
princess adventures6 The best stowaway and the town of lemon

Jun 13th, 2014
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  1. [23:08] <~Kroked> Erina: Remiel Luna after the dinner, Sabrina reveals she had never intended to tell Spirit where you were and that since she got the information she wanted you were free to go
  2. [23:10] <~Kroked> at the moment you are SOMEWHERE lightyears away from Eolas
  3. [23:10] <~Kroked> you didnt aim you just sort of... went
  4. [23:10] <~Kroked> Soul is currently napping
  5. [23:10] <~Kroked> as he is want to do
  6. [23:10] * Remiel is currently engrossed in one of her new spellbooks.
  7. [23:11] <~Kroked> Remiel: yes in fact, Sabrina seems to have supplied quite a few for you
  8. [23:11] <~Kroked> perhaps out of kindess, or maybe because she felt she needed to give more to balance the deal
  9. [23:13] * Erina is trying to get used to sitting down in the pilot's chair with her new wings
  10. [23:14] * Luna gets up and gentle pokes Erinas right wing
  11. [23:14] <~Kroked> Remiel: roll notice
  12. [23:14] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  13. [23:14] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 58."
  14. [23:15] <~Kroked> huh that's wierd, there's a page in the middle of the book that's loose
  15. [23:16] * Remiel turns the book to the loose page.
  16. [23:16] <Remiel> "hmm?"
  17. [23:16] <~Kroked> you open it up, and you immediattly notice the page does not belong to this book
  18. [23:17] <~Kroked> it's old and the ink is faded
  19. [23:17] <~Kroked> it's some kind of... poem?
  20. [23:18] * Remiel attempts to make out the writing on the page.
  21. [23:18] <~Kroked>
  22. [23:19] * Remiel begins to recite the poem.
  23. [23:22] <Erina> "Hm, Luna? What's up?"
  24. [23:22] <Luna> "Still cant belive these are real.. and their so soft.."
  25. [23:23] <Remiel> "there's a poem here."
  26. [23:24] <Luna> "Huh? Was that what you were mumbling about just now?"
  27. [23:24] * Erina gives them a flap, "I know right!"
  28. [23:24] <Remiel> "Yeah, a sheet of paper that was just slipped between two pages."
  29. [23:25] <Remiel> "The weird part is...I think it's about us."
  30. [23:25] <Luna> "But those books are ancient arent they?"
  31. [23:26] <Remiel> "maybe..."
  32. [23:26] <Remiel> "But listen to this."
  33. [23:26] <Remiel> "A heart that is breaking, shall do no quaking, Travels the stars without fear."
  34. [23:26] <Erina> "That's me....."
  35. [23:27] <Remiel> "While A Friend, close and dear, Heart wrapped in fear, Quests for the Broken Heart Cure."
  36. [23:27] <Luna> "...That could be anyone though"
  37. [23:27] <Luna> "Ok thats getting alittle more specific.."
  38. [23:27] <Remiel> "Next, a prince Long forgotten, for reasons Misbegotten, Follows the others in awe."
  39. [23:27] <~Kroked> Soul snorts in his sleep
  40. [23:28] <Remiel> "while a Rouge and a Dealer, a Con and a Heartstealer, whom joins per a heist gone wrong. Sound familiar?"
  41. [23:28] <Erina> "Well if Remi thinks it's about us, that's probably me at least, then I'm pretty sure it was Remi, now Soul..."
  42. [23:28] <Luna> "Ok that last one is just cheating, your just wrote those as a prank or something.. right?"
  43. [23:29] * Remiel stands up and walks over to Luna, holding out the sheet. "See for yourself."
  44. [23:30] <Remiel> "The poem seems to describe two others, though."
  45. [23:30] * Luna mumbles to herself as she reads it
  46. [23:30] <Remiel> "Actually, three others."
  47. [23:30] <Erina> "Anyone we know?"
  48. [23:31] <Luna> "Ill give ya this, your not bad at this poetry stuff"
  49. [23:31] <Remiel> "And a princess and a fairy, lonely and Wary..."
  50. [23:31] <~Kroked> everyone
  51. [23:31] <~Kroked> roll notice
  52. [23:31] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  53. [23:31] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 22."
  54. [23:31] <~Kroked> Remiel: you just continue reciting
  55. [23:31] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  56. [23:31] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 78."
  57. [23:31] <Remiel> "I'm not sure about the last one though..."
  58. [23:32] <Erina> )roll 1d100-25
  59. [23:32] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-25 and gets -1."
  60. [23:32] <Remiel> "Last is the reborn, who's seen her first morn, who longs for a peaceful life."
  61. [23:32] <~Kroked> Erina: is oblivious
  62. [23:32] <~Kroked> HOEVER
  63. [23:32] <~Kroked> Luna:
  64. [23:32] <Luna> "These do sound alot like us, aside from the last bits, you sure you didnt write this?"
  65. [23:32] <~Kroked> after the part about a princess and a fairy, you hear a tiny "eep" from towards the back of the ship
  66. [23:33] * Luna draws a card and looks towards the back
  67. [23:33] <Luna> "Guys, we have some visitors"
  68. [23:33] <~Kroked> you see...
  69. [23:33] <Remiel> "What?"
  70. [23:33] <~Kroked> Violet
  71. [23:33] * Violet peeks out from behind a seat
  72. [23:33] <~Kroked> VIolet and her little fairy
  73. [23:33] * Remiel turns around.
  74. [23:34] <Luna> "...And now we have to turn the ship around"
  75. [23:34] <Luna> "How did you get onboard little one?"
  76. [23:34] * Luna puts her card back in the deck, shuffles, and puts it away
  77. [23:34] * Remiel walks over and kneels down. "Hello again."
  78. [23:34] * Violet has the most crestfallen look on her face before quickly taking an air of innocence, ""
  79. [23:35] <Luna> "No umms about it.. your sister is going to kill us when she finds out"
  80. [23:35] <Erina> "Violet!"
  81. [23:35] * Erina runs up to hug the small girl....again
  82. [23:36] <Remiel> "Wait, who's flying the ship?"
  83. [23:36] <Luna> "Eh were in the middle of nowhere, not like we will hit anything"
  84. [23:36] <Remiel> ((There's an autopilot on this thing, right?))
