
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 2

Nov 19th, 2014
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >You are currently trying to make sense of the situation
  3. >So, your old family friend/principal appeared this morning into your kitchen, asking for a place to stay
  4. >You also almost blew her brains out
  5. >Oops
  6. >Accompanied by soft humming from indoors you mentally draw a list of pros and cons
  7. >Pros:
  8. >First off, she can do the dishes, maybe even clean
  9. >You hate to admit it, but the house looks like shit
  10. >Unwashed dishes, dirty laundry, dust and everything from empty Zig-Zag packets to empty beer cans combine to leave it looking almost like a crack den
  11. >Second, she won't be here that long
  12. >Meaning, if anything big comes up during her stay you can see to it afterwards
  13. >Third, she's a family friend, and pretty hot
  14. >Which is pretty self-explanatory
  15. >Besides, you owe her for getting you out of some tight spots during your school years
  16. >Cons:
  17. >First, she's your old principal, and you don't know how she'll react if she finds out what you do for a living
  18. >If she'd somehow find out, you're pretty sure that she'd either call the cops or, at the very least, contact your family
  19. >You want neither
  20. >If word got out to anyone in your family, being disowned would be the least of your problems
  21. >You swore to yourself that you'd never see that look of disappointment on your father's face again
  22. >It was almost soul-crushing, in a way
  23. >And that was just from you telling him what you were going to study in college
  24. >Him finding out that your worthless major has left you unemployed and slinging drugs in a dead-end part of town would break him
  25. >Second, she is going to break your routines (or rather, your lack of them)
  26. >You can't get drunk at 2 PM just because you feel like it
  27. >You can't invite friends over and just blaze, chat and listen to music
  28. >If you go to the bar and manage to pull a chick, you can't bring her home
  29. >You can't host any parties this weekend
  30. >Etc.
  31. >She has to go
  32. >You put your cigarette out in a convenient beer can and head inside, simultaneously trying to come up with a good argument
  33. >Hey Celestia, I know I've known you since childhood, but I want to drink at 2 PM, so please go
  34. >Hey Celestia, I'm a drug dealer and I don't want you calling the cops, so bounce
  35. >Hey Celestia, I'd really love for you to be here, but I like doing coke and wrecking the house naked, so leave for your own safety
  36. >Fuck
  37. >You're not a particularly good liar either, so you'll just have to roll with the punches
  38. >This is going to be hell
  39. >Stepping over the piles of dirty laundry in your living room, you hear the hum of a vacuum
  40. >You are greeted by the sight of her in an apron, somehow simultaneously vacuuming the floor and wiping the countertop with a smile on her face
  41. >The kitchen hasn't been this clean since you moved here, and she seems really happy
  42. >She sees you and turns off the vacuum
  43. >''Hi Anon! Hope I'm not disturbing you, but I found the vacuum and thought the kitchen could use some cleaning. Hope you don't mind.''
  44. >She flashes a warm smile your way
  45. ''No Celestia, I don't mind. But we kinda, uh, need to talk.''
  46. >You say trying to not sound as guilty as you feel
  47. >You fail
  48. >''Sure! I'll just finish up here, if you don't mind.''
  49. >She looks at you with a hint of worry
  50. >''I'm not intruding too much, am I?''
  51. ''No, no, nothing like that.''
  52. >You try to give her a comforting smile
  53. >It turns into more of an awkward lopsided grin
  54. >You turn around and take off towards the living room table
  55. >After sitting down on the couch, you try to come up with something, anything, to say to her
  56. >She joins you a minute later, still smiling
  57. >''Oh, by the way, I just can't thank you enough for this Anon.''
  58. >She looks wistfully out of the window for a moment
  59. >''I don't know if anyone else would take me in.''
  60. >She looks back at you with a smile, her beautiful eyes glinting in the morning sun
  61. ''Oh yeah, uh, about that…''
  62. >''Hmm?''
  63. >You can clearly see that she's happy
  64. >Happy for you taking her in, even if just for a while
  65. >Fuck it
  66. ''So, uh…''
  67. >''Hmm?''
