
Endtown RPG Session #27

Mar 12th, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Hey everbody!
  2. Clayton R.: Hey
  3. M. Walker: Hey there!
  4. GM (GM): So, everyone ready to begin?
  5. Everett Pillory: Hey GM
  6. Yeah
  7. DJ-Max: Sure.
  8. GM (GM): Okay, was just tinkering with maps
  9. Here's the book:
  10. Everett Pillory: Shit
  11. Without Martin
  12. I can't really do much
  13. Since my plan involved both of us testing the antidote without Clay knowledge
  14. GM (GM): Some sudden updates: Species>Size> then entrees.
  15. Oh, you can just stick the guy still.
  16. ((Really, he's never missed a session. I don't remember if he said he couldn't make it today or not.))
  17. Everett Pillory: (I can figure out the two other devices first)
  18. So let's go back to the Jeep
  19. We begin!
  20. Our heroes have just witness slavery of the incredibly genetically unfortunate, gotten some gigs, gotten some kit, and gotten their....
  21. The jeep, is gone!
  22. Clayton R. tries to pass the time waiting on a bench outside, not much he could do while the jeep was still getting repaired.
  23. GM (GM): ((Nows your chance, jam it into his neck!))
  24. DJ-Max 's kept himself busy humming a tune and looking at the scenery! Or lack there of.
  25. GM (GM): People watching: Sport of the future!
  26. Clayton R. sighs and stands up, searching for a directory of some sort for Deep City
  27. Martin has excused himself to seek a good psychiatrist.
  28. Everett Pillory gets back with something in the bag
  29. Everett Pillory: Heyyyyy
  30. GM (GM): ((That was his plan, actually. I came up with new mechanics for that and everything.))
  31. ((Also grenade launchers.
  32. Everett Pillory starts "We..." and notices Martin is gone and curses under his nose " and Martin went and signed up for something."
  34. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow toward Everett. "Hello... you finally finished with-" He pauses as the red panda explains. "What did you do?"
  35. Everett Pillory pulls out the two gadgets "Me and Martin were gonna test them for cash. I actually thought of a different plan... try to copy the design and carry it back to Endtown and of course test them."
  36. Everett Pillory of course told this in a hushed tone
  37. The first gadget is box with a lens, the "chromatic distorter"
  38. Clayton R. shakes his head. "That... sounds like a good way to make enemies Everett."
  39. Clayton R.: (( Is everyone in the group except Martin out here with us?))
  40. The other is a large plastic gun. It looks like a cannon with a pistol handle.
  41. GM (GM): ((Yes. You are all just chillin'))
  42. Everett Pillory looks at Clayton "Where's your sense of scientific exchange?"
  43. Clayton R.: (( just wondering... I didn't want to be excluding anybody from conversation.))
  44. DJ-Max of course can hear all this, but he doesn't say anything or seem to want to get involved...yet.
  45. Clayton R. rubs the top of his visor. "It ends where I can have a potential price put on my head. We're in foreign land buddy... and I doubt Endtown can expedite us if we get in trouble here."
  46. Walker! you notice that Everett is excited and clayton is worried. Sure, that's normal but it seems moreso suddenly!
  47. Everett Pillory quirks his brow "It's not the first and not the last time I got thrown out."
  48. Everett Pillory: If anything you can blame it on me
  49. Clayton R. shakes his head. "Oh I will... What this pay anyway?"
  50. DJ-Max: "You've been thrown out before?"
  51. GM (GM): ((3,000.))
  52. Everett Pillory: ...about 3000 bucks
  53. Clayton R. paces around, unsure of what to do. He looks to the rest of the group. "Well, do any of you feel like doing this testing?"
  54. M. Walker asks, "What, sort of testing?"
  55. Clayton R. points back to Everett.
  56. Everett Pillory shows the items "I have no idea what the first is.... the second one is some sort of the netting device for the mutants"
  57. Everett Pillory: By the way, where's the Jeep?
  58. Clayton R. throws his arms up. "Oh, thats great Everett."
  59. Everett Pillory: Come on... just
  60. Clayton R. points farther down the street. "I paid a mechanic to fix it."
  61. Everett Pillory pulls out the item out of the box "There we go. Chromatic aboratore... Point at target, flip switch,m adjust dial... makes things visible
  62. Everett Pillory freezes
  63. Everett Pillory: ...should this make the devil jelly visible?
  64. DJ-Max: "So... it makes things that are invisible not?"
  65. Clayton R. shrugs. "I wouldn't know... how are we supposed to test it anyway?"
  66. M. Walker adds, "Oh...Okay. Should come in handy..."
  67. GM (GM): ((Test it on Juan! He don't got much going tonight))
  68. Everett Pillory: I have no instructions
  69. Well I do have instructions for the grappling thing
  70. We just need to find a roaming mutant
  71. Clayton R. looks even more unimpressed
  72. GM (GM): What do you think the note was for?!
  73. Clayton R. caves, "Fine. We don't have much to do right now, so we may as well head topside to test this all out."
  74. Everett Pillory pulls out the note "Oh... right the note
  75. Everett Pillory tries to find it...
  76. Everett Pillory: (Curse Roll 20 for not letting me scroll back up)
  77. GM (GM): "Point at target, flip switch, adjust dial...Should make things visible.
  78. --Jonesie"
  79. Please log results
  80. Everett Pillory: .. Okay let's see
  81. Everett Pillory hmms...
  82. Everett Pillory looks around for some distant target
  83. GM (GM): Up on the bridge you see an innocent bystander!
  84. Clayton R. taps on Everett. we should probably head topside for this."
  85. Everett Pillory sighs "Right right...
  86. Proceeding topside
  87. GM (GM): ((There we go!))
  88. Clayton R. surveys the landscape for targets
  89. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+50
  90. (5)+50= 55
  91. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  92. (9)+35= 44
  93. (sad trombone)
  94. GM (GM): You don't see much.
  95. The three ruins are still there.
  96. Everett Pillory: Hmmm
  97. Clayton R. looks to the others to see if they have spotted something
  98. Everett Pillory points the item in the direction of where New Persia was and tries to adjust the dial
  99. M. Walker raises her head and whiffs the air
  100. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+55
  101. (1)+55= 56
  102. Clayton R.: ((sadder trombone))
  103. M. Walker: (ffs)
  104. GM (GM): You smell... DEATH!
  105. So, not much really.
  106. M. Walker even feels a little stuffy up there. Maybe she's coming down with something? Bah.
  107. you point the thing and flip the thing and twist the thing. Dots of green appear across the landscape.
