
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 8

Oct 26th, 2013
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. A policy of noninterference was put in place, and is being enforced by Twilight. Twilight is also documenting Anonymous for any signs of what this strange creature is.
  4. Last Chapter: Twilight followed a very persistent Anonymous around the land and into town. Running into the princesses, her brother, and a group of guards Twilight tries to play the diplomat.
  6. Posted in Thread 866
  7. ===================================================================================================================
  9. >Catching up with Anonymous you match the pace at its side.
  10. >Taking a peek back at the group, you see the guards dispersing.
  11. >Everyone heads back into Town Hall as you and Anonymous travel down the road.
  12. >It was taking you towards Sugarcube Corner, and there are a few guesses as to why.
  14. >One of the more likely reasons is food.
  15. >It hasn’t eaten today, and all of that walking must have burned a lot of energy.
  16. >A less likely scenario is that Anonymous has formed some sort of bond with Pinkie during their first meeting.
  17. >Maybe it was enticed by Pinkie’s and Rainbow Dash’s waving. It even replied in kind.
  18. >There is still a chance it was just mimicking them, but that has dropped a few rungs on the probability ladder.
  20. >Regardless, you have to plan your next actions carefully.
  21. >Protecting ponies was top priority, and there was no way you were going to let Anonymous inside with the Cake’s foals.
  22. >Pinkie and Rainbow should be okay, but Pinkie is still vulnerable.
  23. >She can’t fly or do magic; and no ‘Pinkie Sense’ doesn’t count.
  24. >You’ll watch how things play out for now, but you may need to take a more direct approach.
  26. >As you both reach the back door to the bakery, Anonymous moves to underneath the window and starts flailing its arms over its head.
  27. >Oddly, it doesn’t try to knock or open the door.
  28. >Pinkie throws open her window and your pair of friends pop out of the opening.
  29. >”Hey, Twilight! Flying with some added weight already? Nice.”
  30. >Dash was the one helping you get use to your new appendages.
  31. >That tuck and dive maneuver you used to get next to Anonymous was from one of her lessons.
  34. >She has a weird mix of methods when teaching you.
  35. >Sometimes she gets so excited you can’t keep up, but generally she is a little too gentle.
  36. >She keeps saying she doesn’t want to put too much stress on your wings, but already being fully grown gives you a lot of advantages over young fillies learning to fly.
  37. “It’s nothing much; just some papers.”
  38. >There’s no need to brag about flying with the books earlier.
  40. >Shining Armor’s words still have you a little shaken up.
  41. >It gave you a lot to dwell on, and that message was more important than chitchat.
  42. >”Not bad. Almost as good as me when I was your age.”
  43. >But Rainbow cocksure attitude always did have a way of drawing it out of you.
  44. “Dash, I’m three months older than you.”
  45. >”Yeah, but you’re like a filly in wing years. There’s tons I gotta teach you.”
  46. >Not done yet, she aims at your saddlebag from her vantage point.
  47. “And we need to get you a proper pegasus pack. Regular ones really mess with the wings.”
  48. >You like this saddle bag. It’s been with you since before you moved to Ponyville.
  49. >It does kind of get in the way, but it works just fine.
  51. >Pinkie springs pass Rainbow, pointing her hoof at Anonymous.
  52. >”Ooooh, what’s that?”
  53. >The creature? She’s already seen it before.
  54. “You mean Anonymous?”
  55. >”No, silly, the thing it’s holding.”
  56. >The paper in its hand dances side to side as Anonymous waves.
  57. >”Hold on, I’ll be right down!”
  59. >With a zip, a Pinkie shaped cloud stood at the window, and the back door opens up.
  60. >The action grabs Anonymous’ attention, and it starts heading towards her.
  61. >”Lemme see, lemme see.”
  62. >She bubbly skips a few paces outside the doorway before you intervene.
  63. >Repeating the steps from earlier, you get in-between Anonymous and Pinkie; blocking each other from view.
  64. >Pinkie halts her advance, and Rainbow Dash flies down from the window to join the group; taking position next to Pinkie.
  67. “It’s a drawing Anonymous made. I can share them with you girls later, but we can’t let Anonymous inside.”
  68. >”Okay, then I’ll stay outside with you.”
  69. >Pinkie starts closing the door behind her, but you make her pause.
  70. “Hold on.”
  71. >Although that would be fine, you don’t want to risk anything in town.
  72. >If something happens now, who knows what the townsponies would do. They are scared enough by it as is.
  73. >Even the littlest of incidents could end up blown out of proportion, and the town would probably overreact and do something crazy.
  74. >An impulsive reaction would be bad for both ponies and Anonymous.
  75. >You’ll have to distract her and maybe Rainbow too.
  76. >But you’re not going to just cut them off this time. You can let both of them help.
  78. “Pinkie, can I ask you a favor?”
  79. >”Yeah, Twi?”
  80. “Anonymous hasn’t eaten yet, and is probably hungry. I want to try and figure out its diet, and was wondering if you could make a few different kinds of food to test.”
  81. >Her signature smile grows even wider. Her entire body trembles in place like a low jackhammer.
  82. >There was a pink storm brewing.
  83. >”OF COURSE I CAN! Oh I’ll make all kinds of stuff! A couple pies, a few éclairs, cookies of every type, cupcakes and muffins! Maybe I’ll even try a beagle bagel.”
  84. >That worked.
  85. “Alright, meet me at Applejack’s barn in a few hours.”
