
Writefag Anon (Young Celestia)

May 15th, 2014
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  1. >The shadow of a colt surrounds the object at the end of the hallway
  2. >Even though he had to bypass the castle's security system, a modern marvel in and of itself
  3. >The next 10 feet of the well-adorned passageway will probably be the most precarious of them all
  4. >Lightly lifting his hooves off of the velvet rug, our hero inches his way towards the pedestal
  5. >keeping an eye out for everything from transparent wires laced with diamond to slice any intruder
  6. >To totems imbedded with alarms that could trigger from the slightest hint of sound within the room
  7. >Only four feet away from the object, a trickle of sweat forms upon his brow
  8. Nah, this is shit.
  9. >You fold the parchment in half and tear it in two, tossing it into the nearby trashcan
  10. >Why can't you finish this shitty short story for the Canterlot Daily?
  11. >It's not like anyone reads your column anyway
  12. >You are Anonymous, and you found yourself in magical horseland almost seven months ago
  13. >Due to your 'dexterous' nature, and coincidential relations with Canterlot's #1 newspaper
  14. >You were able to land a job writing a small column for a fantasy/thriller story
  15. >Which pretty much translates to writing whatever the fuck you want to have happen within a pre-existing story
  16. >Unfortunately for you, you seem to have written yourself into a corner
  17. >This story is pretty shit
  18. >Anyone who picks up a Canterlot Daily issue is only interested in the Noble drama anyway
  19. Fffffuck...
  20. >You take a swig of beer
  21. >It's 2 in the afternoon and you're already starting to drink
  22. >You walk into your kitchen and dump the rest down your sink
  23. >A knock comes from your front door
  24. Uh, hold up Francis.
  25. >Fuck this landlord, didn't you just pay last week?
  26. >You open the door to find two royal guards standing side-by-side glaring at you
  27. >Oh god, did Francis find your stash?
  28. C-can I help you two gentlecolts?
  29. >"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna request your presence at the castle immediately. Please follow us."
  30. >This can't be good.
  31. >The guards lead you from your apartment through the fancier parts of the city
  32. >As always, Canterlot Castle is in view from every street and alley
  33. >You'd always seen it whenever you'd go buy groceries, or go to work
  34. >Which were pretty much the only reasons you go outside any more
  35. >Not too many ponies here are keen on making friends with you
  36. >You would have thought everyone would have made a big deal about you showing up out of the blue
  37. >But apparently no one really gives a shit
  38. >Everyone assumes you're from some far-off country
  39. >The castle gates open, and allow you and your two escorts to enter the grounds
  40. >This'll be your first time meeting Celestia and Luna
  41. >FUCK, what are you supposed to do?
  42. >Of the thousands of Anons still on Earth, you get to be the one who meets based sunbutt and moonbutt
  43. >From the millions back home, you get to be the one to bask in presence of the two most glorified rumps of the shittiest fandom ever
  44. >What if you fuck up your introduction?
  45. >Wait, how could you fuck it up?
  46. >You got this shit
  47. >Just stay cool and play it out
  48. >It's not like you're demanding to see them
  49. >They're demanding to see you
  50. >Just let them say what they want and just dance to their tune
  51. >Yeah, you got this
  52. >The two guards turn from the hallway you're in into a large room with a table and four chairs
  53. >"Wait here."
  54. Sure thing.
  55. >Fuck, now you gotta wait
  56. >It feels weird waiting for two cartoon horse princesses to come talk to you
  57. >Oh shit
  58. >What if they know where you're from?
  59. >What if they've been trying to keep humans out of Equestria?
  60. >What if you're going to be sent back to Earth?
  61. >Suddenly you don't got this
  62. >You hear the sound of hooves tapping against granite
  63. >Time's up
  64. >You whipe a bead of sweat from your forehead
  65. >H-here you go
  66. >The door opens up, revealing two tiny pony children, one blue and the other white
  67. >ohshitnigger.avi
  68. >Looks like you're about a thousand years behind the show
  69. >Celestia gives you a once-over with a look of disdain
  70. >"And you are?"
