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Jun 2nd, 2011
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  1. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `dbc_achievement` (
  2. `achievement_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  3. `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  4. `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  5. PRIMARY KEY (`achievement_id`)
  8. INSERT INTO `dbc_achievement` (`achievement_id`, `name`, `description`) VALUES
  9. (6, 'Level 10', 'Reach level 10.'),
  10. (7, 'Level 20', 'Reach level 20.'),
  11. (8, 'Level 30', 'Reach level 30.'),
  12. (9, 'Level 40', 'Reach level 40.'),
  13. (10, 'Level 50', 'Reach level 50.'),
  14. (11, 'Level 60', 'Reach level 60.'),
  15. (12, 'Level 70', 'Reach level 70.'),
  16. (13, 'Level 80', 'Reach level 80.'),
  17. (15, 'Plenty of Pets', 'Collect 15 unique companion pets.'),
  18. (16, 'Did Somebody Order a Knuckle Sandwich?', 'Raise your unarmed skill to 400.'),
  19. (31, 'A Simple Re-Quest', 'Complete a daily quest every day for five consecutive days.'),
  20. (32, '2000 Quests Completed', 'Complete 2000 quests.'),
  21. (33, 'Nothing Boring About Borean', 'Complete 130 quests in Borean Tundra.'),
  22. (34, 'I''ve Toured the Fjord', 'Complete 130 quests in Howling Fjord.'),
  23. (35, 'Might of Dragonblight', 'Complete 115 quests in Dragonblight.'),
  24. (36, 'The Empire of Zul''Drak', 'Complete 100 quests in Zul''Drak.'),
  25. (37, 'Fo'' Grizzle My Shizzle', 'Complete 85 quests in Grizzly Hills.'),
  26. (38, 'The Summit of Storm Peaks', 'Complete 100 quests in Storm Peaks.'),
  27. (39, 'Into the Basin', 'Complete 75 quests in Sholazar Basin.'),
  28. (40, 'Icecrown: The Final Goal', 'Complete 140 quests in Icecrown.'),
  29. (41, 'Loremaster of Northrend', 'Complete the Northrend quest achievements listed below.'),
  30. (42, 'Explore Eastern Kingdoms', 'Explore the regions of Eastern Kingdoms.'),
  31. (43, 'Explore Kalimdor', 'Explore the regions of Kalimdor.'),
  32. (44, 'Explore Outland', 'Explore the regions of Outland.'),
  33. (45, 'Explore Northrend', 'Explore the regions of Northrend.'),
  34. (46, 'World Explorer', 'Explore Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outland and Northrend.'),
  35. (49, 'Alterac Valley victories', 'Alterac Valley victories'),
  36. (50, 'Eye of the Storm victories', 'Eye of the Storm victories'),
  37. (51, 'Arathi Basin victories', 'Arathi Basin victories'),
  38. (52, 'Warsong Gulch battles', 'Warsong Gulch battles'),
  39. (53, 'Alterac Valley battles', 'Alterac Valley battles'),
  40. (54, 'Eye of the Storm battles', 'Eye of the Storm battles'),
  41. (55, 'Arathi Basin battles', 'Arathi Basin battles'),
  42. (56, 'Deaths in Warsong Gulch', 'Deaths in Warsong Gulch'),
  43. (57, 'Deaths in Alterac Valley', 'Deaths in Alterac Valley'),
  44. (58, 'Deaths from Drek''Thar', 'Deaths from Drek''Thar'),
  45. (59, 'Deaths in Arathi Basin', 'Deaths in Arathi Basin'),
  46. (60, 'Total deaths', 'Total deaths'),
  47. (73, 'Disgracin'' The Basin', 'Assault 3 bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.'),
  48. (94, 'Quests abandoned', 'Quests abandoned'),
  49. (95, 'Average quests completed per day', 'Average quests completed per day'),
  50. (97, 'Daily quests completed', 'Daily quests completed'),
  51. (98, 'Quests completed', 'Quests completed'),
  52. (99, 'Ruins of Lordaeron matches', 'Ruins of Lordaeron matches'),
  53. (100, 'Ring of Trials victories', 'Ring of Trials victories'),
  54. (101, 'Ring of Trials matches', 'Ring of Trials matches'),
  55. (102, 'Ruins of Lordaeron victories', 'Ruins of Lordaeron victories'),
  56. (103, 'Circle of Blood matches', 'Circle of Blood matches'),
  57. (104, 'Circle of Blood victories', 'Circle of Blood victories'),
  58. (105, 'Warsong Gulch victories', 'Warsong Gulch victories'),
  59. (107, 'Creatures killed', 'Creatures killed'),
  60. (108, 'Critters killed', 'Critters killed'),
  61. (110, 'Lich King 5-player boss killed the most', 'Lich King 5-player boss killed the most'),
  62. (112, 'Deaths from drowning', 'Deaths from drowning'),
  63. (113, 'Deaths from fatigue', 'Deaths from fatigue'),
  64. (114, 'Deaths from falling', 'Deaths from falling'),
  65. (115, 'Deaths from fire and lava', 'Deaths from fire and lava'),
  66. (116, 'Professional Journeyman', 'Become a Journeyman in a profession.'),
  67. (121, 'Journeyman Cook', 'Become a Journeyman Cook.'),
  68. (122, 'Expert Cook', 'Become an Expert Cook.'),
  69. (123, 'Artisan Cook', 'Become an Artisan Cook.'),
  70. (124, 'Master Cook', 'Become a Master Cook.'),
  71. (125, 'Grand Master Cook', 'Become a Grand Master Cook.'),
  72. (126, 'Journeyman Fisherman', 'Become a Journeyman Fisherman.'),
  73. (127, 'Expert Fisherman', 'Become an Expert Fisherman.'),
  74. (128, 'Artisan Fisherman', 'Become an Artisan Fisherman.'),
  75. (129, 'Master Fisherman', 'Become a Master Fisherman.'),
  76. (130, 'Grand Master Fisherman', 'Become a Grand Master Fisherman.'),
  77. (131, 'Journeyman in First Aid', 'Become a Journeyman in first aid.'),
  78. (132, 'Expert in First Aid', 'Become an Expert in first aid.'),
  79. (133, 'Artisan in First Aid', 'Become an Artisan in first aid.'),
  80. (134, 'Master in First Aid', 'Become a Master in first aid.'),
  81. (135, 'Grand Master in First Aid', 'Become a Grand Master in first aid.'),
  82. (137, 'Stocking Up', 'Create 500 Heavy Frostweave Bandages.'),
  83. (141, 'Ultimate Triage', 'Use a Heavy Frostweave Bandage to heal another player or yourself with less than 5% health.'),
  84. (144, 'The Lurker Above', 'Fish up The Lurker Below in Serpentshrine Cavern.'),
  85. (150, 'The Fishing Diplomat', 'Fish something up in Orgrimmar and Stormwind.'),
  86. (153, 'The Old Gnome and the Sea', 'Successfully fish from a school.'),
  87. (154, 'Arathi Basin Victory', 'Win Arathi Basin.'),
  88. (155, 'Arathi Basin Veteran', 'Complete 100 victories in Arathi Basin.'),
  89. (156, 'Territorial Dominance', 'Win 10 Arathi Basin matches while controlling all 5 flags.'),
  90. (157, 'To The Rescue!', 'Come to the defense of a base in Arathi Basin 50 times by recapping the flag.'),
  91. (158, 'Me and the Cappin'' Makin'' it Happen', 'Take 50 flags in Arathi Basin.'),
  92. (159, 'Let''s Get This Done', 'Win Arathi Basin in 6 minutes.'),
  93. (161, 'Resilient Victory', 'Overcome a 500 resource disadvantage in a match of Arathi Basin and claim victory.'),
  94. (162, 'We Had It All Along *cough*', 'Win Arathi Basin by 10 points (1600 to 1590).'),
  95. (165, 'Arathi Basin Perfection', 'Win Arathi Basin with a score of 1600 to 0.'),
  96. (166, 'Warsong Gulch Victory', 'Win Warsong Gulch.'),
  97. (167, 'Warsong Gulch Veteran', 'Complete 100 victories in Warsong Gulch.'),
  98. (168, 'Warsong Gulch Perfection', 'Win Warsong Gulch with a score of 3 to 0.'),
  99. (178, 'Enchanting formulae learned', 'Enchanting formulae learned'),
  100. (181, 'Items disenchanted', 'Items disenchanted'),
  101. (183, 'Materials produced from disenchanting', 'Materials produced from disenchanting'),
  102. (189, 'Largest heal cast', 'Largest heal cast'),
  103. (193, 'Largest hit dealt', 'Largest hit dealt'),
  104. (197, 'Total damage done', 'Total damage done'),
  105. (198, 'Total healing done', 'Total healing done'),
  106. (199, 'Capture the Flag', 'Personally carry and capture the flag in Warsong Gulch.'),
  107. (200, 'Persistent Defender', 'Return 50 flags as a defender in Warsong Gulch.'),
  108. (201, 'Warsong Expedience', 'Win Warsong Gulch in under 7 minutes.'),
  109. (202, 'Quick Cap', 'Grab the flag and capture it in under 75 seconds.'),
  110. (203, 'Not In My House', 'In a single Warsong Gulch battle, kill 2 flag carriers before they leave the Silverwing Flag Room.'),
  111. (204, 'Ironman', 'In a single Warsong Gulch battle, carry and capture the flag 3 times without dying.'),
  112. (206, 'Supreme Defender', 'Kill 100 flag carriers in Warsong Gulch.'),
  113. (207, 'Save The Day', 'Kill the enemy who is carrying your flag in the opposing team''s flag room while the opposing team''s flag is at their base, within their control.'),
  114. (208, 'Eye of the Storm Victory', 'Win Eye of the Storm.'),
  115. (209, 'Eye of the Storm Veteran', 'Complete 100 victories in Eye of the Storm.'),
  116. (211, 'Storm Glory', 'While your team holds 4 of the bases in Eye of the Storm, personally grab the flag and capture it.'),
  117. (212, 'Storm Capper', 'Personally carry and capture the flag in Eye of the Storm.'),
  118. (213, 'Stormtrooper', 'Kill 5 flag carriers in a single Eye of the Storm battle.'),
  119. (214, 'Flurry', 'Win Eye of the Storm in under 6 minutes.'),
  120. (216, 'Bound for Glory', 'In a single Eye of the Storm match, capture the flag 3 times without dying.'),
  121. (218, 'Alterac Valley Victory', 'Win Alterac Valley.'),
  122. (219, 'Alterac Valley Veteran', 'Complete 100 victories in Alterac Valley.'),
  123. (220, 'Stormpike Perfection', 'Win Alterac Valley without losing a tower or captain. You must also control all of the Horde''s towers.'),
  124. (221, 'Alterac Grave Robber', 'Take 50 graveyards in Alterac Valley.'),
  125. (222, 'Tower Defense', 'Defend 50 towers in Alterac Valley.'),
  126. (223, 'The Sickly Gazelle', 'In Alterac Valley, kill an enemy in the Field of Strife before they dismount.'),
  127. (224, 'Loyal Defender', 'In Alterac Valley, kill 50 enemy players in the Hall of the Frostwolf.'),
  128. (225, 'Everything Counts', 'Win Alterac Valley while your team controls both mines.'),
  129. (226, 'The Alterac Blitz', 'Win Alterac Valley in 6 minutes.'),
  130. (227, 'Damage Control', 'Do 300,000 damage or healing in a single battle in any battleground. The damage or healing must be done to a player.'),
  131. (229, 'The Grim Reaper', 'Get 30 Honorable Kills in a single battle in any battleground.'),
  132. (230, 'Battlemaster', 'Complete the battleground achievements listed below.'),
  133. (231, 'Wrecking Ball', 'Get 20 killing blows without dying in a single battle in any battleground.'),
  134. (233, 'Bloodthirsty Berserker', 'Get a killing blow while under the effects of the berserker buff in Eye of the Storm.'),
  135. (238, 'An Honorable Kill', 'Achieve an honorable kill.'),
  136. (239, '25000 Honorable Kills', 'Get 25000 honorable kills.'),
  137. (245, 'That Takes Class', 'Get an honorable, killing blow on one of each class.'),
  138. (246, 'Know Thy Enemy', 'Get an honorable, killing blow on five different races.'),
  139. (247, 'Make Love, Not Warcraft', 'Emote /hug on a dead enemy before they release corpse.'),
  140. (248, 'Sunday''s Finest', 'Discover the White Tuxedo Shirt and Black Tuxedo Pants by opening Brightly Colored Eggs during the Noblegarden celebration.'),
  141. (249, 'Dressed for the Occasion', 'Discover an Elegant Dress by opening Brightly Colored Eggs during the Noblegarden celebration.'),
  142. (252, 'With a Little Helper from My Friends', 'Earn 50 honorable kills as a Little Helper from the Winter Wondervolt machine.'),
  143. (255, 'Bring Me The Head of... Oh Wait', 'Kill the Headless Horseman.'),
  144. (259, 'Scrooge', 'Throw a snowball at Cairne Bloodhoof during the Feast of Winter Veil.'),
  145. (260, 'Charming', 'Create 12 Lovely Charm Bracelets.'),
  146. (263, 'Ice the Frost Lord', 'Slay Ahune in the Slave Pens.'),
  147. (271, 'Burning Hot Pole Dance', 'Dance at the ribbon pole for 60 seconds while wearing completed Midsummer set.'),
  148. (272, 'Torch Juggler', 'Juggle 40 torches in 15 seconds in Dalaran.'),
  149. (273, 'On Metzen!', 'Save Metzen the Reindeer.'),
  150. (275, 'Veteran Nanny', 'Acquire Egbert''s Egg, Sleepy Willy, and Elekk Training Collar on one character.'),
  151. (277, '''Tis the Season', 'During the Feast of Winter Veil, wear 3 pieces of winter clothing and eat Graccu''s Mince Meat Fruitcake.'),
  152. (279, 'Simply Abominable', 'Complete the quest to retrieve Smokywood Pastures'' stolen treats and receive a Smokywood Pastures'' Thank You.'),
  153. (281, 'First Aid skill', 'First Aid skill'),
  154. (283, 'The Masquerade', 'Get transformed by the Hallowed Wands listed below.'),
  155. (284, 'A Mask for All Occasions', 'Collect the 20 unique Flimsy Masks listed below.'),
  156. (288, 'Out With It', 'Eat so many Tricky Treats that you get an upset tummy.'),
  157. (289, 'The Savior of Hallow''s End', 'Complete one of the quests to save a village from the Headless Horseman.'),
  158. (291, 'Check Your Head', 'Use Weighted Jack-o''-Lanterns to put pumpkin heads on each of the races listed below.'),
  159. (292, 'Sinister Calling', 'Obtain a Sinister Squashling pet and Hallowed Helm.'),
  160. (293, 'Disturbing the Peace', 'While wearing 3 pieces of Brewfest clothing, get completely smashed and dance in Dalaran.'),
  161. (295, 'Direbrewfest', 'Kill Coren Direbrew.'),
  162. (303, 'Have Keg, Will Travel', 'Obtain a Brewfest mount, or transform yours into one using Brewfest Hops.'),
  163. (306, 'Master Angler of Azeroth', 'Win the Booty Bay fishing contest or the Kalu''ak Fishing Derby.'),
  164. (318, 'Total deaths from opposite faction', ''),
  165. (319, 'Duels won', 'Duels won'),
  166. (320, 'Duels lost', 'Duels lost'),
  167. (321, 'Total raid and dungeon deaths', 'Total raid and dungeon deaths'),
  168. (322, 'Total deaths to Lich King dungeon bosses', 'Total deaths to Lich King dungeon bosses'),
  169. (323, 'Total deaths to Lich King 10-player raid bosses', 'Total deaths to Lich King 10-player raid bosses'),
  170. (324, 'Total deaths to Lich King 25-player raid bosses', 'Total deaths to Lich King 25-player raid bosses'),
  171. (326, 'Gold from quest rewards', 'Gold from quest rewards'),
  172. (328, 'Total gold acquired', 'Total gold acquired'),
  173. (329, 'Auctions posted', 'Auctions posted'),
  174. (330, 'Auction purchases', 'Auction purchases'),
  175. (331, 'Most expensive bid on auction', 'Most expensive bid on auction'),
  176. (332, 'Most expensive auction sold', 'Most expensive auction sold'),
  177. (333, 'Gold looted', 'Gold looted'),
  178. (334, 'Most gold ever owned', 'Most gold ever owned'),
  179. (336, 'Legendary items acquired', 'Legendary items acquired'),
  180. (338, 'Vanity pets owned', 'Vanity pets owned'),
  181. (339, 'Mounts owned', 'Mounts owned'),
  182. (341, 'Epic items looted', 'Epic items looted'),
  183. (342, 'Epic items acquired', 'Epic items acquired'),
  184. (344, 'Bandages used', 'Bandages used'),
  185. (345, 'Health potions consumed', 'Health potions consumed'),
  186. (346, 'Beverages consumed', 'Beverages consumed'),
  187. (347, 'Food eaten', 'Food eaten'),
  188. (349, 'Flight paths taken', 'Flight paths taken'),
  189. (350, 'Mage Portals taken', 'Mage Portals taken'),
  190. (353, 'Number of times hearthed', 'Number of times hearthed'),
  191. (362, '5v5 victories', '5v5 victories'),
  192. (363, '5v5 matches', '5v5 matches'),
  193. (364, '3v3 victories', '3v3 victories'),
  194. (365, '3v3 matches', '3v3 matches'),
  195. (366, '2v2 victories', '2v2 victories'),
  196. (367, '2v2 matches', '2v2 matches'),
  197. (370, 'Highest 2 man personal rating', 'Highest 2 man personal rating'),
  198. (374, 'Highest 2 man team rating', 'Highest 2 man team rating'),
  199. (377, 'Most factions at Exalted', 'Most factions at Exalted'),
  200. (378, 'Most factions at Revered or higher', 'Most factions at Revered or higher'),
  201. (381, 'World Honorable Kills', 'World Honorable Kills'),
  202. (382, 'Battleground Honorable Kills', 'Battleground Honorable Kills'),
  203. (383, 'Arena Honorable Kills', 'Arena Honorable Kills'),
  204. (388, 'City Defender', 'Kill 50 enemy players in any of your home cities.'),
  205. (389, 'Gurubashi Arena Master', 'Loot the Arena Master trinket from the Gurubashi Arena.'),
  206. (393, 'Alterac Valley towers defended', 'Alterac Valley towers defended'),
  207. (394, 'Alterac Valley towers captured', 'Alterac Valley towers captured'),
  208. (395, 'Warsong Gulch flags captured', 'Warsong Gulch flags captured'),
  209. (396, 'Gurubashi Arena Grand Master', 'Complete Short John Mithril''s quest to obtain the Arena Grand Master trinket.'),
  210. (397, 'Step Into The Arena', 'Win a ranked arena match at level 80.'),
  211. (398, 'Mercilessly Dedicated', 'Win 100 ranked arena matches at level 80.'),
  212. (399, 'Just the Two of Us: 1550', 'Earn a 1550 personal rating in the 2v2 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  213. (400, 'Just the Two of Us: 1750', 'Earn a 1750 personal rating in the 2v2 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  214. (401, 'Just the Two of Us: 2000', 'Earn a 2000 personal rating in the 2v2 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  215. (402, 'Three''s Company: 1550', 'Earn a 1550 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  216. (403, 'Three''s Company: 1750', 'Earn a 1750 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  217. (404, 'High Five: 2000', 'Earn a 2000 personal rating in the 5v5 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  218. (405, 'Three''s Company: 2000', 'Earn a 2000 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  219. (406, 'High Five: 1550', 'Earn a 1550 personal rating in the 5v5 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  220. (407, 'High Five: 1750', 'Earn a 1750 personal rating in the 5v5 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  221. (408, 'Hot Streak', 'Win ten ranked matches in a row at level 80.'),
  222. (409, 'Last Man Standing', 'Be the sole survivor at the end of a ranked 5v5 match at level 80.'),
  223. (411, 'Murky', 'Proud owner of Murky from the 2005 BlizzCon in Anaheim, California.'),
  224. (412, 'Murloc Costume', 'Proud owner of the Murloc Costume from the 2007 BlizzCon in Anaheim, California.'),
  225. (414, 'Tyrael''s Hilt', 'Proud owner of Tyrael''s Hilt from the 2008 World Wide Invitational in Paris, France.'),
  226. (415, 'Big Blizzard Bear', 'Proud owner of the Big Blizzard Bear from the 2008 BlizzCon.'),
  227. (416, 'Scarab Lord', 'Opened the gates of Ahn''Qiraj.'),
  228. (418, 'Merciless Gladiator', 'Achieved Merciless Gladiator title.'),
  229. (419, 'Vengeful Gladiator', 'Achieved Vengeful Gladiator title.'),
  230. (420, 'Brutal Gladiator', 'Achieved Brutal Gladiator title.'),
  231. (424, 'Why? Because It''s Red', 'Obtain a Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal.'),
  232. (425, 'Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian', 'Wielder of Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian.'),
  233. (426, 'Warglaives of Azzinoth', 'Wielder of a set of Warglaives of Azzinoth.'),
  234. (428, 'Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker', 'Wielder of Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.'),
  235. (429, 'Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros', 'Wielder of Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros.'),
  236. (430, 'Amani War Bear', 'Owner of Amani War Bear.'),
  237. (431, 'Hand of A''dal', 'Earned the title, "Hand of A''dal".'),
  238. (432, 'Champion of the Naaru', 'Earned the title, "Champion of the Naaru".'),
  239. (433, 'Grand Marshal', 'Earned the title, "Grand Marshal".'),
  240. (434, 'Field Marshal', 'Earned the title, "Field Marshal".'),
  241. (435, 'Commander', 'Earned the title, "Commander".'),
  242. (436, 'Lieutenant Commander', 'Earned the title, "Lieutenant Commander".'),
  243. (437, 'Knight-Champion', 'Earned the title, "Knight-Champion".'),
  244. (438, 'Knight-Captain', 'Earned the title, "Knight-Captain".'),
  245. (439, 'Knight', 'Earned the title, "Knight".'),
  246. (440, 'Sergeant Major', 'Earned the title, "Sergeant Major".'),
  247. (441, 'Master Sergeant', 'Earned the title, "Master Sergeant".'),
  248. (442, 'Private', 'Earned the title, "Private".'),
  249. (443, 'High Warlord', 'Earned the title, "High Warlord".'),
  250. (444, 'Lieutenant General', 'Earned the title, "Lieutenant General".'),
  251. (445, 'Warlord', 'Earned the title, "Warlord".'),
  252. (446, 'General', 'Earned the title, "General".'),
  253. (447, 'Champion', 'Earned the title, "Champion".'),
  254. (448, 'Centurion', 'Earned the title, "Centurion".'),
  255. (449, 'Blood Guard', 'Earned the title, "Blood Guard".'),
  256. (450, 'Senior Sergeant', 'Earned the title, "Senior Sergeant".'),
  257. (451, 'Stone Guard', 'Earned the title, "Stone Guard".'),
  258. (452, 'First Sergeant', 'Earned the title, "First Sergeant".'),
  259. (453, 'Sergeant', 'Earned the title, "Sergeant".'),
  260. (454, 'Scout', 'Earned the title, "Scout".'),
  261. (456, 'Realm First! Obsidian Slayer', 'Participated in the realm first defeat of Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 25-player mode.'),
  262. (457, 'Realm First! Level 80', 'First person on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  263. (458, 'Realm First! Level 80 Rogue', 'First rogue on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  264. (459, 'Realm First! Level 80 Warrior', 'First warrior on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  265. (460, 'Realm First! Level 80 Mage', 'First mage on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  266. (461, 'Realm First! Level 80 Death Knight', 'First death knight on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  267. (462, 'Realm First! Level 80 Hunter', 'First hunter on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  268. (463, 'Realm First! Level 80 Warlock', 'First warlock on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  269. (464, 'Realm First! Level 80 Priest', 'First priest on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  270. (465, 'Realm First! Level 80 Paladin', 'First paladin on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  271. (466, 'Realm First! Level 80 Druid', 'First druid on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  272. (467, 'Realm First! Level 80 Shaman', 'First shaman on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  273. (468, 'Grunt', 'Earned the title, "Grunt".'),
  274. (469, 'Legionnaire', 'Earned the title, "Legionnaire".'),
  275. (470, 'Corporal', 'Earned the title, "Corporal".'),
  276. (471, 'Sergeant', 'Earned the title, "Sergeant".'),
  277. (472, 'Knight-Lieutenant', 'Earned the title, "Knight-Lieutenant".'),
  278. (473, 'Marshal', 'Earned the title, "Marshal".'),
  279. (477, 'Utgarde Keep', 'Defeat the bosses in Utgarde Keep.'),
  280. (478, 'The Nexus', 'Defeat the bosses in The Nexus.'),
  281. (479, 'The Culling of Stratholme', 'Defeat the bosses in Caverns of Time: Stratholme.'),
  282. (480, 'Azjol-Nerub', 'Defeat the bosses in Azjol-Nerub.'),
  283. (481, 'Ahn''kahet: The Old Kingdom', 'Defeat the bosses in Ahn''kahet: The Old Kingdom.'),
  284. (482, 'Drak''Tharon Keep', 'Defeat the bosses in Drak''Tharon Keep.'),
  285. (483, 'The Violet Hold', 'Defeat Cyanigosa in The Violet Hold.'),
  286. (484, 'Gundrak', 'Defeat the bosses in Gundrak.'),
  287. (485, 'Halls of Stone', 'Defeat the boss encounters in Halls of Stone.'),
  288. (486, 'Halls of Lightning', 'Defeat the bosses in Halls of Lightning.'),
  289. (487, 'The Oculus', 'Defeat the bosses in The Oculus.'),
  290. (488, 'Utgarde Pinnacle', 'Defeat the bosses in Utgarde Pinnacle.'),
  291. (489, 'Heroic: Utgarde Keep', 'Defeat the Utgarde Keep bosses on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  292. (490, 'Heroic: The Nexus', 'Defeat The Nexus bosses on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  293. (491, 'Heroic: Azjol-Nerub', 'Defeat the Azjol-Nerub bosses on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  294. (492, 'Heroic: Ahn''kahet: The Old Kingdom', 'Defeat the Ahn''kahet: The Old Kingdom bosses on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  295. (493, 'Heroic: Drak''Tharon Keep', 'Defeat the Drak''Tharon Keep bosses on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  296. (494, 'Heroic: The Violet Hold', 'Defeat Cyanigosa in The Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  297. (495, 'Heroic: Gundrak', 'Defeat the Gundrak bosses on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  298. (496, 'Heroic: Halls of Stone', 'Defeat the boss encounters in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  299. (497, 'Heroic: Halls of Lightning', 'Defeat the Halls of Lightning bosses on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  300. (498, 'Heroic: The Oculus', 'Defeat The Oculus bosses on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  301. (499, 'Heroic: Utgarde Pinnacle', 'Defeat the Utgarde Pinnacle bosses on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  302. (500, 'Heroic: The Culling of Stratholme', 'Defeat the Caverns of Time: Stratholme bosses on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  303. (503, '50 Quests Completed', 'Complete 50 quests.'),
