
RPG session 4 logs

Aug 4th, 2019
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  1. ‹Valetni› Despite the cessation of gunfire, nature doesn't relent in her assault. The heavens continue to pour rain on the unfortunates below. For those of you, the living, it soaks into your fatigues, drawing involuntary shivers as you start to come down from the adrenaline high of the firefight. For the dead, the rain mixes with their blood, carrying it away to the sewers and sanitizing the violent
  2. ‹Valetni› scene. 100m away from your current position amid the ruins of the collapsed elevated highway, the shattered remains of the DPRPT convoy lay. Among one of the vehicles is the contact you're supposed to rescue. Hopefully they're still alive or this entire mission, and Victor's death, will have been for naught.
  3. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim stands up, head still ringing from gunshot impact just before. "Clear?" He calls out.
  4. ‹Rody_Rindell› Despite the firefight being over, Rody doesn't relent and keeps watching the area for unexpected threats
  5. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Thinking quickly, Konrad shouts to Jim: "Go and check the fuck on Victor, we're clear here." He takes his hand radio and signals Rody: "I'll be advancing on the civvie car, make sure that I don't get shot by anybody when I check the vehicle out. Rufus, I want you to follow me closely and identify if we really caught the right bird here. Always keep an eye open for movement!" With orders given, Konrad prepares to get over
  6. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› to the broken down car, keeping both eyes open and relying on the support of his team.
  7. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody clicks the radio twice, then focuses on the general area around Konrad
  8. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Wilco!" Jim calls before trotting over to the Peacemaker.
  9. ‹Valetni› With Rufus in tow, Konrad advances to the civilian car. Several holes are punched through the front windshield, and the driver is slumped across the steering wheel, clearly dead. Both tires on the left side of the vehicle are blown out, and several more bullet holes mark up the side panels. There are two more figures in the back seat, one unmoving, and one barely moving.
  10. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "You are fine with seeing blood and all that, right sir," Konrad asks Rufus before giving the environment one last check and opening the door of the man sitting barely moving, keeping to the side of the door while pointing Rufus to the other in case they were about to have a gun pointed at them.
  11. ‹Valetni› "We've gotten used to it." Rufus says grimly, keeping his police rifle at the low ready. As the two of you check the back seat of the vehicle, you can see that the dead man is clearly a DPRPT combatant, based on the gun he still clutches in his cold, dead hands. The other occupant has difficult to make out features, due in no small part to the amount of blood that has poured from a head
  12. ‹Valetni› wound. The bound hands and lack of visible weapons or armor suggests that either this is who you were sent to find, or some other unlucky bastard. They seem to be in a bad way, with urgent medical attention required.
  13. ‹Valetni› As Jim approaches the Peacekeeper, he spots the slumped over body of Victor awkwardly crumpled in the back below the turret ring. He isn't moving, and it would be seriously concerning if he was given the chunk of his face missing. Definitely a closed casket funeral for this one.
  14. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Jesus, Victor..." Jim says, examining the corpse.
  15. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim gets out his radio. "Victor's gone. He didn't have a chance. Probably didn't even realize he was dead,"
  16. ‹Rody_Rindell› Hearing this Rody almost moves back to run down his sniping spot, before catching himself back a bit and resuming his overwatch duty. Only thing worse than a dead squadmate, is more dead squadmates.
  17. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Poor bastard took it right in the chops. The one spot his helmet didn't cover and that's where they got him,"
  18. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim 'accidentally' glances into Victor's mouth. No fillings, unfortunately.
  19. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad feels like a ram just kicked him in the guts, his face distorting in disbelief: "Holy fuck..." It takes him a small moment before he catches himself, though still trembling, he manages to quickly shout: "Fuck Jim, move your fucking ass over here then, we need your help immediately!"
  20. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim pats Victor on the shoulder. "See you, Melour cowboy," He climbs out of the Peacemaker and trots over to Konrad's stammering, boyish voice, calling for help.