  71. Wait, what?
  72. >"We asked for Umi the Mystique. Why are you here?"
  73. >Umi the Mystique?
  74. >The main character in your story?
  75. >Luna takes a few steps closer
  76. >"We understand he's about to enter Meznaru's castle to obtain the Orb of Lost Souls, but we were under the impression that Umi would stop by Canterlot in order to meet with the Oracle."
  77. >Celestia nods in agreement
  78. >"Indeed, we would much rather speak with Umi, in order to... grant him our royal advice for his perilous journey."
  79. >Are you really hearing this?
  80. I don't think I follow.
  81. >The white filly looks more annoyed than she did when she first entered the room
  82. >"It's really quite simple: We would like to speak with Umi in order to give him, err, council prior to him facing possible life-threatening situations."
  83. >You can't believe it.
  84. >These ponies, both Celestia and Luna, actually think your column is some kind of documentary.
  85. >"We ask that you inform Umi as soon as you can. The guards will see you out."
  86. Wait wait wait, hold on a minute.
  87. >You gotta spill the beans, for the sake of future Equestria
  88. >These fillies can't be galloping around the most important building in the world sending guards out looking for characters belonging in your shitty story
  89. Look girls, that column in the newspaper? It's just a story I made up. Canterlot Daily was kind enough to give me a little space to do my thing in, and I decided to write a little story about a magician fighting against a wizard. It's all a complete farce.
  90. >Luna looks back up at you
  91. >"Nonsense! If that's the case, then why when Umi was being chased by those theives through Canterlot market, did another front-page story feature men chasing after a supposed criminal through the exact same place?"
  92. >That must have been from the time you based an episode around a report on stolen goods from one of the lower-end markets
  93. >Hey, you were having a shit day and couldn't think of what to add next, so you worked with what you could
  94. That was just something I had tied into the story. Sometimes I take other things from the paper and place them into my story.
  95. >If Celestia didn't look mad before, then she was certainly suffering from serious ass damage now
  96. >"Improbable!"
  97. >She points her golden-capped hoof at you
  98. >"Then why are all episodes written by this 'Anonymous'? Clearly Umi is trying to keep undercover and drops off his latest ventures in the Canterlot Daily's mailbox!"
  99. It's written by Anonymous because my name IS Anonymous. Now, I appreciate you two taking a liking to my story, but this is going too far.
  100. >"T-Tia, maybe he's right... You know mother and father have been saying the exact same things."
  101. >Celestia bows her head and sighs
  102. >Suddenly, the princess' tiny head shoots back up and looks at you with newfound amazement.
  103. >"I understand now! YOU must be Umi!"
  104. >Aw shit
  105. Now wait a minute-
  106. >Celestia starts walking towards you
  107. >"Going undercover as a writer for the paper under the name Anonymous, it's the perfect cover!"
  108. >You start walking backwards, keeping your distance from the child-princess
  109. That's absolutely rediculous! Now-
  110. >"And in the stories, you replace yourself with a pony in order to double the concealment!"
  111. >Your back hits the wall
  112. >Luna approaches from behind her sister
  113. >It looks like she's holding some paper and a quill with her magic
  114. >"M-Mr. Umi, could I have your autograph?"
  115. I... It's... Alright, alright, give me that...
  116. >You take the quill and paper from Luna's magic field
  117. >And scribble the best 'Umi the Mystique' signature you can
  118. >You hand the parchment back to Luna
  119. >Moonbutt takes one look at it and lets out a little gasp
  120. >"Oh, uh, please wait one moment, U-Umi."