  304. (504, '100 Quests Completed', 'Complete 100 quests.'),
  305. (505, '250 Quests Completed', 'Complete 250 quests.'),
  306. (506, '500 Quests Completed', 'Complete 500 quests.'),
  307. (507, '1000 Quests Completed', 'Complete 1000 quests.'),
  308. (508, '1500 Quests Completed', 'Complete 1500 quests.'),
  309. (509, '10000 Honorable Kills', 'Get 10000 honorable kills.'),
  310. (512, '5000 Honorable Kills', 'Get 5000 honorable kills.'),
  311. (513, '100 Honorable Kills', 'Get 100 honorable kills.'),
  312. (515, '500 Honorable Kills', 'Get 500 honorable kills.'),
  313. (516, '1000 Honorable Kills', 'Get 1000 honorable kills.'),
  314. (518, '30 Exalted Reputations', 'Raise 30 reputations to Exalted.'),
  315. (519, '25 Exalted Reputations', 'Raise 25 reputations to Exalted.'),
  316. (520, '20 Exalted Reputations', 'Raise 20 reputations to Exalted.'),
  317. (521, '15 Exalted Reputations', 'Raise 15 reputations to Exalted.'),
  318. (522, 'Somebody Likes Me', 'Raise a reputation to Exalted.'),
  319. (523, '5 Exalted Reputations', 'Raise 5 reputations to Exalted.'),
  320. (524, '10 Exalted Reputations', 'Raise 10 reputations to Exalted.'),
  321. (527, 'Largest hit received', 'Largest hit received'),
  322. (528, 'Total damage received', 'Total damage received'),
  323. (529, 'Most factions at Honored or higher', 'Most factions at Honored or higher'),
  324. (545, 'Shave and a Haircut', 'Visit a Barber Shop and get your hair cut.'),
  325. (546, 'Safe Deposit', 'Buy 7 additional bank slots.'),
  326. (547, 'Veteran of the Wrathgate', 'Complete the Dragonblight quests leading up to and including the Return to Angrathar.'),
  327. (556, 'Epic', 'Equip an epic item in every slot with a minimum item level of 213.'),
  328. (557, 'Superior', 'Equip a superior item in every slot with a minimum item level of 187.'),
  329. (558, 'Greedy', 'Win a greed roll on a superior or better item above level 185 by rolling 100.'),
  330. (559, 'Needy', 'Win a need roll on a superior or better item above level 185 by rolling 100.'),
  331. (560, 'Deadliest Catch', 'Fish up Gahz''ranka in Zul''Gurub using the Mudskunk Lure.'),
  332. (561, 'D.E.H.T.A''s Little P.I.T.A.', 'Uphold D.E.H.T.A''s beliefs by completing all of the quests up to and including the Assassination of Harold Lane.'),
  333. (562, 'The Arachnid Quarter (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Arachnid Quarter of Naxxramas in 10-player mode.'),
  334. (563, 'The Arachnid Quarter (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Arachnid Quarter of Naxxramas in 25-player mode.'),
  335. (564, 'The Construct Quarter (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Construct Quarter of Naxxramas in 10-player mode.'),
  336. (565, 'The Construct Quarter (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Construct Quarter of Naxxramas in 25-player mode.'),
  337. (566, 'The Plague Quarter (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Plague Quarter of Naxxramas in 10-player mode.'),
  338. (567, 'The Plague Quarter (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Plague Quarter of Naxxramas in 25-player mode.'),
  339. (568, 'The Military Quarter (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Military Quarter of Naxxramas in 10 player mode.'),
  340. (569, 'The Military Quarter (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Military Quarter of Naxxramas in 25-player mode.'),
  341. (572, 'Sapphiron''s Demise (10 player)', 'Defeat Sapphiron in Naxxramas in 10-player mode.'),
  342. (573, 'Sapphiron''s Demise (25 player)', 'Defeat Sapphiron in Naxxramas in 25-player mode.'),
  343. (574, 'Kel''Thuzad''s Defeat (10 player)', 'Defeat Kel''Thuzad in Naxxramas in 10-player mode.'),
  344. (575, 'Kel''Thuzad''s Defeat (25 player)', 'Defeat Kel''Thuzad in Naxxramas in 25-player mode.'),
  345. (576, 'The Fall of Naxxramas (10 player)', 'Defeat every boss in Naxxramas in 10-player mode.'),
  346. (577, 'The Fall of Naxxramas (25 player)', 'Defeat every boss in Naxxramas in 25-player mode.'),
  347. (578, 'The Dedicated Few (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of Naxxramas with less than 9 people in the zone in 10-player mode.'),
  348. (579, 'The Dedicated Few (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of Naxxramas with less than 21 people in the zone in 25-player mode.'),
  349. (582, 'Alterac Valley All-Star', 'In a single Alterac Valley battle, assault a graveyard, defend a graveyard, assault a tower, defend a tower and slay someone in the Field of Strife.'),
  350. (583, 'Arathi Basin All-Star', 'Assault and Defend 2 bases in a single Arathi Basin match.'),
  351. (584, 'Arathi Basin Assassin', 'Get five honorable kills at each of the bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.'),
  352. (585, 'Eye of the Storm flags captured', 'Eye of the Storm flags captured'),
  353. (586, 'Warsong Gulch flags returned', 'Warsong Gulch flags returned'),
  354. (587, 'Stormy Assassin', 'In a single Eye of the Storm battle, get 5 honorable kills at each of the bases.'),
  355. (588, 'Total Honorable Kills', 'Total Honorable Kills'),
  356. (589, 'Highest 5 man team rating', 'Highest 5 man team rating'),
  357. (590, 'Highest 3 man team rating', 'Highest 3 man team rating'),
  358. (593, 'Deaths from Vanndar Stormpike', 'Deaths from Vanndar Stormpike'),
  359. (594, 'Deaths from Hogger', 'Deaths from Hogger'),
  360. (595, 'Highest 3 man personal rating', 'Highest 3 man personal rating'),
  361. (596, 'Highest 5 man personal rating', 'Highest 5 man personal rating'),
  362. (603, 'Wrath of the Horde', 'Kill 5 Alliance players in each of the cities listed below.'),
  363. (604, 'Wrath of the Alliance', 'Kill 5 Horde players in each of the cities listed below.'),
  364. (605, 'A Coin of Ancestry', 'Receive a Coin of Ancestry.'),
  365. (606, '5 Coins of Ancestry', 'Receive 5 Coins of Ancestry.'),
  366. (607, '10 Coins of Ancestry', 'Receive 10 Coins of Ancestry.'),
  367. (608, '25 Coins of Ancestry', 'Receive 25 Coins of Ancestry.'),
  368. (609, '50 Coins of Ancestry', 'Receive 50 Coins of Ancestry.'),
  369. (610, 'Death to the Warchief!', 'Kill Thrall.'),
  370. (611, 'Bleeding Bloodhoof', 'Kill Cairne Bloodhoof.'),
  371. (612, 'Downing the Dark Lady', 'Kill Lady Sylvanas Windrunner.'),
  372. (613, 'Killed in Quel''Thalas', 'Kill Lor''themar Theron.'),
  373. (614, 'For The Alliance!', 'Slay the leaders of the Horde.'),
  374. (615, 'Storming Stormwind', 'Kill King Varian Wrynn.'),
  375. (616, 'Death to the King!', 'Kill King Magni Bronzebeard.'),
  376. (617, 'Immortal No More', 'Kill High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind.'),
  377. (618, 'Putting Out the Light', 'Kill Prophet Velen.'),
  378. (619, 'For The Horde!', 'Slay the leaders of the Alliance.'),
  379. (621, 'Represent', 'Equip a tabard.'),
  380. (622, 'The Spellweaver''s Downfall (10 player)', 'Defeat Malygos in 10-player mode.'),
  381. (623, 'The Spellweaver''s Downfall (25 player)', 'Defeat Malygos in 25-player mode.'),
  382. (624, 'Less Is More (10 player)', 'Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian and the Twilight Drakes with fewer than 9 players in 10-player mode.'),
  383. (625, 'Besting the Black Dragonflight (25 player)', 'Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 25-player mode.'),
  384. (626, 'Lunar Festival Finery', 'Purchase a festive pant suit or festive dress with Coins of Ancestry.'),
  385. (627, 'Explore Dun Morogh', 'Explore Dun Morogh, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  386. (628, 'Deadmines', 'Defeat Edwin VanCleef.'),
  387. (629, 'Ragefire Chasm', 'Defeat Taragaman the Hungerer.'),
  388. (630, 'Wailing Caverns', 'Defeat Mutanus the Devourer.'),
  389. (631, 'Shadowfang Keep', 'Defeat Archmage Arugal.'),
  390. (632, 'Blackfathom Deeps', 'Defeat Aku''mai.'),
  391. (633, 'Stormwind Stockade', 'Defeat Bazil Thredd.'),
  392. (634, 'Gnomeregan', 'Defeat Mekgineer Thermaplugg.'),
  393. (635, 'Razorfen Kraul', 'Defeat Charlga Razorflank.'),
  394. (636, 'Razorfen Downs', 'Defeat Amnennar the Coldbringer.'),
  395. (637, 'Scarlet Monastery', 'Defeat the Scarlet Crusade within the Scarlet Monastery.'),
  396. (638, 'Uldaman', 'Defeat Archaedas.'),
  397. (639, 'Zul''Farrak', 'Defeat Chief Ukorz Sandscalp.'),
  398. (640, 'Maraudon', 'Defeat Princess Theradras.'),
  399. (641, 'Sunken Temple', 'Defeat Shade of Eranikus.'),
  400. (642, 'Blackrock Depths', 'Defeat Emperor Dagran Thaurissan.'),
  401. (643, 'Lower Blackrock Spire', 'Defeat Overlord Wyrmthalak.'),
  402. (644, 'King of Dire Maul', 'Defeat each wing of Dire Maul.'),
  403. (645, 'Scholomance', 'Defeat the leaders of Scholomance.'),
  404. (646, 'Stratholme', 'Defeat the evil masterminds inhabiting Stratholme.'),
  405. (647, 'Hellfire Ramparts', 'Defeat Omor the Unscarred.'),
  406. (648, 'The Blood Furnace', 'Defeat Keli''dan the Breaker.'),
  407. (649, 'The Slave Pens', 'Defeat Quagmirran.'),
  408. (650, 'Underbog', 'Defeat The Black Stalker.'),
  409. (651, 'Mana-Tombs', 'Defeat Nexus-Prince Shaffar.'),
  410. (652, 'The Escape From Durnholde', 'Defeat Epoch Hunter.'),
  411. (653, 'Sethekk Halls', 'Defeat Talon King Ikiss.'),
  412. (654, 'Shadow Labyrinth', 'Defeat Murmur.'),
  413. (655, 'Opening of the Dark Portal', 'Defeat Aeonus.'),
  414. (656, 'The Steamvault', 'Defeat Warlord Kalithresh.'),
  415. (657, 'The Shattered Halls', 'Defeat Warchief Kargath Bladefist.'),
  416. (658, 'The Mechanar', 'Defeat Pathaleon the Calculator.'),
  417. (659, 'The Botanica', 'Defeat Warp Splinter.'),
  418. (660, 'The Arcatraz', 'Defeat Harbinger Skyriss.'),
  419. (661, 'Magister''s Terrace', 'Defeat Kael''thas Sunstrider.'),
  420. (662, 'Collector''s Edition: Mini-Diablo', 'Owner of the World of Warcraft Collector''s Edition Mini-Diablo pet.'),
  421. (663, 'Collector''s Edition: Panda', 'Owner of the World of Warcraft Collector''s Edition Panda pet.'),
  422. (664, 'Collector''s Edition: Zergling', 'Owner of the World of Warcraft Collector''s Edition Zergling pet.'),
  423. (665, 'Collector''s Edition: Netherwhelp', 'Owner of the The Burning Crusade''s Collector''s Edition Netherwhelp pet.'),
  424. (666, 'Auchenai Crypts', 'Defeat Exarch Maladaar.'),
  425. (667, 'Heroic: Hellfire Ramparts', 'Defeat the leaders of Hellfire Ramparts on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  426. (668, 'Heroic: The Blood Furnace', 'Defeat Keli''dan the Breaker on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  427. (669, 'Heroic: The Slave Pens', 'Defeat Quagmirran on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  428. (670, 'Heroic: Underbog', 'Defeat The Black Stalker on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  429. (671, 'Heroic: Mana-Tombs', 'Defeat Nexus-Prince Shaffar on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  430. (672, 'Heroic: Auchenai Crypts', 'Defeat Exarch Maladaar on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  431. (673, 'Heroic: The Escape From Durnholde', 'Defeat Epoch Hunter on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  432. (674, 'Heroic: Sethekk Halls', 'Defeat Talon King Ikiss on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  433. (675, 'Heroic: Shadow Labyrinth', 'Defeat Murmur on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  434. (676, 'Heroic: Opening of the Dark Portal', 'Defeat Aeonus on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  435. (677, 'Heroic: The Steamvault', 'Defeat Warlord Kalithresh on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  436. (678, 'Heroic: The Shattered Halls', 'Defeat Warchief Kargath Bladefist on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  437. (679, 'Heroic: The Mechanar', 'Defeat Pathaleon the Calculator on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  438. (680, 'Heroic: The Botanica', 'Defeat Warp Splinter on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  439. (681, 'Heroic: The Arcatraz', 'Defeat Harbinger Skyriss on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  440. (682, 'Heroic: Magister''s Terrace', 'Defeat Kael''thas Sunstrider on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  441. (683, 'Collector''s Edition: Frost Wyrm Whelp', 'Owner of the Wrath of the Lich King''s Collector''s Edition Frost Wyrm Whelp pet.'),
  442. (684, 'Onyxia''s Lair (Level 60)', 'Defeat the classic, level 60 version of Onyxia.'),
  443. (685, 'Blackwing Lair', 'Defeat Nefarian.'),
  444. (686, 'Molten Core', 'Defeat Ragnaros.'),
  445. (687, 'Temple of Ahn''Qiraj', 'Defeat C''Thun.'),
  446. (688, 'Zul''Gurub', 'Defeat Hakkar.'),
  447. (689, 'Ruins of Ahn''Qiraj', 'Defeat Ossirian the Unscarred.'),
  448. (690, 'Karazhan', 'Defeat Prince Malchezaar in Karazhan.'),
  449. (691, 'Zul''Aman', 'Defeat Zul''jin in Zul''Aman.'),
  450. (692, 'Gruul''s Lair', 'Defeat Gruul the Dragonkiller in Gruul''s Lair.'),
  451. (693, 'Magtheridon''s Lair', 'Defeat Magtheridon in Magtheridon''s Lair.'),
  452. (694, 'Serpentshrine Cavern', 'Defeat Lady Vashj in Serpentshrine Cavern.'),
  453. (695, 'The Battle for Mount Hyjal', 'Defeat Archimonde in The Battle for Mount Hyjal.'),
  454. (696, 'Tempest Keep', 'Defeat Kael''thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep.'),
  455. (697, 'The Black Temple', 'Defeat Illidan Stormrage in The Black Temple.'),
  456. (698, 'Sunwell Plateau', 'Defeat Kil''jaeden in Sunwell Plateau.'),
  457. (699, 'World Wide Winner', 'Win a ranked arena match in Blade''s Edge, Nagrand, The Ring of Valor, Dalaran Sewers and the Ruins of Lordaeron at level 80.'),
  458. (700, 'Freedom of the Horde', 'Obtain an Insignia or Medallion of the Horde.'),
  459. (701, 'Freedom of the Alliance', 'Obtain an Insignia or Medallion of the Alliance.'),
  460. (705, 'Master of Arms', 'Raise four weapon skills to 400.'),
  461. (706, 'Frostwolf Howler', 'Obtain a Frostwolf Howler.'),
  462. (707, 'Stormpike Battle Charger', 'Obtain a Stormpike Battle Charger.'),
  463. (708, 'Hero of the Frostwolf Clan', 'Gain exalted reputation with the Frostwolf Clan.'),
  464. (709, 'Hero of the Stormpike Guard', 'Gain exalted reputation with the Stormpike Guard.'),
  465. (710, 'The Defiler', 'Gain exalted reputation with The Forsaken Defilers.'),
  466. (711, 'Knight of Arathor', 'Gain exalted reputation with The League of Arathor.'),
  467. (712, 'Warsong Outrider', 'Gain exalted reputation with the Warsong Outriders.'),
  468. (713, 'Silverwing Sentinel', 'Gain exalted reputation with the Silverwing Sentinels.'),
  469. (714, 'The Conqueror', 'Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.'),
  470. (725, 'Thori''dal, the Stars'' Fury', 'Wielder of Thori''dal, the Stars'' Fury.'),
  471. (726, 'Mr. Pinchy''s Magical Crawdad Box', 'Fish your way to Mr. Pinchy''s Magical Crawdad Box.'),
  472. (727, 'Call in the Cavalry', 'Obtain one of the war mounts through the honor system.'),
  473. (728, 'Explore Durotar', 'Explore Durotar, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  474. (729, 'Deathcharger''s Reins', 'Obtain the Deathcharger''s Reins from Baron Rivendare in Stratholme.'),
  475. (730, 'Skills to Pay the Bills', 'Become a Grand Master in fishing, first aid and cooking.'),
  476. (731, 'Professional Expert', 'Become an Expert in a profession.'),
  477. (732, 'Professional Artisan', 'Become an Artisan in a profession.'),
  478. (733, 'Professional Master', 'Become a Master in a profession.'),
  479. (734, 'Professional Grand Master', 'Become a Grand Master in a profession.'),
  480. (735, 'Working Day and Night', 'Become a Grand Master in two professions.'),
  481. (736, 'Explore Mulgore', 'Explore Mulgore, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  482. (750, 'Explore The Barrens', 'Explore The Barrens, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  483. (752, 'Deaths in Naxxramas', 'Deaths in Naxxramas'),
  484. (753, 'Average gold earned per day', 'Average gold earned per day'),
  485. (759, 'Average daily quests completed per day', 'Average daily quests completed per day'),
  486. (760, 'Explore Alterac Mountains', 'Explore Alterac Mountains, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  487. (761, 'Explore Arathi Highlands', 'Explore Arathi Highlands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  488. (762, 'Ambassador of the Horde', 'Earn exalted reputation with 5 home cities.'),
  489. (763, 'The Burning Crusader', 'Raise all of The Burning Crusade dungeon reputations to exalted.'),
  490. (764, 'The Burning Crusader', 'Raise all of The Burning Crusade dungeon reputations to exalted.'),
  491. (765, 'Explore Badlands', 'Explore Badlands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  492. (766, 'Explore Blasted Lands', 'Explore Blasted Lands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  493. (768, 'Explore Tirisfal Glades', 'Explore Tirisfal Glades, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  494. (769, 'Explore Silverpine Forest', 'Explore Silverpine Forest, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  495. (770, 'Explore Western Plaguelands', 'Explore Western Plaguelands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  496. (771, 'Explore Eastern Plaguelands', 'Explore Eastern Plaguelands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  497. (772, 'Explore Hillsbrad Foothills', 'Explore Hillsbrad Foothills, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  498. (773, 'Explore The Hinterlands', 'Explore The Hinterlands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  499. (774, 'Explore Searing Gorge', 'Explore Searing Gorge, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  500. (775, 'Explore Burning Steppes', 'Explore Burning Steppes, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  501. (776, 'Explore Elwynn Forest', 'Explore Elwynn Forest, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  502. (777, 'Explore Deadwind Pass', 'Explore Deadwind Pass, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  503. (778, 'Explore Duskwood', 'Explore Duskwood, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  504. (779, 'Explore Loch Modan', 'Explore Loch Modan, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  505. (780, 'Explore Redridge Mountains', 'Explore Redridge Mountains, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  506. (781, 'Explore Stranglethorn Vale', 'Explore Stranglethorn Vale, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  507. (782, 'Explore Swamp of Sorrows', 'Explore Swamp of Sorrows, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  508. (783, 'The Perfect Storm', 'Win Eye of the Storm with a score of 1600 to 0.'),
  509. (784, 'Eye of the Storm Domination', 'Win Eye of the Storm 10 times while holding 4 bases.'),
  510. (796, 'Resurrected by priests', 'Resurrected by priests'),
  511. (798, 'Rebirthed by druids', 'Rebirthed by druids'),
  512. (799, 'Spirit returned to body by shamans', 'Spirit returned to body by shamans'),
  513. (800, 'Redeemed by paladins', 'Redeemed by paladins'),
  514. (801, 'Resurrected by soulstones', 'Resurrected by soulstones'),
  515. (802, 'Explore Westfall', 'Explore Westfall, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  516. (811, 'Flasks consumed', 'Flasks consumed'),
  517. (812, 'Healthstones used', 'Healthstones used'),
  518. (829, 'Largest heal received', 'Largest heal received'),
  519. (830, 'Total healing received', 'Total healing received'),
  520. (837, 'Arenas won', 'Arenas won'),
  521. (838, 'Arenas played', 'Arenas played'),
  522. (839, 'Battlegrounds played', 'Battlegrounds played'),
  523. (840, 'Battlegrounds won', 'Battlegrounds won'),
  524. (841, 'Explore Wetlands', 'Explore Wetlands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  525. (842, 'Explore Teldrassil', 'Explore Teldrassil, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  526. (843, 'Explore Netherstorm', 'Explore Netherstorm, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  527. (844, 'Explore Darkshore', 'Explore Darkshore, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  528. (845, 'Explore Ashenvale', 'Explore Ashenvale, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  529. (846, 'Explore Thousand Needles', 'Explore Thousand Needles, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  530. (847, 'Explore Stonetalon Mountains', 'Explore Stonetalon Mountains, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  531. (848, 'Explore Desolace', 'Explore Desolace, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  532. (849, 'Explore Feralas', 'Explore Feralas, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  533. (850, 'Explore Dustwallow Marsh', 'Explore Dustwallow Marsh, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  534. (851, 'Explore Tanaris Desert', 'Explore Tanaris Desert, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  535. (852, 'Explore Azshara', 'Explore Azshara, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  536. (853, 'Explore Felwood', 'Explore Felwood, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  537. (854, 'Explore Un''Goro Crater', 'Explore Un''Goro Crater, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  538. (855, 'Explore Moonglade', 'Explore Moonglade, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  539. (856, 'Explore Silithus', 'Explore Silithus, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  540. (857, 'Explore Winterspring', 'Explore Winterspring, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  541. (858, 'Explore Ghostlands', 'Explore Ghostlands, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  542. (859, 'Explore Eversong Woods', 'Explore Eversong Woods, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  543. (860, 'Explore Azuremyst Isle', 'Explore Azuremyst Isle, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  544. (861, 'Explore Bloodmyst Isle', 'Explore Bloodmyst Isle, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  545. (862, 'Explore Hellfire Peninsula', 'Explore Hellfire Peninsula, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  546. (863, 'Explore Zangarmarsh', 'Explore Zangarmarsh, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  547. (864, 'Explore Shadowmoon Valley', 'Explore Shadowmoon Valley, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  548. (865, 'Explore Blade''s Edge Mountains', 'Explore Blade''s Edge Mountains, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  549. (866, 'Explore Nagrand', 'Explore Nagrand, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  550. (867, 'Explore Terokkar Forest', 'Explore Terokkar Forest, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  551. (868, 'Explore Isle of Quel''Danas', 'Explore Isle of Quel''Danas, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  552. (869, '50000 Honorable Kills', 'Get 50000 honorable kills.'),
  553. (870, '100000 Honorable Kills', 'Get 100000 honorable kills.'),
  554. (871, 'Avast Ye, Admiral!', 'Obtain the Bloodsail Admiral''s Hat... and try to get some fresh air every now and then.'),
  555. (872, 'Frenzied Defender', 'Return 5 flags in a single Warsong Gulch battle.'),
  556. (873, 'Frostwolf Perfection', 'Win Alterac Valley without losing a tower or captain. You must also control all of the Alliance''s towers.'),
  557. (875, 'Vengefully Dedicated', 'Win 200 ranked arena matches at level 80.'),
  558. (876, 'Brutally Dedicated', 'Win 300 ranked arena matches at level 80.'),
  559. (877, 'The Cake Is Not A Lie', 'Bake a Delicious Chocolate Cake.'),
  560. (878, 'One That Didn''t Get Away', 'Catch one of the rare fish in the list below.'),
  561. (879, 'Old School Ride', 'Owner of one of the original epic mounts that are no longer attainable.'),
  562. (880, 'Swift Zulian Tiger', 'Obtain the Swift Zulian Tiger from High Priest Thekal in Zul''Gurub.'),
  563. (881, 'Swift Razzashi Raptor', 'Obtain the Swift Razzashi Raptor from Bloodlord Mandokir in Zul''Gurub.'),
  564. (882, 'Fiery Warhorse''s Reins', 'Obtain the Fiery Warhorse''s Reins from Attumen the Huntsman in Karazhan.'),
