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PK/Nobushi Lewdness

a guest
Feb 17th, 2017
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  1. The tapping of wood alerted her. Her eyes slowly opened, to the view of complete chaos; The room she had previously stood in, stocked to the brim with a mixture of food and weapons was now painted in a mixture of red, orange and black, due to the large fires raging around her. It all came back to her - she had done her usual sneaky act of sabotage, leaving a clever explosive contraption at the midst of the samurais' supplies, but right as she was going to set the timer she had felt a light hand on her shoulder and twitched, triggering the explosion prematurely. She had been shielded by her armour, but it was torn here and there, the hot air in the room let her feel that. She shakily got to her feet, looking around to look for a way out. Upon doing so she felt a weight roll off her legs and realised someone had been lying over them whilst she was knocked out. The peacekeeper eyed the other slowly, pulling out one of her daggers to hold it against the japanese's throat. It was a nobushi lying at her feet, her beautiful mask torn by a large crack, revealing the end of her lips and the edge of her eye. From what the knight could tell, she was a beauty. She leaned down and put her face against the almost flat chest of the asian, curious as to why she was nervous for ..- there it was, a heartbeat. She grasped the other girl by her collar and slowly tugged her out of the burning room.
  3. The fire had seemed to have raged for quite some time, because the rest of the large mansion was completely abandoned. The peacekeeper put the nobushi against a pillar and slowly started removing her own broken armour. She only managed to peel away her leathery tunic and her shoulderpads before the girl before her started to move lightly, whilst groaning. The knight scrambled for one of her daggers and put the tip against the nobushi's chest, tensely keeping her eye on what little she could see of the other's through the hole in her mask. It only took a few seconds before the japanese whinced weakly and laid her arms down along her sides, submissively showing she was up to nothing at all.
  4. "I .. sorry.", she mumbled behind her mask, looking down at her lap in shame - through the crack of her mask there was a distinct blush visible. "Did not .. mean, see. See you.", she continued, nodding towards the peacekeeper - she had nothing on but her own mask, hood and boots, the only things to cover up her loins and chest strips of bandage-looking white cloth, which was turning grey with filth.
  5. "It's alright.", the knight found herself replying, putting her dagger down - the nobushi was her enemy, why weren't they fighting?
  6. They sat like that for a few moments before the japanese slowly started to move again, careful as to not raise any suspicion of an attack.
  7. "Me .. too? Me also.", she tried in her broken english, slowly stripping away at her armour - the fire raged in the room behind them, and the Myre wasn't really cold as it were. She moved up on her knees and slowly moved out of her collared tunic, her bare arms covered in scratches and scrapes from the explosion. She struggled for a few minutes to remove her belt before the peacekeeper sighed and moved up on her knees behind her, planting the nobushi in her lap whilst her arms moved around her waist.
  8. "Here, let me..", she mumbled against the japanese's neck, making quick work of the other's thick belt, letting her remaining clothing fall to the floor - she only had a bandage-looking contraption similar to the peacekeeper's beneath and let out a quiet groan as her bruised flesh came into view, the hot wind stroking across it. The knight slowly moved her hands against the back of the nobushi's improvised bra and realised it was tied immensely hard and moved her dagger up, dragging it down the cloth a single time to let it tear. The asian sighed with relief as the ashy-grey bandage fell off her, her chest bouncing into the freedom. The peacekeeper whistled quietly against the nobushi's neck as she looked down her front - her chest was at the very least twice the size of her own. "N-Not proper, must .. please..", the japanese whined and whinced, struggling far too weakly against the peacekeeper's arms around her waist, her nipples stiff despite the warmth around them.
  10. The peacekeeper could only endure so much of this lewdness before she groped the nobushi's chest, roughly pinching the thick nipples between her fingertips to tug at them like udders. The japanese whinced weakly and struggled to free herself from the knight, but was far too weak for the task. She remained firmly planted between the peacekeeper's arms, at mercy of her every whim.
