereffects
  274. [20:59] <Regent> Insanity
  275. [20:59] <Lyra_Bel> Yep
  276. [20:59] <Regent> Plead insanity
  277. [20:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> Here are my initial thoughts.
  278. [20:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> There are three possible outcomes of this case given the current state of things.
  279. [20:59] <Regent> Faerzen or I will be assigned caretaker
  280. [21:00] <Regent> Problem solved
  281. [21:00] <Lyra_Bel> That was the idea
  282. [21:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> Case 1: You successfully plead insanity and the contract is null and void, as is the one you already sort of made with Abyss in this timeline.
  283. [21:00] <Lyra_Bel> Go on, Faerzen
  284. [21:00] <Lyra_Bel> Awesome
  285. [21:00] <Lyra_Bel> Let's call that Plan A
  286. [21:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> Case 2: You fail to plead insanity but are able to release yourself from the responsibilities of the bogus contract from Maskwraith's timeline.
  287. [21:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> Case 3: You fail both of these are are subject to both contracts.
  288. [21:01] <Lyra_Bel> Well, I'm liking Case 2 even more than the first one
  289. [21:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> Or perhaps they can be interpreted to be the same
  290. [21:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> Here is my first draft of a plan
  291. [21:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> Currently, Case 1 and Case 2 are far preferred to Case 3
  292. [21:02] <Lyra_Bel> Eeyup
  293. [21:02] <Lyra_Bel> Although
  294. [21:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> We need as many safety nets between us and Case 3 as possible.
  295. [21:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes?
  296. [21:02] <Lyra_Bel> It ain't THAT bad
  297. [21:02] <Lyra_Bel> Case 3 is the swords
  298. [21:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> Let's not delve into the absolute value of each case
  299. [21:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> The point is relatively speaking, Case 1 and 2 are highly preferred
  300. [21:02] <Lyra_Bel> I take a long walk off a short cliff, problem solved, contract void
  301. [21:02] <Lyra_Bel> Easy
  302. [21:02] <Lyra_Bel> But yeah, I wouldn't mind the first two
  303. [21:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> I can see your reasoning to prefer Case 2 to Case 1
  304. [21:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> However, I do not think that is sufficient reason to not plead insanity
  305. [21:03] <Regent> Lyra
  306. [21:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> So I think that should be our first priority
  307. [21:03] <Regent> Please don't talk about killing yourself
  308. [21:03] <Regent> I need to go
  309. [21:03] <Regent> Take me off
  310. [21:03] <Regent> Right now
  311. [21:03] <Lyra_Bel> Sure
  312. [21:03] * Lyra_Bel removes Regent
  313. [21:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I'm sorry*
  314. [21:04] * Regent is shaking in Lyra's hands
  315. [21:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> If the insanity plea falls through, then we can move forwards with the case of the alternate contract
  316. [21:04] <Regent> Put me down
  317. [21:04] * Lyra_Bel places Regent on the floor
  318. [21:04] * Lyra_Bel closes her eyes and leans back against the wall
  319. [21:05] <Lyra_Bel> Ugh
  320. [21:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> What do you think of that?
  321. [21:05] <Lyra_Bel> Sure. Try for insanity
  322. [21:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have something that may be of use in this case as well.
  323. [21:05] <Lyra_Bel> Anything helps
  324. [21:06] * Faerzen_Norstov reaches into his periodic table sylladex and decaptchalogues something
  325. [21:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> C - CARBON
  326. [21:06] * Faerzen_Norstov is holding a tattered folder covered in blood
  327. [21:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> This.
  328. [21:07] <Lyra_Bel> This
  329. [21:07] <Lyra_Bel> Is... ?
  330. [21:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> You have just spend an extended period of time with the man you call Maskwraith, is that correct?
  331. [21:07] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah
  332. [21:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> He assaulted you?
  333. [21:07] <Lyra_Bel> No
  334. [21:07] <Lyra_Bel> Kinda a creep, but no
  335. [21:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> Really?
  336. [21:07] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah
  337. [21:08] <Lyra_Bel> Oh, wait
  338. [21:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> I was under the impression he used physical force against you a number of times.
  339. [21:08] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah, good point
  340. [21:08] <Lyra_Bel> That was a thing that happened
  341. [21:08] <Lyra_Bel> Forgot about that
  342. [21:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> He showed you him murdering you.
  343. [21:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> correct?
  344. [21:08] <Lyra_Bel> Yep
  345. [21:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> And generally being very creepy and morbid
  346. [21:08] <Lyra_Bel> Sorta
  347. [21:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> This folder here.
  348. [21:09] <Lyra_Bel> Not the morbid sort of creepy, but still kinda both
  349. [21:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> This is a detailed, thorough, and in-depth pyschological analysis of Maskwraith
  350. [21:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> Complete with drawings, illustrations, research notes, and interviews
  351. [21:09] <Lyra_Bel> I'm sorry but what
  352. [21:09] <Regent> < If you stop typing in your /me's and use brackets instead it would be easier >
  353. [21:10] <Lyra_Bel> Okay
  354. [21:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> Clearly proving his insanity and his predilection to inflict that insanity on others
  355. [21:10] * Faerzen_Norstov wiggles the folder in her hands
  356. [21:10] <Lyra_Bel> We're accusing craziness of being contagious?