  85. [23:36] <Luna> "Remember Erina, be gentle, especialy now. Who knows what your capable of"
  86. [23:36] <Remiel> ((Right?))
  87. [23:36] <Erina> "Uhm, right. Better get back on the controls."
  88. [23:36] <Luna> ((there better be))
  89. [23:37] <Remiel> ((RIGHT?))
  90. [23:37] <~Kroked> ((Remiel yes))
  91. [23:37] * Violet after hugging Erina back, "N-no! It's okay. She...uh said it was okay for me to go with you guys."
  92. [23:38] <Luna> "Common now, after all that from before you dont have to lie to us."
  93. [23:38] * Remiel quickly rushes over to the controls and looks for the autopilor.
  94. [23:38] * Erina lets go of Violet to return to the pilots seat, noticeably wincing as she plops down on her wing.
  95. [23:38] <Remiel> "You know, there IS an autopilot on this thing."
  96. [23:38] <Remiel> "And we're not really going anywhere for the moment."
  97. [23:39] <Erina> "Great! How do we turn it on?"
  98. [23:39] * Erina looks around the controls to jog her memory.
  99. [23:39] <Luna> "Please dont go pushing random buttons again, and can we get back to our little stoeaway"
  100. [23:40] <Remiel> "In a minute, just give us a moment so we can all discuss what we should do in a calm, rational, matter."
  101. [23:40] <Erina> "It's fine, it's fine. We'd probably wouldn'tt have been able to get this far if her sister didn't okay this."
  102. [23:40] * Violet looks relived that they're more concerned with the auto-pilot than her. She sits down on a seat and makes herself comfortable. Despite being the youngest, and newest person to the ship, she gives of an air as if she owns the place.
  103. [23:41] * Remiel turns around. "Don't get too comfortable, Princess, you DID sneak aboard a ship without asking us first."
  104. [23:41] <Luna> "Her sister is prolly still passed out from everything she went through, and you can take that smug look off your face little one"
  105. [23:42] * Remiel turns back.
  106. [23:42] <~Kroked> Erina: you remember the buttona nd press it
  107. [23:43] <Remiel> "You find it?"
  108. [23:43] <Erina> "There! Auto-pilot's on."
  109. [23:43] * Violet looks down at her feet swinging back and forth. "'s just that I know. Go on an adventure like I've read about and..." she trails off.
  110. [23:44] * Violet looks up with tears in her eyes, you won't really take me back, will you? I promise Sabrina won't get mad!
  111. [23:44] * Remiel turns back to focus on Violet.
  112. [23:44] <Remiel> ((Roll to see if she's lying?))
  113. [23:44] <~Kroked> hmmm
  114. [23:45] <~Kroked> roll notice
  115. [23:45] * Erina puts her left hand on Violet's shoulder and looks her in the eye before giving a thumbs up, "I understand exactly what you mean."
  116. [23:45] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  117. [23:45] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 66."
  118. [23:45] * Luna looks a bit sad replying to Violet "You really shouldnt take after our airhead over there, the whole military is prolly on high aleart now and whats worse your sister is going to be worried sick"
  119. [23:47] <~Kroked> Remiel: you cant really tell if she's lying, but she looks very very sad
  120. [23:47] * Remiel sits down next to Violet.
  121. [23:48] * Violet has a couple tears fall trace down her cheeks as she looks aside and says, "I don't think sister will really notice or care if I'm gone."
  122. [23:49] <Luna> "Hey now, theres no reason to start cring, i dont care one way or another if ya tag along but it is kinda up to those two. At the very least i want to contact your sis so she knows whats going on"
  123. [23:49] * Remiel quickly grabs violet close to her, tears welling up in her eyes "Oh, you poor dear!"
  124. [23:50] * Erina looks as if she was about to go in for a hug before Remiel beat her to it, but settled on a reassuring pat on the back, "Don't worry Violet, you can stick around as long as you want."
  125. [23:50] <~Kroked> BGM
  126. [23:51] <Remiel> "Besides, we can't really take her back, especially considering we ran away ourselves, can we?"
  127. [23:52] <Luna> "Its fine with me either way, but i would really like the truth first little one. These two look like they are fine with it though."
  128. [23:53] * Violet smiles and wipes her eyes, brushing away the tears and sad expression with the expertise only a lonely princess could.
  129. [23:54] * Remiel slowly releases her hold on Violet and rubs the top of violet's head.
  130. [23:57] <Luna> "Now really Violet, the truth. Erina is an living example of your story and Remiel is just about in the same boat, so they both have a biased opinion"
  131. [23:57] <Remiel> "Maybe we should wake up Soul for this."
  132. [23:58] <Luna> "Eh let the useless guy sleep, wouldnt want to distrub his dreamland"
  133. [23:59] <Remiel> "Still, we should probably tell him that we have a new travelling companion."
  134. [23:59] <Violet> "Sabrina...has been really busy since Eva left the throne...we used to be closer, but...I've always loved reading about far away places, and hearing Erina talk about how she just decided to leave her own palace..."
  135. [00:00] <Luna> "Hes all yours then."
  136. [00:00] * Luna winces at the lonely tone from Violet
  137. [00:01] * Remiel gets up, walks over to soul, and lightly taps him on the shoulder.
  138. [00:01] <Luna> "Well you sure did something by escaping that castle and sneaking aboard here, please tell me you brought Celia with you atleast?"
  139. [00:02] * Violet Celia peeks her head out of Violet's hair at the mention of her name
  140. [00:03] <~Kroked> Remiel: Soul snorts and rolls over
  141. [00:03] * Luna slowly reaches her hand up for Celia "Theres the cute little flame"
  142. [00:03] * Remiel gently shakes Soul. "Soul, wake up."
  143. [00:04] * Violet Celia reaches out a tiny hand and places against one of Luna's outstretched fingers, spreading the familiar, soft warmth through it.
  144. [00:05] <~Kroked> soul waves a hand and mumbles "Five more minutes"
  145. [00:05] * Luna lets out a content sigh at the warmth
  146. [00:05] <Luna> "Someone throw something at soul, works for me."
  147. [00:06] * Violet Celia flits over and sits on Soul's forehead, letting a slightly burning heat out underneath her.