  121. >Celestia turns around and dashes out the door and down the hallway, leaving you and Luna lone
  122. >You take your seat again, waiting for whatever Celestia needs to show you
  123. >The sooner the better
  125. >It's been about 3 minutes now, and no sign of sunbutt
  126. >You begin tapping your fingers on the table
  127. >The last thing you need is a guard or a royal official wondering why you're here
  128. >You turn around to look at Luna, realizing she hasn't moved or said anything since Celestia left
  129. >She's just standing there looking at you and back at your fake signature with this big, goofy grin across her blue face
  130. >Echos of hooves meeting the floor find their way into the room you two are in
  131. >You turn back around to find an out-of-breath princess holding a slightly larger piece of paper
  132. >It looks like there are already a few things written down on it
  133. >"I-In order for you to receive our royal advice, we require that you sign this OFFICIAL document showing that you will not, err, give out any of the information we give you!"
  134. >She floats the document over to you
  135. >You briefly scan the poorly-written paragraph
  136. >Light glistens off of the ink on the page
  137. >With a finger, you trace through one of the letters, leaving a smear on the paper
  138. Did you literally just write this?
  139. >"I, uh, lost the other official document so I had to make a new official document."
  140. >You read through it more carefully this time
  141. It says here that I have to walk you through every encounter I ever submitted to Canterlot Daily.
  142. >"In order to give out our royal advice we require a first-person account of every detail! D-Don't you know that?!"
  143. Yeah, well, can't you just use the signature I already made?
  144. >"That one's Luna's. This one's, err, official."
  145. >You get up from your chair
  146. Okay, well, that's nice and all, but I really need to get going. I need to finish up the next episode by tomorrow, so-
  147. >Before you start making your way out the door, an Alicorn about your size makes her way into the room
  148. >Celestia turns around
  149. >"Mother!"
  150. >Oh fuck
  151. >"Girls! What in Equestria are you doing in here?"
  152. >She looks in your direction
  153. >"And who is this?"
  154. >Celestia rolls her eyes
  155. >"Mother, this is who I've been talking about. I told you I'd find Umi!"
  156. >Thank god, a voice of reason
  157. Um, hello your majesty. Uh, my name is Anonymous, and there seems to have been some sort of mishap between your children and my story in the local paper. If I cou-
  158. >The queen raises her hoof to relieve you from explanation
  159. >"I understand what's going on here. Celestia, take your sister and go see your father."
  160. >"But-"
  161. >"Now, Celestia."
  162. >Tia bows her head in disappointment
  163. >"C'mon Luna..."
  164. >With one hoof, Celestia leads her younger sister out of the room
  165. >Luna is still looking at you with that big-ass grin, only stopping to try and show the queen your autograph
  166. >Her mom smiles and moves her along with a gentle push from her much larger, much more ornamented hoof
  167. >As her children leave the room, her attention is drawn to you
  168. >"I apologize for my young. Children tend to get carried away with such things at this age."
  169. >thank fuck she isn't taking this as seriously as you thought she would
  170. Uh, it's alright, I just really need to get back to working on my next issue. I'm behind as it is.
  171. >"I see. I'll have a guard escort you out immediately then."
  172. I appreciate it.
  173. >You're finally free
  174. >The queen picks Luna's quill and Celestia's little 'document' and sees you out of the room
  175. >A guard quickly meets you in the hallway and escorts you through the corridors of the castle back to the main gate
  176. >"Have a pleasant day, sir."
  177. Try to do the same.
  179. >You make your way back to your apartment, and immediately chug a bottle of beer.
  180. >You've never tasted anything better in your life
  181. >Sitting back at your desk, you proceed to find yourself still stuck in a bad case of writers block
  183. >It's been 8 hours
  184. >8 hours of digging through the concrete of a shitty-ass plot
  185. >But you're almost done
  186. >The fight's almost over
  187. >Looks like Umi's going to spend some more time in Canterlot before heading out to Meznaru's castle
  188. >A few more lines left and you can call it a wrap
  189. >You haphazardly scribble the closing statement to your most recent issue
  190. >There, it is done
  191. >You can finally rest
  192. >With another month of rent insured, you head to your fridge to whip up dinner
  193. >As you step into your kitchen, another thought takes hold of you
  194. >You're living in Equestria
  195. >But you're never going to meet Twilight
  196. >You're never going to work on Applejack's farm
  197. >You're never going to wear clothes hoof-stitched by Rarity
  198. >You're never going to get to help Fluttershy feed her animals
  199. >You're the closest a human's ever gotten to actually living the dream
  200. >But you might as well still be back on Earth
  201. >As you lose interest in writing about Umi, you lose your reasons for staying in Canterlot
  202. >Even though you've never been beyond the city, perhaps eventually you'll just start wondering the landscape
  203. >Who knows, maybe you'll find something better than what the show back home provided
  204. >A knock on your door interrupts your meditation
  205. >...
