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Jun 5th, 2013
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  1. > apt-cache rdepends libsdl1.2debian
  2. libsdl1.2debian
  3. Reverse Depends:
  4. zatacka
  5. yabause-qt
  6. yabause-gtk
  7. xwax
  8. widelands
  9. wesnoth-1.10-server
  10. wesnoth-1.10-core
  11. vodovod
  12. vlc-plugin-sdl
  13. vlc
  14. visualboyadvance-gtk
  15. visualboyadvance
  16. liburg0
  17. tuxfootball
  18. triplane
  19. toppler
  20. teeworlds
  21. supertransball2
  22. stopmotion
  23. stella
  24. spl-sdl
  25. sopwith
  26. libsdl-net1.2
  27. libsdl-mixer1.2
  28. libsdl-image1.2
  29. scummvm
  30. quakespasm
  31. pokerth
  32. performous
  33. openttd
  34. onscripter
  35. njam
  36. mupen64plus-video-z64
  37. mpeg2dec
  38. libmlt5
  39. micropolis
  40. mana
  41. maelstrom
  42. love
  43. lives
  44. liquidsoap-plugin-sdl
  45. lincity-ng
  46. lightspark-common
  47. libsdl-perl
  48. python-libavg
  49. libav-tools
  50. libalien-sdl-perl
  51. lbreakout2
  52. joystick
  53. ioquake3
  54. instead
  55. gource
  56. libsdl-gst
  57. glhack
  58. libflatzebra-0.1-2
  59. flare
  60. python-fife
  61. ffdiaporama
  62. etw
  63. enigma
  64. libdevil1c2
  65. desmume
  66. dodgindiamond2
  67. darkplaces
  68. coriander
  69. chromium-bsu
  70. burgerspace
  71. briquolo
  72. blockout2
  73. blobby-server
  74. blobby
  75. biniax2
  76. between
  77. audacious-plugins
  78. aranym
  79. 0ad
  80. xbmc-bin
  81. warzone2100
  82. vavoom
  83. transcode
  84. supertux
  85. spring
  86. spout
  87. simutrans
  88. python3-pygame
  89. python-pygame
  90. prboom
  91. mupen64plus-video-z64
  92. mupen64plus-video-rice
  93. mupen64plus-input-sdl
  94. libmupen64plus2
  95. mupen64plus-audio-sdl
  96. mplayer2
  97. meritous
  98. mednafen
  99. love
  100. libav-tools
  101. libiulib0d
  102. gpac-modules-base
  103. freedink-engine
  104. fizmo-ncursesw
  105. python-fife
  106. ffdiaporama
  107. fceux
  108. extremetuxracer
  109. bochs-sdl
  110. bochs
  111. blender
  112. xjadeo
  113. libxine2-x
  114. vlc-plugin-sdl
  115. vlc
  116. tuxtype
  117. tuxmath
  118. tucnak2
  119. scummvm
  120. qemu-system-x86
  121. qemu-system-sparc
  122. qemu-system-ppc
  123. qemu-system-misc
  124. qemu-system-mips
  125. qemu-system-arm
  126. libpt2.10.10
  127. pike7.8-sdl
  128. pearpc
  129. openttd
  130. openssn
  131. openmsx
  132. neverputt
  133. neverball
  134. manaplus
  135. python-libavg
  136. libiulib0
  137. hedgewars
  138. libghc-sdl-ttf-dev
  139. libghc-sdl-mixer-dev
  140. libghc-sdl-image-dev
  141. libghc-sdl-gfx-dev
  142. libghc-sdl-dev
  143. guvcview
  144. grub-emu
  145. libgnuradio-video-sdl3.6.5
  146. gnugk
  147. gambas3-gb-sdl
  148. fuse-emulator-sdl
  149. fuse-emulator-gtk
  150. freewheeling
  151. darktable
  152. libcrystalspace-1.4
  153. crawl-tiles
  154. bzflag-client
  155. bloboats
  156. blobby-server
  157. blobby
  158. libavifile-0.7c2
  159. asc
  160. adonthell
  161. abuse
  162. zsnes
  163. zaz
  164. zatacka
  165. yabause-qt
  166. yabause-gtk
  167. xye
  168. xwelltris
  169. xwax
  170. xsoldier
  171. xpilot-ng-client-sdl
  172. xmoto
  173. libxine2-x
  174. libxine1-x
  175. xbmc-bin
  176. wizznic
  177. widelands
  178. wesnoth-1.11-server
  179. wesnoth-1.11-core