  86. >”Righty-o~”
  87. >She zooms back inside. The sounds of frantic baking begin with the clang of pots and pans, shortly joined by an unknown band and singing.
  89. >Neither you nor Dash pays it any mind.
  90. >”So how’d the meeting go?”
  91. >That topic is still a fresh wound. One best ignored.
  92. “It went….okay.”
  93. >Anonymous moves around you, but stops once it in view of Rainbow.
  94. >It studies her while remaining near, keeping you between the two of them.
  95. >That cautious curiosity reminds you of Spike, creating a comparison of the two for the second time.
  96. >Dash offers a cheeky grin to it.
  97. >”Whatchu up to?”
  100. >The creature gives a deep set of groans in response.
  101. >She jerks back at the crumbling sound, and you flatten your ears.
  102. >Your body stands steady from practice, but the eardrums can’t help themselves.
  103. >”Forget I asked.”
  104. >Anonymous adds a few more calls to the mix, but has lowered its voice significantly.
  105. >You didn’t have to press down your ears this time, and Rainbow remains largely collected.
  106. >Hints of the yells from earlier whisper to you, but try as you might to focus on them the unpleasantness is too great.
  107. >Dash turns her face back to you, giving an uncertain smile imploring you to clue her in.
  108. >Sorry, no answers here.
  110. >You give her a shrug, and she tries to ignore the creature.
  111. >”Any big updates?”
  112. >The distraction from the event was short lived. Although it weights on you, you can hide your mood.
  113. >Thankfully you know her weakness for being bored by your explanations.
  114. >A nice easy way to move the conversation along.
  115. “We know a few things, but how much do you really want me to go into detail?”
  116. >”Just asking. Anything I should know?”
  117. “The short end of it is, I think Anonymous is friendly but we still need to be safe.”
  118. >”I kind of figured it was with the way you and Pinkie are okay with it. You got someplace for it to go for the rain tonight?”
  119. >There’s a rain shower scheduled? You completely forgot about that.
  120. >Checking the calendar for the weather was always part of your morning routine.
  121. >In all the hustle and bustle you forgot to make note of today’s weather when you got your things.
  122. >You’ll have to improvise.
  123. “I’ll think of something.”
  125. >Suddenly there’s a hand on your rump.
  126. >Anonymous is leaning against you, propping itself up against your back leg.
  127. >It’s not even supporting itself, just dead weight sinking into you.
  128. >Hey now! You’re not some kind of cushion!
  129. >Once you’re done talking with Rainbow you’ll bump it off, and try to corral it out of town.
  132. “Hey Dash. I need to ask for your help, too.”
  133. >”What’s up, Twilight?”
  134. “Can you to go find Fluttershy, and ask her to come find me? Anonymous made a stop at the largest hill before Applejack’s, so I’m going to try and lead it there.”
  135. >”No problem.”
  136. “Then can you ask Applejack if she can get some food ready for Anonymous as well? Fruits, grains, vegetables; those types of things.”
  137. >”Alright.”
  138. “Also, can you check up on Spike for me? I don’t know when I’ll get to go home. Just make sure he’s fine, and let him know what is going on.”
  139. >”That’s getting to be a bit much Twilight, but I’ll do it for you.”
  140. “Thanks, Rainbow. It means a lot to me.”
  142. >It has only been one night, but you can’t help but worry about Spike.
  143. >He’s been on his own before and you do trust him, but you’ll never stop worrying.
  144. >Everything should be just fine; he’s a good boy, and Owlicious is there too.
  146. “Oh, one more thing Rainbow.”
  147. >She gives a heavy groan, and rolls her eyes.
  148. >”Yeah, what is it?”
  149. “On the roof of Applejack’s barn are some of my books. Can you take them back to the library on your way over?”
  150. >”Now that’s going a bit far. You owe me for this one.”
  151. “They way I see it, you already owe me for that distraction you pulled yesterday. I think this makes us even.”
  152. >She squints her eyes, locking her sight with yours.
  153. >You return the same stare.
  154. >It’s a duel of the minds; a battle of wits; a skirmish of wills.
  156. >You pierce a little harder, pushing your attack.
  157. >Rainbow feigns with a turn of her head and then presses her face forward; daring you to resist.
  158. >Like an iron-clad guardian, you hold you post.
  159. >The assault crushed, Rainbow drops her head in defeat.
  160. >”Fine.”
  161. >Flaring her wings and crouching low she prepares to take off.
  162. >”But now we’re even!”
  163. >In a burst of dust and color she’s up into the sky.
  164. >Anonymous pops off of you at her display, and watches in awe.
  167. >It would be nice if you could have done all of those errands yourself.
  168. >You hate asking Rainbow to be your messenger, but the whole Anonymous ordeal makes things difficult.
  169. >Even though you could, you don’t want to force Anonymous to go where you want to.
  170. >Only to places that help keep it safe, like outside of town.
  172. >The clattering from inside Sugarcube Corner goes quiet.
  173. >The door swings open presenting a white cap and apron wearing Pinkie.
  174. >”Twilight, catch!”
  175. >Two baked goods cut through the air veering towards you.
  176. >Your horn bursts to life, and an orb of anti-gravity pulses out.
  177. >The initial cost saps a chunk of your supply. The large field steadily draining more for each second held.
  178. >Only the targeted sweets are affected; their trajectory rapidly shrinking as they lose speed.
