
princess adventures 3 no spacewhale

Jun 6th, 2014
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  1. [18:11] <~Kroked> BGM
  2. [18:14] <~Kroked> Luna: it is about halfway through your search through town, that you realize something
  3. [18:15] <~Kroked> you feel better, not uncomfortable at all
  4. [18:15] <~Kroked> it takes you a moment to realize why this is
  5. [18:15] <~Kroked> Khaali is gone
  6. [18:15] <Luna> "...well shit"
  7. [18:16] * Luna backtracks to try and find Khaali
  8. [18:16] <Luna> "Where the hell did she run off to"
  9. [18:16] <Luna> "KHAALI!! Come out!"
  10. [18:18] <~Kroked> you search and search, and yet, you can't seem to find the strange girl anywhere
  11. [18:19] * Luna thinks to herself "This seriously isnt good, what if shes in trouble"
  12. [18:29] <~Kroked> Luna: as you pass by the edge of a nearby forest looking, you hear voices
  13. [18:30] * Luna looks around for a person to ask questions to
  14. [18:30] <~Kroked> one is lower Male Baritone, the other is a familliar higher pitched female voice
  15. [18:30] <~Kroked> Khaali's
  16. [18:30] * Luna runs over to Khaali
  17. [18:31] <Luna> "This is where you dissapeared too? Why?"
  18. [18:31] * Khaali steps back, startled
  19. [18:31] <~Kroked> as you head over to her, you feel yourself... slow down before you reach her
  20. [18:32] * Luna is startled by the slowdown and wonders whats going on
  21. [18:32] <~Kroked> before you can reach her you just kinda.. stop, kinda unconciously as you notice something odd
  22. [18:33] <~Kroked> Khaali is sitting next to a man in strange clothes... well as strange as hers at least, and you ca feel the normal horrible feeling coming from her than... the man places his hand on her head and a sort of... subtle glow emenates from her
  23. [18:33] <~Kroked> and you feel the icky feeling slowly dissapear
  24. [18:34] <~Kroked> you're shocked enough that you miss whatever words the 2 exchange next, and than you blink and... the man's gone
  25. [18:34] <~Kroked> just gone
  26. [18:34] <~Kroked> as if he wasn't there
  27. [18:36] * Luna thinks to herself "Great now im going crazy too"
  28. [18:36] * Khaali stares at Luna
  29. [18:36] <Khaali> "How did you find me?"
  30. [18:36] <Luna> "Khaali! Where have you been? Where did that guy go? "
  31. [18:36] <Luna> "I just ran around till i did"
  32. [18:37] <Khaali> "Ah, well, he... you could say he gave me a new life."
  33. [18:37] * Khaali looks at her with a melancholy smile
  34. [18:37] <Luna> "Ok.. thats not strange at all some random guy giveing you a new life"
  35. [18:38] <Khaali> "Thanks for looking for me. But I don't think Erina will let me back on the ship, and I'm sure the other two are going to kill me on sight, so I'm going to be staying here."
  36. [18:38] <Khaali> "Don't worry about it."
  37. [18:38] <Luna> "The kid maybe, but i dont think the girls would, atleast i hope not"
  38. [18:38] <Luna> "Common lets forget all that an just go back"
  39. [18:40] * Khaali looks up
  40. [18:40] <Khaali> "Nah, I should stay here. I'll probably be safer here, and I don't think... that guy would be happy if I just left after all he had done."
  41. [18:41] <Luna> "Safer? Remember the shopkeep? He looked like he was ready to throw somethin sharp at ya"
  42. [18:41] <Luna> "How would staying in this little town be any safer"
  43. [18:42] <Khaali> "That issue... has been resolved. And that man implied a few things, and he has quite a bit of power, so I wouldn't ignore his advice."
  44. [18:42] <Luna> "I sware the crazy is spreading, common lets just go back, im not gonna leave ya here"
  45. [18:42] * Luna grabs Khaali's hand and starts walking to the ship
  46. [18:42] * Khaali gently removes her hand and takes a few steps back
  47. [18:43] <Luna> "What now?"
  48. [18:43] <Khaali> "I'm really, really glad that you're thinking about me. But seriously, I'm just going to stay here for now."
  49. [18:43] <Khaali> "Once I get used to this whole..."
  50. [18:43] * Khaali gestures around herself
  51. [18:43] <Khaali> "Alien, space thing..."
  52. [18:44] <Khaali> "The fact that earth isn't alone in intelligent life and so forth..."
  53. [18:44] <Khaali> "Who knows, maybe I might meet up with you again."