  21. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim arrives at the scene and begins his trauma aid ministrations, his face the very image of calm focus and absolute understanding and mastery of his craft, the craft of keeping the fragile human body from kicking the damn bucket.
  22. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad takes a quick look over the measures Jim takes before signalling Rody again: "I'll check out if their truck still works, cover me some more."
  23. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody clicks twice, then gets back to tirelessly scanning the area
  24. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim grunts understanding as he continues his work.
  25. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Reaching the 2 1/2 tonner, Konrad climbs up to the drivers cab, looking for any movement before opening the door
  26. ‹Valetni› The 2 1/2 ton vehicle is still idling, keys in the ignition, left in the same state as when the driver abandonned his vehicle to attmept to use the RPG-7 in the back. The driver's body is nearby, along with the anti tank weapon.
  27. ‹Valetni› With a start, Jim's vict- patient, awakens.
  28. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "The truck still works," Konrad shouts, getting into the driver's seat to turn off the engine and stop wasting fuel and causing unnecessary noise.
  29. → Morr is now known as Auric
  30. → Auric is now known as Auric_Froebe
  31. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Easy, buddy, easy," Jim says to his patient. "You took a pretty wicked blow to your skull, rang your bell pretty good. Don't move and don't talk for a few minutes,"
  32. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim gets his canteen off of his belt and readies a dose of pain relievers.
  33. * Auric_Froebe slowly wakes up with a pitiful moan, eyes fluttering through a haze of red and pain, the man looking down at him seemingly consisting of two siamese twins. "Damn bastards..." he groaned, instinctively trying to reach up to his pounding head in a senseless attempt to scour for the damage
  34. ‹Jim_Boseman› "I've got you all patched up. Don't poke at the wounds," Jim says, relieved that the man's faculties seem to be mostly intact.
  35. ‹Auric_Froebe› "... got me good," he continued to utter, a directionless stare glaring into the direction of Jim's voice as his voice continued to slur ", who'd've thought they'd treat their prisoners like that... shooting me during a firefight..."
  36. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Heh, yeah, that was pretty fucked up of them," Jim says, mindful of the fact that Victor's penchant for friendly fire continued even until his death.
  37. ‹Jim_Boseman› "One of the guys who shot you is missing about half of his head, so he got it a helluva lot worse than you did,"
  38. * Auric_Froebe tries to put on a not-so-convincing smile through the bloody mess that was his face "Well, that's something, was probably the lad in the technical wasn't he? Weird how he managed to turn his gun about just to plant some in my brain, eh?" he gave a gurgling laugh "Good thing my mother checked my
  39. * Auric_Froebe skull's thickness with her boot ever since I was a kid!"
  40. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad returns to the site of their holdout, noting with relief that at least the informant is still alive. With a thumbs up to Rody, he moves over to the Technical to see if he can't find parts for the Peacekeeper
  41. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Learning Rody's language, I see," Jim says to Konrad.
  42. ‹Rody_Rindell› Recieving the okay, Rody begins climbing down from his perch
  43. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Rody! How's the leg?" Jim calls over his shoulder as he holds his canteen out for his patient (who still hasn't introduced himself) and begins collecting all of his medical supplies to put back in his bag.
  44. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› After the wheel resists his attempts at first, Konrad manages to get it off the Technical and carry it over to the Peacekeeper, where on a second wind, he repairs the flat tires
  45. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› With the patchwork repair job complete, Konrad calls out to Rody: "Hey, try to scour for some good weapons, we can load them onto the Truck and take them along. Remember that RPG in particular. I'll cehck the civvie trunk in the meantime."
  46. ‹Rody_Rindell› Hearing the squaddie call out to him as he's climbing down, Rody quickly turns to thumb up at him, losing his balance and falling to the ground in the process. Amidst the cloud of dust he quickly gets up, and then seemingly unharmed he thumbs up again.
  47. ‹Valetni› "Froebe." Rufus says, walking up to the injured man. "Did you manage to get the intel?"
