
Isn't the world fucked up enough already?

Mar 22nd, 2017
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  1. Let's be real here for a second.
  2. We're slowly going to hell in a handbasket to the point where the Purge mght become a VERY real thing.
  3. And why is that? What do we have to gain from hrting eachother? Can't we just calm our tits for just a few measily years while the insanity of the previous few dies down? Are we truly that desparate to try and fuck everything up to the point where it is no longer clear who's sane and who's the insane one? The line has been drawn repeatedly in the sand to the point where it's no longer a line, it's a damned chasm, stretching from the grinning idiot with an itchy trigger to the scared person wondering just what the fuck they'll actually wake up to the next day. The chasm grows deeper and deeper each day as more and more people are wondering if it's okay just to step outside, and myself? I just don't give a shit anymore. I used to, I really did. I'm talking about paying attention to the crap stuff thath appens in our lives every single day, it has nothing to do with politics, or religion, or just trying to get my head above water. It's got nothing ot do with Discord, twitter, youtube, plag, or any number of other reasons that you might find to discount this as nothing more than a random blog about whatetever theh ell you feel like being dicks about today.
  5. I'm talking about the very very real possibility that things are going to get better, and for the long run, but for the moment, we all need to get whatever is driving us to a societal cliff face, out of our system before we completely lose it. I don't know what that could be, how it could be weeded out of our collective societal psyche, but I can tell, I've always been able to tell, when shit is about to hit the fan.
  7. It's in the way people react to certain things, or the way they talk or write. It's not about being crazy, so to only pay attention to those that are crazy, it's about being smart, it's about knowing the signs, it's about preperation for the absolute worst, even if that day never comes. We need to take a giant chill pill, we need to stop focusing on the shit that's been eating away at us for years, months or days, just say what's on our minds without the need to constantly try and reaffirm our beliefs and morals just because it isn't trending on twitter. So what? Games, drama, and people doing stupid things are how we learn from our mistakes. If something doesn't work out the first time, try it again, but approach it from a different angle. It's not hard.
  9. If there is something wrong, don't be afraid to talk about it, just say it. Get it out of your system, and even if you find it a halting process, keep on chipping away at whatever it is that's bothering you until you finally come to a conclusion that works for you and you alone. Everyone has there own ways of destressing, decompressing fro mthe days, and yeah, you might get butthurt fro mthe experience because someone else did the same thing, but people like them better for one reason or another. That's life, stop being a whiny bitch and do something that interests you and eventually, you'll have your following.
  11. I used to make mistakes all the time, regarding trying to stay ahead of the pack, but over time, I've just stopped caring, and found that it's much easier to do your thing, and let the shadows of your accomplishments reach who they may as the sun sets each day. It's not hard, try it. I believe in you.
  13. And that's what the world needs right now, hope. Lots of it. Because right now, the leader of the free world isn't doing his job correctly, and instead of focusing on the big picture, he's more worried about his reputation. His cowardice WILL lead humanity into another dark age. And you won't like it one bit. There wass a terror attack today on the U.K's Parliment, in Westminster, and right now, instead of bickering amongst ourself about things that are, at BEST, surface level bitch fests, stupid little trite peices of insignificance that dominate the internet's commentary and podcast world, we should talk about things that ACTUALLY matter.
  15. Who fucking cares what the shit a person said or did on their channel or titter feed? If it didn't have some kind of serious impact to where it caused a person physical harm, is it worth talking about? this next part is aimed at the Baited and Catch 33 podcasts, because they're prime examples of talking about useless bullshit. first off, Baited is just a tabloid rag at this point, nothing worth watching or taking seriously. Just brain candy filled with idiotic anecdotes that rely on shock value and discarded cast members of the Tom Green show, back when it had relelvancy and its host sucking on a marshmallow tube like it as a corporate dick. The reason why I don't focus on the 'Big' issues of the day are mainly because it's pointless idiocy running rampant. And while yeah, fun is fun, that's all it really is.
  17. Next is Catch 33. Where it's more of the same, just in a shiny packaging with a little bit more animation thrown in because at least that makes it somewhat more entertaining. And it's simple entertainment, it's not a news source, it's not column, it's literally three guys yapping about more useless bullshit, lead by a guy who's lead the internet to believe he's the saner Joker. And hwile yes, he and I do have some kind of friendship, there's a point to be made about focusing less on surface level bullshit that's been talked about more times than a hooker at a 70's Woodstock concert had been properly fucked, and more on focusing on the greater portions of what is going on.
  19. At this point, a certain percentage of you are thinking, 'Oh well, he's just butthurt because his channel's not growing, or he isn't relevant," or any number of other reasons. And while those MIGHT be valid, at this point, they're invalid. The reason I picked out Baited and Catch 33 isn't because I want to be on them, I don't really have any drive to be on those things anymore. It was a fun thought while those were high up on my priority, but that real question you want to ask yourself is this:
  21. If these podcasts are so great at what they do, then why not take a chance on something risky to talk about? Talk more on what's happening at Youtube corperate, or whats going on in the world, take a chance with talking about personal stuff that might be a bit more relatable to others instead of going for the click bait titles.
  23. to reiterate, there's something big brewing in the world right now. Little bits and pieces of the totality of the final product are bubbling up here and there, and it worries me. But I believe in you to help at least curb the growth of what this thing might be, or at least change the direction of the mood. You got this.
  24. I got this.
  25. We all got this.
  27. Much love to you.
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