  357. [21:11] <Lyra_Bel> ... Actually yeah
  358. [21:11] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah, that'd work
  359. [21:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> Lyra.
  360. [21:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> You saw your own murder.
  361. [21:11] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah
  362. [21:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> A crazy man with a crow's mask, burning eyes, and black wings.
  363. [21:11] <Lyra_Bel> Uh huh
  364. [21:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> Ripping your heart out and shoving it down your throat.
  365. [21:12] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah. I was mad at him for it
  366. [21:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> That is a goldmine of evidence for a plea of insanity
  367. [21:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> Not to mention this folder
  368. [21:12] <Lyra_Bel> Faerzen
  369. [21:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> On top of evidence for everything you listed in your pleas.
  370. [21:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes?
  371. [21:12] <Lyra_Bel> I was mad at him for it
  372. [21:12] <Lyra_Bel> Not for the killing part
  373. [21:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> So?
  374. [21:12] <Lyra_Bel> For killing me that way
  375. [21:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> Even better then
  376. [21:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> More evidence to pile on the platter that you aren't a typical human being
  377. [21:13] <Lyra_Bel> Because I wanted my death to be more... significant
  378. [21:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> I'm afraid nobody got a terribly significant death in that timeline.
  379. [21:14] <Lyra_Bel> Then at least something BAD
  380. [21:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> Except maybe perhaps Juan, he is the one I still have a dark spot about.
  381. [21:14] <Lyra_Bel> Torture!
  382. [21:14] <Lyra_Bel> Mutilation!
  383. [21:15] <Lyra_Bel> I wanted to suffer for it
  384. [21:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> Is there a particular reason you are sharing all of this with me?
  385. [21:16] <Lyra_Bel> Insanity plea
  386. [21:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, I agree then
  387. [21:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> This is a good train of thought.
  388. [21:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> What were the various bullet points you enumerated earlier?
  389. [21:16] <Lyra_Bel> I don't even remember
  390. [21:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> I was rather..... distracted at the moment
  391. [21:16] <Lyra_Bel> I was seeing red, just said everything that came to mind
  392. [21:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> That is precisely what it sounded like.
  393. [21:17] <Lyra_Bel> Y'know what
  394. [21:17] * Lyra_Bel uses the Emerald Shades to start recording the conversation
  395. [21:17] <Lyra_Bel> There
  396. [21:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> What did you just do?
  397. [21:17] <Lyra_Bel> He can't be the only one with evidence
  398. [21:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> Are you recording this?
  399. [21:17] <Lyra_Bel> Everything for the next seven hours
  400. [21:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> That is actually a wise idea.
  401. [21:18] <Lyra_Bel> Your glasses are a computer too, right?
  402. [21:18] * Faerzen_Norstov gestures in the air briefly to begin her recording software
  403. [21:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, I just switched them on as well
  404. [21:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> I am simply using them as a computing device at the moment
  405. [21:18] <Lyra_Bel> Perfect
  406. [21:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> Don't pay any attention to them
  407. [21:19] <Lyra_Bel> Now we at least can prove the next time something stupid happens
  408. [21:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> Let's please get back to the previous conversation, Lyra
  409. [21:19] <Lyra_Bel> Sure
  410. [21:19] <Lyra_Bel> Where were we?
  411. [21:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> I brought up the fact that Maskwraith showed up
  412. [21:19] <Lyra_Bel> Right
  413. [21:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> And showed you him murdering your alternate self
  414. [21:19] <Lyra_Bel> Okay
  415. [21:20] <Lyra_Bel> And I was mad because she wasn't in enough pain
  416. [21:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> He is a known mass murderer, thief, and rapist, and he showed you this. And that is what frustrated you the most?
  417. [21:20] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah
  418. [21:20] <Lyra_Bel> I
  419. [21:21] <Lyra_Bel> I was ranting at him, about how much better a job I could have done
  420. [21:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> Why would you want that for your alternate self anyways?
  421. [21:21] <Lyra_Bel> ...
  422. [21:21] <Lyra_Bel> Dunno
  423. [21:22] <Lyra_Bel> Because that's how this game works, I guess
  424. [21:22] <Lyra_Bel> That's how all games work
  425. [21:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> What do you mean?
  426. [21:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> Every game must involve painful demises?
  427. [21:23] <Lyra_Bel> Zero sum
  428. [21:23] <Lyra_Bel> If there's a winner, there's gotta be a loser
  429. [21:23] <Lyra_Bel> And I kinda always envisioned myself as the loser
  430. [21:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> But why were you disappointed, even frustrated, that that negative sum didn't get placed on you?
  431. [21:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> Do you not wish to be on the "winner" side of that trade-off?
  432. [21:24] <Lyra_Bel> Because I want to be the one that gets hurt for it!
  433. [21:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> Is that some sort of self-satisfaction that you want to hurt yourself? What is the motivation behind that?
  434. [21:25] <Lyra_Bel> I don't know
  435. [21:25] <Lyra_Bel> Insanity?
  436. [21:25] <Lyra_Bel> That seems to be the go-to answer for any questions about why I do stuff
  437. [21:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> I'm not sure I would jump so quickly to use that word, Lyra. But I would agree there is a disconnect there.
  438. [21:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> That is why we are talking.
  439. [21:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> To dig deeper into this.
