

Aug 15th, 2017
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  4. The following is a list of significant NPCs in Brotherhood Without Banners. They are in alphabetical order, with a section outlining both their backstory and their personal history with the party. This Pastebin will be updated regularly as the game continues.
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  8. Current crew members:
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  11. ASH
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  13. A Pygmalion-model AI system currently installed into the party's ship, the Moonstruck.
  15. The party acquired Ash as one of a handful of goods they received from the dealer Patches. They set about installing the AI, for now choosing to stick with its default settings as a polite, gender-neutral voice.
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  18. CALLE
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  20. A former scrapper residing in the garbage heaps of Tobin, working under the bat pony Rakka. She resents her lot in life.
  22. The party met Calle after being downed in Tobin's garbage heaps while trying to return to Alambil. At first she wanted nothing to do with them, but eventually they struck a deal with her to help her get away from Tobin in exchange for her helping them get out of the rubbish dump. They managed to do so, and she is currently traveling with them for the meantime, hoping to see the rest of the galaxy.
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  27. A large stray cat that until recently lived on Iridav. It made its home aboard the Moonstruck, where it found a large supply of food from the rations aboard.
  29. The party found the cat when they returned to their ship after being missing for some time. Seeing no reason to get rid of it, they decided to keep it as a mascot. It was Veta who decided on the cat's name, having quickly developed a bond with it.
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  32. SCRUM
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  34. A travelled spacer who served under Captain Redgrave. While Scrum used to be with a band of smugglers, Redgrave attacked their ship, killed most of the crew and gave Scrum the choice of serving under him or being sold into slavery.
  36. The party first met Scrum as their reluctant jailer, although they didn't make much of him at the time. When they took a ship in their escape, Scrum ran aboard at the last minute and explained his situation to the group, who easily accepted him as part of their newly formed crew.
  38. As the party searched for their missing ship parts on Alambil, Scrum informed them that he'd be split from them as he searched for important ship supplies, and that he'd meet the party back on Iridav. However, the party would not see him again for another four months, due to being transported into the future due to a mishap. He spent that time working in Iridav's kitchens, being a rather skilled cook, and was quick to return to the party once they returned to Iridav.
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  42. Significant characters:
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  45. CARRITH, Goldaline
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  48. The youngest of the three Carrith sisters. She mainly works on Iridav Station as a mechanic, but is occasionally put in charge when Gwenael is absent. She prefers to be called Goldie.
  50. Goldie was one of the first people the party met when arriving at Iridav, and she accompanied them on their first mission to retrieve the Polybius beacon. She was a faithful companion and helped them several times on their adventure, but was grievously wounded in the process. She managed to survive long enough to get to Iridav, where she was hospitalized.
  52. Four months later, after the party returned from their time travel mishap, they found Goldie still recovering from her injuries, having to use an anti-gravity chair to get around until her wounds had healed. However, she was still in good spirits, and gave the party a warm welcome back.
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  55. CARRITH, Gwenael
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  57. The middle of the three Carrith sisters. She is the administrator of Iridav Station, and generally has a stern and brooding disposition. She cares deeply for her younger sister.
  59. The party met Gwenael after returning from their first mission. She was worried at first about Goldaline, but seemed to rest easy once she was taken into the hospital. She then proceeded to properly welcome the party to Iridav and to the Golden Company.
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  62. DOMERGUE, Adalbert and Ronsin
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  64. A pair of twin Diamond Dogs who work for Merret. They are identical, save for their cybernetic left and right hands.
  66. The party first encountered the twins while running their errand for Patches. While at first the party had seen them watching the party from afar, the twins approached them at the marketplace and asked for directions towards Patches' store. The party later found out that they were being spied on by the two for Merret. Despite this intrusion, the two don't bear any ill will towards the party. After opening the crate Patches had sent for him, the party and many of Merret's henchmen were transported into the future by the trap, although the twins managed to escape.
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  69. FARSHAW, Camus
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  71. The reclusive leader of the Golden Company as a whole. Few have met him in person save for the higher ranking members of the group, who seem to be intimidated by him. While he is seldom seen, he is rumored to possess magic powers, and his word is law when it comes to the Company.
  73. The party have not met Camus Farshaw yet.
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  78. A well-connected Golden Company agent with significant knowledge of prosthetic engineering.
  80. Hotwire was approached by Risky Hooves, who wanted to commission him to do some work on her robotic arm. He accepted, but Risky was unable to meet his price, for the time being, and promised to return to him when the party could afford his services.
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  83. MERRET
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  85. A minor crime lord with significant presence on Alambil. He has eyes and ears all over the Ark in the form of its homeless population.
  87. The party met Merret when they delivered a crate from Patches. He was friendly towards them, inviting them to lunch and showing them around the huge shelter he's built for himself. After opening the crate Patches had sent for him, the party and many of Merret's henchmen were transported into the future by the trap, although Merret himself managed to escape. The party have since found out that he is still alive and well.
