
A different perspective.

Aug 6th, 2017
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  1. >You are Sandstone.
  2. >A lover of one and only, Blueberry. The little fillyslut.
  3. >You really have no idea why she liked sex that much, but you never questioned it. Guess she just did.
  4. >For, reasons unbeknown to you, a total mystery!
  5. >You had another, wild and eventful night with Lewdberry.
  6. >Erm, Blueberry is what you've meant, yes.
  7. >The colt you two were with yesterday was long gone, hopefully not ded or anything.
  8. >Maybe he just went home, yeah. You'd look at your still sleeping, and reeking-of-sex lover, picking her up in your magic.
  9. >Yu were too lazy to drag her home, so you'd just go dunk her in a river and wash her, she was like, on birth control anyways, why bother.
  10. >So, you would, taking her, and yourself to the nearby, clean, and hopefully cold river. Even if it was morning, it was still relatively warm outside.
  11. >You'd carry her over there, and through fully wash her in the clean water, mixture of grime and sex juices flowing downstream.
  12. >Welp, that was someone else's issue now, certainly not yours, you were just cleaning your lover, yep.
  13. >You were clean, but you would take a second to wash your face, never hurt to do that.
  14. >Though, she would seemingly wake up rather abruptly as the cold water would hit her fur, even before you were able to make sure she was 100% clean.
  15. >But, she never was, what with her dirty mind at such.
  16. "W-what's going on! L-let me go!", she'd squeak out, flailing about like fish or something.
  17. >She was spooked, alright. You'd do what you did best, and speak out in a comforting voice.
  18. >"Yeah, I was trying to wake you up, but you were like, asleep and dirty. And I couldn't leave you smelling of sex all day, so I dragged you here and washed you."
  19. >"No, don't worry, I'm not planning to rape you or anything. And no, I'm definitively not a changeling in disguise."
  20. >She'd look at you, blinking a few times, before calming down.
  21. >You'd drop her back onto the grass near you, well she was clean enough.
  22. "Oof. Well, okay, that's quite the story. Soo, got a towel?"
  23. >You'd nod, of course you brought one along, how else would you dry her!
  24. >You'd then bring it over to her in your magic, she'd take it and wipe her mane, and fur of most of the water. Some residue was expected, of course.
  25. >She'd yawn cutely, and give the towel to you, as you'd take it away. Yeah.
  26. "Okay, sho, where are we going?" she'd say with a rather adorable emphasis on "sho"
  27. >"I dunno, I was thinking about just, relaxing a bit. Buuut, knowing you, that's probably going to be impossible."
  28. >She'd scrunch, responding briefly.
  29. "W-why, a-are you saying I'm a fun killer?"
  30. >"Of course not! I'm just saying you have trouble keeping your mind off sex~", you'd speak in a sing-song voice.
  31. >After all, you clearly weren't lying. Blueberry certainly had some issues, of course.
  32. >Even if she was like "m-maybe" and stuff, she really needed to admit this to herself.
  33. >She'd clear her throat, bapping your snootle.
  34. "Well, uhm. Maybe, but that doesn't mean I can't like, do regular foal things!"
  35. >And there it is again, the fabled maybe.
  36. >Totally expected from her, you aren't even surprised at this point, oh well. How could you be.
  37. >Blueberry is just, Blueberry, she does this usually.
  38. >Denial denial denial, all day long!
  39. >"Okay. Well, if yo can, can you go today, and tomorrow, without thinking about my dick, or your hoof being placed upon your pussy?", you'd say with a smirk
  40. >You genuine doubt she could do this, but then again.
  41. >Might be a surprise to find out!
  42. >She'd blink, still looking at you, taking in all of that info, seemingly.
  43. >After taking like a few seconds to process it, shed' speak up.
  44. "Fine. I'll do it. I'm not a sex addict! And I'll prove it."
  45. >And she spoke this out in a rather enthusiastic voice.
  46. >Maybe she wasn't lying after all, could she really do this?
  47. >"Fair enough. Today, and tomorrow. Come on now, let's get off this river and do something."
  48. >She'd nod.
  49. "Sure thing. Wanna go for ice cream?"
  50. >You'd shake your head, well you were gonna but.
  51. >Not right now, you really wanted to talk with her.
  52. >About some things. Well.
  53. >Notably, her sex drive, that's what you wanted to talk about.
  54. >"Sorry, not really now Blue, I wanna, well I wanna talk about something."