  565. (883, 'Reins of the Raven Lord', 'Obtain the Reins of the Raven Lord from Anzu in Sethekk Halls.'),
  566. (884, 'Swift White Hawkstrider', 'Obtain the Swift White Hawkstrider from Kael''thas Sunstrider in Magister''s Terrace.'),
  567. (885, 'Ashes of Al''ar', 'Obtain the Ashes of Al''ar from Kael''thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep.'),
  568. (886, 'Swift Nether Drake', 'Obtain the Swift Nether Drake from Arena Season 1 of The Burning Crusade.'),
  569. (887, 'Merciless Nether Drake', 'Obtain the Merciless Nether Drake from Arena Season 2 of The Burning Crusade.'),
  570. (888, 'Vengeful Nether Drake', 'Obtain the Vengeful Nether Drake from Arena Season 3 of The Burning Crusade.'),
  571. (889, 'Fast and Furious', 'Learn the journeyman riding skill.'),
  572. (890, 'Into The Wild Blue Yonder', 'Learn the expert riding skill.'),
  573. (891, 'Giddy Up!', 'Learn the apprentice riding skill.'),
  574. (892, 'The Right Stuff', 'Learn the artisan riding skill.'),
  575. (893, 'Cenarion War Hippogryph', 'Obtain the Cenarion War Hippogryph from the Cenarion Expedition in Zangarmarsh.'),
  576. (894, 'Flying High Over Skettis', 'Earn exalted status within the Sha''tari Skyguard.'),
  577. (896, 'A Quest a Day Keeps the Ogres at Bay', 'Earn exalted status within Ogri''la.'),
  578. (897, 'You''re So Offensive', 'Earn exalted status with the Shattered Sun Offensive.'),
  579. (898, 'On Wings of Nether', 'Earn exalted status with Netherwing.'),
  580. (899, 'Oh My, Kurenai', 'Earn exalted status with the Kurenai.'),
  581. (900, 'The Czar of Sporeggar', 'Earn exalted status with Sporeggar.'),
  582. (901, 'Mag''har of Draenor', 'Earn exalted status with The Mag''har.'),
  583. (902, 'Chief Exalted Officer', 'Earn exalted status with The Consortium.'),
  584. (903, 'Shattrath Divided', 'Earn exalted status with The Scryers or The Aldor.'),
  585. (905, 'Old Man Barlowned', 'Complete each of Old Man Barlo''s 5 fishing daily quests listed below.'),
  586. (906, 'Kickin'' It Up a Notch', 'Complete each of The Rokk''s 4 cooking daily quests listed below.'),
  587. (907, 'The Justicar', 'Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.'),
  588. (908, 'Call to Arms!', 'Complete the level 80 versions of the Call to Arms daily battleground quests listed below.'),
  589. (909, 'Call to Arms!', 'Complete the level 80 versions of the Call to Arms daily battleground quests listed below.'),
  590. (910, 'Elders of the Dungeons', 'Honor the Elders which are located inside the dungeons.'),
  591. (911, 'Elders of Kalimdor', 'Honor the Elders which are located in Kalimdor.'),
  592. (912, 'Elders of Eastern Kingdoms', 'Honor the Elders which are located in Eastern Kingdoms'),
  593. (913, 'To Honor One''s Elders', 'Complete the Lunar Festival achievements listed below.'),
  594. (914, 'Elders of the Horde', 'Honor the Elders which are located in the Horde capital cities.'),
  595. (915, 'Elders of the Alliance', 'Honor the Elders which are located in the Alliance capital cities.'),
  596. (916, 'Total deaths in 25-player raids', 'Total deaths in 25-player raids'),
  597. (917, 'Total deaths in 10-player raids', 'Total deaths in 10-player raids'),
  598. (918, 'Total deaths in 5-player dungeons', 'Total deaths in 5-player dungeons'),
  599. (919, 'Gold earned from auctions', 'Gold earned from auctions'),
  600. (921, 'Gold from vendors', 'Gold from vendors'),
  601. (922, 'Mana potions consumed', 'Mana potions consumed'),
  602. (923, 'Elixirs consumed', 'Elixirs consumed'),
  603. (924, 'Most Northrend factions at Exalted', 'Most Northrend factions at Exalted'),
  604. (925, 'Most Outland factions at Exalted', 'Most Outland factions at Exalted'),
  605. (926, 'Most Horde factions at Exalted', 'Most Horde factions at Exalted'),
  606. (927, 'Equipped epic items in item slots', 'Equipped epic items in item slots'),
  607. (928, 'Extra bank slots purchased', 'Extra bank slots purchased'),
  608. (931, 'Total factions encountered', 'Total factions encountered'),
  609. (932, 'Total 5-player dungeons entered', 'Total 5-player dungeons entered'),
  610. (933, 'Total 10-player raids entered', 'Total 10-player raids entered'),
  611. (934, 'Total 25-player raids entered', 'Total 25-player raids entered'),
  612. (937, 'Elune''s Blessing', 'Complete the Elune''s Blessing quest by defeating Omen.'),
  613. (938, 'The Snows of Northrend', 'Complete all of Hemet Nesingwary quests in Northrend up to and including Post-partum Aggression.'),
  614. (939, 'Hills Like White Elekk', 'Complete all of Hemet Nesingwary quests in Nagrand up to and including The Ultimate Bloodsport.'),
  615. (940, 'The Green Hills of Stranglethorn', 'Complete all of Hemet Nesingwary quests in Stranglethorn Vale up to and including The Green Hills of Stranglethorn and Big Game Hunter.'),
  616. (941, 'Hemet Nesingwary: The Collected Quests', 'Complete the Green Hills of Stranglethorn, Hills Like White Elekk and Snows of Northrend achievements.'),
  617. (942, 'The Diplomat', 'Raise your reputation level from unfriendly to exalted with Timbermaw Hold, Sporeggar and the Kurenai.'),
  618. (943, 'The Diplomat', 'Raise your reputation level from unfriendly to exalted with Timbermaw Hold, Sporeggar and The Mag''har.'),
  619. (944, 'They Love Me In That Tunnel', 'Earn exalted status with Timbermaw Hold.'),
  620. (945, 'The Argent Champion', 'Earn exalted status with the Argent Dawn and the Argent Crusade.'),
  621. (946, 'The Argent Dawn', 'Earn exalted status with the Argent Dawn.'),
  622. (947, 'The Argent Crusade', 'Earn exalted status with the Argent Crusade.'),
  623. (948, 'Ambassador of the Alliance', 'Earn exalted reputation with 5 home cities.'),
  624. (949, 'Tuskarrmageddon', 'Earn exalted status with The Kalu''ak .'),
  625. (950, 'Frenzyheart Tribe', 'Earn exalted status with the Frenzyheart Tribe.'),
  626. (951, 'The Oracles', 'Earn exalted status with the The Oracles.'),
  627. (952, 'Mercenary of Sholazar', 'Earn exalted status with the The Oracles and the Frenzyheart Tribe.'),
  628. (953, 'Guardian of Cenarius', 'Earn exalted status with the Cenarion Circle and Cenarion Expedition.'),
  629. (955, 'Hydraxian Waterlords', 'Earn exalted status with the Hydraxian Waterlords.'),
  630. (956, 'Brood of Nozdormu', 'Earn exalted status with the Brood of Nozdormu.'),
  631. (957, 'Hero of the Zandalar Tribe', 'Earn exalted status with the Zandalar Tribe.'),
  632. (958, 'Sworn to the Deathsworn', 'Earn exalted status with the Ashtongue Deathsworn.'),
  633. (959, 'The Scale of the Sands', 'Earn exalted status with The Scale of the Sands.'),
  634. (960, 'The Violet Eye', 'Earn exalted status with The Violet Eye.'),
  635. (961, 'Honorary Frenzyheart', 'Complete the 8 daily quests for the Frenzyheart listed below.'),
  636. (962, 'Savior of the Oracles', 'Complete the 8 daily quests for the Oracles listed below.'),
  637. (963, 'Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor', 'Visit the Candy Buckets in Kalimdor.'),
  638. (964, 'Going Down?', 'Fall 65 yards without dying.'),
  639. (965, 'Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor', 'Visit the Candy Buckets in Kalimdor.'),
  640. (966, 'Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms', 'Visit the Candy Buckets in Eastern Kingdoms.'),
  641. (967, 'Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms', 'Visit the Candy Buckets in Eastern Kingdoms.'),
  642. (968, 'Tricks and Treats of Outland', 'Visit the Candy Buckets in Outland.'),
  643. (969, 'Tricks and Treats of Outland', 'Visit the Candy Buckets in Outland.'),
  644. (970, 'Tricks and Treats of Azeroth', 'Complete the Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Outland Tricks and Treats achievements.'),
  645. (971, 'Tricks and Treats of Azeroth', 'Complete the Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Outland Tricks and Treats achievements.'),
  646. (972, 'Trick or Treat!', 'Receive a handful of a candy from one of the Candy Buckets located in an inn.'),
  647. (973, '5 Daily Quests Complete', 'Complete 5 daily quests.'),
  648. (974, '50 Daily Quests Complete', 'Complete 50 daily quests.'),
  649. (975, '200 Daily Quests Complete', 'Complete 200 daily quests.'),
  650. (976, '500 Daily Quests Complete', 'Complete 500 daily quests.'),
  651. (977, '1000 Daily Quests Complete', 'Complete 1000 daily quests.'),
  652. (978, '3000 Quests Completed', 'Complete 3000 quests.'),
  653. (979, 'The Mask Task', 'Obtain a Flimsy Mask during Hallow''s End.'),
  654. (980, 'The Horseman''s Reins', 'Obtain The Horseman''s Reins from The Headless Horseman in the Scarlet Monastery during Hallow''s End.');
  655. INSERT INTO `dbc_achievement` (`achievement_id`, `name`, `description`) VALUES
  656. (981, 'That Sparkling Smile', 'Show off your sparkling smile by using a Tooth Pick.'),
  657. (1005, 'Know Thy Enemy', 'Get an honorable, killing blow on five different races.'),
  658. (1006, 'City Defender', 'Kill 50 enemy players in any of your home cities.'),
  659. (1007, 'The Wyrmrest Accord', 'Earn exalted status with The Wyrmrest Accord.'),
  660. (1008, 'The Kirin Tor', 'Earn exalted status with The Kirin Tor.'),
  661. (1009, 'Knights of the Ebon Blade', 'Earn exalted status with the Knights of the Ebon Blade.'),
  662. (1010, 'Northrend Vanguard', 'Gain exalted reputation with the Argent Crusade, Wyrmrest Accord, Kirin Tor and Knights of the Ebon Blade.'),
  663. (1011, 'The Winds of the North', 'Gain exalted reputation with the Horde Expedition.'),
  664. (1012, 'The Winds of the North', 'Gain exalted reputation with the Alliance Vanguard.'),
  665. (1014, '35 Exalted Reputations', 'Raise 35 reputations to Exalted.'),
  666. (1015, '40 Exalted Reputations', 'Raise 40 reputations to Exalted.'),
  667. (1017, 'Can I Keep Him?', 'Obtain a companion pet.'),
  668. (1020, 'Ten Tabards', 'Equip 10 unique tabards.'),
  669. (1021, 'Twenty-Five Tabards', 'Equip 25 unique tabards.'),
  670. (1022, 'Flame Warden of Eastern Kingdoms', 'Honor the flames of Eastern Kingdoms.'),
  671. (1023, 'Flame Warden of Kalimdor', 'Honor the flames of Kalimdor.'),
  672. (1024, 'Flame Warden of Outland', 'Honor the flames of Outland.'),
  673. (1025, 'Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms', 'Honor the flames of Eastern Kingdoms.'),
  674. (1026, 'Flame Keeper of Kalimdor', 'Honor the flames of Kalimdor.'),
  675. (1027, 'Flame Keeper of Outland', 'Honor the flames of Outland.'),
  676. (1028, 'Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms', 'Desecrate the Horde''s bonfires in Eastern Kingdoms.'),
  677. (1029, 'Extinguishing Kalimdor', 'Desecrate the Horde''s bonfires in Kalimdor.'),
  678. (1030, 'Extinguishing Outland', 'Desecrate the Horde''s bonfires in Outland.'),
  679. (1031, 'Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms', 'Desecrate the Alliance''s bonfires in Eastern Kingdoms.'),
  680. (1032, 'Extinguishing Kalimdor', 'Desecrate the Alliance''s bonfires in Kalimdor.'),
  681. (1033, 'Extinguishing Outland', 'Desecrate the Alliance''s bonfires in Outland.'),
  682. (1034, 'The Fires of Azeroth', 'Complete the Flame Warden of Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor and Outland achievements.'),
  683. (1035, 'Desecration of the Horde', 'Complete the Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor and Outland achievements.'),
  684. (1036, 'The Fires of Azeroth', 'Complete the Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor and Outland achievements.'),
  685. (1037, 'Desecration of the Alliance', 'Complete the Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor and Outland achievements.'),
  686. (1038, 'The Flame Warden', 'Complete the Midsummer achievements listed below.'),
  687. (1039, 'The Flame Keeper', 'Complete the Midsummer achievements listed below.'),
  688. (1040, 'Rotten Hallow', 'Ruin Hallow''s End for the Horde by completing Sergeant Hartman''s quests which involve crashing the wickerman festival and cleaning up the stinkbombs from Southshore.'),
  689. (1041, 'Rotten Hallow', 'Ruin Hallow''s End for the Alliance by completing Darkcaller Yanka''s quests which involve going to Southshore, ruining the kegs with rotten eggs and tossing stinkbombs into the town.'),
  690. (1042, 'Number of hugs', 'Number of hugs'),
  691. (1043, 'Greed rolls made on loot', 'Greed rolls made on loot'),
  692. (1044, 'Need rolls made on loot', 'Need rolls made on loot'),
  693. (1045, 'Total cheers', 'Total cheers'),
  694. (1047, 'Total facepalms', 'Total facepalms'),
  695. (1057, 'Deaths in 2v2', 'Deaths in 2v2'),
  696. (1065, 'Total waves', 'Total waves'),
  697. (1066, 'Total times LOL''d', 'Total times LOL''d'),
  698. (1067, 'Total times playing world''s smallest violin', 'Total times playing world''s smallest violin'),
  699. (1068, 'Keli''dan the Breaker kills (The Blood Furnace)', 'Keli''dan the Breaker kills (The Blood Furnace)'),
  700. (1069, 'Nexus-Prince Shaffar kills (Mana Tombs)', 'Nexus-Prince Shaffar kills (Mana Tombs)'),
  701. (1070, 'Epoch Hunter kills (The Escape From Durnholde)', 'Epoch Hunter kills (The Escape From Durnholde)'),
  702. (1071, 'Quagmirran kills (Slave Pens)', 'Quagmirran kills (Slave Pens)'),
  703. (1072, 'Black Stalker kills (Underbog)', 'Black Stalker kills (Underbog)'),
  704. (1073, 'Exarch Maladaar kills (Auchenai Crypts)', 'Exarch Maladaar kills (Auchenai Crypts)'),
  705. (1074, 'Talon King Ikiss kills (Sethekk Halls)', 'Talon King Ikiss kills (Sethekk Halls)'),
  706. (1075, 'Murmur kills (Shadow Labyrinth)', 'Murmur kills (Shadow Labyrinth)'),
  707. (1076, 'Aeonus kills (Opening of the Dark Portal)', 'Aeonus kills (Opening of the Dark Portal)'),
  708. (1077, 'Warlord Kalithresh kills (The Steamvault)', 'Warlord Kalithresh kills (The Steamvault)'),
  709. (1078, 'Warchief Kargath Bladefist kills (The Shattered Halls)', 'Warchief Kargath Bladefist kills (The Shattered Halls)'),
  710. (1079, 'Pathaleon the Calculator kills (The Mechanar)', 'Pathaleon the Calculator kills (The Mechanar)'),
  711. (1080, 'Warp Splinter kills (The Botanica)', 'Warp Splinter kills (The Botanica)'),
  712. (1081, 'Harbinger Skyriss kills (The Arcatraz)', 'Harbinger Skyriss kills (The Arcatraz)'),
  713. (1082, 'Kael''thas Sunstrider kills (Magister''s Terrace)', 'Kael''thas Sunstrider kills (Magister''s Terrace)'),
  714. (1083, 'Prince Malchezaar kills (Karazhan)', 'Prince Malchezaar kills (Karazhan)'),
  715. (1084, 'Zul''jin kills (Zul''Aman)', 'Zul''jin kills (Zul''Aman)'),
  716. (1085, 'Gruul kills (Gruul''s Lair)', 'Gruul kills (Gruul''s Lair)'),
  717. (1086, 'Magtheridon kills (Magtheridon''s Lair)', 'Magtheridon kills (Magtheridon''s Lair)'),
  718. (1087, 'Lady Vashj kills (Serpentshrine Cavern)', 'Lady Vashj kills (Serpentshrine Cavern)'),
  719. (1088, 'Kael''thas Sunstrider kills (Tempest Keep)', 'Kael''thas Sunstrider kills (Tempest Keep)'),
  720. (1089, 'Illidan Stormrage kills (The Black Temple)', 'Illidan Stormrage kills (The Black Temple)'),
  721. (1090, 'Kil''jaeden kills (Sunwell Plateau)', 'Kil''jaeden kills (Sunwell Plateau)'),
  722. (1091, 'Edwin VanCleef kills (Deadmines)', 'Edwin VanCleef kills (Deadmines)'),
  723. (1092, 'Archmage Arugal kills (Shadowfang Keep)', 'Archmage Arugal kills (Shadowfang Keep)'),
  724. (1093, 'Scarlet Commander Mograine kills (Scarlet Monastery)', 'Scarlet Commander Mograine kills (Scarlet Monastery)'),
  725. (1094, 'Chief Ukorz Sandscalp kills (Zul''Farrak)', 'Chief Ukorz Sandscalp kills (Zul''Farrak)'),
  726. (1095, 'Emperor Dagran Thaurissan kills (Blackrock Depths)', 'Emperor Dagran Thaurissan kills (Blackrock Depths)'),
  727. (1096, 'General Drakkisath kills (Blackrock Spire)', 'General Drakkisath kills (Blackrock Spire)'),
  728. (1097, 'Baron Rivendare kills (Stratholme)', 'Baron Rivendare kills (Stratholme)'),
  729. (1098, 'Onyxia kills (Onyxia''s Lair)', 'Onyxia kills (Onyxia''s Lair)'),
  730. (1099, 'Ragnaros kills (Molten Core)', 'Ragnaros kills (Molten Core)'),
  731. (1100, 'Nefarian kills (Blackwing Lair)', 'Nefarian kills (Blackwing Lair)'),
  732. (1101, 'C''Thun kills (Temple of Ahn''Qiraj)', 'C''Thun kills (Temple of Ahn''Qiraj)'),
  733. (1102, 'Hakkar kills (Zul''Gurub)', 'Hakkar kills (Zul''Gurub)'),
  734. (1103, 'Lich King 5-player dungeons completed (final boss killed)', 'Lich King 5-player dungeons completed (final boss killed)'),
  735. (1104, 'Lich King 10-player raids completed (final boss killed)', 'Lich King 10-player raids completed (final boss killed)'),
  736. (1106, 'Deaths in Eye of the Storm', 'Deaths in Eye of the Storm'),
  737. (1107, 'Deaths in 3v3', 'Deaths in 3v3'),
  738. (1108, 'Deaths in 5v5', 'Deaths in 5v5'),
  739. (1109, '5v5 Arena Honorable Kills', '5v5 Arena Honorable Kills'),
  740. (1110, '3v3 Arena Honorable Kills', '3v3 Arena Honorable Kills'),
  741. (1111, '2v2 Arena Honorable Kills', '2v2 Arena Honorable Kills'),
  742. (1112, 'Eye of the Storm Honorable Kills', 'Eye of the Storm Honorable Kills'),
  743. (1113, 'Alterac Valley Honorable Kills', 'Alterac Valley Honorable Kills'),
  744. (1114, 'Arathi Basin Honorable Kills', 'Arathi Basin Honorable Kills'),
  745. (1115, 'Warsong Gulch Honorable Kills', 'Warsong Gulch Honorable Kills'),
  746. (1125, 'Bandage used most', 'Bandage used most'),
  747. (1145, 'King of the Fire Festival', 'Complete the quest, "A Thief''s Reward", by stealing the flames from your enemy''s capital cities.'),
  748. (1146, 'Gold spent on travel', 'Gold spent on travel'),
  749. (1147, 'Gold spent at barber shops', 'Gold spent at barber shops'),
  750. (1148, 'Gold spent on postage', 'Gold spent on postage'),
  751. (1149, 'Talent tree respecs', 'Talent tree respecs'),
  752. (1150, 'Gold spent on talent tree respecs', 'Gold spent on talent tree respecs'),
  753. (1151, 'Loyal Defender', 'In Alterac Valley, kill 50 enemy players in the Hall of the Stormpike.'),
  754. (1153, 'Overly Defensive', 'Defend 3 bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.'),
  755. (1157, 'Duel-icious', 'Win a duel against another player.'),
  756. (1159, 'Just the Two of Us: 2200', 'Earn a 2200 personal rating in the 2v2 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  757. (1160, 'Three''s Company: 2200', 'Earn a 2200 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  758. (1161, 'High Five: 2200', 'Earn a 2200 personal rating in the 5v5 bracket of the arena at level 80.'),
  759. (1162, 'Hotter Streak', 'Win ten ranked matches in a row with a rating above 1800 at level 80.'),
  760. (1164, 'Everything Counts', 'Win Alterac Valley while your team controls both mines.'),
  761. (1165, 'My Sack is "Gigantique"', 'Equip Haris Pilton''s "Gigantique" Bag.'),
  762. (1166, 'To the Looter Go the Spoils', 'Loot the Autographed Picture of Foror & Tigule in Alterac Valley.'),
  763. (1167, 'Master of Alterac Valley', 'Complete the Alterac Valley achievements listed below.'),
  764. (1168, 'Master of Alterac Valley', 'Complete the Alterac Valley achievements listed below.'),
  765. (1169, 'Master of Arathi Basin', 'Complete the Arathi Basin achievements listed below.'),
  766. (1170, 'Master of Arathi Basin', 'Complete the Arathi Basin achievements listed below.'),
  767. (1171, 'Master of Eye of the Storm', 'Complete the Eye of the Storm achievements listed below.'),
  768. (1172, 'Master of Warsong Gulch', 'Complete the Warsong Gulch achievements listed below.'),
  769. (1173, 'Master of Warsong Gulch', 'Complete the Warsong Gulch achievements listed below.'),
  770. (1174, 'The Arena Master', 'Complete the arena achievements listed below.'),
  771. (1175, 'Battlemaster', 'Complete the battleground achievements listed below.'),
  772. (1176, 'Got My Mind On My Money', 'Loot 100 gold.'),
  773. (1177, 'Got My Mind On My Money', 'Loot 1,000 gold.'),
  774. (1178, 'Got My Mind On My Money', 'Loot 5,000 gold.'),
  775. (1180, 'Got My Mind On My Money', 'Loot 10,000 gold.'),
  776. (1181, 'Got My Mind On My Money', 'Loot 25,000 gold.'),
  777. (1182, 'The Bread Winner', 'Make 10,000 gold from quest rewards.'),
  778. (1183, 'Brew of the Year', 'Sample 12 beers featured in the Brew of the Month club.'),
  779. (1184, 'Strange Brew', 'Drink the Brewfest beers listed below.'),
  780. (1185, 'The Brewfest Diet', 'Eat 8 of the Brewfest foods listed below.'),
  781. (1186, 'Down With The Dark Iron', 'Defend the Brewfest camp from the Dark Iron attack and complete the quest, "This One Time, When I Was Drunk..."'),
  782. (1187, 'The Keymaster', 'Obtain the keys listed below.'),
  783. (1188, 'Shafted!', 'Shoot 10 players with the Silver Shafted Arrow.'),
  784. (1189, 'To Hellfire and Back', 'Complete 80 quests in Hellfire Peninsula.'),
  785. (1190, 'Mysteries of the Marsh', 'Complete 54 quests in Zangarmarsh.'),
  786. (1191, 'Terror of Terokkar', 'Complete 63 quests in Terokkar Forest.'),
  787. (1192, 'Nagrand Slam', 'Complete 75 quests in Nagrand.'),
  788. (1193, 'On the Blade''s Edge', 'Complete 86 quests in Blade''s Edge Mountains.'),
  789. (1194, 'Into the Nether', 'Complete 120 quests in Netherstorm.'),
  790. (1195, 'Shadow of the Betrayer', 'Complete 90 quests in Shadowmoon Valley.'),
  791. (1197, 'Total kills', 'Total kills'),
  792. (1198, 'Total kills that grant experience or honor', 'Total kills that grant experience or honor'),
  793. (1199, 'Professions learned', 'Professions learned'),
  794. (1200, 'Secondary skills at maximum skill', 'Secondary skills at maximum skill'),
  795. (1201, 'Professions at maximum skill', 'Professions at maximum skill'),
  796. (1202, 'Weapon skills at maximum skill', 'Weapon skills at maximum skill'),
  797. (1203, 'Strange Brew', 'Drink the Brewfest beers listed below.'),
  798. (1205, 'Hero of Shattrath', 'Gained exalted status with The Scryers and The Aldor.'),
  799. (1206, 'To All The Squirrels I''ve Loved Before', 'Show the critters of Azeroth how much you /love them.'),
  800. (1225, 'Outland Angler', 'Catch a fish in each of the specific nodes listed below.'),
  801. (1229, 'Revived by druids', 'Revived by druids'),
  802. (1231, 'Keristrasza kills (The Nexus)', 'Keristrasza kills (The Nexus)'),
  803. (1232, 'Anub''arak kills (Azjol-Nerub)', 'Anub''arak kills (Azjol-Nerub)'),
  804. (1233, 'Herald Volazj kills (Ahn''kahet: The Old Kingdom)', 'Herald Volazj kills (Ahn''kahet: The Old Kingdom)'),
  805. (1234, 'The Prophet Tharon''ja kills (Drak''Tharon Keep)', 'The Prophet Tharon''ja kills (Drak''Tharon Keep)'),
  806. (1235, 'Cyanigosa kills (The Violet Hold)', 'Cyanigosa kills (The Violet Hold)'),
  807. (1236, 'Gal''darah kills (Gundrak)', 'Gal''darah kills (Gundrak)'),
  808. (1237, 'Sjonnir the Ironshaper kills (Halls of Stone)', 'Sjonnir the Ironshaper kills (Halls of Stone)'),
  809. (1238, 'Loken kills (Halls of Lightning)', 'Loken kills (Halls of Lightning)'),
  810. (1239, 'Ley-Guardian Eregos kills (The Oculus)', 'Ley-Guardian Eregos kills (The Oculus)'),
  811. (1240, 'King Ymiron kills (Utgarde Pinnacle)', 'King Ymiron kills (Utgarde Pinnacle)'),
  812. (1241, 'Mal''Ganis defeated (Caverns of Time: Stratholme)', 'Mal''Ganis defeated (Caverns of Time: Stratholme)'),
  813. (1242, 'Ingvar the Plunderer kills (Utgarde Keep)', 'Ingvar the Plunderer kills (Utgarde Keep)'),
  814. (1243, 'Fish Don''t Leave Footprints', 'Learn the ability to find fish.'),
  815. (1244, 'Well Read', 'Read the books listed below.'),
  816. (1248, 'Plethora of Pets', 'Collect 25 unique companion pets.'),
  817. (1250, 'Shop Smart, Shop Pet...Smart', 'Collect 50 unique companion pets.'),
  818. (1251, 'Not In My House', 'In a single Warsong Gulch battle, kill 2 flag carriers before they leave the Warsong Flag Room.'),
  819. (1252, 'Supreme Defender', 'Kill 100 flag carriers in Warsong Gulch.'),
  820. (1253, 'Raised as a ghoul', 'Raised as a ghoul'),
  821. (1254, 'Friend or Fowl?', 'Slay 15 turkeys in 3 minutes.'),
  822. (1255, 'Scrooge', 'Throw a snowball at King Magni Bronzebeard during the Feast of Winter Veil.'),
  823. (1257, 'The Scavenger', 'Successfully fish in each of the junk nodes listed below.'),
  824. (1258, 'Take a Chill Pill', 'In Eye of the Storm, kill a player who is under the effects of the Berserker power-up.'),
  825. (1259, 'Not So Fast', 'In Warsong Gulch, kill a player who is under the effects of the speed power-up.'),
  826. (1260, 'Drunken Stupor', 'Fall 65 yards without dying while completely smashed during the Brewfest Holiday.'),