  48. ‹Rody_Rindell› After being fully operative again, Rody heads toward the indicated location to search for useful stuff
  49. ‹Rody_Rindell› Among the many things he finds, on oddly inscribed RPG showing the word "raketomet" on the side stands out from the rest.
  50. ‹Auric_Froebe› Giving another pained groan, the freed prisoner gave up on fingering for his head-wound and instead opted to try and prop himself up on an elbow as his vision slowly cleared. Taking in the faint shades of the passing group members, his pained voice emanated with effort "Who're you guys anyway? Part
  51. ‹Auric_Froebe› of the outfit? I'm..." he was about to introduce himself when he caught the voice of Rufus through ringing ears. Catching sight of the man, a bit of the near-death-induced edge in Auric's gaze eased with relief "Ah, Rufus... yes, intel, yes... it's with the stash... hid it there."
  52. ‹Valetni› "Auric, Focus." Rufus says, moving closer. The heavy rain bounces off of his helmet. "Where's the stash?" He asks.
  53. ‹Jim_Boseman› "For fuck's sake, Rufus," Jim says, helping Auric up to sit up. "He almost died, give him a second,"
  54. ‹Valetni› "He almost died for a reason. That intel is time sensitive." Rufus shoots back.
  55. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad joins the scene and tries to calm it a little: "It's probably hidden in the trunk, presumably with the rest of his stuff, let's get it out of there."
  56. ‹Auric_Froebe› Tried to refocus his scrambled brain on a matter more profound than naked survival, his eyes blinking rapidly as tried to remember farther than the bullets that had raked across his skull "... Simonović. I... kind of tricked him into helping out, hope he won't be too upset about that" he gave
  57. ‹Auric_Froebe› another effort-filled chuckle
  58. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Lucky for us you're not a doctor," Jim says, moving with Konrad after replacing his canteen on his belt.
  59. ‹Valetni› "Where's Simonovic? Where can we find him?" Rufus asks, looking as if he wanted to shake the answers out of Auric, clearly frustrated at this slow pace of information transfer.
  60. ‹NS› kek
  61. ‹Jim_Boseman› "What was that?" Jim says, looking over his shoulder at what sounded like a strange, snickering cackle.
  62. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "Did you give him Happy Pills, or something?"
  63. ‹Jim_Boseman› "No, I only gave him the mildly amused pills. Happy pills are for my personal use only,"
  64. ‹Auric_Froebe› "In... the safehouse..." he took another deep breath as he slowly tried to rise to his feet "... if someone can lend me a hand for a bit, I'll lead us there."
  65. → D1SC0RD_M ( has joined
  66. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Yeah," Jim says, putting Auric's arm over his shoulder and helping to steady him.
  67. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "Far from here? We could drive there."
  68. * Auric_Froebe gave an apologetic grin as he put a considerable weight on Jim's supporting shoulder, before replying to Konrad "Just... let me think for a moment, ears still ringing a bit..."
  69. ‹Auric_Froebe› "... where are we right now?" he finally asked after a few long moments of thought, trying to ground his lack of direction.
  70. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad takes out Rufus' map and points to their marked location: "We're right around here, can you point us to the safe house?"
  71. ‹Auric_Froebe› Staring down at the map with slowly clearing gaze, the former prisoner spoke with renewed focus "... yes, that'll do. Around half an hour from here, if you drive I can give directions."
  72. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Alright, if anyone else needs patching up, now's the time. Mobile hospital about to close up for the night,"
  73. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "Nah, you'll be driving with Jim here so that he can just pull over and treat you if something happens," Konrad instructs, "we'll be taking the Truck and follow you closely. And Jim, could you just disinfect the wounds I got?"
  74. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Yeah, c'mere," Jim says, reaching into his pack and pulling out some disinfectant gel and a bandage.
  75. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Rody? Last call," He says as he wraps Konrad up.
