
soulless dream 2

Mar 22nd, 2013
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  1. <Soulless> I had an odd dreams
  2. <Bunton> Oh, Soul, I could do with your opinion on this too.
  3. <Bunton> This is your field of expertise.
  4. <Bunton>
  5. <Soulless> I was moving back to my dad's place, only to find that he had crafted a family by being separa-
  6. <Bunton> Is this a good image?
  8. <Bunton> Oh, sorry. Go on.
  9. <Soulless> What're you portraying?
  10. <Bunton> It's sort of a metaphor. In-universe, it's an image extracted from the memory of a man who grew up with parents who wished he was a girl.
  11. <Soulless> They look like girls with smoothed out faces, and there was a mistake somewhere that acidentally fused a part of one face to the other
  12. <Soulless> Ah
  13. <Soulless> Well that's fine then
  14. <Soulless> I like it
  15. <Bunton> Great.
  16. <Soulless> But yeah
  17. <Soulless> My dad made a family, even though he was also in a family with me and my mom and my brothers
  18. <Vivax> Yeah I was going to say that the alteration looked really fake.
  19. <Soulless> In this other family, he had a wife and several children
  20. <Soulless> I made friends with my half-sister, actually, we were pretty ok with each other and spent most of our time playing video games and stuff
  21. <Soulless> There were protests on the street from the unfair government in toronto with the GTA police thing a few summers ago
  22. <Soulless> After protesting with her, I noticed my vision became extremely fuzzy
  23. <Soulless> One of my eyes was cutting out
  24. <Soulless> The half-sister looked at me and said "is it time for you to go, now?" I replied "go where"
  25. <Soulless> She said nothing, but took me down for some coffee instead at a local starbucks, the starbucks was selling a fresh new coffee brew that was related to dragons, with a very dark roast and a spicy aroma, we enjoyed it a lot and I bought myslf a bag to enjoy at home
  26. <Soulless> While we were chatting in the taxi cab, she mentioned 'you shouldn't have bought that, you won't get to bring it with you when you leave' and I replied 'leave where' but she kept not answering
  27. <Soulless> Ther were all these small nuances as well, the coldness of the tiles, living in an apartment, how the apartment worked, working at my job, and all these things with this half-sister of mine, who eventually said at one point 'you will be leaving tonight, I hope you'll at least remember my name' and I woke up
  28. <Soulless> ...I don't remember her name
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