  827. (1261, 'G.N.E.R.D. Rage', 'Earn 50 honorable kills while under the influence of the G.N.E.R.D. buff. It''s a slap in the face!'),
  828. (1262, 'Loremaster of Outland', 'Complete the Outland quest achievements listed below.'),
  829. (1263, 'Explore Howling Fjord', 'Explore Howling Fjord, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  830. (1264, 'Explore Borean Tundra', 'Explore Borean Tundra, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  831. (1265, 'Explore Dragonblight', 'Explore Dragonblight, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  832. (1266, 'Explore Grizzly Hills', 'Explore Grizzly Hills, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  833. (1267, 'Explore Zul''Drak', 'Explore Zul''Drak, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  834. (1268, 'Explore Sholazar Basin', 'Explore Sholazar Basin, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  835. (1269, 'Explore Storm Peaks', 'Explore Storm Peaks, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  836. (1270, 'Explore Icecrown', 'Explore Icecrown, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  837. (1271, 'To Hellfire and Back', 'Complete 90 quests in Hellfire Peninsula.'),
  838. (1272, 'Terror of Terokkar', 'Complete 68 quests in Terokkar Forest.'),
  839. (1273, 'Nagrand Slam', 'Complete 87 quests in Nagrand.'),
  840. (1274, 'Loremaster of Outland', 'Complete the Outland quest achievements listed below.'),
  841. (1275, 'Bombs Away', 'Complete the Fires Over Skettis quest in under 2 minutes 15 seconds while not in a group.'),
  842. (1276, 'Blade''s Edge Bomberman', 'Complete the Bomb Them Again! quest in under 2 minutes 15 seconds while not in a group.'),
  843. (1277, 'Rapid Defense', 'Complete the Defending Wyrmrest Temple quest in under 3 minutes while not in a group.'),
  844. (1279, 'Flirt With Disaster', 'Get completely smashed, put on your best perfume, throw a handful of rose petals on Sraaz and then kiss him. You''ll regret it in the morning.'),
  845. (1280, 'Flirt With Disaster', 'Get completely smashed, put on your best perfume, throw a handful of rose petals on Jeremiah Payson and then kiss him. You''ll regret it in the morning.'),
  846. (1281, 'The Rocket''s Red Glare', 'Shoot off 10 Red Rocket Clusters in 25 seconds or less.'),
  847. (1282, 'Fa-la-la-la-Ogri''la', 'Complete the Bomb Them Again! quest while mounted on a flying reindeer during the Feast of Winter Veil.'),
  848. (1283, 'Classic Dungeonmaster', 'Complete the classic dungeon achievements listed below.'),
  849. (1284, 'Outland Dungeonmaster', 'Complete the Burning Crusade dungeon achievements listed below.'),
  850. (1285, 'Classic Raider', 'Complete the classic raid achievements listed below.'),
  851. (1286, 'Outland Raider', 'Complete the Burning Crusade raid achievements listed below.'),
  852. (1287, 'Outland Dungeon Hero', 'Complete the heroic Burning Crusade dungeon achievements listed below.'),
  853. (1288, 'Northrend Dungeonmaster', 'Complete the Northrend dungeon achievements listed below.'),
  854. (1289, 'Northrend Dungeon Hero', 'Complete the heroic Northrend dungeon achievements listed below.'),
  855. (1291, 'Lonely?', 'Enjoy a Buttermilk Delight with someone in Dalaran at a Romantic Picnic during the Love is in the Air celebration.'),
  856. (1292, 'Yellow Brewfest Stein', 'Proud owner of the 2007 Vintage Yellow Brewfest Stein.'),
  857. (1293, 'Blue Brewfest Stein', 'Proud owner of the 2008 Vintage Blue Brewfest Stein.'),
  858. (1295, 'Crashin'' & Thrashin''', 'Gain 25 crashes with your Crashin'' Thrashin'' Racer during the Feast of Winter Veil.'),
  859. (1296, 'Watch Him Die', 'Defeat Krik''thir the Gatewatcher in Azjol-Nerub on Heroic Difficulty while Watcher Gashra, Watcher Narji, and Watcher Silthik are still alive.'),
  860. (1297, 'Hadronox Denied', 'Defeat Hadronox in Azjol-Nerub on Heroic Difficulty before he webs the top doors and prevents more creatures from spawning.'),
  861. (1298, 'Different bandage types used', 'Different bandage types used'),
  862. (1299, 'Health potion used most', 'Health potion used most'),
  863. (1300, 'Different health potions used', 'Different health potions used'),
  864. (1301, 'Mana potion used most', 'Mana potion used most'),
  865. (1302, 'Different mana potions used', 'Different mana potions used'),
  866. (1303, 'Elixir consumed most', 'Elixir consumed most'),
  867. (1304, 'Different elixirs used', 'Different elixirs used'),
  868. (1305, 'Flask consumed most', 'Flask consumed most'),
  869. (1306, 'Different flasks consumed', 'Different flasks consumed'),
  870. (1307, 'Upper Blackrock Spire', 'Defeat General Drakkisath.'),
  871. (1308, 'Strand of the Ancients Victory', 'Win Strand of the Ancients.'),
  872. (1309, 'Strand of the Ancients Veteran', 'Complete 100 victories in Strand of the Ancients.'),
  873. (1310, 'Storm the Beach', 'Capture the Titan Relic in under four minutes.'),
  874. (1311, 'Medium Rare', 'Kill one of the extremely rare and hard to find Outland creatures listed below.'),
  875. (1312, 'Bloody Rare', 'Kill all of the extremely rare and hard to find Outland creatures listed below.'),
  876. (1336, 'Creature type killed the most', 'Creature type killed the most'),
  877. (1337, 'Different creature types killed', 'Different creature types killed'),
  878. (1339, 'Mage portal taken most', 'Mage portal taken most'),
  879. (1356, 'I''ve Toured the Fjord', 'Complete 105 quests in Howling Fjord.'),
  880. (1357, 'Fo'' Grizzle My Shizzle', 'Complete 75 quests in Grizzly Hills.'),
  881. (1358, 'Nothing Boring About Borean', 'Complete 150 quests in Borean Tundra.'),
  882. (1359, 'Might of Dragonblight', 'Complete 130 quests in Dragonblight.'),
  883. (1360, 'Loremaster of Northrend', 'Complete the Northrend quest achievements listed below.'),
  884. (1361, 'Anub''Rekhan kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Anub''Rekhan kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  885. (1362, 'Grand Widow Faerlina kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Grand Widow Faerlina kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  886. (1363, 'Maexxna kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Maexxna kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  887. (1364, 'Patchwerk kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Patchwerk kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  888. (1365, 'Noth the Plaguebringer kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Noth the Plaguebringer kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  889. (1366, 'Gothik the Harvester kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Gothik the Harvester kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  890. (1367, 'Patchwerk kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Patchwerk kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  891. (1368, 'Anub''Rekhan kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Anub''Rekhan kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  892. (1369, 'Heigan the Unclean kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Heigan the Unclean kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  893. (1370, 'Loatheb kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Loatheb kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  894. (1371, 'Grobbulus kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Grobbulus kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  895. (1372, 'Gluth kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Gluth kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  896. (1373, 'Thaddius kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Thaddius kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  897. (1374, 'Instructor Razuvious kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Instructor Razuvious kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  898. (1375, 'Four Horsemen kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Four Horsemen kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  899. (1376, 'Sapphiron kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Sapphiron kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  900. (1377, 'Kel''Thuzad kills (Naxxramas 10 player)', 'Kel''Thuzad kills (Naxxramas 10 player)'),
  901. (1378, 'Gluth kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Gluth kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  902. (1379, 'Gothik the Harvester kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Gothik the Harvester kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  903. (1380, 'Grand Widow Faerlina kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Grand Widow Faerlina kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  904. (1381, 'Grobbulus kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Grobbulus kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  905. (1382, 'Heigan the Unclean kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Heigan the Unclean kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  906. (1383, 'Four Horsemen kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Four Horsemen kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  907. (1384, 'Instructor Razuvious kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Instructor Razuvious kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  908. (1385, 'Loatheb kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Loatheb kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  909. (1386, 'Maexxna kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Maexxna kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  910. (1387, 'Noth the Plaguebringer kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Noth the Plaguebringer kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  911. (1388, 'Thaddius kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Thaddius kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  912. (1389, 'Sapphiron kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Sapphiron kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  913. (1390, 'Kel''Thuzad kills (Naxxramas 25 player)', 'Kel''Thuzad kills (Naxxramas 25 player)'),
  914. (1391, 'Malygos kills (10 player)', 'Malygos kills (10 player)'),
  915. (1392, 'Sartharion kills (Chamber of the Aspects 10 player)', 'Sartharion kills (Chamber of the Aspects 10 player)'),
  916. (1393, 'Sartharion kills (Chamber of the Aspects 25 player)', 'Sartharion kills (Chamber of the Aspects 25 player)'),
  917. (1394, 'Malygos kills (25 player)', 'Malygos kills (25 player)'),
  918. (1396, 'Elders of Northrend', 'Honor the Elders which are located in Northrend.'),
  919. (1400, 'Realm First! Magic Seeker', 'Participated in the realm first defeat of Malygos in 25-player mode.'),
  920. (1402, 'Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas', 'Participated in the realm first defeat of Kel''Thuzad in Naxxramas in 25-player mode.'),
  921. (1404, 'Realm First! Level 80 Gnome', 'First gnome on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  922. (1405, 'Realm First! Level 80 Blood Elf', 'First blood elf on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  923. (1406, 'Realm First! Level 80 Draenei', 'First draenei on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  924. (1407, 'Realm First! Level 80 Dwarf', 'First dwarf on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  925. (1408, 'Realm First! Level 80 Human', 'First human on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  926. (1409, 'Realm First! Level 80 Night Elf', 'First night elf on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  927. (1410, 'Realm First! Level 80 Orc', 'First orc on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  928. (1411, 'Realm First! Level 80 Tauren', 'First tauren on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  929. (1412, 'Realm First! Level 80 Troll', 'First troll on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  930. (1413, 'Realm First! Level 80 Forsaken', 'First forsaken on the realm to achieve level 80.'),
  931. (1414, 'Realm First! Grand Master Blacksmith', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in blacksmithing.'),
  932. (1415, 'Realm First! Grand Master Alchemist', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in alchemy.'),
  933. (1416, 'Realm First! Cooking Grand Master', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in cooking.'),
  934. (1417, 'Realm First! Grand Master Enchanter', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in enchanting.'),
  935. (1418, 'Realm First! Grand Master Engineer', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in engineering.'),
  936. (1419, 'Realm First! First Aid Grand Master', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in first aid.'),
  937. (1420, 'Realm First! Grand Master Angler', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in fishing.'),
  938. (1421, 'Realm First! Grand Master Herbalist', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in herbalism.'),
  939. (1422, 'Realm First! Grand Master Scribe', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in inscription.'),
  940. (1423, 'Realm First! Grand Master Jewelcrafter', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in jewelcrafting.'),
  941. (1424, 'Realm First! Grand Master Leatherworker', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in leatherworking.'),
  942. (1425, 'Realm First! Grand Master Miner', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in mining.'),
  943. (1426, 'Realm First! Grand Master Skinner', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in skinning.'),
  944. (1427, 'Realm First! Grand Master Tailor', 'First person on the realm to achieve 450 skill in tailoring.'),
  945. (1428, 'Mine Sweeper', 'Get caught in 10 consecutive land mine explosions in the Sparksocket Minefield without landing.'),
  946. (1436, 'Friends In High Places', 'Obtain a Zhevra mount through the Recruit-a-Friend program.'),
  947. (1456, 'Fish and other things caught', 'Fish and other things caught'),
  948. (1457, 'Explore Crystalsong Forest', 'Explore Crystalsong Forest, revealing the covered areas of the world map.'),
  949. (1458, 'Continent with the most Honorable Kills', 'Continent with the most Honorable Kills'),
  950. (1462, 'Badges of Justice acquired', 'Badges of Justice acquired'),
  951. (1463, 'Realm First! Northrend Vanguard', 'First player on the realm to gain exalted reputation with the Argent Crusade, Wyrmrest Accord, Kirin Tor and Knights of the Ebon Blade.'),
  952. (1464, 'Emblems of Heroism acquired', 'Emblems of Heroism acquired'),
  953. (1465, 'Emblems of Valor acquired', 'Emblems of Valor acquired'),
  954. (1466, 'Most Alliance factions at Exalted', 'Most Alliance factions at Exalted'),
  955. (1467, 'Lich King 5-player bosses killed', 'Lich King 5-player bosses killed'),
  956. (1485, 'Lich King 5-player different bosses killed', 'Lich King 5-player different bosses killed'),
  957. (1486, 'Strand of the Ancients Honorable Kills', 'Strand of the Ancients Honorable Kills'),
  958. (1487, 'Total Killing Blows', 'Total Killing Blows'),
  959. (1488, 'World Killing Blows', 'Cumulative for Azeroth, Northrend etc.'),
  960. (1489, 'Continent with the most Killing Blows', 'Continent with the most Killing Blows'),
  961. (1490, 'Arena Killing Blows', 'Arena Killing Blows'),
  962. (1491, 'Battleground Killing Blows', 'Battleground Killing Blows'),
  963. (1492, '2v2 Arena Killing Blows', '2v2 Arena Killing Blows'),
  964. (1493, '3v3 Arena Killing Blows', '3v3 Arena Killing Blows'),
  965. (1494, '5v5 Arena Killing Blows', '5v5 Arena Killing Blows'),
  966. (1495, 'Alterac Valley Killing Blows', 'Alterac Valley Killing Blows'),
  967. (1496, 'Arathi Basin Killing Blows', 'Arathi Basin Killing Blows'),
  968. (1497, 'Warsong Gulch Killing Blows', 'Warsong Gulch Killing Blows'),
  969. (1498, 'Eye of the Storm Killing Blows', 'Eye of the Storm Killing Blows'),
  970. (1499, 'Strand of the Ancients Killing Blows', 'Strand of the Ancients Killing Blows'),
  971. (1500, 'Deaths in Strand of the Ancients', 'Deaths in Strand of the Ancients'),
  972. (1501, 'Total deaths from other players', 'Total deaths from other players'),
  973. (1502, 'Quick Cap', 'Grab the flag and capture it in under 75 seconds.'),
  974. (1504, 'Ingvar the Plunderer kills (Heroic Utgarde Keep)', 'Ingvar the Plunderer kills (Heroic Utgarde Keep)'),
  975. (1505, 'Keristrasza kills (Heroic Nexus)', 'Keristrasza kills (Heroic Nexus)'),
  976. (1506, 'Anub''arak kills (Heroic Azjol-Nerub)', 'Anub''arak kills (Heroic Azjol-Nerub)'),
  977. (1507, 'Herald Volazj kills (Heroic Ahn''kahet)', 'Herald Volazj kills (Heroic Ahn''kahet)'),
  978. (1508, 'The Prophet Tharon''ja kills (Heroic Drak''Tharon Keep)', 'The Prophet Tharon''ja kills (Heroic Drak''Tharon Keep)'),
  979. (1509, 'Cyanigosa kills (Heroic Violet Hold)', 'Cyanigosa kills (Heroic Violet Hold)'),
  980. (1510, 'Gal''darah kills (Heroic Gundrak)', 'Gal''darah kills (Heroic Gundrak)'),
  981. (1511, 'Sjonnir the Ironshaper kills (Heroic Halls of Stone)', 'Sjonnir the Ironshaper kills (Heroic Halls of Stone)'),
  982. (1512, 'Loken kills (Heroic Halls of Lightning)', 'Loken kills (Heroic Halls of Lightning)'),
  983. (1513, 'Ley-Guardian Eregos kills (Heroic Oculus)', 'Ley-Guardian Eregos kills (Heroic Oculus)'),
  984. (1514, 'King Ymiron kills (Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle)', 'King Ymiron kills (Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle)'),
  985. (1515, 'Mal''Ganis defeated (Heroic CoT: Stratholme)', 'Mal''Ganis defeated (Heroic CoT: Stratholme)'),
  986. (1516, 'Accomplished Angler', 'Complete the fishing achievements listed below.'),
  987. (1517, 'Northrend Angler', 'Catch a fish in each of the specific nodes listed below.'),
  988. (1518, 'Fish caught', 'Fish caught'),
  989. (1519, 'Fishing skill', 'Fishing skill'),
  990. (1524, 'Cooking skill', 'Cooking skill'),
  991. (1525, 'Cooking daily quests completed', 'Cooking daily quests completed'),
  992. (1526, 'Fishing daily quests completed', 'Fishing daily quests completed'),
  993. (1527, 'Highest Alchemy skill', 'Highest Alchemy skill'),
  994. (1532, 'Highest Blacksmithing skill', 'Highest Blacksmithing skill'),
  995. (1535, 'Highest Enchanting skill', 'Highest Enchanting skill'),
  996. (1536, 'Highest Leatherworking skill', 'Highest Leatherworking skill'),
  997. (1537, 'Highest Mining skill', 'Highest Mining skill'),
  998. (1538, 'Highest Herbalism skill', 'Highest Herbalism skill'),
  999. (1539, 'Highest Inscription skill', 'Highest Inscription skill'),
  1000. (1540, 'Highest Jewelcrafting skill', 'Highest Jewelcrafting skill'),
  1001. (1541, 'Highest Skinning skill', 'Highest Skinning skill'),
  1002. (1542, 'Highest Tailoring skill', 'Highest Tailoring skill'),
  1003. (1544, 'Highest Engineering skill', 'Highest Engineering skill'),
  1004. (1545, 'Ring of Valor matches', 'Ring of Valor matches'),
  1005. (1546, 'Ring of Valor victories', 'Ring of Valor victories'),
  1006. (1547, 'Dalaran Sewers matches', 'Dalaran Sewers matches'),
  1007. (1548, 'Dalaran Sewers victories', 'Dalaran Sewers victories'),
  1008. (1549, 'Strand of the Ancients battles', ''),
  1009. (1550, 'Strand of the Ancients victories', ''),
  1010. (1552, 'Frenzied Firecracker', 'Shoot off 10 Festival Firecrackers in 30 seconds or less.'),
  1011. (1556, '25 Fish', 'Fish up 25 items.'),
  1012. (1557, '50 Fish', 'Fish up 50 items.'),
  1013. (1558, '100 Fish', 'Fish up 100 items.'),
  1014. (1559, '250 Fish', 'Fish up 250 items.'),
  1015. (1560, '500 Fish', 'Fish up 500 items.'),
  1016. (1561, '1000 Fish', 'Fish up 1000 items.'),
  1017. (1563, 'Hail to the Chef', 'Complete the cooking achievements listed below.'),
  1018. (1576, 'Of Blood and Anguish', 'Complete the Ring of Blood quests in Nagrand and the Ampitheater of Anguish quests in Zul''Drak.'),
  1019. (1596, 'Guru of Drakuru', 'Complete the main storyline quests involving Drakuru listed below.'),
  1020. (1636, 'Competitor''s Tabard', 'Proud owner of a Competitor''s Tabard from the 2008 Spirit of Competition event.'),
  1021. (1637, 'Spirit of Competition', 'Proud owner of a Spirit of Competition pet from the 2008 Spirit of Competition event.'),
  1022. (1638, 'Skyshattered', 'Defeat Captain Skyshatter in the Dragonmaw race on Netherwing Ledge.'),
  1023. (1656, 'Hallowed Be Thy Name', 'Complete the Hallow''s End achievements listed below.'),
  1024. (1657, 'Hallowed Be Thy Name', 'Complete the Hallow''s End achievements listed below.'),
  1025. (1658, 'Champion of the Frozen Wastes', 'Defeat the dungeon and raid bosses listed below.'),
  1026. (1676, 'Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms', 'Complete 700 quests in Eastern Kingdoms.'),
  1027. (1677, 'Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms', 'Complete 550 quests in Eastern Kingdoms.'),
  1028. (1678, 'Loremaster of Kalimdor', 'Complete 700 quests in Kalimdor.'),
  1029. (1680, 'Loremaster of Kalimdor', 'Complete 685 quests in Kalimdor.'),
  1030. (1681, 'The Loremaster', 'Complete the quest achievements listed below.'),
  1031. (1682, 'The Loremaster', 'Complete the quest achievements listed below.'),
  1032. (1683, 'Brewmaster', 'Complete the Brewfest achievements listed below.'),
  1033. (1684, 'Brewmaster', 'Complete the Brewfest achievements listed below.'),
  1034. (1685, 'Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho''s', 'Use Mistletoe on the Horde "Brothers" during the Feast of Winter Veil.'),
  1035. (1686, 'Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho''s', 'Use Mistletoe on the Alliance "Brothers" during the Feast of Winter Veil.'),
  1036. (1687, 'Let It Snow', 'During the Feast of Winter Veil, use a Handful of Snowflakes on each of the race/class combinations listed below.'),
  1037. (1688, 'The Winter Veil Gourmet', 'During the Feast of Winter Veil, use your culinary expertise to produce a Gingerbread Cookie, Egg Nog and Hot Apple Cider.'),
  1038. (1689, 'He Knows If You''ve Been Naughty', 'Open one of the presents underneath the Winter Veil tree once they are available.'),
  1039. (1690, 'A Frosty Shake', 'During the Feast of Winter Veil, use your Winter Veil Disguise kit to become a snowman and then dance with another snowman in Dalaran.'),
  1040. (1691, 'Merrymaker', 'Complete the Winter Veil achievements listed below.'),
  1041. (1692, 'Merrymaker', 'Complete the Winter Veil achievements listed below.'),
  1042. (1693, 'Fool For Love', 'Complete the Love is in the Air achievements listed below.'),
  1043. (1694, 'Lovely Luck Is On Your Side', 'Open a Lovely Dress Box and receive a Lovely Black Dress.'),
  1044. (1695, 'Dangerous Love', 'Assist the Steamwheedle Cartel in stopping the sinister Crown Chemical Co. plot.'),
  1045. (1696, 'The Rocket''s Pink Glare', 'Shoot off 10 Love Rockets in 20 seconds or less.'),
  1046. (1697, 'Nation of Adoration', 'Complete the Lovely Charm Bracelet daily quest for each Alliance capital.'),
  1047. (1698, 'Nation of Adoration', 'Complete the Lovely Charm Bracelet daily quest for each Horde capital.'),
  1048. (1699, 'Fistful of Love', 'Use a Handful of Rose Petals on each of the race/class combinations listed below.'),
  1049. (1700, 'Perma-Peddle', 'Obtain a permanent Peddlefeet pet by procuring a Truesilver Shafted Arrow.'),
  1050. (1701, 'Be Mine!', 'Eat the eight "Bag of Candies" heart candies listed below.'),
  1051. (1702, 'Sweet Tooth', 'Sample the Love is in the Air candies listed below.'),
  1052. (1703, 'My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose', 'Obtain a Bouquet of Red or Ebon Roses during the Love is in the Air celebration.'),
  1053. (1704, 'I Pitied The Fool', 'Pity the Love Fool in the locations specified below.'),
  1054. (1705, 'Clockwork Rocket Bot', 'Proud owner of the 2007 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Clockwork Rocket Bot.'),
  1055. (1706, 'Crashin'' Thrashin'' Racer', 'Proud owner of the 2008 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Crashin'' Thrashin'' Racer.'),
  1056. (1707, 'Fool For Love', 'Complete the Love is in the Air achievements listed below.'),
  1057. (1716, 'Battleground with the most Killing Blows', 'Battleground with the most Killing Blows'),
  1058. (1717, 'Wintergrasp Victory', 'Win the battle for Wintergrasp.'),
