

Mar 8th, 2016
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  1. Part of me wants to submit Rusty to SGDQ because I actually do think it would make it in. Problem is I definitely won't have Tuesday-Friday off during the marathon so it would have to fit in the first two days or the last and I really don't want to give up any time hanging out with people or supporting them to practice by myself and there's no way I'd have the energy to put up a good marathon run after a work day in the middle of summer. I thought about submitting anyway and then backing out as needed but I don't really like that idea. I like committing to what I sign up for. I WAS going to learn Paris Dakar Rally and submit it as a surprise but life got in the way of that and now I've ruined the surprise so oh well. Sorry if I got you excited for a few seconds.
  3. It's kind of too bad because dang the submission list needs some serious FLAVOR. There are some great ideas but the majority of it is just bog standard stuff (though I'll always enjoy the highest level of play for those at least) or random licensed platformers and eh, it's hard for me to be interested in most of that. I'm hoping some of the more interesting submissions show up later on.
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