  148. [00:06] * Luna lets out a loud set of laughs at the now burning Soul
  149. [00:07] <Luna> "Im liking this little one more and more, whos a good little spitfire"
  150. [00:07] <~Kroked> Soul stays like his for a few moments until...
  151. [00:07] <~Kroked> "HOT! HOT SHOT SHIT SHIT!" he bolts of slapping his forehead franticly
  152. [00:08] * Luna franticly grabs Souls hands before it reaches Celia
  153. [00:08] <Luna> "Easy there hothead, and good morning"
  154. [00:08] <Remiel> "Um, thank you for that, Celia."
  155. [00:08] <Erina> "Morning Soul! We've got new friends!"
  156. [00:09] * Violet Celia flies up and away, sending off tiny sparks in amusement
  157. [00:09] * Violet laughs at the spectacle
  158. [00:09] <Remiel> "Are you okay, Soul? Let me look at your forehead."
  159. [00:09] <~Kroked> SOul looks around quickly, the adrenaline starting to wear off "Whu.... hey its that girl!"
  160. [00:09] * Luna lets go of Soul and boops him on the now singged head
  161. [00:09] <~Kroked> "...wait what"
  162. [00:09] <~Kroked> Soul rubs his head
  163. [00:10] <Luna> "Remember the little girl from the castle?"
  164. [00:10] <~Kroked> "Yes, I just said that"
  165. [00:10] <~Kroked> "But what is she doing /here/"
  166. [00:10] <Erina> "She's travelling with us!"
  167. [00:10] * Erina gives a bright smile
  168. [00:10] <Luna> "Ya, looks like shes comming with us now"
  169. [00:10] <Remiel> "Um, can I please take a look at your forehead, Soul? I want to make sure it didn't leave a mark."
  170. [00:11] * Violet straightens slightly in indignation, "Yes, the little girl, /princess/ Violet is joining you."
  171. [00:11] <~Kroked> "She's coming with us? wh- oh yeah sure Remi"
  172. [00:11] <~Kroked> "Anyways, why? how?
  173. [00:11] * Remiel pushes Soul's hair out of the way to get a better look.
  174. [00:12] <Luna> "Why? Because reasons. How? Shes a super secret ninja."
  175. [00:12] * Violet smiles at Luna in amusement
  176. [00:12] <~Kroked> Remiel: there's a small red mark, but it doesnt seem too bad
  177. [00:13] <~Kroked> "...I.... never mind"
  178. [00:13] * Luna turns her head to Violet and winks "Next time have Celia crank it up a few degrees for him ok"
  179. [00:13] <~Kroked> SOul sighs
  180. [00:13] <~Kroked> "Please don't"
  181. [00:13] <Remiel> "Well, it's a little red, doesn't look like it's any worse than a sunburn."
  182. [00:13] <~Kroked> "Good to know"
  183. [00:13] * Remiel moves her hand away from Soul.
  184. [00:14] <Erina> "So....Anybody have any ideas where to go?"
  185. [00:14] * Violet Celia flies around to rest on Violet's shoulder, where she lays against her cheek. She throws a tiny look at Soul that is almost mocking.
  186. [00:15] * Remiel quickly turns to Face Celia. "And, Celia, while I appreciate the help, could you please be more careful with your flames in the future?"
  187. [00:15] <Erina> "I mean I could look for a random planet again...."
  188. [00:16] <Luna> "Before we go anywhere we should really get in touch with Sabrina, at the very least so she doesnt put a bounty on our heads"
  189. [00:16] * Violet Celia spits a few sparks in Remiel's direction in obvious defiance
  190. [00:16] <~Kroked> "Just leave her remi" SOul says with a sigh "She didn't do any harm"
  191. [00:16] <~Kroked> "It's fine"
  192. [00:18] <Erina> "Can our radio even reach that far?"
  193. [00:18] * Violet gives Remiel a slight frown before nuzzling her cheek against Celia
  194. [00:18] * Remiel looks at soul for a moment, and then turns away, sighing. "If you say so."
  195. [00:20] * Violet to Erina: "My sister was telling me a few of the new things you can do. She said you might even have psychic mine. If that's true and we work together, we should be able to contact her like that."
  196. [00:20] <Remiel> "Oh, that reminds me."
  197. [00:22] * Remiel turns to Soul. "Soul, I wasn't really sure about this before...But I think you have the ability to use Magic."
  198. [00:25] <~Kroked> SOul raises an eyebrow? "...You're kidding right? I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed something like that"
  199. [00:25] <Erina> "So, Violet, what do I need to do?"
  200. [00:25] <Erina> "Soul, you're a part of the Animus Royal family, it's not that impossible."
  201. [00:25] <Luna> "Will we have another incident like before? I still say this scatterbrain isnt a safe place for you to be poking around in little one"
  202. [00:25] <Violet> Um well you see...((Kroked, what does she need to do?))
  203. [00:26] <~Kroked> ((you hold hands and both focus your powers, Erina focuses on aiding Violet
  204. [00:27] * Violet "Okay. This will take about an hour, or so. Just focus on helping me."
  205. [00:27] * Violet clasps hands with Erina
  206. [00:27] <Remiel> ((Wait, where's Anima?))
  207. [00:28] <Erina> ((Any chance Erina can take the backlash?))
  208. [00:28] <Luna> "...I dont think she can sit still for an hour.. much less five minutes"
  209. [00:28] <Erina> ((Next to the pilot's seat))
  210. [00:28] <~Kroked> ((Erina you cannot))
  211. [00:28] <Violet> "I think she'll be fine. Focusing psychically experience to say the least."
  212. [00:28] <Luna> ((can anyone else besides violet take it? one of us act like a buffer?))
  213. [00:31] <~Kroked> "...hey" Soul speaks up
  214. [00:31] <~Kroked> "Can I try helping?"
  215. [00:31] <~Kroked> "If I'm related to Erina I should have acess to these mind power things too right? "
  216. [00:31] <~Kroked> "I might not know anything, but maybe I can help"
  217. [00:32] <Luna> "...Even if that is true, how much help would someone with absolutly no experience at all be?"
  218. [00:32] <~Kroked> "Well it just sounds like she needs a power boost right?"