  179. >The anti-gravity field collapses, and your signature purple encircles the both of them.
  180. >The spell now far more manageable, the goodies float harmlessly at your command with little expense.
  181. >It happens faster than anyone could realize. Those unfamiliar with the technique believing you only grabbed the two projectiles out of the air.
  183. >Encapsulated inside the purple glow is a cupcake and muffin.
  184. >”You said Anonymous didn’t eat yet, so I thought you two might be hungry.”
  185. >Pinkie knew you were a muffin girl. Sugar was a nice treat, but a proper breakfast is one of the most important parts of the day.
  186. “What kind of cupcake is this, Pinkie?”
  187. >”Vanilla, naturally. Same kind as yesterday.”
  188. >If it is the same as the one Anonymous ate then it should be fine to let it have the cupcake.
  189. >Anonymous looks healthy enough. Mark cupcakes down as a potential diet.
  190. “Why vanilla?”
  191. >”Because we don’t know what flavors it likes yet.”
  192. >It’s times like this that prove she follows some sort of logic, but you have long since learned to just let it be.
  195. “Thanks, Pinkie. I’m going to take Anonymous out of town now. See you at Applejack’s.”
  196. >”Bye~”
  197. >Hovering the cupcake to Anonymous it questionably looks at the gift.
  198. >It tentatively pokes at the muffin and purple aura, as if pondering its next move.
  199. >After a second poke it folds its free hand around the paper wrapper, and you release your grip.
  200. >Switching targets, your magic encases Anonymous, and you hoist it onto your back just behind your bag.
  201. >This little magical exercise is starting to become routine.
  203. >The cupcake should keep Anonymous occupied.
  204. >Turning your attention to the muffin, you enjoy your first bite.
  205. >The flowery flavors bringing peace of mind, and a large smile crawls along your face.
  206. >You close your eyes and just take in the moment.
  207. >Pinkie giggles, still watching you from the door.
  208. >Shifting to directly face her, you share your blissful expression.
  209. >Her own grin tenderly expands; her calm joy stronger than any pink hurricane.
  211. >Time to get going.
  212. >Spinning around, you head out of town.
  213. >You can feel Anonymous shuffling on your back, but what you don’t see is the exchange of waves between it and Pinkie.
  214. >Your left ear flicks, the soft thud of a closing door letting you know everything was in order.
  215. >Besides your own mess up earlier, there were no incidents in town.
  216. >It was the start of a brand new day, and you would have the help of your friends from the beginning this time.
  217. >That raised your spirit back up to normal levels and beyond.
  220. >Neither of the snacks survived long.
  221. >Their sacrifice was not in vain.
  222. > Your hunger was sated, and the hill was just a few paces more.
  223. >Anonymous had hopped off of your back after finishing the cupcake, but you were able to encourage it to follow you with gentle shoves.
  224. >Sometimes one of your wings was enough; a few times you needed to use your head for a little more oomph.
  225. >The way Anonymous pushed back into you during those times was almost playful.
  226. >Maybe it enjoys the occasional challenge?
  228. >Reaching the top of the hill, your train comes to a stop. Taking a seat, you plant your butt firmly down.
  229. >All that is left is to wait for Anonymous to make the next move.
  230. >It imitates you, and sits down as well.
  231. >Is Anonymous really going to give you a break? Do you finally have a chance to look over the pictures?
  232. >Not one to throw away the initiative, you start digging through your bag; searching for the pile marked as the creature’s.
  233. > Anonymous interest is peaked by your actions, and it patiently watches.
  235. >Pulling out the appropriate stack, you glance at the top few.
  236. >One is Anonymous with a ball; one with some sort of strange wagon; another with tons and tons of tall buildings.
  237. >It even looks like Manehattan or Baltimare.
  238. >This could be your first real lead. No wonder it is acceptable of company.
  239. >That pretty much eliminates the zebras from the pool of candidates.
  240. >Wait, this next one looks like a farm or some sort of open field.
  241. >Maybe it’s from Fillydelphia? The picture could be of Sweet Apple Acres.
  242. >A lot of the donkey cities still work too.
  244. >While the evidence is contradictory, you’ll never complain about having too much of it.
  245. >Each item helps get that much closer to an answer.
  246. >Before continuing to look through Anonymous needs to be engaged in the activity, unless you want it to wander off.
  247. >Time to use what you learned from the crusaders.
  250. >Pulling out an empty sheet and quill, you set to the task of drawing. A simplistic alicorn sketch soon marks the paper.
  251. >It is a purely mechanical picture following all of the rules about art.
  252. >Everything is even and measured, balanced in pure symmetry.
  253. >Effective, but bland. It still looks good to you.
  254. > Okay, so you are a little self conscious about it.
  255. >Well, a lot.
  256. >Let’s hope this works.
  258. >Lifting up the drawing with your magic you face it towards Anonymous.
  259. >With one of your front hooves, you point to the picture, and then to yourself.
  260. “I’m Twilight.”
  261. >Anonymous pulls up its own paper and repeats the same motions, just like it did in the barn.
  262. >The lack of vocals accompanying the act is a welcome change; one to be appreciative of.
  263. >Setting your paper onto the ground, you spin it around and slide it to Anonymous.
  264. >Repeating the signs, you tap the representation of you and then bump your chest.
  266. >Anonymous sets its paper down alongside yours with both facing it.
  267. >It does the same act again, being very precise with its target.
  268. >Your eyes explode open.
