

Apr 19th, 2014
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  1. [04/19/14 16:08:51] *** JOPEBUSTER joined the channel
  2. [16:08:51] *** Shampuru joined the channel
  3. [16:08:52] *** JLVWNNOOOO joined the channel
  4. [16:08:53] *** Dime joined the channel
  5. [16:09:02] Dime: .setgoal beat the game
  6. [16:09:02] RaceBot: Goal Set: beat the game
  7. [16:09:02] *** Topic changed by RaceBot: Status: Entry Open | Game: Sonic Generations | Goal: beat the game
  8. [16:09:04] *** Noobest joined the channel
  9. [16:09:06] Dime: .enter
  10. [16:09:06] RaceBot: Dime enters the race! 1 entrant.
  11. [16:09:11] Noobest: .join
  12. [16:09:11] RaceBot: Noobest enters the race! 2 entrants.
  13. [16:09:35] Noobest: for some reason the game doesn't want to take my controller inputs
  14. [16:09:59] Noobest: oh well I have time to figure this out I guess
  15. [16:11:13] Dime: ya you have some time
  16. [16:13:08] Noobest: for some reason it won't remember the fact that I set it as controller
  17. [16:13:11] Noobest: for input
  18. [16:13:11] *** bradishungry joined the channel
  19. [16:13:45] *** vopeju joined the channel
  20. [16:13:52] Noobest: oh hi vorpal
  21. [16:14:01] vopeju: ohi
  22. [16:15:00] Dime: hey vorpal
  23. [16:22:51] bradishungry: .enter
  24. [16:22:51] RaceBot: bradishungry enters the race! 3 entrants.
  25. [16:23:27] *** _5mon joined the channel
  26. [16:24:16] *** _5mon quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  27. [16:35:10] Noobest: so yeahh
  28. [16:36:43] *** witwix joined the channel
  29. [16:36:45] witwix: .enter
  30. [16:36:45] RaceBot: witwix enters the race! 4 entrants.
  31. [16:39:26] Dime: hey witwix
  32. [16:41:15] witwix: sup
  33. [16:42:25] bradishungry: So when does this start?
  34. [16:42:35] witwix: e v e n t u a l l y
  35. [16:42:40] witwix: jk 42 minutes ago
  36. [16:42:48] Dime: blame cirno heh
  37. [16:42:57] bradishungry: oh no I am so behind!!!
  38. [17:03:35] Dime: uhhh do you want to wait an hour or go now without cirno
  39. [17:05:12] Noobest: Either way works for me
  40. [17:05:44] Dime: it doesn't matter for me atleast, so need to know from rest of you
  41. [17:05:53] Noobest: Same for me
  42. [17:06:17] bradishungry: I'm in no hurry, so same
  43. [17:07:09] Dime: k race will start at 4:10 on the dot
  44. [17:07:16] Noobest: hot
  45. [17:07:23] witwix: as in
  46. [17:07:24] witwix: 3 minutes from now
  47. [17:07:31] witwix: or is that 63 minutes from now
  48. [17:07:38] bradishungry: time zones are weird
  49. [17:07:49] witwix: if its 63 i guess i'm out
  50. [17:07:58] witwix: i set my alarm and got here on time, oh well
  51. [17:08:01] witwix: .unenter
  52. [17:08:01] RaceBot: witwix has been removed from the race.
  53. [17:09:32] bradishungry: so this starts in 61 minutes?
  54. [17:09:49] witwix: solid 2 month wait only to get fucked in the ass by cirno
  55. [17:10:35] Dime: yup
  56. [17:14:38] *** Jovo joined the channel
  57. [17:14:58] bradishungry: cirno is on steam
  58. [17:15:27] witwix: yeah we'
  59. [17:15:30] witwix: we're already talking to him
  60. [17:15:39] witwix: he cant start for over an hour
  61. [17:15:49] Jovo: RIP
  62. [17:15:58] bradishungry: '(
  63. [17:16:15] witwix: jovo
  64. [17:16:20] witwix: i bet $65 worth of shit on NIP
  65. [17:16:21] Jovo: Hi, wit.