  219. [00:33] <~Kroked> "I shouldn't need to know anything than"
  220. [00:33] <Violet> "All I really need is just extra boo-yes, exactly"
  221. [00:33] <Luna> "But we could use Erinas sword for that right? No point is risking him messing himself up or all of you at that"
  222. [00:34] <~Kroked> "But if you use me with the sword thats just more power"
  223. [00:34] <Erina> "The sword does give a boost, but the backlash um.....It makes it worse."
  224. [00:34] <~Kroked> "And... well we;re lightyears away"
  225. [00:34] <~Kroked> "I think she needs all the help she can get"
  226. [00:35] <Luna> "Yes, we are lightyears away. That means if anything goes wrong they are screwed."
  227. [00:35] <Erina> "Violet, I'll leave it up to you. Are you willing to take the risk the sword carries?"
  228. [00:35] <Luna> "If Violet thinks she can handle it without an incident like last time then i have no objections, otherwise please reconsider"
  229. [00:36] <~Kroked> "If I can lighten the burden I think its worth it"
  230. [00:37] <Erina> "Violet, it's up to you."
  231. [00:45] * Violet calculates a ton of math in her head. "I don't think I'd be able to do it without a large risk to myself and the others."
  232. [00:46] <Erina> "So.....what now?"
  233. [00:46] <Erina> ".......Random planet?"
  234. [00:46] * Violet brightens, "Yes, why don't we just go to planet and explore?"
  235. [00:46] <Luna> "Everyone strap in an lets go find a gate, do the honors Erina"
  236. [00:46] <Erina> "Yay! Random planet time!"
  237. [00:47] <Luna> "HIT IT"
  238. [00:47] * Violet sits down, excitedly, holding Celia tightly.
  239. [00:47] * Erina hops back into the pilots seat, disables the Auto-Pilot, and speeds off to find a random place to land the ship."
  240. [00:49] <Violet> ((So what's the random planet, Kroked?))
  241. [00:49] <~Kroked> ((give me a moment))
  242. [00:50] <Luna> ((please no blackhole please no wammies please no wammies))
  243. [00:54] <~Kroked> you all head to a random planet in Eolian Territory. Violet you don't know much about it, other than it's a lower tier planet.
  244. [00:54] <~Kroked> you dock the ship
  245. [00:54] <~Kroked> nobody comes to greet you
  246. [00:55] <~Kroked> it's Dusk, while there is a little light, ther eis not much
  247. [00:56] <Erina> "So first thing, we find a place to call Sabrina, then why don't we grab something to eat? I never did get to finish dinner back at the castle...."
  248. [00:56] <Luna> "Guess the parkings free then, any ideas to where the gate wou... actually food does sound nice"
  249. [00:59] <Remiel> "Food sounds wonderful right about now."
  250. [00:59] * Remiel looks up, as if she were trying to remember something. "Oh!"
  251. [01:00] * Violet hops down from her seat. "I can't wait to go exploring!"
  252. [01:00] * Remiel turns to Soul. "And Soul? I still need to talk to you about your magic ability."
  253. [01:00] <Luna> "No exploring, food first then the gate. Make sure to stay close to me for now alright?"
  254. [01:00] <~Kroked> "Right, but maybe we should get food first and talk to Witch Lady"
  255. [01:00] <~Kroked> "We can study in space"
  256. [01:02] * Remiel looks slightly disappointed before putting on a smile. "Yeah, we should probably do that first."
  257. [01:03] <~Kroked> Soul stretches and gets out of the ship
  258. [01:03] * Violet glares at Soul, "'Witch lady' is my big sister, thank you very much."
  259. [01:03] <~Kroked> "Sorry sorry" he says with a wave
  260. [01:03] * Luna pats Violet on the head "Hes a meany, ignore him. Common stick close and lets go find somewhere to eat"
  261. [01:03] * Erina grabs Anima and starts to look between it, her new wings, and her usual back sheath for it.
  262. [01:04] <Luna> "Oh... thats right. Guys we might need to find something for Erina.. a cloak or something maybe?"
  263. [01:05] * Violet shoots another glare at Soul as he leaves before looking up at Luna, "I should contact Sabrina, though. I wouldn't want to get you guys publicly executed or anything."
  264. [01:05] <~Kroked> Soul is silent
  265. [01:05] <~Kroked> he is standing just outside the ship
  266. [01:06] <Erina> "Uhm...Remi, what were you saying before about another sheath for this thing?"
  267. [01:09] <Remiel> "Right, it looks kind of like a bracelet..."
  268. [01:10] <Remiel> "And when you slide your sword through it, the blade kind of disappears."
  269. [01:10] * Erina looks around the ship hoping she remembered to bring it.
  270. [01:10] <~Kroked> ((you sync your weaponw ith it by scanning it))
  271. [01:11] <~Kroked> ((than you tap the bracelet and it dissapears))
  272. [01:11] <~Kroked> ((tap it again, and your weapon reappears))
  273. [01:11] <Luna> (and this is where eri chops her hand off before shes told to scan it)
  274. [01:12] * Violet impatiently clears her throat while tapping her foot.
  275. [01:12] * Erina finds it near the back of the closet and tries to push the blade through the small ring.
  276. [01:13] * Luna rubs Violets head one last time "We gotta teach you some patients, youll need it around those two"
  277. [01:14] <Luna> (she literally did what i said she would, gotta be more descriptive)
  278. [01:14] <~Kroked> she didnt put it on her arm yet
  279. [01:14] <~Kroked> you break it
  280. [01:14] * Violet folds her arms in a small huff, and resigns herself to waiting.
  281. [01:14] <~Kroked> just shatter the poor thing
  282. [01:15] <~Kroked> poor poor bracelet
  283. [01:15] <~Kroked> it didnt even get to do what it was amde to do
  284. [01:15] * Erina comes out of the ship with it in the usual sheath, "Uhm....Soul can I ask for another favor?"
  285. [01:15] <Luna> "...What was that noise?"
  286. [01:15] * Remiel goes in to investigate.
  287. [01:15] <~Kroked> you all leave the ship than?
