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Jul 16th, 2015
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  1. Im under NDA so I cant talk about the other expenses, but ill shoot out this number since I was given permission and I think you guys deserve to know where your money was spent in a very specific way. I have nothing to hide.
  4. I was paid 23,000 last year at a rate of initially 500/week, 4 months later increased to 700/week. This year I was payed again 700/wk untill 2/18. I Left FC one day before the KS campaign started because me and the three owners had some disagreements/trust issues. After I left, I still consulted with them over a few things like teaching Yevi/Brax how to turn on the servers and as well as fixing some left over bugs.
  6. In total its been just about $28,500 pre-tax.
  9. ...ON a bit of a separate note though, I wish I could be streaming the demo to you all and have you all play the game, because when some people are saying the graphics are "from the 1900's" or something I just cringe thinking that they are unaware of the games current state. The demo itself is actually quite far I think considering the circumstances of me being the one programmer and only a year to develop. I would LOVE to go over EVERY SINGLE feature that is currently coded in the game, but I cant due to the NDA, and me not being part of FC anymore. In regards to the graphics though, I did a side by side comparison of ToA, and H1Z1.
  10. In my opinion, its not that far off graphically. Their model is maybe a bit better? but overall? ...maybe I just don't see it? Have I just been looking at it too long? I don't think graphics are the problem here.
  12. I talked to a fan in real life who I met at a local game development group I go to, who has been following the game for years. 2 days before KS I talked with him and asked what he thought of the Raknar race that walks on walls. He responded with (again, 2 days before kick-starter) "The Raknar is in game?" ... Raknar have been in game for at least 2 months now? So how is it that he doesn't know? There is just a huge lack in sharing and transparency into the development.
  14. I'm honestly confused as to why people think the game looks like shit/has nothing in it/Same as 6 months ago with unity default X... when I go to MMO-C or something. (I know I shouldn't go there, but I cant help myself). I mean, I am not stupid, I am VERY honest with myself, and am not AT ALL afraid to admit that something I created sucks if it really does. But common, really? I am still convinced people are saying this game looks like shit because either their expectations were way to high for a demo, or they haven't got their hands on it. perhaps your asking how can I be so blissfully ignorant? I dont think its ignorance, because when we did testing with our 25+ testers, people were having fun. Its as simple as that.
  16. Me and Kaoshae messed around with the melee combat just dueling for hours after a test. We left the servers on overnight as a thank you for helping record the KS video, and people stayed on ALL NIGHT building a maze structure, a giant palace, and other cool creations. People would stay after recordings and just **** around for hours. No one does that if the game is total shit. People play the raknar, go into a cave, crawl around on the ceiling and without fail, every person says "damn this is cool". Every single person.
  18. So why is it that we cant convey that to the masses? Honestly this is partly what me & owners disagreed on was the amount of transparency, but that was not my job or my decision. I would love nothing more then to have the game be streamed on twitch, give a hundred+ people clients, and just go at it. (at this point there isnt much to lose?) And I don't even work for FC anymore, but to see people shit on what I did over the past year because they just don't know and assume the worst, damn...of course I want to fix that. (in case you are wondering, I cant "just do it" because I am under an NDA)
  20. That being said, the demo is not a legendary piece of software that will magically change everyone's opinion, but I guess I just feel there are a lot of uninformed accusations which is mostly the fault of ToA PR and lack of transparency into the development. Some of you will hate the game no matter what, but I truly feel that some of you would have a change of mind if you saw a stream, or got your hands on it. Is it possible that the testers were all having fun because they were long time fans, and just enjoyed being part of the process? Maybe, but I really don't think so, and if that was the case, then shame on me for thinking otherwise and getting outside opinions. I would love to get informed feedback on what your think sucks so I can make it better in my next game. Its just sad to me though when people assume there is nothing there, because its not being shared well.
  22. ALL that being said though, lack of transparency and not sharing is only one of the various reasons the KS is not looking so hot. To me though, tis just the one reason that I am most closely related to, so I care more about it? I already asked and there was no response, but Maybe Brax will lift my NDA and I will be able to share a little more in regards to the game itself. As he said in the OP, I personally feel the demo is far beyond what many games come to KS with; just need to show it.
  24. By Teddy ex-ToA Programmer
  25. @teddynashor
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