  66. [17:16:21] witwix: p a y m e
  67. [17:16:24] Jovo: LOL
  68. [17:16:29] Jovo: How fucking scared were you
  69. [17:16:31] Noobest: Jovo teach me how to CS
  70. [17:16:32] Jovo: At 13-13
  71. [17:16:38] witwix: it was a good match
  72. [17:16:41] witwix: but a little bit
  73. [17:16:43] bradishungry: gold nova awp skills
  74. [17:16:48] Jovo: Get Right was fucking godly at the end
  75. [17:16:59] Jovo: 3Ks 3 rounds in a row
  76. [17:17:00] witwix: mainly cause i bet my stattrak fac new cobalt deagle
  77. [17:17:01] witwix: and i wanted it
  78. [17:17:03] witwix: back
  79. [17:17:07] Jovo: lol
  80. [17:17:16] bradishungry: so NIP won?
  81. [17:17:19] Jovo: I've taken to not betting on NIP matches
  82. [17:17:22] Jovo: Yeah
  83. [17:17:24] Jovo: 16-13
  84. [17:17:28] Jovo: On 3rd map
  85. [17:17:33] bradishungry: damn
  86. [17:17:44] Jovo: Because they've been so inconsistent lately
  87. [17:17:51] Jovo: F0rest is getting too damn old
  88. [17:17:54] witwix: i usually like to bet on them until the finals
  89. [17:17:56] witwix: then bet against them
  90. [17:17:58] witwix: but i had a feeling
  91. [17:18:04] Jovo: lol
  92. [17:18:39] bradishungry: cs game instead of race
  93. [17:18:41] bradishungry: lol
  94. [17:18:50] Jovo: Someone want to buy me Sonic so I can race? :P
  95. [17:19:01] witwix: noone wants you to do anything you dont want to do
  96. [17:19:05] witwix: do you
  97. [17:19:07] witwix: want to do that?
  98. [17:19:24] Jovo: I do want to race, I'm just broke as shit
  99. [17:19:28] Dime: you play dota witwix?
  100. [17:19:37] Noobest: how broke
  101. [17:19:51] Jovo: Holy shit
  102. [17:19:53] witwix: stop fucking reaDING SHIT
  103. [17:19:56] witwix: THIS IS A BLIND RACE
  104. [17:20:01] witwix: yeah ive played about 2500 games of dota 2
  105. [17:20:05] witwix: and another 4k of dota 1
  106. [17:20:29] bradishungry: Guys I can't race I opened the game to make sure that it opened it's not blind
  107. [17:20:41] witwix: g e t t h e h e l l o u t
  108. [17:20:42] Dime: NOOOOOOOOOO
  109. [17:20:45] Noobest: d*ng
  110. [17:20:45] Dime: P
  111. [17:20:50] *** HyperSonic7701 joined the channel
  112. [17:20:53] Noobest: I opened the game to check if I could get my controller to work
  113. [17:20:54] Noobest: And I couldn't
  114. [17:20:59] Noobest: Then I managed to fix it
  115. [17:21:02] witwix: i opened the game everything worked fantastically
  116. [17:21:04] bradishungry: same, I didn't.
  117. [17:21:04] Noobest: So I guess I'm not blind either
  118. [17:21:08] witwix: then i found out the race is starting in 12 years
  119. [17:21:26] witwix: .enter
  120. [17:21:27] RaceBot: witwix enters the race! 4 entrants.
  121. [17:21:28] witwix: fuck it
  122. [17:21:31] Dime: well Cirno was talking to me about it on stream
  123. [17:21:31] witwix: family is unimportant
  124. [17:21:36] Dime: I said yes it's going on tomorrow
  125. [17:21:37] *** SilverSonic joined the channel
  126. [17:21:39] Dime: at 2 pm heh
  127. [17:21:51] Dime: If I received a skype or twitch message earlier
  128. [17:21:51] Jovo: Downloading
  129. [17:21:52] Dime: with more warning
  130. [17:21:55] Dime: not a big deal
  131. [17:22:03] Dime: But unfortunately, I didn't really get that this time
  132. [17:22:17] Jovo: Thanks for the heads up on the sale, Noobest
  133. [17:22:24] Noobest: np
  134. [17:22:44] Jovo: So, who's not even remotely looking forwards to Daylight?