  440. [21:26] <Lyra_Bel> No, that's not the issue
  441. [21:26] <Lyra_Bel> The issue isn't WHY
  442. [21:26] <Lyra_Bel> The issue is WHAT
  443. [21:26] <Lyra_Bel> Quantity of evidence over quality
  444. [21:26] <Lyra_Bel> How else am I deranged?
  445. [21:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> Quite a great many ways, it seems
  446. [21:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> I want to touch on one of those other ways
  447. [21:27] <Lyra_Bel> By all means
  448. [21:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> Digging deeper into this line of thought, this is where I wanted to continue to
  449. [21:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> It seems to me that this thread of self-harm is quite pervasive
  450. [21:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> Not just in this one case of you seeing your own horrifically violent murder
  451. [21:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> You threw yourself out of numerous gates, one after the other
  452. [21:28] <Lyra_Bel> That wasn't about me, though
  453. [21:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> continuously self-inflicting more damage that could have easily been averted
  454. [21:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> You knew you would likely die if you continued as you were
  455. [21:29] <Lyra_Bel> I could have made it!
  456. [21:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> You were lucky Regent stopped you when he did
  457. [21:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> Not from what Regent told me.
  458. [21:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> You came to visit me afterwards
  459. [21:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> And I can personally say you were in incredibly bad shape
  460. [21:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> Even if you had made it, you wouldn't have been in any fit state to help Alex
  461. [21:30] <Regent> *Faerzen*
  462. [21:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Yes?*
  463. [21:30] <Regent> *Could you please take me out of the room?*
  464. [21:30] <Lyra_Bel> I...
  465. [21:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Yes*
  466. [21:30] <Lyra_Bel> I at least could have been there for him!
  467. [21:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> In your dying moments?
  468. [21:31] <Regent> *I believe I am on the verge of a panic attack*
  469. [21:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> That hardly seems helpful to anyone!
  470. [21:31] <Lyra_Bel> And his, yeah
  471. [21:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> Please pardon me for a moment.
  472. [21:31] * Faerzen_Norstov walks over to Regent and picks up the crown
  473. [21:31] <Lyra_Bel> Hm?
  474. [21:31] <Regent> The crown is shaking visibly
  475. [21:31] * Faerzen_Norstov walks outside and sets the crown on top of a gas pump before returning to inside
  476. [21:32] <Lyra_Bel> Again?
  477. [21:32] <Faerzen_Norstov> Please, continue
  478. [21:32] <Lyra_Bel> Bluh
  479. [21:32] <Lyra_Bel> Why does he keep bringing me to these interventions then absconding?
  480. [21:32] <Faerzen_Norstov> Because he cares about you.
  481. [21:32] <Lyra_Bel> Couldn't have at least forced me to take him out?
  482. [21:32] <Faerzen_Norstov> And he hates to see you hurting.
  483. [21:32] <Lyra_Bel> I ain't hurting
  484. [21:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> That is the problem.
  485. [21:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> Your mind and life are so scarred that you aren't hurting at all anymore, even when you should be.
  486. [21:33] <Lyra_Bel> That's not how it works
  487. [21:33] <Lyra_Bel> It's not that "oh you're just so used to it that it doesn't affect you"
  488. [21:33] <Lyra_Bel> I like it.
  489. [21:34] <Lyra_Bel> Okay?
  490. [21:34] <Regent> < It literally is just that though >
  491. [21:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> Case in point.
  492. [21:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> Anyways, let us not continue discussing Regent.
  493. [21:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> If you were Alex, and even if you were dying on the pavement, slowly fading form consciousness
  494. [21:35] <Regent> < Man, poor Regent >
  495. [21:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> Do you really think it would help him to see his friend fall from the sky and kill herself too?
  496. [21:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> I daresay not.
  497. [21:35] <Lyra_Bel> ...
  498. [21:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> That is not being there for him.
  499. [21:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> You said it yourself.
  500. [21:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> You enjoy it.
  501. [21:35] <Lyra_Bel> Then what should I have done?
  502. [21:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> almost anything but that
  503. [21:36] <Lyra_Bel> Forget that I may have killed him and gone on with my day?
  504. [21:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> I am sure if you had taken some time to reasonably and calmly think through things you would have thought of something.
  505. [21:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> You are a smart girl, Lyra
  506. [21:36] <Lyra_Bel> No comment
  507. [21:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> All throughout this game, you have talked about simply throwing yourself off a cliff or performing some equally harmful act just to kill yourself
  508. [21:37] <Regent> *Faerzen hears painful sounding, soul wrenching sobbing from Regent in her head*
  509. [21:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> Not just that gate incident
  510. [21:37] <Lyra_Bel> Because I wanna see what stops it from working
  511. [21:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> Why do you think there must be something?
  512. [21:37] <Lyra_Bel> That's how the game works
  513. [21:38] <Lyra_Bel> Grind you down without QUITE breaking you
  514. [21:38] <Lyra_Bel> Then forcing you to claw your way back up
  515. [21:38] <Lyra_Bel> Just in time for the next disaster
  516. [21:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> The game breaking you and you breaking you are two very different things, Lyra
  517. [21:38] <Lyra_Bel> How so?
  518. [21:39] <Faerzen_Norstov> How are they not? Do you really think you lack that much agency that any action you perform is instead the fault of the game?