  54. [18:44] <Luna> "So your just gonna stay here cause some old guy patted you alittle bit then dissapeared"
  55. [18:45] <Khaali> "He basically saved my soul. Or at least, I have a better chance of not losing my soul. So yes."
  56. [18:45] <Khaali> "For the time being, I need to refrain from dying. This rural, backwater planet seems like one of the best places for me to be."
  57. [18:46] <Luna> "Ya know what, fine, leave me alone with those three crazies, thas alright. If your goal is to just stay alive then you could of picked a worse place i guess"
  58. [18:47] <Khaali> "Yeah, I'm just going to try to stay alive for now. I guess if you leave me with some way to contact you, I could try to find you in the future."
  59. [18:47] <Khaali> "Although you'd probably have forgotten about me by then."
  60. [18:47] <Luna> "Like i could forget someone that appeared out of thin air and landed in my lap. Nah ill be back to see what your up to someday"
  61. [18:48] * Khaali smiles and laughs
  62. [18:48] <Khaali> "Alright. I'll see you then. Tell them I'm sorry, I guess, if they ask about me."
  63. [18:48] <Khaali> "Although I have a sneaking suspicion they were going to ditch me here anyways. You should probably start heading back in case they leave without you."
  64. [18:49] <Luna> "I dont really have anyway to keep in contact, but ill be back soon or later"
  65. [18:49] * Khaali nods
  66. [18:49] <Khaali> "Sounds good."
  67. [18:50] <Luna> "Oh ya.. heres your soup. Its kinda cold.. but ya"
  68. [18:50] * Khaali takes it
  69. [18:50] <Luna> "And dont think iv forgoten that debt, ill be back to collect so stay alive"
  70. [18:50] <Khaali> "Uh, thanks. And don't worry, I'll try to make money somehow."
  71. [18:51] * Luna waves
  72. [18:51] <Luna> "Bye Khaali, and goodluck"
  73. [18:51] * Khaali waves goodbye
  75. ~Pause~
  77. [18:51] <~Kroked> BGM
  78. [18:52] <~Kroked> Erina: the door to the ship opens as Soul and Remiel come in to check on you
  79. [18:53] * Remiel comes running in towards Erina, arms stretched foward, and bawling.
  80. [18:54] * Erina noticeably flinches as she sees the two.
  81. [18:54] <Erina> "H-hi guys......"
  82. [18:54] <~Kroked> Erina: you are suddenyly hug tackled by Remiel
  83. [18:56] <Erina> "Wah! Remi!....."
  84. [18:56] <~Kroked> Soul just kinda stands at the entrance awkwardly scratching his head
  85. [18:57] * Erina looks worried as she looks up at him, eyes still red from the crying.
  86. [18:57] <Erina> "S-Soul......"
  87. [18:57] <Erina> "I....I just wanted to say..."
  88. [18:57] <~Kroked> "It's fine" he says quickly
  89. [18:57] <~Kroked> "I understand"
  90. [18:57] * Remiel slowly lets go of Erina. "Eri, I kinda told Soul everything."
  91. [18:58] <Erina> " has to be said."
  92. [18:58] <Erina> "I'm sorry for lying about who we were earlier...."
  93. [18:58] <Erina> "But most of all, I'm sorry for trying to kill you."
  94. [18:59] <~Kroked> "You... weren't yourself"
  95. [18:59] <Remiel> "It's not your fault, Erina."
  96. [18:59] <~Kroked> "I know you wouldn;t do that if you hd control"
  97. [18:59] <Erina> "But like she said, I may not have been myself, but I'd be lying if I said that the idea never crossed my mind when I was younger."
  98. [19:00] <Erina> "What if we found him....My brother who wasn't a king...Would I have a chance at living...."
  99. [19:00] <~Kroked> Soul just kinda shrugs and scratches his head "Yeah well.. we all have thoughts and desires we aren't proud of right?"
  100. [19:00] <Erina> "R-right..."
  101. [19:01] <~Kroked> "You're able to hold those desires in, and thats what makes you, you"
  102. [19:01] * Remiel unconsciously runs her hand through her hair.
  103. [19:02] * Erina begins to tear up again.
  104. [19:02] <Erina> "Thank much..."
  105. [19:02] <~Kroked> "H-hey, no crying huh? Everythings fine"
  106. [19:03] * Erina wipes away a few tears
  107. [19:03] <Erina> "I just stopped too...."
  108. [19:03] * Remiel rubs Erina's back.