  1059. (1718, 'Wintergrasp Veteran', 'Win 100 battles for Wintergrasp.'),
  1060. (1719, 'Battleground with the most Honorable Kills', 'Battleground with the most Honorable Kills'),
  1061. (1721, 'Archavon the Stone Watcher (25 player)', 'Defeat Archavon the Stone Watcher in 25 player mode.'),
  1062. (1722, 'Archavon the Stone Watcher (10 player)', 'Defeat Archavon the Stone Watcher in 10 player mode.'),
  1063. (1723, 'Vehicular Gnomeslaughter', 'Kill 100 players in Wintergrasp using a vehicle or a cannon.'),
  1064. (1727, 'Leaning Tower', 'Destroy a tower in Wintergrasp.'),
  1065. (1729, 'Alchemy Recipes learned', 'Alchemy Recipes learned'),
  1066. (1730, 'Blacksmithing Plans learned', 'Blacksmithing Plans learned'),
  1067. (1734, 'Engineering Schematics learned', 'Engineering Schematics learned'),
  1068. (1735, 'Inscriptions learned', 'Inscriptions learned'),
  1069. (1737, 'Destruction Derby', 'Destroy each of the vehicles listed below.'),
  1070. (1738, 'Jewelcrafting Designs learned', 'Jewelcrafting Designs learned'),
  1071. (1740, 'Leatherworking Patterns learned', 'Leatherworking Patterns learned'),
  1072. (1741, 'Tailoring Patterns learned', 'Tailoring Patterns learned'),
  1073. (1745, 'Cooking Recipes known', 'Cooking Recipes known'),
  1074. (1748, 'First Aid Manuals learned', 'First Aid Manuals learned'),
  1075. (1751, 'Didn''t Stand a Chance', 'Kill 20 mounted players using a tower cannon.'),
  1076. (1752, 'Master of Wintergrasp', 'Complete the Wintergrasp achievements listed below.'),
  1077. (1753, 'Archavon the Stone Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)', 'Archavon the Stone Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)'),
  1078. (1754, 'Archavon the Stone Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)', 'Archavon the Stone Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)'),
  1079. (1755, 'Within Our Grasp', 'Attack Wintergrasp and succeed in 10 minutes or less.'),
  1080. (1756, 'Lich King 25-player bosses killed', 'Lich King 25-player bosses killed'),
  1081. (1757, 'Defense of the Ancients', 'Defend the beach without losing any walls.'),
  1082. (1759, 'Lich King 25-player different bosses killed', 'Lich King 25-player different bosses killed'),
  1083. (1760, 'Lich King 25-player boss killed the most', 'Lich King 25-player boss killed the most'),
  1084. (1761, 'The Dapper Sapper', 'Plant 100 Seaforium charges which successfully damage a wall. '),
  1085. (1762, 'Not Even a Scratch', 'Win a Strand of the Ancients battle without losing any siege vehicles.'),
  1086. (1763, 'Artillery Veteran', 'Destroy 100 vehicles using a turret.'),
  1087. (1764, 'Drop it!', 'Kill 100 players carrying seaforium.'),
  1088. (1765, 'Steady Hands', 'Disarm 5 seaforium charges in a single battle.'),
  1089. (1766, 'Ancient Protector', 'Kill 10 players in the Courtyard of the Ancients in a single battle.'),
  1090. (1768, 'Lich King 25-player raids completed (final boss killed)', 'Lich King 25-player raids completed (final boss killed)'),
  1091. (1770, 'Lich King 10-player bosses killed', 'Lich King 10-player bosses killed'),
  1092. (1771, 'Lich King 10-player different bosses killed', 'Lich King 10-player different bosses killed'),
  1093. (1772, 'Lich King 10-player boss killed the most', 'Lich King 10-player boss killed the most'),
  1094. (1773, 'Beverage consumed most', 'Beverage consumed most'),
  1095. (1774, 'Different beverages consumed', 'Different beverages consumed'),
  1096. (1775, 'Different foods eaten', 'Different foods eaten'),
  1097. (1776, 'Food eaten most', 'Food eaten most'),
  1098. (1777, 'The Northrend Gourmet', 'Cook 15 of the Northrend recipes listed below.'),
  1099. (1778, 'The Northrend Gourmet', 'Cook 30 of the Northrend recipes listed below.'),
  1100. (1779, 'The Northrend Gourmet', 'Cook 45 of the Northrend recipes listed below.'),
  1101. (1780, 'Second That Emotion', 'Eat each one of the "emotion" foods listed below.'),
  1102. (1781, 'Critter Gitter', 'Using Critter Bites, coerce 10 critters to be your pet within 3 minutes or less.'),
  1103. (1782, 'Our Daily Bread', 'Complete each of the cooking daily quests offered by Katherine Lee in Dalaran.'),
  1104. (1783, 'Our Daily Bread', 'Complete each of the cooking daily quests offered by Awilo Lon''gomba in Dalaran.'),
  1105. (1784, 'Hail to the Chef', 'Complete the cooking achievements listed below.'),
  1106. (1785, 'Dinner Impossible', 'Present a Great Feast in each of the battlegrounds listed below.'),
  1107. (1786, 'School of Hard Knocks', 'Take your orphan into the battlegrounds and complete the feats listed below.'),
  1108. (1788, 'Bad Example', 'Eat the sweets listed below while your orphan is watching.'),
  1109. (1789, 'Daily Chores', 'Complete five daily quests with your orphan out.'),
  1110. (1790, 'Hail To The King, Baby', 'Defeat King Ymiron in Utgarde Pinnacle with your orphan out.'),
  1111. (1791, 'Home Alone', 'Use your Hearthstone while your orphan is with you.'),
  1112. (1792, 'Aw, Isn''t It Cute?', 'Obtain one of the Children''s Week reward pets.'),
  1113. (1793, 'For The Children', 'Complete the Children''s Week achievements listed below.'),
  1114. (1795, 'Lunch Lady', 'Learn 25 cooking recipes.'),
  1115. (1796, 'Short Order Cook', 'Learn 50 cooking recipes.'),
  1116. (1797, 'Chef de Partie', 'Learn 75 cooking recipes.'),
  1117. (1798, 'Sous Chef', 'Learn 100 cooking recipes.'),
  1118. (1799, 'Chef de Cuisine', 'Learn 160 cooking recipes.'),
  1119. (1800, 'The Outland Gourmet', 'Cook each of the Outland cooking recipes listed below.'),
  1120. (1801, 'Captain Rumsey''s Lager', 'Brew up some of Captain Rumsey''s Lager.'),
  1121. (1816, 'Defenseless', 'Defeat Cyanigosa in The Violet Hold without using Defense Control Crystals and with Prison Seal Integrity at 100% while in Heroic Difficulty.'),
  1122. (1817, 'The Culling of Time', 'Defeat the Infinite Corruptor in The Culling of Stratholme on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  1123. (1832, 'Tastes Like Chicken', 'Sample 50 different kinds of Azeroth''s delectable dishes.'),
  1124. (1833, 'It''s Happy Hour Somewhere', 'Drink 25 different types of beverages.'),
  1125. (1834, 'Lightning Struck', 'Defeat General Bjarngrim in the Halls of Lightning on Heroic Difficulty while he has a Temporary Electrical Charge.'),
  1126. (1836, 'Old Crafty', 'Fish up Old Crafty in Orgrimmar.'),
  1127. (1837, 'Old Ironjaw', 'Fish up Old Ironjaw in Ironforge.'),
  1128. (1856, 'Make Quick Werk Of Him (10 player)', 'Defeat Patchwerk in Naxxramas in 3 minutes or less in 10-player mode.'),
  1129. (1857, 'Make Quick Werk Of Him (25 player)', 'Kill Patchwerk in Naxxramas in 3 minutes or less in 25-player mode.'),
  1130. (1858, 'Arachnophobia (10 player)', 'Defeat Maexxna in Naxxramas within 20 minutes of Anub''Rekhan''s death in 10-player mode.'),
  1131. (1859, 'Arachnophobia (25 player)', 'Kill Maexxna in Naxxramas within 20 minutes of Anub''Rekhan''s death in 25-player mode.'),
  1132. (1860, 'Gotta Go!', 'Defeat Anub''arak in Azjol-Nerub on Heroic Difficulty in 4 minutes or less.'),
  1133. (1862, 'Volazj''s Quick Demise', 'Defeat Herald Volazj in Ahn''kahet on Heroic Difficulty in 2 minutes or less.'),
  1134. (1864, 'What the Eck?', 'Defeat Gal''darah in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty while under the effects of Eck Residue.'),
  1135. (1865, 'Lockdown!', 'Defeat Xevozz, Lavanthor, Ichoron, Zuramat the Obliterator, Erekem, and Moragg in The Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  1136. (1866, 'Good Grief', 'Defeat the Maiden of Grief in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty in 1 minute or less.'),
  1137. (1867, 'Timely Death', 'Defeat Loken in the Halls of Lightning on Heroic Difficulty in 2 minutes or less.'),
  1138. (1868, 'Make It Count', 'Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty within 20 minutes of Drakos the Interrogator''s death.'),
  1139. (1869, 'A Poke In The Eye (10 player)', 'Defeat Malygos with fewer than 9 in 10-player mode.'),
  1140. (1870, 'A Poke In The Eye (25 player)', 'Defeat Malygos with fewer than 21 in 25-player mode.'),
  1141. (1871, 'Experienced Drake Rider', 'On three different visits to The Oculus, get credit for defeating Ley-Guardian Eregos while riding an Amber, Emerald, and Ruby drake on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  1142. (1872, 'Zombiefest!', 'Kill 100 Risen Zombies in 1 minute in The Culling of Stratholme on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  1143. (1873, 'Lodi Dodi We Loves the Skadi', 'Defeat Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty within 3 minutes of starting the gauntlet event.'),
  1144. (1874, 'You Don''t Have An Eternity (10 player)', 'Defeat Malygos in 6 minutes or less in 10-player mode.'),
  1145. (1875, 'You Don''t Have An Eternity (25 player)', 'Defeat Malygos in 6 minutes or less in 25-player mode.'),
  1146. (1876, 'Besting the Black Dragonflight (10 player)', 'Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 10-player mode.'),
  1147. (1877, 'Less Is More (25 player)', 'Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian and the Twilight Drakes with fewer than 21 players in 25-player mode.'),
  1148. (1919, 'On The Rocks', 'Defeat Prince Keleseth in Utgarde Keep on Heroic Difficulty without shattering any Frost Tombs.'),
  1149. (1936, 'Does Your Wolpertinger Linger?', 'Obtain a Wolpertinger pet.'),
  1150. (1956, 'Higher Learning', 'Read the volumes of "The Schools of Arcane Magic" found in Dalaran listed below.'),
  1151. (1957, 'There''s Gold In That There Fountain', 'Fish up the gold coins listed below from the Dalaran fountain.'),
  1152. (1958, 'I Smell A Giant Rat', 'Fish up the Giant Sewer Rat from The Underbelly in Dalaran.'),
  1153. (1976, 'Dalaran Cooking Awards gained', 'Dalaran Cooking Awards gained'),
  1154. (1977, 'Dalaran Jewelcrafter''s Tokens gained', 'Dalaran Jewelcrafter''s Tokens gained'),
  1155. (1996, 'The Safety Dance (10 player)', 'Defeat Heigan the Unclean in Naxxramas without anyone in the raid dying in 10 player mode.'),
  1156. (1997, 'Momma Said Knock You Out (10 player)', 'Defeat Grand Widow Faerlina in Naxxramas without dispelling or preventing frenzy in 10 player mode.'),
  1157. (1998, 'Dalaran Cooking Award', 'Obtain a Dalaran Cooking Award.'),
  1158. (1999, '10 Dalaran Cooking Awards', 'Obtain 10 Dalaran Cooking Awards.'),
  1159. (2000, '25 Dalaran Cooking Awards', 'Obtain 25 Dalaran Cooking Awards.'),
  1160. (2001, '50 Dalaran Cooking Awards', 'Obtain 50 Dalaran Cooking Awards.'),
  1161. (2002, '100 Dalaran Cooking Awards', 'Obtain 100 Dalaran Cooking Awards.'),
  1162. (2016, 'Grizzled Veteran', 'Complete the Grizzly Hills PvP daily quests listed below.'),
  1163. (2017, 'Grizzled Veteran', 'Complete the Grizzly Hills PvP daily quests listed below.'),
  1164. (2018, 'Timear Foresees', 'Complete the Northrend daily dungeon quests listed below.'),
  1165. (2019, 'Proof of Demise', 'Completed the Northrend daily dungeon quests listed below.'),
  1166. (2036, 'Intense Cold', 'Defeat Keristrasza in The Nexus on Heroic Difficulty without allowing Intense Cold to reach more than two stacks.'),
  1167. (2037, 'Chaos Theory', 'Defeat Anomalus in The Nexus on Heroic Difficulty without destroying any Chaotic Rifts.'),
  1168. (2038, 'Respect Your Elders', 'Defeat Elder Nadox in Ahn''kahet on Heroic Difficulty without killing any Ahn''kahar Guardians.'),
  1169. (2039, 'Better Off Dred', 'Engage King Dred in Drak''Tharon Keep on Heroic Difficulty and slay 6 Drakkari Gutrippers or Drakkari Scytheclaw during his defeat.'),
  1170. (2040, 'Less-rabi', 'Defeat Moorabi in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty while preventing him from transforming into a mammoth at any point during the encounter.'),
  1171. (2041, 'Dehydration', 'Defeat Ichoron in the Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any Ichor Globules to merge.'),
  1172. (2042, 'Shatter Resistant', 'Defeat Volkhan in the Halls of Lightning on Heroic Difficulty without allowing him to shatter more than 4 Brittle Golems.'),
  1173. (2043, 'The Incredible Hulk', 'Force Svala Sorrowgrave to kill a Scourge Hulk on Heroic Difficulty in Utgarde Pinnacle.'),
  1174. (2044, 'Ruby Void', 'Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using a Ruby Drake.'),
  1175. (2045, 'Emerald Void', 'Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Emerald Drake.'),
  1176. (2046, 'Amber Void', 'Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Amber Drake.'),
  1177. (2047, 'Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows (10 player)', 'Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian without getting hit by Lava Strike in 10 player mode.'),
  1178. (2048, 'Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows (25 player)', 'Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian without getting hit by Lava Strike in 25-player mode.'),
  1179. (2049, 'Twilight Assist (10 player)', 'With at least one Twilight Drake still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 10-player mode.'),
  1180. (2050, 'Twilight Duo (10 player)', 'With at least two Twilight Drakes still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 10-player mode.'),
  1181. (2051, 'The Twilight Zone (10 player)', 'With all three Twilight Drakes still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 10-player mode.'),
  1182. (2052, 'Twilight Assist (25 player)', 'With at least one Twilight Drake still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 25-player mode.'),
  1183. (2053, 'Twilight Duo (25 player)', 'With at least two Twilight Drakes still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 25-player mode.'),
  1184. (2054, 'The Twilight Zone (25 player)', 'With all three Twilight Drakes still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 25-player mode.'),
  1185. (2056, 'Volunteer Work', 'Defeat Jedoga Shadowseeker in Ahn''kahet on Heroic Difficulty without killing any Twilight Volunteers.'),
  1186. (2057, 'Oh Novos!', 'Defeat Novos the Summoner in Drak''Tharon Keep on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any undead minions to reach the floor.'),
  1187. (2058, 'Snakes. Why''d It Have To Be Snakes?', 'Defeat Slad''ran in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty without getting snake wrapped.'),
  1188. (2076, 'Armored Brown Bear', 'Obtain an Armored Brown Bear from Mei Francis in Dalaran.'),
  1189. (2077, 'Wooly Mammoth', 'Obtain a Wooly Mammoth from Mei Francis in Dalaran.'),
  1190. (2078, 'Traveler''s Tundra Mammoth', 'Obtain a Traveler''s Tundra Mammoth from Mei Francis in Dalaran.'),
  1191. (2079, 'Tabard of the Protector', 'Obtained a Tabard of the Protector from the Dark Portal event.'),
  1192. (2080, 'Black War Mammoth', 'Obtain a Black War Mammoth.'),
  1193. (2081, 'Grand Black War Mammoth', 'Obtain a Grand Black War Mammoth.'),
  1194. (2082, 'Ice Mammoth', 'Obtain an Ice Mammoth.'),
  1195. (2083, 'Grand Ice Mammoth', 'Obtain a Grand Ice Mammoth.'),
  1196. (2084, 'Ring of the Kirin Tor', 'Purchase a Signet of the Kirin Tor, Band of the Kirin Tor, Loop of the Kirin Tor, or Ring of the Kirin Tor in Dalaran.'),
  1197. (2085, '50 Stone Keeper''s Shards', 'Loot 50 Stone Keeper''s Shards.'),
  1198. (2086, '100 Stone Keeper''s Shards', 'Loot 100 Stone Keeper''s Shards.'),
  1199. (2087, '250 Stone Keeper''s Shards', 'Loot 250 Stone Keeper''s Shards.'),
  1200. (2088, '500 Stone Keeper''s Shards', 'Loot 500 Stone Keeper''s Shards.'),
  1201. (2089, '1000 Stone Keeper''s Shards', 'Loot 1000 Stone Keeper''s Shards.'),
  1202. (2090, 'Challenger', 'Earn the Challenger title in an arena season at level 80.'),
  1203. (2091, 'Gladiator', 'Earn the Gladiator title in an arena season at level 80.'),
  1204. (2092, 'Duelist', 'Earn the Duelist title in an arena season at level 80.'),
  1205. (2093, 'Rival', 'Earn the Rival title in an arena season at level 80.'),
  1206. (2094, 'A Penny For Your Thoughts', 'Fish up the copper coins listed below from the Dalaran fountain.'),
  1207. (2095, 'Silver in the City', 'Fish up the silver coins listed below from the Dalaran fountain.'),
  1208. (2096, 'The Coin Master', 'Complete the coin fishing achievements listed below.'),
  1209. (2097, 'Get to the Choppa!', 'Obtain a Mekgineer''s Chopper or a Mechano-hog.'),
  1210. (2116, 'Tabard of the Argent Dawn', 'Obtained a Tabard of the Argent Dawn from the Scourge Invasion event.'),
  1211. (2136, 'Glory of the Hero', 'Complete the Heroic Dungeon achievements listed below.'),
  1212. (2137, 'Glory of the Raider (10 player)', 'Complete the 10-player raid achievements listed below.'),
  1213. (2138, 'Glory of the Raider (25 player)', 'Complete the 25-player raid achievements listed below.'),
  1214. (2139, 'The Safety Dance (25 player)', 'Defeat Heigan the Unclean in Naxxramas without anyone in the raid dying in 25-player mode.');
  1215. INSERT INTO `dbc_achievement` (`achievement_id`, `name`, `description`) VALUES
  1216. (2140, 'Momma Said Knock You Out (25 player)', 'Defeat Grand Widow Faerlina in Naxxramas without dispelling or preventing frenzy in 25-player mode.'),
  1217. (2141, 'Stable Keeper', 'Obtain 10 mounts.'),
  1218. (2142, 'Filling Up The Barn', 'Obtain 25 mounts.'),
  1219. (2143, 'Leading the Cavalry', 'Obtain 50 mounts.'),
  1220. (2144, 'What A Long, Strange Trip It''s Been', 'Complete the world events achievements listed below.'),
  1221. (2145, 'What A Long, Strange Trip It''s Been', 'Complete the world events achievements listed below.'),
  1222. (2146, 'The Hundred Club (10 player)', 'Defeat Sapphiron in Naxxramas without any member of the raid having a frost resist value over 100 in 10-player mode.'),
  1223. (2147, 'The Hundred Club (25 player)', 'Defeat Sapphiron in Naxxramas without any member of the raid having a frost resist value over 100 in 25-player mode.'),
  1224. (2148, 'Denyin'' the Scion (10 player)', 'Deliver a killing blow to a Scion of Eternity while riding on a hover disk in 10-player mode.'),
  1225. (2149, 'Denyin'' the Scion (25 player)', 'Deliver a killing blow to a Scion of Eternity while riding on a hover disk in 25-player mode.'),
  1226. (2150, 'Split Personality', 'Defeat Grand Magus Telestra in The Nexus on Heroic Difficulty after having killed her images within 5 seconds of each other during both splits.'),
  1227. (2151, 'Consumption Junction', 'Defeat Trollgore in Drak''Tharon Keep on Heroic Difficulty before Consume reaches ten stacks.'),
  1228. (2152, 'Share The Love', 'Defeat Gal''darah in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty and have 5 unique party members get impaled throughout the fight.'),
  1229. (2153, 'A Void Dance', 'Defeat Zuramat the Obliterator in The Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without killing any void sentries.'),
  1230. (2154, 'Brann Spankin'' New', 'Defeat the Tribunal of Ages encounter in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty without allowing Brann Bronzebeard to take any damage.'),
  1231. (2155, 'Abuse the Ooze', 'Defeat Sjonnir the Ironshaper in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty and kill 5 Iron Sludges during the encounter.'),
  1232. (2156, 'My Girl Loves to Skadi All the Time', 'Defeat Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty after having killed Grauf from 100% to dead in a single pass.'),
  1233. (2157, 'King''s Bane', 'Defeat King Ymiron in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in the party triggering Bane.'),
  1234. (2176, 'And They Would All Go Down Together (10 player)', 'Defeat the 4 Horsemen in Naxxramas, ensuring that they all die within 15 seconds of each other in 10-player mode.'),
  1235. (2177, 'And They Would All Go Down Together (25 player)', 'Defeat the 4 Horsemen in Naxxramas, ensuring that they all die within 15 seconds of each other in 25-player mode.'),
  1236. (2178, 'Shocking! (10 player)', 'Defeat Thaddius in Naxxramas without anyone in the raid crossing the negative and positive charges in 10-player mode.'),
  1237. (2179, 'Shocking! (25 player)', 'Defeat Thaddius in Naxxramas without anyone in the raid crossing the negative and positive charges in 25 player mode.'),
  1238. (2180, 'Subtraction (10 player)', 'Defeat Thaddius in Naxxramas with less than 9 players in 10-player mode.'),
  1239. (2181, 'Subtraction (25 player)', 'Defeat Thaddius in Naxxramas with less than 21 players in 25-player mode.'),
  1240. (2182, 'Spore Loser (10 player)', 'Defeat Loatheb in Naxxramas without killing any spores in 10-player mode.'),
  1241. (2183, 'Spore Loser (25 player)', 'Defeat Loatheb in Naxxramas without killing any spores in 25-player mode.'),
  1242. (2184, 'Just Can''t Get Enough (10 player)', 'Defeat Kel''Thuzad in Naxxramas while killing at least 18 abominations in his chamber in 10 player mode.'),
  1243. (2185, 'Just Can''t Get Enough (25 player)', 'Defeat Kel''Thuzad in Naxxramas while killing at least 18 abominations in his chamber in 25-player mode.'),
  1244. (2186, 'The Immortal', 'Within one raid lockout period, defeat every boss in Naxxramas without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode.'),
  1245. (2187, 'The Undying', 'Within one raid lockout period, defeat every boss in Naxxramas without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 10-player mode.'),
  1246. (2188, 'Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!', 'Kill 50 rookery whelps within 15 seconds.'),
  1247. (2189, 'Artillery Expert', 'Destroy 5 vehicles using a turret in a single battle.'),
  1248. (2190, 'Drop it now!', 'Kill 5 players carrying seaforium in a single battle.'),
  1249. (2191, 'Ancient Courtyard Protector', 'Kill 100 players in the Courtyard of the Ancients.'),
  1250. (2192, 'Not Even a Scratch', 'Win a Strand of the Ancients battle without losing any siege vehicles.'),
  1251. (2193, 'Explosives Expert', 'Plant 5 Seaforium charges which successfully damage a wall in a single battle.'),
  1252. (2194, 'Master of Strand of the Ancients', 'Complete the Strand of the Ancients achievements listed below.'),
  1253. (2195, 'Master of Strand of the Ancients', 'Complete the Strand of the Ancients achievements listed below.'),
  1254. (2199, 'Wintergrasp Ranger', 'Kill 10 players in each of the Wintergrasp areas listed below.'),
  1255. (2200, 'Defense of the Ancients', 'Defend the beach without losing any walls.'),
  1256. (2216, 'Most deadly Lich King dungeon boss', 'Most deadly Lich King dungeon boss'),
  1257. (2217, 'Most deadly Lich King 10-player raid boss', 'Most deadly Lich King 10-player raid boss'),
  1258. (2218, 'Most deadly Lich King 25-player raid boss', 'Most deadly Lich King 25-player raid boss'),
  1259. (2219, 'Total deaths in 5-player heroic dungeons', 'Total deaths in 5-player heroic dungeons'),
  1260. (2256, 'Northern Exposure', 'Kill one of the extremely rare and hard to find Northrend creatures listed below.'),
  1261. (2257, 'Frostbitten', 'Kill all of the extremely rare and hard to find Northrend creatures listed below.'),
  1262. (2277, 'Summons accepted', 'Summons accepted'),
  1263. (2316, 'Brutal Nether Drake', 'Obtain the Brutal Nether Drake from Arena Season 4 of The Burning Crusade.'),
  1264. (2336, 'Insane in the Membrane', 'Raise your reputation with the areas listed below.'),
  1265. (2357, 'Dreadsteed of Xoroth', 'Completed the Dreadsteed of Xoroth warlock quest.'),
  1266. (2358, 'Charger', 'Completed the paladin quest to obtain a Charger.'),
  1267. (2359, 'Swift Flight Form', 'Completed the druid quest to obtain Swift Flight Form.'),
  1268. (2396, 'Battleground played the most', 'Battleground played the most'),
  1269. (2397, 'Battleground won the most', 'Battleground won the most'),
  1270. (2398, 'WoW''s 4th Anniversary', 'Logged in during WoW''s 4th Anniversary.'),
  1271. (2416, 'Hard Boiled', 'Lay an egg in Un''Goro Crater''s Golakka Hot Springs as a rabbit during the Noblegarden celebration.'),
  1272. (2417, 'Chocolate Lover', 'Eat 25 Noblegarden Chocolates during the Noblegarden celebration.'),
  1273. (2418, 'Chocoholic', 'Eat 100 Noblegarden Chocolates during the Noblegarden celebration.'),
  1274. (2419, 'Spring Fling', 'Find your pet Spring Rabbit another one to love in each of the towns listed below.'),
  1275. (2420, 'Noble Garden', 'Hide a Brightly Colored Egg in Silvermoon City.'),
  1276. (2421, 'Noble Garden', 'Hide a Brightly Colored Egg in Stormwind City.'),