  76. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody thinks up a bit, then as if he had an epiphany he points ot the barely scratched leg by the bullet
  77. → D1SC0RD_M is now known as NS
  78. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "We should lay Victor out on the truckbed, better for the people in the Peacekeeper that way. Jim, you take the Peacekeeper with Rufus and Auric, Rody and I will take the truck and follow you," Konrad says, preparing to carry his dead friend all the way like that.
  79. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Alright," Jim says, making the necessary preparations to set off.
  80. ‹Auric_Froebe› "Who's Victor?" Auric leaned against a nearby wall, his feet slowly getting steadier.
  81. ‹Rody_Rindell› Hearing that Rody's face darkens a bit
  82. ‹Valetni› Rufus looks away and climbs into the peacekeeper's vacated turret instead of answering the question. While the guns are empty, the gunshield still provides protection.
  83. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad sighs: "Victor... was on my team. Single-handedly mowed down half the escort here, but those fuckers got him still. The least we can do is send him off properly. Rody, will you help me with this?"
  84. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody slowly nods, his face still dark, his eyes still lacking focus
  85. ‹Jim_Boseman› "Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels... His was the most-" Jim chokes briefly, "...Human..."
  86. ‹Auric_Froebe› The sides of Auric's mouth turned downwards in an apologetic expression as he stated with mourning voice "Sounds like he left quite the impression on you guys, I'm sure I would have hated to be on the receiving end of his aiming skills. Let's hope we can brighten the day yet."
  87. ‹Valetni› With that impromptu memorial service our of the way, everyone mounts up. With the peacekeeper in the lead, Jim driving as best he can to Auric's sometimes confused directions. Behind them the 2 1/2 ton truck follows, this time only Victor left exposed to the elements.
  88. ‹Valetni› Wending your way through the city, Auric bids you to stop at a bombed out apartment building. It looks absolutely uninhabited, which would probably be the point.
  89. ‹Valetni› Following Auric over the treacherously slick rubble that was the front of the building, he leads you to a wooden door laying on the ground. dragging it aside reveals the stairway into the basement. Illuminated by flashlights, your group descends into the dank basement. A thin layer of water splashes under your feet, illustrating the flooding hazard of this hideout. Following Auric's lead,
  90. ‹Valetni› you arrive at the boiler room. Auric hesitantly knocks a pattern against the door marked "boiler room" before it's opened. Illuminated by an oil lamp burning inside, along with your flashlights, is a man.
  91. ‹Valetni› This man, trollishly ugly as befits his damp underground habitat, looks at the group with stupid, unintelligent eyes that betray his lack of formal education.
  92. ‹Rody_Rindell› Still on edge, Rody mentally maps the area as he checks every nook and cranny.
  93. → NS is now known as Novak_Simonovic
  94. ‹Novak_Simonovic› The man stares towards Auric with an annoyed expression "Auric? What the fuck happened? Who are these guys?"
  95. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim takes one look at the individual's nightmarishly ghastly visage and waits for another truly horrific sound to await from the grotesque creature's grotesque maw.
  96. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad glances to the side to take a look at Auric, hoping for him to finally get them out of this awkward situation
  97. ‹Auric_Froebe› Stumbling forward, one hand always kept to a wall as his eyes peered through the bloody bandaged wrapped about his head, the former prisoner hailed the man with a cheerful voice "Hello to you as well, Simonovic! I... well I got shot by some passing looters, and the lads here helped me out, chased
  98. ‹Auric_Froebe› them off. Did you do alright in here? There's the stuff I need to retrieve."
  99. ‹Novak_Simonovic› Novak grabs Auric by his shirt to stop him in place "Wait a second you... what is it that you need to retrieve with such hurry?
  100. * Auric_Froebe stared wide-eyed at man that took such an unceremonious hold on him, though quickly the surprise was forcefully replaced with an apology written across his face "Well, my lad, you know how things go these days: Sometimes you owe certain people this and that, sometimes these people turn out to be the
  101. * Auric_Froebe unsavory sort. Right now? I just want bullets, my gun, and, if you have it, a bit of a drink, face hurts like hell."