  269. >The electricity in your brain cracks wildly.
  270. >You take in one last heavy breath and everything else stops.
  271. >It pointed its finger at the middle one.
  273. >Is it indicating that it is the smallest one? Is that normal for its species?
  274. >It is already taller than you. If it has any sense of scale at all, the biggest one would be twice the size.
  275. >It would grow up to be taller than Princess Celestia!
  276. >If it was that big, who knows what it could do!
  277. >No pony can deal with a minotaur one on one, even with magic, and Anonymous could end up being very similar.
  278. >Calm down, girl. Don’t jump to conclusions. That gets you into trouble.
  279. >First try to confirm your suspicion.
  282. >Willing your body to settle down, everything returns to normal.
  283. >You have to go about this assuming it can’t understand you, but there’s still hope.
  284. >Once more you point to your own picture, and then to yourself.
  285. “I’m Twilight.”
  286. >This time, however, you immediately point to the middle character in Anonymous’ drawing and then towards it.
  287. “This is you?”
  288. >You shake your head up and down, nonverbally asking if that is correct.
  290. >Anonymous mirrors your moves with the pictures, but crosses its arms before slides them apart.
  291. >It looked similar to something from one of those sports. You think it meant safe?
  292. >So is it saying you’re both safe?
  293. >How about another approach?
  294. >This time indicating the tallest figure and then Anonymous.
  295. >You nod your head yes.
  296. >It repeats the same crossed armed gesture.
  297. >Selecting the tallest one again, you shake your head no this time.
  298. >It still repeats the same gesture.
  299. >Likewise, the test with the last remaining character provides the same results.
  301. >You can only guess as to which one Anonymous actually is.
  302. >So let’s reverse the method to something obviously wrong.
  303. >You point to the tallest figure in Anonymous’ drawing, and then to yourself.
  304. “This is me.”
  305. >Anonymous bangs its arms against each other with closed fists at your display.
  306. >Striking while the embers hot, you point to the picture of you and then to Anonymous.
  307. “This is you.”
  308. >It throws up its arms and then drops them to the side.
  309. >Hmmm, that’s three different signs.
  310. >What could the last two be saying besides ‘No’?
  311. >Is the creature even on the same train of thought as you?
  313. >A sharp clap shakes you awake from your thoughts.
  314. >It swipes the back of its hand against the other, and then starts pointing to all three in its picture.
  315. >Sandpaper scraps at your hearing as the creature starts rambling.
  316. >Jerking your ears down, you try to listen but only find painful nonsense.
  319. >The whole time it points, smacks, does all three of the previous motions, and a bunch of other gestures.
  320. >Your right ear flicks every now and then. You can almost pick up something familiar.
  321. >Straining to separate the calls from each other in any way, you slightly lift up your ears.
  322. >It’s completely futile, and after a minute Anonymous goes silent.
  324. >Theoretical problems always were the hardest to solve.
  325. >You need some point to springboard off of. Some base in logic you can confirm as fact.
  326. >Right now all you have are these two pictures in front of you, but you also have a willing Anonymous.
  327. >That is an advantage you will not throw away.
  328. >You’re good at learning, you can solve this. Just keep trying from the beginning.
  329. >You set a hoof against your paper.
  330. “Me.”
  331. >Removing your hoof you set it against the figure closest to the edge towards you on Anonymous’ version.
  332. >You do nothing else, letting the silence hang in the air.
  334. >After a time, Anonymous mumbles a single sound.
  335. >Your right ear flicks again, and your vitals wait for the second time today.
  336. >You recognize that sound. It was one of the calls it was making this morning.
  337. >Okay, breathe in….
  338. >and out…
  339. >This is going to be hard, but perhaps it has been a long time coming.
  341. >You’re going to meet Anonymous half way.
  342. >You will face it on equal terms, no longer forcing it towards yours.
  343. >With your hoof still on the picture, you prepare your vocal cords.
  344. >A deep rumble builds in your throat; the vibrations tingling your tongue.
  345. >The pitch of your voice sinks as low as you can manage, and you grate the roof or your mouth.
  346. >In a low, harsh whiney you try your best to mimic what the creature said.
  349. >Anonymous springs to life, firing its gaze at you.
  350. >It fiercely points at the same image, and repeats the word.
  351. >You follow with your own version.
  352. >It quickly slides its finger to the middle character.
  353. >A sort of growling noise comes from Anonymous, one you’ve never picked out before.
  354. >Already you’re feeling a little giddy, the warm tickle of progress plays gently with your insides.
  355. >You try your best to imitate the noise Anonymous made.
  357. >Finding your attempts acceptable it moves on to the last figure.
  358. >It makes the other call from before.
  359. >It was looking for these two!
  360. >The grin of success breaks forth, no longer able to be held back.
  361. >Swirling your voice even more you try the last one.
  362. >It removes its hand from the paper.
  363. >You can’t remain seated anymore. Your body leaps off the ground.
  364. >Your legs all dance wildly as you trot in place.
  365. >In some bizarre tango, you point from character to character and emulate Anonymous.
  366. >It chases each of your renditions with its own.
  367. >Sweet sweet progress.
  369. >Although sounding nothing alike, you both appear to agree on their meaning.
  370. >In some roundabout way the two of you have names for the three characters.
  371. >A mental giggle rapidly grows.
  372. >Ha ha.
  373. >Ha haha ha.
  375. >It does have a language!
  379. >Oh, oh, oh you know what to do next!