  519. [21:39] <Lyra_Bel> Yep
  520. [21:39] <Lyra_Bel> I've been trying to do stuff myself
  521. [21:40] <Lyra_Bel> But then another bombshell gets dropped, the playing field changes, and I gotta focus on the new mess
  522. [21:40] <Faerzen_Norstov> I cannot disagree with that. I have a rather full platter of mess myself. Not that I can say it compares to yours, however.
  523. [21:40] <Faerzen_Norstov> But is that justification for just further self-harm?
  524. [21:41] <Lyra_Bel> It's not pointless
  525. [21:41] <Lyra_Bel> It's... a side effect, let's call it
  526. [21:41] <Lyra_Bel> Of taking that necessary next step
  527. [21:41] <Regent> *The sobbing in Faerzen's head is suddenly cut off entirely*
  528. [21:42] * Faerzen_Norstov quickly looks outside at the gas pump
  529. [21:42] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Regent?*
  530. [21:42] * Lyra_Bel follows Faerzen's gaze
  531. [21:42] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Regent?*
  532. [21:42] <Regent> The crown is there as normal, shaking violently
  533. [21:43] <Lyra_Bel> He's talking in your head
  534. [21:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> No, he isn't
  535. [21:43] <Lyra_Bel> Telling you something bad
  536. [21:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> He is suddenly entirely silent
  537. [21:43] <Lyra_Bel> Welp
  538. [21:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> He was crying earlier.
  539. [21:43] * Lyra_Bel stands up, walks outside, and puts on the crown
  540. [21:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> Lyra, careful! He is not okay right now at all.
  541. [21:44] <Regent> No response vocally from Regent
  542. [21:44] <Lyra_Bel> Who is?
  543. [21:44] <Regent> Just shaking
  544. [21:44] <Lyra_Bel> *Reg?*
  545. [21:44] <Regent> *I don't want to talk to you*
  546. [21:44] <Regent> *Take me off*
  547. [21:45] <Lyra_Bel> *Yeah you do, and no I won't*
  548. [21:45] <Regent> *Give me to Faerzen*
  549. [21:45] <Lyra_Bel> *Make me*
  550. [21:45] <Regent> *Please*
  551. [21:45] <Regent> *I'm really hurting right now*
  552. [21:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> Is he answering you?
  553. [21:45] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah
  554. [21:45] <Regent> *I don't want to upset you, or control you anymore*
  555. [21:45] <Regent> *Please take me off*
  556. [21:45] <Regent> *Please*
  557. [21:46] <Regent> *Please*
  558. [21:46] <Regent> *Please*
  559. [21:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> What is he saying?
  560. [21:46] <Lyra_Bel> *Y'know what the best thing about being a sociopath is?*
  561. [21:46] <Lyra_Bel> *I don't need to care about what you want. So thanks for that*
  562. [21:46] <Lyra_Bel> Nothing
  563. [21:46] <Regent> *Lyra vomits violently*
  564. [21:46] * Faerzen_Norstov walks over to Lyra and yanks the crown off of her head, putting it on
  565. [21:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> LIAR.
  566. [21:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Regent, are you there?*
  567. [21:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Calm down, it's okay, you're on me now*
  568. [21:47] <Regent> *Take me away*
  569. [21:47] <Regent> *It hurts*
  570. [21:47] <Regent> *It hurts so mucj*
  571. [21:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I know it does, and I'm sorry*
  572. [21:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I am really truly sorry that this sucks so much*
  573. [21:48] <Lyra_Bel> ... Faerzen?
  574. [21:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> *What would you like me to do?*
  575. [21:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes?
  576. [21:48] <Lyra_Bel> You aren't happy either, are you?
  577. [21:48] <Lyra_Bel> You're stuck doing stuff you'd really rather not
  578. [21:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> Why would any of us be happy right now?
  579. [21:48] <Lyra_Bel> And everyone around you is forcing you to keep going
  580. [21:48] <Regent> *Bawling noises inside Faerzen's head*
  581. [21:48] <Lyra_Bel> Because if you don't, things'll go even worse
  582. [21:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> Welcome to my life, Lyra. I just try and learn to deal with it.
  583. [21:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> It seems things always seem to work that way around me.
  584. [21:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> Or at least, I make them work that way.
  585. [21:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> Sometimes, I can't tell which.
  586. [21:49] <Lyra_Bel> Welcome to Sabath
  587. [21:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Shhhhh, it'll be okay Reggie. I'm here*
  588. [21:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> Essentially, yes.
  589. [21:50] <Regent> *She's so alone*
  590. [21:50] <Regent> *So alone and its so awful what she has been through*
  591. [21:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Yes. Yes, she is, and yes, it is awful*
  592. [21:50] <Lyra_Bel> ... Except no
  593. [21:51] <Lyra_Bel> No, that's not it
  594. [21:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hmm?
  595. [21:51] <Lyra_Bel> There's more to it, isn't there?
  596. [21:51] <Lyra_Bel> This isn't Salvation War, there isn't suffering for its own sake
  597. [21:51] <Lyra_Bel> It's like
  598. [21:51] <Lyra_Bel> This whole thing
  599. [21:51] <Lyra_Bel> This... feelings jam, or whatever you wanna call it
  600. [21:52] <Lyra_Bel> It's like the end of the least child-friendly Disney movie ever
  601. [21:52] <Lyra_Bel> Right?
  602. [21:52] * Faerzen_Norstov smirks
  603. [21:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> That is the most depressingly apt analogy I have heard in quite some time.