  55. >"Your uhm, issue you might have."
  56. >Well, better now than never, eh?
  57. >She'd blink.
  58. "Go on."
  59. >"Well, you don't really consider it an issue, do you?"
  60. >She'd shake her head.
  61. "Noot really, I mean, it feels nice and is a good time killer now that summer has started, I get bored and uhm."
  62. "S-sex makes that go away."
  63. >You'd blink. Boredom was what this was about?
  64. >Not exactly what you expected.
  65. >"Just bored, hm, you aren't hiding something away, are you?"
  66. >She'd shake her head once again.
  67. "Absolutely not! I'd never. Yes, I like it, I love you, but, I wouldn't lie to you about such things."
  68. "I just, I don't have anything else to do so, sex kind of helps with that." "And, if you want more of a reason, it's good for bonding."
  69. >You'd nod, well you couldn't deny that one.
  70. >Absolutely, it did help make the two of you closer.
  71. >On a more intimate level, more so than talking could ever.
  72. >Made a difference between friends, and well. Lovers.
  73. >You understood that part.
  74. >"I understand, that last one is a good reason. But, really, you need to think a bit."
  75. >"If..well, if we have sex all the time, we won't really have time to do any other activities, because, we'll just fall asleep after the act!"
  76. >"And, you'll be tired after you wake up anyways, and stuff, so.. you know."
  77. >She'd not, well, seemingly she got some of that, at least.
  78. "I suppose you have a point, we can do other things to ward off boredom, things that feel nice, I suppose."
  79. >"Mh, see, now you're thinking logically!" "Just hope you keep to what you've said..and don't jump me 10 minutes later."
  80. "Shush it, you.", she'd speak out, scrunching.
  81. >You'd chuckle, yis, she probably wasn't gonna do that. Ehe.
  82. >"Mhm, so, I know I shouldn't be bringing up the subject, since I'm telling you to do less of it but, I think it's kind of important."
  83. >You'd go on, without letting her have a word.
  84. >"I wanna talk about our sex life, or uhm, you know. How are things in bed and stuff, to say it in a different way."
  85. >She'd blink, raising her eyebrow.
  86. "You know. If you were gonna scold me, should of done it afterwards, not before asking me this.", she'd say as she giggled.
  87. >Though, she did nod and speak out.
  88. "But, that's okay. So what, would you like to have changed, what were you exactly keeping in mind and such, I mean, if we're gonna talk about that.."
  89. >You'd cut her off rather abruptly, no no, not kinky things just.
  90. >"No, no, I'm fine with things are in way of stuff we do together, I've been just thinking something like perhaps."
  91. >"Perhaps, doing this less, I mean, I won't push anything on you and stuff."
  92. >She'd sigh, blinking a few times.
  93. "Well, I suppose you do have a point, I might be overdoing it but.."
  94. >"I'm not saying we have to STOP having sex, if I said such a thing, I'd be disappointing myself more than I'd bring myself any joy, no."
  95. >"Just, in time periods when we aren't exactly busy planning to do other things, and we just end up fucking anyways."
  96. >"That's what I was going on about."
  97. >You'd stop, letting your lover to speak.
  98. >Not that you'd wait long for that, she'd be pretty quick about it."
  99. "Okay. I understand, I will try to uh, bother you less with sex. But still, during my heat, I expect you to help me take care of it, in a way that doesn't end with me having a foal.", she'd say with a chuckle, pulling you in a kissing you!
  100. >Typical Blue.
  101. >"Tehee, oki. Glad that's cleared up. So, anything you'd like to do now?"
  102. "Well, you gave me a weird way to wake up, just cleaning me of mine, and yours sex juices, and now you've brought up the conversation."
  103. "I think that's..a lot of things for one day, how about we go for an ice cream, and maybe talk about what we can do tomorrow."
  104. "You know. Not just stay at home, and go to each other's houses.."
  105. >You listened to her, yes, nodding as she'd say it all out.
  106. >"I gotcha. Yeah, I believe we could go somewhere, I always wanted to visit canterlot, it's a place for unicorns, apparently. Skilled unicorns and stuff, might be able to meet someone cool!"
  107. >"Not that I'm too big on magic, just enough to get by.", you'd chuckle.
  108. "Mh, I gotcha. So, sure, we can. But, I should probably ask my mommy about letting me go there, I mean, I don't want to just run away.