  380. >You point to the middle figure, then to Anonymous, and make your version of the low growling sound.
  381. >Anonymous puts its hand against its chest and makes the same growling sound it used.
  382. >So it is the smallest one!
  383. >HA HA HA Ha Ha Ha….ha?
  386. >A crashing wave of realization snuffs out your inner fire.
  387. >This…this changes things.
  388. >Is it just a baby?
  389. >What could a full grown Anonymous do?
  390. >What could a pack of full grown Anonymouses do?
  391. >Giant, social, tool users.
  392. >Oh no; oh no no no no no.
  393. >That’s dangerous. As potentially dangerous as angry minotaurs.
  394. >Please let Anonymous’ species be as mild mannered as the minotaurs!
  396. >Your earlier excitement has completely disappeared.
  397. >Studying the picture with a burning intensity, you search the larger figures for clues.
  398. >None of them had grown any extra appendages. No quills, or claws, or fangs were shown.
  399. >They all had the same hidden middle, though.
  400. >A part of you really wants to try and find out what is under there, and another part is worried what you’ll find.
  402. >Anonymous picks up where you left off.
  403. >A flurry of sounds escapes its lips with increasing volume.
  404. >As they get louder and louder your ears press down harder and harder.
  405. >There’s only so much you can take, and all of these stringing along at once becomes unbearable.
  406. >Despite it pointing at the picture occasionally, you cannot separate the familiar tones anymore.
  408. >Realizing your withdrawal, Anonymous goes quiet.
  409. >Able to somewhat think again, you bring out the entire bundle of pictures, and start flicking through them.
  410. >You may risk boring Anonymous, but you need more data.
  411. >T he cutie mark crusaders drew the typical things. Their clubhouse and a few of their adventures are the predominant ones.
  412. >Some of the ponies at school and around town like they said.
  413. >Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity show up a good number. Even the group of you is present in some of these.
  414. >There’s even a drawing of Spike in his little suit.
  417. >On the other end, Anonymous drew a lot of buildings and groups.
  418. >Some were out on a field with a ball; all of them huge by comparison.
  419. >Another has Anonymous and the two others looking over a variety of different animals.
  420. >There is a lack of ponies or donkeys, but there is one zebra in the picture. Strange that it doesn’t have any of the traditional jewelry on.
  421. >The sheer amount of its kind represented in the drawings erodes the likelihood of Anonymous being someone’s pet.
  422. >This one has a tree with presents under it. Do they celebrate holidays? It looks eerily similar to one of your own.
  423. >Oh, what’s this?
  424. >This one has Anonymous, and what looks like each of the crusaders.
  425. >The drawing styles are all different. It looks like they drew it together.
  427. >None of the pictures help eliminate your concern.
  428. >The one with the ball was even a little unsettling. The two groups looked as if they were facing off against each other.
  429. >All of the creatures drawn had the ‘clothes’ on them, and there was no limit on the colors.
  430. >Maybe it is used to display roles or status? But what else could be hiding?
  431. >The non-interference plan mixed with doubt had previously kept you from forcing an answer.
  432. >However, Anonymous has made no indication of wanting to remove it if it could.
  433. >Even though non-interference is now barely a factor, it is apparently use to the ‘clothes’ assuming they are not a natural part of its body.
  435. >Regardless of the uncertainty, you’ll continue to respect the creature’s personal space.
  436. >If that keeps the creature happy then you’ll gladly curve your curiosity.
  437. >Even if there is something nasty underneath you will not be letting the creature get near ponies it could hurt.
  438. >And you have faith in Anonymous despite all of the fear.
  439. >The last picture with the girls and Anonymous suggests cooperation over competition.
  440. >The fact that those four got along warms the soul.
  443. >Movement catches your eye. Anonymous stands up, and starts looking around.
  444. >You’re losing it.
  445. >Time to put the papers down and grab its interest back.
  446. >Adjusting your throat to low levels you make the low growling call.
  447. >Ow.
  448. >The call comes out raspy, and your throat feels full or grit. It is too difficult to keep doing.
  449. >Anonymous turns its attention to you, and you direct it back to its drawing.
  451. >Who were the other two? What role do they play for Anonymous?
  452. >That largely depends on the type of bonds Anonymous’ kind forms, but from what you have seen so far it likely relies on them.
  453. >What if you had left Anonymous all alone? What if your initial plan worked?
  454. >What if this new creature, so use to company, was abandoned and alone with no one to turn to?
  455. >No, don’t think like that.
  456. >Creature’s don’t just appear out of nowhere, let alone all by themselves in the middle of town.
  457. >There has to be a reason for all of this. More creatures like Anonymous must be around.
  458. >They just have to be!
  460. >Aiming at the two side figures you direct your other hoof in all directions.
  461. >The town, the farm, the Everfree, the river.
  462. >Where are they?
  463. >Anonymous just watches you.
  464. >Not letting your hoof off the picture you give a shrug.
  465. >How else can your meaning be conveyed?
  466. >Springboard off of what you have.
  468. >Your hoof on the picture moves to the central figure.
  469. >With the other you pointing at Anonymous, then guide its vision towards the spot it is standing.
  470. >Moving your first hoof over to one of the larger creatures, you repeat the previous process and indicate the various locations.
  471. >Anonymous places a finger on each of the side characters, and then gives a wide sweeping motion over its head and across the horizon.
  473. >Prepare yourself body; pain incoming.
