
When you no IQ

Dec 18th, 2015
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  1. WitchQueenRoseRed has joined the chat
  2. AzazelMagnus has joined the chat
  3. WitchQueenRoseRed: hello
  4. AshlaSnow: Hi rose nice to see you agian its been a while
  5. WitchQueenRoseRed: it has been
  6. AshlaSnow: how have you been
  7. WitchQueenRoseRed: busy lol and u?
  8. AzazelMagnus: me and Ash are to be married -smiles-
  9. WitchQueenRoseRed: o congrats
  10. AzazelMagnus: thank you :)
  11. WitchQueenRoseRed: np
  12. AshlaSnow: yus ^.^
  13. WitchQueenRoseRed: sorry im trying to get a new dress
  14. AzazelMagnus: thats okk tyt
  15. WitchQueenRoseRed: i found it now tme to get credits
  16. AshlaSnow: luckyy im broke XD
  17. AzazelMagnus: Yep so im i......for now lol
  18. WitchQueenRoseRed: well u hav a husband to buy u stuff
  19. AzazelMagnus: hahahaha YEP that too lol
  20. AshlaSnow: XD true
  21. Guest_Tazmulia has joined the chat
  22. Guest_Tazmulia: hi
  23. WitchQueenRoseRed: im going to go for a little bit i might bbl
  24. Guest_Tazmulia: I' take care of things mother
  25. AshlaSnow: ok hun ttyl
  26. WitchQueenRoseRed has left the chat
  27. AzazelMagnus: ok tc
  28. AzazelMagnus: ttyl
  29. Guest_Tazmulia: hello
  30. AshlaSnow: uh...hi
  31. AzazelMagnus: Greeting Taz
  32. Guest_Tazmulia: hru both
  33. AshlaSnow: im fine
  34. Guest_Tazmulia: -tosses in I of newt-
  35. AshlaSnow: why a newt>
  36. AshlaSnow: ?
  37. Guest_Tazmulia: its what the book says I'm not a witch
  38. AshlaSnow: ..............uh yeah this is why I dont RP with you Taz
  39. Guest_Tazmulia: oh well
  40. AshlaSnow: you never make any sense
  41. Guest_Tazmulia: but whos approval do I need nowdays life not about the approval of others you know
  42. Guest_Tazmulia: -gets some cinnamon puts in a pinchful sneezing-
  43. AshlaSnow: im not syaing you need approval you dont listen to anyone so whats the point of that but basic RP at leats needs to make sense
  44. Guest_Tazmulia: screw the rules
  45. Guest_Tazmulia: -brews the caludrion-
  46. AshlaSnow: ha yeah thats not a rule its common sense
  47. Guest_Tazmulia: I know its common sense but i wasnt programmed to make sense
  48. AshlaSnow: so you were programmed to be ignorant and stubborn instead?
  49. Guest_Tazmulia: I'm a scorpio what do you want rom me I'm also a snake as well so there you have it
  50. AshlaSnow: the fuck does that mean
  51. Guest_Tazmulia: thse are my two zodiac signs
  52. AshlaSnow: you only have one sign dumbass
  53. Guest_Tazmulia: greek im scorpio but in the chinese zodiac I'm a snake
  54. Guest_Tazmulia: -finishes the brew and bottles it-
  55. AshlaSnow: wow the dumbness spreads
  56. Guest_Tazmulia: say what you want about me Ashla I could care less
  57. AshlaSnow: XD Taz I challenge you
  58. Guest_Tazmulia: to what?
  59. AshlaSnow: a duel
  60. Guest_Tazmulia: yugioh?
  61. AshlaSnow: your a dumb fuck a RP battle 1 VS 1 RP T-1 Rules apply AzazelMagnus as witness unless you think you cant handle it i wouldnt be surprised
  62. AzazelMagnus: yes i shall witness -nods-
  63. Guest_Tazmulia: what is the point of the battle? what is the reason?
  64. AshlaSnow: I want to prove a point
  65. Guest_Tazmulia: what point do you want to proove?
  66. AshlaSnow: youll have to battle me to find out enough fluff are you to chicken or what
  67. Guest_Tazmulia: it is not a matter of coward if you can not accept me for who I am why are you here?
  68. AshlaSnow: Taz its a yes or no question
  69. Guest_Tazmulia: I am not going to go out side my limits just so you could make a point thats what Barack Obama is for
  70. AshlaSnow: -draws wepons- guess ill have to destory this castle if you wont fight me what a pitty
  71. AshlaSnow: ok taz
  72. AshlaSnow: -takes out duel sabors and starts destroying the bookcases and furniature-
  73. Guest_Tazmulia: -keeps right on brewing the potion not surprised-
  74. AshlaSnow: -slices cauldren in half- mix that bitch
  75. Guest_Tazmulia: -simply repairs the damage- the only thing you're prooving is how childish you are
  76. AshlaSnow: oh yeah how did you repair it taz your god modding again
  77. AzazelMagnus: -azazel throws her his Pulse Rifle- "here love use this"
  78. Guest_Tazmulia: sometimes all it takes is one stroke for the painting to be complete
  79. AshlaSnow: awe thank you -shoots taz in the face- yep its called god modding
  80. Guest_Tazmulia: -simpy ignores them and goes about her buisnes0
  81. AshlaSnow: taz is dead
  82. Guest_Tazmulia: mhm
  83. AzazelMagnus: taz is dead
  84. Guest_Tazmulia: mhm
  85. AshlaSnow: azazel did you hear
  86. AzazelMagnus: oh yeah that taz is dead?
  87. AshlaSnow: yuppppp
  88. AzazelMagnus: -nods-
  89. Guest_Tazmulia: yep dead as a dornai but aive in spirit
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