  604. [21:52] <Lyra_Bel> No, because it's like
  605. [21:52] <Lyra_Bel> After this whole mess
  606. [21:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I don't expect to be able to fix her. I'm done with trying to fix people.*
  607. [21:53] <Lyra_Bel> We're just now getting to actually working stuff out
  608. [21:53] <Faerzen_Norstov> *But what I can do is be here for her*
  609. [21:53] <Lyra_Bel> In one big epiphanic chat shoehorned in right before the finale
  610. [21:53] <Lyra_Bel> Or after, depending on how you interpret our chances
  611. [21:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose.
  612. [21:54] <Lyra_Bel> But Sabath isn't that bad
  613. [21:54] <Lyra_Bel> Or it is, but the other kind of bad
  614. [21:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh really?
  615. [21:55] <Lyra_Bel> It's not that... lame
  616. [21:55] <Lyra_Bel> Or egregious
  617. [21:55] <Lyra_Bel> Or pathetic
  618. [21:55] <Lyra_Bel> It's BETTER than that
  619. [21:55] <Lyra_Bel> It's a thing, and it's really really good at what it does
  620. [21:55] <Lyra_Bel> Yeah?
  621. [21:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> I can wholeheartedly agree with that statement
  622. [21:55] <Lyra_Bel> But it's bigger than us
  623. [21:56] <Lyra_Bel> We're ants looking at the door mat of a skyscraper
  624. [21:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> It is a whole lot bigger than us. And one of its parts is that it functions as a trial by fire, and damn that fire is hot.
  625. [21:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have been digging and digging to learn as much as I can about this game and I am certain I have only scraped the tip of the iceberg.
  626. [21:57] <Regent> *Lyra, I'm sorry*
  627. [21:58] <Lyra_Bel> That can't be it, though
  628. [21:58] <Regent> < That was out loud >
  629. [21:58] <Lyra_Bel> Huh?
  630. [21:58] <Regent> I
  631. [21:58] <Regent> *sniff*
  632. [21:58] <Regent> I should've been better,
  633. [21:58] <Regent> At helping you out
  634. [21:58] <Lyra_Bel> Stop
  635. [21:58] <Lyra_Bel> Stop right now
  636. [21:58] <Regent> You are always so alone
  637. [21:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> Regent, this is in no way your fault
  638. [21:59] <Regent> I could've done better
  639. [21:59] <Regent> I can't even do anything to fix this
  640. [21:59] <Regent> Look at me
  641. [21:59] <Regent> I'm worthless
  642. [21:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> Perhaps, perhaps not, but that doesn't mean any of this is your fault.
  643. [21:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> You can't be expected to fix people!
  644. [22:00] <Regent> All I've accomplished
  645. [22:00] <Regent> Is mercy killing an elderly pony
  646. [22:03] <Lyra_Bel> First of all
  647. [22:04] <Lyra_Bel> Screw you for not listening to me when I said to stop
  648. [22:04] <Lyra_Bel> Second of all, thanks for ignoring me when I said to stop
  649. [22:04] <Regent> Everything I do is worthless...
  650. [22:04] <Lyra_Bel> Third of all, shut up with the worthless talk
  651. [22:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> How can you even say that, Regent?
  652. [22:04] <Lyra_Bel> Because we're all worthless, that's the whole point
  653. [22:04] <Regent> It hurts so much
  654. [22:05] <Lyra_Bel> Fourth of all, I made you kill the pony
  655. [22:05] <Lyra_Bel> FIFTH of all, you saved my life at least twice
  656. [22:05] <Lyra_Bel> So I'm a little offended you prioritized a dying horse over those
  657. [22:05] <Lyra_Bel> Sixth, I ain't lonely
  658. [22:06] * Regent whimpers in pain
  659. [22:06] <Lyra_Bel> And not just because of the menagerie of voices in my head
  660. [22:07] <Lyra_Bel> This, this thing. This mental breakdown about how you aren't able to magic away my issues?
  661. [22:07] <Regent> Lyra
  662. [22:07] <Lyra_Bel> Reggie
  663. [22:07] <Regent> You don't know how hurt you are
  664. [22:07] <Lyra_Bel> Fine
  665. [22:07] <Lyra_Bel> How hurt am I?
  666. [22:07] <Regent> I'm like the opposite of a sociopath
  667. [22:08] <Regent> I emphasize very well
  668. [22:08] <Lyra_Bel> Empath
  669. [22:08] <Regent> If you realized how hurt you were
  670. [22:08] <Regent> Your reaction to it would be way worse than what I am feeling right now
  671. [22:08] <Lyra_Bel> Reggie, please listen to me
  672. [22:08] <Lyra_Bel> I'm not hurting right now
  673. [22:09] <Lyra_Bel> Okay?
  674. [22:09] <Regent> Ok
  675. [22:09] <Lyra_Bel> Maybe it's good that I ain't the best at realizing things
  676. [22:09] <Regent> No
  677. [22:09] <Regent> You can't be helped until you realize this
  678. [22:09] <Lyra_Bel> I don't think I need help, though
  679. [22:09] <Regent> I've seen it all before
  680. [22:09] <Regent> Hell
  681. [22:10] <Regent> I've lived it all before
  682. [22:10] <Lyra_Bel> ...
  683. [22:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> That doesn't mean you should be expected to fix it though, Reggie!