  474. “Where %^&* #$@!#“
  475. >The gravel in your throat rubs the insides raw; the mental shock of agony insulting your intelligence.
  478. >Anonymous quickly turns around and back again.
  479. >It frantically starts looking all over, and begins to shout.
  480. >The calls from this morning resume at their original volume.
  481. >With it being this loud you can’t help but lie down and cover your head.
  482. >Unlike before Anonymous pays no attention, and after grabbing the picture starts to run off.
  483. >As the distance increases your ability to compose yourself returns.
  485. >Where is it heading now?
  486. >Both of your ears flick around.
  487. >There’s something coming up from behind you.
  488. >”Twilight.”
  489. >A soft comforting voice distracts your worries.
  490. >Fluttershy is flying towards you. She’s only a little way out.
  491. >”Twilight. Rainbow Dash asked me to come find you.”
  492. “Fluttershy! I need your help with Anonymous.”
  493. >”Oh? What’s wrong?”
  494. “Nothing yet, but we need to keep up with it. Come on.”
  496. >You recollect the papers, and set them back into your bag.
  497. >Spreading your wings the straps of your saddlebag dig a little, but you’ll manage.
  498. >Nothing too noticeable.
  499. >Joining Fluttershy in the air, you both take off towards Anonymous.
  500. >Her slower pace making her the caboose of this train.
  501. >Anonymous is conducting from the front, and it’s steering you towards the Everfree.
  503. >Why is it heading that way? It was scared out of its wits last night.
  504. >Your guess at valuing eye sight must have been pretty accurate.
  505. >Does Anonymous have little fear so long as it can see?
  506. >With how big they can get does it have any natural predators?
  507. >There are plenty of beasts that grow larger than Anonymous, but it keeps calling out.
  508. >If it had any sense of discretion it would not be advertising its position like that.
  509. >With only the slightest hesitation it marches into the woods.
  512. >You follow close behind with Fluttershy cautiously bringing up the rear.
  513. >The creature is barely in the tree line, and the two of you remain above the grassy knoll.
  514. >Flying in the woods will be difficult at any speed with your skill level.
  515. >As you approach the border between forest and plains, a crunch of dry leaves rings out.
  516. >The sound is soft, and in an instant everything goes quiet again.
  517. >Looking to Fluttershy she appears to have been too far back to hear it.
  518. >Turning to Anonymous, it is carrying on as usual.
  519. >Did it not hear the sound? Is it really that brash?
  521. >Trying to locate the source, you scan the area.
  522. >From your place in the air you can see over the bushes many animals hide behind.
  523. >A slithering body moseys along the ground, heading towards Anonymous.
  525. >Glimpsing a furry tail bulbed in a tuff
  526. >Your fear shall start to bear
  527. >Creeping on buttery paws of fluff
  528. >Provides silence to the snare
  529. >The long body spread wide tells only a lie
  530. >Its stubby neck a ruse
  531. >There is no hope to flee or run; break or fly
  532. >Its neck stretching to collect its dues
  533. >Beware the Bandersnatch, swift and fierce
  534. >With mighty jaws and speed
  535. >It sharp teeth seek to bite and pierce
  536. >Snapping and tearing with greed
  537. >If you are ever alone, remember this tone
  538. >and hum a sweet lullaby
  539. >But do not postpone, disturb neither branch nor stone
  540. >Or else it is goodbye
  542. >There was no desire to ever see a Bandersnatch. Every account you ever read was grim.
  543. >Fluttershy can help, but anything you do could set the beast off.
  544. >Anonymous is paying no attention to its surroundings, yelling as usual.
  545. >Be quiet you idiot!
  546. >As the beast stalks closer to Anonymous your entire body goes into overdrive.
  547. >With unprecedented speed your brain offers two simple options.
  548. >Watch or interfere?
  549. >Think of what—no time.
  552. >Your wings flare to their absolute fullest, cupping every fraction of resistance it can push against.
  553. >Launching yourself towards Anonymous the Bandersnatch picks up on your heavy flap.
  554. >Bursting forth from the bushes it lunges towards Anonymous, its neck propelling the open maw.
  555. “FLUTTERSHY!”
  556. >Anonymous is frozen stiff, waiting for the scene to play out with wide eyes.
  557. >Even the tiniest gap in distance costs you precious time in getting to Anonymous.
  558. >There is no way you can outpace the Bandersnatch, the fate of your charge already sealed.
  559. >Speed may never be your talent, but you do have another advantage.
  561. >Your horn fires in milliseconds, the intensity of your magic paired with the velocity of your body causing a purple cone to surround you as you race through the forest.
  562. >The magic hauls Anonymous into the air quicker than the Bandersnatch can realize.
  563. >The Bandersnatch’s jaws snap shut emanating a bone jarring chomp, but only finds empty air.
  564. >Predatory eyes hunt for any motion, seeking a new target.
  565. >You curve your course skyward, heading towards where you flung Anonymous.
  566. >The Bandersnatch locks onto the trail of purple, and despite your ascent gives chase.
  567. >Anonymous and you are still in danger, but at least you are both in the air.
  568. >With Anonymous back in your custody you can concentrate on escaping.
  570. >The silent horror leaves Anonymous, replaced with frenzied panic.
  571. >It flails and screams in the air, whimpering and kicking while being held up only by your magic.
  572. >Flying up next to it you set it on your back.
  573. >It calms down some after latching onto your neck, its shattered screams bellowing into your mane.