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  90. REDGRAVE, Ibrahim
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  92. A wretched pirate captain who pillages on the outskirts of the galaxy. He is ruthless and cruel, but cares about his crew's wellbeing. His signature weapon is a crowbar wrapped in barbed wire, which he calls Beatrice.
  94. Redgrave was the primary antagonist during the party's mission to retrieve the Polybius beacon. While at first he had the upper hand, subjugating them and having them jailed, they eventually managed to escape and survive his ever more desperate attempts to kill them, even managing to defeat him while he was in a mech. While they originally planned to kill him then and there, they instead attempted to have him commandeer his ship back to Iridav. However, after seeing a better opportunity in the shape of a ship Redgrave had previously captured, they stole that instead, leaving Redgrave stranded in space with little resources. His final fate is as of yet unknown.
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  99. A junk dealer stationed in Alambil. He doubles as an informant and vendor to the Golden Company, dealing in gadgets, weapons, vehicles and upgrade. He is not entirely trustworthy, caring little for the Company or anyone else as long as he is made rich.
  101. The party did business with Patches in order to repair their ship, the Moonstruck. While at first he charged an exorbitant price for the parts they needed, he agreed to lower it if they ran a delivery errand for him. The party agreed to do so, which proved to be a mistake, as the package contained a time displacing device which transported them several months into the future in a remote part of the galaxy. Four months later, the party encountered him again, sparing Patches in return for several valuable items he gave them as way of an apology.
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  106. A rumor-shadowed pirate lord, said to have rallied other pirates under their banner. Their motivations and allegiances are unknown as of yet, as is virtually anything related to them, other than that they are an individual of great importance and that the pirate Redgrave works for them.
  108. The party have not met Venator Veer yet.
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  112. Minor characters:
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  117. A mage representing the organization Umarmung. He was one of many members of the organization who were sent out across the Empire with the goal of gathering Umarmung agents and rallying them to the Wyrd Council, a centennial gathering of magical practicioners.
  119. Pyke and two other mages were on Iridav when the party returned from their first mission. He informed Undisol Hui of his duties as an Umarmung member. Agreeing to answer the call, Hui and Pyke left Iridav to attend the Council.
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  122. CARRITH, Delphine
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  124. The eldest of the three Carrith sisters. She is not directly involved with the Golden Company, living among a traveling carnival troupe, but works instead as an informer for the mercenary group.
  126. The party have not met Delphine yet.
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  129. FERNALD
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  131. A mute, sinister minotaur who served as Ibrahim Redgrave's first mate. He wore a gas mask over his face, and a large majority of his body was comprised of cybernetics, suggesting he was in some sort of accident at some point.
  133. The minotaur acted as Redgrave's bodyguard and lackey, pummeling the Diamond Dog Veta into submission more than once. During the party's escape from the pirate ship, he hunted the party down and nearly killed some of them before being defeated by Risky Hooves.
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  138. A scientist working on the Everfree Wildlife Preserve. He is the sole sentient inhabitant of that place, and keeps himself focused on his work.
  140. The party met Gyroscope after being displaced three months into the future. Resenting their presence, he stopped them from killing an endangered chimera, and aided them on returning to Alambil.
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  143. RAKKA
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  145. A scrapper living in the garbage heaps of Tobin. He has gathered a significant amount of resources over the years.
  147. Rakka's scrappers were responsible for downing a ship the party were taking en route to Tobin's central metropolis. After a prolonged skirmish, the party were defeated and stripped of their weapons. With the help of Calle, one of Rakka's scrappers, the party managed to turn the tables on him and escape his domain.
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  150. RIVERS, Wolfgang
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  152. A scientist working for the Polybius Corporation. He was in charge of making a contract with the Golden Company to retrieve a beacon which contained important information for Polybius.
  154. He accompanied the party on their first mission, and proved himself to be a coward, contributing nothing useful to the mission and at one point betraying Goldie's position to the pirates so they'd spare him. Nevertheless, he upheld his part of the bargain, and paid the party their due.
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  159. An opportunistic smuggler with ties to the galaxy's underworld. He recently crossed the crime lord Merret, and is being hunted for it.
  161. The party met Second Wind when they accepted his mission. After having double crossed Merret, he was being tracked by bounty hunters, and thus needed an escort to the Ark of Endriga where he would be able to lay low. He is currently traveling with them.
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  166. An eccentric Diamond Dog working in Alambil's Big Market. He runs an outdoors store, with many of his wares having magical enchantments, presumably of his own making.
  168. Veta encountered Tom while the party were searching for Patches' store. While she was initially somewhat wary of the Dog, he proved useful as he sold her some of his goods and directed her towards Patches.
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