  684. [22:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> Saying "I could have done better" is meaningless
  685. [22:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> Because everyone can always say that
  686. [22:10] <Lyra_Bel> It's running away
  687. [22:10] <Regent> What use am I if I can't save her
  688. [22:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> Nobody is perfect and you've done a damn good job of helping Lyra.
  689. [22:11] <Lyra_Bel> Regent, you've kept me from dying at least twice
  690. [22:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> Lyra isn't your sole responsibility to mend all by yourself.
  691. [22:11] <Lyra_Bel> More including all the times the pen helped
  692. [22:11] <Regent> And what have you shown for it?
  693. [22:11] <Regent> more suicidal urges
  694. [22:11] <Lyra_Bel> They aren't suicidal urges!
  695. [22:11] <Regent> You want to die
  696. [22:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> Perhaps we can grow past whatever those are eventually!
  697. [22:11] <Regent> And are willing to
  698. [22:11] <Lyra_Bel> I do not want to die
  699. [22:12] <Regent> Grow past?
  700. [22:12] <Lyra_Bel> Willing, sure, if that's what it takes
  701. [22:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> You can't expect Lyra's entire psyche to be fixed in a mere 6 days
  702. [22:12] <Lyra_Bel> There's nothing wrong with my psyche!
  703. [22:12] <Regent> Grow past?
  704. [22:12] <Regent> Heh, Lyra
  705. [22:12] <Regent> There is
  706. [22:12] <Lyra_Bel> No
  707. [22:12] <Lyra_Bel> Y'know what?
  708. [22:12] <Lyra_Bel> No there's not
  709. [22:12] <Regent> You are depressed and sociopathic
  710. [22:12] <Lyra_Bel> Not depressed
  711. [22:12] <Regent> No?
  712. [22:12] <Lyra_Bel> No
  713. [22:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> Let's not debate this right now.
  714. [22:12] <Regent> Last time you felt happy
  715. [22:12] <Regent> Go
  716. [22:13] <Lyra_Bel> How long do I get to think?
  717. [22:13] <Regent> 10 seconds
  718. [22:13] <Lyra_Bel> The ogre
  719. [22:13] <Regent> What about it?
  720. [22:13] <Lyra_Bel> Killing that ogre in the spider caves?
  721. [22:13] <Lyra_Bel> That felt good
  722. [22:13] <Regent> You know what
  723. [22:13] <Regent> Ignore me
  724. [22:13] <Lyra_Bel> No wait, after that
  725. [22:13] <Regent> I clearly don't know what I'm doing
  726. [22:14] <Lyra_Bel> You know that feeling when a plan comes together?
  727. [22:14] <Regent> Let me just shut up
  728. [22:14] <Lyra_Bel> No, you don't get to do that
  729. [22:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> Reggie, this is the point though. Yes, you see all of these things wrong with Lyra, but you can't at the same time expect yourself to be able to solve every single one of them!
  730. [22:14] <Regent> WHY CANT I?
  731. [22:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> You are placing entirely unreasonable burdens and responsibilities on yourself.
  732. [22:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> Why could you?
  733. [22:14] <Lyra_Bel> Because people aren't perfect!
  734. [22:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> Why could anyone?
  735. [22:14] <Regent> I've been around here forever!
  736. [22:14] <Regent> I know so much!
  737. [22:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> So?
  738. [22:15] <Regent> Why can't I fix her problems
  739. [22:15] <Lyra_Bel> Stewing in misery, reflecting on mistakes
  740. [22:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> You're more effective but that doesn't mean you're perfect
  741. [22:15] <Regent> She deserves that much at least
  742. [22:15] <Regent> All I want
  743. [22:15] <Regent> Is for Lyra to end up ok
  744. [22:15] <Lyra_Bel> I'm going to
  745. [22:15] <Lyra_Bel> Okay?
  746. [22:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> Then the three of us can work together to make that happen.
  747. [22:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> Isn't that what we're trying to do here with this case?
  748. [22:15] <Regent> ...
  749. [22:16] <Lyra_Bel> Regent, listen to me
  750. [22:16] <Regent> Everything hurts
  751. [22:16] <Lyra_Bel> Worst case scenario
  752. [22:16] <Lyra_Bel> We fail, I jump off cliff and die
  753. [22:16] <Lyra_Bel> Right?
  754. [22:16] <Regent> No
  755. [22:16] <Regent> That can't happen
  756. [22:16] <Regent> You can't die
  757. [22:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> Lyra, please!
  758. [22:16] <Regent> No
  759. [22:16] <Regent> No
  760. [22:16] <Regent> No
  761. [22:16] <Regent> No
  762. [22:16] <Lyra_Bel> Course not
  763. [22:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> That is no way to motivate anyone
  764. [22:16] <Regent> No
  765. [22:16] <Lyra_Bel> So what keeps me alive, huh?
  766. [22:16] * Regent starts muttering
  767. [22:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> Please actually shut up about killing yourself.
  768. [22:17] <Lyra_Bel> SABATH!
  769. [22:17] <Lyra_Bel> Sabath keeps me from dying!
  770. [22:17] * Regent is shaking again
  771. [22:17] <Lyra_Bel> Keeps me from giving up when everything hurts
  772. [22:17] <Lyra_Bel> RIGHT!?
  773. [22:17] <Regent> NO'
  774. [22:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> NO!