  109. [19:04] <~Kroked> at that moment, Luna walks in
  110. [19:04] <Luna> "You guys want a few more minutes alone?..."
  111. [19:05] <~Kroked> Souls just kinda shrugs and moves to make it easier for Luna to come in
  112. [19:05] <Erina> "No.....I'm good for now I guess....Remi?"
  113. [19:06] <Remiel> "It's not my call to make."
  114. [19:06] <~Kroked> "Your ship Princess" Soul says with a small smirk
  115. [19:06] <Erina> "Uhm....I meant more that you're still on me."
  116. [19:07] <Remiel> "Oh."
  117. [19:07] <Luna> "Leave for a few hours and come back to a lovefest.."
  118. [19:07] <Luna> "Anyways heres some food, alittle cold now but its all i could find"
  119. [19:07] * Remiel gets up and wipes her skirt.
  120. [19:07] * Luna sighs sadly as she hands out the bowls
  121. [19:08] * Remiel extends a hand to Erina.
  122. [19:08] <Erina> " last thing."
  123. [19:09] * Erina digs around in her jacket's inner pocket before pulling out two rings, both identical to the one she's wearing.
  124. [19:09] <Luna> "Oh, those are shiny.."
  125. [19:09] <~Kroked> Soul raises an eyebrow
  126. [19:10] <Erina> "I know it isn't much and I had these made a while back so I don't know if they'll fit all that well, but Soul, Remi, I want to give these to you."
  127. [19:10] * Remiel shoots a look at Luna.
  128. [19:10] <Luna> "Easy there, im not gonna take them.."
  129. [19:11] <~Kroked> Soul gives a small nod and takes the one offered, slipping it on his ring finger, a perfect fit
  130. [19:11] <~Kroked> "...huh"
  131. [19:11] <Erina> "Uhm...Luna, I had these made a for any lifelong friends I made on this journey, what the person does with it is up to them, and maybe one day I'll even give one to you....but be honest I still don't know you all that uhmmm...."
  132. [19:11] * Remiel takes the other ring, carefully examining the writing on the inside before putting it on.
  133. [19:12] <Erina> A set of identical rings that Erina had made. Keeping one for herself she set the others aside for any extremely close friends she's made in her short life. Engraved on the inside each of them is a simple message, ""Thank you for being my friend -Erina""
  134. [19:12] * Luna sits down and keeps her eyes downcast
  135. [19:12] <~Kroked> Remiel: it fits your finger perfectly
  136. [19:12] <Erina> (Luxurious Grade Rings)
  137. [19:12] <Luna> "Nah thats alright, i like to stick to cash anyways. Items are a pain to sell now a days"
  138. [19:13] * Remiel sheds a tear, her voice cracks as she says "I love it. Thank you."
  139. [19:14] <~Kroked> Remiel: Erina you both suddenly notice something
  140. [19:14] <~Kroked> Khaali is missing
  141. [19:14] <Erina> "C'mon we just stopped crying. I mean I'm still here right? If you start I'm gonna as well."
  142. [19:14] * Luna pulls out her deck of cards and starts to slowly shuffle them as a distraction
  143. [19:14] <Luna> "Your all a bunch of crybabies"
  144. [19:15] <Erina> "So uhm........where's..."
  145. [19:15] * Erina is struggling to bring up the subject
  146. [19:15] * Remiel glances at the door
  147. [19:15] <Luna> "Ya. Took you guys long enough to notice"
  148. [19:16] <Luna> "Basically, shes staying on this planet. Weither it was because of that strange vanishing guy, or it was because you all are a bunch of meanies, ill never know"
  149. [19:17] <Luna> "But i tried, and still she stayed"
  150. [19:17] <~Kroked> Soul snorts "Good Riddance"
  151. [19:17] <Erina> "I wasn't that...."
  152. [19:17] <Luna> "You shut your damn mouth kid"
  153. [19:17] <Luna> "She did nothing wrong"
  154. [19:17] <~Kroked> SOul raises an eyebrow "You blind?"
  155. [19:18] <~Kroked> "You saw what happened to Erina "
  156. [19:18] <~Kroked> "Nothing wrong my ass"
  157. [19:18] * Erina looks towards the ground with a somber expression.
  158. [19:18] <Luna> "Khaali did nothing, erina went crazy in the depths of space and nothing else"
  159. [19:18] <Remiel> "Soul, she can't see it."
  160. [19:18] <Luna> "See what."
  161. [19:18] <~Kroked> "I'll bet she could feel it though"
  162. [19:19] <~Kroked> "It was too strong /not/ to"
  163. [19:19] <Erina> "Soul....If you're willing to forgive me for what I did....We need to be willing to forgive others too."