  108. Everett Pillory: Uh... ohh...
  109. GM (GM): Clearly, you all are adjusting to the sunlight again. Clearly.
  110. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow. "See something?"
  111. M. Walker looks worried at Everett
  112. Everett Pillory takes a paper from his backpack and adjust writes something down "Test one, pointed in the direction of ditto-infested colony. Many green dots in the landscape."
  113. Everett Pillory hands the paper to Clayton "Well... this is what I have so far."
  114. Clayton R. huffs. "you think those dots might be dittos?"
  115. Everett Pillory: I think they might be... didn't Mallard want some?
  116. Clayton R. shrugs, " It might be best not to mess with 'em... always ends badly."
  117. "Life's an *&^% adventure"-Holly Hollister
  118. also her famous last words.
  119. Everett Pillory shrugs "We should investigate it. I want to test this gizmo out."
  120. Clayton R. arms himself. "your funeral..."
  121. DJ-Max: "I don't think we should... but... Honestly. We're not going to get good results from it just pointing it at me are we?"
  122. Everett Pillory: Yeah... we can observe it from safe distance
  123. Let's just... decrease it for a bit, take a measurement again, etc. etc.
  124. Things go bad? We leg it
  125. GM (GM): ((Sorry, forgot this is endtown.))
  126. Clayton R. nods, but pauses, turning to DJ. "That... may be more useful than you think. We may have some of those jelly monsters till on us.... Try pointing it at me."
  127. Everett Pillory points it at Clay and takes a measurement
  128. M. Walker watches them test it
  129. Clay appears blue.
  130. Everett Pillory: ... Clay you're blue
  131. Cheer up!
  132. Clayton R. groans over dadjokes
  133. Clayton R. is there any key as to why certain colors may appear?"
  134. Clayton R.: * "Is there any key as to why certain colors may appear?"
  135. DJ-Max pauses when he mentions that "Ah...d do me I want to be blue as well... hopefully that's a good color."
  136. Everett Pillory: Nope!
  137. GM (GM): Yes, there is a color wheel on the dial.
  138. Everett Pillory writes the results down
  139. Everett Pillory: Hmm
  140. Clayton R.: (( blue stands for... death, quarantine immediately!))
  141. Everett Pillory points it at Walker and DJ and adjust the dial to see what he gets from them
  142. M. Walker stands still nervously as Everett measures her
  143. DJ and Manasa are now red.
  144. Everett Pillory: ...
  145. You're red...
  146. DJ-Max blinks. " that good?"
  147. Everett Pillory: I have no idea
  148. DJ-Max: (Dark Spirit DJ-Max has invaded.)
  149. M. Walker blinks, and looks from side to side nervously
  150. Everett Pillory writes the results down... "Okay let's look at the green thing and then scram back. I have one final idea."
  151. at this time, the blue has begun to fade on Clayton.
  152. Clayton R. is unsure what to make of the colors
  153. M. Walker nods warily "Okay, sounds good to me..."
  154. zoom mode
  155. DJ-Max crosses his arms. "Yeah... lets go do that."
  156. Everett Pillory tries to track what the hell the green is
  157. GM (GM): You have tracked the GREEN.
  158. Everett Pillory: .... YIKES
  159. OKAY!
  160. I WAS RIGHT!
  161. GM (GM): It appears to be a puddle of dittos. It doesn't seem active
  162. Everett Pillory: Clay... want to take a ditto sample?
  163. Clayton R. shakes his head. "I'd rather torch it."
  164. M. Walker takes a wary step back a moment, before realizing they're asleep, or whatever dittos do when they're inert.
  165. Everett Pillory grumbles
  166. DJ-Max slowly creeps forward just a touch "...we...we should be quiet..."
  167. Everett Pillory: A bottle or a jar please
  168. Clayton R. approaches Everett. "This doesn't end well Everett... You know this. Just let me torch 'em."
  169. Everett Pillory: Mallard wants a sample...
  170. Do you want Mallard to help Juan?
  171. We need a bargain chip
  172. M. Walker adds, "We should at least study these things..."
  173. DJ-Max: "I'm the quickest... I'll get the sample if you really want it."
  174. Juan: If that's the case then I'll grab the stuff!
  175. Everett Pillory crosses his arms "He's the kinda of a professor that is fed by vanity. Give him a snack and he's gonna be content"
  176. Clayton R. groans. "Fine. You want them, you collect the sample, just don't complain when a writhing mass of them appears."
  177. Juan begins to approach the pile.
  178. Juan: Stupid snot.
  179. DJ-Max: "...Ah..." he whispers. Juan beat DJ to it.
  180. Clayton R. raises his flamethrower.
  181. Everett Pillory keeps the gadget ready
  182. Everett Pillory: Okay anyone got a container?
  183. GM (GM): He grabs the green goo with both hands and walks over. He didn't really think to put it in something.
  184. Clayton R. steps back
  185. GM (GM): You have several empty bottles and such. Bottle it?
  186. Everett Pillory: Bottle it
  187. And let's leg it
  188. you have a bottle of dittos!