  1277. (2422, 'Shake Your Bunny-Maker', 'Use Spring Flowers to place rabbit ears upon females of at least 18th level.'),
  1278. (2436, 'Desert Rose', 'Use Spring Robes to plant a flower in each of the deserts listed below.'),
  1279. (2456, 'Vampire Hunter', 'Slew Prince Tenris Mirkblood and acquired his Vampiric Batling pet.'),
  1280. (2476, 'Destruction Derby', 'Destroy each of the vehicles listed below.'),
  1281. (2496, 'The Fifth Element', 'Obtain an Aqual Quintessence.'),
  1282. (2497, 'Spring Fling', 'Find your pet Spring Rabbit another one to love in each of the towns listed below.'),
  1283. (2516, 'Lil'' Game Hunter', 'Collect 75 unique companion pets.'),
  1284. (2536, 'Mountain o'' Mounts', 'Obtain 100 mounts.'),
  1285. (2537, 'Mountain o'' Mounts', 'Obtain 100 mounts.'),
  1286. (2556, 'Pest Control', 'Slay the following pests.'),
  1287. (2557, 'To All The Squirrels Who Shared My Life', 'Show more critters of Azeroth how much you /love them.'),
  1288. (2576, 'Blushing Bride', 'Kiss someone wearing an Elegant Dress while wearing a White Tuxedo Shirt and Black Tuxedo Pants.'),
  1289. (2596, 'Mr. Bigglesworth kills', 'Mr. Bigglesworth kills'),
  1290. (2676, 'I Found One!', 'Find a Brightly Colored Egg.'),
  1291. (2716, 'Dual Talent Specialization', 'Visit your class trainer when you are at least level 40 and activate your Dual Talent Specialization.'),
  1292. (2756, 'Argent Aspiration', 'Train to compete in the Argent Tournament by becoming an Aspirant for your race''s faction.'),
  1293. (2758, 'Argent Valor', 'Train to compete in the Argent Tournament by becoming a Valiant for your race''s faction.'),
  1294. (2760, 'Exalted Champion of Darnassus', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Darnassus in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1295. (2761, 'Exalted Champion of the Exodar', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Exodar in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1296. (2762, 'Exalted Champion of Gnomeregan', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Gnomeregan Exiles in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1297. (2763, 'Exalted Champion of Ironforge', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Ironforge in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1298. (2764, 'Exalted Champion of Stormwind', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Stormwind in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1299. (2765, 'Exalted Champion of Orgrimmar', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Orgrimmar in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1300. (2766, 'Exalted Champion of Sen''jin', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Sen''jin in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1301. (2767, 'Exalted Champion of Silvermoon City', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Silvermoon City in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1302. (2768, 'Exalted Champion of Thunder Bluff', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Thunder Bluff in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1303. (2769, 'Exalted Champion of the Undercity', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Undercity in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1304. (2770, 'Exalted Champion of the Alliance', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Alliance race''s faction in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1305. (2771, 'Exalted Champion of the Horde', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Horde race''s faction in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1306. (2772, 'Tilted!', 'Defeat another player in a mounted duel at the Argent Tournament.'),
  1307. (2773, 'It''s Just a Flesh Wound', 'Unmask and defeat the Black Knight at the Argent Tournament.'),
  1308. (2776, 'Master of Wintergrasp', 'Complete the Wintergrasp achievements listed below.'),
  1309. (2777, 'Champion of Darnassus', 'Earn the right to represent Darnassus in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1310. (2778, 'Champion of the Exodar', 'Earn the right to represent the Exodar in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1311. (2779, 'Champion of Gnomeregan', 'Earn the right to represent the Gnomeregan Exiles in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1312. (2780, 'Champion of Ironforge', 'Earn the right to represent Ironforge in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1313. (2781, 'Champion of Stormwind', 'Earn the right to represent Stormwind in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1314. (2782, 'Champion of the Alliance', 'Earn the right to represent every Alliance race''s faction in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1315. (2783, 'Champion of Orgrimmar', 'Earn the right to represent Orgrimmar in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1316. (2784, 'Champion of Sen''jin', 'Earn the right to represent Sen''jin in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1317. (2785, 'Champion of Silvermoon City', 'Earn the right to represent Silvermoon City in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1318. (2786, 'Champion of Thunder Bluff', 'Earn the right to represent Thunder Bluff in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1319. (2787, 'Champion of the Undercity', 'Earn the right to represent the Undercity in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1320. (2788, 'Champion of the Horde', 'Earn the right to represent every Horde race''s faction in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1321. (2796, 'Brew of the Month', 'Join the Brew of the Month club.'),
  1322. (2797, 'Noble Gardener', 'Complete the Noblegarden achievements listed below.'),
  1323. (2798, 'Noble Gardener', 'Complete the Noblegarden achievements listed below.'),
  1324. (2816, 'Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Horde race''s faction in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1325. (2817, 'Exalted Argent Champion of the Alliance', 'Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Alliance race''s faction in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1326. (2836, 'Lance a Lot', 'Best a rider of every racial faction at the Argent Tournament.'),
  1327. (2856, 'Flame Leviathan kills (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Flame Leviathan kills (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1328. (2857, 'Razorscale kills (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Razorscale kills (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1329. (2858, 'Ignis the Furnace Master kills (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Ignis the Furnace Master kills (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1330. (2859, 'XT-002 Deconstructor kills (Ulduar 10 player)', 'XT-002 Deconstructor kills (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1331. (2860, 'Assembly of Iron kills (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Assembly of Iron kills (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1332. (2861, 'Kologarn kills (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Kologarn kills (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1333. (2862, 'Hodir victories (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Hodir victories (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1334. (2863, 'Thorim victories (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Thorim victories (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1335. (2864, 'Freya victories (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Freya victories (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1336. (2865, 'Mimiron victories (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Mimiron victories (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1337. (2866, 'General Vezax kills (Ulduar 10 player)', 'General Vezax kills (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1338. (2867, 'Algalon the Observer kills (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Algalon the Observer kills (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1339. (2868, 'Auriaya kills (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Auriaya kills (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1340. (2869, 'Yogg-Saron kills (Ulduar 10 player)', 'Yogg-Saron kills (Ulduar 10 player)'),
  1341. (2870, 'Emalon the Storm Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)', 'Emalon the Storm Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)'),
  1342. (2872, 'Flame Leviathan kills (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Flame Leviathan kills (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1343. (2873, 'Razorscale kills (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Razorscale kills (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1344. (2874, 'Ignis the Furnace Master kills (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Ignis the Furnace Master kills (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1345. (2875, 'Kologarn kills (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Kologarn kills (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1346. (2879, 'Mimiron victories (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Mimiron victories (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1347. (2880, 'General Vezax kills (Ulduar 25 player)', 'General Vezax kills (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1348. (2881, 'Algalon the Observer kills (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Algalon the Observer kills (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1349. (2882, 'Auriaya kills (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Auriaya kills (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1350. (2883, 'Yogg-Saron kills (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Yogg-Saron kills (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1351. (2884, 'XT-002 Deconstructor kills (Ulduar 25 player)', 'XT-002 Deconstructor kills (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1352. (2885, 'Assembly of Iron kills (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Assembly of Iron kills (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1353. (2886, 'The Siege of Ulduar (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Siege area of Ulduar in 10-player mode.'),
  1354. (2887, 'The Siege of Ulduar (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Siege area of Ulduar in 25-player mode.'),
  1355. (2888, 'The Antechamber of Ulduar (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Antechamber area of Ulduar in 10-player mode.'),
  1356. (2889, 'The Antechamber of Ulduar (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Antechamber area of Ulduar in 25-player mode.'),
  1357. (2890, 'The Keepers of Ulduar (10 player)', 'Defeat the Keeper bosses of Ulduar in 10-player mode.'),
  1358. (2891, 'The Keepers of Ulduar (25 player)', 'Defeat the Keeper bosses of Ulduar in 25-player mode.'),
  1359. (2892, 'The Descent into Madness (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Descent into Madness area of Ulduar in 10-player mode.'),
  1360. (2893, 'The Descent into Madness (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Descent into Madness area of Ulduar in 25-player mode.'),
  1361. (2894, 'The Secrets of Ulduar (10 player)', 'Defeat every boss in Ulduar in 10-player mode.'),
  1362. (2895, 'The Secrets of Ulduar (25 player)', 'Defeat every boss in Ulduar in 25-player mode.'),
  1363. (2903, 'Champion of Ulduar', 'Defeat each boss in Ulduar in 10-player mode without allowing any raid member to die to that boss at any point during that raid lockout period.'),
  1364. (2904, 'Conqueror of Ulduar', 'Defeat each boss in Ulduar in 25-player mode without allowing any raid member to die to that boss at any point during that raid lockout period.'),
  1365. (2905, 'Unbroken (10 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan on the first try without anyone repairing their vehicle in 10-player mode.'),
  1366. (2906, 'Unbroken (25 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan on the first try without anyone repairing their vehicle in 25-player mode.'),
  1367. (2907, 'Three Car Garage (10 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan while in each of the following vehicles in 10-player mode.'),
  1368. (2908, 'Three Car Garage (25 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan while in each of the following vehicles in 25-player mode.'),
  1369. (2909, 'Take Out Those Turrets (10 player)', 'Destroy a Flame Leviathan Defense Turret in 10-player mode.'),
  1370. (2910, 'Take Out Those Turrets (25 player)', 'Destroy a Flame Leviathan Defense Turret in 25-player mode.'),
  1371. (2911, 'Shutout (10 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan without causing a System Shutdown in 10-player mode.'),
  1372. (2912, 'Shutout (25 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan without causing a System Shutdown in 25-player mode.'),
  1373. (2913, 'Orbital Bombardment (10 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan with at least 1 Orbital Defense System active in 10-player mode.'),
  1374. (2914, 'Orbital Devastation (10 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan with at least 2 Orbital Defense Systems active in 10-player mode.'),
  1375. (2915, 'Nuked from Orbit (10 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan with at least 3 Orbital Defense Systems active in 10-player mode.'),
  1376. (2916, 'Orbital Devastation (25 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan with 2 Orbital Defense Systems active in 25-player mode.'),
  1377. (2917, 'Nuked from Orbit (25 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan with 3 Orbital Defense Systems active in 25-player mode.'),
  1378. (2918, 'Orbital Bombardment (25 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan with 1 Orbital Defense System active in 25-player mode.'),
  1379. (2919, 'A Quick Shave (10 player)', 'Defeat Razorscale without allowing her to fly into the air more than once in 10-player mode.'),
  1380. (2921, 'A Quick Shave (25 player)', 'Defeat Razorscale without allowing her to fly into the air more than once in 25-player mode.'),
  1381. (2923, 'Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare (10 player)', 'Defeat 25 Dark Rune Guardian Dwarves with Razorscale''s Flame Breath in 10-player mode.'),
  1382. (2924, 'Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare (25 player)', 'Defeat 25 Dark Rune Guardian Dwarves with Razorscale''s Flame Breath in 25-player mode.'),
  1383. (2925, 'Shattered (10 player)', 'Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master after shattering 2 Iron Constructs within 5 seconds in 10-player mode.'),
  1384. (2926, 'Shattered (25 player)', 'Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master after shattering 2 Iron Constructs within 5 seconds in 25-player mode.'),
  1385. (2927, 'Hot Pocket (10 player)', 'Survive being thrown into Ignis the Furnace Master''s Slag Pot in 10-player mode.'),
  1386. (2928, 'Hot Pocket (25 player)', 'Survive being thrown into Ignis the Furnace Master''s Slag Pot in 25-player mode.'),
  1387. (2929, 'Stokin'' the Furnace (25 player)', 'Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master in 4 minutes in 25-player mode.'),
  1388. (2930, 'Stokin'' the Furnace (10 player)', 'Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master in 4 minutes in 10-player mode.'),
  1389. (2931, 'Nerf Engineering (10 player)', 'Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor without him recovering any health from XS-013 in 10-player mode.'),
  1390. (2932, 'Nerf Engineering (25 player)', 'Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor without him recovering any health from XS-013 Scrapbots in 25-player mode.'),
  1391. (2933, 'Nerf Scrapbots (10 player)', 'Defeat 20 XS-013 Scrapbots within 12 seconds using XE-321 Boombots in 10-player mode.'),
  1392. (2934, 'Nerf Gravity Bombs (10 player)', 'Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor without any raid member dying from a Gravity Bomb in 10-player mode.'),
  1393. (2935, 'Nerf Scrapbots (25 player)', 'Defeat 20 XS-013 Scrapbots within 12 seconds using XE-321 Boombots in 25-player mode.'),
  1394. (2936, 'Nerf Gravity Bombs (25 player)', 'Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor without any raid member dying from a Gravity Bomb in 25-player mode.'),
  1395. (2937, 'Must Deconstruct Faster (10 player)', 'Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in 205 seconds in 10-player mode.'),
  1396. (2938, 'Must Deconstruct Faster (25 player)', 'Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in 205 seconds in 25-player mode.'),
  1397. (2939, 'I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (10 player)', 'Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Runemaster Molgeim as the last member alive in 10-player mode.'),
  1398. (2940, 'I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir (10 player)', 'Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Stormcaller Brundir as the last member alive in 10-player mode.'),
  1399. (2941, 'I Choose You, Steelbreaker (10 player)', 'Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Steelbreaker as the last member alive in 10-player mode.'),
  1400. (2942, 'I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (25 player)', 'Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Runemaster Molgeim as the last member alive in 25-player mode.'),
  1401. (2943, 'I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir (25 player)', 'Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Stormcaller Brundir as the last member alive in 25-player mode.'),
  1402. (2944, 'I Choose You, Steelbreaker (25 player)', 'Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Steelbreaker as the last member alive in 25-player mode.'),
  1403. (2945, 'But I''m On Your Side (10 player)', 'Defeat the Assembly of Iron while under the effect of an Iron Boot Flask in 10-player mode.'),
  1404. (2946, 'But I''m On Your Side (25 player)', 'Defeat the Assembly of Iron while under the effect of an Iron Boot Flask in 25-player mode.'),
  1405. (2947, 'Can''t Do That While Stunned (10 player)', 'Defeat the Assembly of Iron without allowing Stormcaller Brundir to damage anyone with Chain Lightning or Lightning Whirl in 10-player mode.'),
  1406. (2948, 'Can''t Do That While Stunned (25 player)', 'Defeat the Assembly of Iron without allowing Stormcaller Brundir to damage anyone with Chain Lightning or Lightning Whirl in 25-player mode.'),
  1407. (2951, 'With Open Arms (10 player)', 'Defeat Kologarn without destroying either of his arms in 10-player mode.'),
  1408. (2952, 'With Open Arms (25 player)', 'Defeat Kologarn without destroying either of his arms in 25-player mode.'),
  1409. (2953, 'Disarmed (10 player)', 'Destroy both of Kologarn''s arms and then Kologarn himself within 12 seconds in 10-player mode.'),
  1410. (2954, 'Disarmed (25 player)', 'Destroy both of Kologarn''s arms and then Kologarn himself within 12 seconds in 25-player mode.'),
  1411. (2955, 'If Looks Could Kill (10 player)', 'Defeat Kologarn without any raid member being hit by Focused Eyebeams in 10-player mode.'),
  1412. (2956, 'If Looks Could Kill (25 player)', 'Defeat Kologarn without any raid member being hit by Focused Eyebeams in 25-player mode.'),
  1413. (2957, 'Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10 player)', 'Complete the 10-player raid achievements listed below.'),
  1414. (2958, 'Glory of the Ulduar Raider (25 player)', 'Complete the 25-player raid achievements listed below.'),
  1415. (2959, 'Rubble and Roll (10 player)', 'Defeat Kologarn after causing at least 25 Rubble creatures to spawn in 10-player mode.'),
  1416. (2960, 'Rubble and Roll (25 player)', 'Defeat Kologarn after causing at least 25 Rubble creatures to spawn in 25-player mode.'),
  1417. (2961, 'Cheese the Freeze (10 player)', 'Defeat Hodir without any raid member being hit by Flash Freeze in 10-player mode.'),
  1418. (2962, 'Cheese the Freeze (25 player)', 'Defeat Hodir without any raid member being hit by Flash Freeze in 25-player mode.'),
  1419. (2963, 'I Have the Coolest Friends (10 player)', 'Defeat Hodir without any friendly NPC dying in 10-player mode.'),
  1420. (2965, 'I Have the Coolest Friends (25 player)', 'Defeat Hodir without any friendly NPC dying in 25-player mode.'),
  1421. (2967, 'Getting Cold in Here (10 player)', 'Defeat Hodir without any raid member having more than 2 stacks of Biting Cold in 10-player mode.'),
  1422. (2968, 'Getting Cold in Here (25 player)', 'Defeat Hodir without any raid member having more than 2 stacks of Biting Cold in 25-player mode.'),
  1423. (2969, 'Staying Buffed All Winter (10 player)', 'Possess the effects of Toasty Fire, Storm Power and Starlight at the same time in 10-player mode.'),
  1424. (2970, 'Staying Buffed All Winter (25 player)', 'Possess the effects of Toasty Fire, Storm Power and Starlight at the same time in 25-player mode.'),
  1425. (2971, 'Don''t Stand in the Lightning (10 player)', 'Defeat Thorim without any raid member being struck by Lightning Charge in 10-player mode.'),
  1426. (2972, 'Don''t Stand in the Lightning (25 player)', 'Defeat Thorim without any raid member being struck by Lightning Charge in 25-player mode.'),
  1427. (2973, 'I''ll Take You All On (10 player)', 'Defeat Thorim, the Ancient Rune Giant and the Runic Colossus in 10-player mode.'),
  1428. (2974, 'I''ll Take You All On (25 player)', 'Defeat Thorim, the Ancient Rune Giant and the Runic Colossus in 25-player mode.'),
  1429. (2975, 'Who Needs Bloodlust? (10 player)', 'Defeat Thorim while under the effect of Aura of Celerity in 10-player mode.'),
  1430. (2976, 'Who Needs Bloodlust? (25 player)', 'Defeat Thorim while under the effect of Aura of Celerity in 25-player mode.'),
  1431. (2977, 'Siffed (10 player)', 'Force Thorim to enter the arena while Sif is present in 10-player mode.'),
  1432. (2978, 'Siffed (25 player)', 'Force Thorim to enter the arena while Sif is present in 25-player mode.'),
  1433. (2979, 'Lumberjacked (10 player)', 'Defeat Elder Brightleaf, Elder Ironbranch and Elder Stonebark within 15 seconds of each other in 10-player mode.'),
  1434. (2980, 'Con-speed-atory (10 player)', 'Defeat Freya within 20 minutes of the first creature you kill in the Conservatory of Life in 10-player mode.'),
  1435. (2981, 'Con-speed-atory (25 player)', 'Defeat Freya within 20 minutes of the first creature you kill in the Conservatory of Life in 25-player mode.'),
  1436. (2982, 'Getting Back to Nature (10 player)', 'Defeat Freya while she is affected by 25 stacks of Attuned to Nature in 10-player mode.'),
  1437. (2983, 'Getting Back to Nature (25 player)', 'Defeat Freya while she is affected by 25 stacks of Attuned to Nature in 25-player mode.'),
  1438. (2984, 'Deforestation (25 player)', 'Defeat 2 Ancient Water Spirits, 2 Storm Lashers and 2 Snaplashers within 10 seconds in 25-player mode.'),
  1439. (2985, 'Deforestation (10 player)', 'Defeat 2 Ancient Water Spirits, 2 Storm Lashers and 2 Snaplashers within 10 seconds in 10-player mode.'),
  1440. (2989, 'Set Up Us the Bomb (10 player)', 'Defeat Mimiron without anyone in the raid being hit by the following in 10-player mode.'),
  1441. (2995, 'Not-So-Friendly Fire (25 player)', 'Force Mimiron to kill an Assault Bot with a Rocket Strike in 25-player mode.'),
  1442. (2996, 'Shadowdodger (10 player)', 'Defeat General Vezax without any raid member being hit by Shadow Crash in 10-player mode.'),
  1443. (2997, 'Shadowdodger (25 player)', 'Defeat General Vezax without any raid member being hit by Shadow Crash in 25-player mode.'),
  1444. (3002, 'Supermassive (25 player)', 'Defeat Algalon the Observer after closing 3 Black Holes within 10 seconds in 25-player mode.'),
  1445. (3003, 'Supermassive (10 player)', 'Defeat Algalon the Observer after closing 3 Black Holes within 10 seconds in 10-player mode.'),
  1446. (3004, 'He Feeds On Your Tears (10 player)', 'Defeat Algalon the Observer in 10-player mode without any raid member dying to Algalon at any point during that raid lockout period.'),
