
Rainbow's Doctor Visit

Jun 17th, 2013
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  1. >"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't let that thing near me!"
  2. "C'mon Dash, this isn't that bad. Everyone has had theirs so far, now it's your turn."
  3. >You were currently in the Ponyville hospital, and it was time for tetanus booster shots. The other five had taken theirs like champs, but Rainbow Dash...
  4. >Well, she wasn't being the most graceful about it, to say the least.
  5. >"What if she slips? She might puncture an artery!"
  6. "She's not going to slip." You deadpan, clamping your hands down on her wings to prevent her escape.
  7. >You gave the feathery appendages a light massage to calm her, which wasn't working.
  8. >"But what if?!"
  9. >You sighed heavily.
  10. "Would you feel better if I was there with you?"
  11. >The pegasus stopped her thrashing about to think about it. You can hear the gears turning.
  12. >", I don't think so."
  13. "Too bad, we're going in."
  14. >With that, you lifted the struggling pony and slung her over your shoulder, carrying her into the office.
  15. >You set her down on the cushioned recliner-esque chair, then immediately slammed the door shut before Rainbow could attempt to escape.
  16. >There, you both waited. You were calm, Rainbow Dash was panicking and hyperventilating.
  17. "Dash."
  18. >"WHAT?!"
  19. "Breathe."
  20. >"I AM!"
  21. >Her breathing was ragged, and silent tears were streaming down her face.
  22. >"I don't want it, I don't want it..." She mumbled between labored breaths.
  23. >Wow, that was kinda heartbreaking.
  24. >Still, it was one now, or thirty later. At least, that's what your parents had always told you.
  25. "You'll be fine, Rainbow. I promise."
  26. >The clicking of the door was the only warning you got to hold Rainbow down again.
  27. >The door slowly opened, revealing Nurse Redheart with a case in her mouth.
  28. >You weren't entirely sure that was sanitary.
  29. >Redheart sat the case down, then turned to the two of you with an amused expression.
  30. >"Well now, Rainbow Dash. Someone I never expected to see in here, especially uninjured."
  31. >Dash didn't respond, instead intensely glaring at the nurse.
  32. "Well, it was quite the feat doing that." You replied, keeping the pegasus still.
  33. >"I can imagine." She chuckled, before prepping the syringe.
  34. >She slowly filled it with a clear fluid, and Dash's eyes locked to it.
  35. >Her pupils dilated, and the hyperventilating started again.
  36. >You stood between her line of sight and Redheart.
  37. "Dash."
  38. >"WHAT!?" She shouted, fear taking over.
  39. "You need to breathe. With me, okay?"
  40. >You took a slow breath in.
  41. "In..."
  42. >You slowly exhaled.
  43. "Out."
  44. >You inhaled again, and Rainbow copied you.
  45. >She let her breath out early, but was still visibly calmer.
  46. >You moved aside, and Rainbow affixed a heated glare to the nurse.
  47. >Redheart, for her part, blatantly ignored said gaze. Probably no stranger to it.
  48. "Dash, look at me. It'll hurt more if you watch it."
  49. >Rainbow ignored you, still intently watching the needle.
  50. >You took a direct approach, this time grabbing Dash around the muzzle and forcing her to look at you.
  51. >"Mmmmph?!"
  52. "Look at me."
  53. >Redheart crept closer, and you took a deep breath, recalling a song you had heard on the radio a few minutes before you landed in Equestria.
  54. "Every-thing's, gonna be alright~
  55. Rock-a-bye, Rock-a-bye~"
  56. >Your singing voice wasn't the best, but it was enough.
  57. >"Anon..."
  58. "Mm?"
  59. >"...that was terrible. Who taught you how to sing, the back of a cereal box?"
  60. >Redheart had already administered the treatment, and the prismatic-maned mare hadn't noticed.
  61. "There, was that so bad?"
  62. >"What?"
  63. >Dash looked over, and Redheart was gone along with her syringe kit.
  64. >You swore that nurse was some kind of ninja in a past life.
  65. "All done, Dash."
  66. >"R-really?" She sniffled, before wrapping her hooves around your neck.
  67. >"You're the best..." She muttered into your chest.
  68. >Today was a "Dash owes you one" kinda day.
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