

Apr 24th, 2014
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  1. Altea grew up on an Admin world, directly controlled by the TSAB. Her father was a former officer in the TSAB, and Altea grew up hearing stories of his actions, friends he made, and good work he did for the TSAB. Altea knew from an early age that when she grew up, she wanted to join the TSAB. However, that time was in the future, and instead she picked up boxing as an extracurricular, liking the physicality of the sport and (in her words) "how close the two people in the ring got by the end of the fight". Some of her best friends were made in bouts, and she won far more than she lost. As she got older, she excelled at the sport, winning trophies, accolades, and the attentions of the TSAB. Jumping at the chance to fulfill her childhood dream, she joined up at first opportunity, taking her fighting skills to the benefit of the TSAB.
  3. Altea is a very cheerful sort, believing deeply in the power of positive thinking and working hard. She prefers to solve problems with her fists, however, thinking that some people just need a good fight to make them "see the light". To her credit, this turns out to be surprisingly accurate.
  5. She is Five feet, eight inches tall, with a Mediterranean complexion and black hair/brown eyes. Her hair is cut very short, in an almost boyish cut (don't want long hair in boxing!). She has a perpetual smile on her face, and seems to find the best in everything.
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