  1447. (3005, 'He Feeds On Your Tears (25 player)', 'Defeat Algalon the Observer in 25-player mode without any raid member dying to Algalon at any point during that raid lockout period.'),
  1448. (3006, 'Crazy Cat Lady (10 player)', 'Defeat Auriaya without destroying her Sanctum Sentries in 10-player mode.'),
  1449. (3007, 'Crazy Cat Lady (25 player)', 'Defeat Auriaya without destroying her Sanctum Sentries in 25-player mode.'),
  1450. (3008, 'Drive Me Crazy (10 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron without any raid member going insane in 10-player mode.'),
  1451. (3009, 'Kiss and Make Up (10 player)', '/Kiss Sara in Ulduar while she is angry with you in 10-player mode.'),
  1452. (3010, 'Drive Me Crazy (25 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron without any raid member going insane in 25-player mode.'),
  1453. (3011, 'Kiss and Make Up (25 player)', '/Kiss Sara in Ulduar while she is angry with you in 25-player mode.'),
  1454. (3012, 'He''s Not Getting Any Older (10 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron within 7 minutes in 10-player mode.'),
  1455. (3013, 'He''s Not Getting Any Older (25 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron within 7 minutes in 25-player mode.'),
  1456. (3014, 'They''re Coming Out of the Walls (10 player)', 'Defeat 9 Guardians of Yogg-Saron within 12 seconds in 10-player mode.'),
  1457. (3015, 'In His House He Waits Dreaming (10 player)', 'Experience all 3 visions of Yogg-Saron''s mind in 10-player mode.'),
  1458. (3016, 'In His House He Waits Dreaming (25 player)', 'Experience all 3 visions of Yogg-Saron''s mind in 25-player mode.'),
  1459. (3017, 'They''re Coming Out of the Walls (25 player)', 'Defeat 9 Guardians of Yogg-Saron within 12 seconds in 25-player mode.'),
  1460. (3018, 'Emblems of Conquest acquired', 'Emblems of Conquest acquired'),
  1461. (3036, 'Observed (10 player)', 'Defeat Algalon the Observer in 10-player mode.'),
  1462. (3037, 'Observed (25 player)', 'Defeat Algalon the Observer in 25-player mode.'),
  1463. (3056, 'Orbit-uary (10 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan with all 4 Orbital Defense Systems active in 10-player mode.'),
  1464. (3057, 'Orbit-uary (25 player)', 'Defeat Flame Leviathan with 4 Orbital Defense Systems active in 25-player mode.'),
  1465. (3058, 'Heartbreaker (10 player)', 'Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor after destroying his heart in 10-player mode.'),
  1466. (3059, 'Heartbreaker (25 player)', 'Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor after destroying his heart in 25-player mode.'),
  1467. (3076, 'Nine Lives (10 player)', 'Defeat the Feral Defender while defeating Auriaya in 10-player mode.'),
  1468. (3077, 'Nine Lives (25 player)', 'Defeat the Feral Defender while defeating Auriaya in 25-player mode.'),
  1469. (3096, 'Deadly Gladiator''s Frostwyrm', 'Obtain the Deadly Gladiator''s Frostwyrm from Arena Season 5 of Wrath of the Lich King.'),
  1470. (3097, 'Dwarfageddon (10 player)', 'Destroy 100 Steelforged Defenders in 10 seconds on the Ulduar gauntlet in 10-player mode.'),
  1471. (3098, 'Dwarfageddon (25 player)', 'Destroy 100 Steelforged Defenders in 10 seconds on the Ulduar gauntlet in 25-player mode.'),
  1472. (3117, 'Realm First! Death''s Demise', 'Participated in the realm first defeat of Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 25-player mode.'),
  1473. (3118, 'Lumberjacked (25 player)', 'Defeat Elder Brightleaf, Elder Ironbranch and Elder Stonebark within 15 seconds of each other in 25-player mode.'),
  1474. (3136, 'Emalon the Storm Watcher (10 player)', 'Defeat Emalon the Storm Watcher in 10 player mode.'),
  1475. (3137, 'Emalon the Storm Watcher (25 player)', 'Defeat Emalon the Storm Watcher in 25 player mode.'),
  1476. (3138, 'Not-So-Friendly Fire (10 player)', 'Force Mimiron to kill an Assault Bot with a Rocket Strike in 10-player mode.'),
  1477. (3141, 'Two Lights in the Darkness (10 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of two or fewer Keepers in 10-player mode.'),
  1478. (3142, 'Val''anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings', 'Wielder of Val''anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings.'),
  1479. (3157, 'Three Lights in the Darkness (10 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of three or fewer Keepers in 10-player mode.'),
  1480. (3158, 'One Light in the Darkness (10 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of one or fewer Keepers in 10-player mode.'),
  1481. (3159, 'Alone in the Darkness (10 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 10-player mode.'),
  1482. (3161, 'Three Lights in the Darkness (25 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of three or fewer Keepers in 25-player mode.'),
  1483. (3162, 'Two Lights in the Darkness (25 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of two or fewer Keepers in 25-player mode.'),
  1484. (3163, 'One Light in the Darkness (25 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of one or fewer Keepers in 25-player mode.'),
  1485. (3164, 'Alone in the Darkness (25 player)', 'Defeat Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 25-player mode.'),
  1486. (3176, 'Lose Your Illusion (10 player)', 'Defeat Thorim while Sif is present in 10-player mode.'),
  1487. (3177, 'Knock on Wood (10 player)', 'Defeat Freya while leaving at least 1 Elder alive in 10-player mode.'),
  1488. (3178, 'Knock, Knock on Wood (10 player)', 'Defeat Freya while leaving at least 2 Elders alive in 10-player mode.'),
  1489. (3179, 'Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood (10 player)', 'Defeat Freya while leaving all 3 Elders alive in 10-player mode.'),
  1490. (3180, 'Firefighter (10 player)', 'Defeat Mimiron after activating his Self-Destruct mechanism in 10-player mode.'),
  1491. (3181, 'I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (10 player)', 'Defeat General Vezax after defeating the Saronite Animus in 10-player mode.'),
  1492. (3182, 'I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare (10 player)', 'Defeat Hodir before he shatters his rare cache in 10-player mode.'),
  1493. (3183, 'Lose Your Illusion (25 player)', 'Defeat Thorim while Sif is present in 25-player mode.'),
  1494. (3184, 'I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare (25 player)', 'Defeat Hodir before he shatters his rare cache in 25-player mode.'),
  1495. (3185, 'Knock on Wood (25 player)', 'Defeat Freya while leaving at least 1 Elder alive in 25-player mode.'),
  1496. (3186, 'Knock, Knock on Wood (25 player)', 'Defeat Freya while leaving at least 2 Elders alive in 25-player mode.'),
  1497. (3187, 'Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood (25 player)', 'Defeat Freya while leaving all 3 Elders alive in 25-player mode.'),
  1498. (3188, 'I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (25 player)', 'Defeat General Vezax after defeating the Saronite Animus in 25-player mode.'),
  1499. (3189, 'Firefighter (25 player)', 'Defeat Mimiron after activating his Self-Destruct mechanism in 25-player mode.'),
  1500. (3216, 'Smelting Recipes learned', 'Smelting Recipes learned'),
  1501. (3217, 'Chasing Marcia', 'Complete each of Marcia Chase''s 5 fishing daily quests listed below.'),
  1502. (3218, 'Turtles All the Way Down', 'Fish up a Sea Turtle mount from any fishing pool in Northrend.'),
  1503. (3236, 'Emalon the Storm Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)', 'Emalon the Storm Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)'),
  1504. (3237, 'Set Up Us the Bomb (25 player)', 'Defeat Mimiron without anyone in the raid being hit by the following in 25-player mode.'),
  1505. (3256, 'Hodir victories (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Hodir victories (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1506. (3257, 'Thorim victories (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Thorim victories (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1507. (3258, 'Freya victories (Ulduar 25 player)', 'Freya victories (Ulduar 25 player)'),
  1508. (3259, 'Realm First! Celestial Defender', 'Participated in the realm first defeat of Algalon the Observer in 25-player mode.'),
  1509. (3296, 'Cooking with Style', 'Obtain a Chef''s Hat.'),
  1510. (3316, 'Herald of the Titans', 'Defeat Algalon the Observer in 10-player mode without anyone in the raid wearing any equipment with an item level higher than is available in 10-player Ulduar.'),
  1511. (3336, 'Deadly Gladiator', 'Achieved Deadly Gladiator title.'),
  1512. (3356, 'Winterspring Frostsaber', 'Obtain a Winterspring Frosaber.'),
  1513. (3357, 'Venomhide Ravasaur', 'Obtain a Venomhide Ravasaur.'),
  1514. (3436, 'Furious Gladiator', 'Achieved Furious Gladiator title.'),
  1515. (3456, 'Dead Man''s Party', 'Dance with Catrina to become a skeleton during the Day of the Dead.'),
  1516. (3457, 'The Captain''s Booty', 'Drink with the Dread Captain Demeza to join her crew during Pirates'' Day.'),
  1517. (3478, 'Pilgrim', 'Complete the Pilgrim''s Bounty achievements listed below.'),
  1518. (3496, 'A Brew-FAST Mount', 'Obtain an epic Brewfest mount.'),
  1519. (3516, 'Deaths in Ulduar', 'Deaths in Ulduar'),
  1520. (3536, 'The Marine Marine', 'Proud owner of Grunty''s Heavy Murloc Egg from the 2009 BlizzCon.'),
  1521. (3556, 'Pilgrim''s Paunch', 'Acquire the Spirit of Sharing from a complete Bountiful Table feast at every Alliance capital.'),
  1522. (3557, 'Pilgrim''s Paunch', 'Acquire the Spirit of Sharing from a complete Bountiful Table feast at every Horde capital.'),
  1523. (3558, 'Sharing is Caring', 'Pass one of every dish at a Bountiful Table.'),
  1524. (3559, 'Turkey Lurkey', 'Blast those dirty, sneaking Rogues with your Turkey Shooter.'),
  1525. (3576, 'Now We''re Cookin''', 'Cook up one of every Pilgrim''s Bounty dish.'),
  1526. (3577, 'Now We''re Cookin''', 'Cook up one of every Pilgrim''s Bounty dish.'),
  1527. (3578, 'The Turkinator', 'Hunt enough Wild Turkeys quickly enough to gain Turkey Triumph.'),
  1528. (3579, '"FOOD FIGHT!"', 'Bounce food off a fellow feaster''s head at a Bountiful Table.'),
  1529. (3580, 'Pilgrim''s Peril', 'While wearing either a Pilgrim''s Dress, Robe, or Attire, take a seat at each enemy capital''s Bountiful Table.'),
  1530. (3581, 'Pilgrim''s Peril', 'While wearing either a Pilgrim''s Dress, Robe, or Attire, take a seat at each enemy capital''s Bountiful Table.'),
  1531. (3582, 'Terokkar Turkey Time', 'Defeat Talon King Ikiss while wearing a Pilgrim''s Hat and either a Pilgrim''s Dress, Robe, or Attire.'),
  1532. (3596, 'Pilgrim''s Progress', 'Complete each of the Pilgrim''s Bounty dailies.'),
  1533. (3597, 'Pilgrim''s Progress', 'Complete each of the Pilgrim''s Bounty dailies.'),
  1534. (3618, 'Murkimus the Gladiator', 'Proud owner of a Murkimus the Gladiator pet.'),
  1535. (3636, 'Jade Tiger', 'Logged in during the Jade Tiger giveaway.'),
  1536. (3656, 'Pilgrim', 'Complete the Pilgrim''s Bounty achievements listed below.'),
  1537. (3676, 'A Silver Confidant', 'Earn both exalted status with The Silver Covenant and the right to represent a city in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1538. (3677, 'The Sunreavers', 'Earn both exalted status with The Sunreavers and the right to represent a city in the Argent Tournament.'),
  1539. (3736, 'Pony Up!', 'Purchase and use an Argent Pony from Dame Evniki Kapsalis, the Crusader''s Quartermaster.'),
  1540. (3756, 'Furious Gladiator''s Frostwyrm', 'Obtain the Furious Gladiator''s Frostwyrm from Arena Season 6 of Wrath of the Lich King.'),
  1541. (3757, 'Relentless Gladiator''s Frostwyrm', 'Obtain the Relentless Gladiator''s Frostwyrm from Arena Season 7 of Wrath of the Lich King.'),
  1542. (3758, 'Relentless Gladiator', 'Achieved Relentless Gladiator title.'),
  1543. (3776, 'Isle of Conquest Victory', 'Win Isle of Conquest.'),
  1544. (3777, 'Isle of Conquest Veteran', 'Complete 100 victories in Isle of Conquest.'),
  1545. (3778, 'Trial of the Champion', 'Defeat the bosses in the Trial of the Champion.'),
  1546. (3797, 'Upper Back Pain (10 player)', 'Defeat Icehowl while at least 2 Snobolds remain alive in 10-player mode.'),
  1547. (3798, 'Resilience Will Fix It (10 player)', 'Kill all the enemy heroes within 60 seconds of the first one dying in 10-player mode.'),
  1548. (3799, 'Salt and Pepper (10 player)', 'Defeat the Twin Val''kyr in 3 minutes or less in 10-player mode.'),
  1549. (3800, 'The Traitor King (10 player)', 'Kill 40 Swarm Scarabs within 30 seconds in 10-player mode.'),
  1550. (3802, 'Argent Confessor', 'On separate visits to the Trial of the Champion, get credit for defeating Argent Confessor Paletress after suppressing five different memories of the past on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  1551. (3803, 'The Faceroller', 'Defeat Eadric the Pure in the Trial of the Champion with his own hammer on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  1552. (3804, 'I''ve Had Worse', 'Defeat the Black Knight in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty without any player in the group being hit by a ghoul explosion.'),
  1553. (3808, 'A Tribute to Skill (10 player)', 'In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 25 attempts remaining in 10-player mode.'),
  1554. (3809, 'A Tribute to Mad Skill (10 player)', 'In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 45 attempts remaining in 10-player mode.'),
  1555. (3810, 'A Tribute to Insanity (10 player)', 'In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining in 10-player mode.'),
  1556. (3812, 'Call of the Grand Crusade (25 player)', 'Defeat every boss in the Trial of the Grand Crusader in 25-player Heroic mode.'),
  1557. (3813, 'Upper Back Pain (25 player)', 'Defeat Icehowl while at least 4 Snobolds remain alive in 25-player mode.'),
  1558. (3814, 'Resilience Will Fix It (25 player)', 'Kill all the enemy heroes within 60 seconds of the first one dying in 25-player mode..'),
  1559. (3815, 'Salt and Pepper (25 player)', 'Defeat the Twin Val''kyr in 3 minutes or less in 25-player mode.'),
  1560. (3816, 'The Traitor King (25 player)', 'Kill 40 Swarm Scarabs within 30 seconds in 25-player mode.'),
  1561. (3817, 'A Tribute to Skill (25 player)', 'In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 25 attempts remaining in 25-player mode.'),
  1562. (3818, 'A Tribute to Mad Skill (25 player)', 'In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 45 attempts remaining in 25-player mode.'),
  1563. (3819, 'A Tribute to Insanity (25 player)', 'In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining in 25-player mode.'),
  1564. (3836, 'Koralon the Flame Watcher (10 player)', 'Defeat Koralon the Flame Watcher in 10 player mode.'),
  1565. (3837, 'Koralon the Flame Watcher (25 player)', 'Defeat Koralon the Flame Watcher in 25 player mode.'),
  1566. (3838, 'Dungeon & Raid Emblem', 'Loot an Emblem of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.'),
  1567. (3839, '25 Dungeon & Raid Emblems', 'Loot 25 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.'),
  1568. (3840, '50 Dungeon & Raid Emblems', 'Loot 50 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.'),
  1569. (3841, '100 Dungeon & Raid Emblems', 'Loot 100 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.'),
  1570. (3842, '250 Dungeon & Raid Emblems', 'Loot 250 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.'),
  1571. (3843, '500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems', 'Loot 500 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.'),
  1572. (3844, '1000 Dungeon & Raid Emblems', 'Loot 1000 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.'),
  1573. (3845, 'Isle of Conquest All-Star', 'In a single Isle of Conquest battle, assault a base, defend a base, destroy a vehicle and kill a player.'),
  1574. (3846, 'Resource Glut', 'Win Isle of Conquest while your team controls the Quarry and Oil Refinery.'),
  1575. (3847, 'Four Car Garage', 'In Isle of Conquest, control the following vehicles:'),
  1576. (3848, 'A-bomb-inable', 'In a single Isle of Conquest battle, use 5 Seaforium Bombs on the enemy gates.'),
  1577. (3849, 'A-bomb-ination', 'In a single Isle of Conquest battle, use 5 Huge Seaforium Bombs on the enemy gates'),
  1578. (3850, 'Mowed Down', 'In Isle of Conquest, destroy 10 vehicles and 100 players with turrets.'),
  1579. (3851, 'Mine', 'Win Isle of Conquest while controlling the Quarry, Oil Refinery, Shipyard, Siege Workshop and Hangar.'),
  1580. (3852, 'Cut the Blue Wire... No the Red Wire!', 'In Isle of Conquest, disarm 25 bombs.'),
  1581. (3853, 'All Over the Isle', 'In a single Isle of Conquest battle, kill a player at each of the following locations:'),
  1582. (3854, 'Back Door Job', 'In Isle of Conquest, enter the enemy courtyard while their gates still stand.'),
  1583. (3855, 'Glaive Grave', 'In Isle of Conquest, kill 10 players with a Glaive Thrower without dying.'),
  1584. (3856, 'Demolition Derby', 'Destroy the following vehicles in Isle of Conquest'),
  1585. (3857, 'Master of Isle of Conquest', 'Complete the Isle of Conquest achievements listed below.'),
  1586. (3876, '1500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems', 'Loot 1500 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.'),
  1587. (3896, 'Onyx Panther', 'Proud owner of an Onyx Panther.'),
  1588. (3916, 'Call of the Crusade (25 player)', 'Defeat every boss in the Trial of the Crusader in 25-player mode.'),
  1589. (3917, 'Call of the Crusade (10 player)', 'Defeat every boss in the Trial of the Crusader in 10-player mode.'),
  1590. (3918, 'Call of the Grand Crusade (10 player)', 'Defeat every boss in the Trial of the Grand Crusader in 10-player Heroic mode.'),
  1591. (3936, 'Not One, But Two Jormungars (10 player)', 'Defeat Acidmaw and Dreadscale within 10 seconds of each other in 10-player mode.'),
  1592. (3937, 'Not One, But Two Jormungars (25 player)', 'Defeat Acidmaw and Dreadscale within 10 seconds of each other in 25-player mode.'),
  1593. (3957, 'Master of Isle of Conquest', 'Complete the Isle of Conquest achievements listed below.'),
  1594. (3996, 'Three Sixty Pain Spike (10 player)', 'Defeat Lord Jaraxxus while at least two Mistresses of Pain are alive in 10-player mode.'),
  1595. (3997, 'Three Sixty Pain Spike (25 player)', 'Defeat Lord Jaraxxus while at least two Mistresses of Pain are alive in 25-player mode.'),
  1596. (4016, 'Earth, Wind & Fire (10 player)', 'Defeat Archavon the Stone Watcher, Emalon the Storm Watcher, and Koralon the Flame Watcher within 60 seconds of each other in 10-player mode.'),
  1597. (4017, 'Earth, Wind & Fire (25 player)', 'Defeat Archavon the Stone Watcher, Emalon the Storm Watcher, and Koralon the Flame Watcher within 60 seconds of each other in 25-player mode.'),
  1598. (4018, 'Victories over Hunter Champion (Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Hunter Champion (Trial of the Champion)'),
  1599. (4019, 'Victories over Hunter Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Hunter Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)'),
  1600. (4022, 'Victories over Argent Confessor Paletress (Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Argent Confessor Paletress (Trial of the Champion)'),
  1601. (4023, 'Victories over Argent Confessor Paletress (Heroic Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Argent Confessor Paletress (Heroic Trial of the Champion)'),
  1602. (4024, 'Victories over Eadric the Pure (Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Eadric the Pure (Trial of the Champion)'),
  1603. (4025, 'Victories over Eadric the Pure (Heroic Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Eadric the Pure (Heroic Trial of the Champion)'),
  1604. (4026, 'The Black Knight kills (Trial of the Champion)', 'The Black Knight kills (Trial of the Champion)'),
  1605. (4027, 'The Black Knight kills (Heroic Trial of the Champion)', 'The Black Knight kills (Heroic Trial of the Champion)'),
  1606. (4028, 'Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)', 'Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)'),
  1607. (4029, 'Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player)', 'Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player)'),
  1608. (4030, 'Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)', 'Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)'),
  1609. (4031, 'Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)', 'Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)'),
  1610. (4032, 'Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)', 'Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)'),
  1611. (4033, 'Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)', 'Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)'),
  1612. (4034, 'Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)', 'Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)'),
  1613. (4035, 'Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player)', 'Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player)'),
  1614. (4036, 'Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)', 'Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)'),
  1615. (4037, 'Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)', 'Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)'),
  1616. (4038, 'Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)', 'Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)'),
  1617. (4039, 'Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player)', 'Victories over the Faction Champions (25-player Trial of the Grand Crusader)'),
  1618. (4040, 'Val''kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)', 'Val''kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)'),
  1619. (4041, 'Val''kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)', 'Val''kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)'),
  1620. (4042, 'Val''kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)', 'Val''kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)'),
  1621. (4043, 'Val''kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player)', 'Val''kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player)'),
  1622. (4044, 'Times completed the Trial of the Crusader (10 player)', 'Times completed the Trial of the Crusader (10 player)'),
  1623. (4045, 'Times completed the Trial of the Grand Crusader (10 player)', 'Times completed the Trial of the Grand Crusader (10 player)'),
  1624. (4046, 'Times completed the Trial of the Crusader (25 player)', 'Times completed the Trial of the Crusader (25 player)'),
  1625. (4047, 'Times completed the Trial of the Grand Crusader (25 player)', 'Times completed the Trial of the Grand Crusader (25 player)'),
  1626. (4048, 'Victories over Mage Champion (Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Mage Champion (Trial of the Champion)'),
  1627. (4049, 'Victories over Mage Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Mage Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)'),
  1628. (4050, 'Victories over Rogue Champion (Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Rogue Champion (Trial of the Champion)'),
  1629. (4051, 'Victories over Rogue Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Rogue Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)'),
  1630. (4052, 'Victories over Shaman Champion (Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Shaman Champion (Trial of the Champion)'),
  1631. (4053, 'Victories over Shaman Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Shaman Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)'),
  1632. (4054, 'Victories over Warrior Champion (Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Warrior Champion (Trial of the Champion)'),
  1633. (4055, 'Victories over Warrior Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)', 'Victories over Warrior Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)'),
  1634. (4074, 'Koralon the Flame Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)', 'Koralon the Flame Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)'),
  1635. (4075, 'Koralon the Flame Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)', 'Koralon the Flame Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)'),
  1636. (4078, 'Realm First! Grand Crusader', 'Participated in the realm first conquest of the Trial of the Grand Crusader with 50 attempts remaining in 25-player mode.'),