  189. DJ-Max: "...Nice work Juan."
  190. M. Walker: (zelda item acquisition)
  191. GM (GM): Clayton!
  192. Everett Pillory: Bravo!
  193. GM (GM): As you turn around you see something!
  194. Everett Pillory: If I were still in my office, you would get an assisant position!
  195. Clayton R.: (( oh boy))
  196. GM (GM): A topsider riding a mutt, they're charging at you full speed!
  197. Everett Pillory grabs the thingamabob
  198. Everett Pillory points it at the topsider and adjusts the lens
  199. Clayton R. yells back to group. "TOPSIDER!" ,
  200. Clayton R.: (( How far away is he? ))
  201. Everett Pillory: Are you sure, Clay?
  202. GM (GM): 50 ft lets say.
  203. Clayton R.: I'll open fire on him
  204. I got 120ft of range
  205. DJ-Max curses "$#%&" and gets into fighting position.
  206. GM (GM): Let's get a good combat started first.
  207. M. Walker flinches in fear at the sound, reaching for her rifle and aiming at him.
  208. GM (GM): Roll intiative!
  209. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+60
  210. (14)+60= 74
  211. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  212. (24)+25= 49
  213. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+50
  214. (87)+50= 137
  215. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  216. (97)+20= 117
  217. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  218. (4)+35= 39
  219. (Pbbt)
  220. GM (GM): Not your day man!
  221. rolling 1d100+10
  222. (29)+10= 39
  223. Okay! Clayton!
  224. Clayton R.: I'll open fire on the topsider, does my flamethrower have a cone or strait shot of fire?
  225. GM (GM): It's a cone.
  226. Clayton R.: Can I hit both with one shot then?
  227. GM (GM): And he is right on top of the mutt so... yeah.
  228. Clayton R.: nice
  229. rolling 1d100+20
  230. (77)+20= 97
  231. GM (GM): That's a hit.
  232. Roll damage!
  233. Clayton R.: rolling 5d10+50
  234. (1+9+8+5+9)+50= 82
  235. you see a flash of light!
  236. Clayton R.: I still have 3 moves don't I?
  237. 2 moves sorry
  238. GM (GM): The topsider falls off his mutt!
  239. His mutt disappeared.
  240. Yes.
  241. I forget that your speed is over 7
  242. Everett Pillory thinks to himself "...I thought so"
  243. Clayton R.: (( is the topsider damaged or is his shield active?))
  244. GM (GM): ((...Who knows!))
  245. ((Maybe topsider suits are insulted and shielded from energy or intense heat!
  246. So you have two actions.
  247. Clayton R.: (( well he should at least take fall damage, and I'm going to open fire again. At least to put pressure on him. ))
  248. GM (GM): You fire again!
  249. ((Ah, wait, we should roll for that.))
  250. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+20
  251. (92)+20= 112
  252. GM (GM): That is very much a hit.
  253. Clayton R.: rolling 5d10+50
  254. (7+5+10+8+1)+50= 81
  255. GM (GM): He's engulfed in flames.
  256. Clayton R.: (( Oh yeah, I forgot napalm sticks to things like jelly))
  257. GM (GM): Final action
  258. Clayton R.: For my last move, I want to tumble so I hopefully don't get shot
  259. GM (GM): Roll + agility.
  260. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  261. (67)+35= 102
  262. GM (GM): That is a good roll.
  263. DJ!
  264. You are red and so it he!
  265. DJ-Max has taken notice! He sadly can't just go running in, its t far away, but he'll split up from the group and go off toward him!
  266. DJ-Max thinks that Mutts still around...somewhere.
  267. DJ-Max 'll hold action and end turn.
  268. GM (GM): Everett's turn!
  269. Everett Pillory looks around with the thingamabob!
  270. GM (GM): Which one exactly?
  271. Everett Pillory: Where the mutt came from
  272. GM (GM): Nope, no readings.
  273. Everett Pillory: Okay then in the direction where we got the jelly off
  274. GM (GM): Same basic readings, but now they are blue.
  275. Everett Pillory: Uhhh... some blue readings. Don't really like those. We should scram
  276. Clayton R.: (( We should get rid of the crazy topsider first ))
  277. GM (GM): True, I think those are your actions, right Everett?
  278. Everett Pillory: (Isn't he dead?)
  279. GM (GM): No!
  280. Everett Pillory: Oh wait no
  281. GM (GM): He's just on fire!
  282. Everett Pillory shoots him with his shotgun
  283. Everett Pillory: Both barrels at the same time
  284. GM (GM): Roll to hit!
  285. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+30
  286. (31)+30= 61
  287. (No wait... skill bonus doesn't apply)
  288. GM (GM): Eh, reroll then.
  289. Or we can move on to Walker.
  290. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100
  291. (28)= 28
  292. GM (GM): There we go.
  293. Somewhere out there is a dead pidgeon.
  294. Endturn?
  295. Everett Pillory: No moves left, right?
  296. GM (GM): Right.
  297. Topsider!
  298. He gets up and start moving toward your group. His fists clenched he looks very upset!
  299. Walker!
  300. Clayton R.: (( You gotta shoot 'em in the head Walka! ))
  301. M. Walker: I spend an action aiming at the Topsider, then my next firing on him.
  302. GM (GM): so that's +10 to your roll.
  303. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+10
  304. (5)+10= 15
  305. GM (GM): ...
  306. You have a combat skill for rifles right?
  307. M. Walker: (Yeah, I forget what that translates to, dice-wise, eheh)
  308. GM (GM): +5 per level.
  309. of the skill.
  310. The dice have hated you today so let's reroll that attack. I didn't see it.
  311. M. Walker: (k) /r 1d100 +20
  312. rolling 1d100+20
  313. (66)+20= 86
  314. GM (GM): Head shot?
  315. M. Walker: Yup
  316. GM (GM): The bullet sparks as it hits his head!
  317. Everett Pillory: Yikes
  318. GM (GM): Another flash of energy.
  319. Juan has paniced!
  320. Juan: Nyaaaargh!
  321. M. Walker feels a cold chill run down her spine seeing a headshot just bounce off like that. "$%^!"
  322. DJ-Max: "...Welp... time to test my luck I guess..."
  323. Juan is running serpentine and trying to escape.
  324. GM (GM): Claytron!
  325. It looks apparent that the topsider has an energy shield!
  326. Most of you know enough to know they have that!
  327. Clayton's turn!
  328. Clayton R. curses and turns to Everett. "Throw a bomb goddamnit!" He reaches into his backpack for his stolen topsider suit.