  180. wesnoth-1.10-server
  181. wesnoth-1.10-core
  182. warzone2100
  183. warmux-servers
  184. warmux
  185. vodovod
  186. vlc-plugin-sdl
  187. vlc
  188. visualboyadvance-gtk
  189. visualboyadvance
  190. viruskiller
  191. virtualbox-qt
  192. virtualbox
  193. vectoroids
  194. vavoom
  195. val-and-rick
  196. liburg0
  197. tworld
  198. tuxtype
  199. tuxpuck
  200. tuxpaint
  201. tuxmath
  202. tuxfootball
  203. tumiki-fighters
  204. tucnak2
  205. triplane
  206. trigger-rally
  207. transcode
  208. trackballs
  209. torus-trooper-pure
  210. torus-trooper
  211. toppler
  212. tomatoes
  213. titanion
  214. tiemu
  215. tennix
  216. tenmado
  217. tempest-for-eliza
  218. teeworlds
  219. tecnoballz
  220. tdfsb
  221. tatan
  222. libtaoframework-sdl1.2-cil
  223. synaesthesia
  224. supertux
  225. supertransball2
  226. stopmotion
  227. stella
  228. starvoyager
  229. starfighter
  230. spring
  231. spout
  232. spl-sdl
  233. python-soya-dbg
  234. python-soya
  235. sopwith
  236. smpeg-plaympeg
  237. smpeg-gtv
  238. libsmpeg0
  239. smc
  240. sludge-engine
  241. slimevolley
  242. slashem-sdl
  243. sitplus
  244. simutrans
  245. searchandrescue
  246. libsdl-pango1
  247. libsdl-gfx1.2-4
  248. sdlbrt
  249. libsdl-ttf2.0-0
  250. libsdl-stretch-0-3
  251. libsdl-sound1.2
  252. libsdl-net1.2
  253. libsdl-mixer1.2
  254. libsdl-image1.2
  255. sdl-ball
  256. scummvm
  257. scorched3d
  258. schism
  259. libsage2
  260. s3d
  261. ruby-sdl
  262. rrootage
  263. rockdodger
  264. rlvm
  265. ri-li
  266. python-renpy
  267. raincat
  268. quakespasm
  269. qtads
  270. qonk
  271. qemu-kvm
  272. qemu-system
  273. python-pykaraoke
  274. python-pygame
  275. libpt2.10.4
  276. libvisual-projectm
  277. projectl
  278. primrose
  279. prboom
  280. powermanga
  281. pong2
  282. pokerth
  283. plee-the-bear
  284. pipewalker
  285. pipenightdreams
  286. pingus
  287. pinball
  288. pike7.8-sdl
  289. phlipple
  290. performous
  291. penguin-command
  292. pearpc
  293. pd-pdp
  294. pcsxr
  295. pathogen
  296. passage
  297. parsec47
  298. pachi
  299. orbital-eunuchs-sniper
  300. openvrml-lookat
  301. openttd
  302. openssn
  303. openmsx
  304. openclonk
  305. opencity
  306. openam
  307. oolite
  308. onscripter
  309. libsdl-ocaml
  310. numptyphysics
  311. noiz2sa
  312. njam
  313. nikwi
  314. neverputt
  315. neverball
  316. netsurf-fb
  317. netrek-client-cow
  318. netpanzer
  319. nestopia
  320. mupen64plus-video-z64
  321. mupen64plus-video-rice
  322. mupen64plus-input-sdl
  323. libmupen64plus2
  324. mupen64plus-audio-sdl
  325. mu-cade
  326. mplayer2
  327. mplayer-gui
  328. mplayer
  329. mpeg2dec
  330. mousetrap
  331. moon-lander
  332. mokomaze
  333. mmpong-gl
  334. libmlt5
  335. mjpegtools
  336. liblavplay-2.0-0
  337. mirrormagic
  338. milkytracker
  339. micropolis
  340. miceamaze
  341. meterbridge
  342. megaglest
  343. mednafen
  344. mazeofgalious
  345. manaplus
  346. mana
  347. makehuman
  348. maelstrom
  349. madbomber
  350. luvcview
  351. luola
  352. ltris
  353. love
  354. lordsawar
  355. logstalgia
  356. lmms
  357. lmarbles
  358. lives
  359. lincity-ng
  360. lightspark-common
  361. lierolibre
  362. libtuxcap4.0
  363. libtheora-bin
  364. libsdl1.2-dev
  365. libsdl1.2-dbg
  366. libsdl-sge