  775. [22:17] <Regent> NO
  776. [22:17] * Lyra_Bel bursts into laughter
  777. [22:17] <Regent> YOU ARENT RIGHT
  778. [22:17] <Regent> AUGH!!!!!!!!
  779. [22:17] <Lyra_Bel> Oh yes I am
  780. [22:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> You assume this game makes you invincible because it wants you to suffer
  781. [22:17] * Regent screams in pain
  782. [22:17] <Lyra_Bel> What I was saying before
  783. [22:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> That's not how this works.
  784. [22:17] <Lyra_Bel> I ain't suffering!
  785. [22:18] <Lyra_Bel> It's a Disney movie
  786. [22:18] <Regent> you
  787. [22:18] <Regent> you are
  788. [22:18] <Lyra_Bel> Needs to end with an epiphany
  789. [22:18] <Regent> Faerzen
  790. [22:18] <Lyra_Bel> Happy ever after
  791. [22:18] <Regent> Please
  792. [22:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> You might not feel like you are suffering, but the rest of us are, I can assure you that.
  793. [22:18] <Regent> Take me far away
  794. [22:18] <Regent> Let me forget everything
  795. [22:18] <Lyra_Bel> Stop running and listen to me!
  796. [22:18] <Regent> It hurts so much
  797. [22:18] <Lyra_Bel> Life lessons, right!?
  798. [22:19] <Lyra_Bel> Happy endings?
  799. [22:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> You're not teaching anyone life lessons, Lyra!
  800. [22:19] <Lyra_Bel> I'm not
  801. [22:19] <Lyra_Bel> Sabath is
  802. [22:19] <Regent> It hurts
  803. [22:19] <Lyra_Bel> Stop arguing and just LISTEN TO WHAT I'M SAYING!
  804. [22:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> YOU'RE NOT SAYING ANYTHING
  805. [22:19] * Lyra_Bel takes a deep breath
  806. [22:19] * Regent whimpers
  807. [22:19] <Lyra_Bel> Four apocalypses
  808. [22:19] <Lyra_Bel> The universe splintering apart
  809. [22:20] <Lyra_Bel> New worlds, reproducing everything
  810. [22:20] <Lyra_Bel> Solving entropy
  811. [22:20] <Lyra_Bel> You were wrong, before
  812. [22:20] <Lyra_Bel> We aren't defending them
  813. [22:20] <Lyra_Bel> We're raising them
  814. [22:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> Those are equivalent
  815. [22:20] <Lyra_Bel> They're close
  816. [22:20] <Regent> *Help*
  817. [22:21] <Regent> *Please*
  818. [22:21] <Lyra_Bel> Happily ever after
  819. [22:21] <Regent> *Help*
  820. [22:21] <Lyra_Bel> The rule isn't uncertainty
  821. [22:21] <Lyra_Bel> I was wrong about that
  822. [22:21] <Lyra_Bel> I was wrong about a lot of stuff, but now I get it
  823. [22:21] <Lyra_Bel> The rule is LEARNING
  824. [22:22] <Lyra_Bel> You can't get complacent
  825. [22:22] <Lyra_Bel> Not because it's trying to break us down, but because it's trying to build us up!
  826. [22:22] <Lyra_Bel> Because there's more to learn, and it isn't letting us give up
  827. [22:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> This is similar to what I was saying before
  828. [22:22] <Lyra_Bel> This isn't Salvation War, there is no suffering for its own sake
  829. [22:22] <Lyra_Bel> Power through the pain, right?
  830. [22:23] <Regent> *Faerzen*
  831. [22:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Yes?*
  832. [22:23] <Regent> *It hurts so much*
  833. [22:23] <Lyra_Bel> When things are done, when we've made it past every issue
  834. [22:23] <Lyra_Bel> We'll be... ideal
  835. [22:23] <Regent> *I can't think*
  836. [22:23] <Lyra_Bel> No more self-deprecation, or anger issues, or sociopathy
  837. [22:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> *Yes it does. What do you expect me to do about it?*
  838. [22:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> *I can't change the fact that it hurts*
  839. [22:23] <Lyra_Bel> Sabath isn't breaking us
  840. [22:23] <Lyra_Bel> It's fixing us
  841. [22:24] * Regent whimpers and moans
  842. [22:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> Or
  843. [22:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> Alternatively, it is also forcing us to fix ourselves
  844. [22:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> or else we are all doomed
  845. [22:24] <Lyra_Bel> Same thing, functionally
  846. [22:24] <Lyra_Bel> Except we aren't allowed to die, right?
  847. [22:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> No
  848. [22:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> Failure is always an option
  849. [22:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> Nothing says this seed has to bloom
  850. [22:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> We can simply... lose
  851. [22:25] <Lyra_Bel> I'm gonna disagree with you there
  852. [22:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> There is nothing in this game that forces us to win
  853. [22:25] * Regent buries itself into Faerzen's chest
  854. [22:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> That isn't a game at all
  855. [22:25] <Lyra_Bel> What if I told you I've seen the future?
  856. [22:25] <Regent> < I mean like cuddling, not violent stabbing >
  857. [22:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> What if I told you you don't know what future you saw?
  858. [22:26] <Lyra_Bel> I probably wouldn't care!
  859. [22:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> That was *a* future
  860. [22:26] <Lyra_Bel> In at least one alternate timeline, we won
  861. [22:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> All you know is it is possible to win
  862. [22:26] <Lyra_Bel> It's possible!
