
Thorn meets Penelope

Nov 11th, 2017
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  1. Smokeless: Bea smiled at the lady behind the desk in the office."Hey Ms. Brookes how are you today?" The older woman smiled brightly to Bea."Hey Bee. Everything is good." Bea smiled grabbing the student list of who she would be giving a tour of through the school this eveing."Did you take your blood preassure pill Ms. Brooke?" She smiled and the older woman laughed."always on me about my meds Bea what would I do without you." bea shrugged and smiled."forget to take them. Anyways you ahve a good evening i better stand outside so I can give the tour." she walkedo ut of the office and lookedaorund putting her name tag on with the name Bea Smith on it and Student guide.
  2. Covet: Thorn was sitting in the cafeteria at one of the tables, with his laptop up. He was going over a study guide for one of his classes while he ate. He had a plate of steamed veggies and some grilled chicken with a glass of milk while he scrolled and read through his coursework. His backpack sitting next to him on the table top, kind of spread out at the end of the table.
  3. Tsaaq: ((Gross, milk))
  4. Covet: [It does a body good! XD]
  5. Smokeless: [lol]
  6. Tsaaq: Penelope swayed her hips with her head up high. She strolled down the hallway, mostly sizing up the students as subtlely as she could. Her brown eyes catching a glimpse of the curly haired her. She walked around the corner before going to push both of the double doors open as she entered. She batted her long eyelashes and slowly walked towards where the line was. She didn't look very excited about the food but she had to keep up appearances. She got in the back of the line and crossed her arms over her chest.
  7. Smokeless: Bea made her way to the lunch room and she looked at the time the students were suppose to be a little later so she decided she would get something to eat. She stood behind a red head and stuffed her hands in her pockets. she looked around the room and rocked back and forth on her heels popping her lips slightly-
  8. Covet: He looked up for a second, realizing more people were heading in here, either from boredom or because they were actually hungry. His eyes kind of glanced over a few people before his took a book out of his bag and set it on the other side of himself, as if to emphasize this was his territory, before he got up to go get himself something more to eat. He intentionally cut the line just so he could get himself a couple of cookies and a small bowl for the soft serve frozen yogurt machine. He bumped into a couple of people as he walked by, a girl with dark skin and curly hair, then another hoity looking red head that was all painted up. Thorn barely said excuse me as he reached in front of another person to get a spoon.
  9. Tsaaq: She dramatically stumbled back and her eyes widened the male basically grazed her. She gasped and held her chest and her mouth opened in astonishment. "Pardon you." She whispered incredulously. Inside? Filled with rage. Outside? Looking only slightly insulted. Penelope let out a small squeak of defeat. "I'm not hungry anymore." She declared, even though she wasn't really huge of getting some of the food to start with. She went to ensure that no hair was out of place as she stepped out of the line dramatically.
  10. Smokeless: Bea got bumped into and she looked at the guy who was butting thel ine."umm excuse you! You can wait in the back of the line like the rest of us." she rolled her eyes and she crossed her arms over her chest."to the back buddy." she moved to step infront of him.
  11. Covet: "Calm down China Doll, It was a slight nudge, You didn't break, no need to get all huffy and give yourself an eating disorder." He said with a smirk, then saw the other bird chirp at him, "Why? I already paid, I just waited to finish my meal, before I got my dessert like a good boy." He said sicking the cookies into the bowl, along with the spoon, before walking off back to his claimed section of table.
  12. Tsaaq: Penelope gasped and she held her gaze on his face. "I feel so attacked right now." She whispered in an over the top tone. She feigned looking emotional. She waved her hands over her eyes as her large pouty lips formed a frown. "It's fine. People become different when they're hungry." Penelope forced herself to say. So wouldn't dare actually act like she was fucking pissed. Cause she was.
  13. Smokeless: Bea looked at the red head. She thought from the way she acted the guy might have hurt her."Are you okay? I'm sorry he is a jerk. I dont know him but eh." she shrugged her shoudlers a little.The line started to move and so did she.-
  14. Covet: "Sheesh, it was a joke. No need to get offened. C'mon, have a seat, I'll share a cookie." He said patting the seat next to him before eating a spoonful of the frozen yogurt into his mouth. When the other girl came to console her, he rolled his eyes, "She's fine, her pride is just a little dinged. Nothing that can't be banged back out."