  329. Everett Pillory: Oh I will
  330. GM (GM): I think this is more accurate to the scene.
  331. Clayton R.: (( Isn't the topsider still on fire? ))
  332. GM (GM): ((Nah, the napalm didn't stick.
  333. ((Good job glassing the wastes, though.))
  334. Clayton R. begins putting on the topsider suit, and I will tumble through the air to end my turn
  335. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  336. (27)+35= 62
  337. GM (GM): Okay then.
  338. DJ!
  339. DJ-Max: This Topsider is armed right?
  340. GM (GM): Zero gun in hand.
  341. DJ-Max is gonna duck forward and get in! He's gonna try and kick that gun out of their hand!
  342. Everett Pillory: ((Bad idea!))
  343. Clayton R.: maybe if he only touches the gun
  344. GM (GM): Roll to hit!
  345. Everett Pillory: DJ Run away from there
  346. GM (GM): He'll try to parry!
  347. Clayton R.: (( really, don't hit his hand. ))
  348. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  349. (92)+25= 117
  350. DJ-Max: (I'm slowly realizing that... and yet. The thoought of testing my luck calls to me.)
  351. GM (GM): Oh, I'll roll after you then.
  352. ((Do it, Do it!
  353. Martin Baron: (( Sorry I'm late.))
  354. GM (GM): He man!
  355. Martin Baron: (( Mind if I ask what I missed? ))
  356. Clayton R.: (( Things are tense with topsiders ))
  357. Martin appears!
  358. Martin Baron: (( Roll initiative?))
  359. GM (GM): Yep, come in hot!
  360. DJ-Max flipped a coin and is going for it.
  361. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 40
  362. (58)+40= 98
  363. GM (GM): The current sit is they are facing a topsider that put up his field
  364. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+35
  365. (82)+35= 117
  366. DJ-Max: Here's hoping he just hits the gun.
  367. GM (GM): rolling 1d100 +25
  368. (61)+25= 86
  369. M. Walker stares in shock as DJ goes running at the TSer
  370. Everett Pillory: RUN DJ!
  373. Clayton R.: Oh dear god, someone throw me that gun
  374. In a move of grace and pose, the rat kicks the gun without making contact with the topsider!
  375. Martin Baron: (( I'll take the log from this log after the session.))
  376. GM (GM): The gun flies...into the flames.
  377. Clayton R.: I'm the only other guy wearing a topsider suit
  378. DJ-Max proceeds to make finger guns at him "Nice to meet you." he then proceeds to jump away
  379. GM (GM): Last action?
  380. Clayton R.: (( We should probably try and keep that topsider away from the gun. ))
  381. Everett Pillory readies a bomb "Yo fuckface. Surrender now or you'll blow up."
  382. GM (GM): Welp, Martin's turn!
  383. Everett Pillory: (Oh I forgot!)
  384. (Hmmm... we can't stun him can we?)
  385. Clayton R. cheers DJ on as the gun flies away from the topsider. He needs to get a hold of it quick
  386. Martin Baron: (( I do got a taser. And some guns. And a table leg.))
  387. Clayton R.: (( Martin , you can run fast, grab that gun from the fire. ))
  388. Everett Pillory: Tase the bastard, Martin
  389. Martin Baron: (( Ranged handgun taser, how far's the reach?))
  390. GM (GM): 7 feet
  391. Martin Baron: (( But yeah, I'll spend my first action to move to the gun. Will get within range.))
  392. (( can't move it.))
  393. (( But I'll move to gun and grab it.))
  394. ((Speed of 9, can't I move closer?))
  395. GM (GM): Now you can move your token.
  396. Martin Baron: (( Well alright then.))
  397. GM (GM): You can move 9 tiles.
  398. Martin Baron: ((Anyway, first action to move, second to pick the gun up, last to give the Toppy a shock.))
  399. GM (GM): The gun is sitting in flames.
  400. Everett Pillory: (NooO! Martin! I'm gonna bomb him!)
  401. (So get back after a taze)
  402. GM (GM): Grab it anyway?
  403. Clayton R.: (( Yeah, I would advise grabbing the gn and getting it to Clayton ))
  404. Martin Baron: (( Be better than leaving it there for the guy to grab. Would it use my remaining action if I chucked it to Clayton?))
  405. Clayton R.: (( I think you could actually run the gun over to me ))
  406. You have pretty high speed
  407. GM (GM): Well, okay. If you grab the gun you take...
  408. rolling 1d10
  409. (2)= 2
  410. to your hands.
  411. Martin Baron: (( I'll be fine. ))
  412. Martin Baron runs to Clayton and hands him the Topsider's weapon, out of reach from the enemy.
  413. Martin Baron: (( Out of actions? ))
  414. GM (GM): That's three.
  415. Martin Baron: (( Alright, end turn. ))
  416. GM (GM): Everett!
  417. Clayton R. silently thanks Martin a thousand times over as he grabs the weapon.
  418. Everett Pillory pulls out a bomb and results to a single threat "Surrender or you're gonna explode like a blood sausage into thin red paste"
  419. Clayton R.: Hey Ernest
  420. GM (GM): Heyo Ern!
  421. We are in combat right now, roll intiative if you want to join.
  422. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+50
  423. (65)+50= 115
  424. Ernest Gillett: ((Hey. I apologize for not coming to last week's session and the week before. I had a marketing trip to go to back then.))