  863. [22:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> But not inevitable
  864. [22:26] <Lyra_Bel> But the rules aren't trying to screw us over anymore
  865. [22:26] <Lyra_Bel> Or they never were, really
  866. [22:26] * Regent is silent
  867. [22:26] <Lyra_Bel> It's like...
  868. [22:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> This is what I was trying to tell you earlier!
  869. [22:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> It is a test. A trial
  870. [22:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> Designed to be hard but winnable
  871. [22:27] <Lyra_Bel> Then you suck at explaining things
  872. [22:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> No
  873. [22:27] <Lyra_Bel> Because this is new information to me
  874. [22:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> You suck at listening and understanding things
  875. [22:27] <Lyra_Bel> That too
  876. [22:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> Especially when you're mad
  877. [22:27] <Lyra_Bel> Granted
  878. [22:27] <Lyra_Bel> You're absolutely correct
  879. [22:28] <Lyra_Bel> But
  880. [22:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> This is what I was saying before, and you refused to believe me.
  881. [22:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> You were quite adamant.
  882. [22:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> I am glad Maskwraith showed you what he did.
  883. [22:28] * Regent all at once fills Lyra to the brim with a sense of calm
  884. [22:28] <Lyra_Bel> I was being...
  885. [22:28] * Lyra_Bel smiles
  886. [22:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> That you now actually understand fully that the game is winnable
  887. [22:28] <Lyra_Bel> Not just winnable
  888. [22:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> and not just a foolish hope that I tried to instill in you
  889. [22:29] <Lyra_Bel> Way more than "winnable"
  890. [22:29] <Lyra_Bel> Thank you, Reggie
  891. [22:29] * Regent doesn't respond
  892. [22:29] <Lyra_Bel> Reggie
  893. [22:30] <Regent> Please stop fighting
  894. [22:30] <Regent> I can't listen to this
  895. [22:30] <Lyra_Bel> We aren't fighting
  896. [22:30] <Regent> I need help
  897. [22:30] <Lyra_Bel> Don't we all?
  898. [22:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> I can't argue with that.
  899. [22:31] <Regent> Not all of us are in extreme emotional pain
  900. [22:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> I also can't argue with that.
  901. [22:31] <Lyra_Bel> You're an empath
  902. [22:31] <Lyra_Bel> Shouldn't you be picking up the happiness, then?
  903. [22:31] <Regent> No
  904. [22:31] <Regent> I've been a part of you
  905. [22:32] <Regent> I know exactly how much you are hurting without realizing it
  906. [22:32] <Regent> All of that pain you aren't feeling
  907. [22:32] <Lyra_Bel> I'm smiling, Reg
  908. [22:32] <Regent> Is redirected to me
  909. [22:32] <Lyra_Bel> For real this time
  910. [22:32] <Regent> That's nice Lyra
  911. [22:32] <Lyra_Bel> Stop absorbing my pain. Give it back
  912. [22:32] <Regent> No
  913. [22:33] <Lyra_Bel> Please
  914. [22:33] <Regent> No
  915. [22:33] <Regent> You don't deserve it
  916. [22:33] <Regent> Nobody does
  917. [22:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> You don't deserve it either, Reggie
  918. [22:33] <Regent> No, I don't
  919. [22:33] <Regent> I won't let Lyra endure this
  920. [22:34] <Lyra_Bel> This is emotional pain we're talking, right?
  921. [22:34] <Lyra_Bel> Just to be clear
  922. [22:34] <Regent> Yes
  923. [22:34] <Lyra_Bel> Then share some
  924. [22:34] <Lyra_Bel> Give back half
  925. [22:34] <Regent> No
  926. [22:34] <Regent> No
  927. [22:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> I'm not sure I follow.
  928. [22:34] <Regent> It doesn't work like that
  929. [22:34] <Regent> You don't understand
  930. [22:34] <Lyra_Bel> Of course I don't
  931. [22:34] <Lyra_Bel> And that bothers me
  932. [22:34] <Lyra_Bel> Which gets redirected to you
  933. [22:34] <Lyra_Bel> You're in a feedback loop
  934. [22:35] <Regent> It also doesn't work like that
  935. [22:35] <Lyra_Bel> Oh
  936. [22:35] <Lyra_Bel> Then how does it work?
  937. [22:35] <Regent> Let me just talk to Faerzen alone, ok
  938. [22:35] <Regent> Please
  939. [22:35] <Regent> We can talk about this later
  940. [22:35] <Lyra_Bel> Will we?
  941. [22:35] <Regent> I just...
  942. [22:35] <Regent> Can't be near you right now
  943. [22:35] <Lyra_Bel> Promise me we'll talk later
  944. [22:35] <Regent> I do
  945. [22:35] <Lyra_Bel> On camera
  946. [22:36] <Regent> I promise
  947. [22:36] <Lyra_Bel> Alright then
  948. [22:36] * Lyra_Bel steps outside
  949. [22:36] * Lyra_Bel gets to work drawing a new pair of wings, smiling to herself
  950. [22:36] * Faerzen_Norstov closes the door
  951. [22:37] * Regent's shaking gradually lessens over time
  952. [22:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> Is that better?
  953. [22:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> Thank you for explaining that bit back there, by the way.
  954. [22:38] <Regent> A little
  955. [22:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> I didn't realize simply being in the vicinity of Lyra hurt you so much.
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