  135. [17:23:01] witwix: i just like blind races
  136. [17:23:03] bradishungry: I bought it but eh
  137. [17:23:16] vopeju: how has this still not started
  138. [17:23:18] vopeju: rofl
  139. [17:23:34] witwix: c i r n o _ t v
  140. [17:23:55] Dime: either way the delay is an excuse to write some more words in my essays
  141. [17:24:00] Dime: so could be worse
  142. [17:24:04] Dime: Broman won't be making this race
  143. [17:24:07] Dime: but that'll always happen
  144. [17:24:10] Dime: someone is always busy
  145. [17:24:19] Dime: I don't want to cancel it because 1 guy can't show up
  146. [17:24:21] Dime: just silly
  147. [17:24:21] Jovo: He's with family, IIRC
  148. [17:24:26] Dime: yep he told me
  149. [17:24:27] Noobest: when's that GTA III + Plutonia thing?
  150. [17:24:39] Dime: uhhh within the next 3 weeks I believe
  151. [17:28:46] witwix: .unenter
  152. [17:28:47] RaceBot: witwix has been removed from the race.
  153. [17:30:07] bradishungry: so are we just waiting for cirno
  154. [17:31:13] Jovo: I believe so?
  155. [17:31:39] Jovo: I have > 1 hour on my download
  156. [17:32:05] Jovo: Are you guys doing controller or MKB?
  157. [17:32:11] Dime: im playing controller
  158. [17:32:30] bradishungry: my controller didn't work but ill try while we wait
  159. [17:32:31] Jovo: I feel that I should get that set up, then
  160. [17:32:38] Jovo: PS3 controller?
  161. [17:35:01] *** Jovo quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  162. [17:35:32] *** Jovo joined the channel
  163. [17:35:37] Jovo: Wrong button.
  164. [17:35:39] Jovo: .enter
  165. [17:35:40] RaceBot: Jovo enters the race! 4 entrants.
  166. [17:38:00] *** bradishungry quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  167. [17:38:58] *** bradishungry joined the channel
  168. [17:42:05] bradishungry: so is this still happening at 4:10
  169. [17:45:46] Jovo: No idea. At this rate, I'm likely starting late, anyways.
  170. [17:45:46] *** bradishungry quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  171. [17:46:28] *** bradishungry joined the channel
  172. [17:47:07] Jovo: Witwix is out. I don't know.
  173. [17:48:47] Dime: ill be in this race no matter what essentially heh
  174. [17:49:52] bradishungry: yeah, as long as it doesn't last until afternoon tomorrow lol.
  175. [17:51:29] witwix: It's only like a 3-6 hour game i think
  176. [17:52:10] Jovo: GameLengths says a normal playthrough is >7 hours
  177. [17:52:36] Jovo: So, who knows.
  178. [17:52:39] witwix: I hear crowd sourced websites are a good source
  179. [17:52:45] witwix: All I know is last place in the last race
  180. [17:52:48] witwix: was 5:20
  181. [17:53:03] witwix: You'd have to be heavily mentally impaired to take 7 hours on any%, and I trust you guys
  182. [17:53:04] Jovo: Fair enough. I know fucking nothing about this game, aside from its existance
  183. [17:53:29] *** bradishungry quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  184. [17:53:34] *** shadygamerfreak joined the channel
  185. [17:53:42] shadygamerfreak: .enter
  186. [17:53:42] RaceBot: shadygamerfreak enters the race! 5 entrants.
  187. [17:53:43] Jovo: I decided to bash my head against some cinderblocks before I joined IRC, just to go for the SlowRunsLive WR.
