

Apr 13th, 2013
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  1. * #thepostmortem :Cannot send to channel
  2. <Hendricks266> I think you both are calling each other racist but neither of you is really racist
  3. <Hendricks266> <Boilerplate> Reverse Racism
  4. <Hendricks266> "reverse racism" can be either of two things
  5. <Hendricks266> 1. a bullshit term invented by the original racists applied to invented, exaggerated, or perceived "injustice" towards them
  6. <Hendricks266> 2. a bullshit term invented by the original racists applied to genuine progress against their racism
  7. <Hendricks266> racism cannot be "reverse"
  8. <Hendricks266> you can be racist against racists but that doesn't make it "reverse"
  9. * Brett has quit (Signed off)
  10. <Hendricks266> <Boilerplate> You never been oppressed MoonStalkeR so shut the fuck up
  11. <Hendricks266> really?
  12. <Hendricks266> he's explained very well how he is disadvantaged
  13. <Hendricks266> Besides, I see absolutely no point in battling over which one of you is more disadvantaged.
  14. <Hendricks266> <MoonStalkeR> go to a black neighborhood
  15. <Hendricks266> <MoonStalkeR> you will get attacked by a pack
  16. <Hendricks266> <MoonStalkeR> and mugged
  17. <Hendricks266> That's racist.
  18. <Hendricks266> Granted, it could be likely. But it's not because they are black.
  19. <Hendricks266> Sociology topics like crime, gangs, poverty, etc tend to only include race as a historical correlation (like the fact that modern "black" people are descended from Jim Crow-era oppression and slavery)
  20. <Hendricks266> <MoonStalkeR> as a white male, you are born guilty
  21. <Hendricks266> As a partially white male, I was not born guilty
  22. <Hendricks266> I am not ignorant, nor am I prejudiced
  23. <Hendricks266> also, "white" is not a thing
  24. <Hendricks266> I suppose you could call yourself "white" if you were a mix of European descents, like how today "black" can be mixed African descent due to slavery's indiscriminate mixing of ancestries
  25. <Hendricks266> but there is no large group called "white"
  26. <Hendricks266> at least none applicable to oppression
  27. <Hendricks266> and you can't tie issues together
  28. <Hendricks266> oppression from patriarchy towards women is on a different axis from rich white people toward poor blacks
  29. <Hendricks266> <Boilerplate> Your also missing the point that racism is insitional hence why we have white privledge
  30. <Hendricks266> I have hard time believing that hateful racism is institutional today
  31. <Hendricks266> There are definitely systemic, institutional issues that disproportionately affect ethnic groups
  32. <Hendricks266> like the poor state of inner-city school systems
  33. <Hendricks266> but generally you don't have the racist white sheriff aiming fire hoses at black schoolchildren any more
  34. <Hendricks266> "white privilege" is nonsense
  35. <Hendricks266> Yes, it can be advantageous to be white.
  36. <Hendricks266> But that tends to be circumstantial and nothing more.
  37. <Hendricks266> MoonStalkeR's skin color may be "white" but as a poor ethnic Russian he certainly does not have white privilege
  38. <Hendricks266> OK, I am going to unmute the channel. I haven't covered everything but I haven't read it in-depth.
  39. <Hendricks266> Don't villainize groups of people. History and reality don't work that way.
  40. <Hendricks266> At least don't villainize them in 2013.
  41. <Hendricks266> Global society has melded cultural groups enough that you can't attribute things like you used to.
  42. * Hendricks266 sets modes [#thepostmortem -m]
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