  164. [19:19] <~Kroked> Soul sighs "Yeah, fine"
  165. [19:19] <~Kroked> "I'll forget about it for now"
  166. [19:19] <Erina> "Was she at least in a good mood when you last saw her?"
  167. [19:20] <Erina> "Will she be okay?"
  168. [19:21] <Luna> "She was in a better mood then she was around all of you. And i dont know if she will be ok or not, for whatever reason her goal now is simple to survive and this is as a good a place as any for that"
  169. [19:21] <Luna> "She did say one thing, and again ill never know why, she said she was sorry"
  170. [19:22] <~Kroked> Soul actually looks a little sad now, as if he felt bad for being so harsh a moment ago
  171. [19:22] <Erina> "Luna, do you remember how we told you about how we could see things others couldn't? Stuff like souls, aura, and the like?"
  172. [19:23] * Remiel looks downwards.
  173. [19:23] <Luna> "Sure i remember something like that inbetween being frozen and the day cooped up in that tin can"
  174. [19:23] <Erina> "Khaali had this weirdness around her, something that corrupts those around her."
  175. [19:24] <Luna> "Everyone was just grouchy, i dont see how she caused it"
  176. [19:24] <Erina> "I almost lost myself because of it....I think it could have gotten to you guys as well."
  177. [19:24] <Erina> "It wasn't as simple of being in a bad mood, there was something....supernatural about it."
  178. [19:25] <~Kroked> Soul shrugs "I doesn't matter now"
  179. [19:25] <~Kroked> "We may as well stop dwelling on it"
  180. [19:25] <Luna> "Ya just forget about her, if nothing else itll put you crazies in a better mood"
  181. [19:27] <Erina> "So....what do we do now?"
  182. [19:27] <Luna> "Whereever you guys want, im just along for the ride"
  183. [19:27] <~Kroked> "I dunno, you're the captain of this adventure"
  184. [19:30] <Erina> "Well, I guess we can just try heading to a random planet and see what we can find there."
  185. [19:30] <~Kroked> "Sounds fun to me"
  186. [19:31] <Remiel> "Sounds fine to me."
  187. [19:31] <Luna> "Sure."
  188. [19:31] * Luna she says still stareing at the floor
  189. [19:31] <~Kroked> Blast off?
  190. [19:32] * Erina heads to the controls and takes off.
  191. [19:32] <~Kroked> you head off!
  192. [19:32] <~Kroked> is there anything you can do in the ship youd like to do between now and reaching your destination?
  193. [19:32] <Luna> (take a nap)
  194. [19:33] <Erina> (Eat the food)
  195. [19:33] <~Kroked> Luna naps
  196. [19:33] <~Kroked> Erina eats
  197. [19:35] <Remiel> (solemnly contemplate everything that has happened thus far)
  198. [19:36] <Remiel> (and also try to contact the voice inside my head.)
  199. [19:36] <~Kroked> ok
  200. [19:36] <~Kroked> roll notice
  201. [19:37] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+20
  202. [19:37] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+20 and gets 85."
  203. [19:37] <~Kroked> you notice a fuzzy presence in your head
  204. [19:37] <~Kroked> its faint, but definitly there
  205. [19:39] * Remiel thinks. "Um...I'm not sure if you heard me thank you before, or if that's even you, but thanks again."
  206. [19:40] <~Kroked> you feel a sudden emotion, it blurry, but it feels like... alarm?
  207. [19:40] <~Kroked> than the presence just out right dissapears
  208. [19:40] <~Kroked> or less dissapears and more... fades into the backround?
  209. [19:40] <~Kroked> you cant feel it, but you think its still there
  210. [19:42] * Remiel blurts out. "No, wait..."
  211. [19:42] <~Kroked> everyone hears this
  212. [19:42] * Erina stops the ship suddenly
  213. [19:42] <~Kroked> you feel a faint feeling of hesitation
  214. [19:43] <Erina> "Remi! What's wrong?"
  215. [19:43] <Remiel> "Sorry... I had my mind on something else."
  216. [19:43] <Luna> "ugg, Just fine more minutes Mimi"
  217. [19:44] <Erina> "You sure you're okay?"
  218. [19:44] <Remiel> "I'm fine."
  219. [19:44] <Luna> "How come we stopped?"
  220. [19:44] <Remiel> "You can just keep driving."
  221. [19:44] <Erina> "Okay."
