
Home Invading Ponies (Revised Repost)

Apr 13th, 2012
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  1. Home Invading Ponies 1/5 Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/13/12(Fri)04:49 No.1239032
  2. Home Invading Fluffy Ponies 1/6 - Revised Repost Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/14/12(Sat)19:18 No.1275985
  4. >You arrive at your house after a long day of work
  5. >You're at the front door when you suddently hear a noise coming from the kitchen
  6. >You sneak to the kitchen and see something unusual
  7. >A stray fluffy mare and two fluffy fillies just broke into your house
  8. >"The hole on the fence and the dog door" you think to yourself
  9. >You didn't think they we're capable of this
  10. >Seems like they're exploring your house in search of food
  11. >You can see their hoofs and the lower part of their fluff is covered in dirt
  12. >Dirty hoofprints all over you kitchen floor
  13. >The fluffy mare is leading the fillies
  14. >The fillies are constantly complaining of hunger "Fuffy hungy!" "Pweas fin' food!" they say in a high pitched baby voice
  15. >Fluffy fillies have even worse english than the regular fluffy ponies
  16. >She doesn't give a damn, probably never lived among humans
  17. >"Mommy twy to find food fow babehs! Now quiet or munsta catch fwuffies!"
  18. >They start sniffing and rolling objetcs all over your kitchen
  19. >They seem really hungry by how frantically they look for food
  20. >One of the fillies shits in your kitchen floor and just keep walking
  21. >The fluffy mother pushes with her little hoofs a small vase plant, mistaking it for a food bowl
  22. >The vase breaks spreading dirt all over the floor
  23. >You were watching the whole scene, which just infuriates you
  24. >You could just stomp all three fluffies to death, but you're willing to teach that fluffy mare a lesson
  25. >And you have a plan to accomplish that
  26. >You grab in silence your old dog's cage (really smart animal, you sort of miss him)
  27. >You go to the kitchen closing the door behind you
  29. >As the fluffy mare spots you she yells "Wiv mustah! Ow fwuffy give owies!"
  30. >"Get wost!" a little filly shouts
  31. >As you approach them, the fluffy mare charges you but she only manages to soil your pants
  32. >You stomp on the floor to make a loud sound
  33. >Fluffies start running away
  34. >They're obviously not going too far
  35. >You grab the mare by the tail and the two fillies and throw them into the dog cage
  36. >After this you've really decided to teach her a lesson
  37. >"Let out! Pwease no hurt babehs!" the fluffy mare begs
  38. >"I'm not going to hurt you. Actually we're going to play a game and then have dinner!" you assure them
  39. >"Weawwy? Munsta no huwt fwuffy and babehs? Pway games with cute babehs! Wan' foodsies!" the mare says relieved
  40. You can't make them scared or else your plan won't work
  41. >"Yeah, just wait there", you say
  42. >You can't take the risk of opening the cage
  43. >It's time to put your plan into motion
  44. >First part of the plan
  45. >You take two chairs and put them aside the table
  46. >You fill a small water tank to the top and put them on top of the chairs to make it closer to the table top
  47. >You encircle the left edge of the table with chicken wire, leaving some space between the table and the wire
  48. >You grab a rectangle shaped wooden plank and put on the table, positioning its middle segment under the wire
  49. >The plank width is larger than a regular fluffy pony, they have some space to walk and will not be stranded
  50. >The left segment of the planket is right above the water tank, making it look like a trampoline
  51. >It's time for part two of the plan
  53. >You take the three fluffy ponies from the cage
  54. >"Whewe taking fwuffies?" says the mare
  55. >"It's play time, as I said"
  56. >"Yay, wuv pway with cute babsies!" she says excitedly
  57. >You place the mare on the right part of the plank and the two fillies on the left part, which has the filled water tank underneath it
  58. >Since their weight seems balanced, your contraption will work after all
  59. >"Let babehs with me! Wan' hug babsies!"
  60. >The mare starts stretching her clumsy hooves to try to reach her foals to no avail
  61. >"Listen very carefully you little shit!", sternly refering to the mare
  62. >"As you can see your daughters are on the other side of the fence. If you leave the plank, it'll flip over and your babies will drown!", you explain
  63. >"Nuu! No dwown, wawa bad fo fwuffies! No do pwease!"
  64. >The fillies look down at the water and freeze in place, shaking their bodies and pissing
  65. >"Fuffy scawed! No wike scawy wawa! Wanna hug mommy!"
