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NOC web unhandled exception

a guest
Apr 7th, 2015
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  1. UNHANDLED EXCEPTION (2015-04-07 14:30:25.150974)
  2. BRANCH: develop TIP: 4b8ddbf2a0eb
  3. PROCESS: ./scripts/
  4. ERROR FINGERPRINT: a961f7f8-cf81-5035-b462-3ed94508716d
  5. WORKING DIRECTORY: /opt/noc
  6. EXCEPTION: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'> u'None'
  8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. File: main/apps/desktop/ (Line: 146)
  10. Function: view_desktop
  11. 139 "trace_extjs_events": config.getboolean("main", "trace_extjs_events"),
  12. 140 "preview_theme": self.get_preview_theme(request)
  13. 141 }
  14. 142 theme = self.get_theme(request)
  15. 143 return self.render(
  16. 144 request, "desktop.html", apps=apps, setup=setup,
  17. 145 theme=theme,
  18. 146 ==> theme_css=self.themes[theme]["css"],
  19. 147 theme_js=self.themes[theme]["js"]
  20. 148 )
  21. 149
  22. 150 ##
  23. 151 ## Exposed Public API
  24. 152 ##
  25. Variables:
  26. a = 'wf.workflow'
  27. favicon_mime = 'image/png'
  28. request =
  29. <WSGIRequest
  30. path:/main/desktop/,
  31. GET:<QueryDict: {}>,
  32. POST:<QueryDict: {}>,
  33. COOKIES:{'csrftoken': 'wWdIO5tP3YA3V1ByJOtOnVpg34ZY4sKB',
  34. 'sessionid': 'c0db62455dcc57df4b88d2dcca80ee2a'},
  35. META:{'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8',
  36. 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, deflate, sdch',
  37. 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': 'ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4',
  38. 'HTTP_CONNECTION': 'close',
  39. 'HTTP_COOKIE': 'sessionid=c0db62455dcc57df4b88d2dcca80ee2a; csrftoken=wWdIO5tP3YA3V1ByJOtOnVpg34ZY4sKB',
  40. 'HTTP_HOST': '',
  41. 'HTTP_USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36',
  42. 'PATH_INFO': u'/main/desktop/',
  43. 'QUERY_STRING': '',
  44. 'REMOTE_ADDR': '',
  46. 'SCRIPT_NAME': u'',
  47. 'SERVER_NAME': '',
  48. 'SERVER_PORT': '8000',
  49. 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': 'HTTP/1.0',
  50. 'wsgi.errors': <open file '/dev/null', mode 'a+' at 0x2604c90>,
  51. 'wsgi.input': <_io.BytesIO object at 0x62e0bf0>,
  52. 'wsgi.multiprocess': True,
  53. 'wsgi.multithread': False,
  54. 'wsgi.run_once': False,
  55. 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
  56. 'wsgi.version': (1, 0)}>
  57. setup =
  58. {'branding_background_color': '#c0c0c0',
  59. 'branding_color': '#000',
  60. 'debug_js': False,
  61. 'enable_gis_base_google_roadmap': False,
  62. 'enable_gis_base_google_sat': False,
  63. 'enable_gis_base_osm': True,
  64. 'favicon_mime': 'image/png',
  65. 'favicon_url': '/static/img/logo_24x24_deep_azure.png',
  66. 'install_collection': False,
  67. 'installation_name': 'Unconfigured Installation',
  68. 'logo_height': '24',
  69. 'logo_url': '/static/img/logo_black.svg',
  70. 'logo_width': '24',
  71. 'preview_theme': 'default',
  72. 'system_uuid': None,
  73. 'trace_extjs_events': False}
  74. apps =
  75. [['cm', 'errortype'],
  76. ['cm', 'objectnotify'],
  77. ['cm', 'prefixlist'],
  78. ['cm', 'rpsl'],
  79. ['cm', 'validationpolicy'],
  80. ['cm', 'validationpolicysettings'],
  81. ['cm', 'validationrule'],
  82. ['dns', 'dnsserver'],
  83. ['dns', 'dnszone'],
  84. ['dns', 'dnszoneprofile'],