  188. [17:53:46] *** bradishungry joined the channel
  189. [17:53:50] shadygamerfreak: .entrants
  190. [17:53:50] RaceBot: jovo | shadygamerfreak | bradishungry | noobest | dime
  191. [17:54:19] bradishungry: i saw a playthrough that was like 5 hours, if it goes for more than 7 I'll just quit
  192. [17:54:48] witwix: Just be hungry for a good time
  193. [17:56:28] bradishungry: oh i will be. I found a great sonic gif for my stream. I just wish i had your sanic emote. damn
  194. [17:57:42] witwix: FOR THE LOW PRICE OF $4.99
  195. [17:57:46] Noobest: .quit
  196. [17:57:47] RaceBot: Noobest has been removed from the race.
  197. [17:57:51] witwix: rip
  198. [17:58:00] shadygamerfreak: this is going to be my first sg race :O
  199. [17:58:08] witwix: that's good
  200. [17:58:09] witwix: because
  201. [17:58:11] witwix: its a blind race
  202. [17:58:20] shadygamerfreak: I know the game
  203. [17:58:21] witwix: so i hope you're not very good
  204. [17:58:30] witwix: because noone here has played it
  205. [17:58:38] shadygamerfreak: Iv played it so many times and ive been practicing to speed run it
  206. [17:58:49] witwix: well we cant technically stop you from entering
  207. [17:58:52] witwix: but
  208. [17:58:58] witwix: i don't think this is the race for you
  209. [17:59:03] shadygamerfreak: ill probably suck too
  210. [17:59:04] witwix: that being said you are going to win
  211. [17:59:18] Jovo: Noobest quit, too? D:
  212. [17:59:21] shadygamerfreak: Im thinking that ill get around 3 hours
  213. [17:59:48] witwix: welp you win
  214. [17:59:48] witwix: congrats
  215. [17:59:55] shadygamerfreak: and in 3 hours and 30 mins imma have to go for 10 mins so that will help you
  216. [18:00:52] shadygamerfreak: .quit
  217. [18:00:52] RaceBot: shadygamerfreak has been removed from the race.
  218. [18:01:09] shadygamerfreak: i wont race you guys
  219. [18:02:54] bradishungry: so this race would be me jovo and dime.
  220. [18:03:13] bradishungry: i feel like this isnt going to actually happen
  221. [18:03:49] Jovo: BibleThump
  222. [18:03:54] Jovo: And Cirno, eventually
  223. [18:04:01] Jovo: Unless he's out, too
  224. [18:04:41] bradishungry: he said in his chat that is wasn't happening
  225. [18:04:42] *** shadygamerfreak left the channel
  226. [18:04:47] bradishungry: so idk
  227. [18:05:08] Jovo: .unenter
  228. [18:05:08] RaceBot: Jovo has been removed from the race.
  229. [18:05:16] Jovo: Well, shit
  230. [18:05:16] witwix: whyd you leave jovo
  231. [18:05:19] witwix: you're killing the race
  232. [18:05:31] Jovo: Literally killing esports
  233. [18:05:31] witwix: ;;
  234. [18:06:01] bradishungry: I'd still do it with you and dime
  235. [18:06:08] Dime: i'll go with it
  236. [18:06:12] Dime: are you talking about cirno?
  237. [18:06:17] witwix: jovo du it
  238. [18:06:21] witwix: i wanna watch while i do my real life shit
  239. [18:06:41] Jovo: Wellfuck
  240. [18:06:43] Jovo: .enter
  241. [18:06:44] RaceBot: Jovo enters the race! 3 entrants.