  222. [19:44] <Remiel> "It's my fault, Luna. Just go back to sleep."
  223. [19:45] * Erina turns back to the controls and starts moving again.
  224. [19:45] * Luna mumbles under her breath and shuts her eyes again
  225. [19:45] <~Kroked> Soul has been snoring the entire time
  226. [19:46] * Remiel thinks. "Great, now everyone thinks i'm crazy."
  227. [19:46] <~Kroked> <We're all a little crazy>
  228. [19:48] <~Kroked> a warm baritone echoes lightly in your head
  229. [19:48] * Erina stares outside of the windshield at the expanse of space, looking for a planet to land on.
  230. [19:49] <~Kroked> nothing yet
  231. [19:50] * Remiel silently laughs. <I guess I have to be. I'm lightyears away from home, I disobeyed my parents, and I blew up at someone whose only fault was that she was there.>
  232. [19:51] <~Kroked> <She's fine now, you don't need to worry>
  233. [19:51] <Remiel> <so I guess you had a good talk with her, then?>
  234. [19:53] <~Kroked> <Yes>
  235. [19:54] <Remiel> <Well that's good, I guess. So she won't be causing any more problems with... You know, will she?>
  236. [19:55] <~Kroked> <She'll be fine>
  237. [19:55] <Remiel> <That's good to hear.>
  238. [19:56] <Remiel> <By the way, I'm not just imagining you, am I?>
  239. [19:57] <~Kroked> <But I assume thats not why you wanted to talk with me, kinda embarrassing to be caught inattentive I have to add>
  240. [19:57] <Remiel> <No, there was actually something I wanted to ask, if I wasn't just imagining you, that is.>
  241. [19:58] <~Kroked> <I'm afraid I can't do much, but I can listen>
  242. [19:59] <Remiel> <Oh... So I guess asking you to be my magic instructor would be out of the question, then.>
  243. [20:01] <~Kroked> you hear a small laugh <Magic isn't something I've ever been talented in>
  244. [20:03] <Remiel> <Oh... So definitely out of the question then.>
  245. [20:04] <~Kroked> <Sorry, while it's always interested me, just not something I've ever had talent with... but i feel you have some othe reason for asking me this than just wanting to learn magic, right?>
  246. [20:06] <Remiel> <Yes, actually. It's part of the reason I wanted to travel with Erina.>
  247. [20:06] <~Kroked> <Tell me about it. I may not know much, but maybe I can help>
  248. [20:07] <Remiel> <See, she has a problem with her heart. They say the only cure for it is a transplant from a donor.>
  249. [20:07] <Remiel> <And the donor has to be a relative.>
  250. [20:07] <~Kroked> <...> you sense a deep sadness from the man in your head
  251. [20:07] <~Kroked> deep and heart breaking
  252. [20:09] <Remiel> <And it's out of the question. Even if her brother wasn't the king, Erina would still refuse on principle, and I can't exactly tell her otherwise, I can't tell anyone to sacrifice someone else's life to save their own.>
  253. [20:10] <Remiel> <So, I decided to go with her, on this adventure, for a reason that not even she knows. I want to find another cure.>
  254. [20:11] <~Kroked> <...A cure huh?>
  255. [20:13] <Remiel> <Yeah, So... if you can't help me with that, do you at least know someone who could>
  256. [20:13] <~Kroked> <...I cannot interfere directly in events... but advice shouldn't be to hard>
  257. [20:14] <~Kroked> <Stick around Eolian Territory, the place is chick full of magic users, and while you may not be able to get one to teach you... stealing some of there notes and books should be a little easier>
  258. [20:16] <Remiel> "Eolas..."
  259. [20:16] <Erina> "Oh!, did you wanna head there?"
  260. [20:17] <Remiel> <Alright. Thanks for the advice.>
  261. [20:17] <Remiel> <You know, I've been so preoccupied with all of this, that I forgot to ask for your name.>
  262. [20:17] <~Kroked> <Call me Traveler>
  263. [20:17] <Luna> "mmh, whats with all the noise? The kids snoreing is bad enough."
  264. [20:18] <Remiel> "Yeah, actually."
  265. [20:18] * Luna throws an empty bowl at Soul
  266. [20:18] <Remiel> <Thank you, Traveler.>
  267. [20:18] <Erina> "Okay! To Eolas then!"
  268. [20:19] <~Kroked> Soul snorts and sits up in surprise as a bow hits him "Bwuh?!"
  269. [20:19] <~Kroked> you zoom zoom zoom
  270. [20:20] <~Kroked> end rp
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