  288. [01:15] <~Kroked> Ive been assuming you havent left
  289. [01:16] <Luna> (yep still hanging in/around ship)
  290. [01:16] <~Kroked> Erina: you walk out
  291. [01:16] <~Kroked> and
  292. [01:16] <~Kroked> youa re as speechless as soul
  293. [01:16] <~Kroked> the entire hangar is bathed in blood and bodies
  294. [01:17] <~Kroked> not all of them whole
  295. [01:17] <Luna> "Erina? Whats the matt..."
  296. [01:17] <~Kroked> some body parts hang from the cieling, while other have very obviously been gnawed on
  297. [01:17] <Erina> "Don't let anyone else look outside!"
  298. [01:17] * Luna grabs Violet and takes her back inside the ship
  299. [01:17] * Remiel goes out after Luna. "Why, what's wrong?-Oh!"
  300. [01:17] <Violet> "Wait, what's going on out there?"
  301. [01:18] <Erina> "Soul get back in the ship. We're gonna land somewhere outside."
  302. [01:18] <Luna> "They are just repainting the docks looks like, dont want to get your shoes wet"
  303. [01:18] <~Kroked> soul just kinda leans to the right and and... just empties his guts
  304. [01:18] <Luna> "Just stay inside for a while alright?"
  305. [01:18] <Remiel> ((Roll for composure?))
  306. [01:19] <Erina> "S-Soul! We need to leave."
  307. [01:19] <Violet> "Oh, and I suppose people throw up for no reason out there? Everyone sounds worried."
  308. [01:20] <Luna> "That idiot has a planet sickness, does that every time we land. Nothing to worry about at all"
  309. [01:20] <~Kroked> BGM
  310. [01:20] <~Kroked> ((Remiel yes))
  311. [01:20] <Remiel> )roll 1d100-20
  312. [01:20] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100-20 and gets 30."
  313. [01:21] * Violet "I" hop "want" hop "to" hop "see!" Hops as high as she can, but barely comes even with Luna's arms
  314. [01:21] <Erina> )roll 1d100
  315. [01:21] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100 and gets 19."
  316. [01:21] <~Kroked> Remiel: Erina you cant stay composed
  317. [01:21] <~Kroked> you both feel just as sick as Soul
  318. [01:21] * Luna grabs Violet again and takes her to the nearest seat and straps her in nice and tight
  319. [01:22] <Luna> "Just stay here while i help those two alright"
  320. [01:22] * Erina vomits to the side, trying her best not to vomit onto any of the corpses.
  321. [01:22] * Remiel finds a different vomit-free spot, and proceeds to cover it in vomit.
  322. [01:22] <~Kroked> Luna: roll composure
  323. [01:23] * Luna goes to the door without looking further then her three companions, grabs Erina and Remiel by the colars and tries to pull them inside
  324. [01:23] * Violet folds her arms with a frustrated "harumph," but resigns herself to sitting there.
  325. [01:23] <Luna> )roll 1d100+11
  326. [01:23] * Erina tries to pick up Soul to drag him into the ship. "R-Remi....W-we n-meed to leave."
  327. [01:23] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+11 and gets 47."
  328. [01:23] <~Kroked> Luna: you keep from puking... but you are still deeply disturbed
  329. [01:23] <Luna> (damn right i am)
  330. [01:23] * Luna pulls Erina and Remiel inside
  331. [01:23] <~Kroked> Soul shakes you off Remi and stand sup, albeit shakey
  332. [01:24] <~Kroked> SOul follows you quickly inside, Paler than normal
  333. [01:24] * Luna closes the hatch door
  334. [01:25] * Erina stumbles over to the pilot's seat and starts up the ship.
  335. [01:25] <Erina> "N-no one let me c-choose a r-random planet again...."
  336. [01:25] * Remiel begins sobbing.
  337. [01:25] * Erina looks on with sunken eyes and a cold sweat.
  338. [01:25] * Luna rubs Remiels back "Are you ok to fly Erina?"
  339. [01:26] <~Kroked> Erina: ...
  340. [01:26] <~Kroked> it...
  341. [01:26] <Erina> "That doesn't matter. We need to leave now."
  342. [01:26] <~Kroked> it wont start
  343. [01:26] <~Kroked> the ship won't start
  344. [01:26] <Erina> "Damnit!"
  345. [01:26] <~Kroked> you try it again and again and again
  346. [01:26] <~Kroked> but it just wont start
  347. [01:26] <Luna> "Whats wrong?"
  348. [01:26] <Erina> "No no no no no, not now. Any time but now..."
  349. [01:27] <Erina> "Change of plans. Grab what you need. We're leaving the ship here."
  350. [01:27] <Luna> "We are not going outside"
  351. [01:28] <Erina> "The ship won't start!"
  352. [01:28] <Luna> "We are NOT going outside this ship"
  353. [01:28] <~Kroked> "We don't have a choice if the ship refuses to start... someone blindfold Violet "
  354. [01:28] <~Kroked> "She... doesn't need to see this"
  355. [01:28] <Luna> "God damnit"
  356. [01:28] <Luna> "Alright Violet, its time to play hide and seek alright? Do you know that game?"
  357. [01:28] * Erina grabs a scarf and wraps it around Violet's face.
  358. [01:29] <Erina> "I'm sorry, but this is really for the best."
  359. [01:29] * Erina picks up Violet with one hand and the unsheathed Anima with the other.
  360. [01:29] * Remiel begins mumbling. "...Your task is not simple, but do not back down."
  361. [01:30] <Luna> "Remiel.. what are you talking about?"
  362. [01:30] * Erina tries to begin concentrating on her psychic powers.
  363. [01:30] <Remiel> "...Bring back the light, and rescue the crown..."
  364. [01:30] <~Kroked> Erina: you do so
  365. [01:30] * Violet "Enough! I am not some helpless child. I am princess of Eolas, and if I cannot stand to see what has happened to /my/ people, I wouldn't be able to face myself in the mirror, let alone either of my sisters!"
  366. [01:30] <Erina> "Grab only what you need, we need to be ready for anything."
  367. [01:31] <Luna> "This is no time to have a break down Remiel!"
  368. [01:31] <~Kroked> Soul nods shakily
  369. [01:31] * Remiel stands up.
  370. [01:31] * Erina pauses before she puts the small girl down, "Violet......Are you sure you want to see this?"
  371. [01:31] <Luna> "No Erina, keep her the way she is, please."