  242. [18:06:48] bradishungry: or we can just play cs or I'll just do runs. I just don't wanna sit in pre race limbo
  243. [18:06:49] witwix: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  244. [18:06:59] Dime: so is cirno out, what I need to know
  245. [18:07:01] *** shadygamerfreak joined the channel
  246. [18:07:05] Dime: trying to understand brads message
  247. [18:07:06] witwix: he is
  248. [18:07:14] Dime: k i'll get my stream setup
  249. [18:07:16] bradishungry: as of 4:30
  250. [18:07:21] bradishungry: it sounds like
  251. [18:07:38] Jovo: I, personally, would prefer it be with everyone, but if I'm nessecary to get it to fire, so be it
  252. [18:07:49] Jovo: I
  253. [18:08:06] Jovo: As long as I can still race it again with everyone, and just be non-competitive
  254. [18:08:07] Dime: well if you all want to reshcedule
  255. [18:08:11] Dime: im gonna go play plutonia
  256. [18:08:30] bradishungry: yeah, I'll do more ss2 runs or play cs
  257. [18:08:44] Jovo: I'll do anything, really
  258. [18:08:50] bradishungry: ALL UP TO JOVO L O L
  259. [18:09:05] Jovo: God fucking dammit
  260. [18:09:09] Jovo: I vote reschedule
  261. [18:09:15] bradishungry: I don't know, witwix do you want to do it another time?
  262. [18:09:31] bradishungry: because If we did it we can't be in another blind race
  263. [18:09:42] bradishungry: also noobest
  264. [18:11:14] bradishungry: okay reschedule it is
  265. [18:14:05] Jovo: .unenter
  266. [18:14:05] RaceBot: Jovo has been removed from the race.
  267. [18:14:11] bradishungry: .unenter
  268. [18:14:11] RaceBot: bradishungry has been removed from the race.
  269. [18:14:23] bradishungry: jovo whats your steam name
  270. [18:14:26] Jovo: So, when are we looking at doing this, then?
  271. [18:14:27] Jovo: Jovo
  272. [18:14:39] Jovo: It's also my community url
  273. [18:14:52] *** SilverSonic left the channel
  274. [18:16:56] witwix: .cancel
  275. [18:16:57] witwix: .delete
  276. [18:16:59] witwix: .uncreate
  277. [18:17:01] witwix: .negativerace
  278. [18:17:06] *** witwix left the channel
  279. [18:17:46] Jovo: .unrace
  280. [18:17:51] bradishungry: .crysoftly
  281. [18:18:14] Jovo: .retirefromspeedrunningbeforeieverbegan
  282. [18:19:47] Jovo: .quit
  283. [18:21:53] Jovo: .end
  284. [18:22:12] Jovo: .setstream
  285. [18:22:12] RaceBot: Stream set.
  286. [18:25:29] *** shadygamerfreak quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  287. [18:48:56] *** jtmagic joined the channel
  288. [18:49:07] *** jtmagic quit the server (Client exited)
  289. [18:50:54] *** jtmagic joined the channel
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  291. [19:25:19] *** shadygamerfreak joined the channel
  292. [19:25:23] *** shadygamerfreak left the channel
  293. [19:33:30] *** shadygamerfreak joined the channel
  294. [19:33:41] shadygamerfreak: is any one racing?
  295. [19:35:08] *** shadygamerfreak quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  296. [19:40:18] *** Noobest left the channel
  297. [21:22:28] *** shadygamerfreak joined the channel
  298. [21:38:15] *** shadygamerfreak quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  299. [22:08:11] *** Dime quit the server (Quit: )
  300. [04/19/14 22:22:35] *** JOPEBUSTER joined the channel
  301. [22:26:36] *** prophantom joined the channel
  302. [22:28:13] *** prophantom quit the server (Quit: )
  303. [04/19/14 23:01:03] *** JOPEBUSTER joined the channel
  304. [23:04:38] *** Jovo left the channel
  305. [23:26:04] *** zodiac92 joined the channel
  306. [23:28:26] *** Shampuru quit the server (Ping timeout: 143 seconds)
  307. [23:29:50] *** Shampuru joined the channel
  308. [23:31:42] *** zodiac92 left the channel
  309. [23:38:17] *** bradishungry quit the server (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  310. [23:40:48] *** Blechy joined the channel
  311. [23:40:49] Blechy: .log
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