  574. >Taking in the situation you spot the Bandersnatch directly underneath you, and Fluttershy is dashing towards your position.
  575. >Fight or Flight?
  576. >Fligh—ACK!
  579. >An unwieldy pressure shackles your neck.
  580. >There is a vice grip on your throat. Your windpipe is being crushed.
  581. >Anonymous’ tangled arms pull ever tighter.
  582. >Despite a short roar of magic you can’t dislodge the grip.
  583. >Sweet Harmony it’s strong!
  584. >Neurons flash information into your brain as fast as time itself.
  585. >’Teleport away.’
  586. >‘No, it will fall.’
  587. >’Teleport with Anonymous.’
  588. >’Could hurt it; other options?’
  589. >’Charge the separation spell longer.’
  590. >Another set interjects, demanding your attention.
  591. >’Bandersnatch!’
  593. >There’s still a crises below.
  594. >An endless void bristling with sharp teeth is climbing towards you.
  595. >Both threats are of immense concern, but the immediate danger looms underneath.
  596. >Every second counts! You HAVE to move, the Bandersnatch can still get you!
  597. >The mental algorithm for survival swiftly adjusts to the new scenario.
  598. >Teleport?
  599. >No, have Anonymous.
  600. >Run!
  602. >Although you are struggling to breathe you make a rapid dive for the forest limits.
  603. >The resulting wind tunnel makes the lack of oxygen even more prevalent.
  604. >The breakneck speed saves all but a few hairs of your tail as the assaulting mandible bangs shut.
  605. >Rocketing pass Fluttershy you can barely make out her words as she rushes towards your pursuer.
  606. >”NO! BAD Bandersnatch! You stop chasing my friends this instant!”
  607. >Breaking out of the trees you descend towards the hills.
  608. >You’re going too fast, you’ll never make a steady landing.
  609. >Everything’s starting to get hazy.
  610. >Teleport?
  611. >Not yet…
  613. >Just before touching down you teleport out of Anonymous’ grip as quickly as possible.
  614. >The momentum carries on through the spell, and your course slams you into the ground.
  615. >Instinctively, your body hardens on impact as you tumble across the grass.
  616. >The land juggles you until the energy of your flight path depletes.
  617. >Once you come to a stop you immediately gasp for air.
  620. >Every vital organ is running a marathon; your eyes have turned the world into grayscale.
  621. >Wheezing heavily your body gradually starts to recover, and color slowly returns.
  622. >Flinging yourself off the ground your legs lock into place beneath you. Your head jerking in all directions like a hawk.
  623. >Are you in jeopardy?
  624. >…
  625. >No.
  627. >Standing over the crash site you observe the damage.
  628. >That was one of your roughest landings ever. By some miracle nothing feels too damaged.
  629. >Give it a day, and the pain will set in.
  630. >The danger has passed, and now your body can calm down.
  631. >Your legs wobble in vain attempts to hold you up. Giving in to the sensation you let your hind legs buckle.
  632. >Having involuntarily decided to take a seat, you turn your attention to Anonymous.
  633. >It appears equally banged up from undergoing a similar spill. The previous whimpering replaced with sharp hics.
  635. >”What’s the matter with you? You should know better! Attacking ponies like that, oh I’m just so mad at you.”
  636. >Fluttershy is in the woods hovering over the Bandersnatch as she scolds it.
  637. >It offers a low set of roars in defense.
  638. >“I don’t care if she interrupted your lunch; you’re not allowed to eat ponies! And you’re not allowed to eat Anonymous either!”
  639. >It interjects with slightly more confidence about its rebuttal.
  640. >”I’m not saying you knew, I’m telling you now.”
  641. >That confidence disappears, and it hangs its head in shame.
  642. >”Now go on home.”
  643. >The Bandersnatch slowly turns around, and slinks back into the forest as silently as it came.
  646. >Your breathing slowly returns to normal, and with the menace gone the more complex thought processes reboot.
  647. >Once Anonymous was locked in place there was no separating it.
  648. >In that instant, the magic you have always relied on wasn’t enough.
  649. >Even with all of your power you couldn’t find a safe solution.
  650. >If you were unable to eventually teleport that would have been it.
  651. >Your very life was at serious risk.
  652. >For the first time since it arrived, you genuinely felt threatened by the creature.
  654. >Keeping a respectable distance away you rise to investigate its wounds.
  655. >Scrapes and friction burns litter the exposed limbs; bits of torn flesh bleeding to seal the cuts.
  656. >Large purple spots on its body appear, and are already starting to swell.
  657. >Ever since sitting itself upright Anonymous has not moved. It only turns its head towards you.
  658. >A hopeless frown and near shut eyes address you alongside the sharp hics.
  660. >Like an opening pincer, Anonymous slowly opens up its arms.
  661. >You recoil and take a step back in response; the memory of your near collapse still painfully fresh.
  662. >It tries to stand up with its arms still spread out, but falls right back down.
  663. >Despite the wetness of its cheek, no cries come.
  665. >Fluttershy approaches from the forest, calling to you while still a little ways out.
  666. >”Are you two alright?”
  667. >How do you answer that?
  668. >Yeah, I’m fine, just had my life threatened.
  669. >Oh that little spill? I was distracted with Anonymous wringing my neck.
  670. >She quickens her pace towards you, spurred on by the silence.
  671. >”Twilight, are you hurt? Do you want me to get help?”