  15. Tsaaq: "You know what?" She whispered, forcing her lower lip to tremble. "I wouldn't worry about it. I'll be fine." Penelope began to nod her head. "Because his insides must hurt more than my insides." She pursed her lips, flipping her red hair as she looked over her shoulder at him. Penelope didn't speak because she was thinking on what her next words should be. "Hmph." She turned once more. "Boys will be boys I suppose." She declared.
  16. Smokeless: Bea rolled her eyes at the guy and she nodded her head."Boys should not be boys they should be respectful men." she nodded her head and shrugged when it was her turn she grabbed a salad and some grilled chicken and ranch she put it on a tray and she grabbed a water because that had no calories in it at all. she found a seat and sat down not far from the guy and started to prep her salad-
  17. Covet: "Exactly, there you go. That's exactly what this is. I don't mean any harm, all joking. Don't take me seriously. That will be your first mistake." Thorn said with a cocky grin. "Offer to sit down is still on the table, China Doll." He said, then scoffed at the other girl as she walked by, "I'm respectable when it counts. Don't confuse a cynical sense of humor with being disrespectful"
  18. Smokeless: Bea rolled her eyes."Yeah yeah." She waved her hand as if to wave him away and make him disappear. she poked at her salad and too a bite. She looked at the list of students she had to guide today.-
  19. Smokeless: [brb just skip me im hungry and want eggs]
  20. Tsaaq: She put her hand on her hip and skeptically lowered her arms. Once the other girl had taken her seat Penelope lifted her shoulders into a shrug. She went to sit beside the male. She immediately went to cross her legs and put her hands in her lip, just as a poised young lady would. "Well, first of all. My name is Penelope so you don't have to refer to me as glazed porcelain. Although I appreciate the compliment."
  21. Covet: "Penelope it is. Though I kind of feel like I need to change that nick name to Copper Penny now." He said with a smirk. "I'm Thorn, Thanks for taking me up on the offer. Takes a smart gal to see through my bullshit."
  22. Tsaaq: Penelope leaned her head on her hand, looking calm though she was internally screaming. "Oh no no no no. Penelope will do just fine." She began to smile. "It's a pleasure Thorn. And you're welcome. I was apprehensive of assuming the worst. I like to get along with everyone." She said in a chipper tone. "Have I seen you before?" She asked while tilting her head.
  23. Covet: "Fine fine." He said, then gave a shrug, "Probably. I'm a Junior, from NYC. So I've been around a while. Unless you've been in my ambulance in the last couple of years. I think I'd remember that shade of red hair though." He said taking another bite of his frozen yogurt.
  24. Smokeless: [ok im bk]
  25. Tsaaq: ((WB!))
  26. Smokeless: [ty ty]
  27. Covet: [webs]
  28. Smokeless: Bea finished up with her salad and she walked over to the trash can throwing her stuff away. she looked at the two and she made her way over to the guy. She held her list of names."do you two mind checking to see if your name is on this list. I haven't seen you guys before and want to makesure you aren't on my tur list."
  29. Covet: Thorn didn't even look at the list as the other girl went to hand it over. "I'm not on it." He said breaking up his cookie into his frozen yogurt
  30. Covet: [FUCK sorry dammit enter]
  31. Smokeless: [ts ok lol]
  32. Tsaaq: She rose her eyebrows while listening to him. "Well. I'm from Manhattan myself." She answered softly. "Unfortunately I haven't been in an ambulance in years." She accentued her last word with a bat of her long eyelashes. "I've possibly seen you in the halls. I'm a people watcher you know." She turned and went to look at the list from the curly haired girl. She knew full weel she'd done the transfer seminar already. Her looking at the list was purely to mentally digest more names. She was trying to learn who was who as soon as possible. "Hm." She squeaked. "Oh. I don't see my name on here." She pouted before handing it back to her carefully.
  33. Tsaaq: ((Damn it kiki.))
  34. Covet: Thorn didn't even look at the list as the other girl went to hand it over. "I'm not on it." He said breaking up his cookie into his frozen yogurt. He looked at Penelope and nodded, "Yeah? Me too, I went to Leman Manhattan Prep." He told her with a laugh, "Nothing wrong with that. I've been guilty of the same. People are dumb."
