
Outnumbered (On Hiatus)

Jun 20th, 2016
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  1. "pageant practice?" bobby asked himself, questioning the life decisions he's made to lead him here
  2. he's sitting down at a kid sized tea party surrounded by a princess and a rugrat in overalls
  3. it started off innocuous at first, but the second lori left him to do errands the mood of the room changes drastically
  5. "shut the door," lola gives the command to lana, who springs into action and closes off contact with the outside world.
  6. they draw down the shades and tackle bobby, tying him down to his chair with tinsel and feather boas. "wh-what is going on?" bobby asks in a panicked, half joking voice. he wants this to all be some sort of prank, some misunderstanding of how kids play around these days
  8. the look lola gives bobby tells him how serious this is
  9. she eyes him seductively, a panther on the hunt
  10. sauntering over with the confidence of ms. universe, lola approaches bobby and spreads his legs open to get even closer
  11. "hello bobby...comfortable?" she asks in a tone of airy sophistication, pressing her whole body against his crotch
  13. "this is really funny lola, but i think it's time to untie me. i won't mention your little prank to anyone, i promise."
  14. "you're right about one thing, you won't tell anyone. because no one will believe you. do you honestly think anyone will buy that two 5 year old girls overpowered and took advantage of a full grown man?"
  15. "t-took advantage of?" bobby blurted out that last part with incredulity
  16. lola batted her eyelashes and whispered "slip of the tongue..." she turned around, pressed her petite ass against his cock and walked away for now
  18. placing herself on her bed, lola snapped her fingers and coldly issued another order to lana. "pants."
  19. lana sprung into action yet again, tearing off bobby's shoes and pants with a ferocity befitting a feral child
  20. bobby was scared out of his wits at this point, it was way too much to handle
  21. when the deed was done, lana eased up and looked to lola for the next order. she wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but she loved when her sister took charge.
  23. lola admired the gift laid before her in the form of bobby in his boxer briefs.
  24. "while we have a minute to talk, i just wanted to tell you bobby. of how lucky a girl you make lori."
  25. "you're always doting over her, buying her things, making her feel special." at this point lola stood up and walked over
  26. "that whole perfect boyfriend routine? it could make a girl jealous, dontcha THINK" with that last word lola brought her pointed high heel crashing down, almost puncturing something precious to bobby
  28. the near miss was intentional, but bobby almost passed out from shock
  29. he might die tonight, he thought
  30. although the heel didn't make contact, the toe of her shoe was now directly above bobby's crotch
  31. in a switch from good cop/bad cop, lola took a more diplomatic approach
  32. assuring the boy that everything would be okay, cooing and whispering pleasantries under her breath while her foot massaged his cock through his boxers
  34. lola spoke up, "i don't want you, bobby. not really. but i want what you give to lori. i want that twinkle in her eye."
  35. "she has the stupidest laugh when she texts you. of someone in love. it irks me. so now i'm taking it for myself."
  36. the entire time bobby was groaning under the discomfort of his bindings and the pressure applied to his manhood
  37. he really really didn't want to enjoy this, but lola knew enough about what she was doing to get him hard
  38. she noticed this too. grinning with evil intent, she looked down at bobby's growing member and back into his eyes.
  39. "see? i had a feeling you'd be easy to sway." she looked down to her sister, who was awaiting lola's command
  41. with her free hand, lola snatched lana's baseball cap and threw it on the ground and tousled her hair into just the right position. then she undid one of lana's overall straps and pulled her shirt down so a shoulder was exposed
  42. "lana, i think bobby's feeling lonely up there. climb onto his lap and give him some attention." she purred.
  43. lana jumped up and pulled bobby's collar, pressing her lips against his
  44. they shared a lustful embrace, completely devoid of affection
  45. lana kissed bobby and against all intended resistance, he felt himself melting in the presence of these girls
  46. her tongue pressed against his shut lips persistently until he gave up and allowed her in
  48. lola was busying herself with bobby's lower half
  49. no longer content to play footsies with his erection, she had moved in closer and pulled out his cock and began to jerk it off daintily between her gloved fingers
  50. of course her pinky remained out
  51. she was a lady after all
  52. she enjoyed the lewd moans lana and bobby were making
  53. lola especially enjoyed how she could modulate and alter bobby's pitch with the speed and tension of her grip on his cock
  54. with lori bobby was some chaotic instrument, but lola knew she could make him sing
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