  672. >You’ll survive. The bodily injuries are superficial.
  673. “I’m alright. A little banged up, but alright.”
  674. >”How’s Anonymous?”
  675. >What do you say?
  678. >Reaching your position she takes a hard look at you.
  679. >”You look awful. We need to get you patched up. Are you okay to move?”
  680. “I’m fine, Fluttershy.”
  681. >”You’re not fine, you’re hurt! You need first aid!”
  682. >Her resolve was set no matter how soft she spoke.
  683. >She’s not going to drop it is she? Just going to bring attention to it?
  684. >”Just wait here and I’ll go get some help.”
  685. “I’M FINE!”
  686. >The ferocity of your annoyance trumps her determination.
  687. >Fluttershy flinches from the outburst, but soon finds herself again.
  688. >Instead of a harsh counter, the nurturing Fluttershy you were always able to confide in replies with tender mercy.
  689. >”What’s wrong, Twilight?”
  691. >The earlier tantrum wanes, no longer shielding the fear and regret.
  692. “Stay away from Anonymous. It’s….it’s dangerous.”
  693. >The word caught in your throat. Either from the crash or the near strangulation it was hard to say.
  694. >Every word becomes a challenge as the sadness pools in your eyes, and drowns your words.
  695. >Everything your brother said was true; all the danger everypony was in real.
  696. >All the contradictory evidence you acquired now baseless.
  697. >The worrisome evidence now paramount.
  698. >You never wanted to say those words.
  700. >”Dangerous?”
  701. >She needs to know. Everypony needs to know.
  702. “It choked me, Fluttershy. It choked me, and wouldn’t let go. Even with magic I couldn’t get free. If I didn’t teleport I might’ve… I might’ve…”
  703. >Embracing your battered form Fluttershy eases your head onto her shoulder and gently rubs circles on your back.
  704. >”Shhhh. It’s okay, Twilight.”
  705. >Her reassuring whispers hinted at pure honesty, like some hidden knowledge told her it really was okay.
  706. >”I’m sure it didn’t mean to hurt you.”
  707. >Everything from the last two days floods out at once.
  710. >Unable to hold back any longer you allow yourself to cry.
  711. >You could let yourself go, let it all out in safety.
  712. >For this one moment you didn’t have to keep up a strong front; you weren’t the one everyone was relying on.
  713. >Instead there was someone there for you, offering to let you become your weakest without judgment.
  714. >For once, Anonymous is the farthest thing from your mind.
  715. >The fears of your screw ups flow over you, granted to come and go.
  716. >Every deep seated anxiety surfaces and then calmly evaporates away.
  717. >Fluttershy continues to hold onto you, her firm frame softening your quivers.
  719. >For what feels like an eternity, but also the briefest of seconds, you remain together.
  720. >Once settling down enough, Fluttershy pulls away from you.
  721. >”I trust in you, Twilight; truly and with all my heart. Leave it to me.”
  722. >Getting to her feet, she turns and moves to where Anonymous sits.
  723. >Its arms have since fallen back to its side, its head hanging low.
  724. >Everything about the creature appears limp, save for the sporadic convulsions.
  725. >Poised above the creature she sits back down, matching its height.
  726. >One of her yellow hooves slowly rises brushing against the creature’s chin.
  727. >She guides its head up to hers.
  728. >”Hey, you’re safe now.”
  729. >The creature’s arms erupt to the side.
  731. >Your eyelids retract completely revealing every part of your reddened eyes.
  732. >The tears that once hindered your vision clear up, allowing you to confirm what is happening.
  733. >Fluttershy leans in against the creature, and time slows to a crawl as the trap snaps shut.
  734. >Your horn begins to surge with energy.
  735. >The reservoir of your magic zaps you with pain, the damage from the fall slowing your body.
  736. >It’s like racing the Bandersnatch all over again.
  738. >As the limbs encircle Fluttershy she gives no sign of harm.
  739. >Magic spell at the ready you loom over the mental trigger. Ready, but restrained.
  740. >You will not abandon that trust.
  741. >And you will return it.
  744. >The creature’s head buries itself in Fluttershy’s shoulder, the grip visibly tightening slightly.
  745. >Then you hear the wails.
  746. >”There, there. Let it all out.”
  747. >Anonymous sobs into her fur, its quaking form similar to your own.
  748. >Fluttershy gently rocks side to side as she consoles it.
  749. >“You really hurt Twilight. I know you were just scared, but you have to be careful.”
  751. >The magic in your horn dissipates.
  752. >Anonymous’ cries grow louder, muffled by Fluttershy’s body.
  753. >The reflection of your own sorrow gives pause to your frightened thoughts.
  754. >The fear is still present, but hushed. Empathy battles with anger.
  755. >Although Fluttershy was indirectly apologizing for it, the anguish from the experience was still there.
  757. >Fluttershy did a lot to help you with that, though.
  758. >You never really knew how badly you needed to step aside. To give in and let someone else handle things, even if just for the briefest of moment.
  759. >Sending her home yesterday was the worst idea you ever had.
  760. >But she’s here now. Here thanks to you being able to rely on Rainbow Dash.
  761. >You’re friends still have more help to give.
  762. >And you have more information to share.
  764. >You’ll be a little more wary of Anonymous from now on. The strength of its hold took you completely by surprise.
  765. >Even with Fluttershy’s words you’re still upset with Anonymous.
  766. >But you’ll continue to try and help as best you can.
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