  425. rolling 1d100+65
  426. (32)+65= 97
  427. Everett Pillory: ((Rolled for persuasion))
  428. Ernest Gillett: ((Alright, mine's for intiative))
  429. Martin Baron: (( Not much he can do really, except tackle us while his shield's on.))
  430. GM (GM): ((Yeah, that sounded exciting.))
  431. Right, back on track
  432. rolling 1d100+25
  433. (63)+25= 88
  434. Yeah, I'll give it to you.
  435. The topsider speaks.
  436. Topsider: ...I guess this is a standoff anyway. You can't touch me and without my gun I can't catch you.
  437. Topsider: How about a deal, freaks?
  438. Everett Pillory pulls out his thingamabob and scans the topsider
  439. GM (GM): He is red.
  440. Clayton R.: (( Can I move freely GM during the conversation? ))
  441. Everett Pillory: (The rest are red as well?)
  442. GM (GM): Well, I would actually like to see what Ernest would do.
  443. Clayton R.: (( free enought o raise the zero gun? ))
  444. Martin Baron: (( I was about to taunt him a bit, but I'll hold my tongue.))
  445. (( Negotiate? Threaten to chew his head off? ))
  446. GM (GM): Ernest, final combat action, anything you want to do before talking to the plastic-in-the-mud?
  447. Ernest Gillett: ((Ohh, sorry. Nah, I won't do anything for combat.))
  448. GM (GM): Okay!
  449. Tops: What the hell?" He says as he looks at his red body.
  450. Everett Pillory: Interesting...
  451. Everett Pillory grins
  452. Topsider: is this some new greating with you people?
  453. Martin Baron whispers to Clayton "What should we do with him? Hear what he has to say or just finish this?"
  454. Clayton R. screws with the Topsider. "Well... looks like you're infected too."
  455. Everett Pillory pockets the thingamabob and writes something down
  456. Everett Pillory: Nah... we're just checking things
  457. Clayton R.: (( you think he will buy what I said? ))
  458. Martin Baron: (( Roll persuasion? ))
  459. M. Walker hesitantly lowers her rifle, looking to her compatriots a moment
  460. Clayton R.: (( I mean the only other red people here are mutants? ))
  461. I'll try it.
  462. the topsider is tapping his helmet. He mutters, "Weird."
  463. GM (GM): Roll away!
  464. Clayton R. repeats his lie, only louder. "Looks like you're infected too now, jus t like out other two..."
  465. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+10
  466. (50)+10= 60
  467. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  468. (61)+25= 86
  469. Clayton R.: (DRAT)
  470. Topsider: Yeah, right.
  471. Everett Pillory: (I'll try... to support Clayton)
  472. Martin Baron: (( Get Ernest or Everett to chime in? Their mind boost might work. ))
  473. Topsider: My suit checks out green... Metaphorically speaking.
  474. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+50
  475. (65)+50= 115
  476. Clayton R. shrugs, "Well I could just kill you too. "
  477. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  478. (94)+25= 119
  479. Oh wow.
  480. Martin Baron: (( Hah ))
  481. Ernest Gillett: ((Dang))
  482. Clayton R.: loyalty is real
  483. Martin Baron: (( Scary bug lady, try to convince him.))
  484. Ernest Gillett: ((Alrighty))
  485. Tops: It looks like that gun is some sort of molecular rearranger.
  486. My suit registers fine but my zero-field is reporting micro-contacts.
  487. Tops: That gun must send out molecular shapes. Not enough for actual impact but enough to filter light on objects it attaches to.
  488. DJ-Max: "..."
  489. Tops: you covered me in red. Literally the color red itself.
  490. Tops: for the level of tech that... Bah! Whatever!
  491. Clayton R.: (( I'd like to discretely try and fire the zero gun at the topsider))
  492. Everett Pillory hmms... he is considering one thing.
  493. Tops: Listen, virus chuggers! Leave me 6 grand and I won't try to kill you with my bare hands.
  494. Everett Pillory walks to walker and asks if she has a syringe
  495. Martin Baron yells "What do people like you do with money?"
  496. Everett Pillory: Why do you need money for?
  497. Clayton R.: (( GM, Can I fire the gun at the topsider without him noticing? ))
  498. DJ-Max: "That's a good point actually. What would a topsider need with money?"
  499. Everett Pillory hmms
  500. GM (GM): It's like perception or intiative rolls I figured that was better since everyone can try to persuade, its a natural skill for people.
  501. M. Walker adds, "Especially our grubby, virus-ridden money."
  502. GM (GM): ((You can try, Clayton!))
  503. M. Walker sneering at Toppy
  504. Tops: Eh, we like to play poker out here.
  505. Martin Baron: "Can't do that with some of your junk? Your... Topsider rations or something?"
  506. Everett Pillory snickers "Strip poker I bet."
  507. GM (GM): Well, mind*5 -10
  508. Clayton R. holds the zero gun at his hip and slowly points it to the topsider from his suited hand. He pulls the trigger
  509. Tops: Trust me, we can't give 'topsider rations away'
  510. We have to have our fun. Honestly besides killing you people it's all we have out here.
  511. Everett Pillory: Why don't you start making video games
  512. Nothing happens.
  513. Everett Pillory: You're bored, jobless and with a lot of free time
  514. Martin Baron scowls slightly at his last remark.
  515. Tops: Sorry, you have to be registered to a VLN to use that.
  516. Clayton R. sighs, and examines the gun
  517. Tops: Also, our guns hate you people more than we do.
  518. RedHotGun: It's true! What, did you think wearing the glove would trick me?
  519. Everett Pillory rolls his eyes "Clay..."
  520. Clayton R. shrugs. "How about you help me do that, and we don't blow you to Kingdom come"
  521. Tops: Games are for NERDS!
  522. DJ-Max: "This man is evil, even among Topsiders."
  523. Clayton R.: "because. I would reaaaly love to use this gun."
  524. Tops: We are in a standoff here.
  525. Everett Pillory: ((Get your twitter ready ))
  526. Ernest Gillett grumbles quietly as she stands about. "Are we just going to waste time with him?" She mutters.
  527. Tops: You clearly can't kill me and I can't catch you.
  528. Everett Pillory: Nah we're not. I can toss a bomb and you will be knocked out by a shockwave.
  529. Then we tear off your suit and leave you here
  530. Tops: or I can simply radio and see who is nearby.
  531. Clayton R. adds, "Or you can register me with a VLN, and we won't have to kill you."
  532. Everett Pillory: If I calculated the load on these the pressure is enough to at least leave you with permamently deaf
  533. Martin Baron: "And somehow you're expecting six thousand dollarydoos at a standoff."
  534. Tops: Well, I figure I have the advantage.
  535. I can just follow you people where ever.
  536. Eventually you'll lead me to a colony or you'll die of exposure.
  537. The topsider begins walking forward.
  538. Clayton R. turns to Everett. "Hey, don't we have that big gun we're supposed to test out too.?"
  539. Martin Baron draws his pistol. "Stay back, dammit!"
  540. Clayton R. Why don't we use it on 'Ole pain in ass here."
  541. Tops: Yeah... We have been through this.
  542. M. Walker nods in nervous agreement, stepping back from Toppers herself
  543. Clayton R. shakes his head, different gun Topsider
  544. as an aside, Walker and DJ are back to their normal chromatic status!