  102. ‹Novak_Simonovic› "First tell me when I'm getting paid, then I'll let you go." Novak says as he stares Auric straight into his eyes.
  103. ‹Auric_Froebe› "As soon as I get my stuff and we're back at a safehouse. Even if I could pay you right now, you wouldn't be able to spend anything." Auric replied, giving a sideward glance to Konrad, then to Rufus "... see, these fellows here, I have something they want, and since you did a good job for me, I'll
  104. ‹Auric_Froebe› cover your costs right along with mine when I give it to them." Looking back at Simonovic with a pained smile, he urged "Just stick with me, I'm a man of my word, rare as that is around here."
  105. ‹Novak_Simonovic› "Jebati! You better pay up when the time comes." After cursing Novak lets go of Auric. He then looks at the guests and introduces himself, thinking it'd be inpolite not to exchange names at least "Name's Novak. Novak Simonovic."
  106. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody nods as a makeshift greeting
  107. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Konrad puts up his customer winning smile: "The name's Konrad, Konrad Baudrauf, leader of Konrad's Caracals. Glad to meet you."
  108. ‹Novak_Simonovic› Novak's intrigued by what Konrad said "Konrad's Caracals? What's that? Are you mercenaries?"
  109. * Auric_Froebe let relief wash over his bandaged visage as he petted the spot that Simonovic had grabbed with such agitation. Looking at his goon mingle with the group, the former spy quickly marched further into the hideout, intent on quickly stowing away the flashdrive before getting on reacquiring his
  110. * Auric_Froebe inventory.
  111. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "Indeed, we're professionals," Konrad mentions, "we've been tasked with rescuing your friend Auric here from those looters, so we came along here."
  112. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Turning a bit further, Konrad turns to Auric: "How's it going, got everything you need?"
  113. * Auric_Froebe reemerged from the hideout's dark corner completely suited anew, kevlar covering his head and chest, submachine gun clamped to his side, a grenade-launcher with matching 40mm grenade-bandoliers wrapped around his back, all dominated by the intimidating sight of the automatic rifle slung around his
  114. * Auric_Froebe shoulder. Giving a self-assured smile that exposed bloody teeth, he exclaimed "Got it all, though if one of you guys help me out with dragging the crate of ammo I have up to the truck, that'll be nice."
  115. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody thumbs up eyeing the newly emerged figure, then readies to do some moving work
  116. ‹Valetni› Having gotten what you came here for, the lot of you retreat from Simonovics cave, emerging once more into the rain. It's an uneventful trip from there back to the WTCC headquarters, Rufus clearly in a good mood to receive whatever is on that flash drive.
  117. ‹Valetni› "Good work guys." Rufus says, dropping down from the peacekeeper's passenger seat. "You paid a high price, but got the job done."
  118. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "A high price indeed," Konrad sighs, meeting up with the rest of the team, "I better hope this was worth it."
  119. ‹Jim_Boseman› "This better be worth it,"
  120. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "But for real," Konrad moves over to the unsettlingly happy Rufus, "the loss of just one of my team at your sudden mission will be a burden on us, so if you don't mind, I'd get to business right away."
  121. ‹Jim_Boseman› Jim folds his arms as he looks on at Konrad's negotiation, nudging Rody's arm to pay attention too.
  122. ‹Valetni› "The sooner we get that flashdrive to the crypto people, the sooner we know what's on it. By all means." Rufus says.
  123. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "Good, then let's keep score here: We managed to get to the right place just in time after extreme hurry, successfully extracted your contact, got him to safety, got the hard drive and managed to get -you- through all of that without so much as a single scratch as well." Konrad folds his arms: "Fifteen."
  124. ‹Valetni› "You know the WTCC appreciates everything you guys have done for us, and we'd like to continue this arrangement that I feel has been beneficial for both parties." Rufus responds. "But there's no way we can do 15. Five for the rescue mission, and we'll buy all the weapons and vehicles you recovered for 100% of market value."