  109. >You'd nod, of course, you got that.
  110. >"Okay, let's go then, I'm sure your mommy will understand."
  111. >And so, the two of you would head off to blueberry's house. Not yours.
  112. >Not like you usually went to yours, oh well.
  113. >You would the first one to knock on the door, as Convalia opened the said doors, you greeted her.
  114. >"Hello! Blueberry and I were wondering if we could perhaps go to canterlot tomorrow!"
  115. >She looked at you silly.
  116. "Are you two little ones sure, it's far away. You could take a train ticket, though. So, if you want to, I will pay for it."
  117. "Are you sure you want to, sweetie?"
  118. >she was, rather obviously addressing Blueberry, you'd just sit back and wait for her response.
  119. >And you wouldn't be waiting long for it, of course.
  120. "Of course I do! Sandstone thinks we might find something fun, and hey, if we don't, at least we'll spend a day somewhere we've never been before!"
  121. >Convalia would nod at this very slowly, before speaking up and chuckling.
  122. "Well, since you're so enthusiastic about it, you can go."
  123. >Blue would light up even more, but before she could quite literally explode from joy, her mother spoke up.
  124. "But, of course, I want you two to be safe, that's going to be a whole new town. So, don't allow yourself to be lured in by strangers, eat or drink things that may taste funny, or anything of the sort."
  125. "I know you consider yourself mature, but..I'm just worried about you."
  126. >Blue would sigh, nodding.
  127. "Yesh yesh, I won't be doing bad things.."
  128. "Good." "So, yes. You may go, I will leave you the money to take in the morning. Don't spend it all, however." "Hope you two have fun, this is the first time I'm letting you go on your own."
  129. >You, and Blue would both nod.
  130. >"We get it. Nothing silly."
  131. >She'd boop your nose, speaking up.
  132. "And you, little colt. Take care of my little Blueberry, you have been dating her for so long, you know how she's like. An adventurous soul."
  133. "And..quite naive, don't let anyone harm her."
  134. >You'd nod. "I won't. I'll try to keep her safe! Even if I'm but a foal myself.."
  135. >She'd smile at you, before nodding and speaking up again, addressing both you, and Blueberrry.
  136. "Alright sweeties, have a fun rest of the evening."
  137. >But, before you could get the time to form up a reply to her, you would be cut short by blue, taking your right fore hoof into hers, and dragging you outside.
  138. >You'd squeak, but allow this, not like you could do much to stop 'er right now.
  139. >"Ooki, you're always draggin' me around, what's the occasion now?", you'd ask, a smirk on your face.
  140. "Welll, I can't watch you talk with my mommy all day, that's pretty boring, and we do have stuff to do tomorrow!"
  141. >"That's, you know, precisely a good way to spend the evening, talk."
  142. >"And sleep. I love sleep.", you'd speak out. Even though you were soon going to be hitting into the 13 years old mark, you still liked naps.
  143. >Long naps! Especially during hot weather, those were the best times to sleep, for sure.
  144. "Well, that's not bad, I guess. Though, today ain't exactly too comfortable outside, it's hot and humid."
  145. "Even though it's evening, probably going to be better at night though, if you won't fall asleep.", she'd speak as she'd boop your snootle.
  146. >Your smol colt snootle!
  147. >"Ehm. H-Hey, I'm not a baby, I'm sure I'll be fine."
  148. >She'd raise her eyebrow, clearly doubting that.
  149. "Oh? You said the same thing about sex."
  150. >"Shut up, Blue, you weren't particularly good about taking it for too long either.", you'd snap right back at her.
  151. >To which she'd only grin.
  152. "Yeaaah."
  153. >Though, you wouldn't be waiting too long for her to speak up again.
  154. >Never managed to stay silent, na na!
  155. "Soo. Bet you've been on evening walks before, but, late night?"
  156. >You'd poke her side. Was she crazy?
  157. >"You do know that's a bit dangerous, no? Staying out until like, midnight."
  158. >She'd nod.
  159. "I know. But, we're not little anymore, we're not stupid, are we?"
  160. >"Based on the things your mother had to tell you.."
  161. >And, rather abruptly, she'd give you a smack right across your cheek. Ouch.
  162. >"Hey! What was that for."
  163. "Are you saying I'm dumb? Dumb for what, I'm very capable of protecting myself, should the need arise."
  164. >You'd back away. F-fine.
