
Healing Kisses (ch34)

Jan 3rd, 2021 (edited)
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  3. First released fic of 2021! Wanted to do something warm and cozy for the winter months.
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. ----------
  9. Chapter 34. Kotatsu
  11. When the colder months come around, it only takes until the first light flurry of snowflakes for the girls of Seishou to start preparing for the winter. Extra blankets and comforters are laid out on their beds, portable heaters are set up in the lounges, and boxes of hot chocolate are placed on the kitchen countertops.
  13. But the most highly-anticipated addition to the winter-themed items is, no doubt, the school-provided kotatsu.
  15. One is typically placed in each lounge throughout Starlight Hall, and they're almost always occupied.
  17. Had Maya and Claudine known that today would be the day the kotatsu were delivered and set up, they might've gotten out of bed a little earlier.
  19. But as things are, they end up sleeping in a bit this Saturday morning, and by the time they arrive to their lounge for breakfast, a very vibrant Nana and Junna are already getting themselves cozy beneath the orange-and-yellow-striped fabrics of the kotatsu. There's a little basket of tangerines in the center table, and Nana is currently peeling one.
  21. "Oh!" she beams at them. "Maya-chan, Kuro-chan, good morning!"
  23. "Good morning."
  25. "Bonjour."
  27. They'd both chosen sweaters - grey and orange respectively - along with thick black leggings, as the day outside the window is white and no doubt chilled.
  29. Junna glances up from her book to greet them with an inviting smile.
  31. "Would you two like to join us?"
  33. Now, of course that would be the most logical option, to each take one of the remaining sides of the table and enjoy the warmth. But for whatever prideful reason they can't quite understand, both girls politely decline.
  35. "Perhaps later," Maya says.
  37. "We'll get started on breakfast."
  39. "Oh!" Nana chirps, getting up. "I'll help!"
  41. The three of them cook for nine as the others gradually trickle in. Kaoruko takes a spot at the kotatsu almost immediately, and Futaba chides her for stealing the spot where Nana was sitting and shoos her to a different side before wiggling in next to her. Then Karen, Mahiru and Hikari squeeze together on one side, thanking the others for preparing breakfast.
  43. By the time the food is ready, Nana, Maya and Claudine bring it over to share. Nana leaves her side of the kotatsu vacant for the two of them and instead squeezes in beside Junna for the time being.
  45. "Maya-chan, Kuro-chan, you can sit there!"
  47. But one glance at the already-full kotatsu has the pair sharing an uncertain sort of look.
  49. "It's all right," Claudine says. "We'll take the couch."
  51. "Oh?" Kaoruko hums. "What's this? Is it not cold enough for you to join us? Afraid of getting tickled? Or are you just too good for warming up on a snowy day?"
  53. "Would you shut it?" Futaba chops her on the head. "Just eat and leave 'em be. They don't hafta sit if they don't wanna."
  55. "Maybe it's too warm?" Karen guesses curiously.
  57. "Could be," Nana says. "And besides, some people overheat really quickly so they don't like kotatsu that much."
  59. Maya and Claudine share another glance, silently wondering if any of the given reasons are the real answers as to why they don't want to sit just yet. Claudine doesn't think so, but she uses one of Kaoruko's excuses on her.
  61. "That's probably it. I don't trust you to keep your hands to yourself, Kaoruko. I can promise you if you ever tickle me you'll regret it."
  63. Kaoruko pouts and crosses her arms.
  65. "Hmph. You're no fun."
  67. So Maya and Claudine take the couch for breakfast as everyone discusses their plans for the day. It all sounds about the same as any weekend; chores, shopping, practice, and so on.
  69. Once they've all finished eating and washed their dishes, Mahiru takes Karen and Hikari out to get started on laundry, while Futaba has to drag Kaoruko away from the kotatsu to bring her out food shopping.
  71. "Noooo~!" Kaoruko whines dramatically. "Don't make me go out there in the cooold!"
  73. "Too bad! You're goin'!
  75. "Noooo!"