  125. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› "5? No offence, but I lost a good man out there, getting by without him will be difficult, he was a quarter of the team after all. If we are to retain our previous operational capabilities, improved equipment will be needed. Remember, that keeping us at our current strength will be an investment that returns itself in future missions. 10 for the rescue mission."
  126. ‹Valetni› "Alright, Alright." Rufus says after a moment of chewing it over. "I can do 10, but I'd like any guns and vehicles you guys don't want for yourselves. We won't be able to hire you guys for future missions if we get wiped out." Rufus says.
  127. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Satisfied with the result, Konrad shakes hands with the WTCC official: "Sure thing, we'll supply you with the equipment we managed to extract from the site, there were some useful things for your organization in there for sure. Is there anything more that we can do for you here?"
  128. * Auric_Froebe quickly stepped forward on as emphatic a pace as his wobbling feet could muster, his thick-set figure clambering forth with surprising noise as he exclaimed "Wait wait wait, just a moment!"
  129. ‹Valetni› Rufus is about to say something when Auric interrupts.
  130. * Auric_Froebe raised the hand tightly clinging about the flashdrive as he spoke with an intense edge in his eyes "Surely, Rufus, you can do better than this? Ten for a rescue mission on the fly like this! Just after having gone through one grueling engagement before no less! I heard the lads speak about how they
  131. * Auric_Froebe had to drive full-speed on the horrid, hole-ridden road, risking their only working vehicle in the process just to arrive in time!" He looked at Rufus with a trained urgency written across his features "That's not even mentioning my own investment! Besides saving me from certain death after torture
  132. * Auric_Froebe in the camp, they picked my hole-ridden body back out of that car and patched me back from certain death!" The former prisoner emphatically pointed at the glaring visage wrapped masterfully about his head "Speedy, yet expert care! Unconscious as I was, any less would have meant my death by
  133. * Auric_Froebe exsanguination! And then there is the matter of faith..." He tilted his head disappointment creeping over his face "... you can't
  134. ‹Rody_Rindell› Rody nods to the argument.
  135. ‹Auric_Froebe› honestly expect the lads to risk themselves and their future chances of employment while keeping you completely from harm at the cost of their own lives for just ten! Not to mention you have me and my lad here..." he gave a nod towards Simonovic "... standing here listening to it! Wanna know what
  136. ‹Auric_Froebe› those communists did when they caught me? They didn't just instantly put me on that transport, no, they told me in egregious detail just how I'd spend my days in their special 'care' if I didn't release every shred of information I had right now. Wanna know why I didn't?" The head-wounded man took a
  137. ‹Auric_Froebe› deep breath, his shoulders sagging in emphatic exhaustion "Because I knew I could count on the lads, could count on you. Could count on them being paid quite enough by you to save me. So, I didn't spill all I had then and there, I forced them to put me on that transport driving me towards a
  138. ‹Auric_Froebe› torture-prison, because I had faith in you being generous enough paymasters for the lads that would come and get me out."
  139. ‹Auric_Froebe› "15k is more than adequate, everything considered." he finally closed his long-winded appeal to emotion, eyes full of earnest intensity.
  140. ‹Valetni› Rufus rubs his forehead, looking pained. Finally he lets out a long sigh. "Alright, alright, fine. I suppose a little consideration is in order. I can probably authorize 12, is that enough?" He asks, looking between Konrad and Auric. "It'll take a few days to get that much money together, in the meantime, lacking any immediate crises, you guys relax and decompress."
  141. ‹Konrad_Baudrauf› Feeling almost a slight bit of secondhand embarrassment, but managing to suppress it successfully, Konrad turns back to Rufus and says: "Oh absolutely and we thankfully accept your offer to unwind after such events. We will of course be in reach if anything immediate does come up. Let's hope that drive gives you intel that provides a sure advantage in your fight."
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