  206. >Francis never comes by this late
  207. >You kreep towards the door and peer through the hole
  208. >Nothing
  209. >There's no one there
  210. >Opening the door, you're greeted with more of the same
  211. >"Umi?"
  212. >God damnit
  213. >You look down
  214. >A young, cloaked, Celestia peers up at you
  215. >How the hell did she get out here?
  216. Uh... Hey Celestia.
  217. >"I still need your signature. Luna got hers, it's only fair that I receive my own as well."
  218. Uh huh... For that 'royal advice' document, right?
  219. >"Err, uh, yes. Correct. Even though this document appears blank, I'll see that it is correctly transferred over to an official agreement."
  220. >This is getting ridiculous
  221. >You're going to have to ask your boss to remove your contact information from your column tomorrow
  222. >For now, you need to put your foot down and get this little princess off your front porch
  223. Listen here, Tia, I got some royal advice for you, too: Stay away from me. I've got enough on my mind as it is. The last thing I need is word going around town that I associate myself with Canterlot's royalty. Can you imagine how much my landlord would increase my rent? No, you can't, because I really don't think you even know what 'rent' is. And I can tell you really want to believe I'm something I'm not, but you need to drop it right here and now or else, uh, I'll make sure your parents hear about this, I guess.
  224. >You can see her rage building up, she's clearly not used to being told 'no'
  225. >"Unacceptable! You are a hero amongst the people and, well, deserve to be treated as such! I will not sit idly by while you risk your life to save us all without taking any credit for it."
  226. >Wow, well when she puts it like that...
  227. >No, what are you thinking?
  228. >You're not Umi
  229. >Umi isn't real, and never will be real
  230. >Your thoughts are drawn to your days back on Earth
  231. >days when you would wish the place you're standing in right now was a reality
  232. >You suddenly feel a little pain in your chest
  233. >How can you even comprehend the life of a princess?
  234. >Celestia's just trying to make the most out of something that takes her away from her normal routine
  235. >Just like you were, only seven months ago
  236. Listen, Celestia, I'll give you my signature, but promise me you'll leave me... undercover, alright? The last thing I need is Meznaru knowing I'm in Canterlot. That will put everyone at risk.
  237. >The princess nods in agreement, and you once again sign Umi the Mystique onto another fan's sheet of paper
  238. >You hand the parchment back to Celestia, and she in response smiles and looks up to you
  239. >"Thank-"
  240. >Your window shatters as a dark shadow tumbles into your hallway
  241. What the shit!?
  242. >You turn around to find a small, insect-winged alicorn with green hair trying to catch her breath
  243. >Oh. My. Fucking. God.
  244. >Chrysalis gets up, sees you, and immediately looks relieved
  245. >"Umi, There you are! I've been looking all over for you!"
  246. >Your first reaction is to look back over at Celestia
  247. >And it looks like her excitement over finding you has kindled anew
  248. >Like adding gasoline to a fire
  250. >You slam your door shut
  251. >You can't handle this much wat
  252. >Turning back to filly Chrysalis, you try to pick a question to ask her out of the thousands floating in your head
  253. Why... What are you doing here?
  254. >It looks like she's caught her breath now that she's had the chance to relax
  255. >She must have sprinted all the way here from wherever in hell she came from
  256. >"I came here to warn you that Meznaru is IN Canterlot!"
  257. Wat.
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