  66. >"As I promised here's your bowl with treats! I bet they're very tasty!" you place the bowl just out of her reach
  67. >"And remember, if you leave the plank, your daughters will be gone forever!"
  68. >"Pwase, nuu! Gif tweats fo pony, so hungy!"
  69. >Seems like the fillies are not hungry yet
  71. >Two hours have passed
  72. >Fillies are still frozen in place. Their only movements are their uncontrollable shaking. They piss and shit everytime they look down
  73. >"So scawy wawa! Pwease let out!" begs one of the fillies
  74. >The other one is going through uncontrollable sobbing
  75. >They instinctively know they will die if they fall in there
  76. >Fluffy mare gets more and more hungry with each passing minute
  77. >"Pwease hooman, gif foodsies! So hungy *growl*! Just tiny bities!"
  78. >"What are you talking about? You can have food, it's right in front of you!"
  79. >"If fwuffy out, babehs dwown! No want babehs gone! Wuv fwuffy babehs much!"
  80. >"Well that's too bad. You should have thought of that before breaking into my home. Now if you want it, all you have to do is step forward!"
  81. >Fluffy mare starts crying "All wanted iz food, *sob* *sob* tummy owie, no wanted fwuffies get hungy too"
  82. >Some more hours have passed. Night falls
  83. >Fluffy mare is getting sleepy
  84. >Fillies are already sleeping, hugging each other as tightly as they can
  85. >They look like a cute little fluff ball while sleeping
  86. >The mare try to fight her drowsiness. She keeps closing and opening her eyes
  87. >"So...sweepy...bwing babehs...pwease" she speaks to nobody in particular and falls asleep
  88. >Such a cute sight
  89. >Morning comes, fluffy ponies surprisingly survived the night
  91. >"Guess what I brought for fluffies?"
  92. >The fluffy mare's eyes glares as she spot the steaming bowl of spaghetti you're bringing
  93. >"Mmm, I bet it's very delicious! Look at all this sauce! Mmm!", you tease
  94. >Fluffy mare starts drooling
  95. >"Gif saghetti! Pwease good fwuffy! Sowwy if bwoke thingy! Pwease feed, pwease pwase!" she implores
  96. >Steam coming from the bowl hits the muzzles of the fillies too. At this point they're very hungry as well
  97. >"Pwes gif yummies! Feed fiwwie!" "Tummy owie, gif sghety pwes!", beg the fillies
  98. >Fluffy mare is shaking because of her excruciating hunger. She can't stand a single moment of it
  99. >She begs one more time "PWEASE, gif fwuffy foodies! Fwuffy behave! Sowwy, fwuffy so sowwy! Waaaaah", tears start forming in her eyes
  100. >You keep teasing her about how tasty the spaghetti and treats are
  101. >Mare is crying so much at this point, she looks back and say "Sowwy babehs, so hungy, need eat!"
  103. >"Nuu mommy, no weave fiwwie, fiwwie wuv mommy!" "Pwease mommy, fiwwie good, fiwwie wuv mommy, gif hugsies!" "Waaaaah, waaaaaah" the fillies beg in squeaky voices
  104. >"Sowwy babehs *sob* *sob* tummy big ouchie! Haf eat! Wuv babehs!"
  105. >Fillies are hugging each other in fear, begging incessantly
  106. >Mare walks slowly towards the spaghetti bowls. She suddenly steps off the plank
  107. >Plank flips over
  108. >Fillies fall while giving a high pitched squeak "Mommmmyyyy!!!!" *splash*
  109. >Totally heartbreaking for fluffy mare
  110. >She just stands there, crying for minutes
  111. >She's baffled while gazing at the place her cute and beloved daughters once were
  112. >Extreme hunger kicks in, at least she got to eat
  113. >Fluffy pony slowly moves her clumsy little mouth to the spaghetti
  114. >Suddenly you step in and take her spaghetti and treats bowl away and dump everything in the trash can
  115. >She looks at you with wide eyes, speechless
  116. >"Sorry, but only good fluffies get to eat food, and good fluffies don't kill their daughters", you say with a grin
  117. >Fluffy mare can't articulate her frustration
  118. >"W-w-wa-waaaaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!" cries the mare at the top of her lungs
  119. >You left fluffy pony mare in the table
  120. >She dies hours later of hunger, crying, alone and thinking about her cute little fillies who gave their lives to save her
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