  35. Smokeless: "Okay well if you two ever need any information about the school just find me. I'm Bea smith." she reached in her bag and pulled out a few brochures and set them on the table."here is a list of all our sports teams and clubs and such. My email is on the back so feel free to let me know if you ahve any questions." she puleld a pink brochure out and handed it to the red head smiling."that one is for you. we are looking for members"
  36. Tsaaq: "I went to a private school in Queens." She shrugged. "But Leman is a very good school." She smirked. Impressed a little by it. "I'm Penelope Van Buren." She introduced and took the pink brochure. "Well I expressed the desire to join the cheerleading squad along with the sorority upon my arrival." Penelope said. "I suppose I assumed all that was taken care of already." She went to glance through the brochure.
  37. Covet: "Are you like the school mascot or something?" Thorn asked Bea, "Or just their spokesperson? He asked, then looked at Penelope, "That sounds like a Queens name. Same as a president even. You are all sorts of a shiny Penny aren't you."
  38. Smokeless: she looked at the and smiled."Oh no president of student government. It is my respobility to make sure all students are taken care of. she shrugged her shoulders and looked at the time."oh my I have to get go. I ahve some freshmen to take care of you two have a good day"
  39. Smokeless: [i have to go to bed got an early morning
  40. Covet: [night]
  41. Smokeless: [night]
  42. Smokeless: [ill be on late tomorrow]
  43. Tsaaq: She turned to Thorn with her head tilted. "I suppose I am. You seem very knowledgable yourself. If you can recognize my political heritage." She snickered. Penelope looked to Bea and gave her a smile. "We'll be in touch. I assure you." She said, folding her brochure into little squares. She looked away as the other female walked away. She pursed her lips and cleared her throat. "She seems... Nice." She said unsurely.
  44. Covet: "Oh. Right that makes sense. Well, have fun with the Frosh." Thorn said with a wave, as she took off. "Brochures... for clubs and shit. I've got way more important things to do with my time." He said giving her a smirk, " I try to be, ordinary people are adorable. Smart people are the ones who save lives and make a difference." He looked back in the direction that Bea went. "Sure, if school pep dripping in ignorance is your thing."
  45. Tsaaq: She placed her folded brochure on the table then put her hands in her lap once more. Penelope fought the smirk that wanted to surface on her lips. "Well then it's more than a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She said. She let out a high pitched sigh. "Oh come now. Things like sororities and extracurriculars help on a resume." Penelope told him, even though she totally agreed. "Besides. It must feel nice for her to feel in charge of something." She said in a patronizing voice.
  46. Covet: "I might have cared about such things, four years ago, and before, but too much of that." He said pointing in the direction Bea went, "Gets old after a while. I'm sure she feels very important." He added with a laugh, "So what's the descendent of a dead president doing in college then?" He asked turning the attention to her.
  47. Tsaaq: "True." She said in agreement. "Sometimes it's best to let big fish feel big in their little pond." She tried not to laugh. "Well, you have to go to college to become a lawyer. So that's my current predicament." Penelope answered. "Why are you in college?" She asked him in a sweet voice.
  48. Covet: "Lawyer. Yeah I can see it." He said looking her over, "Let me know when you want to chase my ambulance." Thorn told her then corrected himself, "I'm here for Emergency and First Repsonse Medicine. I actually work as an EMT. Level 2, working towards my Paramedic certification, and someday a Life Flight specialist." He told her sounding way less cocky and more proud of what he did.
  49. Tsaaq: Her eyebrows rose, nodding her head at him. "I'm good at running in heels." She said playfully. "But that is a very noble profession. So if I get hurt, I'll know who to go to." She winked.
  50. Tsaaq: ((I'm gonna try to keep posting.))
  51. Covet: [lol okay no worries.]
  52. Covet: "Thank you. Of course, anything from spraigned ankle to needing CPR, I've got you covered." He said with a grin, "What else are you good at doing in heels?"
  53. Tsaaq: She playfully gasped then applauded softly. "Fantastic. I love having reliable connections." Penelope snickered. "Oh, getting a little fresh are we?" She asked him and put her hands on her hips.
  54. Covet: "Do you really blame me for trying? C'mon, you know you're a lot more confident then your little act earlier. I appreciate your effort though." He told her as he finished off his Frozen yogurt adding it to the stack of dishes he had off to the other side.
  55. Tsaaq: Penelope pursed her large lips as she went to toss some of her ginger hair over her shoulder. "I'm sorry, act?" She asked with her eyes widened. This time she turned to face him when she awaited his reply.
  56. Covet: "The defenseless attacked girl. You're studying to be a lawyer. If we're talking about big fish in small ponds, You'd be the leopard coming for a drink. Am I wrong?" He said watching her with an amused smirk on his face.
