
Chapter 4: The Balls of My Disapproval(WiP)

Jul 3rd, 2012
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  1. >Your lying on the ground
  2. >Across from you is Spike, and above you is Cloudsdale
  3. >You feel nothing short of master of the fuckin universe
  4. >What you and Spike did there was nothing short of just pure awesomeness
  5. >You stare at the base of Cloudsdale and smile
  6. >You look across you and Spike is doing the same
  7. >You Broclaw him and even do alittle explosion
  8. >You just feel just amazing
  9. "Man"
  10. >"You said it" Spike said nodding his head
  11. "I just can't believe we pulled that shit off"
  12. >"I know..."
  13. *pause*
  14. >Ok your wondering what happened right?
  15. >...
  16. >Thought so
  17. >Alright lets rewind back to when this all started
  18. >Me and Spike entered Cloudsdale and everything seemed normal
  19. *Flashback wavey sounds*
  20. >Random greeter pony for Cloudsdale appears
  21. >"Welcome to cloudsdale...uhh...pal?"
  22. >He looks at you filled with fear
  23. >As do the rest of the pegasi
  24. >You stare at them confused
  25. >"It's alright everypony we're with Celestia"
  26. >Everypony lookes even more frightened now
  27. >You and Spike look at eachother and shrug
  28. "Well might as well roll with it" you whisper to Spike
  29. >He nods and you both walk into some random restaurant
  30. >Ponies watch in fear as the almighty Anon orders some food
  31. >He slams the fist of Zeus when you pull out your bits to pay
  32. >The casheer pony says it's fine since your royalty
  33. >You look at Spike and give eachother the best here we fucking go face ever
  34. >You both walk out with free hayfries and milkshakes
  35. >And your struting like you've got the world hanging by a leash
  36. >You peer around for shit you might want
  37. >You enter some store with shit you might want while Spike raids a candy store
  38. >You look around and actually see a clock
  39. >It's a grandfather clock and you would feel all kinds of badass if you had that in your crib
  40. "Hey can I have this clock?"
  41. >"Uhh...sure...50 bit"
  42. "Sir, I'll have you know that I am under the orders of Celestia herself to get a clock that would make my house look badass"
  43. >"Really?" he says with a hint of sarcasm
  44. >You whistle and Spike appears with a faceful of serious
  45. >You snap and Spike burps out a letter
  46. >It's from Celestia and your read it
  47. "Dear Anon, that's me you know
  48. I would like for you to get a clock that would look total badassness in your crib
  50. Celestia"
  51. >You hide most of the letter and show him her signature
  52. >He shit's his pants and offers to take the clock to your house for you
  53. >You allow him the play-sure and he kisses Spike's feet
  54. >When he left the store you and Spike high four
  55. >"So what did the letter really say?" Spike says while laughing
  56. "She fuckin wanted Twilight to pick up her dry-cleaning"
  57. >You and Spike burst out laughing and prance out
  58. >You both skip merrily down the streets of Cloudsdale while raiding random store for literally anything
  59. >You got a free clock for your pad, some poorly made cupcakes, a bunch of rings cause your the boss, and a crown, I shit you not a fucking fake plastic crown just for shits and giggles
  60. >Your on the fuckin moon, man gettin free shit just cause you wave a peice of paper around and say shit about your friendship with Celestia is fuckin beast
  61. >You have enough ice cream to last you and Spike 10 years of non-stop eating
  62. >Oh man how can things get...
  63. >"Hey Anon"
  64. >That voice? Could it be?
  65. >You turn and your suspisions are right
  66. >Derpy Fuckin Hooves
  67. >"What's up guys?"
  68. >You and Spike each hold your shitload of stuff behind your backs
  69. >It's not working to a normal...anything but she doesn't seem to notice when you both clumsily say nothing
  70. >"Whatcha guys hidin?"
  71. >Her crossed eyes straighten up and squint at you
  72. "Oh uhh..."
  73. >"...just some uhh..."
  74. "....groceries!"You finally muster
  75. >"...for Rainbow Dash!" Spike adds
  76. "Yeah uhh you heard how she's all sad and stuff..."
  77. >"...yeah we visted her and she needed some groceries..."
  78. " we came to get some"
  79. >"...and now here we are"
  80. "...getting groceries"
  81. >You both chuckle awkwardly while she's still squinting at you
  82. >You both start to back away slowly when she finally speaks
  83. >"You two are getting stuff for free because you know Celes..."
  84. "LOOK A MUFFIN!!!"
  85. >"WHERE?!?!"