  77. Junna grimaces and Nana waves as Futaba hauls her off. Then the pair turns to Maya and Claudine.
  79. "What are your plans for today?" Junna wonders. "Practice?"
  81. Maya nods. "Yes."
  83. "Sounds about right!" Nana says. "Just make sure you stay warm, all right? The heat in the studio doesn't work super well right now."
  85. "We will, thank you."
  87. Nana and Junna seem to be staying at the kotatsu for now, with Nana leaning over to peek at Junna's book. As soon as she asks, Junna goes off talking all about it passionately. Nana places her elbows on the kotatsu and rests her chin in her palms, smiling as she listens.
  89. Maya and Claudine leave them be and head into the hallway.
  91. "So," Claudine says. "Are we going to school, then?"
  93. "Perhaps a bit later," Maya says. "I've just remembered I have a bit of laundry to take care of."
  95. "Same here."
  97. So with a bit of an awkward shrug, the pair part to their own rooms for the time being to take care of their laundry. They go about the process slowly, and of course Maya waits for her so they can carry their baskets to the laundry room together.
  99. But as they casually pass by the lounge, they find Nana and Junna are still there at the kotatsu, and this time Nana is reading and Junna is peeling a tangerine.
  101. Maya's shoulders visibly slump, but Claudine quickly pulls her away.
  103. "Come on. If we loiter around like this they'll feel pressured into leaving. We can't do that to them."
  105. Maya gives herself a shake.
  107. "You are absolutely right. I wouldn't want them to feel as though they should leave prematurely."
  109. "We'll get our turn eventually," Claudine says. "But we did say we'd go practice first, didn't we?"
  111. "Indeed we did. We can't be getting comfortable yet."
  113. "Exactly."
  115. But first they straighten up their rooms and then retrieve their laundry, which is fresh and warm. Claudine hugs her bundle of clothes to her chest and sighs blissfully as the heat spreads across her body. Maya observes her with a bemused chuckle. Claudine hears her and tosses a shirt at her face.
  117. They bring their laundry back to their rooms and put it away, then put on outdoor layers like trench coats and boots and scarves. They pass by the lounge again, glancing in casually, only to find that Nana and Junna must have left, and Kaoruko and Futaba had returned from their grocery run in town and have now taken the kotatsu for themselves. Futaba is munching on one of the tangerines, and Kaoruko is huddled as much beneath the covers as possible, hunched over the table and shivering pitifully.
  119. "I c-can't believe you made me go out there…"
  121. "Suck it up. It wasn't that bad."
  123. "With the wind from the bike? It was like being in a blizzard!"
  125. "It was refreshing, if you ask me." Futaba looks up to the other two. "Oy Kuroko, Tendo. Going out to practice?"
  127. "Oui." Claudine smiles. "We'll see you later."
  129. "See ya. Stay warm." Futaba offers Kaoruko a fruit, and she lifts her head with a sniffle.
  131. "Peel it for me, Futaba-han… my fingers are frozen…"
  133. "Geez, I swear…"
  135. Maya and Claudine wave to them before heading down the hall to the exit.
  137. Neither of them thought to wear gloves, but as Maya grips the handle and opens the door, the blast of frigid air that hits them tells them they probably should've. Claudine shudders instantly, and when she gasps her breath comes out white.
  139. "Sheesh. It should at least snow if it's going to be this cold!"
  141. "Indeed, it is a bit chilly," Maya says calmly. "But I rather enjoy it."
  143. "What are you, a polar bear? Do you not feel cold?"
  145. "Not as much as you seem to," Maya frowns. "If you'd like, please feel free to hold onto my hand, Saijou-san."
  147. Claudine huffs, because she'd been planning on doing that anyway, but the fact that Maya had offered it now makes it seems as though Claudine had lost somehow. But pride aside, Claudine grabs her hand anyway, shoving the other into her jacket pocket.
  149. "Let's get a move on," she mumbles.
  151. Maya smiles and squeezes her hand.
  153. "Of course."
  155. They set a leisurely pace along the sidewalk, listening to the rush of cars driving by. The scene around them is mostly grey and white, with only a few trees and plants still retaining some green.