  11. "Please, no, not .. nngh.. d-do..", she sighed and pushed her back against the knight's torso, spreading her shoulders unconsciously to grant better access to her chest. "Be .. still ..", the peacekeeper huffed, her breath already heavy behind her visir. Whenever the nobushi struggled especially hard she clamped down on her nipples between her thumb and her index finger, making the asian squeel and whimper with her punishment - she pushed her knees together and turned her masked face away as to not face her captor. The knight eventually forced a hand down between her thighs, to rub against the cloth there, but let out a proud groan as she found it completely leaked through by the samurai's juices. The discovery pushed her onwards and she slowly started stripping the nobushi of her undergarnments, much to her dismay; or at least, that's what she showed openly.
  12. "S-Stop doing! S..Stop...", she moaned, eagerly bucking her hips against the peacekeeper's hand once it found her cunt below the soaked cloth. "Completely shaved.. And I thought they were all savages.", the knight thought to herself whilst she planted the length of her finger along the nobushi's lower lips, lightly starting to drag it up and down.
  13. "You're soaked.", she stated for the brightblushed japanese, making her gasp sharply. The masked spearmaster shook her head defensively and tried to push herself free once more, but just planted herself all the snugger against the peacekeeper's chest, giving the assassin free reign to plant her flexible legs around her own, to keep her absolutely still in her grip.
  14. "Your nipples are stiff, even though it's warm in the Myre.", she continued teasing, smirking against her iron visir.
  15. "N-Not like that!", the samurai groaned, softly starting to grind against the peacekeepers slim finger. The knight finally slid it inside, taking the opportunity to grasp the nobushi's legs harder with her own. She planted her feet against the asian's inner thighs, rubbing them warmly with her soles. The japanese whimpered like a bitch in heat, eager to thrust her hips against the knight's hand, which was drenched in the mixture of juices and sweat she had been letting out since she woke back up.
  16. "Let free, let free!", she huffed, arching her back to try pushing her heat-radiating loins forwards, merely pushing herself more against the knight's front.
  17. "So you want it? Is that i-", the peacekeeper tried to continue jesting, but was interrupted by a hasty pleading "YES!" from the woman in her grasp.
  19. The knight loosened her legs' grip and added a second finger to her lone one before the nobushi started pushing herself against her hand, coaxing the fingers deeper and deeper the better she got to know their shape. The asian was groaning and huffing, her tounge popping out against the inside of her broken mask - now she was nothing but a slave to her own pleasure. The peacekeeper got an idea and swiftly withdrew her two fingers, as well as her entire hand from the nobushi's cunt, which made the japanese whince like a dog once more, but soon replaced them with her free hand, thus letting go of the girl's thick chest. She added a third finger as she pushed into the japanese's loins, coaxing muffled moan after muffled moan from the mask. The peacekeeper raised her juice-drenched fingers up to the crack in the mask and inserted them at its bottom, letting out a groan as she felt the nobushi's tounge instantly start playing against them, cleaning them whilst she replaced the warm juices with her sticky saliva.
  21. The word "Eager.." escaped her lips, her voice echoing lightly due to the visir before them. She was drenching through her own undergarnments, the japanese's butt constantly pushing back against the wet spot with every motion she made. "M-Moah..", the spearmaster muffedly moaned onto the knight's fingers. "Moah heah!" She put her own hand over the peacekeeper's and fumbled with her hand to grant herself a third finger to play with, whincing with bliss. The knight curled her fingers up and roughly started rubbing up and down against the roof of the nobushi's cunt, the girl hastily putting her hand around the peacekeeper's wrist to make her withdraw. "N-Nuh! Will .. will let out .. no!", she whimpered and arched her back once more, roughly bucking her hips into the knight's hand, her rubbing intensifying. "Won't.. can't ..!", she ended her own sentence with a light shriek, spreading her shaking legs widely before she expelled her juices in a warm river across the peacekeeper's hand, her fingers continuing their duty on and on and on - the clamping around her digits only made the assassin dig for more, pushing her curled fingertips upwards over and over until there was a large pool beneath them both with the nobushi's river of juices. She had ceased her resistance completely, merely laying in the knight's grasp whilst she shook lightly, loins still shuddering as she enjoyed the afterglow. The peacekeeper slowly withdrew her fingers and raised them to the nobushi's cracked mask, sliding them in until she felt the others' lips surround them, before she wiped the excess juices off, smirking to herself. She moved her hands back down to the samurai's chest and warmly rubbed it, planting her legs around her waist with her soles against her inner things once more, softly digging her visir into her neck.
  22. "This is only the beginning", she thought to herself.
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