  86. >She zooms off into the direction you were pointing and keeps going until you nor Spike could see her
  87. >You and Spike sigh
  88. >"Dude that was close"
  89. "I know man"
  90. >"I'll say"
  91. >You turn to see Celestia standing next to you, looking quite peeved
  92. >You and Spike shit bricks and make a run for it
  93. >Celestia stops the two of you and cancels the cloudwalker spell
  94. >She gives you a smug smile before letting go of her magical hold on you
  95. >Now your falling 2 stories
  96. >Before ALMOST hitting the ground, your caught again by magic
  97. >And again it's Celestia's
  98. >She looks at you, pretty pissed off like, while you hang upside down and give her a big smile
  99. >"I thought you would get into trouble, but did you have to bring Spike into this too?"
  100. "Aww what's wrong Tia, afraid I'll corrupt your little Spikey-Wikey?"
  101. >She drops you and sighs
  102. >You lay on your back and see Spike falling too
  103. >Before becoming your new head, Celestia grabs him and tosses him across from you
  104. >"And as for you Spike I thought you'd know better than to trust this bucking nightmare"
  105. >She points to you and you just make spoooooooky noiseeeeeeessss
  106. >Spike laughs but Celestia doesn't seem impressed
  107. >"What am I going to do with you?" she towers over you and brings her muzzle close to your face
  108. "Ah come on princess live alittle" you give her a kiss on the lips and make it as cartoony as possible
  109. >You part lips with a smack sound effect and a wide grin
  110. >Celestia staggers backwards confused and blushing intensely
  111. >"I'll have your punishment by tomorrow" she trys to awkwardly seem like she's not turned on by your shwag
  112. "What about Spike?"
  113. >"Twilight will deal with you or something, for now don't do it again"
  114. >She flies off back to her castle and you and Spike lay there
  115. *speed up to now*
  117. ---
  119. >"Wow man I can't beleive I got a slap on the wrist and your probably goin to the moon for your little stunt there"
  120. "Ah don't worry buddy she's no gonna do anything"
  121. >"But dude she could banish you to the moon or somethin"
  122. "So I'll live on the moon and be back in no time, besides I always wanted to see space"
  123. >"Yeah but..."
  124. "Dude your stressin, you got a slap on the wrist from a sun goddess for raisin hell in Cloudworld, I'll be fine"
  125. >"Alright man if you say so"
  126. >You both get up and walk back to Ponyville
  127. >After parting ways with your purple bro you walk into your house
  128. >Your lights are turned on and you feel slightly awkward
  129. >You turn to see Lyra sitting on your couch eating a lettuce and lettuce sandwich
  130. "Uhh can I help you?"
  131. >She turns to see you and gets a wide ass grin
  132. >"Oh hey what's up Anon?"
  133. "Hi so whatcha doin?"
  134. >"Nothing much just chillin"
  135. "uhh huh...ya lost or somethin?"
  136. >"Nah so what do ya wanna do?"
  137. >You open your mouth to object but instead you just roll with it
  138. >You sit on the couch next to Lyra and she mimicks your sitting position
  139. >You look over to her and she's still got that fuckin huge smile and eyes filled with diabetus
  140. >You go to the kitchen and grab you and her a beer
  141. >"Oh I don't drink"
  142. "But I do"
  143. >" much as Rainbow does hahaha"
  144. >You return to your sitting position as Lyra chokes down her beer
  145. >You take a sip and say yep
  146. "Alright Lyra let's talk"
  147. >She sets her drink down and pays attention
  148. "Soooo legitly and seriously how did you get in my house and why are you here"
  149. >She freezes momentarily and looks down while biting her lip
  150. >"The honest truth?"
  151. "Yes please and thank you"
  152. >"...I..I..was going through your underwear drawer and kinda put them on and pretended to be you and maybe got carried away.."
  153. "Woah woah woah seriously?!"
  154. >"I also masturbated in your bed"
  155. >You swing your head back and laugh
  156. >You can't help it this was just too unreal, this was just too weird
  157. >You calm down and see her looking ashamed and retarded
  158. >You put your arm around her and hold her close
  159. "Dude, I'm gonna tell you now, that's weird, that is like something I never expected from the world of technicolored ponies, dude, I'm gonna be honest here, you made my day"
  160. >You kiss her on the cheek
  161. "I fucking love ya that was just the biggest what the fuck I ever had"
  162. >"Sooo you like me?"
  163. "Yeah your cool, but I have a marefriend you know, well two to be real about it"
  164. >She looks down disappointed
  165. "Cheer up Ly' there's billions of dudes out there in this world"
  166. >"But there's only one you"
  167. >She hugs your chest and you feel all kinds of awkward
  168. >Then she starts crying on your chest, loudly I might add
  169. >You pat her back
  170. "There there, you gonna be alright?"
  171. >"No!"
  172. "Shit" you scratch your head and search for ideas
  173. >One finally appears but you swear to Luna it's a bad one
  174. "How bout you stay here and chillax with me for the night?"
  175. >Her ears perk up and she looks at you with tearful eyes
  176. >"Really?!"
  177. "Sure"
  178. >She returns to hugging your chest
  179. >What the fuck have I done? you think to yourself
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