  157. The cold isn't so bad as long as the wind isn't blowing, but whenever it does Claudine gives a huff as if to combat it, and in turn Maya always steps a little closer to her.
  159. They reach the school and check in, relieved to be back in a heated building. They make their way to the changing rooms and shed their layers for leotards.
  161. As soon as they're dressed, Maya notices Claudine shaking herself off quite a bit and suspects it's just a cover-up for shivering. Maya is a bit cold as well, but it doesn't bother her that much. However, seeing Claudine so rigid with her open-back leotard makes her heart soften.
  163. Before they exit the changing rooms, Maya wraps an arm around her partner and pulls her close, leaving a kiss on the side of her head. Claudine is just grateful Maya doesn't say anything to tease her as she leans against her.
  165. Maya soaks in the sight of her being so cute like this, though she does intend to pay close attention and ensure she isn't pushing herself.
  167. After a moment, it seems Claudine has charged herself up with a bit of Maya's warmth, so they make their way into the studio. The wooden floor is cold and hard beneath their dance shoes, and when Claudine sits down to stretch out her legs a jolt shoots through her.
  169. Maya keeps closer than usual and presses up against her whenever she can.
  171. Rather than rehearse lines, they go through a few dances today, as per Maya's proposition to be active and keep their blood flowing.
  173. After a couple of hours, they're both sweating as they head back to the locker room to change again. With the sweat clinging to every inch of herself that she can't wipe down with a towel, Claudine feels the cold soaking right into her skin again only moments after finishing such an intense session. She makes quick work of putting her sweater and jacket back on, and as soon as she's done she shuffles up to Maya again for another hug. Maya very happily wraps both arms around her, resting her chin atop Claudine's head.
  175. "My. I didn't know you were this sensitive to the cold, Saijou-san."
  177. "And I can't believe you're not affected at all," she mutters. "Do you have a space heater in your stomach? I'll bet it's because of that ridiculous metabolism of yours."
  179. "Perhaps," Maya chuckles. "Or perhaps it is simply because you make me feel so warm inside, Saijou-san."
  181. Claudine might've scoffed if it wasn't such a sweet comment and if she wasn't so damn comfortable right now. But instead she just sighs and nuzzles in closer to Maya's shoulder.
  183. Once she's ready, they ease apart to exit the building, though they keep their hands entwined. Claudine shudders at the initial blast of cold air, and Maya does as well, though she's clearly less bothered.
  185. As they walk, she steals glances at her partner to find Claudine clamping her mouth shut to prevent her teeth from chattering. Maya is struck by a mischievous spark of inspiration and brings them to a brief pause. Claudine gives her a puzzled look.
  187. "Why are we stopping? It's cold."
  189. "My apologies," Maya says. "I simply had an idea."
  191. "What kind of id-mmh-"
  193. Claudine is quieted by a kiss - a kiss that's undeniably warm, enough to give pause to her chattering teeth just for a moment. She sighs, grabbing Maya by the scarf and pulling her in a bit more, but only for a few seconds before pushing her back. Maya gives her hand a squeeze.
  195. "Was my method effective?"
  197. Claudine lifts her chin and turns away.
  199. "Maybe."
  201. Maya just keeps on smiling, and they continue on their way.
  203. Once back at the dormitory, it's another sigh of relief when they walk through the doors. Just as they do, it begins to flurry slightly. Claudine shakes a few tiny flakes off her head.
  205. They head back to the lounge in hopes of getting their turn at the kotatsu. But this time Karen's trio is there, along with three fresh tangerine peels. Karen herself is sprawled out on the floor with her legs beneath the blankets, half-conscious and babbling.
  207. "Mmn… and whadda you want for Christmas…? Have you been a good girl…?"
  209. Hikari is kneeling next to her, slouched on top of the table, also asleep.
  211. "Santa… I want to have fun with everyone again this Christmas…"
  213. And meanwhile, Mahiru is sighing at them.
  215. "Geez, you two… We've only been here ten minutes and you're already asleep. Karen-chan, it's bad manners to lie like that!"
