
Lesta Nediam LNC2015-12-30 0155 +st0rmforce

Dec 29th, 2015
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2015-12-30 0155 +st0rmforce
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL1dEBZ6Vyc&google_comment_id=z13fefpxxpqqizjjq04cefvylzvgc3hogvg0k
  3. https://pastebin.com/GZ5ZVYdy
  4. __
  7. +st0rmforce __ [This is long and I ask you a question at the end. It would be okay if you only answered the question and did not read the long reply though obviously I'd prefer you to read the reply as well.] Just as some police are corrupt and give the rest a bad name so too there are bad "conspiracy theorists" who give the rest a bad name. Certainly, we are talking about the alleged actions (or inactions) of "governments" so it is not at all surprising that you have heard only worthless arguments from the current crop of "conspiracy theorists". It's called "controlled opposition" and the awful ones who espouse the worst arguments tend to be given the spotlight and all of the (tacit) support.
  9. I have not heard anyone else say what I have to say _and so I know that you haven't yet heard it._
  11. I took a quick skim of your channel and I take back what I wrote about your IQ. *You are more than capable of understanding what I have to say.* The problem - _if there is to be one_ - is that you may not want to accept what I am saying *even though at all times I confine myself to writing only self-evident truths.*
  13. Ultimately, the belief that's controlling you is the prevailing one. It is the culture's dominant belief whereas mine is within a tiny minority. *It will be the easiest thing in the world for you to ignore what I have to say simply because you do not wish it to be true.*
  15. And that is the problem. If we are to talk it can only work if you are honest. I think you might be but if you are dishonest then this can only be a waste of your own time. The other people above us are a waste of time and going forward _*I will ignore them and only write to you*_ (if they interject while we are talking).
  17. *Without having ever met you here's what I know about you:* _whether or not there really is an "ISS" your belief in it being real and manned is not justified._
  19. You talk about making an effort to determine its distance with a friend. To be clear: no one disputes that there exists a shiny object that whizzes past in the sky according to a timetable published online. *Furthermore, that shiny object is certainly going to be as far away as we are told. Let me phrase it in this way: *if it is possible to accurately measure the shiny object's distance _then it will be approximate (within margins of error) to that which is asserted about it._
  21. The key point is this: *If it were any other distance AND it were possible to accurately measure it - _then it would hardly be much of a deception would it?_ The lie system does not make (such fatal) mistakes. To assert the shiny object is distance X when we can accurately measure to find it is instead a distance of double-X or of half-X *then a fraud has necessarily been uncovered.* _The lie system does not make such "fatal" mistakes and it has no interest in getting caught._
  23. And so even though I suggest that there is no justification for the belief that it:
  25. 1) *Exists* [according to its alleged physical characteristics; i.e., the "shape" of the alleged "ISS"]
  27. *or*
  29. 2) *Is presently manned.* (Or was _ever_ manned)
  31. *I don't doubt for a second that the shiny object is the equivalent distance of what we are told PROVIDED it is possible to accurately measure the distance.* If it is NOT possible to accurately measure the distance then (and ONLY then) can we be told a lie about the shiny object's distance.
  33. ____
  35. _To return to what I was saying:_
  37. It does not matter about your success in measuring the shiny object's alleged distance. *Even if you were to successfully measure the object's distance and verify that it is at the "correct distance" _does not mean it is what we are told it is._* It does not mean there is anyone inside of it. _And it certainly does not mean there is anyone inside of it right now._ If it were "real" then it could have been abandoned a day, a week, a month or more than a year ago.
  39. ____
  41. I will ask you a question and I don't expect you to have a ready answer but you might. I will ask it anyway and I will pay attention to whatever answer you can give. Take the question seriously. If you don't know the answer and don't want to guess then that's okay - _I'll simply give you my answer._
  43. You can then either agree with my answer or you can dispute it - but we will have advanced the conversation and this "thread" - _after over 100 messages_ - will suddenly become productive.
  45. Keep in mind that we were all necessarily born into a "society/culture". In this world there are many other cultures that we believe to be of differing stages of advancement. And so imagine we lived in a world where there was no "ISS" and then *a third world country* started to make the claim that it had built a space station and that its people were now living inside of a permanent micro/zero gravity environment.
  47. Would you necessarily accept the claim? Would you necessarily believe it? Would you shrug your shoulders and say, _*"Well, I can't think of any reason why anyone lie about it?"*_ (This is NOT my question to you! Your question is coming up.)
  49. We are not inclined to question our own nation or culture when it comes to its apparent achievements. When our nation wins gold medals we don't think they cheated. When some other nation we expected to do poorly suddenly wins easily we often wonder about cheating. We have a kind of "blind spot" when it comes to the wonders of our own nation/culture. It's just the way it is.
  51. The claim of an "ISS" is something we can all be proud of. *It is a claim we would all want to be true* - that we would all hope _is_ true. And so even though we may recognise the "government" lies about a great many things - _we feel inclined to believe its claims with less scrutiny when those claims are resoundingly positive._ We want it to be true!
  53. So if you are having difficulty answering my question (which will be asked in a moment) then imagine you live in a world where a so-called "third world country" becomes the first to be making the claim of a "space station". If doubting the achievements of your own country/nation/culture is difficult then simply imagine it is some other country making the claim. Imagine it's an African country. Imagine it's China. Imagine it's Iran. Whatever makes it easier - you pick. *If any of those countries were the first to be making this kind of claim would you automatically and unquestioningly accept it?* (Though that's not my question!)
  55. Of the things I have mentioned in this message to you (including the "rhetorical questions") I don't expect you to answer or talk about. What follows will be the question that I *do* want you to answer. With the above I have simply made an effort to frame things in such a way that the answer to my question will come more easily and definitely to your mind.
  57. ______
  59. _Okay, here is the question that I am expecting you to take seriously and try to answer:_
  61. *What is something that would necessarily prove that there really are people who are living, breathing, eating and sh!tting in a _permanent micro/zero gravity environment?_* (i.e., aboard the alleged "ISS")
  63. ______
  65. There is a simple answer and so please try to think of what it might be. If you are an intelligent, honest and serious person then let's have a chat. If you're a timewaster then respond with ridicule, abuse or anything else. As I say - if it helps - imagine it is some other nation who has made the claim and that you are now thinking, _"Okay, so how can I verify that it's actually true?"_
  67. To be clear: *I have asked a question and I am expecting you to answer it.* Please stay focused and please don't introduce any irrelevancies. *Focus on one thing at a time.* If you are itching to tell me about something unrelated to the question I have asked then please do so only AFTER you have answered the question. Answer the question and THEN say what's on your mind if you must!
  69. (If you have a question for me - _that's wonderful_ - just answer my question *and then* ask yours. I will answer whatever you ask just so long as you have first answered mine.)
  71. _As always, whatever happens next remains up to you._
  73. TO REPEAT THE QUESTION FOR st0rmforce: *What is something that would necessarily prove that there really are people who are living, breathing, eating and sh!tting in a _permanent micro/zero gravity environment?_* (i.e., aboard the alleged "ISS")
  77. __________________________________________
  78. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  79. https://pastebin.com/Bfr5RMSg
  81. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  82. https://plus.google.com/+LestaNediamHQ
  84. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  85. https://pastebin.com/WV42jUb1
  87. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
  88. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3DalBOEZ6RqSyHk8_mGV7w
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