  545. Martin Baron starts to sweat. He keeps the gun aimed at the Topsider.
  546. Everett Pillory gives Walker the gun to test
  547. Everett Pillory: Shoot him
  548. Clayton R. keeps his flamethrower ready and Zero gun still drawn.
  549. the topsider stands wide like he is about to stop a soccer kick.
  550. Martin Baron: (( You know, if he turns... Two birds one stone, ya know? ))
  551. DJ-Max feels over himself "Good to be grey again."
  552. Clayton R.: (( Walker, you gonna fire? ))
  553. Everett Pillory: (( Exactly what I'm thinking ))
  554. (( Did you think Everett was gonna let him go? ))
  555. M. Walker nodding, she aims at Tops, flashes of memories in her mind, of that masked face in the past.
  556. Tops: This is much more fun than cards!
  557. M. Walker fires at him
  558. GM (GM): He is now at point blank range.
  559. roll to hit.
  560. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+20
  561. (21)+20= 41
  562. Martin Baron: (( HOLY SHIT ))
  563. GM (GM): Its a hit.
  564. Clayton R.: (( Does hit chance change with range? ))
  565. GM (GM): What did you shoot him with, your rifle?
  566. Everett Pillory: (( The new gun ))
  567. Martin Baron: (( It's a 40 to hit with that, right? ))
  568. Clayton R.: No, the experimental gun
  569. rihgt?
  570. M. Walker: Yup
  571. a large disc flies out of the gun, it hits the topsider square center and knocks him back. Metal tentacles deploy from the disk and wrap around him.
  572. DJ-Max: "...Huh."
  573. Tops: (*^&%... I'll kill you freaks!
  574. Everett Pillory readies the gun
  575. DJ-Max: "It got though his' stuff... ha. Gotta love it."
  576. M. Walker: "Ah..aha! Great!" sighing with relief at the weapon's effect
  577. Clayton R. fires a short burst of napalm over the topsider's face
  578. the disk crackles around the topsider, plasma is jetting out from the exchange.
  579. Everett Pillory: ((GODDAMN IT CLAY))
  580. Martin Baron feels relief like the others. But quickly tenses up again once Clayton opens fire.
  581. DJ-Max: "Wha?!"
  582. Clayton R.: (( I just went up close and put the flamethrower to his head, I didn't srapy the whole thing. ))
  583. Everett Pillory reloads and quickly fires into the topsider
  584. GM (GM): "The spray is a wide cone, affecting the target and those within 5 ft of it and everything on the way to the target."
  585. Clayton R.: *spray
  586. GM (GM): That is literally three of your comrads/
  587. Okay, one.
  588. Well, I'd say DJ is in the field as well.
  589. What the hell, roll damage!
  590. Clayton R.: (( Well that's not what I intended at all. Whoops. ))
  591. GM (GM): It's like a hose, you fire and it goes everywhere.
  592. Trust me, I'm in Washington, I know wet more than dry.
  593. Everett Pillory: (( Clay what the fuck ))
  594. M. Walker: :(
  595. Clayton R.: I really just meant o get up close and do a small spurt of fire only the topsiders head, that's it. Really messed up there... I really didn't mean this
  596. Martin Baron: (( Shit Clay, you're the new Everett.))
  597. Everett Pillory: (( The Old Everett didn't maim anyone!!))
  598. Martin Baron: (( Also, it's FUCKING NAPALM. Super suit or not, he's dead. ))
  599. GM (GM): Well, sure, still want to fire?
  600. Martin Baron: (( Can I roll to push Mana out of the way or something? ))
  601. GM (GM): Sure.
  602. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  603. (59)+45= 104
  604. Everett Pillory: (( Just...
  605. GM (GM): But its still gonna splash.
  606. DJ-Max should probably roll to dodge as well.
  607. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  608. (85)+20= 105
  609. Martin Baron: (( Bloody hell. ))
  610. Everett Pillory: (( Thank God))
  611. Clayton R.: (( I actually' just feel really bad now. I was going off notes I copied from the rules a while back, the old notes never listed a 5ft are of effect.))
  612. Everett Pillory: (( Clay will face an angry panda ))
  613. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 40
  614. (44)+40= 84
  615. Martin Baron: (( Clay will face an angry everybody. ))
  616. GM (GM): Sorry, alot of these updates change.
  617. Ernest Gillett: (( Ohhh man ))
  618. M. Walker yipes with surprise, taken aback from the rush of fire and Martin
  619. Clayton R. recoils in surprise as the napalm splashes around him. That wasn't supposed to happen,
  620. Martin Baron: (( This is intense benny hill music. ))
  621. GM (GM): Martin, you manage to push mana afew feet out of the way.
  622. Clayton R. nervously checks over the nozzle of his flamethrower, and he makes frantic glances back at the group.
  623. GM (GM): Comedy and death!
  624. Ernest Gillett jumps back a bit, surprised by the sudden fire from Clayton.
  625. GM (GM): So, roll to hit there clayton.
  626. It's garanteed for the topsider but DJ is rolling a dodge.
  627. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+20
  628. (34)+20= 54
  629. Martin Baron: (( Below 84, thank god ))
  630. GM (GM): Yep, he rolled.
  631. Martin! Clayton!
  632. You are in the spread.
  633. Martin Baron: (( Oh no what ))
  634. (( Pls no ))