  217. Claudine and Maya stifle a bit of laughter, drawing Mahiru's attention. She waves at them and sighs helplessly before continuing to attempt rousing her roommates.
  219. Claudine's eyes wander to the window, where the snow has started to pick up a little.
  221. "Great. Now just looking outside will make me feel even colder."
  223. "Perhaps a hot shower might help?" Maya suggests. Claudine tries not to seem too eager as she nods.
  225. So after shedding their boots and coats in the rooms, they head to the restrooms and shower, relishing the warm water for a little longer than they usually might. When she's finished, Claudine changes back into her sweater as quickly as possible and wraps her hair in a towel before the wetness can seep into her back.
  227. Maya moves about much more calmly, not seeming to mind her own wet hair at all, which irks Claudine a bit. Maya catches her eye and waves her over, picking up a hair dryer in the process.
  229. "Allow me."
  231. Claudine goes with an unwilling willingness and sits in a chair front of her. Maya gets to work on drying her hair, putting the dryer on high and keeping it at a distance so the air can hit as much of Claudine's back and neck as possible.
  233. Claudine visibly melts a little, leaning back toward her. Maya puts a hand on her shoulder to keep her from falling.
  235. She tends to Claudine for several minutes until she's certain there's not a drop of water left in her hair. After turning off the dryer and putting it down, Maya wraps her arms around Claudine from behind and presses up against her, nuzzling her cheek.
  237. "How are you feeling? Warm enough?"
  239. Claudine holds onto her arms and leans back.
  241. "I suppose so."
  243. They stay like that for a few minutes, sharing their body heat and resting their eyes a little. They might've been too comfortable to move if not for the fact that Maya is standing and there isn't anything to support their backs.
  245. They switch spots and Claudine dries Maya's hair for her, and at last they return to the lounge. And finally they see the kotatsu vacant and waiting for them.
  247. Both girls get a little excited and almost a little suspicious. Claudine almost thinks someone - probably Kaoruko - might jump out and start teasing them for wanting to use it. But thankfully nothing like that happens.
  249. They approach the kotatsu almost cautiously to start before each taking a side and kneeling down. Claudine slips her legs underneath and sighs as the heat begins radiating onto her. Maya gets settled comfortably with her back against the couch, enjoying the mild warmth.
  251. The basket of what was originally nine tangerines is now down to only two.
  253. They might've reached for them, but right now - after all the practicing and the walking in the cold and the hot showers - both of them are beginning to feel drowsy.
  255. Claudine flashes her a glance, and Maya meets it with a small smile. She lifts an arm invitingly to the side. A light blush dusts across Claudine's cheeks as she sidles over, joining Maya on her end of the kotatsu. She wraps both arms around Maya, leaning against her side as Maya rests back against the couch.
  257. The warmth of the kotatsu spreads through their bodies slowly, and when they're pressed so closely together like this there's absolutely no space for even a breath of cold to slip in.
  259. Claudine shivers for just a moment as she lets herself lean into Maya. Maya rubs her arm slowly up and down her back. Claudine closes her eyes and sighs, and before long the shivers die down.
  261. Only now does it click that they'd only wanted to use the kotatsu when no one else was around because they simply wanted to enjoy it together like this.
  263. Using Maya's shoulder as a pillow and the couch to support her back, Claudine gets comfortable. She can feel the slow, calming pulse of Maya's heartbeat against her chest, and it starts lulling her to sleep.
  265. Likewise, Claudine's deep and even breathing begins to put Maya out, but not before she manages to reach her other arm across Claudine's lap to circle her in a loose embrace.
  267. They fall asleep together there without another word, nestled between the couch and the kotatsu, with two tangerines sitting patiently in their basket, and a gentle snowfall drifting from outside the window.
  269. -------------
  271. A/N: I hope this got the right feeling to it! I was going for that sort of busy-feeling day, stuff to do, even just mundane things, and then you get a comfy spot and just... drift off... without even saying or doing anything... Keeping warm is much better with a girlfriend.
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