  372. [01:32] <Remiel> "While minions of Darkness ever do Seek, remember dear Seakers, in light, Darkness is Weak."
  373. [01:32] * Violet glares hotly at Erina, before pushing past her without a word, making her way down the ramp herself
  374. [01:32] * Luna unsheaths her tunic knife and offers it to soul "Soul! Are you good?"
  375. [01:32] <~Kroked> Violet: roll composure
  376. [01:32] <Violet> )roll d100+20
  377. [01:32] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls a d100+20 and gets 108."
  378. [01:33] * Erina follows her outside
  379. [01:33] <~Kroked> "y-yeah I'm fine"
  380. [01:33] <~Kroked> Violet: you are... definitly disturbed, but before it can consume you you just... take a breath, and steel yourself
  381. [01:33] * Remiel grabs Soul's hand.
  382. [01:34] <~Kroked> it's terrible, yes, but you can take it
  383. [01:34] <Luna> "Erina! Do not let Violet get away from your side!"
  384. [01:34] <~Kroked> Remiel: soul grips it tightly and seem to take courage from it
  385. [01:34] <Erina> "I don't plan on it!"
  386. [01:34] * Luna unsheaths her right dagger and goes outside
  387. [01:34] * Erina holds Anima in both hands at the ready.
  388. [01:35] <~Kroked> Soul, weaponless, leads Remiel out
  389. [01:35] <Luna> (soul has one of my daggers)
  390. [01:35] <~Kroked> ((sorry missed that))
  391. [01:35] <Erina> "Okay once everyone is out of the ship, we'll close the door, lock it, and run for the exit.
  392. [01:35] * Violet frowns deeply at the sight, but it is little worse than some of the executions she has witnessed during both her sisters' times on the throne. She follows Erina down the ramp.
  393. [01:36] <~Kroked> you all head into the macabre sight that is the hangar
  394. [01:36] <~Kroked> all is silent
  395. [01:36] <~Kroked> silent as the grave
  396. [01:36] * Remiel looks up for a moment, eyes tightly shut, and takes a deep breath before looking down.
  397. [01:37] <~Kroked> the sun has completlys set now, wrapping the place in a thin coat of darkness, light only this planets larger than average moon
  398. [01:37] * Remiel begins accumulating zeon.
  399. [01:37] <Luna> "Just keep moving, dont look at it"
  400. [01:37] <~Kroked> Remiel: you do so
  401. [01:37] <~Kroked> you all walk through the hangar, into the town
  402. [01:37] * Remiel casts Create light as soon as she can.
  403. [01:38] <~Kroked> Remiel: what level
  404. [01:38] <Remiel> 2nd.
  405. [01:38] * Erina holds the point position constantly looking around at every little sound.
  406. [01:39] <~Kroked> you spend 50 zeon and light up a 25 meter area
  407. [01:39] <~Kroked> approx. 82 feet
  408. [01:40] <~Kroked> you hear a loud screech and see a shadowy shape dissapear into the depths of the town
  409. [01:40] <~Kroked> it /was/ right above you
  410. [01:41] <~Kroked> it looked big
  411. [01:41] * Erina begins to frantically look around once more.
  412. [01:41] * Violet jumps at the sound, and clings tightly to Celia.
  413. [01:41] <~Kroked> as big if not bigger than soul
  414. [01:41] <Remiel> "While the Minions of Darkness ever do Seek, Remember dear Seakers, in the light, Darkness is weak."
  415. [01:41] <~Kroked> SOul cleches Remiel's hand tight
  416. [01:42] * Luna turns around and slaps Remiel "Damnit Remiel cut that out"
  417. [01:42] * Remiel repeats. "In the light, Darkness is Weak."
  418. [01:42] <Erina> "Luna!"
  419. [01:42] <Luna> "Someone has to snap her out of this"
  420. [01:42] <~Kroked> "...Wait"
  421. [01:43] <Luna> "Remi, please, calm down"
  422. [01:43] <~Kroked> "No get it?"
  423. [01:43] <~Kroked> "The thing was afraid of the light"
  424. [01:43] <Remiel> "In the light, Darkness is weak."
  425. [01:43] <Remiel> "The Poem."
  426. [01:43] <Erina> "W-we need to stay calm.....Maybe find some place to hole up for the night....Keep someone on watch at all times....Or keep moving that works too...or we could...we could....."
  427. [01:44] <~Kroked> ""Erina "
  428. [01:44] <~Kroked> "Calm down"
  429. [01:44] * Erina is obviously rambling at this point, sounding more frantic with each word.
  430. [01:44] <~Kroked> "I...I think we're safe"
  431. [01:44] <Violet> If that thing is so weak in the light, then why was it able to kill all those people before we even got here. Before sunset?"
  432. [01:44] <~Kroked> "We don;t know how long it's been like this"
  433. [01:45] <~Kroked> "Did anyone think to check the state of the bodies?"
  434. [01:45] * Luna shocked at how easy Violet is takeing all this "What she said, we have to find somewhere defensible quick"
  435. [01:45] <Remiel> "...No."
  436. [01:45] * Remiel investiages the bodies a bit more closely.
  437. [01:45] <~Kroked> Remiel: they've started to decay slightly, and most are bloated
  438. [01:45] <~Kroked> they all seem to be in varying states though
  439. [01:46] <~Kroked> this massacre happened over a period of several days
  440. [01:46] <Remiel> "...Some of them have been here for a while."
  441. [01:46] <~Kroked> the most recent happening maybe a day ago
  442. [01:46] <~Kroked> ...or so you think
  443. [01:46] <Remiel> "A few more look more recent."
  444. [01:46] * Erina turns to make sure their ship, and only method of escape should it start working again, was locked so it could not be stolen or ransacked.
  445. [01:46] <~Kroked> it was
  446. [01:47] * Violet decides now would be a good time to light a small fire on the palm of her hand with pyrokinesis
  447. [01:47] <~Kroked> Violet: you do so
  448. [01:48] * Violet Celia flits up to the fire, sitting in it, adding her own brightness and heat to it
  449. [01:48] * Erina continues to concentrate
  450. [01:48] <Remiel> "...We should keep moving, it's not safe here."
  451. [01:49] <~Kroked> you keep moving
  452. [01:49] <Erina> "Agreed."