  635. GM (GM): Roll damage clay!
  636. Clayton R.: rolling 5d10+50
  637. (6+4+4+5+8)+50= 77
  638. Everett Pillory: (I SWEAR TO GOD)
  639. GM (GM): Well, what do you want to do besides heroic rescue the poodle.
  640. Ernest Gillett: (( DANG ))
  641. Martin Baron: (( AAAAAAAAAHHH ))
  642. (( Can I dodge at all or am I roast? ))
  643. Clayton R.: (( Oooh oooh no. GM Why me, and Why of all things, by accident))
  644. Martin Baron: (( You know what, I think I've accepted my fate. Let me burn. ))
  645. (( It'll just make Martin stronger. And scarier looking. ))
  646. GM (GM): Clay, your topsider suit protects you for 10
  647. Martin Baron: (( If he doesn't die. ))
  648. GM (GM): take 67
  649. Martin Baron: (( I have studded leather armor. Does nothing? ))
  650. GM (GM): Martin, you take 77 if you don't have any armor.
  651. The armor protects you some.
  652. Also, you're both on fire!
  653. Martin Baron: (( and the damage to both? ))
  654. GM (GM): Nah, the leather takes it first
  655. Clayton R.: What are the the circle above my toekn for again?
  656. *token
  657. GM (GM): I like to use them for tracking hp and such.
  658. Martin Baron: (( So 77 to armor and none to health? ))
  659. GM (GM): Okay then.
  660. Martin Baron: (( Or ))
  661. (( No, I'm in the fire, half and half? ))
  662. DJ-Max: "Stop drop and roll man!"
  663. GM (GM): Anyway, you're both on fire.
  664. Everett Pillory quickly removes his pants since they're still intatct and uses them to suffocate the fire
  665. Everett Pillory: DAMMIT MARTIN
  666. Clayton R. curse and runs out of the flames, dropping to the ground and rolling around in the wastes
  667. Martin Baron releases a scream as he runs out of the fire, trying to smother the flames on the dust.
  668. Everett Pillory: DAMMIT CLAY
  669. Martin Baron: (( What'd I do? ))
  670. Everett Pillory: (You're on fire)
  671. Martin Baron: (( Yes ))
  672. Everett Pillory: ((Well that's why Everett is angry about ))
  673. Clayton rolls on the ground furiously and Martin apparently had gone into a panic?
  674. Everett Pillory tackles Martin and uses his pants to put out the fire on him
  675. Martin Baron: (( Oh lord, I'm at 4 MP. How bad was my MP hit? ))
  676. GM (GM): None at all.
  677. It's a shock but not a big shock.
  678. Martin Baron: (( Good, good. ))
  679. Clayton R.: (( That Icon is weird. Are we on fire or are we toasty?))
  680. GM (GM): Also, you have 34 mp now. While you were off I rolled the new psch help for your character, if that's what you intended.
  681. Just alittle on fire.
  682. rolling 1d10
  683. (6)= 6
  684. Martin Baron: (( That's great, thanks man. ))
  685. GM (GM): Before the falmes are snuffed out. Clayton and Martin take 6 damage
  686. Martin Baron: (( Thankfully, not as horrible as I thought it would be. Thank christ I bought armor. ))
  687. Clayton R. throws his flamethrower off into the grounds, and he shovels as much dust as possible onto him. thank god for armor
  688. GM (GM): By Everyone's efforts Martin is extinguished.
  689. But not before taking...
  690. rolling 1d10
  691. (8)= 8
  692. 8 more damage.
  693. Martin Baron: (( 94 health, armor is about to fall apart though. ))
  694. Everett Pillory grumbles over ruined pants
  695. GM (GM): Clayton, your topsider suit is melted.
  696. Clayton R. curses out loud even more as he sheds the suit. All of this goddamn mess over a misfire.
  697. Martin Baron breathes quickly, thanking Everett for dousing the flames before it burned him any more. His armor appears to be halfway melted. Martin stands up and looks to where Clayton is, screaming "What the #*@! is wrong with you?!"
  699. Clayton R. stands up, grabbing his flamethrower and hoists it back on his back, grumbling to himself. He tries to ignore the yelling,
  700. GM (GM): This filled my laughter requirement for the day.
  701. M. Walker quickly grabs the TS'ers gun while it's still unclaimed. She's also not too certain it's owner is dead. She's probably just being paranoid.
  702. Martin Baron: (( Was that Juan running off into the distance? ))
  703. It has come to your attention the following two things: The topsider is rolling around in the flames shouting profanity, and Juan has booked it. He is gone!
  704. GM (GM): I was waiting for you guys to die down then point that out. I didn't want to interrupt.
  705. Martin Baron: (( CLAYTON YOU MADE JUAN RUN AWAY! ))
  706. DJ-Max: "...We're without a doubt. The worst."
  707. DJ-Max proceeds to facepalm.
  708. Everett Pillory grabs the G-gun out of Clayton's hands and tosses it into the fire
  709. GM (GM): "*&^% Adventure"
  710. Clayton R. sighs, he hopes the topsider suffer the worst pain imaginable.
  711. Clayton R.: (( Walker has the gun))
  712. GM (GM): Actually both guns at this point.
  713. Clayton R.: (( you mean experimental gun and Zero gun? ))
  714. DJ-Max falls back and just sits down on the ground.
  715. M. Walker: (Yeah)
  716. Everett Pillory: (( Zero gun ))
  717. Clayton R. ignores the others, and he takes a long, deep breath. "We should head back now."
  718. Clayton R. armor appears largely destroyed
  719. Everett Pillory shows his undies to Clayton "WELL GENIUS WE SHOULD. ALSO YOU OWE ME A PAIR OF FUCKING PANTS"
  720. Martin Baron: (( At least you're in appropriate attire for meth cooking, Everett. ))
  721. GM (GM): Ah yes. that should be noted!
  722. DJ-Max: "...I'm going to take a run about for Juan."
  723. Clayton R. is still. "Fine, lets go then. we should probably visit the hospital."
  727. Martin Baron glares at Clayton, scratching out bits of burnt fur from his arm and head.
  728. GM (GM): Well. Let's do XP!
  729. DJ-Max: "Hey... Walker, any chance you can take a sniff and give me a general direction he went?"
  730. Ernest Gillett gives a stern look at Clayton, mumbling, "What the hell was that!?"
  731. Clayton R. turns back. "I wasn't thinking dammit! My flamethrower should have never don that. It's never burst like that before, and it happened at a helluva fucking time time to start doing it!"