  57. Tsaaq: She attempted to mask her surprsed expression but instead exhaled softly before pressing her lips together again. "Predators need nourishment too, you know." She replied. "That's simply science. The circle of life, if you will." Penelope rubbed her hands on her thighs as she stared at her lap. "I'm surprised that so suddenly somebody's caught on." She murmured.
  58. Covet: "I'm perceptive, I told you I was guilty of people watching." Thorn told her casually, while he watched her. "No need to be ashamed of it, it suits you. Means you're a force to be reckoned with. I'll just patch up the ones that manage to escape, and they'll be left that much weaker for you next time around."
  59. Tsaaq: "Of course." She released a nervous laugh. She lifted her head and a more geniune smile came across her lips. "Thank you Thorn." She replied. She cleared her throat and straightened up as lifted her shoulders. "Don't get too much of an ego but, I think I'll enjoy your company." She smiled.
  60. Covet: "It can't really get any bigger than it is. But thanks for keeping me in check." He said with a laugh, then grinned, noticing her shift in stature. "Any time, Penny."
  61. Tsaaq: Her eyes widened at him. "Must you refer to me as Penny?" She asked with a small shake of her head, a sigh and a roll of her brown eyes. "If you do it a bunch of people will think it's alright to call me it." She told Thorn.
  62. Covet: "Fine, I'll just call you it when it's just you and I." He told her crossing his arms as he looked back at his screen to read over the next paragraph of notes, keeping an eye on her out of his periphreals
  63. Tsaaq: This wasn't a fucking negotiation but she let out a high pitched squeak again and shook her head. "Don't tell you me you're actually studying while being out in the open?" She asked. "What about all the commotion and the conversation happening around you? Or do you just perform well under pressure?" She inquired.
  64. Covet: "I like things being busy. Chaos is my comfort. It's kind of my job to perform well under pressure." He told her, looking around the place, "It's not that bad in here right now. I've become accustomed to blocking out unecessary thing in order to focus."
  65. Tsaaq: Penelope leaned over and went to put her hand over his text book loudly. " You find comfort in chaos?" She asked with her eyebrows raising up her alabaster forehead. "That sounds exactly like a Manhattanite." She tilted her head at him and began to grin. "Now I know to pester you when you seem like you're engulfed in coursework."
  66. Covet: Thorn leaned back and looked at her as she demanded his attention, he gave a chuckle. "I can't imagine why, if you're going to pester me, you better make it a damn good one, Penny."
  67. Tsaaq: She looked taken aback as she retracted her hand. "Was that some type of perverted word play?" She asked him. "Second time in one evening. What happens when we get to three?"
  68. Covet: Thorn watched her, and laughed, "Either I get slapped your you finally answer me. Really only two ways it can go."
  69. Covet: *slapped or
  70. Tsaaq: "It's because I suspect youre insanely flirtacious with all the young ladies of SCU." She waved her index finger at him. "And I suppose I'll just have to wait until we cross that bridge for you to know what teh result would be. I like to keep people guessing." She laughed.
  71. Covet: "Did you see me flirting with.. whatever her name was? I think that alone answers that stament. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the ladies who show some initiative and have a brain in their head. The bimbo act is boring. But even I have standards." He said watching her finger whis his own chuckle
  72. Tsaaq: She blinked at him carefully. "Bea." She replied under her breath. "Well, I don't do the bimbo act. Obviously." She waved her hands over her outfit. "And I don't think my father would appreciate me concealing whatever intelligence he's passed on to me." Penelope started to giggle.
  73. Covet: "As well you shouldn't." He told her. "That's the only way to get ahead in the world. But I'm sure you understand that." Thorn told her taking note of her giggle.
  74. Tsaaq: ((WATCH YOUR ASS THORN.))
  75. Tsaaq: "You are correct to assume that." She said. "Hey... Since I've got you here and you've been consistently attending this university... What would you say the demographic of the students is like? And I mean by social standing. Unless you don't really socialize with other students. Then you probably know nothing." She pursed her lips.
  76. Covet: "I pay attention to few, but I've picked up that there's a lot of art majors, who think they can chance the world with their pretty pictures, and limited technological education. I've come across few that actually have the drive to physically make a difference for people." Thorn told her
  77. Covet: [XD What!? lmao]
  78. Tsaaq: Penelope had to stop herself from making an annoyed noise, or even sticking her tongue. "How... Adorable?" She asked as sarcastically. "So the amount of actual intellectuals in the school is... A small margin? Or?" She leaned forward and rubbed her hand along her cheek then chin.