  68. >She scoots closer with a smile
  69. >Fuck it
  70. ''Uhh…''
  71. >She leans towards you
  72. >Her perfume reminds you of a summer day, a floral, warm fragrance
  73. >''Yeah?''
  74. >God fucking damnit
  75. ''Uh, where do you wanna sleep? Is the couch fine?''
  76. >You mentally facepalm
  77. >That's not how you envisioned the conversation
  78. >She gives something between a snort and a soft giggle
  79. >''Yes Anon, the couch is just fine, thank you very much.''
  80. >She replies in a warm, almost motherly tone
  81. >''Now Anon, do you mind if I ask you something?''
  82. >Her tone grows slightly more serious
  83. ''Depends on the question.''
  84. >''Just what do you do with that gun of yours?''
  85. >You scratch your neck and look out of the window
  86. >You don't want to lie, but you can't tell her the whole truth either
  87. ''I just have it in case someone breaks in, self defense, that kind of stuff.''
  88. >''Have you had to use it then?''
  89. >She looks incredibly calculating
  90. >She's got the Teacher's Stare
  91. ''Not until today.''
  92. >You give her a half-hearted grin
  93. >She snorts and gives a short giggle again, followed by an apologetic smile
  94. >''Sorry for breaking into your house. I don't know what I was thinking.''
  95. ''No problem. Just don't make it a habit, okay? People over here are a bit trigger happy from what I've heard.''
  96. >''Oh no, wouldn't dream of it. And thanks for not shooting me.''
  97. >She smiles again
  98. >You stand up and grab a cigarette from your pocket
  99. >Two left
  100. ''Shit.''
  101. >''Hmm?''
  102. ''Need to go to the store. You need anything?''
  103. >''Do you need company?''
  104. ''Sure, why not. Mind drawing up a shopping list?''
  105. >''It's the least I can do.''
  106. >She smiles reassuringly as you step out into the cold November air
  107. >You curse mentally and take a deep drag of your cigarette
  108. >That's not how the conversation was meant to go
  109. >But, honestly, you'd probably feel like a total scumbag for throwing her out on the streets this time of year
  110. >Besides, it doesn't hurt to have someone to talk to once in a while
  111. >When you aren't delivering something to a buyer, eating or sleeping you're mostly glued to your computer
  112. >And, the place does need a woman's touch
  113. >And she looks great
  114. >Maybe having her around won't be that bad
  115. >And maybe you could even tap that-
  116. >Your thoughts are broken by the sound of a door opening
  117. >''So, you need milk, eggs, rice and almost a thousand other things. Your kitchen's severely lacking.''
  118. >She smiles despite her businesslike tone
  119. ''Come on, it can't be that bad. I've always had it like that.''
  120. >''What?''
  121. >She looks surprised for a moment
  122. ''Man, it's not like I have to eat fillet every day. Eggs and ramen is cheap and good.''
  123. >''Eggs and ramen? Really?''
  124. >You nod at her amazed expression
  125. >''You can't live like that, you know. You're not in college anymore.''
  126. ''I kn-''
  127. >''Or are you? I'm sorry, we haven't had much time to catch up.''
  128. ''Well-''
  129. >''Sorry for interrupting.''
  130. >You glare at her, emanating murder from your eyes
  131. >She looks sheepish and gives an embarrassed blush
  132. >''Sorry…''
  133. ''No problem. Just don't make it a habit.''
  134. >'You give a sigh and flick the ash from your cigarette over the balcony rail
  135. ''Anyway, as I was going to say, as soon as I get a job I'll change my eating habits.''
  136. >You clear your throat and spit over the railing, doing your best to ignore her slightly disgusted expression
  137. ''Until then, fat chance. I'm not exactly swimming in money for the time being.''
  138. >You take another drag and put out the cigarette in another handy beer can
  139. >You give a small sheepish laugh
  140. ''Sorry if I sounded mean, it's just, well…''
  141. >You trail off, not sure of what to say
  142. >''Times are rough.''
  143. >She continues quietly
  144. ''Yeah. I think we both know that.''
  145. >You stand in silence for a minute, looking at the skyline spread before you
  146. ''Anyway, I still need smokes and, according to somebody, about a thousand other things.''
  147. >She smiles at your jab
  148. ''Let's go.''
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