  732. GM (GM): Let's get that out of the way first.
  733. Martin Baron: Sorry me and Ernest were 2 hours late
  734. Everett Pillory: Well a pantless angry red panda is shouting obscenities at Clay. I'm happy with the session
  735. Ernest Gillett: Yeah, sorry about being late, GM.
  736. GM (GM): No prob, happens literally to everyone.
  737. Clayton R.: (( part of me is actually mad that all this shit happened at the end because I didn't check the updated flamethrower rules.))
  738. GM (GM): I'm just glad it wasn't me this time!
  739. Martin Baron: It seemed pretty interesting. I'll make a post from the log real quick.
  740. GM (GM): Eh, the party didn't start until you guys walked in.
  741. Yes I went there.
  742. Alright, xp
  743. You guys completed a major objective. +20 xp
  744. Clayton R.: (( are we doing XP from both sessions? ))
  745. GM (GM): DJ fought a foe that would have zapped him in the slightest touch +5 and disarmed him +5.
  746. Ah yeah.
  747. Clayton R.: (( We didn't do it last session? ))
  748. GM (GM): Correct.
  749. DJ-Max is good at this.
  750. GM (GM): Living on the edge!
  751. Ernest Gillett: ((Wait, do I get the +20 XP, or no? Because I was gone for two previous sessions and late for this one.))
  752. GM (GM): You get it.
  753. I reward attendance.
  754. Ernest Gillett: ((Ah, thank you.))
  755. GM (GM): Combating a major threat +5 for everybody.
  756. Clayton R.: (( Yeah DJ did something Crazy amazing and I just set allies on fire for real this time ))
  757. GM (GM): Believe it or not this was a good test of topsider npcs.
  758. And the mutt.+5
  759. Technically that force field destroyed him but whatever.
  760. Clayton gets +4 for attacking two minor foes (Allies.)
  761. Clayton R.: (( I'll never hear the end of this. ))
  762. Everett Pillory: Oh no
  763. GM (GM): Now comes the real bank.
  764. Everett Pillory: ( You'll never hear the end of this )
  765. Martin Baron: Editing the paste text now
  766. (( Yep, never ever. Even when he's dead.))
  767. Everett Pillory: (( My last words will be "Tell Clayton I will haunt him ))
  768. GM (GM): Saving players. Really good job today.
  769. It wasn't intended but it worked out a great excercise in playing defensively.
  770. Clayton R.: (( It seems the only way to truly end it is to be WITNESSED ))
  771. Everett Pillory: (( Yes ))
  772. GM (GM): So, Martin +20 for throwing Walker out of the way. Everett, +20 for patting Martin down.
  773. Martin Baron: Cool
  774. GM (GM): Anything I'm missing?
  775. Clayton R.: Did we get XP last time for delivering the supplies?
  776. GM (GM): I think Everett should get +5 for thorough experimentation with the color box.
  777. Martin Baron: Potential nightmares for nearly burning to death and watching someone else?
  778. GM (GM): Actually I was going to do that last.
  779. Martin Baron: Oh right, wasn't there for that. Mind giving me the rundown on the colors afterwards?
  780. GM (GM): Ooh, he's not dead.
  781. That force field is some broken crap.
  782. Martin Baron: He's seriously forcefielding the fire and flames?
  783. Clayton R.: Are you telling me that Topsider is going to go on to become the BBEG?
  784. Martin Baron: He teams up with the one handed golden retriever and comes back to kick our asses
  785. Everett Pillory: Here's a kidder
  786. If we toss the gun into flames
  787. Martin Baron: OH NO
  788. Everett Pillory: The explosion might not be pretty
  789. Martin Baron: Oh, I meant we might fight him again
  790. DJ-Max: He goes full Simerrillian on us.
  791. Martin Baron: If the gun survives and so does he
  792. GM (GM): Yeah. I've got to work it out but apparently teflon plus a barrier that destroys matter plus radiation shielding.
  793. Clayton's armor only failed because half that crude wasn't turned on.
  794. It's like an Iron Bubble or something.
  795. Protects against everyone or pops.
  796. Clayton R.: Yeah, I couldn't use because it it had a big dang hole in the suit
  797. GM (GM): And you didn't have the helmet
  798. Anyway. XP for next session!
  799. err... Last session.
  800. Martin Baron: Didn't know you were a medium
  801. GM (GM): Well, he's not peter dinkledge.
  802. Oh, medium. I get it!
  803. Anyway... Completed the delivery +20
  804. Everett Pillory: 20+5+5+20... 50 XP for Everett... nice
  805. Martin Baron: 135 XP to go
  806. GM (GM): Explored the town abit and figured out how to get in (AKA tolerated captin Incred) +10
  807. Showed concern for Juan +0
  808. I believe that was it.
  809. Big question: Who was the MVP?
  810. Clayton R.: DJ
  811. DJ-Max still shows concern for him even now.
  812. Everett Pillory: Clayton!
  813. Martin Baron: This session? DJ for kicking the gun away.
  814. Everett Pillory: (Kidding, DJ's karate skill saved us)
  815. GM (GM): Clayton should get point for playing like its Rifts.
  816. Ernest Gillett: I'm not sure? I wasn't here for last session and most of this session.
  817. GM (GM): DJ disarmed the topsider without touching the field.
  818. Literally centimeters from disintegration.
  819. So +10 for that.
  820. Ah, wait.
  821. Martin Baron: Was pretty baller of him
  822. GM (GM): I think everyone deserves an additional +10 for using persuasion on the topsider.
  823. Although it's hard to get them to not kill you, you were able to get him to stop the engagement in a way.
  824. Martin Baron: And then Clayton decides to burn those bridges
  825. GM (GM): His force field can't shield his brain.
  826. Well, he's got an itchy trigger finger.
  827. Clayton R.: I blame GM
  828. Ernest Gillett: ((Okay, so I get 20+10+10 over here, right..?))
  829. ((* exp I mean))
  830. Clayton R.: and that's not a John
  831. GM (GM): Really it wasn't a bad idea. Try to overload the field or catch him off guard.
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