
Rarity and Sweetie Belle by DCH [WIP]

Jun 1st, 2014
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  1. >Be anon
  2. >Walking around the outskirts of Ponyville
  3. >Suddenly you stop in your tracks when you see a small cardboard box with a white pony inside it
  4. >You walk up to it
  5. >You notice that there are actually two ponies in the box
  6. >One is a grown mare with a white coat and purple, messy hair, cuddling the other pony
  7. >The other is a tiny white filly, slightly darker coat color, with pink hair. She's crying with her face buried in the other pony's chest
  8. >On the side of the box, there are the following words
  9. >5 bits hoofjob
  10. >10 bits fulltime
  11. >20 bits anything
  12. >The last line is scribbled over, but after staring at it for a few seconds you can tell it used to say:
  13. >500 bits for the filly
  14. >You decide to talk to them
  15. "How much does she cost now?", you say coldly.
  16. >"What?", the older mare says.
  17. "The filly. It says here she used to be for 5 hundred bits, but it looks like that changed. How much is she worth now?"
  18. >You can hear the filly crying louder
  19. >"She's not for sale anymore," said the unicorn, and then tears started welling up in her eyes as well, "And I regret she ever had to be."
  20. >You can tell that whoever got to that little pony probably didn't pay, 500 bits is enough to buy at least a better box
  21. >But if she's not for sale, what can you do for her?
  22. >You look at the side of the box again, and another line gets your attention this time
  23. >20 bits anything
  24. >You get about twenty shiny little coins from your pocket, and threw them at the ground
  25. "I'd want an 'anything' then, please."
  26. >The mare stares at the bits
  27. >Excuse me sir, but there is 28 bits here.
  28. "You can keep the rest. Now com with me, both of you."
  29. >"I already said that the filly is not for sale."
  30. "Do you want her to freeze to death here? Come on, we're going to my house."
  31. >They don't argue with that. They both look skinny as fuck, like they've barely eaten anything for about a year
  32. >You begin walking, an when you're a few meters away, you look back to see if they're following
  33. >The filly is struggling to keep up on her hooves, she can barely stand for a few seconds until she falls down
  34. >The older pony tries to pick her up on her back, but falls under her weight
  35. "Oh, for god's sake."
  36. >You pick up the filly in your hands and keep her close to yourself
  37. >She's cold as fuck
  38. >It's raining and night btw, did I mention?
  39. >You look down at the other mare, she's glaring at you
  40. "Can you walk?"
  41. >"Yes, I'm fine."
  42. >Your house is not far, she can surely make it. but you don't think she can survive another >rape
  43. >Unlike that smaller pony, she looks like she's pretty much dying in your hands
  44. >You just keep her closer to yourself and start walking faster, but now the older pony has trouble keeping up, she can't walk too fast
  45. >Oh, what the hell, you pick her up too, holding her under your shoulder and her sister/daughter with your other hand, close to your chest
  46. >The younger filly seems to be trying to relax in your warmth, but the older just can't, as she thinks she knows what's about to come
  47. >After 10 minutes, you're back in your house
  48. >You close all windows
  49. >You left them open when you were gone, because Ponyville is like the pony equivalent of Canada
  50. >You start a fire at the fireplace, seating the two ponies near it
  51. >You get them something warm to eat, and sit in front of them.
  52. >You try to start a conversation
  53. "So, what are your names, anyway?"
  54. >The older mare is hesitating to say it
  55. >"I-I'm Sweetie Belle...", whispered the smaller filly
  56. "Nice to meet you, Sweetie," you turn to the other pony, "And who are you?"
  57. >She sighs. "My name is Rarity."
  58. >"Are you going to hurt us?" asked Sweetie, still whispering," Like all the others did?"
  59. "No. I would never do that to any of you."
  60. >Rarity seems confused.
  61. >"But you paid me for... my job..."
  62. "The box said 'anything'. I'm giving you a place to live. Doesn't that count as 'anything'?"
  63. >They're both surprised and happy
  64. >"I-I don't even know how to thank you!" said Rarity.
  65. "It's no big deal for me, I just couldn't watch you doing something that... humiliating. I'm sure anypony else would do the same.
  66. >"No. You're the first one to help us."
  67. >She begins to tell you the story of how she ended up on the streets.
  68. >How Sweetie's parents died, and she had to live with her sister in a small shop
  69. >How the shop burned down months after that
  70. >How it burned down with all their money inside, how nopony was willing to help them for free
  71. >How much trouble they went through just to steal a cardboard box to live in
  72. >How many ponies never actually paid them for the job
  73. >How painful it was to be forced to set a price for Sweetie's virginity,, just to be able to survive the night
  74. >How the first pony to take it, never paid for the job, making them immediately regret the idea
  75. >That actually happened earlier the same day
  76. >You sworn you'll find that fucker and make him pay
  77. >Literally, he'll return all that money, and more
  78. >And also you'll kick his ass.
  79. >You promised to both of them that they were safe with you, you will never hurt them
  80. >Under one condition
  81. >You would pound that sweetie ass daily
  82. >jk
  83. >Its been a month since Sweetie and Rarity have began to live with you.
  84. >It's really nice to have them as company considering Rarity makes breakfast almost every morning.
  85. >And Sweetie Belle has been being as kind as possible,making you all types of trinkets and such.
  86. >Not to mention Rarity making you new clothes every now and then.
  87. >Even though you had to buy a sewing machine for her to get back on her feet.
  88. >You were content,you're home no longer felt empty and neither did your stomach.
  89. >Every night you were happy to say that you'd sleep on the couch so that Rarity and Sweetie Belle could have a good nights sleep.
  90. >But tonight..you were invited to sleep with them.
  91. >"Rarity dontcha think it's kinda weird that Anon is sleeping with us?"
  92. >"Well Sweetie,"Rarity starts"Anon does need to sleep in HIS bed sometime.Nothing is wrong with that right?"
  93. >"Well..no but it's still pretty weird."
  94. "Nonetheless Rarity is right y'know."
  95. >"I think it's time for your bath Sweetie."
  96. >"Do I have to?"
  97. "Well if you want fleas and lice to come and bite ya."
  98. >"NO!"she screams as she scurries to the bathroom.
  99. >You chuckle a bit as you hear the shuffling of sheets next to you.
  100. >"Anon I cant thank you enough for taking me and Sweetie Belle in like this."
  101. >She scoots closer towards you and begins to whisper in your ear.
  102. >"If there's any way I could repay you...just let me know."
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