

Mar 11th, 2014
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  1. "Ow my head!"
  3. All I could feel was pain. All the way up my body. It felt like I was just kicked in my jewels countless times for an hour on end. I just sat there groaning in agony for what seemed like hours. Slowly, after several minutes of lying there in agony, the pain slowly started to recede.
  5. Eventually I upped the courage to open my eyes. I expected to be in the hospital or something but what I saw was almost pitch blackness. Once my vision adapted to the darkness I made out that I was in a dark forest at night.
  7. "How the hell did I end up here?!!" I exclaimed.
  9. The last thing I remember was getting struck by lightning on the way home from work. '[i]I should be dead[/i]' I thought to myself. '[i]Am I dead? Is this the afterlife or some shit??!!! Wait no. I felt pain, this has to be real. I should probably find some shelter or someth....[/i]'
  11. My rambling thoughts stopped when my eyes caught something peculiar. Right below and the right of me was what looked like a limb of some sort. I tried to find the source of said limb only to find it to be my limb. "WHAT THE HELL!!!!" I yelled as I flailed around like I was having a seizure.
  13. Once I managed to collect myself I attempted to figure out why my limb was blue and furry. Upon closer examination I determined I had a hoof like a horse. "Why the fuck am I a horse?" I asked to no-one in particular.
  15. I took the time to examine the rest of my body only to find another unbelievable surprise. "I have wings???!!! God this day keeps getting stranger by the minute," I stated.
  17. I attempted to move said wings only to be met with them twitching ever so slightly. "Well I guess I ain't flying around any time soon," I said.
  19. "So I'm a horse with wings so that makes me a pegasus right?" I asked into the dark abyss of the forest.
  21. "Jeez either I was drugged big time in the hospital or I'm absolutely going insane," I muttered to myself.
  23. I attempted to get up without accounting that I was now a quadruped. "Mphhh" I managed to squeak out as I topped over right onto my face... no cross that out... my muzzle.
  25. "Owww fuck" I complained.
  27. I tried standing up again with the acquired knowledge of being a quadruped instead of a biped and managed to get to my I stumbled around like a guy who had way to much to drink for about 30 minutes before I managed to get the hang of walking.
  29. "Well I better find some sort of shelter before I get attacked by some other mythological creature," I muttered.
  31. Walking along through the foliage, I managed to find a small cave embedded into a cliff. "Good of a spot as any," I said as I crawled into the cramped cave.
  33. Sleep came easy due to the chaotic events of my day. As I slowly drifted out of consciousness I could only wonder '[i]Where am I?[/i]' and '[i]Why am I here?[/i]'
  35. Finally sleep overtook me and I drifted off into the cozy embrace of my dreams.
  37. [hr]
  39. Morning came and sunlight peeked in through the cave opening. I opened my eyes and looked around. Confirming that I was still a blue pegasus in a creepy forest I slowly stood up and stretched. My stomach interrupted me with a loud growl. "Crap I better find some berries or something otherwise I'm gonna starve"
  41. Walking around the vicinity of the cave I came across a small vine that seemed to be growing raspberries of some sort. I picked one up (don't ask me how) and popped it in my mouth. "Yep definitely raspberries," I confirmed.
  43. Grabbing as many as I could carry I made my way back to the cave. After a wonderful raspberry breakfast I concluded that my first objective should be to find civilization of some sort. Despite being a talking blue pegasus I still think that finding some sort of town or farm would be the best idea at this juncture.
  45. Setting off in a random direction I walked for seemingly hours until I came upon a small stream. Taking a drink to quench my thirst I stared at my reflection in the water. My coat was more of a teal color rather than the blue I originally thought. My mane was crimson with black streaks through it. My eyes were the same crimson as my mane and they were way larger than they should be. My tail was short and spiky and was the same colors as my mane.
  47. For a pony-horse-pegasus thing I thought I looked pretty bad-ass. After fully taking in my reflection I continued along. Finally, after what seemed like hours I noticed the forest was beginning to thin out. And for the first time in a day and a half I broke free of that creepy forest. I was in some sort of meadow overlooking what looked like a small village of some sorts.
  49. Just as I was about to go investigate I heard some voices near-by. Instinctively I dove into a nearby bush and waited. As the voices approached I was able to make out a conversation of some sorts.
  51. "...and that's why the princess wants us to investigate," I heard a feminine voice say.
  53. I peeked out of the bushes to see six pony-like creatures that seemed to be the same as me. The one thing that caught my eye was that the one leading the front was a purple pony with what looked like a horn protruding from its head. '[i]A fucking unicorn? What is this, magical pony land?[/i]' I mentally exclaimed.
  55. "Ah still don't know why the princess wants us to investigate this magical anomaly thing. Ah would assume that it was just the Everfree Forest being its normally unpredictable self." I heard a southern accented orange pony who seemed to not have wings or a horn.
  57. '[i]So there's pegasi, unicorns, and regular ponies? And they were talking about magic of some sort too. Great it's like the world's biggest acid trip.[/i]'
  59. The group walked past the bushes where I was hidden chatting about magic and a princess of some sort. There were four others besides the two I previously described.
  61. One was a sky-blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. I think I heard one of her friends call her Rainbow Dash. '[i]What I fitting name[/i]' I though smugly to myself.
  63. Another one was a pure white unicorn with a obviously over-styled purple man and an almost English accent. She seemed to have the stuffy attitude that was often associated with the wealthy.
  65. Next was a pink regular pony with a poofy magenta mane and tail. She seemed like she had way to much sugar because she was bouncing around (don't ask me how) and talking a million words a minute.
  67. Trailing slightly behind the group a tad was a light-yellow pegasus with a light-pink mane and tail. She seemed a bit timid from what I could she because when she did speak, it was almost unnoticeable her voice was so quiet.
  69. The orange southern-accented regular pony from earlier had a blond mane and tail as well as a stetson adorned on her head.
  71. The purple unicorn who seemed to be leading the group had a purple mane and tail with pink streaks running through them. She seemed to be the nerd of the group because she kept rambling on about books and science and what-not.
  73. I also noticed that each pony had some sort of tattoo on their behinds. '[i]Some kind of ritual or something[/i]' I concluded.
  75. As the group walked away from me towards the edge of the forest I decided to quietly follow at a safe distance. '[i]I know I'm going to end up regretting this later but I need answers and these six seem to know something[/i]' I mused to myself.
  77. Oh what a day this was turning out to be...
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