  453. [01:49] <Remiel> ((The light will follow me, right?))
  454. [01:49] <~Kroked> yes
  455. [01:52] <Violet> ((what do we see along the path?))
  456. [01:52] * Erina attempts to find someplace to fortify for the night in the town.
  457. [01:53] * Luna keeps an eye on the rooftops and trees
  458. [01:55] <~Kroked> Erina: their are plenty of liitle stores and houses
  459. [01:56] <Luna> "Guys we are being followed"
  460. [01:56] <Luna> "What ever it is its sticking to the shadows and its staying close"
  461. [01:56] <Erina> "Guys, let's try to get inside a house."
  462. [01:57] <Erina> "Stores'll probably have aisles and other blind spots."
  463. [01:57] <~Kroked> everyone
  464. [01:57] <~Kroked> Luna especially
  465. [01:58] <~Kroked> after you make that statement, the figure steps from the shadows, into the light, her hands up
  466. [01:58] <~Kroked> Faolan: describe yourself
  467. [01:58] * Luna draws her third knife and turns to face the new commer
  468. [01:59] * Erina brandishes Anima at the girl. "Y-you! W-what happened here?"
  469. [01:59] * Faolan has honey-brown, nearly golden hair, with crimson-pink streaks, nearly touching her shoulders, dark brown eyes with flecks of red-violet, an athletic build, medium-toned skin, and looks oddly feral, just a tad bit, whether in actions or in appearance
  470. [02:00] <Faolan> "Please lower the sword and I'll tell you what I know about the creature."
  471. [02:01] * Erina hesitates for a bit before lowering Anima, but continues to concentrate, occasionally stealing glances behind her shoulder at the inky darkness that lies in front of the group.
  472. [02:01] <Remiel> "Tell us your name first, and then start from the beginning. What happened here?"
  473. [02:02] * Luna keeps both knives at the ready glaring at Faolan
  474. [02:02] * Violet silently watches, but the fire on her palm grows slightly in intensity.
  475. [02:02] * Remiel just stares at Faolan, trying to get a good look at her soul.
  476. [02:03] * Faolan is wearing business attire, with a dress shirt, jacket, and pants, along with a sturdy pair of walking boots, and has gloves on both hands.
  477. [02:03] * Faolan nods
  478. [02:04] <Faolan> "I'm Faolan. This... monster, I suppose, came into town a few days ago. It looks like a bat and is active during the night."
  479. [02:04] <~Kroked> Remiel: her soul, is... different. not like KHalli's was, but more Like Erina's is now, it feel's.. foreign to that body
  480. [02:04] <Luna> "Where is everyone and how do you know so much about that thing?"
  481. [02:05] <Faolan> "I've been hiding around here for a few days now. This thing just comes out during the night and kills whoever it can get its hands on."
  482. [02:06] <Luna> "Why the hell would you stay here with a monster like that running around?!"
  483. [02:06] * Faolan lets out a little puff of air
  484. [02:06] <Faolan> "I don't stay here, I move around this area to avoid the monster."
  485. [02:07] <Faolan> "I've been scavenging whatever I can from nearby shops and houses."
  486. [02:07] <Luna> "You damn well know what i meant, why have you not left this town"
  487. [02:07] <Remiel> "Faolan...Was it? Would you mind telling us about what you did before this happened?"
  488. [02:07] * Faolan frowns at Luna
  489. [02:08] <Violet> "Why hasn't anyone done anything about the dead if it only kills during the night?
  490. [02:08] * Remiel whispers to Erina. "Eri, her Soul..."
  491. [02:08] <Faolan> "You want me to just ditch this place? I make a decent living here, my apartment is here, my resturant is here..."
  492. [02:08] * Faolan trails off
  493. [02:08] <Faolan> "I'm a manager at one of the resturants in this town."
  494. [02:08] <Erina> "Are there any other survivors?"
  495. [02:09] <Erina> "Is the Gate still working?"
  496. [02:09] * Faolan shrugs
  497. [02:09] <Luna> "The hanger we landed in is loaded with recent and not so recent dead, why is anyone still her at all?"
  498. [02:09] <Faolan> "I don't know if there are survivors. I've been alone for the past few days."
  499. [02:09] <~Kroked> "...Maybe it's watching the exits?"
  500. [02:09] <Violet> "No one has banded together against this thing?"
  501. [02:10] <Erina> "Has anyone at all tried to fight it?"
  502. [02:10] <Faolan> "But I do know that the gate was the first thing the monster destroyed. I saw it three days ago and it was already non-functional then."
  503. [02:10] * Faolan shakes her head
  504. [02:11] <Faolan> "As far as I know, I don't think anyone has stood up to it. Like I said, I've been alone for the past few days."
  505. [02:11] <~Kroked> everyone roll notice
  506. [02:11] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  507. [02:11] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 73."
  508. [02:11] <Faolan> )roll 1d100+1
  509. [02:11] * Crunk --> "Faolan rolls 1d100+1 and gets 35."
  510. [02:11] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  511. [02:11] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 88."
  512. [02:11] <Erina> )roll 1d100-10
  513. [02:11] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-10 and gets 59."
  514. [02:11] <Violet> )roll 1d100+15
  515. [02:11] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+15 and gets 84."
  516. [02:11] <~Kroked> )roll 1d100-25
  517. [02:12] * Crunk --> "Kroked rolls 1d100-25 and gets 74."
  518. [02:12] <~Kroked> )roll 1d100-25
  519. [02:12] * Crunk --> "Kroked rolls 1d100-25 and gets 61."
  520. [02:13] <~Kroked> out of nowhere
  521. [02:13] <~Kroked> a sonic blast hits...
  522. [02:13] <~Kroked> )roll 1d6
  523. [02:13] * Crunk --> "Kroked rolls 1d6 and gets 2."
  524. [02:13] <~Kroked> Erina:
  525. [02:13] <~Kroked> Erina: roll to dodge -80.
  526. [02:13] <Violet> )roll 1d6
  527. [02:13] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d6 and gets 3."