  85. ['fm', 'alarm'],
  86. ['fm', 'alarmclass'],
  87. ['fm', 'alarmclassconfig'],
  88. ['fm', 'alarmseverity'],
  89. ['fm', 'alarmtrigger'],
  90. ['fm', 'classificationrule'],
  91. ['fm', 'event'],
  92. ['fm', 'eventclass'],
  93. ['fm', 'eventtrigger'],
  94. ['fm', 'ignoreeventrule'],
  95. ['fm', 'ignorepattern'],
  96. ['fm', 'mib'],
  97. ['fm', 'mibpreference'],
  98. ['fm', 'monitor'],
  99. ['fm', 'oidalias'],
  100. ['gis', 'building'],
  101. ['gis', 'division'],
  102. ['gis', 'layer'],
  103. ['gis', 'srs'],
  104. ['gis', 'street'],
  105. ['gis', 'tms'],
  106. ['inv', 'capability'],
  107. ['inv', 'connectionrule'],
  108. ['inv', 'connectiontype'],
  109. ['inv', 'coverage'],
  110. ['inv', 'interface'],
  111. ['inv', 'interfaceclassificationrule'],
  112. ['inv', 'interfaceprofile'],
  113. ['inv', 'inv'],
  114. ['inv', 'macdb'],
  115. ['inv', 'map'],
  116. ['inv', 'modelinterface'],
  117. ['inv', 'modelmapping'],
  118. ['inv', 'networkchart'],
  119. ['inv', 'objectmodel'],
  120. ['inv', 'technology'],
  121. ['inv', 'unknownmodel'],
  122. ['inv', 'vendor'],
  123. ['ip', 'address'],
  124. ['ip', 'addressrange'],
  125. ['ip', 'ippool'],
  126. ['ip', 'prefix'],
  127. ['ip', 'prefixaccess'],
  128. ['ip', 'vrf'],
  129. ['ip', 'vrfgroup'],
  130. ['kb', 'globalbookmark'],
  131. ['kb', 'kbentry'],
  132. ['kb', 'kbentrytemplate'],
  133. ['kb', 'userbookmark'],
  134. ['main', 'audittrail'],
  135. ['main', 'config'],
  136. ['main', 'customfield'],
  137. ['main', 'customfieldenumgroup'],
  138. ['main', 'dbtrigger'],
  139. ['main', 'desktop'],
  140. ['main', 'group'],
  141. ['main', 'language'],
  142. ['main', 'mimetype'],
  143. ['main', 'notificationgroup'],
  144. ['main', 'pendingnotifications'],
  145. ['main', 'prefixtable'],
  146. ['main', 'pyrule'],
  147. ['main', 'ref'],
  148. ['main', 'refbookadmin'],
  149. ['main', 'resourcestate'],
  150. ['main', 'schedule'],
  151. ['main', 'search'],
  152. ['main', 'shard'],
  153. ['main', 'style'],
  154. ['main', 'sync'],
  155. ['main', 'systemnotification'],
  156. ['main', 'systemtemplate'],
  157. ['main', 'tag'],
  158. ['main', 'template'],
  159. ['main', 'timepattern'],
  160. ['main', 'update'],
  161. ['main', 'user'],
  162. ['main', 'userprofile'],
  163. ['main', 'welcome'],
  164. ['peer', 'as'],
  165. ['peer', 'asset'],
  166. ['peer', 'community'],
  167. ['peer', 'communitytype'],
  168. ['peer', 'maintainer'],
  169. ['peer', 'organisation'],
  170. ['peer', 'peer'],
  171. ['peer', 'peergroup'],
  172. ['peer', 'peeringpoint'],
  173. ['peer', 'person'],
  174. ['peer', 'prefixlistbuilder'],
  175. ['peer', 'rir'],
  176. ['pm', 'grafana'],
  177. ['pm', 'metric'],
  178. ['pm', 'metricconfig'],
  179. ['pm', 'metricset'],
  180. ['pm', 'metricsettings'],
  181. ['pm', 'metrictype'],
  182. ['pm', 'probe'],
  183. ['pm', 'render'],
  184. ['pm', 'storage'],
  185. ['project', 'project'],
  186. ['sa', 'activator'],
  187. ['sa', 'administrativedomain'],
  188. ['sa', 'authprofile'],
  189. ['sa', 'collector'],
  190. ['sa', 'commandsnippet'],
  191. ['sa', 'getnow'],
  192. ['sa', 'groupaccess'],
  193. ['sa', 'managedobject'],
  194. ['sa', 'managedobjectprofile'],
  195. ['sa', 'managedobjectselector'],
  196. ['sa', 'monitor'],
  197. ['sa', 'mrt'],
  198. ['sa', 'mrtconfig'],