  367. libsdl-perl
  368. libsdl-console
  369. libdv-bin
  370. python-libavg
  371. libav-tools
  372. libalien-sdl-perl
  373. lebiniou
  374. lbreakout2
  375. late
  376. laserboy
  377. komi
  378. kobodeluxe
  379. kiki-the-nano-bot
  380. ketm
  381. jumpnbump
  382. joystick
  383. jigzo
  384. ioquake3
  385. instead
  386. infon-viewer
  387. ii-esu
  388. icebreaker
  389. ia32-libs-i386
  390. holotz-castle-editor
  391. holotz-castle
  392. holdingnuts
  393. hex-a-hop
  394. heroes-sdl
  395. hedgewars
  396. hatari
  397. libghc-sdl-ttf-dev
  398. libghc-sdl-mixer-dev
  399. libghc-sdl-image-dev
  400. libghc-sdl-gfx-dev
  401. libghc-sdl-dev
  402. hannah
  403. libh323-1.24.0
  404. guvcview
  405. gunroar
  406. libguichan-sdl-0.8.1-1
  407. gtkboard
  408. grub-emu
  409. gravitywars
  410. gravitation
  411. grafx2
  412. gpac-modules-base
  413. gource
  414. goattracker
  415. gnurobbo
  416. libgnuradio-video-sdl3.5.3.2
  417. gnuradio
  418. gnujump
  419. gnugk
  420. libsdl-gst
  421. gngb
  422. gnash-cygnal
  423. gnash-common
  424. gltron
  425. globs
  426. glob2
  427. glhack
  428. gl-117
  429. gemdropx
  430. libgegl-0.2-0
  431. gav
  432. gargoyle-free
  433. gambas3-gb-sdl
  434. fuse-emulator-sdl
  435. frozen-bubble
  436. freewheeling
  437. freetennis
  438. freegish
  439. freedroidrpg
  440. freedroid
  441. freedink-engine
  442. freecraft
  443. freeciv-client-xaw3d
  444. freeciv-client-sdl
  445. freeciv-client-gtk
  446. freeciv-client-extras
  447. foobillard
  448. flobopuyo
  449. libflatzebra-0.1-2
  450. flare
  451. fizmo-ncursesw
  452. fische
  453. fillets-ng
  454. python-fife
  455. ffrenzy
  456. ffdiaporama
  457. fenix-plugins-system
  458. fenix-plugins
  459. fenix-plugin-mpeg
  460. fenix
  461. fceu
  462. falconpl-sdl
  463. extremetuxracer
  464. etw
  465. erlang-esdl
  466. epiphany
  467. enigma
  468. enemylines7
  469. enemylines3
  470. ember
  471. einstein
  472. dreamchess
  473. libdrawtk0
  474. dossizola
  475. dosbox
  476. dopewars
  477. libdevil1c2
  478. desmume
  479. doomsday
  480. defendguin
  481. dodgindiamond2
  482. darkplaces
  483. dangen
  484. cuyo
  485. csmash
  486. crrcsim
  487. crossfire-client
  488. critterding
  489. criticalmass
  490. crimson
  491. crawl-tiles
  492. crack-attack
  493. coriander
  494. libclansdl-1.0
  495. circuslinux
  496. chromium-bsu
  497. ceferino
  498. bzflag-client
  499. burgerspace
  500. bumprace
  501. bugsquish
  502. btanks
  503. bsnes
  504. brutalchess
  505. briquolo
  506. brandy
  507. brainparty
  508. boswars
  509. bomberclone
  510. bochs-sdl
  511. blocks-of-the-undead
  512. blockout2
  513. blockattack
  514. blobwars
  515. bloboats
  516. blobby-server
  517. blobby
  518. blobandconquer
  519. blender
  520. black-box
  521. biniax2
  522. biloba
  523. between
  524. berusky
  525. basic256
  526. barry-util
  527. barrage
  528. balder2d
  529. libavifile-0.7c2
  530. audacious-plugins
  531. attal
  532. atris
  533. asylum
  534. asc
  535. armagetronad
  536. aranym
  537. antigravitaattori
  538. angband
  539. amphetamine
  540. amoebax
  541. alienblaster
  542. airstrike
  543. adplay
  544. adonthell
  545. adanaxisgpl
  546. achilles
  547. abe
  548. a7xpg
  549. 7kaa
  550. 0ad
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