  79. Covet: "Or?" He asked her raising an eyebrow, looking her over. "A small margin indeed.
  80. Tsaaq: "That was like, part of my inquiry it wasn't." She paused exasperatedly. "You weren't supposed to repeat it... Well at any rate. Artists, limited actual goals in the student body." She ndoded her head. "Duly noted." She crossed her arms over her chest. "So where are you staying? If you don't mind me asking?"
  81. Covet: "Not at all. I'm staying at the dorms. Not any sort of glamerous life, but it gets me by." He told her with a shrug. "You?"
  82. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply. "Well, initially I was going to stay in the dorms." She began to explain before she grit her pearly whites. "Then I actually saw the dorms..." Penelope spoke in a less than enthused tone. "And I saw the rules. And I wasn't very pleased with those either. So. I decided... If I join the sorority, I could live in the house and have my own room. And do whatever I want." She shrugged as she looked at him. "I assure you I genuinely enjoy greek life. Don't go telling people I have ulterior motives." Penelope quickly covered her tracks.
  83. Covet: "Whatever you need to do to survive." Thorn told her, nodding his head, "Your motives are safe with me. The rules at the dorms are the same, but I really don't give any fucks. What's the worst that could happen I go talk to the dean?"
  84. Tsaaq: "Are you implying that you do drugs and you have sexual intercourse in the dorms all the time? Nay, do you imbibe in alcohol?" She tried to fight the laughter that wanted to escape from her throat. "What else can I say besides, I'm not surprised." Penelope playfully rolled her eyes.
  85. Covet: "Drugs, Never. Sex when the mood suits it, Alcohol. I'm twenty three, of course I drink." He said giving a shameless shrug. "I doubt they could do anything I couldn't talk myself out of."
  86. Tsaaq: She shook her head at him. "Well it's good to hear that you're not too rebellious." She stuck her tongue out at him for only a moment. "Well I'm nineteen. So I'm not as fortunate as you. Unfortunately." Penelope said. "Technically, they can't penalize you. Even under school policy. You're not corrupting anyone."
  87. Covet: "Hey, if they try, I'll just bring you along. These connections can work both ways."Thorn grinned, looking at her, "Corrupting anyone... Yet. Sure."
  88. Tsaaq: Penelope let a boastful smirk grow on her lips. "I'd be glad to practice with you." She nodded. "Oh goodness. Please at least be sneaky if you plan to corrupt individuals. At least on school property."
  89. Covet: "I bet you would." Thorn said with that cocky look on his face again. "Sneaky, inconspicuous. My business is my own, that includes anyone I'm involved with."
  90. Tsaaq: ((stop that.))
  91. Covet: [bahaha]
  92. Tsaaq: Her eyebrows rose again at his fucking words. "Well. I suppose I should leave you to your studies." Penelope said hurriedly as she got up from the bench of the lunch table. "But take down my number, telephone me sometime. We'll have coffee." She basically demanded. This was not a request.
  93. Covet: "Alright, Penny. It was great to chat with you. I look forward to doing it again soon." He told her as he took his pen waiting to hear her number. "I'll let you kno what my schedule's like. How about that?"
  94. Tsaaq: She nodded her head. "Very good." She grinned. "I would like that very much. I could plan the coffee conversations accordingly. Or perhaps I'll invite you to the sorority house for tea?" She basically thought outloud. "Area code, nine one seven, eight five five, and finally eleven sixty nine. Don't make dirty jokes." She waved her index finger at him scoldingly.
  95. Covet: "I wasn't going to but I see where your mind is." He told her with a chuckle as he wrote down her number. "I'll stick to coffee if you invite me for tea, I prefer a specific type of dirty water. But other than that, It's a date."
  96. Tsaaq: She sighed. "Well you've been suggestive all evening I was just attempting damage control." She chirped. Penelope clasped her hands together as she let her arms hang in front of her. She shook her head. "You'll drink tea. And you'll like it. When and if I decide we're having tea." She gently commanded then flashed a smile. "But until then? Coffee." She squeaked and she batted her eyelashes. Glancing over the cafeteria once more before turning to Thorn once more. "Goodnight Thorn. T-t-f-n." She wiggled her fingers as she waved at him then turned on her heel to walk away.
  97. Covet: Thorn shook his head as she walked off, "Later Penny." He went back to his studying then eventually went to the dorms.
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