  199. ['sa', 'objectnotification'],
  200. ['sa', 'terminationgroup'],
  201. ['sa', 'useraccess'],
  202. ['support', 'account'],
  203. ['support', 'crashinfo'],
  204. ['vc', 'vc'],
  205. ['vc', 'vcbindfilter'],
  206. ['vc', 'vcdomain'],
  207. ['vc', 'vcfilter'],
  208. ['vc', 'vctype'],
  209. ['wf', 'solution'],
  210. ['wf', 'workflow']]
  211. favicon_url = '/static/img/logo_24x24_deep_azure.png'
  212. theme = u'None'
  213. cp = < object at 0x62d1190>
  214. ext_apps =
  215. ['vc.vctype',
  216. '',
  217. 'gis.srs',
  218. '',
  219. 'cm.objectnotify',
  220. 'fm.ignorepattern',
  221. 'sa.mrt',
  222. 'gis.street',
  223. 'ip.vrfgroup',
  224. 'main.desktop',
  225. 'pm.metrictype',
  226. 'main.customfield',
  227. 'fm.alarmtrigger',
  228. 'main.systemnotification',
  229. 'peer.maintainer',
  230. 'fm.classificationrule',
  231. 'peer.rir',
  232. 'peer.communitytype',
  233. 'inv.unknownmodel',
  234. 'cm.validationpolicysettings',
  235. 'sa.terminationgroup',
  236. '',
  237. 'main.tag',
  238. 'fm.ignoreeventrule',
  239. 'sa.managedobject',
  240. 'main.update',
  241. 'dns.dnszone',
  242. 'sa.collector',
  243. 'main.config',
  244. 'main.customfieldenumgroup',
  245. 'inv.connectiontype',
  246. 'peer.organisation',
  247. 'cm.prefixlist',
  248. 'fm.eventtrigger',
  249. 'wf.workflow',
  250. '',
  251. 'pm.metric',
  252. 'fm.mib',
  253. 'sa.objectnotification',
  254. 'sa.monitor',
  255. 'main.language',
  256. 'peer.peer',
  257. 'peer.prefixlistbuilder',
  258. 'sa.authprofile',
  259. 'inv.inv',
  260. 'inv.modelinterface',
  261. 'peer.asset',
  262. 'fm.alarm',
  263. 'inv.modelmapping',
  264. 'fm.monitor',
  265. 'cm.validationpolicy',
  266. 'gis.tms',
  267. 'peer.person',
  268. 'main.userprofile',
  269. 'main.template',
  270. 'cm.validationrule',
  271. 'main.notificationgroup',
  272. 'kb.globalbookmark',
  273. 'kb.kbentry',
  274. 'peer.peeringpoint',
  275. 'ip.vrf',
  276. 'inv.connectionrule',
  277. 'sa.useraccess',
  278. 'sa.groupaccess',
  279. 'fm.eventclass',
  280. '',
  281. 'main.timepattern',
  282. 'fm.alarmclass',
  283. 'vc.vcdomain',
  284. 'pm.metricsettings',
  285. 'sa.managedobjectprofile',
  286. 'main.systemtemplate',
  287. 'cm.errortype',
  288. 'gis.building',
  289. 'fm.mibpreference',
  290. 'dns.dnszoneprofile',
  291. 'main.pendingnotifications',
  292. 'inv.objectmodel',
  293. '',
  294. 'ip.addressrange',
  295. 'sa.getnow',
  296. 'pm.grafana',
  297. 'main.mimetype',
  298. 'ip.prefix',
  299. 'main.user',
  300. 'inv.capability',
  301. 'main.shard',
  302. 'ip.ippool',
  303. 'main.sync',
  304. 'pm.metricconfig',
  305. 'ip.prefixaccess',
  306. '',
  307. 'cm.rpsl',
  308. 'pm.probe',
  309. 'fm.alarmclassconfig',
  310. 'support.account',
  311. 'main.welcome',
  312. 'sa.managedobjectselector',
  313. 'sa.mrtconfig',
  314. 'dns.dnsserver',
  315. 'gis.layer',
  316. 'inv.macdb',
  317. 'main.pyrule',
  318. 'main.audittrail',
  319. 'ip.address',
  320. 'kb.userbookmark',
  321. 'inv.networkchart',
  322. 'inv.coverage',
  323. 'kb.kbentrytemplate',
  324. 'main.ref',
  325. 'inv.interfaceclassificationrule',
  326. 'peer.peergroup',
  327. '',
  328. 'fm.event',
  329. 'inv.vendor',
  330. 'main.schedule',
  331. 'main.refbookadmin',
  332. 'main.prefixtable',
  333. 'wf.solution',
  334. 'pm.metricset',