  1637. (4079, 'A Tribute to Immortality', 'In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining and without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode.'),
  1638. (4080, 'A Tribute to Dedicated Insanity', 'Meet the criteria for A Tribute to Insanity without any raid member having used an item only obtainable from 25-player Coliseum, or any more powerful item.'),
  1639. (4096, 'Isle of Conquest battles', 'Isle of Conquest battles'),
  1640. (4097, 'Isle of Conquest victories', 'Isle of Conquest victories'),
  1641. (4156, 'A Tribute to Immortality', 'In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining and without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode.'),
  1642. (4176, 'Resource Glut', 'Win Isle of Conquest while your team controls the Quarry and Oil Refinery.'),
  1643. (4177, 'Mine', 'Win Isle of Conquest while controlling the Quarry, Oil Refinery, Shipyard, Siege Workshop and Hangar.'),
  1644. (4256, 'Demolition Derby', 'Destroy the following vehicles in Isle of Conquest');
  1645. INSERT INTO `dbc_achievement` (`achievement_id`, `name`, `description`) VALUES
  1646. (4296, 'Trial of the Champion', 'Defeat the bosses in the Trial of the Champion.'),
  1647. (4297, 'Heroic: Trial of the Champion', 'Defeat the bosses in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  1648. (4298, 'Heroic: Trial of the Champion', 'Defeat the bosses in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty.'),
  1649. (4316, '2500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems', 'Loot 2500 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost.'),
  1650. (4396, 'Onyxia''s Lair (10 player)', 'Defeat Onyxia in 10-player mode.'),
  1651. (4397, 'Onyxia''s Lair (25 player)', 'Defeat Onyxia in 25-player mode.'),
  1652. (4400, 'WoW''s 5th Anniversary', 'Logged in during WoW''s 5th Anniversary.'),
  1653. (4402, 'More Dots! (10 player)', 'Defeat Onyxia in less than 5 minutes in 10-player mode.'),
  1654. (4403, 'Many Whelps! Handle It! (10 player)', 'Cause 50 Onyxia Whelplings to hatch within 10 seconds of Onyxia''s liftoff, and then defeat her in 10-player mode.'),
  1655. (4404, 'She Deep Breaths More (10 player)', 'Defeat Onyxia without anyone taking damage from a Deep Breath in 10-player mode.'),
  1656. (4405, 'More Dots! (25 player)', 'Defeat Onyxia in less than 5 minutes in 25-player mode.'),
  1657. (4406, 'Many Whelps! Handle It! (25 player)', 'Cause 50 Onyxia Whelplings to hatch within 10 seconds of Onyxia''s liftoff, and then defeat her in 25-player mode.'),
  1658. (4407, 'She Deep Breaths More (25 player)', 'Defeat Onyxia without anyone taking damage from a Deep Breath in 25-player mode.'),
  1659. (4436, 'BB King', 'Pelt the enemy leaders listed below.'),
  1660. (4437, 'BB King', 'Pelt the enemy leaders listed below.'),
  1661. (4456, 'Random Lich King (normal) dungeons completed', 'LFG random Lich King normal dungeons completed'),
  1662. (4476, 'Looking For More', 'Use the Dungeon Finder tool to finish random heroic dungeons until you have grouped with 10 random players total.'),
  1663. (4477, 'Looking For Many', 'Use the Dungeon Finder tool to finish random heroic dungeons until you have grouped with 50 random players total.'),
  1664. (4478, 'Looking For Multitudes', 'Use the Dungeon Finder tool to finish random heroic dungeons until you have grouped with 100 random players total.'),
  1665. (4496, 'It''s Over Nine Thousand!', 'Earn more than 9000 achievement points.'),
  1666. (4516, 'The Forge of Souls', 'Defeat the bosses in The Forge of Souls'),
  1667. (4517, 'The Pit of Saron', 'Defeat the bosses in The Pit of Saron.'),
  1668. (4518, 'The Halls of Reflection', 'Defeat the bosses in The Halls of Reflection.'),
  1669. (4519, 'Heroic: The Forge of Souls', 'Defeat the bosses in The Forge of Souls on Heroic difficulty'),
  1670. (4520, 'Heroic: The Pit of Saron', 'Defeat the bosses in The Pit of Saron on Heroic difficulty.'),
  1671. (4521, 'Heroic: The Halls of Reflection', 'Defeat the bosses in The Halls of Reflection on Heroic difficulty.'),
  1672. (4522, 'Soul Power', 'Defeat Bronjahm in The Forge of Souls on Heroic Difficulty with at least 4 Corrupted Soul Fragments alive.'),
  1673. (4523, 'Three Faced', 'Defeat the Devourer of Souls in The Forge of Souls on Heroic Difficulty without him successfully casting Phantom Blast.'),
  1674. (4524, 'Doesn''t Go to Eleven', 'Defeat Forgemaster Garfrost in The Pit of Saron on Heroic Difficulty before any player gets 11 stacks of Permafrost.'),
  1675. (4525, 'Don''t Look Up', 'Clear the hallway before Scourgelord Tyrannus in The Pit of Saron on Heroic Difficulty without anyone taking icicle damage on the first try.'),
  1676. (4526, 'We''re Not Retreating; We''re Advancing in a Different Direction.', 'Escape from the Lich King in under 6 minutes.'),
  1677. (4527, 'The Frostwing Halls (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Frostwing Halls in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player mode.'),
  1678. (4528, 'The Plagueworks (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Plagueworks in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player mode.'),
  1679. (4529, 'The Crimson Hall (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Crimson Hall in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player mode.'),
  1680. (4530, 'The Frozen Throne (10 player)', 'Defeat the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player mode.'),
  1681. (4531, 'Storming the Citadel (10 player)', 'Defeat the first four bosses in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player mode.'),
  1682. (4532, 'Fall of the Lich King (10 player)', 'Defeat every boss in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player mode.'),
  1683. (4534, 'Boned (10 player)', 'Defeat Lord Marrowgar without any raid member remaining impaled for more than 8 seconds in 10-player mode.'),
  1684. (4535, 'Full House (10 player)', 'Defeat Lady Deathwhisper with at least five different types of Cultists active at the time of her demise in 10-player mode.'),
  1685. (4536, 'I''m on a Boat (10 player)', 'Claim victory in the Gunship Battle without any raid member visiting the enemy gunship more than twice in 10-player mode.'),
  1686. (4537, 'I''ve Gone and Made a Mess (10 player)', 'Defeat the Deathbringer before Mark of the Fallen Champion is cast three times in 10-player mode.'),
  1687. (4538, 'Dances with Oozes (10 player)', 'Defeat Rotface without a Big Ooze casting Unstable Ooze Explosion in 10-player mode.'),
  1688. (4539, 'Once Bitten, Twice Shy (10 player)', 'Defeat Blood-Queen Lana''thel once as a vampire and again without becoming a vampire in 10-player mode.'),
  1689. (4556, 'Random Lich King (heroic) dungeons completed', 'LFG random Lich King heroic dungeons completed'),
  1690. (4576, 'Realm First! Fall of the Lich King', 'Participated in the realm first defeat of the Lich King in 25-player heroic mode.'),
  1691. (4577, 'Flu Shot Shortage (10 player)', 'Defeat Festergut while none of the players in your raid group ever had 3 stacks of Inoculated in 10-player mode.'),
  1692. (4578, 'Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion... (10 player)', 'Defeat Professor Putricide without using Regurgitated Ooze on the Abomination in 10-player mode.'),
  1693. (4579, 'Portal Jockey (10 player)', 'Enter every portal spawned by Valithria Dreamwalker before healing her to full health in 10-player mode.'),
  1694. (4580, 'All You Can Eat (10 player)', 'Defeat Sindragosa in 10-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet.'),
  1695. (4581, 'Neck-Deep in Vile (10 player)', 'Kill every Vile Spirit that spawns before it explodes and then defeat the Lich King in 10-player mode.'),
  1696. (4582, 'The Orb Whisperer (10 player)', 'Defeat the Blood Council without anyone in the raid taking more than 23,000 spell damage in a single hit in 10-player mode.'),
  1697. (4583, 'Bane of the Fallen King', 'Defeat the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.'),
  1698. (4584, 'The Light of Dawn', 'Defeat the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player Heroic mode.'),
  1699. (4585, 'Toravon the Ice Watcher (10 player)', 'Defeat Toravon the Ice Watcher in 10 player mode.'),
  1700. (4586, 'Toravon the Ice Watcher (25 player)', 'Defeat Toravon the Ice Watcher in 25 player mode.'),
  1701. (4596, 'The Sword in the Skull', 'Recover the missing hilt of Quel''Delar, draw the blade from its resting place, reforge the weapon, purify it in the Sunwell, and present it for your just reward.'),
  1702. (4597, 'The Frozen Throne (25 player)', 'Defeat the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player mode.'),
  1703. (4598, 'The Ashen Verdict', 'Earn exalted status with the Ashen Verdict.'),
  1704. (4599, 'Wrathful Gladiator', 'Achieved Wrathful Gladiator title.'),
  1705. (4600, 'Wrathful Gladiator''s Frostwyrm', 'Obtain the Wrathful Gladiator''s Frostwyrm from Arena Season 8 of Wrath of the Lich King.'),
  1706. (4601, 'Been Waiting a Long Time for This (10 player)', 'Allow Necrotic Plague to stack to 30 before defeating the Lich King in 10-player mode.'),
  1707. (4602, 'Glory of the Icecrown Raider (10 player)', 'Complete the 10-player raid achievements listed below.'),
  1708. (4603, 'Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25 player)', 'Complete the 25-player raid achievements listed below.'),
  1709. (4604, 'Storming the Citadel (25 player)', 'Defeat the first four bosses in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player mode.'),
  1710. (4605, 'The Plagueworks (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Plagueworks in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player mode.'),
  1711. (4606, 'The Crimson Hall (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Crimson Hall in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player mode.'),
  1712. (4607, 'The Frostwing Halls (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Frostwing Halls in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player mode.'),
  1713. (4608, 'Fall of the Lich King (25 player)', 'Defeat every boss in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player mode.'),
  1714. (4610, 'Boned (25 player)', 'Defeat Lord Marrowgar without any raid member remaining impaled for more than 8 seconds in 25-player mode.'),
  1715. (4611, 'Full House (25 player)', 'Defeat Lady Deathwhisper with at least five different types of Cultists active at the time of her demise in 25-player mode.'),
  1716. (4612, 'I''m on a Boat (25 player)', 'Claim victory in the Gunship Battle without any raid member visiting the enemy gunship more than once in 25-player mode.'),
  1717. (4613, 'I''ve Gone and Made a Mess (25 player)', 'Defeat the Deathbringer before Mark of the Fallen Champion is cast five times in 25-player mode.'),
  1718. (4614, 'Dances with Oozes (25 player)', 'Defeat Rotface without a Big Ooze casting Unstable Ooze Explosion in 25-player mode.'),
  1719. (4615, 'Flu Shot Shortage (25 player)', 'Defeat Festergut while none of the players in your raid group ever had 3 stacks of Inoculated in 25-player mode.'),
  1720. (4616, 'Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion... (25 player)', 'Defeat Professor Putricide without using Regurgitated Ooze on the Abomination in 25-player mode.'),
  1721. (4617, 'The Orb Whisperer (25 player)', 'Defeat the Blood Council without anyone in the raid taking more than 25,000 spell damage in a single hit in 25-player mode.'),
  1722. (4618, 'Once Bitten, Twice Shy (25 player)', 'Defeat Blood-Queen Lana''thel once as a vampire and again without becoming a vampire in 25-player mode.'),
  1723. (4619, 'Portal Jockey (25 player)', 'Enter every portal spawned by Valithria Dreamwalker before healing her to full health in 25-player mode.'),
  1724. (4620, 'All You Can Eat (25 player)', 'Defeat Sindragosa in 25-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet.'),
  1725. (4621, 'Been Waiting a Long Time for This (25 player)', 'Allow Necrotic Plague to stack to 30 before defeating the Lich King in 25-player mode.'),
  1726. (4622, 'Neck-Deep in Vile (25 player)', 'Kill every Vile Spirit that spawns before it explodes and then defeat the Lich King in 25-player mode.'),
  1727. (4623, 'Shadowmourne', 'Wielder of Shadowmourne.'),
  1728. (4624, 'Tough Love', 'Defeat the trio of Crown Chemical Co. apothecaries in Shadowfang Keep.'),
  1729. (4625, 'Invincible''s Reins', 'Obtain Invincible from Arthas in Icecrown Citadel.'),
  1730. (4626, 'And I''ll Form the Head!', 'Obtain Mimiron''s Head from 25-player Yogg-Saron with no Keepers assisting you.'),
  1731. (4627, 'Big Love Rocket', 'Obtain the Big Love Rocket from Apothecary Hummel in Shadowfang Keep during Love is in the Air.'),
  1732. (4628, 'Heroic: Storming the Citadel (10 player)', 'Defeat the first four bosses in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.'),
  1733. (4629, 'Heroic: The Plagueworks (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Plagueworks in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.'),
  1734. (4630, 'Heroic: The Crimson Hall (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Crimson Hall in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.'),
  1735. (4631, 'Heroic: The Frostwing Halls (10 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Frostwing Halls in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.'),
  1736. (4632, 'Heroic: Storming the Citadel (25 player)', 'Defeat the first four bosses in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player Heroic mode.'),
  1737. (4633, 'Heroic: The Plagueworks (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Plagueworks in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player Heroic mode.'),
  1738. (4634, 'Heroic: The Crimson Hall (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Crimson Hall in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player Heroic mode.'),
  1739. (4635, 'Heroic: The Frostwing Halls (25 player)', 'Defeat the bosses of The Frostwing Halls in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player Heroic mode.'),
  1740. (4636, 'Heroic: Fall of the Lich King (10 player)', 'Defeat every boss in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.'),
  1741. (4637, 'Heroic: Fall of the Lich King (25 player)', 'Defeat every boss in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player Heroic mode.'),
  1742. (4639, 'Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1743. (4640, 'Lord Marrowgar kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Lord Marrowgar kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1744. (4641, 'Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1745. (4642, 'Lord Marrowgar kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Lord Marrowgar kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1746. (4643, 'Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1747. (4644, 'Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1748. (4645, 'Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1749. (4646, 'Festergut kills (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Festergut kills (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1750. (4647, 'Rotface kills (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Rotface kills (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1751. (4648, 'Blood Prince Council kills (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Blood Prince Council kills (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1752. (4649, 'Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1753. (4650, 'Professor Putricide kills (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Professor Putricide kills (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1754. (4651, 'Blood Queen Lana''thel kills (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Blood Queen Lana''thel kills (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1755. (4652, 'Sindragosa kills (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Sindragosa kills (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1756. (4653, 'Victories over the Lich King (Icecrown 10 player)', 'Victories over the Lich King (Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1757. (4654, 'Lady Deathwhisper kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Lady Deathwhisper kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1758. (4655, 'Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1759. (4656, 'Lady Deathwhisper kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Lady Deathwhisper kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1760. (4657, 'Toravon the Ice Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)', 'Toravon the Ice Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)'),
  1761. (4658, 'Toravon the Ice Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)', 'Toravon the Ice Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)'),
  1762. (4659, 'Gunship Battle victories (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Gunship Battle victories (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1763. (4660, 'Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1764. (4661, 'Gunship Battle victories (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Gunship Battle victories (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1765. (4662, 'Deathbringer kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Deathbringer kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1766. (4663, 'Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1767. (4664, 'Deathbringer kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Deathbringer kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1768. (4665, 'Festergut kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Festergut kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1769. (4666, 'Festergut kills (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Festergut kills (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1770. (4667, 'Festergut kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Festergut kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1771. (4668, 'Rotface kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Rotface kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1772. (4669, 'Rotface kills (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Rotface kills (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1773. (4670, 'Rotface kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Rotface kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1774. (4671, 'Blood Prince Council kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Blood Prince Council kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1775. (4672, 'Blood Prince Council kills (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Blood Prince Council kills (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1776. (4673, 'Blood Prince Council kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Blood Prince Council kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1777. (4674, 'Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1778. (4675, 'Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1779. (4676, 'Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1780. (4677, 'Professor Putricide kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Professor Putricide kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1781. (4678, 'Professor Putricide kills (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Professor Putricide kills (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1782. (4679, 'Professor Putricide kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Professor Putricide kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1783. (4680, 'Blood Queen Lana''thel kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Blood Queen Lana''thel kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1784. (4681, 'Blood Queen Lana''thel kills (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Blood Queen Lana''thel kills (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1785. (4682, 'Blood Queen Lana''thel kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Blood Queen Lana''thel kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1786. (4683, 'Sindragosa kills (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Sindragosa kills (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1787. (4684, 'Sindragosa kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Sindragosa kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1788. (4685, 'Sindragosa kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Sindragosa kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1789. (4686, 'Victories over the Lich King (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)', 'Victories over the Lich King (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)'),
  1790. (4687, 'Victories over the Lich King (Icecrown 25 player)', 'Victories over the Lich King (Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1791. (4688, 'Victories over the Lich King (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)', 'Victories over the Lich King (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)'),
  1792. (4713, 'Bronjahm kills (Forge of Souls)', ''),
  1793. (4714, 'Bronjahm kills (Heroic Forge of Souls)', ''),
  1794. (4715, 'Devourer of Souls kills (Forge of Souls)', ''),
  1795. (4716, 'Devourer of Souls kills (Heroic Forge of Souls)', ''),
  1796. (4717, 'Forgemaster Garfrost kills (Pit of Saron)', ''),
  1797. (4718, 'Ick and Krick kills (Pit of Saron)', ''),
  1798. (4719, 'Ick and Krick kills (Heroic Pit of Saron)', ''),
  1799. (4720, 'Scourgelord Tyrannus kills (Pit of Saron)', ''),
  1800. (4721, 'Scourgelord Tyrannus kills (Heroic Pit of Saron)', ''),
  1801. (4722, 'Falric kills (Halls of Reflection)', ''),
  1802. (4723, 'Falric kills (Heroic Halls of Reflection)', ''),
  1803. (4724, 'Marwyn kills (Halls of Reflection)', ''),
  1804. (4725, 'Marwyn kills (Heroic Halls of Reflection)', ''),
  1805. (4726, 'Lich King escapes (Halls of Reflection)', ''),
  1806. (4727, 'Lich King escapes (Heroic Halls of Reflection)', ''),
  1807. (4728, 'Forgemaster Garfrost kills (Heroic Pit of Saron)', ''),
  1808. (4729, 'Emblems of Triumph acquired', 'Emblems of Triumph acquired'),
  1809. (4730, 'Emblems of Frost acquired', 'Emblems of Frost acquired'),
  1810. (4777, 'Isle of Conquest Killing Blows', 'Isle of Conquest Killing Blows'),
  1811. (4778, 'Disenchant rolls made on loot', 'Disenchant rolls made on loot'),
  1812. (4779, 'Isle of Conquest Honorable Kills', 'Isle of Conquest Honorable Kills'),
  1813. (4780, 'Deaths in Trial of the Crusader', 'Deaths in Trial of the Crusader'),
  1814. (4781, 'Deaths in Icecrown Citadel', 'Deaths in Icecrown Citadel'),
  1815. (4782, 'Green Brewfest Stein', 'Proud owner of the 2009 Vintage Green Brewfest Stein.'),
  1816. (4784, 'Emblematic', 'Earn any variety of Emblem.'),
  1817. (4785, 'Emblematic', 'Earn any variety of Emblem.'),
  1818. (4786, 'Operation: Gnomeregan', 'You assisted High Tinker Mekkatorque and the Gnomeregan Exiles in the recapture of Gnomeregan''s surface.'),
  1819. (4790, 'Zalazane''s Fall', 'You assisted Vol''jin in the final defeat of Zalazane, recapturing the Echo Isles for the Darkspear trolls.'),
  1820. (4815, 'The Twilight Destroyer (25 player)', 'Defeat Halion in The Ruby Sanctum in 25-player mode.'),
  1821. (4816, 'Heroic: The Twilight Destroyer (25 player)', 'Defeat Halion in The Ruby Sanctum in 25-player Heroic mode.'),
  1822. (4817, 'The Twilight Destroyer (10 player)', 'Defeat Halion in The Ruby Sanctum in 10-player mode.'),
  1823. (4818, 'Heroic: The Twilight Destroyer (10 player)', 'Defeat Halion in The Ruby Sanctum in 10-player Heroic mode.'),
  1824. (4820, 'Halion kills (Ruby Sanctum 25 player)', 'Halion kills (Ruby Sanctum 25 player)'),
  1825. (4821, 'Halion kills (Ruby Sanctum 10 player)', 'Halion kills (Ruby Sanctum 10 player)'),
  1826. (4822, 'Halion kills (Heroic Ruby Sanctum 10 player)', 'Halion kills (Heroic Ruby Sanctum 10 player)'),
  1827. (4823, 'Halion kills (Heroic Ruby Sanctum 25 player)', 'Halion kills (Heroic Ruby Sanctum 25 player)'),
  1828. (4824, 'Collector''s Edition: Mini Thor', 'Owner of the Starcraft II Collector''s Edition Mini Thor pet.');
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