  165. >"Sorry, I just, your mother made it seem like you're not very knowledgeable."
  166. "Well, you best learn that I am. Or there will be more of those coming your way.", she'd say with a rather angry look in her eyes.
  167. >You didn't want to argue now, that wasn't necessary. Not in the middle of ponyville, not as night was falling.
  168. >"Look, I'm just looking out for you. Don't take that wrong."
  169. >She'd caress your cheek, yes the one she slapped before speaking out.
  170. "Sorry about that. It's fine, I understand. I just don't like ponies thinking I'm not capable of acting like a big girl."
  171. >You'd nod. "Okay, but , just as I said. You getting in trouble is the last thing I want."
  172. >She'd nod, not speaking much else.
  173. >"Oki, so, then let's go, eh, I mean we could just stand here and look at each other silly, but I bet you'd prefer going for our stroll, no?"
  174. "Absolutely! We've wasted like, too much time chatting here anyways."
  175. >And so, the two of you walked into the park, it wasn't midnight just yet, but it sure was late. You'd check your watch, and confirm that it was indeed, about 11PM."
  176. >Okay, maybe a bit over it, but close enough.
  177. >It wouldn't take long until you'd arrive into the park, your lover close to you at all times."
  178. >She sure wasn't separating much for being a "big girl"
  179. >So much for that. Hehe.
  180. >You'd nudge her lightly, pushing her a tiny bit, she'd scrunch at your action, and stop.
  181. "Wut?"
  182. >"Oh. Just making sure you're capable of totally handling things on your own."
  183. "F-fuck you, Sandstone."
  184. >You'd smirk. "I know you want to~"
  185. >She'd only roll her eyes and keep walking, you'd take a moment to register she was even going anywhere, and catch up!
  186. >"Summer's gonna be over soon, you know?"
  187. >She'd nod.
  188. "I know, but, doesn't mean shit. We'll still be together, foreveeer!"
  189. >You'd giggle. Mhm.
  190. >"Well, yeah. Unless something kills us."
  191. "Let's not go there."
  192. >You'd nod, soon enough, you'd get to the end, further ahead was yellow shysus's cottage, and well, the everfree.
  193. >You sure as fuck weren't going there at this time of day. You'd turn around, waiting for your better part to do the same."
  194. >"Let's go Blue, can't exactly go anywhere further, might as well go home."
  195. "Alright."
  196. >You'd start walking the opposite direction, enjoying the rather cool air of the night.
  197. >And, fresh, too! Even as a unicorn it was enjoyable, you could only think just how much this meant to Blue."
  198. >The complete darkness of night was a bit spooky. Everyone was seemingly asleep at this time, all lights were off in homes.
  199. >It was nice, yes. But eerie. You weren't scared, though, like, not at all!
  200. >Blue was the scared one, totally.
  201. >The two of you would arrive at your sexstina-erm destination.
  202. "Wanna come home with me tonight? I mean, going through front doors is probably a bad idea, they are locked and, well, don't wanna scare my parents."
  203. >You'd nod, eh agreeable enough. Your folk probably won't mind.
  204. >"Kay, let's go through the window, then?"
  205. "But, open it silently, use magic. You gooficorn."
  206. >And, so you did, you'd trot over to her room, opening the rather big window, perhaps a mare couldn't fit, but a filly, or even two could most certainly go through it!
  207. >You'd hit the ground as you'd fall into your room, weren't careful at all!
  208. >You'd close the window behind you, as soon as you made sure you both were inside. Better hope no one heard you crash in.
  209. >You would normally be blind to this sort of darkness, but you have been outside long enough for your eyes to adapt.
  210. >Could only wish you could see as well as the batty, though.
  211. >Speaking of batties, your batty would rather suddenly grab you, and yank you toward the bed.
  212. >"H-hey!", you'd exclaim, squeaking, what a surprise!
  213. >She'd hug you strongly, and tightly, pushing air out of your lungs, you couldn't utter much resistance to that, so you'd just let out a sigh, inhaling slowly through your nostrils.
  214. >Oh well, being spooned with your lover wasn't a bad thing at all.
  215. >You'd pat her on the head lightly, as to signal that she needed to let go a slight bit, too much squeezing.
  216. >Thankfullly, she does, not letting you go completely, though, she wouldn't at all. You have come to terms with that, though, as you'd slowly close your eyes and doze off.
  217. >Gonna have some neat adventures tomorrow, hopefully.
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