  335. 'main.resourcestate',
  336. 'sa.administrativedomain',
  337. 'main.dbtrigger',
  338. 'fm.alarmseverity',
  339. 'sa.activator',
  340. 'support.crashinfo',
  341. 'vc.vcbindfilter',
  342. 'inv.interfaceprofile',
  343. 'fm.oidalias',
  344. 'sa.commandsnippet',
  345. 'inv.interface',
  346. 'pm.render',
  347. 'vc.vcfilter',
  348. 'project.project',
  349. '',
  350. 'gis.division']
  351. self = <noc.main.apps.desktop.views.DesktopApplication object at 0x5173b50>
  352. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  353. File: lib/app/ (Line: 248)
  354. Function: inner
  355. 241 a = dict((k, v[0] if len(v) == 1 else v)
  356. 242 for k, v in request.GET.lists())
  357. 243 app_logger.debug("API %s %s %s",
  358. 244 request.method, request.path, a)
  359. 245 # Call handler
  360. 246 v.__dict__["hits_metric"] += 1
  361. 247 with v.__dict__["time_metric"].timer():
  362. 248 ==> r = v(request, *args, **kwargs)
  363. 249 # Dump SQL statements
  364. 250 if self.log_sql_statements:
  365. 251 from django.db import connections
  366. 252 tsc = 0
  367. 253 sc = defaultdict(int)
  368. 254 for conn in connections.all():
  369. Variables:
  370. args = ()
  371. view_map =
  372. {'GET': <bound method DesktopApplication.view_desktop of <noc.main.apps.desktop.views.DesktopApplication object at 0x5173b50>>}
  373. Form = <class 'django.forms.forms.Form'>
  374. PermissionDenied = <class ''>
  375. DictParameter = <class ''>
  376. self = < object at 0x2d65790>
  377. v =
  378. <bound method DesktopApplication.view_desktop of <noc.main.apps.desktop.views.DesktopApplication object at 0x5173b50>>
  379. request =
  380. <WSGIRequest
  381. path:/main/desktop/,
  382. GET:<QueryDict: {}>,
  383. POST:<QueryDict: {}>,
  384. COOKIES:{'csrftoken': 'wWdIO5tP3YA3V1ByJOtOnVpg34ZY4sKB',
  385. 'sessionid': 'c0db62455dcc57df4b88d2dcca80ee2a'},
  386. META:{'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8',
  387. 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, deflate, sdch',
  388. 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': 'ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4',
  389. 'HTTP_CONNECTION': 'close',
  390. 'HTTP_COOKIE': 'sessionid=c0db62455dcc57df4b88d2dcca80ee2a; csrftoken=wWdIO5tP3YA3V1ByJOtOnVpg34ZY4sKB',
  391. 'HTTP_HOST': '',
  392. 'HTTP_USER_AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36',
  393. 'PATH_INFO': u'/main/desktop/',
  394. 'QUERY_STRING': '',
  395. 'REMOTE_ADDR': '',
  397. 'SCRIPT_NAME': u'',
  398. 'SERVER_NAME': '',
  399. 'SERVER_PORT': '8000',
  400. 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': 'HTTP/1.0',
  401. 'wsgi.errors': <open file '/dev/null', mode 'a+' at 0x2604c90>,
  402. 'wsgi.input': <_io.BytesIO object at 0x62e0bf0>,
  403. 'wsgi.multiprocess': True,
  404. 'wsgi.multithread': False,
  405. 'wsgi.run_once': False,
  406. 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
  407. 'wsgi.version': (1, 0)}>
  408. app_logger = <logging.Logger object at 0x5173b90>
  409. InterfaceTypeError = <class ''>
  410. to_log_api_call = False
  411. kwargs = {}
  412. nq = <function nq at 0x62c8230>
  413. app = <noc.main.apps.desktop.views.DesktopApplication object at 0x5173b50>
  414. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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