
A short treatise on Ghosts, ‘God’, ‘The Old Ones’ and the sp

May 8th, 2014
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  1. A short treatise on Ghosts, ‘God’, ‘The Old Ones’ and the spiritual plane, by Avocado.
  3. First off, let me put my religious beliefs out in the open. Although I was raised as a mild Protestant Christian, I rapidly realised that a lot of it was wrong, incorrect, or just downright made-up. As I grew older, I began to see similarities in many of the world’s religions -- They all have one or many overarching deities; Christianity has ‘God’, Hinduism has ‘Brahma’, ‘Vishnu’ and ‘Shiva’ amongst others, Islam has ‘Allah’, for example. They all have a basic code of moral guidelines to live by, most of which boil down to the basic tenets required for a peaceful, fulfilling life; Don’t kill, steal, rape, injure etc. They all have holy books or scriptures to serve as a guide, and they all have preachers or holy men. Most of them, at some point, have had representatives on Earth.
  4. Science has taught us that there are two types of … stuff, for lack of a better term, that comprise the universe -- Matter, and Energy. The two are readily interchangeable, and can be considered one and the same at a base level. Einstein’s famous equation E=m●c2 deals with the quantities during the conversion, and an inefficient example of this principle can be seen during the explosion of a nuclear weapon, whilst it happens on an incredibly regular basis in the observable universe, in the form of Hypernovas, and Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes.
  5. Consider this: We live in, and can perceive 3+1 dimensions, that is, X, Y, Z, and time. There are many physics theories that state we live in a universe with up to 22 dimensions. So where are they? A few have hypothesised that they are curled extremely tightly in on themselves, creating “pocket dimensions”. But what if three of them mirrored the three we perceive as humans, creating shadow dimensions that exist in the same area as us, yet we are unable to perceive them? Consider also, that in this ‘plane’, we have no issue visualising matter in any form, be it solid, liquid, plasma or gas, yet we have a very hard time ‘seeing’ energy. We can see its effects on matter, yes, and we can perceive a small amount of the electro-magnetic spectrum directly, but by and large, we cannot see energy itself without great effort.
  6. What if, in the theorised shadow universe, the inhabitants and the very fabric of reality was made of, and capable of interacting with, energy? Without devolving into arguments about particles and waves, let me explain. The Human brain is a wondrous piece of engineering and evolution. Inside your brain, and in fact, almost any living creature with a nervous system, is a little piece of tissue called a “neuron”. You have around 86 billion of these inside your skull, firing away to each other using electricity and chemicals to interact at any one time. As such, you are effectively creating energy, using nothing more than your body’s natural systems. What if this energy could affect the shadow universe, however slight? What if the shadow universe could be used a metaphorical tape player for the electrical signals of the brain?
  7. Let me dive off on a tangent for a moment here. You are aware that some people believe in ghosts, and you may have decided that this is complete bunkum. You may want to believe, or you may see ghosts yourself. This is not my point. My point is that an overwhelming amount of people have seen ghosts, claim to see people walk through walls or have even visited phantom houses. These accounts are all far too similar to be a complete fabrication, but no credible science has ever measured this phenomenon, or simple explanations can be found for the phenomena. However, what if we made a recording of ourselves, not of our bodies, but what of we mentally perceive to be ourselves on this tape player? What if, for some reason, the tape was overly sensitive to high emotional states, such as stress, pain, mental anguish, or even death? To repetitive actions performed day in, day out?
  8. Those sensitive to the “supernatural” may experience the replay of those actions, with the mental image of those who performed them, may experience the recorded emotions of a room or a place long after the one who recorded them is gone. Ever noticed how people will come into a room, and stand in the same spot? Chances are, people have been doing just that for quite some time, and we just drop into the groove simply because that’s what the tape says we should do. Find someone who has seen a ghost and ask them about it. Whilst they will not have seen it with their eyes, they have perceived it so clearly that they may as well have, and to some people, many even appear to be one and the same.
  9. We are hard-wired to connect to this shadow universe and read the data from it, yet because it is not something tangible or directly measurable, we deny any possibility of its existence, and label all those who make claims about it to be “loonies” or “crackpots”. Yet there are many who access this shadow universe who are not labelled as such, except perhaps by each other. I mentioned them briefly at the start of this article -- those who subscribe to a religion. Since a lot of the trappings of religion can be easily proven to be false (For example, the majority of the (Protestant) Bible was written several hundred years after the death of Jesus of Nazareth, and so many have chopped and changed the content therein for so long), can we really accept the rest as gospel (Sic)?
  10. I put forward that it is faith that drives a religion forward, faith that registers on the spiritual plane, the shadow universe. Faith, a trait that the vast majority of humans share, that there is something greater than us, perhaps a creator, perhaps a destroyer, but faith nevertheless. Perhaps there was no entity that we shall call ‘god’ (No capital ‘G’ this time, mind), but we created an entity that can be seen as one, through the ministrations and prayers and energy we expended and used in his/her/their name. To us, the god that we created is therefore a part of us, of every single human, of every single subscriber of any faith, and all those who choose not to believe as well.
  11. This also leads me towards my penultimate point -- so-called ‘Demons’. Whilst we inhabit our 3+1 dimensions, and leave a mark on the shadow dimensions, is it not fair to say that they too could be inhabited as ours is? Could they not influence our world, however slight? Whatever their intentions, the records stand strong. The Christians have “Beelzebub” and all manner of ‘Demons’, the Muslims have ‘Djinns’/’Jinns’, the Hindus have ‘Asuras’, amongst others. There are countless images of monsters being conjured up, and devouring, raping and pillaging the lands, and various ‘ways’ of contacting said beings. The conjuring usually consists of symbolic items and darkened rooms, sometimes incorporating hallucinogenic drugs. Whatever the equipment, a large part of summoning is mental, thus bringing the theory that these inhabitants, whatever they may be, are using the mental energy to either communicate, or possibly even transfer planes (Highly unlikely).
  12. These inhabitants may be very old, and very powerful, as those who stumble upon one often remark upon feeling fear and dread until the contact is over. Perhaps this is due to the shadow dimensions not being influenced by the fourth dimension as we are, which would certainly go some way as to explaining the re-occurrence of ghosts. Perhaps these beings have a much longer lifespan than us, or perhaps it is simply that we are unable to comprehend something so completely alien to us? Whatever the case, it is usually best to stay well away from any contact, even if they are benign. To quote an old saying: “If you don’t know what it is, don’t put it in your mouth”.
  13. All this is just a theory, mind you. I have no solid evidence I can present to you, no hard facts. All I have to show is a lot of remarkably close coincidences. If this helped you in some way, perhaps pass it on. If not, I am sorry to have wasted your time.
  14. ~Avocado
  15. |A copy can be found at |
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