  528. [02:13] <~Kroked> if this brings your dodge under 0
  529. [02:13] <~Kroked> you can decide to just take it
  530. [02:14] * Erina will just take it
  531. [02:16] <~Kroked> Erina: you have no idea where it came from but the sonic blslams into you like a ton of bricks, knocking you over
  532. [02:17] <~Kroked> you take 72 LP of damage
  533. [02:17] <Remiel> "Eri!"
  534. [02:17] <~Kroked> "Ericka!"
  535. [02:17] <~Kroked> *Erina
  536. [02:17] <Erina> ((Is that through the Damage Barrier?))
  537. [02:17] * Faolan taps something under the sleeve of her jacket and a spear with blades at both ends appears in her hand
  538. [02:18] <Faolan> "You okay there?"
  539. [02:18] <~Kroked> ...
  540. [02:18] * Erina screams out as the impact hits her.
  541. [02:18] <~Kroked> you are bowled over
  542. [02:18] <~Kroked> but not harmed
  543. [02:18] <~Kroked> everyone notice as some kind of shining barrier has formed around Erina
  544. [02:18] <~Kroked> it slowly fades as she gets up
  545. [02:19] <Erina> "Ugh....That surprised me for a sec."
  546. [02:19] * Faolan blinks, staring at her
  547. [02:19] * Violet steps aside from the barrier and blast, trying to see better with the fire in her hand.
  548. [02:19] <Luna> "Erina where did it feel like it came from? "
  549. [02:19] <~Kroked> Erina: you have no ide
  550. [02:19] <Faolan> "...Can you go kill that thing?"
  551. [02:19] <~Kroked> it was like it enveloped you
  552. [02:19] <Erina> "I-I don't know."
  553. [02:19] <Remiel> ((How much zeon do I have accumulated?))
  554. [02:19] * Luna checks the trees and roofs around them
  555. [02:20] <Erina> "But I think I got saved by...something....a kind of Barrier."
  556. [02:21] * Erina tries to look for anything supernatural or the thing's very soul.
  557. [02:21] <~Kroked> Erina: roll search+80
  558. [02:21] <Erina> )roll 1d100+70
  559. [02:21] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100+70 and gets 116."
  560. [02:22] <~Kroked> you think you see something
  561. [02:22] <~Kroked> first you see the soul, dark and twisted
  562. [02:22] <~Kroked> evil a thing that lives for bloodshed
  563. [02:22] * Erina attempts to freeze it.
  564. [02:22] <~Kroked> than you are able to make out the body
  565. [02:22] <Erina> "Arctic Prison!"
  566. [02:22] <~Kroked> it is large, and Distinctly bat-like, with bright yellow yw
  567. [02:23] <~Kroked> *eyes
  568. [02:23] <Erina> ((How long has it been since we exited the ship after it wouldn't start?))
  569. [02:23] <Remiel> ((would also like to know this))
  570. [02:24] <~Kroked> 25 minutes
  571. [02:24] <~Kroked> it smiles at you a feral toothy grin
  572. [02:24] <Erina> )roll 1d100+190
  573. [02:24] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100+190 and gets 273."
  574. [02:24] <Luna> (do we all see it now or just eri?)
  575. [02:25] <~Kroked> ((unless eri points it out, you dont))
  576. [02:25] <Erina> ((Crystallize btw))
  577. [02:25] * Erina points Anima at the creature as she shouts.
  578. [02:27] <~Kroked> ice Forms around the flying creature,a nd freezes it
  579. [02:27] <~Kroked> it drops to the ground
  580. [02:27] <Faolan> (have we noticed yet)
  581. [02:28] <~Kroked> Faolan: she pointed at it
  582. [02:28] * Erina brings down Anima on it as strong as she can.
  583. [02:28] * Luna follows Erinas pointing and ice formation, draws two cards from her tunic and throws them at the beast
  584. [02:28] <Faolan> (how close aer we to it?)
  585. [02:28] <Violet> ((would burning it in the ice surrounding it be a bad idea?))
  586. [02:28] <~Kroked> Faolan: it's 150 feet away
  587. [02:28] <Faolan> (yes)
  588. [02:28] <Luna> (2 actions saggitarius throw)
  589. [02:29] <Erina> (Dont forget this is Auto-Crit due to Crystallize)
  590. [02:29] <Faolan> (I move toward it with two move actions and then attack it 4 times)
  591. [02:29] <~Kroked> Erina: roll to hit
  592. [02:30] <Erina> (But we only get ONE)
  593. [02:30] <Faolan> (no wait i attack it three times with weapons and then additional attack)
  594. [02:30] <Faolan> (oh then I'll let them go first)
  595. [02:30] <Luna> (eri me lemons, eri for the crit)
  596. [02:30] <Faolan> (yup_)
  597. [02:30] <Erina> )roll 1d100+92
  598. [02:30] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100+92 and gets 171."
  599. [02:45] <~Kroked> you dont hit it solidly, but in this state even you nick to the stomach is enough to cause it to shriek in pain
  600. [02:46] <~Kroked> BGM
  601. [02:46] <~Kroked> Luna:
  602. [02:47] <Erina> "Oh...crap"
  603. [02:47] <~Kroked> turns out even frozen
  604. [02:47] <~Kroked> its pretty agile
  605. [02:47] <~Kroked> Luna: roll your attack
  606. [02:47] <~Kroked> as normal
  607. [02:48] <Luna> )roll 1d100+140
  608. [02:48] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+140 and gets 225."
  609. [02:56] <~Kroked> your cards fly truer than they ever have
  610. [02:56] <~Kroked> they fly right through the things chest, pulling a dark red shrivled thing with it
  611. [02:56] <~Kroked> the Man Bat collapses
  612. [02:56] <~Kroked> dead
  613. [02:56] <~Kroked>
  614. [02:57] * Faolan is impressed
  615. [02:57] <Faolan> "Wow, well done!"
  616. [02:58] <Luna> "This is no time for celebration that thing could have friends"
  617. [02:58] * Violet looks impressed, as well. "That was really incredible"
  618. [02:59] <~Kroked> you have no time to celebrate however
  619. [02:59] <Erina> "R-right, we don't know if this is the only one of them. Let's get inside a house and fortify it."
  620. [02:59] <~Kroked> for as the beast colapses with a weak cry
  621. [02:59] <~Kroked> a Loude cry rings through the night in response to it, one full of grief
  622. [02:59] <~Kroked> end rp
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